(trilema) nubbins`: if we end up jamming the os onto the nand, you could have it scan SD cards on insert for patches
(trilema) nubbins`: instead you need a toothpick
(trilema) nubbins`: i wish :/
(trilema) nubbins`: no. pressed it like 5x to make sure
(trilema) nubbins`: i had to double check
(trilema) nubbins`: next to eth
(trilema) nubbins`: ^ that's yours, not mine
(trilema) nubbins`: but it's at least a real button
(trilema) nubbins`: granted, it doesn't *do* anything atm
(trilema) nubbins`: yes
(trilema) nubbins`: ...
(trilema) nubbins`: asciilifeform: my pogo has an eject button :S
(trilema) nubbins`: ah, i thought the purple logo'd one did
(trilema) nubbins`: have the eject button send us a message on irc or something
(trilema) nubbins`: yah!
(trilema) nubbins`: fdisk in crontab to be safe
(trilema) nubbins`: heh
(trilema) nubbins`: eject button too!
(trilema) nubbins`: oh, yeah, i see em
(trilema) nubbins`: front LEDs etc
(trilema) nubbins`: actually, looking at the pogoplug-related entries in that patch, it's all trivial stuff
(trilema) nubbins`: so you didn't need anything from that patch file?
(trilema) nubbins`: THAT'S THE SPIRIT
(trilema) nubbins`: amazing
(trilema) nubbins`: woo!
(trilema) nubbins`: see line 615 in above
(trilema) nubbins`: oh cool
(trilema) nubbins`: latest
(trilema) nubbins`: all hyooj
(trilema) nubbins`: he's got config files going back to 3.8.11 fwiw
(trilema) nubbins`: boo. didja try 3.18 or .16
(trilema) nubbins`: !up eric
(trilema) nubbins`: shrug
(trilema) nubbins`: in other words, bring your own scissors :0
(trilema) nubbins`: "for GoFlex Home/Net, Pogoplug E02/Mobile/V4, iConnect, Dockstar, Sheevaplug, NSA320, NSA325, Topkick, and all other Kirkwood plugs that are already in the mainline"
(trilema) nubbins`: i thought i accidentally pasted twice when scrolling down to pastebin submit button!
(trilema) nubbins`: it's looooooooooong, hey?
(trilema) nubbins`: np, lmk!
(trilema) nubbins`: shrug
(trilema) nubbins`: but i think the guide i used was for 3.18
(trilema) nubbins`: which is what i followed to get my pogo up and running
(trilema) nubbins`: this is the guy from http://blog.qnology.com/2014/07/hacking-pogoplug-v4-series-4-and-mobile.html
(trilema) nubbins`: don't mind me
(trilema) nubbins`: right, 2.6
(trilema) nubbins`: (probably 0)
(trilema) nubbins`: haha wat.
(trilema) nubbins`: gzip: /proc/config.gz: No such file or directory
(trilema) nubbins`: might be something of interest there
(trilema) nubbins`: or a sign nobody's been that poor before
(trilema) nubbins`: "security engine"!
(trilema) nubbins` shrugs
(trilema) nubbins`: "Two SATA 2.0 ports with integrated PHYs"
(trilema) nubbins`: kirkwood has 2x sata?
(trilema) nubbins`: doesn't work!
(trilema) nubbins`: pin woot
(trilema) nubbins`: !s bitnodes
(trilema) nubbins`: or, what was it the guy tried to pass off? "the peerage"
(trilema) nubbins`: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/memorial-university-students-give-rotten-cafeteria-food-a-failing-grade-1.3007569
(trilema) nubbins`: hey, some people in office jobs have sharp teeth
(trilema) nubbins`: etc
(trilema) nubbins`: you see some wild setups. like shirts being hung on a clothesline and wheeled across a 30 foot bank of hung oven elements
(trilema) nubbins`: which everyone thought was odd, until one guy from there explained how many ovens an actual flash cure would cost
(trilema) nubbins`: philippines in particular has a massive amount of small-industry silkscreen and almost all of them are using dismantled ovens for curing
(trilema) nubbins`: THAT SAID, people can and do use the huge-coil ones
(trilema) nubbins`: dwell 10s while i print the next one, rotate again etc
(trilema) nubbins`: i lay down a print, swing the arm 90deg to the left
(trilema) nubbins`: this is a "Flash dryer" for semi-drying inks on-press between colors of ink
(trilema) nubbins`: mircea_popescu huge slab of steel = unreasonable heat-up times, plus the thing'd fall over frontwards
(trilema) nubbins`: <his disks> :(
(trilema) nubbins`: bahaha
(trilema) nubbins`: SBC and 160GB hdd for $149, how they makin money!
