dorion: - I see. perhaps writing some articles about the process on your blog would mitigate the downs and amplify the ups ?
dorion: Panama does have a more old school, meet in person culture, so we see face to face still as a good option for building long-term relationships, e.g. makes going for a drink after class that much easier, but cutting the number in half rather than the full 25.
dorion: On top of that we plan to move IRC from around session 20, where it was with the first batch, to somewhere between sessions 5-10 and make that the primary, or ideally only, communication channel.
dorion: One middleground we've looked at pivoting to is using a server with tmux session sharing combined with a voice or video call. That will provide a "classroom" experience for both instructor and student from the comfort/convenience of the home office.
dorion: With that being said, physical presence limits us, both from clients we can work with and, as we grow, instructors we can onboard, e.g. spyked.
dorion: We build them up from an environment they're used to, but also heavily stress practice of the commands and text editor.
dorion: The lectures and course materials - we provide both digital and hard copy resources - were built around this structure. We've provided hard copies of lectures/in class exerices and homework, in part because they've typically never used a text editor (though vimtutor is part of the early homework) and pencil and paper brings them back to a more familiar learning modality.
dorion: At the start, basics like remembering where spaces go in command syntax and the difference between slashes and dashes can trip them up. Thus, sitting next to them a) gives them some assurance, b) allows the instructor's feedback loop to be shortened because he sees exactly where the mistake is being made and c) makes keeping the sessions within 90 minutes more feasible.
dorion: To provide context, the main reason we started with this is because Gales as an environment is pure text, so the command line must be used. For the most part, the people we're prospecting don't have command line experience.
dorion: mircea_popescu I hope I've not waited too long, but I'm ready to ask you about the face to face structure jfw and I started with for jwrd.
mod6: The howto document now requires that you have Ada on your environment before you build, and the builder will also need to build starter_v_2 first, before any other steps are to be completed.
mod6: mircea_popescu: Ok, I have published my trb keccak regrind on the site. It comes with the following: 1. Update to original genesis.vpatch - removes the UTF charater. 2. Added mod6_privkey_tools.vpatch (unchanged fro the original ML posting by myself.) 3. A manifest file. 4. I've also updated the howto document on
mircea_popescu: "waiting to fo into keccak". there's no fucking waiting. do it, do it now, and stop with the infantile bullshit. the republic isn't optional, nor is it trying to persuade the infant in you.
mircea_popescu: but it's a fact : stop trying to put yourself in the way, it will not stop anything and it will fuck you iup.
mircea_popescu: no fucking clue why your ferrocraneum manages to conceal from you the plain obviousness of this ; no fucking idea what you make of all the other mangled bodies of like idiots scattered about, nor of the actual pain you feel and have been feeling.
mircea_popescu: stop putting yourself in the way of progress, the only thing you'll get out of it is your own mangled body.
mircea_popescu: mod6, why are you looking for a lord to "doubleckeck your work" ~outside~ of the process through which this is done here ?
mod6: thx, for denoting the offline component in scheme.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-24 00:20:48 mod6: I am also aware of the wallet work that has been on-going in python by gbw. Maybe this gets folded into that?
dorion: - the online component is in python, the offline component is in Scheme.
mod6: Upon resoltion of the privkey_tools question, will happily add it to the current archive of signed Keccak TRB Vptaches.
mod6: Also, mircea_popescu, I do have the the entire trb tree (with exception of privkey_tools) signed and ready to go in Keccak. Has been since last January. I havne't been able to find a Lord who will double check my work though.
mod6: I am also aware of the wallet work that has been on-going in python by gbw. Maybe this gets folded into that?
mod6: Anyway, I'm open to another discussion around the privkey tools vpatch. For what it's worth, I think TRB sorely needs it. But again, the whole discussion about the wallet.
snsabot: Logged on 2017-10-13 11:32:29 trinque: the introduction of new classes should be perma-banned
mod6: There was also the entire question of not putting it in, as it was discussed that the wallet should be cleaved from the rest of the architecture itself -- and further work on wallet related things should wait.
mod6: billymg: Hi, it wasn't included because there was an objection (i'll have to dig the logs for it) to it being included (trinque) because it includes a class that was deemed unnecessary.
