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asciilifeform: e to attempting to match the TI-89's level of automation. The fact that Mathematica, Sage, etc. also will not perform these simplifications without a 'hint' makes me feel a little better, but the question remains: How on earth did the TI engineers manage to do this with literally a tiny, tiny fraction of the computing power a desktop has?'
asciilifeform: 'In my own CAS development experience, I've found it nearly impossible to do what the TI-89 does, that is, automatically perform these simplifications without wrapping them in a 'hint' function. I've found that both in terms of computational cost, and in pure software engineering difficulty, this is basically impossible to do. Every CAS I've ever built has involved horrendous debugging of infinite recursion and similar bugs du
asciilifeform: 'air' is a dream to open compared to the old g4 'powerbooks' where you needed a spudger
asciilifeform: was revolted when saw a smarmy and profoundly cocksucking pamphlet advertising a general patton memorial.
asciilifeform: but disobeying a written order is one of the few simple ways.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it does not. now, granted, in some states (e.g. maryland) it is very difficult for the employer to prove 'fired for cause'
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: when i worked, briefly, for a megacorp (it bought the little outfit i was in at the time) we were moved to a virtually EMPTY building, placed - all two dozen of us - in the middle of an EMPTY floor, having forty or so proper door-closey offices, and a flunkie was sent JUST TO WATCH THAT NO ONE MOVED INTO THEM
asciilifeform: very sharp emphasis on this in jp
asciilifeform: if ca were to drown overnight, it could extend the empire's lease on life by many years...
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i said 'does not cleanly compile', that is, requires a runtime component, rather than 'does not compile'
asciilifeform: have capitulated. (or this is implied, i have not asked them why it is 'part of gnu project)
asciilifeform: scheme with continuations (call-with-current-continuation aka call/cc) doesn't cleanly compile to the c-machine.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'just in time' compilator is something like a memoized interpreter, yes.
asciilifeform: (or i suppose 'jit'-compiled in recent versions)
asciilifeform: like the 'implicit variable'
asciilifeform: and perhaps now mircea_popescu figured out how i got on my 'computer algebra' kick in recent months.
asciilifeform: phf: that is because employment in usa is a 'dominance game' first and useful work second.
asciilifeform: oliver heaviside wrote cryptically of the important life-cycle step of 'earning one's worm'
asciilifeform: *compaints
asciilifeform: phf: didja miss the part where he lives in brazil and has to fight off complains from little gurlz who NEED their straight-A marks ?
asciilifeform: trinque: competition for what?
asciilifeform: a gigantic stone on which you can build a skyscraper also 'handles great organizational complexity'
asciilifeform: trinque: and THAT is why no one has rebuilt computing.
asciilifeform: 'All of this "code sharing" is an economic surplus phenomenon. It works only when none of the people involved in it are in any form of need. As soon as the need arises, a lot of people discover that it has cost them real money to work for the community and they reap very little benefit from it, because they are sharing value-less services and getting value out of something that people take for granted is hard to impossible.'
asciilifeform: '(2) Significant or Highly Sensitive Matters. A development or circumstance involving an intelligence activity or intelligence personnel that could impugn the reputation or integrity of the DoD Intelligence Community or otherwise call into question the propriety of an intelligence activity. Such matters might be manifested in or by an activity...'
asciilifeform: << eventually they will cut their losses and demolish. but not yet, because the empties are a kind of bezzle of their own. ftr a good fraction of the town where i live consists of recently built and almost wholly empty dwellings.
ascii_field: shinohai: some insurance companies will not officially recognize the fact of theft, vandalism, etc. without a police case #
asciilifeform: << this leads to one neglected unix script tool which one could easily implement 'v' in a few lines - 'gnu make' !
asciilifeform: << if you want your employees to fight to the death, yes, throw in the chix
asciilifeform: << and if every man, woman, child, dog, cat, in china, got on a stool and jumped at once...
asciilifeform: it is important to know why items such as picolisp and mulisp exist - compactness. (and to a lesser extent, 'fits in head'.)
