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asciilifeform: the ~STABILITY~ implied in an alt-world where software ~actually works correctly~ is Ur-terrifying to the typical maggot, whether of the microshit or 'open sores' variety
asciilifeform: the c-machine pointer mechanism, and its non-boundchecked array access in general, is quite similar to mains wiring prior to the invention of the fuse, where mains socket has nfi that it oughtn't source 300 amps and melt itself, igniting the entire wall
asciilifeform: stack is shit on a ~conceptual~ rather than ~implementation~ level.
asciilifeform: this is a broad subject and i will not attempt to further summarize here, i have an entire www devoted to it.
asciilifeform: and, secondarily, about the proliferation and endless half-hearted reimplementation of essentials like allocators, gc, bignumatron, for the lack of standard hardware-provided faculties
asciilifeform: but, most importantly, the replacement of the foundations.
asciilifeform: contemplated strictly here. and nowhere else. because, while various folks made noises about 'throw away openssl', 100% of heathens are dead-set on re-creating the very same culture that resulted in it.
asciilifeform: whereas folks willing to contemplate 'throw away openssl et al' are uncommon, and 'throw away von neumann machine' rarer still.
asciilifeform: this is very much not my impression of linked item though.
asciilifeform: when i tell usian folk about my elder brother's chemistry youth, they 'bluescreen', it 'dun compute'
asciilifeform: goes off, as ~everyone probably knows by now, on its own, when it feels like it, but this is a minor detail to room temperature iq 'l33337 jihad d00dz'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i neither agree nor disagree, i did not know for a fact whether the fella on the bus was 'math bum' or not. simply that the thought came to me, 'erdos'
asciilifeform: hey, when i worked at the godforsaken shithole with the homomorphic crud, nearby there was a furniture shop where you could buy a $30 lamp on layaway.
asciilifeform: but the nixon impersonator!! he was pure genius.
asciilifeform: << gloves suck donkey cock, for same reason as laser keyboard etc. -- no mechanical resistance, no damper.
asciilifeform: np-complete.
asciilifeform: << i use, for the most part, my head. but my schedule is not very complicated.
asciilifeform: and if yet not aryan enough, they'll simply swallow the goodz and pay 0
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: all i could find is 'sheriff concludes that only bomber died' and 'attempted revenge on boss'
asciilifeform: pretty much all amateur attempts at portable computer are comically clunky.
asciilifeform: and before anyone asks, yes i have the latest example made.
asciilifeform: i've been reading plain text off epaper for years now. but only because it is IMPOSSIBLE to get device with decent b&amp;w reflective lcd.
asciilifeform: without a mechanical dampener, it is same as banging against the wall.
asciilifeform: in all likelihood, the crock of shit was concocted with the aim of making us waste some cycles attempting to answer said q's.
asciilifeform: from my reading of the src, mp-wp does not materially differ from stock wp in this respect
asciilifeform: even 'deluxe paint II' for amiga (!) beats the shit out of gimp.
asciilifeform: (anyone who brings up gimp immediately reveals himself as someone who never drew anything more complex than 'rageface')
asciilifeform: 'Adoption of Xtreme Thinblocks (Xthin) such that all implementations have interoperable fast block propagation. Results from recent testing involving nodes both inside and outside Mainland China indicates that blocks up to 20MB are manageable for the network.' << 'crock of shit will collapse overnight if clients actually try to validate mega-blox, so forget about it'
asciilifeform: long ago, i tried my hand at 'sane blogging engine' and barfed; simply can't stand wwwtronic idiocy, e.g,. 'logging in', 'browser state', https crapolade tower, css, etc.
asciilifeform: probably even needs thermal compensation, if you want the pixels-to-pen-nib relation to stay just-so
asciilifeform: matchbox computer !
asciilifeform: it is an almost inevitable thing, per the familiar chumpatronic model (consider fiatola 'middle class' fella trying to evaluate his net worth, sitting in a pile of bezzles of 1,001 types)
asciilifeform: or possibly this is rather like complaining that cargo cult straw airplane lacks real hydraulics
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: incidentally, when digging into eth etc in light of 'turing-complete!111 programmable!1111' scamatronics, i was somewhat surprised that they did not add the flourish of 'algebraic coin'
asciilifeform: we do not yet have a modern example of roman-style collapse to work with.
asciilifeform: looks like a maidanism/tiananmenism, colourful revolution attempt ?
asciilifeform: than anybody but a million-man army could stomp.
asciilifeform: anthill can birth them faster than you can stomp.
asciilifeform: stomping individual ants is dumb.
