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feedbot: << Qntra -- 2 Chinese Vessels Among Ships Attacked By Pirates In Gabon Capital's Harbor
feedbot: << Krankendenken -- A brief look into Portage and ebuilds
mats: no comment
jurov: BingoBoingo_: done
feedbot: << Ossa Sepia -- Foxy's Unshaded Skin and Side Effects (Notes on Graphics in Eulora, VIII)
asciilifeform: !q seen-anywhere mike_c
snsabot: mike_c last seen in #asciilifeform on 2019-12-19 06:08:40: BingoBoingo: payment delivered with the last block. good luck!
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: re your copyrasty article & elena ceausescu -- the interesting part is that in the so-called 'free world', ceausescus of this kind are the ~rule~, rather than the exception. from edison (who invented the 'biz model' of 'keep 9000 researchers for starvation wage and harvest 100% of profit' to e.g. steve wolfram's lawsuit re cook's 'rule 110', to the chair of just about eve
asciilifeform: ry academic lab who gets 'first author' on the maculature.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: re 'future' direction of this insanity -- see e.g. this.
asciilifeform: wb mike_c
mike_c: hi ascii
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: how come you don't have a comment mechanism on your www ? is it on acct of spam? i've found that my spam control mechanism ( i.e. ask commenters to solve simple arithmetic problem ) worx 100%
asciilifeform: ( also, as a bonus, keeps out the terminally lazy & napoleonic folx )
mike_c: been poking around ossasepia a bit due to more active log following recently. the last post on unfucking crystalspace graphics is interesting. seems like a deep pit of crap, which is about how I remember it when trying to build the client years ago.
diana_coman: mike_c: you are always welcome to join and talk in #ossasepia.
diana_coman: asciilifeform: lolz@keeping out commenters really.
mike_c: diana_coman: catching up on some of the back logs of it, I will!
BingoBoingo: mike_c: ty
verisimilitude: I'm glad you found my article interesting and I agree, asciilifeform. I've long ago read that article of yours and rereading it reminds me of RMS' The Right to Read.
verisimilitude: My website lacks a comment mechanism primarily because I don't know nor do I particularly want to know how to configure my HTTP server to accept them. Requiring JavaScript is an unacceptable compromise. While email is equally usable for both those reading on the WWW or by Gopher, it would be nice to have more comments.
verisimilitude: If I could configure the HTTP server, Apache2, to merely log the form submissions wholesale for manual inclusion, that alone would be an improvement.
verisimilitude: Returning to copyright, I know it would be comforting to be one of those people who simply put everything in the public domain, and so not worry about, but I can't subscribe to that, and so I'm ofttimes hounded by the suspicion some corporation is trying to unjustly acquire a ``license'' to my work, and it's enough to drive one mad, in a way.
asciilifeform: << asciilifeform isn't even the most radical 'ayatollah' re spam traps. there are ru-lang. forums where one is asked to e.g. solve triple integral or other school-desk puzzlers. (and... folx do solve.)
snsabot: Logged on 2019-12-23 20:21:41 diana_coman: asciilifeform: lolz@keeping out commenters really.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-12-23 21:43:00 verisimilitude: My website lacks a comment mechanism primarily because I don't know nor do I particularly want to know how to configure my HTTP server to accept them. Requiring JavaScript is an unacceptable compromise. While email is equally usable for both those reading on the WWW or by Gopher, it would be nice to have more comments.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-12-23 21:44:04 verisimilitude: If I could configure the HTTP server, Apache2, to merely log the form submissions wholesale for manual inclusion, that alone would be an improvement.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-12-23 21:53:37 verisimilitude: Returning to copyright, I know it would be comforting to be one of those people who simply put everything in the public domain, and so not worry about, but I can't subscribe to that, and so I'm ofttimes hounded by the suspicion some corporation is trying to unjustly acquire a ``license'' to my work, and it's enough to drive one mad, in a way.
asciilifeform: quite seriously, imho that was 1 of his greatest inventions.
asciilifeform: beats the living shit outta 'gpl' etc.
asciilifeform: << (not flamebait, i swear..) but i suspect that diana_coman , ( w/ maffs phd, and that copy of 'computer graphics' from 1986, same 1 i have) could write high-quality graphics system from 0 , in less time than would take to scrub all of the barnacles off that lib, even not considering the year+ she sweated over it prior
snsabot: Logged on 2019-12-23 20:11:55 mike_c: been poking around ossasepia a bit due to more active log following recently. the last post on unfucking crystalspace graphics is interesting. seems like a deep pit of crap, which is about how I remember it when trying to build the client years ago.
asciilifeform: not even to comment on the horrors of the cs internals (amply documented on diana_coman's www), it seems to me that the thing eats 2010s cpu cycles to give 1990-style graphic...
asciilifeform: rather like how the web software stack eats megawatts and gives ui response times folx on the slowest 1970s timesharing systems would have barfed at
snsabot: (trilema) 2017-02-18 asciilifeform: (iirc we had a thread where i described how corporate ameritards, if given a problem like phuctor, would happily soak up a few $mil and megawatt of iron)
verisimilitude: I'm familiar with that ``licensing paradigm'', asciilifeform, but I still live in the US and it's still just barely reasonable to continue trying to play be the usual rules, so I do.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: i also in us..