billymg: i was looking through the logs trying to find a reason why it wasn't included in the main release but couldn't find an answer. are there any caveats/things i should watch out for?
billymg: mod6: been doing some testing with your privkey_tools patch and afaict everything's working as it should. i applied it manually after pressing the trb stable tree
feedbot: << Qntra -- Virginia Senate Passes Firearm Seizure Law After More Thank 20,000 Armed Men Leave Their Lawn
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-25 09:06:41 mircea_popescu: yo dorion , you wanna head the tmsr-os project for us ?
dorion: in other tmsr os updates, I expect to have a review from nov 25th to present and plan for february published by this sunday.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-22 18:06:39 bvt: dorion: the new v impl is written in a posix shell + awk + ada; the core algos in ada are perhaps too simplistic, but they work nicely so far; the eta is end of next week
mircea_popescu: fucking surpluss epiphenomena, all these loudly hollow tin women everywhere.
mircea_popescu: maybe he could get a boad, like the rest of them. an imaginary boat, and you know... just sail, foreverafter...
mircea_popescu: maybe ask him what his contingency plan is once twitter "loses his password" ? how will he continue to regale the eager world with the delightful tales of his continued, sustained failure to mean or matter in the world ?
mircea_popescu: to add the lulz crown on the lulzcow, he's doing all this shameful, obscene self-criting on fucking twitter of all places, a platform like any other, with a great history of doing EXACTLY such to derpy cuckbois just like him.
billymg: dorion: very excited for sure. and congrats on already making a life for yourself outside of the wire
dorion: the price of gold in usd was only briefly above the price it was that day (~$1720ish), despite usd being continually diluted. meanwhile, p. schiff, "i didn't forget my password, my wallet forgot my password." doh.
billymg: dorion: i should be there full time in early march, i'll be there for about a week starting at the end of next
mircea_popescu: being smart and having interesting work are the only cure to writer's block yet found or ever liable to be known
diana_coman: mircea_popescu: ha! I did look in disbelief at the length of my own "comment" - it's longer than some articles I published at other times!
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-22 18:06:39 bvt: dorion: the new v impl is written in a posix shell + awk + ada; the core algos in ada are perhaps too simplistic, but they work nicely so far; the eta is end of next week
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-22 18:03:57 bvt: dorion: typically i just go to gym; after vacations i added swimming to the mix (used to do a lot of that in school), and i like the 'noble tiredness' feeling that it gives a lot.
dorion: - nice. I grew up playing team sports, but find myself primarily doing gym exercises these days.
dorion: yeah about then.
mircea_popescu: what's boomers ? isn't it people born in the 50s ?
dorion: mircea_popescu calls to mind the trilema mediocrity byline.
mircea_popescu: used to be a chicks-only thing, we'd sit around with the women and laugh at the lanky colts. but nowadays it's spread.
mircea_popescu: in general, idiots will a) sabotage any attempt to fix their stupid head and then b) destroy the remains. it's a narrative approach to the world, this "oh, you're perfect the way you are, don't you ever change, that's your identity" bla bla bla.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-22 15:24:22 billymg: dorion: thank you sir, looking forward to being down south soon with the rest of the central american division
dorion: mircea_popescu yeah, I discovered that when I had the conversation with him back in nov. clocks still there though..
mircea_popescu used to get what i expect is the ~same, from horses.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-22 18:03:57 bvt: dorion: typically i just go to gym; after vacations i added swimming to the mix (used to do a lot of that in school), and i like the 'noble tiredness' feeling that it gives a lot.
bvt: dorion: the new v impl is written in a posix shell + awk + ada; the core algos in ada are perhaps too simplistic, but they work nicely so far; the eta is end of next week
bvt: dorion: typically i just go to gym; after vacations i added swimming to the mix (used to do a lot of that in school), and i like the 'noble tiredness' feeling that it gives a lot.
