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thimbronion: whaack, billymg could one of you point me to a guide as to how to genesis some code?
thimbronion: I have vk.pl working. Just not sure how to use vdiff to create a genesis patch.
billymg: thimbronion: just diff against an empty directory
thimbronion: billymg: ty that works!
billymg: thimbronion: nice. iirc the 'a' 'b' directory naming convention is necessary, but it's been a while so not 100% sure
thimbronion: billymg: do I need to literally create two directories named 'a' and 'b'?
billymg: thimbronion: that's what i always did for mp-wp patches, but i can't remember if that was simply because of how mp-wp was genesis'd or if that's a general V requirement
thimbronion: billymg: then I sign the patch, creating a detached sig?
billymg: thimbronion: yep yep, be sure to include a manifest file at the root of the project directory too (so not in 'b', but in b/proj/)
thimbronion: billymg: I'm looking at the manifist for mp-wp - not quite sure what the number at the beginning of each line is
billymg: thimbronion: current block height, original spec from trinque
thimbronion: !s manifest specification
lekythion: 27 results
lekythion: V Manifest Specification Draft « trinque
lekythion: ...new client lacks a *manifest*, and the *manifest* itself lacks a formal...
lekythion: ...statement of the problem. So then, what's a *manifest*? In the abstract...
lekythion: ...selected *manifest*. A user would, by retrieving the *manifest*...
lekythion: EuCrypt Manifest File « Ossa Sepia
lekythion: ...file following the *manifest* format *specification* proposed by Michael...
lekythion: ...course a line in the *manifest* file for this vpatch too. To keep...
lekythion: ...file I have used so far, before the *manifest* solution was adopted...
lekythion: All results can be found at http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=JvAn
billymg: ah neato, there it is!
thimbronion: Sometimes it's shocking contemplating the massive amount of text produced by the republic.
thimbronion: billymg: I'm attempting to use the codeblock - but I can't tell looking at the source exactly what the delimiters should be. It looks like the opening delimiter is "\[[0-9]\[" - but I'm not sure what that looks like in practice.
thimbronion: *the codeblock delimiters
billymg: thimbronion: i actually updated that based on feedback from jfw, so if you're running the latest mp-wp patch it'll be [diff[ ... ]] or [plaintext[ ... ]]
billymg: leaving it empty or using any other string inside the opening [[ will default to plaintext formatting
billymg: i.e. monospace font and line number anchors but no highlighting
billymg: i should probably document this somewhere...
billymg: i had to go look at an old post myself just to remember what the syntax was
thimbronion: billymg: tyvm [diff[ is working for me - now I also see why I need to escape all the parens in lisp code...
billymg: thimbronion: heh, yup
billymg: this footnote contains a sed one liner, and jfw's comment contains a shorter one
thimbronion: This system is so insanely better than github.
billymg: i still like mine even though it escapes characters that technically don't need to be escaped, just for consistency
billymg: thimbronion: agree, and it's more or less at proof-of-concept level in terms of implementation
billymg: iirc spyked was working on some mp-wp CLI tools (might have been someone else). i could easily see a few quality-of-life features added to the workflow without it becoming a "greased pole" that encourages sloppy work
snsabot: (trilema) 2016-01-18 ascii_butugychag: btw i hope everybody understands that life with 'v' is always going to resemble dark age blood sports like cvs, etc. far more than modern greased poles (e.g., 'git')
thimbronion: It is interesting to watch fiat coders destroying the value of their work - twitter, fb, google, and the rest.
billymg: !s mp-wp cli
lekythion: 19 results
lekythion: MP-WP User Survey « billymg
lekythion: ...welcome. Survey for *mp-wp* users Do you use the *mp-wp* admin interface...
lekythion: ...annoying about using *mp-wp*? (can be related to any aspect of using *mp-wp*) What do you like most about using *mp-wp*? Survey for users...
lekythion: MP-WP User Survey « billymg
lekythion: ...welcome. Survey for *mp-wp* users Do you use the *mp-wp* admin interface...
lekythion: ...annoying about using *mp-wp*? (can be related to any aspect of using *mp-wp*) What do you like most about using *mp-wp*? Survey for users...
lekythion: All results can be found at http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=0duy
billymg: d'oh
billymg: !s mp-wp command line
lekythion: 100 results
lekythion: MP-WP User Survey « billymg
lekythion: ...welcome. Survey for *mp-wp* users Do you use the *mp-wp* admin interface...
lekythion: ...using *mp-wp*? (can be related to any aspect of using *mp-wp*...
lekythion: ...including becoming more literate with *command* *line* tools such as sed...
thimbronion: It's just like what's happening with fiat itself. Fiat is a network, and it's value comes from people being able to use it for whatever transactions they want. Every time usg cuts off some group from fiat, they're cutting off their own arm. Just as twitter is cutting off its nose to spite its face every time they ban an account.
lekythion: MP-WP User Survey « billymg
lekythion: ...welcome. Survey for *mp-wp* users Do you use the *mp-wp* admin interface...
lekythion: ...using *mp-wp*? (can be related to any aspect of using *mp-wp*...
lekythion: ...including becoming more literate with *command* *line* tools such as sed...
lekythion: All results can be found at http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=l5Ce
billymg: that's what i was thinking of
thimbronion: oh wow that's a great article
thimbronion: had many of the same thoughts
billymg: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/alethepedia/2020-11-21#1001308 << or shutting down every business that isn't amazon, grubhub, or mcdonalds because zomgcovid
snsabot: Logged on 2020-11-21 16:04:25 thimbronion: It's just like what's happening with fiat itself. Fiat is a network, and it's value comes from people being able to use it for whatever transactions they want. Every time usg cuts off some group from fiat, they're cutting off their own arm. Just as twitter is cutting off its nose to spite its face every time they ban an account.
snsabot: Logged on 2020-11-21 16:08:07 billymg: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/alethepedia/2020-11-21#1001308 << or shutting down every business that isn't amazon, grubhub, or mcdonalds because zomgcovid
billymg: kill the tax base, then support the newly unemployed by adding them to the welfare system paid for by... the now reduced tax base??
thimbronion: billymg: monumental stupidity
billymg: thimbronion: well, i guess i should say add them to the welfare system after they've finished selling their assets, which i suspect is exactly their plan
snsabot: (trilema) 2018-08-23 asciilifeform: if history's any guide, they're still in the 'first we'll try and starve the judenschwein, make'em unemployable, then they'll sell their gold to good aryans on their own power' stage of the algo
thimbronion: billymg: I suspect the judenschwein had way more to sell than any business in the service industry w/owners likely levered to the hilt on their personal realestate.
← 2020-11-20 | 2020-11-22 →