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← 2022-12-07 | 2022-12-11 →
unpx: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-12-07#1114280 <<< well, I need a stable peer then, I'm already doing the best I can to keep my stuff up and running, but this is not a torrent link where a randezvous static ip answer queries for peers (luckly). So I'll share again my key, hoping someone else will consider to send a peer request, somehow. https://unpx.net/d4/gpg.txt
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-12-07 11:50:57 asciilifeform: unpx: we aint running a 'unbelievers go to hell!' racket. tune in if you like, or not.
asciilifeform: lobbes: got it, added your peering. not seeing any packets tho.
dulapbot: (pest) 2022-12-08 asciilifeform: unpx: peering info for asciilifeform
signpost: here to harass the rest of you lazy fucks to get on pest.
asciilifeform: ^ adlai Apocalyptic BingoBoingo cgra copypaste dpb mangol mats thestringpuller zx2c4 ^
zx2c4: whatwhatimhereimhere
asciilifeform wonders how many actually tuned in, vs. simply left bouncer running
asciilifeform: wb zx2c4
zx2c4 waves
zx2c4: knee deep in linux's mm/ at the moment
zx2c4: trying to get this vDSO getrandom() stuff wired up
asciilifeform: zx2c4: most of the action is on pestnet nao
asciilifeform: zx2c4: btw you may find new pre-draft of protocol interesting.
zx2c4: ahh
zx2c4: woah you actually did it
zx2c4: /join #pest doesn't do it
zx2c4: does #pest live on pest? i guess i should check out this proto...
asciilifeform: zx2c4: it aint a irc chan on dulapnet, no. wholly new p2p protocol. there are 2 (published, phf has 1 still under wraps) prototypes.
zx2c4: cool
zx2c4: will investigate
asciilifeform: zx2c4: '#pest' aint an irc chan, it's an emulation which happens when you run the client (both of'em use irc frontend presently, so can use traditional chat clients)
zx2c4: neat
asciilifeform: phf has pestron with dedicated gui, but not published yet
signpost: zx2c4: peering info for ya http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=8YlA
← 2022-12-07 | 2022-12-11 →