billymg: dorion: thank you sir, looking forward to being down south soon with the rest of the central american division
ossabot: Logged on 2019-03-21 03:08:34 danielpbarron: the culprit function is in wp-includes/comment.php: $commentdata['comment_content'] = apply_filters('pre_comment_content', $commentdata['comment_content']);
diana_coman: trinque: that stripping of html tags sounds like the known bug related to php version; iirc it was included in some vpatch though.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-21 23:57:55 billymg: damn it feels good being in control of my time again. i spent the morning installing alf's dulap-gentoo on a lenovo E545 i picked up off ebay, plus some research into the trb setup i'll want for it. i then took a break in the afternoon to read the origin stories from jfw and dorion, both of which were inspiring/motivating (and i plan to continue with the background articles published recently on other blogs as well
dorion: bvt sounds good on the kernel.
dorion: bvt the new V sounds cool. what are you writing it in and do you have an estimated delivery date ?
dorion: trinque your blog did the html stripping thing again from my latest comment; here's the sauce.
bvt: dorion: slowly getting back into shape after vacations, so far some workslots got sacrificed for more sports. other than that, on the vacation i started to write a v implementation that would not have the performance issue; while it's 90% done, need to invest some more time to finish it. after that, will port the fg-rng to 2.6.32
mircea_popescu: << "Vet Check International" is a website whose stats are provided "as a free service to all Scott Web Service web hosting customers", which also includes you know, everyone who isn't a customer. and, as it turns out, most of the visitors check out... the STATS!!!
billymg: ). i also emailed and heard back from a lawyer in cr about getting the residency process going, so all in all not a bad day
billymg: damn it feels good being in control of my time again. i spent the morning installing alf's dulap-gentoo on a lenovo E545 i picked up off ebay, plus some research into the trb setup i'll want for it. i then took a break in the afternoon to read the origin stories from jfw and dorion, both of which were inspiring/motivating (and i plan to continue with the background articles published recently on other blogs as well
dorion: hey bvt, thanks for the update, how goes ?
auctionbot: Sell order # 1078: Dell R610 PE Server ships from Uruguay (Server-B) Heard: 18mn from BingoBoingo. Ending: 2020-01-29 05:43:42.679910 UTC (191 hours 7 mins)
auctionbot: Sell order # 1078 created by mod6: Dell R610 PE Server ships from Uruguay (Server-B) Opening: 17mn ecu Ending: 2020-01-29 05:43:42.679910 UTC (191 hours)
mod6: !Xsell 17mn 192 Dell R610 PE Server ships from Uruguay (Server-B)
auctionbot: Sell order # 1077 created by mod6: Dell R610 PE Server ships from U.S. (Server-A) Opening: 17mn ecu Ending: 2020-01-29 05:43:03.567830 UTC (191 hours)
mod6: !Xsell 17mn 192 Dell R610 PE Server ships from U.S. (Server-A)
mod6: !Xsell 17mm 192 Dell R610 PE Server ships from U.S. (Server-A)
mircea_popescu: none, none the fuck whatsoever.
mircea_popescu: they're not even good for thieves, these morons. what the fuck need is there for any of these Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Works - Criticism ... / [Search domain] / The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride - YouTube / monday | Stylish mens outfits, Real men real style, Dapper ...
mircea_popescu: in other smoldering failures of the female state, the internet contains loads of crap periphrastically related to james lawson's "the dapper gentleman's story", except the item itself.
mircea_popescu: almost close enough to lend credence to the theory whereby "modern democracy" is just bald faced freedom=slavery label misdirection.
mircea_popescu: i think you should be the judge of that ; not because i suspect you're either good at it or have any experience with it worth the mention -- but exactly for the forestated reasons :)
billymg: good points. she will certainly have several jobs once we land (running the b&b for one) but in the meantime a lot of this stuff will just get done faster/better if i do it myself
mircea_popescu: mitigating circumstances can be applied to lighten punishment for failure, but what's the point of applying them before the test, or to eschew the test ? life's not different by virtue of mental fiction. that's what has to be done, that's what has to be done.
mircea_popescu: AFTER which you can of course forgive & even forget, on the grounds of "well, she was young". but ~AFTER~.