asciilifeform: come on folks, compilation is not magic.
asciilifeform: e.g., the very same mulisp discussed in the 'derive.exe' thread; 'dream' (x86 and later x86_64 scheme implementation;) and others
asciilifeform: b) plenty of lisps, of various descriptions, mainly but not exclusively 'scheme' implementations, written in 100% asm from the ground
asciilifeform: 2) sbcl and other adult commonlisps a) use c version for bootstrapping, which is to say, compiling self to a legit 100% self-shat executable --- but they will link with libc for unix terminal i/o, sockets, etc
asciilifeform: not impossible. merely improbable. esp. if it is not directly what they are paid for.
asciilifeform: impressive, what they fit in there, no ?
asciilifeform: complete with the 3d grapher thing
asciilifeform: i regard it as the mark of a thinking man's computer
ascii_field: jurov: it ended with me scouring several GB of packet dump for the tx and not finding it
ascii_field: (simple html)
ascii_field: the thing to understand is that 'hardware gosspid' nodes would form an impenetrable skin around a p2p sane internet.
ascii_field: simply means that the enemy needs to spend three minutes adjusting his shit cannon
ascii_field: complete with magical cards
ascii_field: trinque: why not simply throw trunks of benjies at the enemy, aha
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: the 'checkpoint' thing is actually useless as implemented now, it merely skips verification for the listed blocks
asciilifeform: i mean, how does this work? they were in comparty and now have nothing to do ?
asciilifeform: if you try to implement 'sane subset' (and which would that be?) you end up able to view sites that work fine in lynx anyway - and not much else
asciilifeform: but if you want to have, e.g., an operating room, it is important that it does not ~end~ there.
asciilifeform: << again with the miasma theory. ~yes~ the swamp sucks to live in. yes, you get malaria and die. but it is not because of the swamp gas.
asciilifeform: punkman: text compresses well.
asciilifeform: << this is a CATASTROPHICALLY bad idea, because any attempt is simply asking for self-delusionary masamunification (sorry gabriel_laddel, but you know precisely what i mean.) -- this being, 'aha this is a turd, but WE made it and therefore doesn't stink and is somehow edible'
asciilifeform: everyone uses 'half-baked, bug-ridden implementation' of wot. even idiots. the idiot version of wot for email is, roughly, 'reject all messages not coming from u.s. fortune-500 corp domains.'
asciilifeform: programming a computer is not building pyramid, there is no legitimate role for brute muscle.
asciilifeform: if your project demands human compilers, your project is retarded.
asciilifeform: but in the case of the latter ('dejanews') there never WAS any competition
asciilifeform: << what is 'sane browser' ? if it is simply 'loads text', then mircea_popescu has it, run 'curl' ! but noooooo, you wanna read new york birdcage liner, aha ? then you're stuck with the shit soup, sorry.
asciilifeform: most of the 'small languages' on a unix box are 'glue'. you don't need glue on a sane computer.
asciilifeform: << the path to fits-in-head STRICTLY depends on every particular thing on the machine being implemented ONCE. this includes lexer, parser, related items.
asciilifeform: i will add that it is not actually easy to write a useful computeralgebratron.
asciilifeform: mulisp has an interestingly forth-like self-mod compiler
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: microshit has not improved a single thing it touched, from z80 rom basic, xenix, msdos (yes), to this day
asciilifeform: mats: nope. so i jump to somewhere that has the prologue. solved.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: if i had to guess, would say that it checks for a standard prologue before jumping to the return addr found on stack
asciilifeform: demented, extraordinary irresponsible chimp ?
asciilifeform: got thousands of willing chumps
asciilifeform: 'The FBI’s theatrical professions of regret over Vicki’s death belied the fact that the battalion of combat-outfitted law enforcement personnel on the scene at Ruby Ridge celebrated the killing as a noble victory: With full knowledge that Mrs. Weaver was dead, they named their staging area “Camp Vicki,” and used a public address system to taunt Randy and his by pretending to speak on behalf of his dead wife.'
