Results 1 ... 7 found in all logged channels for '1CounterpartyXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXUWLpVr'

(pest) bitbot[asciilifeform]: Logged on 2023-03-28 07:29:29 unpx[jonsykkel|deedbot|signpost]: Funny quest would be break this key
(trilema) assbot: Bitcoin Address 1CounterpartyXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXUWLpVr
(trilema) fluffypony: cgcardona_: yes, that burner address was 1CounterpartyXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXUWLpVr
(trilema) fluffypony: benkay: "The protocol was coded to create XCP on any address that sent less than or equal to 1 BTC to 1CounterpartyXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXUWLpVr between blocks 278310 and 283810 This was written right into the open-source code. So no individual had to be trusted to accept money then distribute a genesis block like with Next, Mastercoin, Emunie, Ethereum, Levelcoin (ipo scam), Visacoin (ipo scam)"