billymg: her only "education" to this point has been the usg school/college system, which i'm constantly working to undo
billymg: the pet will be joining on that trip, yes. but she still needs quite a bit of training before she can be sent on a mission like that on her own (she's at the early end of her 20s)
mircea_popescu: yet ironically, instead of being the very lubricant of movement, "oh, its very easy for me to go to a new place, i got a whole retinue of women", moronworld works EXACTLY the opposite, "oh, for all these dumb cunts around i can't go anywhere".
mircea_popescu: da fuck are females even for in this world, if not "domesticate the new place before i get there"
billymg: my focus now has been the move to cr. i've got movers scheduled and a short trip at the end of this month to scope it out and try to get a few things set up before i'm fully down there
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-19 08:58:25 mircea_popescu: billymg, wouldja handle the moderation incantations for ; i dun want him to read one without the other.
hanbot_abroad: why not them, on stakes?
mircea_popescu: there, complete circle.
ossabot: Logged on 2016-11-10 10:38:43 mircea_popescu: look at it from the historical perspective : music was invented in babylon to quell the wail ; because the males there had the wisdom to kill the boys - for "no reason" but did it. then the jews came along and put it in their book to not do sacrifice children - and so the dumb women flocked to them, and they birefly prevailed. only to go to shit in a handbasket soon thereafter, so much so the fucking short-legg
mircea_popescu: "before the jews came along", it was that.
mircea_popescu: recall the discussion of how music was invented ?
mircea_popescu: so while it's not surprising that america meanwhile became the land of the landwhales, we knew it was going to fail the moment it wasn't the land of the poor blameless helpless damsels chained naked to poles to die there of neglect and exposure.
mircea_popescu: compared to this, catering to the female hunger for calories is a minor loss.
mircea_popescu: pretty much the ~worst~ trait of any society is the satisfaction of the female hunger for safety. it's both morally wrong and ethically exactly opposite of the correct stance.
mircea_popescu: thus they all went into gambling.
mircea_popescu: and soon enough farming became an economically impossible activity, because a land will only produce what it produces, and its silver value will only be what it is, whereas passage of time and accumulation of these benefits is a monotonously growing function
mircea_popescu: this, for being squarely against the law not to mention devoid of any possible legal substance (how the fuck's the titleholder to dispose of goods past his deat h?!) nevertheless got enforced
mircea_popescu: instead of "bitch, if i die you're a beggar, make sure i very well fucking don't", it was a "and after i die you get so and so silver each harvest out of your son owning the lands"
mircea_popescu: but that didn't matter. what sunk it was the habit of imbecile peers to create allotments for the support of their wives out of the inheritance.
mircea_popescu: then, of course, the crown moved to lesser heads, and they became by degrees hostile
mircea_popescu: the crown ~of the period~ understood enough to at least get out of the way (really, they helped in minor senses)
mircea_popescu: the mankind sheepherd.
mircea_popescu: originally, the better cut of humanity came up with a rule whereby one son of a family inherits the title, and is a peer ; everyone else -- falls back into the indistinct swamp of commons
mircea_popescu: this, incidentally, is what ruined the medieval age, too.
hanbot_abroad: mircea_popescu that obnoxious interloper character that won't stop projecting herself onto the old dude? yeah
mircea_popescu: wasn't the workers, it was... hey, do you remember the annoying woman in the pawnbroker ?
mircea_popescu: otherwise they end up with ideas such as me being both cool and human says something about ~them~.
mircea_popescu: these must be a) drafted into "military service" consisting of digging ditches in the mud for a year ; and then whipped regularly for recall.
mircea_popescu: "The originators of the Robber Baron concept were not the injured, the poor, the faddists, the jealous, or a dispossessed elite, but rather a frustrated group of observers led at last by protracted years of harsh depression to believe that the American dream of abundant prosperity for all was a hopeless myth." << this set, the horseface whatshername followers.
diana_coman: - eh, they misspelled rewards and horrors.
mircea_popescu: go to senate, "sorry, our railroad can no longer function if there's not an old idle shameless woman tied to every pole. pass a law or we bring in the japanese to govern, you've a week or two"
mircea_popescu: nfi why they didn't chain the dumb bitches up ; they did have the poles along the railroad.
mircea_popescu: no, his father was "amasa"
mircea_popescu: (they misspelled it "dewitt" on the birth paperwork, but it's a self-obvious farmer's mistake. what fucken wit, it's california.)