asciilifeform: 'Horiuchi’s comrades offered the same defense of the FBI sniper’s murderous actions at Ruby Ridge. By killing Vicki, he acted “to save lives,” insisted fellow FBI sniper Dale Monroe. Like the unnamed Iraqi woman, Vicki must be regarded as a hateful, irrational, marginally human creature who simply didn’t understand that when the Empire makes a proprietary claim on you and your family, it is not only a crime but a sin
asciilifeform: lon horiuchi, for example, is a free man.
asciilifeform: << again, for anyone who missed this, and is interested in 'derive' or 'mulisp'. this article was co-written by the authors of mulisp and derive! chock-full of implementation details and interesting lore. and yes, it is in pdf. and no, it cannot be represented in ascii. fuckyou buy a printer.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: recall that rms began long before 'personal' variety of computer was worth a sparrow's fart.
asciilifeform: yes, it puts out bright light, other things almost impossible to see next to it.
asciilifeform: of the human compiler variety - yes.
asciilifeform: emphasis on 'dust'
asciilifeform: having a job history (and if you paid tax, it is impossible to conceal) counts against you.
asciilifeform: can get 'food stamps' more often, but need multiple years of tax returns demonstrating being a pauper, typically
asciilifeform: of becoming furnace stokers and night watchmen instead of engineers, as per the su example.
asciilifeform: as per the su example
ascii_field: ;;later tell gabriel_laddel << some actual implementation details re: 'derive' & 'mulisp'
ascii_field: at he wanted to do. The Apple II computer, by the way, was the only successful product Apple had for its first 10 years, and it was all done, for my own reasons for myself, before Steve Jobs even knew it existed.'
ascii_field: 'Steve Jobs played no role at all in any of my designs of the Apple I and Apple II computer and printer interfaces and serial interfaces and floppy disks and stuff that I made to enhance the computers. He did not know technology. He’d never designed anything as a hardware engineer, and he didn’t know software. He wanted to be important, and the important people are always the business people. So that’s wh
ascii_field: classic example of this algo being what happened with the '9-11 truth' folks.
ascii_field: as for turning those cops loose, it is part of campaign.
ascii_field: but quite impossible to turn 10c into 20c.
ascii_field: pete_dushenski: see my ancient review of mpex for instance.
ascii_field: terrible example
ascii_field: the real enabler is usg, of course, because not just anyone gets to harvest the chump armies.
ascii_field: 'Diverse Double-Compiling' << little problem here. THERE IS ONLY ONE C COMPILER worth a cow's fart
ascii_field: punkman: what, you thought #b-a was exempt from embrace&extenduish ?
asciilifeform: 'For example, there is the refugee problem, which seems to be affecting all the countries that bombed, invaded or otherwise disrupted the countries that are now causing the refugee crisis. It never seemed to dawn on the highly compensated eurocratic morons that helping the US empire to destroy Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Yemen, and sow chaos all over the Middle East would result in a torrent of humans deluging their sh
asciilifeform: and for the predictable game of hopscotch through various 'voluntary', 'voluntary-compulsory', finally compulsory belt-tightenings
asciilifeform: i have been getting increasingly frequent telephone spam from electric co., offering to cut my rates in exchange for a (for now, voluntary!) remote disable on my air conditioner compressor. it is hilariously insulting. why won't they just mail me a vial of cyanide, also 'voluntary' ?
asciilifeform: trinque: if you cannot understand this, i am probably wasting space here attempting to explain it.
asciilifeform: it was a kind of theme park of not-feeling-cramped
asciilifeform: i now understand why chinese emperors (and american industrialists) built them!
asciilifeform: i think the 'cramped' actually made it appealing to my inner submariner
asciilifeform: possibly one of the worst company www i have ever seen.
asciilifeform: << very spammy www, if i learned of it from www instead of wandering in, would not have even contemplated setting foot near it
asciilifeform: house of 19th c. mega-imperial somebody, turned into a museum-cum-whore-hotel
asciilifeform: << omitted important elements, the zombie city and the celestial horde.
asciilifeform: << completely useless for anything but static html. it simply happens to be where my site lives
asciilifeform: << win. where do i buy a ticket to the public impalement of the 'best practices' folks ?
asciilifeform: andychase: this pointedly does not include adding any subcomponent where gavin, hearn, & co had any say in making.
asciilifeform: banners is simply a table of what was signed by whom.
asciilifeform: let's say it weren't. then ' ./ w ' prints wot ? but this is broken. because what if 'w' is my patch dir, and i simply forgot to include the second arg.
