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← 2022-07-09 | 2022-07-11 →
vex: ctf isn't really in my wheelhouse cdd. ihave nfi
vex: was it leo who updated flash as soon as he logged onto the hotel wifi. ohnoes. my wallet
vex: they've got foot'n'mouth outbreak there in bali
vex: any disease you want
vex: lettuce $10 a head, crispr ~free
vex: i'm content with my Mendelian sqaures
vex: ;seen Gregory
vex: snake from the simpsons is the well known wallet inspector
vex: someone took the dns off some huff connects recently
crtdaydreams: vex: you seem like the kinda guy to knowa guy is why I asked, but all good mate
shinohai: crtdaydreams: when I ran `%unpeer crtdaydreams` now my blatta station crashed and won't restart. So may be a bit before I can have a look at it.
shinohai: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=TfD6 << error in question, will have a look after coffee.
crtdaydreams: shinohai: hm, righto. all good
crtdaydreams: i'll have a look aswell
crtdaydreams: shinohai: possib database corruption?
shinohai: prolly, not looking forward to nuking and starting over either.
crtdaydreams: at least barf the db and see if any extra keys
crtdaydreams: might've stopped at state.py 291 or any of the below if unpopulated due to a possible dupe in handles
crtdaydreams: wait a sec, line 297 of state.py is most likely the culprit, unless the use of handle_id was intentional
crtdaydreams: to be clear, this is 9976?
crtdaydreams: yup has to be 297
crtdaydreams: the call to handle_id is outside the scope of the loop
crtdaydreams: needs to be change to peer_id
shinohai: crtdaydreams: I went in and manually deleted the key from db, and it started back up, so far running ok.
shinohai: I'm really going to have coffee now this time, will re-peer with your new info in a bit.
shinohai: (Funny it crashed when I ran %unpeer ... so guess I should have removed key before unpeer)
shinohai: crtdaydreams: I noticed some weirdness after I added you to AT, yer ip starts with `10` but %at spits back Notice(Pest): crtdaydreams
shinohai shrugs
shinohai: Oh wait that would be a *reserved* ip, derp
thimbronion: Ok I see what was wrong. Basically %unpeer was deleting random keys.
jonsykkel: close enuf to spec
thimbronion: I do my best to ensure max entropy
signpost aims shotgun at storage, hopes for best
shinohai: lmao
thimbronion: signpost: unless you already baked a patch I'm going to do include the changes to the nonce generator.
signpost: nah I haven't, sounds good.
← 2022-07-09 | 2022-07-11 →