mircea_popescu: O no. Then list with tearful eye, whilst I his fate do tell.
mircea_popescu: No; such was not the fate of young Leland Stanford Nitwit;
hanbot_abroad: "by royal appointment spreader of the semi-protected membrane"
mircea_popescu: hanbot_abroad, i dunno, "who can keep on sinking the longest" ?
mircea_popescu: (and, of course, in keeping with the traditions of imbecility, "this article is semi-protected, as per bla bla policy". not, eminently, "this article is protected because our philosophical model is utterly broken and doesn't even work in our own hand". but SEMI-protected, because if you don't call failure by its name it's almost as if it never happened, and besides, coming up with an alternative "plausible" reason for it e
mircea_popescu: billymg, wouldja handle the moderation incantations for ; i dun want him to read one without the other.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-18 18:32:16 dorion: on the dissect Gales front, diana_coman reported a successful install, lobbes got a start, but is sidelining for logger work and expects to be done by Jan 31 and ...
diana_coman: - successful build; haven't yet installed it, although there's a lenovo x200 unearthed for it.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-18 18:22:18 dorion: - how's the busybox article coming trinque ?
trinque: << cranking on it now, probably done later this evening. I've been filling in the gaps in my own understanding as I go.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-18 18:20:01 dorion: I got a positive response from the rEFInd fellow. Invited him to join #trilema.
whaack: lobbes: the reason for the above behavior is as follows: the start string "yesterday" gets matched. so yesterday becomes "<span style="background-color:#d3d3d3" id="select">yesterday" But there is no match for "Because we were talking". So trilema serves a <span> tag that does not properly close. The way most browsers handle this is to put an implicit </span> before the </p>
lobbes: Although, it looks like in some cases it will default to selecting the end of the paragraph when done across tag boundaries
whaack: if the text one's selecting is all within a tag, then the selection tool will properly match. But if you cross a tag, like so, then the markup will interfere
ericbot: (trilema-hanbot) 2020-01-10 hanbot: and take heart, this is part an' parcel of the improvement-->challenge-->failure-->improvement cycle we go over so very often.
whaack: the match for the selection tool is done on the source text, not the output text. "the improvement" does not match to 'the <a href="" target="_blank">improvement'
lobbes: mircea_popescu: I think it's because the 'improvement' is within a href tag
mircea_popescu: << what am i doing wrong then ?
ossabot: (ossasepia) 2020-01-17 diana_coman: jfw: fyi, I got around to build Gales and it seems to have built fine on a CentOS 6 with gcc 4.9.4; there was just a short wtf moment when the... tar cmd failed; it turns out that the --sort option is available only from tar V 1.28 while my local tar is ... 1.23; I didn't see any version spec in the prerequisites though probably my CentOS 6 is about as old everything as one gets nowadays
dorion: on the dissect Gales front, diana_coman reported a successful install, lobbes got a start, but is sidelining for logger work and expects to be done by Jan 31 and ...
dorion: - how's the busybox article coming trinque ?
dorion: I got a positive response from the rEFInd fellow. Invited him to join #trilema.
mircea_popescu: On the works of last year's men
mircea_popescu: That's a Jew's harp on the table, that's a crayon in his hand... and the corners of the blueprint are ruined since they rolled far past the stems of thumbtacks that still throw shadows on the wood... and the skylight is like skin for a drum I'll never mend. And all the rain falls down
diana_coman: theoretically at least, nothing stops phf from still reading it anyway.
mircea_popescu: (conversely, of course, one could also wonder "what'd have come of that pet had her ower pointed out to her "look, this is the illustrated story of a woman your age who left behind a career a coupla notches higher than mine to be used properly." but, as the man says, it's never too fucking late. until they turn 30, of course, if you've not started fixing them by they time they tu
mircea_popescu: in other news, pretty great lobbes piece. my one curiosity is "what if this had come out back when, say, phf could still have read it", as a forinstance ; but then again as the man says : the next girls will be trained properly.
hanbot: hey mircea_popescu there's some kinkish noobgirl potential in #trilema-hanbot. not going to suggest she pm you, naturally; feel like coming by to say hello?
