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← 2019-08-18 | 2019-08-20 →
shrysr: okay - I have redone the website following the guideline and this is my report : https://s.ragavan.co/2019/08/conforming-to-a-blog-design-outline/
shrysr: above comments on the website are addressed / resolved.
shrysr: WEek 5 review is up on younghands http://younghands.club/2019/08/19/week-5-review/
shrysr: I will post the tasks for the next week tomorrow first thing.
diana_alt: shrysr: much more readable indeed!
diana_alt: and as a result, you have feedback in the comments there
shrysr: yay! I did think it was much better maself. I've replied to some comments. the weekly task list is posted on young hands http://younghands.club/2019/08/19/week-6-plan/
shrysr: When I read an article and there are references to other material peppered through it :- i tend to get 'lost' following those links. I'm getting better at not getting distracted - but is there a 'right' way to do it?
BingoBoingo: One way to do it is read the whole thing, note the links, then after giving the linked material a read or two, re-read the original.
BingoBoingo: You can try playing with how you map the reading of linked versus your target piece, but the essence of reading is in re-reading
shrysr: i needed to hear that because re-reading is something I do not practice well... i also tend to get pissed off (with myself) if i don't get it immediately or can't recall / relive a concept... leading to a cascading 'avoidance' of many things. I know better, but I've not really worked on steps or a methodical approach to counter this. I'm going to try your advice.
diana_alt: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/ossasepia/2019-08-19#1000352 - yes, there is; remember that knowledge is essentially a tree; as such, you should simply write down and then come back to branches not-yet-explored; and for that matter, as BingoBoingo says, you *have to* revisit and re-read, of course!
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-19 13:06:49 shrysr: When I read an article and there are references to other material peppered through it :- i tend to get 'lost' following those links. I'm getting better at not getting distracted - but is there a 'right' way to do it?
diana_alt: shrysr: the basic rule is that you'll need to go through each thing at least 3 times to get it but that's more of a lower bound than anything else really
diana_alt: things worth reading are worth re-reading as your knowledge increases since you'll notice and make other connections too
diana_alt: and that's pretty much how you evaluate text too - if it's not worth re-reading, it wasn't much in there to start with
shrysr: okay. I will work it.
shrysr: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/ossasepia/2019-08-17#1000295 - captivating read. asciilifeform the link to the james watt book is dead... I found one at http://www.jameswatt.info/andrew-carnegie/7-second-patent.html
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-17 15:34:47 asciilifeform: e.g. microshit, if it were turbine, would be one that turns maybe on odd-numbered wednesdays, and the bulk of effort of the vendor goes into making elaborate excuses for why, and offering service where sends dudes to turn crank manually if you really need rotation to happen
diana_alt: shrysr: basically there's plenty worth reading and time is still limited so best not waste any of it on reading platform/adverts/signalling/talking-out-of-no-experience-but-being-a-great-guy spew
diana_alt: better re-read something worthy than waste the time on "the best 10 tools for x" and the like
diana_alt: " Complete partially finished " - lolz how this sounds
BingoBoingo: shrysr: The one undisputably useful thing a professor said when I was doing graduate philosphy at SIU was that you are only reading if you are re-reading
diana_alt: BingoBoingo: if only they said that more often, you know?
BingoBoingo: diana_alt: Seriously, noone said that during US undergrad, or highschool, or ...
diana_alt: I can believe that, sadly, yes; none of my teachers ever said it explicitly either (I sat here trying hard to find at least one who might have said it) although in fairness it was at least an implicit requirement that yes, of course you read the thing *many* times, wtf is one read going to do
diana_alt: shrysr: 1. do you know you can use feedbot to notify you of any new comments and/or articles for blogs/posts of interest?
diana_alt: shrysr: never mind, you need to be L1 so not yet; leave feedbot alone
diana_alt: shrysr: re tasks list: what's the order there?
shrysr: in terms of priority ? I cd not really decide.
shrysr: incomplete tasks spilling over from last week are the first priority as such.
shrysr: did you mean in your comment - that i should put a hold on reading the book land of lisp? Its actually fun to read.
diana_alt: shrysr: the point re priorities is that you should at least have some rough groups precisely so you can say "this bit is there only if time allows"; moving them to higher priority if they spilled over from previous week makes sense, yes, but there is *also* the option of saying "this will have to wait until X is ready" or some such.
shrysr: I am not generally aware of what the bots on irc can do ...or even how IRC works per se. but i wd Love to work on my own bot. From the way things look right now - a bot is better than no company if i end up aloooooneee.
shrysr: diana_alt: okay. I work that out and will update the post.
diana_alt: shrysr: initially making a irc bot was meant to be easy-beginner task but it turned out recently that it's not quite that, lol; onth since you say you are lisp-interested anyway, perhaps have first a look at trinque's bot
diana_alt: but note that you still need *first* to understand V
diana_alt: it's a basic step you just can't skip
shrysr: Yes.
diana_alt: here's the link with trinque's genesis of logbot http://trinque.org/2016/08/11/logbot-genesis/ and the keccak regrind from spyked http://thetarpit.org/posts/y05/080-botworks-regrind.html
diana_alt: also, fwiw I think you might actually enjoy perhaps more making bots in eulora really since that's precisely where data collection and modelling and in general making sense of data is really needed
diana_alt: re lisp comment I meant that it's not a high priority; if it's fun and so it fits in "relaxing time" / not resulting in tasks spilling over than sure; but otherwise it *can* wait
shrysr: ok
diana_alt will be back tomorrow
shrysr: re bots in eulora yes - that occurred to me when i saw the task on foxybot.... It seemed ideal, and led back to V. I thought I could update the planned tasks from CH's article, and align it to Eulora as I progress. Who is CH btw ?
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes writes at CH
shrysr: i dont know how you guys come up the cool nicks i see on irc.
BingoBoingo: Well, its his real name. When I came in as a nervous youth back in 2013 I just picked a nick with a silly meaningless sound and then it stuck.
shrysr: thanks BingoBoingo .. and ur nick is cool :D
shrysr: as meaningless as it is.. lol.
shrysr: I actually spent some time chanting your nick when i saw it first.
lobbes: shrysr: re: bots fwiw my [botwork in #eulora years ago][http://logs.minigame.biz/2017-02-13.log.html#t09:16:25] eventually led to me publishing a full-fledged auctionbot that gets frequent use in #trilema >> http://blog.lobbesblog.com/2019/04/auctionbot-vpatch-and-manifest/
lobbes: I learned a lot in the process, as well
lobbes: but yeah, gotta understand V first
shrysr: thank you lobbes, I will go through that. Yes, I'm working on V.
← 2019-08-18 | 2019-08-20 →