asciilifeform: (fella who held a plane for ransom in '71, and jumped from parachute)
asciilifeform: 'In a related case, authorities nearly 100 miles away in Lancaster County arrested the parents of the 18-year-old, with police saying the couple had “gifted” their daughter to Kaplan for helping them out of financial difficulties. She was 14 when her first child was conceived, the criminal complaint said.'
asciilifeform: Apocalyptic: depending on whether you want to implement a useful sat-solver, it could easily take years.
asciilifeform: Apocalyptic: 'Updated the price to 100 USD. It's really not a complicated task, everything is outlined in the paper. An average C++ programmer knowing operator overloading should be able to do it in 2-3 hours.' << ahahahahaha
asciilifeform: how would you implement irc client in
asciilifeform: definitely improvement over 'calls curl on my box with no nic'
asciilifeform: and in many cases, in particular the one now contemplated, is wholly unnecessary: fetching the trb deps is a once-per-machine thing
asciilifeform: but in usg implementation, even ordinary rifle, recall, needs 50x the servicing anybody would expect.
asciilifeform: most targets (e.g., sampans) weren't worth a torpedo.
asciilifeform: actually it is because of the Hochdruckpumpe problem (ain't no barrel thick enough for icbm 'bullet') but also limit on g-force for complicated mechanism like nuke.
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu unlike any type of cannon, railgun imposes no limit on projectile energy. that is the whole reason for it.
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu << efficiency has 0 to do with it! calculate, for lulz, the efficiency of making gunpowder and then launching a projectile with it. (it is in single-digit %, at best.) big fat whoop that the gunpowder-making happens on land. the real reason for railgun is illustrated by the failure of the german Hochdruckpumpe cannon.
asciilifeform: there is no actual problem that warrants a system of that complexity.
asciilifeform: Framedragger et al: consider, there is no concept of a 'repo' in v. nor of pulling, nor pushing, nor merging. in fact the thing (as properly implemented) doesn't make any use of network at all.
asciilifeform: american law is sufficiently complicated, but - more importantly - arbitrary in its application, that there exists an entire subculture of sc4mz0rz peddling 'legal miracle cures' to idiots
asciilifeform: can peter pan all you like, but i had distinct impression that pokemon was a thing among ~very young~ chillunz
asciilifeform: even vodka is improvement over reddit.
asciilifeform: 'Twitter declined to address why the symbol is unsearchable on its platform, if a hate-speech filter would detect it or if the company plans to categorize the symbol as hate speech at all.'
asciilifeform: now for the gold, 'How have these trolls been able to hide harassment in plain sight? Partially because the ((())) symbol is difficult, if not impossible, for ordinary users to search for... If you try to search for "(((Last Name)))," Twitter's search engine strips the results of the parentheses'
asciilifeform: unique in being the sole 20th c. example.
asciilifeform: (because orcs are simple folk and this was the easiest thing to do)
asciilifeform: schwartz had a very plausible recipe for room-temperature supercon, for instance.
asciilifeform: emphasis on the ~. there are 45 y.o. theorists worth mention, just as there may have been 45 y.o. whores who were fuckable, or gymnasts still winning gold
asciilifeform: asciilifeform simply never met these folk !
asciilifeform: moon is terrible example, for that reason.
asciilifeform: space vehicles were a comparatively harmless waste
asciilifeform: it is not land, but a statue of idiot emperor, with little wings.
asciilifeform: md law, for those interested: 'Federal and Maryland State or local law enforcement officers generally are exempt from the permit requirement. However, sheriffs and their deputies are exempted only while on active assignment engaged in law enforcement and only with respect to handguns which they are duly authorized to wear, carry or transport as part of their official equipment. Law enforcement officers from other states are exempt on
asciilifeform: hence the 'empty holster' people on trains i mentioned earlier
asciilifeform: incompetence on the scale of hitler's.
asciilifeform: not 'shortage of low-hanging fruit' or 'increasing complexity' or any other idiot derp fiction.
asciilifeform: fundamental reason being, a gigantic machine employs and merit-washes 1,000,001 mediocrities
asciilifeform: meanwhile, 'More than 600,000 of the 1.8 million votes in last week’s New York Democratic primary were cast and counted on voting machines belonging to an “election services” company with a long criminal history and a rap sheet an arm long. Today it’s called Dominion Voting Systems. In last week’s primary in New York, Dominion controlled one-third of all votes cast in the state ... The company controls roughly the same perc
asciilifeform: quite the example from mircea_popescu's article where 'butcher who MOSTLY kills cows'
asciilifeform: they are ~already~ employed, no? why not put them at the door?
asciilifeform: what we ~do~ have is 'private security' schmucks who take the train (!) home from work with ~empty~ holster every night.