(trilema) nubbins`: re: bitseed node, are they using refurb HDDs or something?
(trilema) nubbins`: callafornee
(trilema) nubbins`: 30MB/s writes if it's up to spec
(trilema) nubbins`: http://www.amazon.ca/Transcend-TS128GSDU3-Speed-UHS-3-Memory/dp/B00J3KA8JG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1427237075&sr=8-1&keywords=sd+card+128gb+uhs+3
(trilema) nubbins`: so uhs 3
(trilema) nubbins` admittedly knows zilch about sd
(trilema) nubbins`: we'd want, class 10 sd?
(trilema) nubbins`: danielpbarron assuming same bdb, i'd say they're interchangeable
(trilema) nubbins`: same version of db?
(trilema) nubbins`: pogoplug mobile = usb2
(trilema) nubbins`: i said usb2 on purpose 8)
(trilema) nubbins`: will not pull down another block?
(trilema) nubbins`: and put into a pogo
(trilema) nubbins`: so you're saying a synced .bitcoin/ copied to a usb2 thumb drive
(trilema) nubbins`: yeah, fine
(trilema) nubbins`: hahah
(trilema) nubbins`: o.O
(trilema) nubbins`: f off, srs?
(trilema) nubbins`: like 11 minutes to digest each new block sort of low speed?
(trilema) nubbins`: ok but what's sucks
(trilema) nubbins`: danielpbarron i'm wondering same but re: usb thumb
(trilema) nubbins`: cough
(trilema) nubbins`: much of today will be useful in the future, i'm putting a pin in it
(trilema) nubbins`: heh
(trilema) nubbins`: oh fuck, why don't i read
(trilema) nubbins`: <+ascii_field> no one remembers? posted bins too <<< i remember!
(trilema) nubbins`: boots from SD tho!
(trilema) nubbins`: just USB2 and SD
(trilema) nubbins`: blue logo has no USB3 or SATA
(trilema) nubbins`: i'm prob'ly gonna grab 50 or so once i'm satisfied i can make it work
(trilema) nubbins`: blue logo if you want to store blockchain on usb stick ;p
(trilema) nubbins`: we're assholes, yet here we are trying
(trilema) nubbins`: you should get a few
(trilema) nubbins`: trinque they're a treat
(trilema) nubbins`: potential for wasted effort if the chosen os won't fit into eeprom down the road
(trilema) nubbins`: consider the statement suitably modified
(trilema) nubbins`: but afaik there's no reason, say, gentoo wouldn't fly
(trilema) nubbins`: arch, fwiw, has the most available documentation re: installing on pogoplug
(trilema) nubbins`: seeya in the sky
(trilema) nubbins`: the avionics systems haven't failed since last time, so we're pretty sure it may be fixed
(trilema) nubbins`: ah look at that
(trilema) nubbins`: <+danielpbarron> i also had one going that was using a USB3 stick -- stopped it after a week or so when it was clearly way too slow <<< how far'd you get?
(trilema) nubbins`: bbl supper but quite interested in getting this sorted
(trilema) nubbins`: find any forum thread anywhere about pogoplugs being sold at these prices, most of the responses are "!!!!!!!!!"
