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← 2022-06-27 | 2022-06-29 →
crtdaydreams: vex: asdfghjkl tig finally came today, wia 200i ac/dc
crtdaydreams: anyone hacking a cl implementation of pest yet?
asciilifeform: crtdaydreams: iirc phf was baking one, but not posted yet. ( and asciilifeform a while ago started, but that one quite rudimentary and no frontend yet at all )
shinohai: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-06-28#1109430 << I personally would not fault asciilifeform at all if this only had irc frontend for now.
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-06-28 08:21:29 asciilifeform: crtdaydreams: iirc phf was baking one, but not posted yet. ( and asciilifeform a while ago started, but that one quite rudimentary and no frontend yet at all )
asciilifeform: shinohai: was thinking re 'move ircism to an annex in spec and replace with universal frontend' but opens q 'what is 'universal frontend'
asciilifeform: ( irc, recall, has no intrinsic notion of log, 'here's an old msg you missed', or of threading, or of hearsay relayer lists, etc )
shinohai: Despite the quirks with relying on irctronic frontend, I'm pretty happy with current implementations. I could imagine worse ways to do comms.
asciilifeform: shinohai: even from 'better irc' pov, still plenty of work to do -- e.g. integration with old irctronic loggers is rubbish atm ( no way to enforce ordering of msgs )
asciilifeform: and the 'order buffer' thing is a kludge imho
dulapbot: (pest) 2022-06-20 asciilifeform: ... the 'order buffer' otoh would be superfluous in a 'mutable' pestron.
asciilifeform: the irc frontend is very much, imho, a straightjacket
asciilifeform: obv can't dispensed with just yet, but protocol oughtn't to be baked ~around~ it
dulapbot: (pest) 2022-06-20 asciilifeform: awt: theoretically could still operate a pestron via irc frontend, but perhaps the Right Thing would be for the buffer logic to live in a separate glue (given as irc offers no way to represent 'changing the past')
verisimilitude: My solution exposes Pest with two logs: A log of red packets and a log of packet identifiers with a count and list of peer identifiers who sent the packets; a special value enables cases in which all peers sent the packet to use constant space.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: iirc we had this thread. why the fuck wouldja store dupe packets.
verisimilitude: It's a log of deduplicated red packets.
verisimilitude: It's what would be sent to the IRC interface.
asciilifeform: this is roughly equiv. to what happens presently
asciilifeform: also can't resist to bite, how wouldja 'constant space' when can add new peers ?
verisimilitude: Let the count of zero indicate all current peers sent the corresponding packet.
verisimilitude: If I don't finish my Pest in time, before the major shift, I'll hack this into someone's Pest so that I may build tooling around the interface anyway.
asciilifeform evidently misparsed verisimilitude's orig sentence
verisimilitude: It's interesting to refresh myself on CDR-coding and then think of this. The Lisp machines used the most obvious option to terminate a CDR-coded list, a simple NIL state.
verisimilitude: That does result in fewer bits to check, compared to checking a cell holding NIL.
verisimilitude: How do we pronounce NIL? I used to pronounce it like ``ill'', but the Romans pronounced it as ``kneel'', so now I also do so.
verisimilitude: For the same reason, I now pronounce null like ``school'' and not ``skull''.
mats: sick
verisimilitude: That's an odd way to pronounce it, but alright.
asciilifeform reads'em as нил and нул and only when reminded remembers that not errybody does, lol
asciilifeform: ( 'neel' and 'nool' roughly )
verisimilitude: We match now, asciilifeform.
phf: Весёлые приключения Нила и Нула Компьютерном Мире
asciilifeform: bahahaha
asciilifeform aint aboutta translate, but the pics oughta be enuff for the uninitiated
shinohai: Page 5 lol
vex: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-06-27#1109363 if spawn type pet, can sleep to the soothing sounds, else fit nimble fingered orientals sleeping in shifts
dulapbot: Logged on 2022-06-27 12:29:13 asciilifeform: ( pet: 'let's install a 2nd pet in this room' a: 'i was gonna put the board line there, lol' etc )
vex: interesting discussion on pest re cr customs. I wonder if there are hoops available to jump through to become an import agent. also, awt has at least one capsiize under his belt; could always jump back on the proverbial horse and import via horseback
vex: Perhaps not as easy as it sounds.
vex: hows the new tig crtdaydreams ?
crtdaydreams: vex: need to buy gas for it yet
crtdaydreams: brought some filler rod and helmet today
vex: I thought you worked in ~welding shop
crtdaydreams has been using old skool flip visor helmets, upgrading to a digital one
crtdaydreams: not exactly, but we do enough of it
vex also doesn't trust his retinas to automatic type
crtdaydreams: mig and stick, I'm interested in learning tig for e.g. aluminimum welding
crtdaydreams: vex: yeha, if it starts to lag I'll get a new battery, after that, ~bin~
crtdaydreams: got a 2 year warranty atleast
crtdaydreams didn't fork out for a miller one, but not willing to cheap out either
vex: all the pros use `em. I guess they must be okay
← 2022-06-27 | 2022-06-29 →