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← 2021-02-08 | 2021-02-10 →
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in misc. www : jfw & co. apparently still selling various linux kits (or trying to sell? not clear from context)
dpb: asciilifeform, following your guide ( http://www.loper-os.org/pub/dulap_construction_kit_r4.txt ) kernel compiles fine, lilo installs with no error, but the machine will not boot. It gets to the lilo prompt to pick "Gentoo" it counts down, it tries to load, and gives up right away. What am I doing wrong?
asciilifeform: dpb: plz elaborate re 'gives up'
asciilifeform: dpb: do you have serial tty console working ?
asciilifeform: ( or is it a box w/ normal vga and can see eggogs ? )
asciilifeform: lilo btw is traditionally the 'weakest link': often enuff its installer often writes to wrong drive (i.e. the boot usb disk) rather than the target drive
asciilifeform: dpb: example lilo config from 1 of asciilifeform's machines.
asciilifeform: dpb: compare w/ yours.
dpb: it is box with normal vga, but lilo does not leave lasting error message, it nearly instantly returns to the menu with the "Gentoo" option" which if i manually select, it tries to load and similarly gives up. And if i do this enough times, it freezes entirely
dpb: i am using your config file from the guide, unchanged
asciilifeform: dpb: what sorta disk was the thing installed to / tries to boot from ?
dpb: solid state sata drive
asciilifeform: dpb: if you examine this disk in another box (or booted via stick) does /dev/sda1 in fact contain the kernel etc., sda2 -- the root partition ?
dpb: yes
asciilifeform: ( note that other folx have in fact succeeded in baking via this recipe. so evidently a) dpb had mistake / missed a step b) dpb has interestingly peculiar irons . remains to be seen which )
snsabot: Logged on 2021-02-03 20:30:30 thimbronion: Anyway, the machine now boots into gentoo.
dpb: i think it's my irons
dpb: i had this same problem years ago with same iron
asciilifeform: dpb: what sorta irons ?
dpb: hp xw9400
asciilifeform: dpb: if you have a usb2sata snake handy, try experiment -- boot the drive through it. will tell you if culprit is an oddball sata chipset or similar
asciilifeform: (importantly -- must remove or disable any internal drives, so the boot part ends up sda1 etc )
trinque: enumeration of sda,sdb,etc is not always stable with external drives
trinque: I used disk labels (uuid) for this reason in the cuntoo script
dpb: i don't think my iron is detecting the usb2sata adapter
asciilifeform: dpb: i.e. bios not sees it at all ?
dpb: yes
asciilifeform: dpb: from what didja boot that box when was installing ?
dpb: usb flash drive
asciilifeform: dpb: worth to try if same drive boots on another box, if you have one near
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2021-02-09#1031267 << i considered to do this, but ended up w/ the traditional explicit device name because it -- unlike uuid -- worx w/ 'simply untar the snapshot to newly partitioned disk' mechanically. (likely, could do similarly w/ uuid, but would require a script that can determine what this string actually ~is~ for a given newly-partitioned disk, and at the right moment..)
snsabot: Logged on 2021-02-09 13:58:02 trinque: I used disk labels (uuid) for this reason in the cuntoo script
asciilifeform additionally, likes having os installs which cleanly survive physical replacement of disks / raid cards / etc. w/ bitwise image from previous unit
asciilifeform: shinohai: bot awol ?
dpb: asciilifeform, the hard drive, when plugged into a lappy, booted first try
asciilifeform: dpb: i suspected that sumthing peculiar about the irons. sadly can't say, from given clues, precisely what.
asciilifeform: dpb: most likely, oddball/ancient sata chipset. try booting the box from a pcie ssd thing.
asciilifeform: ( or a 3ware raid card, or any other non-mobo-bundled bootable device )
shinohai: asciilifeform: back
shinohai: $vwap
btcinfobot: The 24-Hour VWAP for BTC is $ 46896.89 USD
asciilifeform: shinohai: a++
← 2021-02-08 | 2021-02-10 →