(trilema) nubbins`: nobody who can't follow some simple instructions to flash nand down the road and reclaim their SD card is gonna buy one anyway
(trilema) nubbins`: if it's got a real version of bitcoind that works enough to use, all the better
(trilema) nubbins`: all else aside, owning one of these pogos is an opportunity
(trilema) nubbins`: if we're talking about a "pogo node" as a kit that one can purchase, i think, it's fine to start with w/e distro, booting from SD, skull-and-crossbones patches, w/e
(trilema) nubbins`: if you did, you'd not eat it
(trilema) nubbins`: and i wouldn't call myself, y'know, outstanding
(trilema) nubbins` did well enough at this in uni to get pulled into strange prof's office for praise once
(trilema) nubbins`: very
(trilema) nubbins`: <+danielpbarron> would have to be shipped with SD card already configured if the end user is to just plug in a hard drive and forget about it <<< that is actually preferable for almost everyone who would buy this
(trilema) nubbins`: ^ truth sauce, almost took this up as a career
(trilema) nubbins`: i have pogo x2 on the way, i'm gonna dig into this
(trilema) nubbins`: woo
(trilema) nubbins`: i recall you saying a bare bones install could be impossibly tiny
(trilema) nubbins`: was bsd chosen because of smallest footprint or other?
(trilema) nubbins`: wait, that conversation was from somewhere else
(trilema) nubbins`: a passing draft will drop your outdoor coffee roaster by 20C
(trilema) nubbins`: dat impure word replacement
(trilema) nubbins`: danielpbarron uh
(trilema) nubbins`: ascii_field that's what i'm wondering :0
(trilema) nubbins`: wait, 4gb nand!
(trilema) nubbins`: if anyone'd have a handle on someone down-chain who has however many k units..
(trilema) nubbins`: might be worth contacting /them/
(trilema) nubbins`: pogo is what, marvell kirkwood?
(trilema) nubbins` shrugs
(trilema) nubbins`: i obv have no idea as to scale here
(trilema) nubbins`: lel you're right hey
(trilema) nubbins`: so what i'm wondering is what you're looking at for, say, 10k units without all that fluff
(trilema) nubbins`: and so on!
(trilema) nubbins`: and a power supply too!
(trilema) nubbins`: it comes with a fucking 3-foot cat5!
(trilema) nubbins`: mircea_popescu +1
(trilema) nubbins`: lel. i know, i mean actually having just the boards produced
(trilema) nubbins`: (if at all)
(trilema) nubbins`: i wonder how much $$ pogo boards could be had for in quantity
(trilema) nubbins`: dat paying for a needless gpu, hdmi, etc
(trilema) nubbins`: .foundation running on pogoplug w/ SD card is a stopgap here
(trilema) nubbins`: commodity sbc
(trilema) nubbins`: looks like similar class of hw
(trilema) nubbins`: ascii_field i thought it was a raspi between two sheets of acrylic at first
(trilema) nubbins`: i.e. should patch just the same
(trilema) nubbins`: mod6 but FWIW this process should generally be able to be applied to future releases as well
(trilema) nubbins`: mod6 i should stress that *none* of the hardening options are included in that makefile, and it really should not be used for anything other than reference
(trilema) nubbins`: ^ Compiling bitcoin-v0.5.3.1 on OSX
(trilema) nubbins`: ben_vulpes mod6 mircea_popescu and other interested parties: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=uJQDaKcz
(trilema) nubbins`: danielpbarron "but if the gps app is closed source, it could be sending your location to the NSA" 8)8)8)8)8)
(trilema) nubbins`: i'll just pop on irc every time i'm tempted to pay two dollars to satisfy an impulse
(trilema) nubbins`: but at least we have people happy to look around for free
(trilema) nubbins`: senseless wank-off
(trilema) nubbins`: right?
(trilema) nubbins`: thanks for having a detrimental effect on distribution and the software ecosystem, judas
(trilema) nubbins`: trinque lenovo? did it come with windows?
(trilema) nubbins`: you buying a car has the same effect
(trilema) nubbins`: me buying a handheld garmin has a detrimental effect on distribution and the software ecosystem
(trilema) nubbins`: ah get out
(trilema) nubbins`: no, you're there and i'm here
(trilema) nubbins`: my time has value
(trilema) nubbins`: your time is your own to waste!
(trilema) nubbins`: is there anyone present who would take on the job of finding me a piece of software compatible with my needs, for $2.40?
(trilema) nubbins`: so of my eight bucks, $2.40 went to apple.
(trilema) nubbins`: ;;calc 8*.3
(trilema) nubbins`: "why would you purchase a moleskine notebook? just use vi"
(trilema) nubbins`: i'm not sure what's so hard to digest here
(trilema) nubbins`: <<<
(trilema) nubbins`: ....