asciilifeform: 'The Commission has today adopted a proposal to further reinforce EU rules on anti-money laundering to counter terrorist financing and increase transparency about who really owns companies and trusts.... Tackling terrorist financing risks linked to virtual currencies: to prevent misuse of virtual currencies for money laundering and terrorist financing purposes, the Commission proposes to bring virtual currency exchange platforms and
asciilifeform: 'This collaboration will produce a model for bitcoin and blockchain-based companies that also addresses the concerns of regulatory entities.' << l0l!!
asciilifeform: 'Investigators were digging into Johnson’s military history and are seeking to corroborate reports that he was sent home from Afghanistan after a woman lodged a complaint of sexual harassment against him in 2014, another federal law enforcement official said.'
asciilifeform: out a bumper
asciilifeform: why not i simply take all of my possessions and put in a pyre, pour petrol, light
asciilifeform: 'The GRU's tactics toward terrorists are simple: never give them any orders, never tell them what to do. They are destroying Western civilisation: they know how to do it, the argument goes, so let them get on with it unfettered by petty supervision. Among them there are idealists ready to die for their own ideas. So let them die for them. The most important thing is to preserve their illusion that they are completely free and indepen
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i saw a 'forrest gump'-themed restaurant in bmore.
asciilifeform: it would have to be atzlan's death camps.
asciilifeform: ^ much more convenient grip than modern examples. why was it abandoned ?
asciilifeform: because if it isn't, or if enemy can somehow compromise its reliability...
asciilifeform: transmit using 'thumper', as seen in 'dune' (and every pipe-laying crew on earth)
asciilifeform: why do you suppose the 'internashinl komyoooooniti' campaigns against mines ?
asciilifeform: and at any rate it is not very good example, didn't we learn that derp's mother was co-borrowing ?
asciilifeform: there are other problems, but the logz seem to be missing the main thread, so i will summarize a few: it is physically impossible to fit a serious rng in the thing, regardless of how constructed; the pc knows that a dedicated crypto hardware item is connected, and if attacker controls it he can sign/decrypt whatever the hell he wants with your card; and a bunch more.
asciilifeform: (unless you own an electron microscope and have a few year's worth of free time. in which case you can inspect YOUR PARTICULAR example.)
asciilifeform: meanwhile someone is laughing all the way to the bank, selling raw materials for 2-3x their normal price by affixing 'fair trade' shiny sticker. previously this only worked for food, and only in a few locales, in usa, where folks temporarily have more money than sense
asciilifeform: #1 rule of derpatronics - dun EVER mention mpex
asciilifeform: all statists are in many important ways part of same octopus.
asciilifeform: washington owned a swamp.
asciilifeform: it is not difficult to determine why they build d.c. in swamp
asciilifeform: 'All of the gory details come from court documents related to a fight with former partner Geeksphone, which has filed a legal complaint in New York state court over a disputed $5 million payment. Geeksphone, the Spanish company that helped build the original Blackphone, says it’s owed the money from the $30 million sale of shares in the pair’s Blackphone SA joint venture...'
asciilifeform: << if you can be bothered to dig in log, see: was it stuck for eons there, or simply behind-by-n ?
asciilifeform: or lampshade.
asciilifeform: (do you even have to use crapple's compiler ?)
asciilifeform: just the compiler.
asciilifeform: iirc google's implementation was the only one, and turned out so buggy that they axed it.
asciilifeform: and they can cash out when btc is worth $maxint but before most of the chumps scratch that hologram.
asciilifeform: and as usd sinks, the temptation to ~use~ them, for whatever lost soul has them in possession, will exponentially up.
asciilifeform: simply matter of principle.
asciilifeform: or even simply a plain text, minimal bytemass sort of thing.
asciilifeform: and it run work with mp-wp
asciilifeform: which is to say, once somebody shares a COMPLETE package
asciilifeform: or why i should be spending time emplacing 1,001 printf debuggeries
asciilifeform: is the template.
asciilifeform: the only place in mp tarball that has it
asciilifeform: it is in wp-includes/comment-template.php
asciilifeform: this is particular to wp-mp
asciilifeform: just pops right back up at the form with empty contents
asciilifeform: (complete with enabling all antispam, etc)
asciilifeform: ' to become a citizen.' << this is open invitation to kako to emplace goatse
asciilifeform: TheFactory7: point being, i have nfi why anyone here would care whether some derp somewhere implemented usg's kyc
asciilifeform: 'What I can assure the American people is that this investigation was done competently, honestly, and independently. No outside influence of any kind was brought to bear.'