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: use the cross-compilator instructions from my pogotron recipe
asciilifeform: it simply did not happen to be very high
ascii_modem: unless mp gets here first
asciilifeform: trivially, it is impossible to have a thing like what i am making now, where the sig is not uploaded first
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it was all the more frustrating to me because 1) i suggested it 2) couldn't think of any genuine improvement
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: hexdump -C foo1 > foo1.hex; hexdump -C foo2 > foo2.hex; diff foo1.hex foo2.hex
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: << good example of how to use turdatron. click on the links to see each of the three attachments verbatim.
ascii_modem: usg empowers scum as deliberate policy.
ascii_field: or, hell, clamps for a 'claymore'
ascii_field: one example of 'military' feature would be, say, guidance via laser (or something else the opponent can't jam with $5 of components)
ascii_field: 'Some servers occasionally or consistently produce ServerKeyExchange messages which contain RSA signatures which are zero. Encoding of the number zero varied. In some cases, zero or one bytes were transmitted. Sometimes the length of the signature matched the size of the RSA modulus. The latter suggests that the server implementation may have omitted the copy of the computed signature. This could happen if RSA-CRT
ascii_field: 'We observed one rather peculiar factorization of a RSA modulus, involving factor 23. What happened was that the public key in the X.509 certificate was corrupted in some (there was a bit flip, according to the server operator), and equation (1) accidentally revealed the factor 23. The corrupted modulus had other small factors, too, and a large composite factor with an unknown factorization.'
ascii_field: running Simple Exec (SE-S) applications
ascii_field: perl was the only serious candidate, and if ben_vulpes would like to attempt a cleaner version (!) in it, i'm all ears.
asciilifeform: usg is a planetary infestation, 'kicked out' is really a feeble and temporary thing.
asciilifeform had an interesting dream as he slept. dreamt that he had occasion, for some reason, to call the cops. they came, and instead of registering whatever complaint (something involving cars) began to fill up his house, room by room, until seemingly no more could fit, but continued to pack, pack, until walls began to crack under the sheer pressure of meat
asciilifeform: l0k i'm a chump.
asciilifeform: 'Three journalists working with Vice News have been charged with "engaging in terrorist activity" on behalf of ISIL (ISIS), because one of them used encryption software. A Turkish official told Al Jazeera: "The main issue seems to be that the [journalists'] fixer uses a complex encryption system on his personal computer that a lot of ISIL militants also utilise for strategic communications."'
asciilifeform: is this where we do the 2013 thread re: whether a fully-knowable computing machine is possible, all over again ?
asciilifeform: brain is not the gold standard, aha. there is a reason why 'mentats' are creatures of imagination and we compute with machines whenever the least bit possible.
ascii_field: at the same time i ~would~ like a >300 dpi screen on real computer
ascii_field: tiny more from the fact that it compresses so well
ascii_field: this is not because ebay is a great thing, but because it has killed everything else remotely comparable.
ascii_field: full of supposedly-tolerable 'minor imperfections' like most opensource garbage
ascii_field: thing is, i like doing things away from computer.
ascii_field: phf: it is better to use a really good computer proggy, like 'derive', than a shit calculator
ascii_field: phun phakt: in recent year or so, 'paypal' will simply sit on a transaction for three weeks, collecting interest from the money.
