Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2024-07-21 | 2024-07-25 →
Vex: seen these new teledyne quadcopters?
dulapbot: (pest) 2024-07-21 asciilifeform: << afaik still have 'the 2 cultures', i.e. east coast dodware (lockheed, raytheon, et al) vs west coast nsaware (shiticon valley set)
Vex: she prolly thought, what a nice moto guy, going slow so my horse doesn't spook. also my tetas are spectacular
dulapbot: Logged on 2024-07-20 22:23:33 jonsykkel: i saw lady monky with big udder on horse on my moto todey
Vex: teledyne should make moto dashcams. zoom on the udders so I can watch the road
jonsykkel: or cam watch rode while i inspect udder
Vex: park up. let moto shoot prono
Vex: i think it already exists
Vex: i wish i could jonsykkel speak
Vex: 1337, but syker
Vex: bonk
Vex: mebbe you oughta keep some brass buckle in your kit. pull up. you dropped some tack
jonsykkel: verbal mastery of this caliber probly cant be learned
jonsykkel: good idea, then inconspicous ride past same place evry day
Vex: maybe she was in a paddock adjacent the road
Vex: just crash. horse girls love crashes
jonsykkel: crash then get the buckle
Vex: she'd probaly know it's not her buckle
jonsykkel: dosnt mater
Vex: girth inspector!
Vex: that sounds kinda gay
Vex: english fails on pony stuff.
Vex: flat tyre's kinda univerasl
Vex: nature of monke. irripressuibu
Vex: you've gotta be connected to sell something like that
Vex: zooming geneva. go jam. i dare u cunt
Vex: 100k a pop.
Vex: cv kicks in. jammer, shotty, ur fucked
Vex: cammo andor being worth less to kill than the cost
Vex: savage af
← 2024-07-21 | 2024-07-25 →