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diana_coman: if I'm to see it as "os for a purpose", then I go full way and it's really machine-for-a-purpose, from hardware up, everything; basically there is no universal computer at all in reality, only various degrees of trying to fit an average (at best) to all sorts of outliers.
asciilifeform: !qs best machine is no machine
diana_coman: asciilifeform, BingoBoingo judging by hanbot's experience though with that machine, it's not exactly the best for this sort of thing? or what was the trouble? also: will there be more provision after the planned pizarro-run (when will that be)? why does this feel like pulling teeth anyway
a111: Logged on 2014-02-12 18:27 asciilifeform: 'the best machine is no machine' (herr altschuller)
a111: Logged on 2018-10-25 19:15 asciilifeform: at the risk of repeating ancient thread -- 'the best machine is no machine', it weighs nuffin, needs no maintenance. and the best proggy, is no proggy at all, if a problem can be solved without writing proggy, it ought to be. erry line of coad can be rightfully pictured as an act of intellectual littering. y'know, like throwing cig butt or bottle on the ground in the park.
a111: Logged on 2018-10-25 19:15 asciilifeform: at the risk of repeating ancient thread -- 'the best machine is no machine', it weighs nuffin, needs no maintenance. and the best proggy, is no proggy at all, if a problem can be solved without writing proggy, it ought to be. erry line of coad can be rightfully pictured as an act of intellectual littering. y'know, like throwing cig butt or bottle on the ground in the park.
asciilifeform: !#s best machine is no machine
asciilifeform: at the risk of repeating ancient thread -- 'the best machine is no machine', it weighs nuffin, needs no maintenance. and the best proggy, is no proggy at all, if a problem can be solved without writing proggy, it ought to be. erry line of coad can be rightfully pictured as an act of intellectual littering. y'know, like throwing cig butt or bottle on the ground in the park.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform not redundant because the rsa processor is "best effort", ie, only goes if there's spacetime in machine
ben_vulpes: dude the best thing you could be doing right now is living out of a shoebox and extracting as many dollars from the sv machine to turn into btc as you possibly can.
asciilifeform: no valves. 'best machine is no machine' (altschuller)
asciilifeform: 'the best machine is no machine' -- altschuller
phf: somehow the separation between the two is totally alien concept to a lot of people who run into tmsr machine. "i eat shit, therefore it's good for everyone". we too sometimes eat shit, but we have good sense to know that it might not be the best thing
asciilifeform: <jurov> maybe the only difference is computer science was constructed from mathematical (or not very mathematical, like strings) ideas ... << the notion that computing machines, as presently constructed, have some direct connection with what maths folks did in the 1930s is nebulous at best. even if commonly believed
asciilifeform: given that i do not especially feel like publishing the entire contents of my disk, nor could you replicate my machine easily (most of the components are no longer produced) - the next best thing is to somehow create an equivalent
asciilifeform is a firm student of 'the best machine is no machine' and like the solution of not even having a solution to the 'what seeds' thing
asciilifeform: nubbins`: imho, the best machine would be one which is readily available off the shelf with chassis, power supply, etc. and not require carpentry
assbot: 2 results for 'best machine is no machine' :
asciilifeform: !s best machine is no machine
asciilifeform: 'the best machine is no machine' (herr altschuller's mega-epic 'suddenly, the inventor appeared.').
BingoBoingo: Best preambulatory clause: "WHEREAS F.DERP issues synthetic equivalents of worthless fiat businesses fraudulently purporting involvement in Bitcoin and exposure to the Bitcoin economy with the irresponsible support of the US propaganda machine as well as the allegedly private investment arm of the US Fed, in order to allow unfettered price discovery for the underlyings in the actual Bitcoin stock market ; "
asciilifeform: 'the best machine is no machine' (herr altschuller)
BingoBoingo: barb_: Generally that kind of thing involves paying a real legal lawyer. The best answer I can offer is I dunno, but is it legal to play to slot machine in the original pokemon games outside of an actual casino?