ascii_field: << how might one have, physically, low-latency without high bandwidth? you could serialize the bits, and immediately get the other. it is only high bandwidth that does not automatically imply low latency
asciilifeform: who also make it impossible to ignore themselves
asciilifeform: (he would not do well in a ru flat. but allergy is really something you develop from hyper-hygienic conditions anyway. a man with roach allergy was an impossible thing where i come from)
asciilifeform: (there is a hilarious little book, by some american fella, 'stiff' - about process of decomposition and the practical applications of said field)
asciilifeform: important difference.
asciilifeform: if you don't have the circuitry, it is an insurmountable and - more importantly - entirely unappealing problem to solve.
asciilifeform: same reason why most people don't relish chimp cage
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: sympathetic grunts informed via side-channel
asciilifeform: if i had 'the money', someone would simply whack me with a club & take it.
asciilifeform: having to, e.g., work for a living, actually compute costs of things, etc
asciilifeform: funkenstein_: comfortable when empty but for you.
asciilifeform: mats: mcfood is not even the end of this line. theodore dalrymple tells us that the standard 'chavv class' brit's dinner is a bag of chips.
asciilifeform: or to compete with 19 y.o. in any way.
asciilifeform: <mircea_popescu> if you also know, the same way, why do you want it ? if you do not, why do you aim to be involved in this ? << that's the magic moment where engineer typically understands (or worse, does not) that the standard is a hierarchical imposition, rather than an act of education like teaching a child to add and substract
ascii_field: << my attempt at enumerating 'what standards'
ascii_field: which was astonishing, because debug.log ~does~ mention it (as linked earlier) - though it is not correlated temporally with your node's disconnects as seen on my end
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: i will have you know that i combed ~5GB of packet dump and found not a trace of your magic tx.
ascii_field: ben_vulpes: if title is in company's name, the income - theoretically - is only the market value of leasing the property
ascii_field: shinohai: this is like comparing jumping from plane with and without parachute.
ascii_field: camping is a sport, there is neither the permanence of the situation nor the hordes of crazed sheeple and their more-cannibalistic upper crust
ascii_field: in usa, there are things you wouldn't believe. the sewer lines are often run up hill, with pumping stations buried underground.
ascii_field: 'emplace ied' works when you have ten million sympathetic natives for partizans to hide among, be fed and clothed by
ascii_field: is without prejudice to recreation by experienced Wikipedians who believe that the subject is sufficiently notable for an article. We emphasize again that all indications are that the editing was not solicited by the article subjects.'
ascii_field: 'In this specific case, however, in order to prevent article subjects from continued shakedowns by bad actors who are causing significant harm to the reputation of this project, the articles are all being deleted. It is important to break the cycle of payment demands, and to make it clear that the Wikipedia community, and not a small group of paid editor accounts, controls the content of this project. This mass deletion
asciilifeform: but it is considerably easier to fake 'glows' than 'amplifies'
asciilifeform: same 'people' who put green paint on cd to 'improve sound', and buy $50k cabling ?
asciilifeform: 'In the hulking pile of brick wrapped in pipes and smokestacks that is the building, most of the employees are women. Dressed in blue robes and hair nets, they join together delicate bundles of wire, wafers of rare metal and glass bulbs with fingers trained by years of work. "No man would want to make a tube," Lyudmila V. Afanasieva, 54, said, nimbly sliding wires into a glass cylinder. She worked on the same tube model when i
asciilifeform: ^ lulzy. arsonist sets fire, buys up assets at fire sale, then complains when folks whack him over the head to take back the stolen goods
asciilifeform: << after 1945 zeiss was shipped wholesale - complete with all equipment, and enslaved staff - to su, and put to work there
asciilifeform: << what 'its own' ? afaik there were z80, 6502, and a few pdp-compatibles. nothing 'own'.
asciilifeform: the dhs camps.
asciilifeform: << pretty much nobody else is showing any symptoms of having an idea as to ~what~ they are buying into.
asciilifeform: ' 1969 a disastrous decision was taken to standardise all production on clones of the IBM 360 series, half a decade old before the effort to reverse-engineer it even began, which would ensure that ever after the Soviet industry was doomed to obsolescence, and to feeble belated imitations of foreign technology. This, taken from Boris Malinovsky’s Pioneers of Soviet Computing, is the conversation that killed the industry.
