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← 2020-02-28 | 2020-03-01 →
BingoBoingo: So Trump sent Madame Secretary Pompeo to watch the US surrender to the Taliban get signed in Qatar. thimbronion do you want this story?
thimbronion: Can I publish it tomorrow instead of the chinese spy thing?
thimbronion: s/publish/submit/
BingoBoingo: thimbronion: Go for it
thimbronion: BingoBoingo: Ok I will.
diana_coman: BingoBoingo: that sort of "extend the opportunity" is no extend and no opportunity really; what exactly is your view & approach there?
BingoBoingo: diana_coman: The approach yesterday and today has been a sort of probing for a baseline. I'm trying to see what happens when I drop a story that needs written here, as things stand at present.
diana_coman: BingoBoingo: nothing can possibly happen with that sort of approach, no.
diana_coman: BingoBoingo: how do you reason - there are people who want to...write words but can't find a topic and here, finally there's one?
diana_coman: you know, that would be something to consider only when/if you have already a large set of contributors fighting for your attention and space in qntra or something but not as things stand.
BingoBoingo: diana_coman: Alright, hanging topics out to see if anyone bites is getting shelved as something that might be grown in to down the line, if my attention and space become scarce.
diana_coman: BingoBoingo: did you ever have someone *asking* for a topic? I honestly can't see how you reasoned there and from outside it simply looks like "that was the easiest way out", simply.
BingoBoingo: diana_coman: Not recently. I didn't reason so much as fell into seeing if this particular something could stick.
diana_coman: BingoBoingo: myeah, stop this flinging-will-it-stick thing; it's not a useful approach to ~anything really.
diana_coman: BingoBoingo: anyways, so what do you plan to do with that topic now?
BingoBoingo: I'll try to spot it and stop it.
BingoBoingo: diana_coman: Well, I'll ask thimbronion which story he prefers to write since he's already contributing one tomorrow. If thimbrionion prefers his chinese spy scoop, I'll hammer out the note on the US surrender to the Taliban this evening.
BingoBoingo: thimbronion: Which story would you rather write, the chinese spy scoop you've been weighing all week or the US surrendering to the Taliban?
thimbronion: BingoBoingo: re Bitstamp there is even more idiocy. For example, due to some new euro regulations, they requested I send them "screenshots" or whatever is available to identify the source of all my deposits. I have had an account since shortly after they launched.
BingoBoingo: ty, Bitstamp's always sort of been the "retarded runty brother" of the exchanges. "two cans and a string" was the joke back when the forum was called #bitcoin-assets
thimbronion: Regarding which story, I would prefer to delve into the chinese vs. us spying competency issue. My basis for this is merely preference, which I'm not sure is a great basis.
BingoBoingo: thimbronion: In that case, do that story.
thimbronion: Ok will do.
← 2020-02-28 | 2020-03-01 →