Hide Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2020-12-02 | 2020-12-04 →
thimbronion: "This also needs to be said, long term assortative mating is bad, very very bad for civilization. You know what happens when assortative mating gets taken too far? A caste system. Basically creating multiculturalism and even multiracialism. Do as your ancestors have done and marry the pretty but not so bright girl and sire children with her. This spreads the smart genes around and ensures sufficient
thimbronion: churn in the elites that stasis never sets in. Otherwise your civilization turns into India. India is a shithole, partly because the average Indian isn’t very bright, but mostly because their maladaptive caste system wrecked their society some 2000 years ago. The problem of the caste system is that it sets permanent status at birth, reproductive access without work, and lowers the general
thimbronion: competitiveness of a society all around. Indian society has basically zero permanent social mobility because of endogamous mating and this means that not only are smart bright people not able to climb their way up in society, but stupidity by the elites is never punished as harshly as warranted. Merit is unrecognized, failure is tolerated and ignored, all to maintain group endogamy and caste advantage."
thimbronion: Bleh but who wants dumb kids?
asciilifeform: thimbronion: same nutter as yest. or new one ?
asciilifeform: thought so
whaack: alright so the last command I ran, to no avail, was `SE="sqlite*" emerge -avN dev-lang/python`
whaack: sry, wrong chan
← 2020-12-02 | 2020-12-04 →