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adlai: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/alethepedia/2020-09-24#1000343 << my opinions on the sequencing of mathematics curricula are unconventional; c.f. ...
snsabot: Logged on 2020-09-24 18:11:37 asciilifeform: adlai: it was a freshman-level text.
adlai: !s kindergarden
lekythion: 14 results
lekythion: Learning Economics in French High Schools ; main issues of the French educational system ;
lekythion: Main issues of education in France (#3) The French economic illiteracy French Nobel prize(s) Problems in the French system (credit...
lekythion: ...formation) At all levels, from *kindergarden* to university, the rate...
lekythion: tmsr - Log 2017-05-26
lekythion: log☇︎ ← ︎2017-05-25 ⏐ ︎2017-05-27...
lekythion: ...raw=true mod6: I think what is simple, obvious, and *kindergarden*-esq...
lekythion: All results can be found at http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=4c4B
adlai realizes that 'kindergarden' in #t was often used jokingly, although actually spending ~7 semesters in undergraduate courses during the past four years has cast doubt upon the perceived irony.
asciilifeform: adlai: 'kindergarten' subj is simply what was once called 'trivial' (in orig. meaning of the term -- part of 'the trivium' of basic subjs). simply means that anyone who has ever taken the trouble to start on a topic seriously, oughta have mastered $topic .
gregorynyssa: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/alethepedia/2020-09-29#1000411 << I have been trying to research the origins of American-style education, but it has been hard to find the answers to certain questions.
snsabot: Logged on 2020-09-29 14:06:23 asciilifeform: adlai: 'kindergarten' subj is simply what was once called 'trivial' (in orig. meaning of the term -- part of 'the trivium' of basic subjs). simply means that anyone who has ever taken the trouble to start on a topic seriously, oughta have mastered $topic .
gregorynyssa: how come America is one of the only countries on earth where you must first obtain an unrelated four-year degree before studying law and medicine?
gregorynyssa: why do some colleges in America explicitly brand themselves as "liberal arts colleges?" when did this begin? did those academics regard their forebears the British as not being in sufficient possession of "liberal arts?"
gregorynyssa: why does the American undergraduate degree follow (to some extent) the Prussian model, but American high schools do not?
gregorynyssa: specifically, American undergraduate degrees follow the Prussian /high school/ model.
gregorynyssa: why the need for this infantilization? why did Americans willingly concede that their college students are merely on par with German high-school students? etc. etc.
gregorynyssa: asciilifeform: thimbronion: adlai: if anyone has recommended reading, I would be glad to receive it.
thimbronion: gregorynyssa: have you read John Taylor Gatto?
thimbronion: !s gatto
lekythion: 3 results
lekythion: tmsr - Log 2015-08-06
lekythion: log☇︎ ← ︎2015-08-05 ⏐ ︎2015-08-07...
lekythion: ...thing.asciilifeform: (see john *gatto* etc.)trinque: asciilifeform...
lekythion: tmsr - Log 2015-09-13
lekythion: log☇︎ ← ︎2015-09-12 ⏐ ︎2015-09-14...
lekythion: ...agonizing detail by john t *gatto* ☝︎assbot: Logged on 13-09-2015...
lekythion: All results can be found at http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=cuGz
gregorynyssa: thimbronion: yes I have but I think his narrative is completely incorrect.
gregorynyssa: moreover, his Ultimate History Lesson presentation was blatantly aimed at
gregorynyssa: lower middle-class people seeking to enter the upper middle-class.
thimbronion: gregorynyssa: honestly haven't read Gatto since the early 2000s, while trapped in a government cube farm.
gregorynyssa: thimbronion: you used to work for the federal government? nice.
thimbronion: Yeah thankfully got out relatively quickly.
gregorynyssa: I sometimes think that, had I avoided serious injury as a teen, and completed my
gregorynyssa: education, I might have made a decent IRS agent.
gregorynyssa: or other bureau-employee.
gregorynyssa: haha.. btw. I had no idea Gatto had been writing for that long. I have only seen his fairly recent work.
thimbronion: gregorynyssa as IRS agent is a terrifying alternate universe to consider
gregorynyssa: Gatto was against adoption. he claimed that adopted children more easily become Psychopaths.
gregorynyssa: he claimed that the upper-class purposely promoted the idea of adoption as a way
gregorynyssa: of disrupting and weakening the middle-class
gregorynyssa: Ultimate History Lesson contains one claim after the other in that vein.
gregorynyssa: wonder what asciilifeform thinks. (=
thimbronion: I have personally experienced adoption - two adopted sisters.
thimbronion: I have no idea as to whether the upper class has encouraged it or to what end, but definitely should only be practiced by couples who can't conceive.
thimbronion: Incidentally now that I have the whole nsabot db logs loaded into postgres, wainot ditch Lucene and just use Postgres for everything?
← 2020-09-28 | 2020-09-30 →