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← 2020-04-05 | 2020-04-07 →
thimbronion: Update on the war on small business: my uncle has had two tenants (restoraunts I think) go out of business already. My cousin's mall's anchor business is closed indefinitely.
thimbronion: *restaurant
asciilifeform: thimbronion: if the crown 'pushed pause button' on productive economy, but not on rents -- then naturally ~errything other than crematorium will eventually go outta biz.
thimbronion: asciilifeform: clear as day.
thimbronion: Meanwhile no one getting lynched.
asciilifeform: theoretically -- landlords who aren't mortgaged to the hilt, could choose to write off rent while tenants are forcibly closed. but i've yet to hear of any such.
thimbronion: An apartment complex I rent from allowed tenants to apply to not have to pay rent. Co-working space also offered to not charge rent during the shutdown.
asciilifeform: thimbronion: 'not pay' as in written off, or as in 'pay later' ?
asciilifeform: cuz the latter simply turns fast death into slow
asciilifeform: ( from where is e.g. shuttered restaurant to get the $maxint to 'pay later' ? )
thimbronion: asciilifeform: looks like deferral.
asciilifeform: so empty gesture.
asciilifeform: owe now or owe later, if n months of 0 revenue, yer bankrupt
asciilifeform: difficult to see , in this light, how 'official quarantine' is anyffin other than an organized robbery of the productive biz by rentiers
thimbronion: asciilifeform: yeah. I mean, it's kind of denial on their part. They're not getting the money either way. I wonder if rents will be coming down or if there will be Chinese style ghost cities.
asciilifeform: thimbronion: if 2008 'demo' is anyffin to go by -- ghost cities
asciilifeform: lizards wanted to write off some bezzle, but decided that having proper ww3 -- a bit too expensive. so went with 'plague'.
thimbronion: asciilifeform: wasn't enough for every millenial to be 50k in debt, every restaurant, clothing store now too.
asciilifeform: that's what folx get when they forget how to lynch.
asciilifeform: bezos et al cackle all the way to the bank, as the folx who formerly worked in e.g. restaurant line up 1,000 to 1 opening to pack crates at lulazon etc
thimbronion: There is a slight wrench in the gears now due to the supply of immigrants being cut off.
asciilifeform: 'reverse army of capital', i.e. folx willing to 'work for food', dun have to be mexicans. worx just as well with natives, sacked but still owing 100% rent
asciilifeform: *reserve army
asciilifeform: the question of who the fuck will be buying the crates, if ~errybody worx as penny/hour packer of same, evidently not interesting to the bezoses.
thimbronion: I guess now we find out if white people actually willing to pick strawberries.
asciilifeform: equally interesting q is who will buy the strawberries.
asciilifeform: buffet & mp can only personally eat so-many
thimbronion: Hm yeah. I guess it's time to start destroying the excess food supply!
asciilifeform: iirc is what usg did last go around, under reign of fdr
asciilifeform: (and, observe, no one lynched even then)
thimbronion: Rivers of milk!
asciilifeform always found it lulzy that the folx who had literal 'rivers of milk' in '30s have the chutzpah to whine about 'holodomor'
thimbronion: Is it really a famine if there's no cannibalism?
asciilifeform: 'properly organized' famines have ~0 cannibalisms (as in e.g. auschwitz, or 1930s usa)
asciilifeform: instead, orderly 'line up for the gas here'
thimbronion: What was the gassing mechanism in the 30's usa?
asciilifeform: ~same as now
asciilifeform: 'oh so sorry if you have 0 income, rent is still due on 1st of month'
asciilifeform: 'we'll pay farmers to grow and then burn crop so prices stay as before'
asciilifeform: 'want to eat in next month? we'll buy yer farm for a penny on the dollar' etc
asciilifeform: ( see also re the algo. it's always more or less same. )
snsabot: (asciilifeform) 2020-04-04 asciilifeform: it was the 'switch' in a traditional 2-step bait&switch 'industry will be privatized, but erryone gets shares of stock' 'oops, bread now costs 100x, you can decide whether to sell yer shares or quit eating'
thimbronion: I don't know I'm not definding fdr or anything but I don't see the mass death due to starvation there. Maybe mortality increase due to susceptibility to disease.
thimbronion: suicides, etc.
asciilifeform: under fdr, objective wasn't specifically to reduce biomass, but to centralize ownership and 'financialize'
asciilifeform: afaik no one even bothered to count the corpses, then
thimbronion: Amazing to consider even after all the starvation in Ukr and likely elsewhere, still plenty of bodies left to stop Nazi bullets.
asciilifeform: the designated starved ukrs fought for axis, for most part
asciilifeform: so arguably 'saved on bullets'
thimbronion: Makes sense.
thimbronion: asciilifeform: Btw just realized one aspect of the losslessness of translation between Latin and Russian - both lack articles. Must be nice.
asciilifeform: translates pretty cleanly. same cases etc
asciilifeform: e.g. 'homo homini lupus est' --> 'человек человеку волк'
thimbronion: Cool looks like the dative is even phonetically similar. Unless homini isn't actually dative - sorry don't know latin.
feedbot: http://mvdstandard.net/2020/04/beach-now-closed/ << The Montevideo Standard -- Beach Now Closed
← 2020-04-05 | 2020-04-07 →