(trilema) nubbins`: as if my time is so valueless that i'm willing to give up a couple hours over EIGHT DOLLARS
(trilema) nubbins`: "i paid eight bucks for a binary with neat features" "yeah? well i pay everyone to write the software i use. or i use free shit. you're a dummy, use free shit!"
(trilema) nubbins`: funkenstein_ are we even speaking the same language here?
(trilema) nubbins`: i'm sure you're talking out your ass
(trilema) nubbins`: if all i wanted was a map i'd take a fucking map
(trilema) nubbins`: i'm looking for /bells and whistles/
(trilema) nubbins`: no, i have good map software and good free maps
(trilema) nubbins`: no, it lets you create tracks, waypoints, PoIs, displays your avg speed and distance travelled, switch map overlays, blah blah
(trilema) nubbins`: ah, we're doing pedantics here
(trilema) nubbins`: i'm sure others would be interested as well
(trilema) nubbins`: funkenstein_ that said, if you know of a way i can turn my phone into a full-featured GPS unit for eight dollars, feel free to let me know
(trilema) nubbins`: funkenstein_ problem is, i can't get much of a GPS app written for $8.
(trilema) nubbins`: but to answer your impossibly odd question, yes, the GPS app that i purchased had already been written when i purchased it
(trilema) nubbins`: yeah i'm not sure what
(trilema) nubbins`: trinque +1
(trilema) nubbins`: funkenstein_ try asking a different way?
(trilema) nubbins`: funkenstein_ i paid eight or so bucks for a GPS app, 10/10 would do again
(trilema) nubbins`: doing work on spec where it has to pass through a single arbiter is /daft/
(trilema) nubbins`: doign work on spec is fucking nuts
(trilema) nubbins`: anyway, i said it earlier
(trilema) nubbins`: fifty-two apps that had to be written, tested, submitted, accepted, promoted...
(trilema) nubbins`: !up ascii_field
(trilema) nubbins`: nobody mentions how "angry birds" devs made, what was it? 52 failures before they hit that one
(trilema) nubbins`: almost so different as to not warrant mentioning
(trilema) nubbins`: i know of noone else who can support themselves, let alone a family, on iOS
(trilema) nubbins`: i do know a guy who earns his living making mobile apps, but he's truly gifted and also concentrates on bespoke apps for product launch displays, interactive booths, etc
(trilema) nubbins`: i.e. for about three weeks, way back at the start, writing a "fart app" could reasonably earn you several months' wages
(trilema) nubbins`: ascii_field not unlike bitcoin, early "adopters" of writing ios apps scooped up most of the "free money"
(trilema) nubbins`: "wait now, all those ipads are viewing the bitcoin forum"
(trilema) nubbins`: that's great
(trilema) nubbins`: so i guess there's that
(trilema) nubbins`: fwiw i earned enough money to buy an ipad
(trilema) nubbins`: (anyone with half a brain could probably extrapolate that doing work on speculation, in general, is not a reasonable way of making a living)
(trilema) nubbins`: can verify, not reasonable way of making living
(trilema) nubbins` wrote two iOS apps, submitted to overlord for review & put up for sale
(trilema) nubbins`: haha
(trilema) nubbins`: you're on the clock
(trilema) nubbins`: i'm not sure i'll be able to find a photograph that accurately captures what a bizarre juxtaposition this is, in the meantime
(trilema) nubbins`: but straight up, there is a club med about 100 meters from the main square, and you can tell
(trilema) nubbins`: actually, touts aside, i'd go again for the food
(trilema) nubbins`: saw the countryside a couple days
(trilema) nubbins`: holed up in a hostel somewhere in the maze of souks for the week
(trilema) nubbins`: no time!
(trilema) nubbins`: turns out, stupid length of trip
(trilema) nubbins`: i went to marrakesh for a week
(trilema) nubbins`: (but srsly, marrakesh, you would not enjoy)
(trilema) nubbins`: i recommend you keep doing it for the forseeable future :D
(trilema) nubbins`: part of me feels this speaks to the relative lack of environmental stressors
(trilema) nubbins`: almost certainly
(trilema) nubbins`: you ask for a beer and they just give you one, it's great