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(trilema) alice_: i am still entertained by your antics
(trilema) alice_: i'm p sure there aren't interesting folk around tho
(trilema) alice_: i'm glad you're happy with your life :)
(trilema) alice_: nice, sounds very respectable
(trilema) alice_: (not judging, i don't mind)
(trilema) alice_: asciilifeform: you make up bs insults because {you find it entertaining} and {boot camp narrative} ?
(trilema) alice_: does mircea_popescu fool around with tulpas
(trilema) alice_: this _is_ related to why you are assholes
(trilema) alice_: i don't mind, just saying ;)
(trilema) alice_: asciilifeform: tell me more about why you're asking. this channel is assholes, which is a communication style i'm not used to, so i'd like more details :)
(trilema) alice_: so does mircea_popescu fool around with tulpas or
(trilema) alice_: i've never used a key before
(trilema) alice_: sure, i wouldn't use it for anything important
(trilema) alice_: also, that's not a private key
(trilema) alice_: because i never learned how it works and also i've never used that key for anything?
(trilema) alice_: i don't know what a longfp is
(trilema) alice_: -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: Keybase OpenPGP v2.0.55 Comment: xsFNBFevnesBEAC90aLfcq+wrWVKGcQWUd+NmB/0kK7OONd0Tg2OUgfHE2RtZSzG mqgsiAmyPsz+R6B3VwkMd3pBiuAZ8IN/jf0px+iikmo0vvWemsnVTUM0mtyoFecy /qyj1+mwjLrzR7UMDP8789JBwxecY+1fS6k4BQio3gGvmqzGr76sAjTZlIbkPs80 Nr502+QhvfOSjnjFTfQkXrzjrssjJp+jEH0OdkC/UT7H0lCWy957UPklwXlEPnu/ KQbcDoV2HWSEG0hW3Ig7+4qC03Bp0W9Z9lRTYZVIbTnDLJ+z4/J1fMu1EnmZkEKQ aH0SCtgI
(trilema) alice_: so if i have
(trilema) alice_: !!register alice
(trilema) alice_: i know that's the log
(trilema) alice_: asciilifeform: i am very confused by the social environment here :P
(trilema) alice_: it's really nice
(trilema) alice_: i actually only got it last saturday
(trilema) alice_: inner peace
(trilema) alice_: disgusting
(trilema) alice_: you are horrifying
(trilema) alice_: god's an asshole, and it's complicated. i'm ready for anything i can understand as progress.
(trilema) alice_: am making progress on that. say 70% done.
(trilema) alice_: p sure i did that
(trilema) alice_: i'm looking for a harder, more powerful way
(trilema) alice_: i don't do christianity
(trilema) alice_: outside vs inside view; from Kahneman
(trilema) alice_: mostly shitty website frontend & backend stuff
(trilema) alice_: outside view says insult
(trilema) alice_: i honestly can't tell if you're insulting me or complimenting me
(trilema) alice_: asciilifeform: i am a young transhumanist-hopeful type. i've supported myself with programming before; currently i'm living off savings & spending time studying shit
(trilema) alice_: i don't actually
(trilema) alice_: that's cuz you're an asshole
(trilema) alice_: do you have questions about me or
(trilema) alice_: yes, that's me
(trilema) alice_: tell me about the thing you're confusing me with, i am curious
(trilema) alice_: i haven't ever interacted with this channel before :(
(trilema) alice_: i don't mind pressing s and d at the same time, myself
(trilema) alice_: a powerful pattern
(trilema) alice_: more complex things
(trilema) alice_: short variables for simple common things; longer names for less common things
(trilema) alice_: huffman coding is important
(trilema) alice_: violates huffman coding
(trilema) alice_: if they're smart enough to use a standard pronoun :P
(trilema) alice_: most programmers use x or value
(trilema) alice_: it's my Standard pronoun, my It
(trilema) alice_: i added sd as a chord for ι because i do use ι frequently
(trilema) alice_: i don't use α frequently
(trilema) alice_: all chords i use frequently are one handed
(trilema) alice_: semicolon L is one handed
(trilema) alice_: then you are a person whose right hand gets tired and you should not use this exact system
(trilema) alice_: yes. if the keys are pressed within a small number of milliseconds.