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: i've been releasing proggies under 'mp's license' since 2015. and gas van not yet come.
verisimilitude: Well, that's interesting.
verisimilitude: I don't mean to imply it would be illegal, simply not much supported.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: whose 'support' do you actually need ?
verisimilitude: What I mean is I'm still trying to go the usual route and cooperate with the usual licenses.
verisimilitude: Now, say, asciilifeform, which state are you in; perhaps we could meet in person at some point; I'd need to generate a PGP keypair I can trust, to exchange public keys in person, in that case.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: md
verisimilitude: Oh, that's rather far away for me, but I'll certainly try to pay you a visit if I'm ever in the general area.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: where are you? alaska ?
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: re 'cooperate with the usual...' -- i rec to actually ~think about what yer getting~ from that kind of 'cooperate', rather than to do it 'on autopilot'.
verisimilitude: I'd rather not reveal my general location, for now.
verisimilitude: I've given it plenty of thought, asciilifeform, which is why much of my work is under the AGPLv3, the strongest copyleft.
asciilifeform: what the gpl folk have gotten, afaik, is a linux infested w/ systemdism (and, lately, built into microshit win10...) , the glorious privilege of begging for pennies on street , the 'freedom to read' ~unreadable multi-GB 'published sources', and other questionable 'wins'.
asciilifeform: ( and.. the moar 'radical', and perhaps entirely supportable, pov, is that linux per se prevented the making of a proper os in 1990s, much the same way as unix prevented it in 1980s. )
verisimilitude: I understand your perspective on this, but I still intend to follow this path, for now.
asciilifeform: for most folx who concern selves w/ the subj (incl. asciilifeform) it is arguably a distraction, given as not having written anyffin worth to steal
verisimilitude: Sure, but it's nicer to ignore that part of this.
asciilifeform: but if/when you do, and did it 'under gpl', will be stolen 100% Officially. because half-measure.
verisimilitude: I've some plans for how to demand money, under the AGPLv3, when I've certain important work, but that's still a ways away.
verisimilitude: As for taking public source code, there's plenty of precedent for ``unimportant'' permissively-licensed software being used by large corporations, purely to save however little money. This is mostly a reason to not use such licenses for anything not trivial.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: observe that e.g. apple co. was able to steal gcc compiler after all. simply took'em a decade, to hire monkeys to 'rewrite' it as 'clang'.
asciilifeform: license is minor, if any, obstacle, to the institutional thief.
verisimilitude: Come now, that's not the fault of GCC.
verisimilitude: Let's segue to a related topic: What future work do you've planned, asciilifeform?
asciilifeform: gcc per se was artfully sabotaged over decade+ into ~unusability . and imho rms & co are ~entirely~ to blame.
verisimilitude: I intend to continue with my machine code development tool and I'd like to, starting next year, begin genuine work towards a Common Lisp implementation, or at least implementations for other languages.
verisimilitude: A license can't enforce code quality, asciilifeform.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: this , this , this , isp-related things, most immediately
snsabot: Logged on 2019-12-06 15:31:55 asciilifeform: actually started work on this in 2015, shortly after published orig. vtron -- but shelved, as phf , much handier wwwtronicist, put one up 1st. but phf never gave src.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-11-15 15:53:11 asciilifeform: jfw: i'm baking a run of new high-bandwidth rng (early 2020 tentatively) but given mp's curse i expect plenty of folx will stick to the classic one , i expect you'll have a lively market
snsabot: Logged on 2019-11-28 00:26:52 asciilifeform: shinohai: i've many interesting things lined up. incl. for phuctor. such as e.g. previously-unmolested classes of weak key .
verisimilitude: I figured that ISP would be on your list, yes. I'll take a look at these.
asciilifeform: verisimilitude: rms in fact crippled gcc deliberately in certain ways ( in particular, made deliberately difficult to separate the front and back ends, to get at the ast ) with a view to making 'cheat' harder to pull off inside bounds of gpl
asciilifeform: so license is not entirely orthogonal to question of program design, turns out.
← 2019-12-22 | 2019-12-24 →