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: what line-up. employees follow orders in usa.
asciilifeform: for crushing rebellion, one uses troops from far-off places, rather than sympathetic locals. this was known to romans, persians, everyone.
asciilifeform: << entirely impractical. 1) IT TAKES FOREVER 2) nothing can happen while it happens!
ascii_field: but this requires not only rewrite but the remaking of pgpdump lib !
ascii_field: phuctor is one of those things that is mechanically deadly simple on paper but very, very easy to fuck up irrevocably in practice
ascii_field: and it is the only way of having moduli be retestable without temporarily unphuctoring them
ascii_field: it was an ultra-minimal design, that cannot be changed at all without making 25x more complicated.
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: yes. and nothing whatsoever can happen when it dumps
ascii_field: but impossible ?
ascii_field: jurov: colo is impossible now ?
ascii_field: but it is impractical to have it here
ascii_field: jurov: if this were me, and here in this town, i would set up the batteries, tamper sensors, mains loggers, camera...
ascii_field: let's have example ?
ascii_field: and if it is ever tampered in any way, becomes immediately apparent to everyone.
ascii_field: i dare say this may be an example of the kind of thing one doesn't actually need unless already in a state of dire sin
ascii_field: what we are attempting is rather like buying, cleaning, repairing old car; they - pulling off the wheels off someone else's parked machine, as in india
asciilifeform: the bug-for-bug compatibility thing ensures that nsa will follow bitcoin (yes, therealbitcoin) around, like an inoperable cancer
asciilifeform: 'The most important thing in such a creation is that it must be horrible. It must be self-evidently horrible. So horrible that everyone—even the idiots—could understand that this—this thing covered in blood, holding a torn-off human leg in its hand—is the only alternative to having the United States of America in complete control of everything. That burning people alive, mass executions, beheadings, sanctioned rapes—
asciilifeform: no gpg-compatible anything of any other kind exists anywhere.
asciilifeform: place pubkeys in the dir (defaults to home dir, subdir .wot) and, importantly,
asciilifeform: and dumps changed, in topo-order, with signators
asciilifeform: but there are no timestamps, remember !
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i have written on many occasions, that this (the froth) is why the very youngest of the folks worth anything in computerdom are circa early 1980s
asciilifeform: it was written in 'mulisp', which is compiled in such a way as to make this theoretically feasible.
asciilifeform: never know when a WORKING computeralgebratron will come in handy
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: naturally. in the mental universe various folks inhabit, nothing mircea_popescuine could even begin to contemplate happening.
asciilifeform: there are some very serious folks who are working on having it be forgotten that a 486 was an entirely usable thing, and in many ways a superior cultural artifact, all things considered, than the computer you and i are sitting in front of today
asciilifeform: more commonly it is simply to deny modern tech to the vanquished
asciilifeform: and is only alive because civilized man has not computed a +roi for neutron-bombing him
asciilifeform: they would, in fact, make exact copies of intel's crud (complete with nsa) -- if they could. (ever wonder why they do not?)
asciilifeform: re: 'nintendoized' cpu: folks who are counting on the chinese to 'carry the torch' of real computer, are fooling themselves
asciilifeform: in real world, 'telescreen' is not in every room but in every toilet stall, and people not only do not hide from it but pose for it, and complain about not enough resolution on the ccd.
asciilifeform: complete with systemd-in-silicon
asciilifeform: general-purpose programmable computer is far more feared by usg than the most powerful dynamite.
ascii_field: ben_vulpes: if you are expert with the language, do not hesitate to simplify routines / fix oddities of whatever kind, and post signed revisions...
ascii_field: i would offer to help kakobrekla but doubt that i could possibly improve on his process...
ascii_field: other than the camp followers
ascii_field: 'These companies are genuinely trying to do things right, to protect their customers, and prevent their businesses from facilitating criminal activity. We're proud to provide the KYC, fraud prevention, and monitoring technologies these businesses use to identify and prevent suspicious activity, as part of their AML program to comply with U.S. and international regulations.' << l0l!!
ascii_field: ^ perhaps i ought to explain. picture a patch mid-flow whose seal is annulled (removed, even if temporarily, from .wot)
ascii_field: well yes. but i put it in for a reason, because there are several things which i consider important which presently do not work correctly.
