Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2022-07-16 | 2022-07-18 →
gregorynyssa: thimbronion: glad to see you again. I was wondering if you could send me once more your Pest details.
gregorynyssa: I have made some progress with the "classpath" issue, and also with implementing Serpent on my own.
gregorynyssa: thimbronion: thanks.
shinohai: billymg: Got the new keys for bots over in #pest but node keeps crashing when I try to add keys with this: ... will investigate further when back @ desk.
shinohai: db may be trashed beyond repair since took manual surgery last time to get it to work, may "start from 0" again *sigh*.
thimbronion: shinohai: looks like a key is somehow corrupted
thimbronion: i.e. it's not properly base64 encoded
shinohai: thimbronion: checking the key that billymg sent me for bitbot, may indeed be the case - will advise.
billymg: shinohai, thimbronion: hrm, i juste generated them with `%genkey`
billymg: just*
billymg: on blatta 9976
thimbronion: billymg: possibly copy/paste issue
thimbronion: billymg: both keys I got from you are working
shinohai: thimbronion: appears to indeed be a copy/paste issue - at desk I see a leading `/` that was missing from the key. worx now
billymg: thimbronion, shinohai: nice, glad it works
vex is mildly stunned to read that phf is allergic to horselife, and subsequently inspired
vex: it's a big fucking commitment tho
vex: also inspired by alf's potential soiree to kakostan, although, if memory serves, he's also moved to a even more idyllic locale
vex: kako was a bit vauge on the details
vex: prolly just berlin, but he still pays tax @home
vex: and if he ever reads this, he might even appreciate the nonsense
asciilifeform: vex: aint trying to catch kako, lol
vex: ofc not
vex: mebbe worth seeing if can get an invite to jurov's tho
asciilifeform: vex: he did say fwiw that not berlin
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-08-31 18:37:15 kakobrekla: im not in germany
asciilifeform: vex: see linked thrd re tax, d00d claimed that in kakostan no tax on sale of coin
vex: you've met jurov b4 if I recall?
asciilifeform: ditto kako
asciilifeform: in same place
vex: slovenia 0% ifiak
asciilifeform: kakostan afaik currently most appealing (on paper) orcistan. that is, per asciilifeform's lights, given as can already read ~95% w/out dict & understand ~80
vex: not too far from your ancestral lands too I suppose
asciilifeform: and supposedly, not even infested w/ 'refugees'
asciilifeform: vex: far, geographically (by euro standards anyway)
vex: asciilifeform: Where is your ancestral lands?
vex: if not verboten info
vex: Never thought to actually calc b4. prolly can't
vex: phf et al can likely pinpoint naturally just on convos
vex: visitation to an mp meetup is certainly a feather in your cap
vex: I would have liked to have gone
vex: Except, in all likelihood, I'd have be verified as a drunk by kako
vex: dude would prolly still punch me in the nose
vex: crtdaydreams, how was the hackerfest? I bet you met some furries
vex: coulda stayed on the farm
vex: you know what asciilifeform, if I had a supersonic jet, I'd still pop off to Paris to dinner. prolly get there for breakfast
vex: refugees can't change a place that much.
vex: fastforward 100 years... once upon a time, there existed different human cultures
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-07-17 22:22:13 vex: asciilifeform: Where is your ancestral lands?
asciilifeform: vex: sea port, easy to find on map
vex: little wonder you're immune to the mal de mere
asciilifeform: << for 1st one ('c2', there was a previous) was 'invited speaker'; but for 'c3' in argentina was dumbenuff to pay (iirc 5btc or thereabouts) lol
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-07-17 22:35:04 vex: visitation to an mp meetup is certainly a feather in your cap
asciilifeform: so questionable 'feather'
vex: ouch
asciilifeform later slept in that same hotel in '17, had tea at that table (just asciilifeform + pet , no one was 'conferencing' lol)
asciilifeform: ^ d00d in grey frock is mp, blue shirt -- mike_c, white -- davout, chix in corset was hanbot
vex: noshit. notbadi'llbecack.jpeg
asciilifeform: jurov & kako not in frame , walked off sumwhere just then
vex: I must say, it doesn't look like the cheapest hotel in town
asciilifeform: ( can be seen, with asciilifeform , jurov, davout's wife, as well as some d00d who iirc jurov's phriend, on mp's linked pg )
asciilifeform: vex: cheap enuff
vex: cardano was the main attraction if your blog is anything to go by
asciilifeform: not so much, but was the only 'iron' exhibit
vex: case in point
asciilifeform brought along in briefcase coupla rng protos & a scope, did a kind of walkthrough for n00bs re theory of operation
asciilifeform: vex: most of the 'on subj' conv was, from asciilifeform's pov, a snore, mp <-> various folx re 'bitcoin biz' in particular
asciilifeform: couldn't stay awake for it then or nao
vex: pity shinohai wasn't there, prolly woulda sparked a blunt
asciilifeform: ( details re why for the curious )
vex: excuse to go back to room
crtdaydreams: << observed the bluehairs from afar, didn't instigate with any of them. listened to the first talk, was alright, second one was corpo snore and escaped as asap. met some cool doodz, made a team and played ctf the rest of the day
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-07-17 22:41:46 vex: crtdaydreams, how was the hackerfest? I bet you met some furries
vex: neat crtdaydreams
vex: what's the bar like?
shinohai: crtdaydreams maybe next year you can bring home a cute girl with a foxtail buttplug to be your sex slave.
crtdaydreams: yeha about that... they cancelled the afterparty or sum shitz, which was fine by me, wasn't gonna hang around til 6pm anyway. 4:30~ was long enuff
crtdaydreams: shinohai: nah thanx
vex: c'mon dude foxtail buttplug
crtdaydreams holds back puke
vex: cuck her on the back of the ute
vex: *chuck
crtdaydreams: all fun and games until her cock is bigger than yours
shinohai: See the ones with dicks will buy the whole goddamned fursuit, so as long you see a foxtail and no bulge yer golden.
asciilifeform: lol zoophiliacs
vex: real foxtail with a turned plug. there must be a market for that
crtdaydreams: ribbed for her pleasure(tm)(r)
shinohai: spiked for when she's being a cunt.
vex: ^badman
asciilifeform: tsk, cruelty to animals
shinohai goes off to enjoy company of women with neither dicks nor foxtails .....
shinohai: nn all
crtdaydreams: lolk, nite shinohai o/
vex: did you hear any coin talk crtdaydreams ?
crtdaydreams: vex: you'll have to enlighten me, I live under a special kind of rock made from wrought iron, axel grease and 15w-40. what is coin talk?
vex: anything about bitcoin?
crtdaydreams: oh, nope lol.
vex: really tho?
crtdaydreams: didn't end up talking with anyone outside ctf group lol
vex: how did you go?
crtdaydreams: we started strong, got up to 3rd, but then after lunch we got decimated
vex: lol. lunch break?
crtdaydreams: still in top 10, 8th iirc
vex: ntb
crtdaydreams: fwiw, convention dood came up to our group during hardware hacking and gave us a bag with ben eaters breadboards/cpu-from-eeproms kit
vex: sounds like an awesome story. i've gotta ride out immediately
vex: bbl
crtdaydreams not sure whether to call it a convention, due to the connotations normally assumed by that label, was more conference esq
← 2022-07-16 | 2022-07-18 →