(trilema) alice_: usually i run modems on vegetable oil
(trilema) alice_: trinque: i don't like your face
(trilema) alice_: i can do Normal Startup Coding Style if i want to, i just hate it so i don't when i don't have to
(trilema) alice_: oh, are you asking what regex_set.ζ is written in? it's ζ, which is almost javascript
(trilema) alice_: asciilifeform: ? like, if i paste the last several lines into it, i get \n -#'-:<>?LMX[\]-\_a-pr-zʳʷʸζᴱᴵᴼᴾ-ᵂᵉᵒᵖ-ᵘⁱ│
(trilema) alice_: asciilifeform: prints a regex character class which matches all of the code points in utf8 stdin
(trilema) alice_: e.g. ML is a sharp, crystalline beauty, mostly useless for my direct purpose but v inspiring, 'cuz it's got several neat patterns that i don't see in most popular environments
(trilema) alice_: asciilifeform: never used any of those. a fan of some of their patterns. i'm a fan of a lot of patterns i've seen in a lot of different existing programming environments.
(trilema) alice_: i take it back, your insults are annoying
(trilema) alice_: i'm alice. i haven't interacted with this channel before. but i don't imagine that's the answer you're hoping for
(trilema) alice_: what do you mean, who am i?
(trilema) alice_: mm, not my fetish. as long as you get off on it :)
(trilema) alice_: why are you so angry?
(trilema) alice_: i am entertained :)
(trilema) alice_: you give cute insults tho
(trilema) alice_: /interesting
(trilema) alice_: asciilifeform seems potentially entertaining
(trilema) alice_: that's {power key}⇧ if you haven't installed any exotic fonts. it's macbook-specific.
(trilema) alice_: & the syntax is similar to a literal keyboard when possible
(trilema) alice_: the program structure is similar to its syntax. in this case, the code for shift is ⇧ and can be typed by ⏻⇧
(trilema) alice_: sort of, i think i misuse homoiconic
(trilema) alice_: a homoiconic format for binding keyboard keys
(trilema) alice_: └──────────────────────────────┘ └──────────────────────────────┘
(trilema) alice_: │ _ ᶻ ˣ ᶜ ᵛ ᵇ ⁿ ᵐ _ _ _ _ │ │ _ X X X ⱽ X ᴺ ᴹ _ _ _ _ │
(trilema) alice_: │ _ ᵃ ˢ ᵈ ᶠ ᵍ ʰ ʲ ᵏ ˡ _ _ _ │ │ _ ᴬ ᴮ ᴰ X ᴳ ᴴ ᴶ ᴷ ᴸ _ _ _ │
(trilema) alice_: │ _ X ʷ ᵉ ʳ ᵗ ʸ ᵘ ⁱ ᵒ ᵖ _ _ _ │ │ _ X ᵂ ᴱ ᴿ ᵀ X ᵁ ᴵ ᴼ ᴾ _ _ _ │
(trilema) alice_: │ _ ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ⁹ ⁰ ⁻ ⁼ _ │ │ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ⁽ ⁾ _ ⁺ _ │
(trilema) alice_: ┌───────────── [ ──────────────┐ ┌───────────── ⇧[ ─────────────┐
(trilema) alice_: dsls i'm proud of
(trilema) alice_: i don't think as easy without shit like x/2 and list[:-1]
(trilema) alice_: i seriously tried lisp, i spent hundreds of hours coding in a variety of lisps, including clojure (ugh) and arc (lovely but it was for a production web server and it was completely unsuited to the purpose)
(trilema) alice_: transpilers
(trilema) alice_: i haven't figured out how to scale them up to something as syntax-complicated as javascript but i've found 80/20s pretty useful for practical infixy needs
(trilema) alice_: invertible compilers solve that problem tho pretty nicely
(trilema) alice_: maybe not you :) but me.
(trilema) alice_: seems to be a lot more natural language for a lot of humans for a lot of things
(trilema) alice_: i feel ick about nonhomoiconic *and* never-infix
(trilema) alice_: afaict christopher alexander is using "pattern" to mean a basic component of language, not the thing which macros remove
(trilema) alice_: list[:-1] vs (drop-last list)
(trilema) alice_: right, macro is an excellent way to use patterns in code (and is itself a pattern)
(trilema) alice_: {A Pattern Language} is a book about the specific pattern language he built for architecture; is the theory book
(trilema) alice_: i read it doesn't mention design patterns. i'm p sure i can guess correctly the bad thing it's complaining about, but i didn't get a model for how design patterns are a language bug
(trilema) alice_: if i had a dollar every time somebody made that joke
(trilema) alice_: that's the one
(trilema) alice_: mm. it's a mix of theoretical and applied architecture. generalizes nicely to all of design.
(trilema) alice_: hi! today i'm reading {The Timeless Way of Building}. i'm curious if you've read anything by Christopher Alexander