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: << possibly also this set of example
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: the only timestamps worth anything are deedbot's
ascii_field: see the discussion of pgp key timestamps some months back
ascii_field: trinque, mircea_popescu, et al: there is another fine point re: 'v' that i'm a little surprised nobody asked about. how it does not distinguish signers from authors. it does not do this because it is physically impossible, other than via deedbot etc., and i am not in the business of promising the impossible.
ascii_field: trinque: i must dourly remind you that what you read was a very hasty and rough piece of work, that needs heavy work - particularly simplification of the graph walker
ascii_field: might need to tcpdump, 'wireshark' it.
ascii_field: general-purpose computing has been disappearing for 20 years without so much as a squeak, much less shots ringing out
ascii_field: (and not simply open source, but anything non-nintendoized)
ascii_field: preventing the firmware from operating the device outside of permitted ranges, the device still needs to comply with firmware security.'
ascii_field: basic idea here is an attempted ban on cheap chinese 'we won't lift a finger to enforce usg diktat' chipsets
asciilifeform: << i loathe python per se. but the only realistic alternative was perl. (my original attempts at 'v' were in awk/sed, and did not work very well)
asciilifeform: (and a pinch of complexity theory)
asciilifeform: mats: re: compiler construction, i prefer aho's 'dragon book' to appel
asciilifeform: and, more importantly, крепыши are not 'little fat men'
asciilifeform puts 'tx dumper' on list of necessaries
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: what in this case is 'coopted' ? even a tree stump can see that the buggers love to ddos
asciilifeform: << therein lies the boojum. implemented by whom? when ?
asciilifeform: as attacks of every conceivable kind ramp up.
asciilifeform: it is quite conceivable that a node can only be run for the abstract imperial glory of something else, something very lucrative
asciilifeform: 'But while they're definitely (relatively) safer than the early versions, the Osprey is still not safe enough to entrust with the leader of the free world's life. As such, the presidential Osprey has not yet been designated a "white top," meaning President Obama is not allowed on board, but is currently undergoing further reliability testing. There's no word on when that will be completed, so for now, it will serve as a $67 mi
asciilifeform: i am reminded of the old thread re: mpex disk drives.
asciilifeform: << empirically, it does very poorly. though, interestingly, i am reading the log now and may have discovered another force at work
asciilifeform: it is just something people ~do~, like the boyars impaled by ivan iv famously screaming 'god save the tsar' as their arses stretched
asciilifeform: see also the 'gimp and photoshop' thread from a few wks ago.
asciilifeform: ^ not even re: chimps! funny how forgot this
asciilifeform: it is like asking to not only have campfire, but mammoth hunt, in the kitchen.
asciilifeform: using c on lispm did not win you anything in any other case. it is rather like starting a campfire on the floor of your kitchen
asciilifeform: there were also experiments in imprisoning them together in specially-designated zones where they would be permitted to rapidly kill off one another.
asciilifeform: (the most notable successes, iirc, were when they hogtied 'blatnoi' leaders and methodically shipped them to distant camps where they would be lowered into pederasty immediately, with all necessary force)
asciilifeform: trinque: btw it was not clear to the folks who ran the camps, that this naturally-occurring system of hierarchy was a net plus re: net tonnage from the mines. hence the 'vory/suka wars' mircea_popescu referenced, a famous case where su authorities tried to monkey with the 'org chart'
asciilifeform: the invention of 'шарашка' demonstrates that the chimp trick works great on man.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: caveat: do you recall the experiment with the beaten chimpanzee ?
asciilifeform: herr w has a considerable, imho psychiatric, 'greatness complex'
asciilifeform: you're stuck with the imposed retardation
asciilifeform: can't say whether it is a biological effect or simply the matter of being in a room with small children entire day
