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spyked: <-- not sure thetarpit's current code is more than "php scripting in Lisp" either, it was written in my CL-noob years. the webpage generation bits are pretty nifty tho, on account of cl-who.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: 'flask' is the py people's equiv. of 'hunchentoot'. eats the @app.route('/log/<chan>/<date>') etc sugars , does the 'html madlibs' thing on the 'templates' (a la 'cl-who') etc
a111: Logged on 2019-07-11 16:18 lobbes_field: << currently there exists no logotron web publishing glue. spyked is currently making headway on the 'cl-www kit' tho >>
lobbes_field: << currently there exists no logotron web publishing glue. spyked is currently making headway on the 'cl-www kit' tho >>
spyked: <-- updated cl-who demo with mega-likbez on html generation mechanism using macros.
spyked: <-- macroexpanded "hello world" example of cl-who. the second coad is what's executed when generating page; the first is what I have to write. the second indeed looks like salad to untrained eye, but otherwise maps 100% to cl-who constructs
spyked: i think it's safer to say that cl-who is a compiler from a particular set of s-expr into html. and looking at my (yet-again convoluted!) explanation, I can now distinctly remember that most debugging issues I've had were caused by not understanding the language.
spyked: mp_en_viaje, I'm confusing some things in my explanation, namely html (as outputted by that coad) and the S-expr-html representation in cl-who. the two are separate, and this meta-embedded is done with the latter and is used to separate code macro-processed by cl-who from code that executes when the page is generated.
spyked: <-- it's how html templating/pre-processing usually works, you embed one language into the other. php is perl (or whatever) interleaved with html; cl-who is very similar, only without the leaky abstractions, i.e. html trees are represented as s-exprs and can be correctly manipulated as such
a111: Logged on 2019-07-05 18:10 mp_en_viaje: spyked, << is this even a good idea ? why would you want to interleave lisp and html ? how the fuck is anyone gonna debug the salad ?
mp_en_viaje: spyked, << is this even a good idea ? why would you want to interleave lisp and html ? how the fuck is anyone gonna debug the salad ?
feedbot: << The Tar Pit -- CL-WHO demo: The Coad Pit
lobbes_field: << still digesting this morning's logs, but it seems that re: (c) - html gen, everyone is in general agreement that cl-who would be a good place to start
a111: Logged on 2019-05-02 18:39 asciilifeform: lobbes_field: i've previously used 'cl-who', but it needs to get eaten/genesised/frozen
spyked: <-- same here. would defo sign cl-who genesis, and will genesis it myself if needed
lobbes_field: Bit as a practical start, I may just sit down and read some of the existing items out there (cl-who) and then eventually freeze/gebesis
asciilifeform: lobbes_field: i've previously used 'cl-who', but it needs to get eaten/genesised/frozen
spyked: there are some dependencies on cl-who and a few other libraries, which for now are taken as they are (similarly to trb "deps")
spyked: shinohai, I use a self-rolled static page generator based on Common Lisp (CL-WHO) (and Pandoc for parsing Markdown, but pandoc and markdown are both optional, of course). I have the source code published on shithub, but it's mostly hacked together, so in this sense not very different from any static site generator. <-- coad and text
phf: so apparently cl-who's escape-string which produces the &#xf0... bits simply takes character's char-code which in sbcl corresponds to character's unicode code point
phf: ah, i guess main advantage of xhtmlambda over cl-who is that it preserves indentation
asciilifeform: it's deadly simple, analogous to, say, cl-who in commonlisp