asciilifeform: 'In our system, the prosecutors make the decisions about whether charges are appropriate based on evidence the FBI has helped collect. Although we don’t normally make public our recommendations to the prosecutors, we frequently make recommendations and engage in productive conversations with prosecutors about what resolution may be appropriate, given the evidence. In this case, given the importance of the matter, I think unusual tr
asciilifeform: 'Reg reader Rob has uncovered evidence that a botnet (i.e. automated computer program rather than human) is stuffing the second referendum ballot. There are 2,371 signatures from The Vatican - a place that only has a population of 1,000,” Rob notes. Also the json data shows 2735 signatures from the Antarctic and 23,694 signatures from North Korea.” A blackhat hacker from Syria claimed responsibility for the “hack” which he cl
asciilifeform: '...a UEFI bug that can be exploited to disable firmware write-protection... The company says the vulnerable System Management Mode software came from an upstream BIOS vendor – making it likely that other vendors getting BIOS software from the same outlet will also be vulnerable.'
asciilifeform: who, i suspect, is skimping on recrystallization/purification.
asciilifeform: lel the linked nyt article is actually a massive ad for 'chainalysis', umpteenth attempt at taintatron
asciilifeform: buterin: 'Remove the signature from a transaction (ie. set the field to the empty string) before computing its hash for the purposes of future transactions consuming that UTXO [alternatively, I like the idea of adding new OP_CHECKSIG-like opcodes that do this so that this new transaction type can be made backward-compatible]'
asciilifeform: wc -l wp-mp/**
asciilifeform: it is not physically impossible to make decent thing where one can post via www browser.
asciilifeform: clicking on post shows all attempted comments.
asciilifeform: just empty.
asciilifeform: holy SHIT a theme called 'simple skeleton' is 400+KB.
asciilifeform: yes, using, it, because never found any improved
asciilifeform: i thought mircea_popescu's tarball was complete ?
asciilifeform: Strict Standards: Declaration of Walker_Comment::end_el() should be compatible with Walker::end_el(&amp;$output) in /home/public/wp-includes/comment-template.php on line 1282
asciilifeform: hex dump != source.
asciilifeform: compare mass of, e.g., 'v' vs 'git'.
asciilifeform: but 0 public examples.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, trinque, BingoBoingo, et al ^^ anyone have a counter-example handy ?
asciilifeform: so for instance, upon first look it appears that 20-30mil u.s. will get you a simple 'bent pipe' launched into orbit, but then you notice that you gotta be in 3 different wots that asciilifeform isn't in.
asciilifeform: anyway, asciilifeform is not a jew in the sense contemplated in the quote. this requires 'heritage' to stand on the shoulders off - uncles who will invest in your schemes, etc. -- but instead is more of crashed flyer.
asciilifeform: which is why i contemplated the bmore thing
asciilifeform: not all of which can be done with own hands and simple equipment
asciilifeform: though, interestingly, i did see a freshly-built block of cardboard condos right in the middle of the red zone. empty.
asciilifeform: i brought a miner's head lamp with me, and scarcely had to use it, except in the cellar.
asciilifeform: recall, shit-climate, cold winter, swamp summer
asciilifeform: quite impractical in ground-level dwelling.
asciilifeform: only compressor ever lives outdoors.
asciilifeform: eh, the american variant (where sc4mz0rz stow imaginary printolade in faux 'havens', where their accounts get promptly zeroed out upon discovery) is scarcely an improvement
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu must be using a 'postel's law' - 'attempt to transform barf into html' browser.
asciilifeform: reminds me of mavrody's 'mmm' chumpatron
asciilifeform: 'Second example. Guo Boxiong is a retired general in the People’s Liberation Army. When Guo was investigated for corruption, they found so much cash in his home that they couldn’t even try to count it with a currency-counting machine. They had to weigh it by the ton. They needed a truck to haul it all away.'
asciilifeform: << room-temperature meat thing.
asciilifeform: where there are already 5-6 cruisers writhing impotently
asciilifeform: there are ~two~ large campusen in bmore
asciilifeform: 'replace asciilifeform's comp with 10,000 bots' != 'replace horse with car.' but == 'replace horse with 500kg of insect on strings'
asciilifeform: i was addressing the 'replace my comp' aspect
asciilifeform: show me how to compute it on N boxes, some of which may be malign.
asciilifeform: take simple example
asciilifeform: *computing
asciilifeform: already largely implemented by classical botnets.
asciilifeform: anyway i dun actually disagree with mircea_popescu re 'delocalized computing is spiffy'. simply must pointout that we ~don't have it~ and that all of the proposed mechanisms put us no closer to it.
asciilifeform: last i checked computing, like shooting, was still something we do on sadly physical and very limited contraptions.