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in wtf crazy shit, arbitrary chess. wanna play with "nullmage" instead of bishop ? go right ahead. maybe a teleport ? poison ?
mircea_popescu: i understand it's not credible ; but it's nevertheless true, i swearz.
diana_coman: ahaha; and if it's not ~33%, it will still be some % so the more writing the better anyway, sure; lolz.
mircea_popescu: hence the "WRITE!!11!"
diana_coman: good I wrote that CG map article that got him to even talk about it though, huh; now how do I guess what *else* might hit something in the dark like that?
mircea_popescu:<< keks, turns out gfx got bvt into computering in the first place huh
feedbot: << Ossa Sepia -- CrystalSpace: Creating Factories and Meshes, Setting the Client Down
mircea_popescu: well, everyone, up to and including goatherders in afghanistan, apparently. hurr.
mircea_popescu: who fucking knew that killing all the smart people doing finance in the us was going to leave all the morons to "fill in the gap" ? an' who knew that competitive advantage was the last hail mary / hopeful girder propping the us sorta-upright on the waters ?
mircea_popescu meanwhile re-reading ; it shoots from history, from a point midway osama bin laden's decerebration strike on the us and today's redditard notion of "evil financial elites".
diana_coman: hm, I suppose it could be argued that the root is deeper perhaps, all the way to "code is not text" vs "code IS text".
mircea_popescu: so no actual meat on those bones. but, the thing with scarecrows is, for as long as you don't look, they can count for the census.
mircea_popescu: self-evident nonsense, i've yet to meet the lang without support for comments, and for as long as a single comment line's left anywhere that line will mandatorily read The Republic prevails.
diana_coman: hardly seems worth it though for that sort of case and I don't quite have any other clear reason for detached sig on vpatches.
diana_coman: - mircea_popescu, I never quite understood why detached sigs for vpatches in the first place; I kind of got the idea that it was so that there is no need for sync on signing (no possible clash of the sort A and B sign independently same thing and then one needs to re-sign so as not to end with 2 versions of same vpatch?)
mod6: Ok, I think I've got it. The old mailman thing was weird, my apologies. Please let me know if anyone sees any more broken links in there. But seems to work ok for me, currently.
mircea_popescu: because that's why i do these sorts of things, so a few years later i can discover hurr durr etcetera. i might as well link fucking pantsuit sites, they purge their linkstructure every four years also.
mircea_popescu: so i'm about to quote in a discussion with billymg ; except i discover the fucking link is meanwhile broken.
mircea_popescu: motherfucker
feedbot: << mod6's Blog -- Physical Specifications for The Bitcoin Foundation's Servers
mircea_popescu: should end up paying 45 out of 123. for some reason known to you only, you managed to insulate your client from that outcome however. maybe time to review cerebral impactions getting in the way of living ?)
mircea_popescu: (other than the formatting point above, i will further mutter in sottovoce that my first reaction, driven WEEKS AGO by what i had originally heard off the grapevine, was along the lines of "oh, i remember now who mike_c is, he's this character you can't stay angry with, try as you might", and offering to add half your fee to the pot, because while it's not the case patron shouldn't make money, it's also not the case client
BingoBoingo will 1 deed per item in the future
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Aite, I'll inform the client.
mircea_popescu: i will want a full release ready to go concomitantly, so if your client isn't liable to be around then maybe deed it prior.
mircea_popescu: the header format's going away anyways.
mircea_popescu: The GPG we inherited fucks clearsigned text blocks inside a larger text block being clearsigned as it is clearsigned for reasons that appear to be related to retardation. << well theoretically it's related to in-band signalling, but practically it was too hard to have a proper parser, take CLOSING signature as the signature, had to have 1step parser which "does not know what to do" if it encounters five dashes mid-documen
mircea_popescu: alright, so i can say that indeed 123.29494813 BTC is a legit claim as per all the foregoing discussion.
mircea_popescu brb fucking with editors now. in the future plox, for the love of all that's holy -- one deed per signed item.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-13 14:59:07 BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Now that the deeds have gone through how would you like to move forward?
mircea_popescu: << awww man, why the fuck did you bundle all these together ? so it's really REALLY hard to go through them, have to edit files by hand to cut in pieces, can't use automated processes etc ? nuts.
dorion: heya trinque , did you ever say hi to, rod smith, the rEFInd fellow ? I'd be glad to take that up, but don't wanna innundate the dood if you already did or want to.
