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← 2019-08-15 | 2019-08-17 →
diana_alt: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/ossasepia/2019-08-15#1000204 - reflecting is good and needed but take the time to link (and thus also check) conclusions back to the original starting point/thread as it were;
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-15 12:12:44 shrysr: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/ossasepia/2019-08-15#1000188 Okay. I see what you mean. In general - I was reflecting that I seem to talk it out in reasonable detail my head, perhaps even all day, but not enough makes it to the screen / IRC / notes to justify the thread, assuming there was any validity to the thread to begin with. Or, too much makes it on screen bringing straw men to life. I've been thinkin
diana_alt: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/ossasepia/2019-08-15#1000209 - myeah; this is part of why I say that's it's unhealthy as an environment (and no, it's not just that particular company you are working for right now, it's unfortunately much more widespread than that)
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-15 12:13:51 shrysr: - This is hard to answer. I think I know, and I've had guidance in general from people I do trust. But there's a lot of 'variety' in experience and too much superficial show and tell (that is applauded to the roof WTF), and "data scientist" means a different things in different places, and few admit their approach to *not* be 'universal' or piled on a stack of unstable chairs. I also see deficiencies in
diana_alt: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/ossasepia/2019-08-15#1000212 - well, compare and contrast with here + #trilema and perhaps reflect a bit on why is that and where's worth it to put more of your time and effort into.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-15 12:13:57 shrysr: full time). I think that staying here is dangerous because I work completely alone and its IMHO among the worst culture/admin/attitude i've seen... shitty pay etc. Not that I was expecting paradise - but there almost no intellectual camaraderie. I have Tonnes of freedom by virtue of working alone, but not probably not the kind conducive to implementing 'cool shit'. As such the ERP thing is not terrible...
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-15 12:19:11 asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/ossasepia/2019-08-15#1000200 << shrysr , the v.py you've been studiously avoiding, is in fact that 'non-docker solution to reproducible environment' .
diana_alt: shrysr: http://younghands.club/2019/08/14/review-summaries-week-3-and-4/ - point 4 here is still missing, 2 days after "it will be updated tomorrow"
shrysr: I got going with v.py and as mentioned in the task list - i will publish whatever has been done so far so that it can be reviewed more frequently.
shrysr: My reflection about where to put my time and effort into: When I started out with computational fluid dynamics - it was relatively straightforrward as to what I had to learn and career direction etc. With 'data science' it has been very hard to see a clear path. i.e I realised quite some time back that I needed a mentor and guidance specific to this and most of my meat WoT were from traditional backgrounds
shrysr: (non comp-sci). I found one in December 2018, and that course /mentor significantly boosted my progress in R, but it was not enough beyond a point, and there are deficiencies that I don't want to succumb to, as I've mentioned before. Even if this endeavour takes more time - I want to emerge with skills and knowledge at an in-depth level, and be ABLE to do excellent work with said assets.... and the merit
shrysr: of these actions should facilitate reaching the next salt mine. This was always the 'cause'. Quick results are nice, but I prefer holistic and in-depth development, and I believe I typically try to take time to do so, sometimes in too much excess. I think I should focus much more on v.py and TMSR related stuff (whatever we agree upon here) and pick and choose specific topics outside this scope, as a part
shrysr: of the weekly tasks. i.e actually submit to your guidance, and try to build up productivity systematically.
shrysr: my WP allows me to auto approve your comments, but i don't see that option in younghands... ?
← 2019-08-15 | 2019-08-17 →