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← 2021-10-10 | 2021-10-12 →
PeterL: thimbronion: could you copy everything to a working directory, delete the stuff you don't want in the vdiff, and then run vdiff?
shinohai: One *can* also add flag to the old phf/sh vdiff `--exclude-from=<FILE>` and put all the locations and files you don't want in that.
thimbronion: PeterL: I could but I would like to make sure it's impossible to exclude first.
PeterL: What version are you using?
thimbronion: PeterL: Looks like I got it here: http://ossasepia.com/vpatches/starter_v.zip
pete_rizzo_: Question for you all: Are any of you still running/maintaining this software? http://thebitcoin.foundation/
dpb: pete_rizzo_, check out http://atruechurch.info/ and don't go to hell like the rest of the world!
shinohai: pete_rizzo_: Many here still run it, watchglass bot is present in chan that shows nodes if you run `!w poll`
pete_rizzo_: shinohai The claim by Bitcoin Core seems to be that this software is 'less secure.' Do you experience any usability issues versus just using bitcoin core?
shinohai: I personally haven't experienced any usability issues with it. afaik Mike Hearn the loudest of the "omg trb less secure" folks.
pete_rizzo_: and you don't have issues interacting with other wallets or sending and receiving bitcoin? it just works exactly the same even though you don't recognize some of the soft fork rules
shinohai: Yep works fine, I have 0 issues because 99% of time I don't need segwit/lightning/whatever .... if I do I can use an app and sweep funds back to a legacy address I control.
shinohai: Never had trb not work in that regard.
pete_rizzo_: you still have to download the extra data from segwit blocks though?
punkman: pete_rizzo_: from trb perspective, segwit transactions are "anyone can spend" and have no signatures
signpost: what's the rationale for "less secure"?
signpost: I assume this refers to the fact that if the whole network ran trb, "segwit" funds could be moved by anyone. I don't see why I should give a fuck about that; they lost the block-size wars and are pleading otherwise.
signpost: they also *vastly* weakened the security of the chain by allowing this in the first place.
signpost: note that every such innovation piles up more coin behind these "anyone-can-spend" transactions.
signpost: suppose you were a government that wanted to weaken bitcoin over time. would you attack the cryptography or the part governed solely by miner meat-consensus first?
signpost: dpb: hail satan.
BingoBoingo: pete_rizzo: No issues with segwit nor downloads of segwit data. trb just works. Send/Receive works perfectly with trb. As long as the segwit address starts with 3 like a normal pay to script hash address sending to segwit is fine. Receiving from segwit is also fine.
BingoBoingo: pete_rizzo: If anything running trb is less demanding and less insecure than running "Core", it is the safest option for maximum backwards compatibility. Lowest chance of ending up on the wrong side of an accidental soft fork caused by changes to code that touch consensus rules.
asciilifeform: pete_rizzo_: yes trb is maintained. asciilifeform is presently the maintainer. (and i use it for 100% of bitcoin-related work, and intend to continue using, haven't touched a heathen bitcoin client in many years and don't intend to start.)
asciilifeform: all trb bug reports are to be addressed to asciilifeform. and posted right here.
asciilifeform: !w poll
watchglass: Polling 17 nodes...
watchglass: : Could not connect!
watchglass: : Could not connect!
watchglass: : Could not connect!
watchglass: : Alive: (0.113s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Return Addr= Blocks=704599
watchglass: : Alive: (0.083s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=704599 (Operator: asciilifeform)
watchglass: : (ns562940.ip-54-39-156.net) Alive: (0.111s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=704599
watchglass: : (172-4.core.ai.net) Alive: (0.116s) V=70001 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=704599
watchglass: : Alive: (0.084s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Return Addr= Blocks=704599 (Operator: whaack)
watchglass: : (172-6.core.ai.net) Alive: (0.141s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Return Addr= Blocks=704599
watchglass: : Alive: (0.234s) V=70001 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=704599
watchglass: : Alive: (0.237s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=704599
watchglass: : Alive: (0.291s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=704599
watchglass: : (ns3140226.ip-54-38-94.eu) Alive: (0.323s) V=88888 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=704599
watchglass: : (pool-71-191-220-241.washdc.fios.verizon.net) Alive: (0.154s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=704599 (Operator: asciilifeform)
watchglass: : (terebe.ns01.net) Alive: (0.636s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=704599
watchglass: : Violated BTC Protocol: Bad header length! (Operator: jurov)
watchglass: : Busy? (No answer in 100 sec.)
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2021-10-11#1061087 << trb 100% ignores all liquishit 'added' to the protocol by the nsa wreckers (gavin, hearn, et al.) and this is exactly how it oughta be. if it 'happened' after 2014, 100% pissed on.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-10-11 13:29:12 pete_rizzo_: you still have to download the extra data from segwit blocks though?
asciilifeform: segshitness transactions are seen as 'anyone can spend'.
dulapbot: Logged on 2021-10-11 14:10:50 signpost: they also *vastly* weakened the security of the chain by allowing this in the first place.
← 2021-10-10 | 2021-10-12 →