BingoBoingo: The MPEx stat without the measures GPG takes to fuck clearsigned inside clearsigned is also available here
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-23 11:55:42 mp_en_viaje: do that ; add to it a plain statement of your involvement, and we can take it from there.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Now that the deeds have gone through how would you like to move forward?
trinque: ah bother.
trinque: seems like we're not far apart at all in our views on these things.
trinque: also good to know that gcc >4.7.4 incurs a c++ compiler in the bootstrap process. way, way better to have reasons for where we stop than "eh, I got tired and sat down here"
trinque: will process all these comments and reply soon, after the next article is posted, but I'm glad to hear that these have been valuable.
mircea_popescu: << just the simple string "lts" makes my skin crawl
mircea_popescu: it's not clear to me how i'd actually go about computing the value-add of supporting whatever config isn't self-supporting ; but it seems indisputable it's under the cost of five second's labour. making the matter not even work considering, let alone discussing.
mircea_popescu: skip trying to buy a coupla shots for whatever rando hobag at the club next time, get yourself a working peripheral [see all the hobags in history naked-er and working it more excitedly anyways].
mircea_popescu: but the cost to replace that is minimal, i mean... oh, so your video card doesn't work no mo ? awww, splurge on 50 bux, which as per latest j-lo self-promotion 1hr long advertisement incomprehensibly packaged as "a movie" ain't even enough to START the moneycount.
dorion: bvt wrt to newer hardware, did you see get a dozen or two alternatives, let the rest wither ?
bvt: porting rng to 2.6 kernel should indeed be not too hard, the only thing i may need adaptation is kfifo api (iirc it's api changed at some point, which may break the code)
bvt: mircea_popescu: moving to 2.6 kernel will be interesting experience wrt. newer hardware. 2.6.32 was one of the better-patched ones, could try to use that. otoh, the machine i am writing from requires 2.6.38 minimum for full hardware.
mircea_popescu: dorion, of course it's trivial, he doesn't use any of the pestilent doohickeys. he could port it to most 1series also.
dorion: mircea_popescu re seriousness, I know it'd be a helluva lot, but I don't imagine porting his work from 4.9.95 to 2.x isn't trivial either. I should've asked, comment how ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Qntra's "hold if comment contains X or more links" filter has been lifted to arbitrarily high number so these gems stop getting held in the moderation line.
mircea_popescu: between 2 and 4 the difference simply is "2 was a linux kernel, 4 is treasonable atrocity built atop 3, which is how you say '''mike hearn''' in linux"
mircea_popescu: between 2.4 and 2.6 the principal change is how kernel modules get loaded (they were actually linked pre 2.6).
mircea_popescu: << well, or at the very least comment on it.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-17 12:42:50 ave1: I was genesing it, and will continue to do so. But with feedback in the loop. So, for example, gcc comes with an old STL html documentation tree, can this be dropped? (I would say yes)
ericbot: Logged on 2019-11-27 18:40:49 dorion_road: << hey ave1, how goes ? has there been a delivery date set on this ?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-09 16:35:17 dorion_road: << hey ave1, how goes ? have you been following along the tmsr os thread ? I've assumed you want to continue with your gcc work and own it, is that still the case ?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-17 12:40:02 ave1: As to ownership, I can own gcc 4.9 and would like to work with trinque et. al. on this. The problem here is limited time, so my primary input can be information/communication at this point.
dorion: ave1 do you actually want to own gcc ? or do we need to move on ? ~60 days silence, with unanswered intermittent probings seems to indicate the latter, unfortunately.
dorion: perhaps it's not an immediate priority, but I'd like to clarify the path forward.
dorion: trinque your blog appears to have stripped the html tags and links from my comment , here's the original
feedbot: << Qntra -- Evidence That US Cellular Network Operators Don't Actually Own Their Networks Continues Mounting
mircea_popescu: yeah, speaking of which, hey Mocky what became of your site with all the mockybot stuff ?
