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Results 1 ... 9 found in trilema for 'packet luby'

asciilifeform: for yrs nao, asciilifeform thought, 'why the everliving fuck not serve page as a set of luby packets'
asciilifeform: box, incidentally, doesn't need to know anyffing re particulars of gossip protocol; simply verify(4096b) luby packets, rejecting old nonces, reassemble into block, and then retransmit until a newer block is assembled, then repeat ad infinitum.
a111: Logged on 2017-10-19 13:18 asciilifeform: << 'filter out the strange' is the naive usg av 'industry' nonsense. a half decent diddletron neither produces nor consumes any 'strange', and 'magic packet' will consist of , e.g., lubyization of 10,000 ordinary packets' timing
asciilifeform: << 'filter out the strange' is the naive usg av 'industry' nonsense. a half decent diddletron neither produces nor consumes any 'strange', and 'magic packet' will consist of , e.g., lubyization of 10,000 ordinary packets' timing
asciilifeform: in particular, to work out what the minimal ( with engineering margin, a la miller-rabin ) number of lubypackets would be.
asciilifeform: also error-tolerant, by virtue of lubyism, you can afford to lose a few packets, how many depends on what you have left over.
asciilifeform: esp. the udp/luby piece (where ONE packet must somehow suffice for friend-or-foe, but it cannot >512byte! )
trinque: there was for example the lighthouse concept; asciilifeform has also spoken of using the luby fountain algorithm over iirc either udp or raw IP packets.
asciilifeform: 2) consider a device of the following scheme. receives luby-coded packets via radio; if packet checksums AND has one of N lordly signatures, it is relayed (transmitted to neighbouring nodes.) otherwise, not.