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← 2024-07-22 | 2024-07-26 →
Vex: hey is there still a wot since trinque's thing went unmantainium?
Vex: i don't mean to sound clearance adjacent, i'm just retarded
mats: (more renewables installed in china in 2023 than rest of world combined)
Vex: that's a lot of reading. binarly is a cool name
Vex: how's it hanging mats?
mats: widely panned, usd dominance down, share of central bank reserves from 71% in y2000 to 56% in y2022
mats: what a long saga of malingerers and munchausen-ing
Vex: proof of life confirmed
mats: even today, there's a hilarious game of pumping oxygen into the saga https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68706317
mats: i guess there's a +ev result here somewhere possibly enabling state dept employees to scam usg out of disability payments
Vex: i think shins takes prophylactic dose of rhum when he goes to havana. ton of fuel and a heading
Vex: bitches be all like. can u hear that. nope
Vex: meanwhile, in testnet, murdoch et al have decided in his infinite wisdom to cast a spotlight on the construction and manufacturer union
Vex: it's expensive to stay low on the corruption index
veks: 4 letters nao
veks: just for clarity. i deride corruption
← 2024-07-22 | 2024-07-26 →