trinque: mircea_popescu: haven't disappeared anywhere. next post requires more research to support the claims I'm making.
ossabot: (eulora) 2020-01-10 mircea_popescu: in the end, we painfully and i suppose expensively re-traced a point that was well (and very cheaply) established by 2016 : "The dispositive concern wasn't that the codebases selected are good ; rather it was that they are merely very, very, veryveryVERY dirty ; whereas the supposed cleanner substitutes aren't actually any
BingoBoingo: In other news I have a fan with a Vancouver?! IP,
mircea_popescu: most of the humiliation coming from the Кто ты по жизни? line, "how come your nudes lag so much behind trilema ? i thought you were supposed to be cool and like, notable and shit ?".
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Well, no. I mean there's a flavor of spam email now that says "I've been watching you jack off through your computer's webcam. Pay X USD to Y BTC address" where the address has never been paid before, but its always one out of the same same handful of addresses.
BingoBoingo: Anyways, not worth Qntra is Krugman's turn now to waving around the empty threat bitcoin ransom or your nudes get published spam as evidence of "hackers"
BingoBoingo: Trump's answer might be "Well, maybe the biomass has to keep taking bombs in the ass until it turns into some harder shit?"
BingoBoingo: I'm thinking about how many folks Trump already rotated through his cabinet. If the biomass is of such poor quality that out of a third of a billion, Mike Pompeo is the best candidate for Madame Decretary... Wat do?
BingoBoingo: Or after 3 years of swamp he's plumbed the depths enough to decide the only way to cut the bureaucracy is by outsourcing the job to Iran.
mircea_popescu: seriously, trump is starting to look even worse than the previous monkey.
feedbot: << Qntra -- Warner Brothers Signs Computer To Make Decisions For Them
lobbesbot: BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded.
diana_coman: hm, I never had any trouble with year numbers; since they seem to me quite arbitrary anyway. At most I wondered on accumulated years (ie 20+ seemed rather improbable! then ..30+! lol)
mircea_popescu remembers when 2000 seemed rather improbable a year
ossabot: (ossasepia) 2020-01-06 dorion: is back on the ground in panama. I'll voice in #t after some sleep.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-08 07:14:33 mircea_popescu: wtf is this nonsense, first drastically overshoot, then get fatigued, then run away. there's a reason you don't, and this'd be that reason.
dorion: <dorion> << I returned to Panama Monday from travels and was quite jet lagged and sleep deprived. I was pleasantly surprised to have a lot of fun on the cruise, hawaii was a lot nicer than I expected.
BingoBoingo: Before I came to Uruguay I was somewhat inclined to that, but being here and seeing how the retards down here created their own Pantsuits... seems more like what follows from mass distribution of franchise. Mass culture develops, and it ain't much of a culture at all.
BingoBoingo: The few I've seen in the wild that notice this seem to mostly fall into the "Pop-culture was a KGB psyop" camp
mircea_popescu: "what if the scientists didn't give the bomb to the bureaucracy, but to the president ???" "oh it'd have been so SO very bad!! SUPERCRIMINALVILLAINS" "you mean, actual vir-ile, men ?" "YEAH!!!"
mircea_popescu: i wonder if anyone to date's noticed the entire hsitory of pop culture, 1950-onwards, all the comics / superheroes / etc fiction is entirely an attempt at retelling that history in the proper (ie, alternate) form from a pantsuit point of view
mircea_popescu: i suppose the alternative read counts from the manhattan project onwards, so it's only 70-odd years, one third the timespan. but neways.
mircea_popescu: anyway, this is the sad result two centuries worth of asciilifeformism have wrought. and apparently the imbecile "smart" kids are still not quite ready to wake up in any sort of numbers.
BingoBoingo: The impeachment thing from here reads pretty much strictly "Presidency as such dies for the bureaucracy"
mircea_popescu: yea, that pretty much sums up the current struggle, yeah.
mircea_popescu: i expect they similarily forgot he can literally do absolutely anything whatoever in the military, up to and including authoring drill manuals.