asciilifeform: point being that 'lover army' sums to 0 if you want 'unattributable computing' etc.
asciilifeform: as we have it, 99%+ of chump boxes can't get inbound ~anything.
asciilifeform: 'The goal of TMSR as far as computing is concerned is to deploy a cheap, effectual, networked computing interface that can not be disrupted significantly under any circumstances by any adversary for whatever reason.'
asciilifeform: so far i also feel foolish because unable to come up with any serious improvement over traditional 20th c chumpnet.
asciilifeform: cold xor swamp
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the sewer rats cannot abide small, simple things
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: reimplementing eth would be sad tho.
asciilifeform: but yes, the only topologies i know of for this are the traditional star, with 'signed by fuhrer - blob runs, no - not' or ... reimplementing bitcoin
asciilifeform: the important thing is that usg's 1,000,000,001 emulated uci sybils should have no bearing on the workings of genuine nodez.
asciilifeform: phf: and how do you accomplish this
asciilifeform: revealed pubkey is not a compromise.
asciilifeform: most chumps live behind nat.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: we aren't merely 'let's pool chumpnets between phriendz' here.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: the key emplaced on install.
asciilifeform: anyway something simple, like a mips emulator, fits in 200ln of c, and can execute N cycles permitting B bytes of storage, etc.
asciilifeform: at any rate, this is not simply a usaschwitz problem, if ANY of you buy chinese glass-anything, there ain't no boron in there.
asciilifeform: at one point trademark at least strongly implied 'same thing your grandfather had'
asciilifeform: hanbot: greed trumps all.
asciilifeform: in new york, you can (or at least once could) be imprisoned for 'unlicensed' beaker.
asciilifeform: (the high-temp variant needs an oxygen flame and is tricky to work)
asciilifeform: simple pocket spectroscope that would let you distinguish shit-faux-pyrex from the real on, in a shop.
asciilifeform: and an empty tape drive chassis.
asciilifeform: recall my attempt at selling ordinary 3620?
asciilifeform: complicated
asciilifeform: 'True Übermenschen with Will, live off the energy of the hatred of their contemptible worm enemies!!!!'
asciilifeform: the beauty is that you can impose hard limits on the evaluating environments for these 'programs', them being non-turingcomplete, and thus you can make mechanical hard pronouncements re their properties.
asciilifeform: (the correct way to include the decompressor is via v linkage. that is to say, a signed hash thereof, i.e. an index into a wotronic cryptographic global namespace.)
asciilifeform: .. consisting of a multitude of Ts and Vs - or fewer, if you include a decompressor of one kind or another
asciilifeform: (for stereo, quadrangular, etc. recordings - you simply need 2+ of these!)
asciilifeform: the SANE way to transport audio is ALSO as a compactified lisp proggy, which takes time T and returns a rational multiplicand for the maximum DAC voltage to be present at that time !
asciilifeform: i will give another example!
asciilifeform: it is simply reduced to what it really is - simply a viewport blit.
asciilifeform: it is important to realize the full implications.
asciilifeform: 'postscript' was a much earlier attempt.
asciilifeform: (svg is a braindamaged monkey implementation of some of the above principles.)
asciilifeform: you thereby get composability.
asciilifeform: (NOT, before anyone asks, turing-complete, for fuxsake)
asciilifeform: let's put it this way - recall my attempt at 'repairing gentoo' ?
asciilifeform: phf: it is important to determine what subset of the problem is even worth solving.
asciilifeform: it simply stinks.
asciilifeform: iirc gabriel_laddel's project was a kind of improved gentoo ?
asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel: i suggest taking my buildroot configs as example
asciilifeform: i disagree - they are excellent examples - along with, e.g., mr mold - of failed autoappendectomies
asciilifeform: it isn't simply about 'he's my chum, i will lend him my pistol, and i trust that he will only shoot coke cans'
asciilifeform: which falls right back into the 'sane computing' list.
asciilifeform: there is nothing educative about complexity cancer and the c machine.
asciilifeform: it is ~impossible to ~actually understand~ it.
asciilifeform: as evidence - obummer recently had the tax-exemption of a number of quite standard christian churches revoked, on account of their opposition to obummerism. beyond a little bit of bad press, nothing happened.
asciilifeform: << sitting in kako's chan and derping every day re 'mp is sc4mz0r!111' to anyone who'll listen
asciilifeform: satellite tv outfits use a somewhat more efficient - but ~considerably~ more complex - version of luby
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: re the bmore thread, it appears to be a continuation of my childhood education, where i saw silver ruble coinz on occasion, but strictly glued to the asphalt with the recently imported cyanoacrylate
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu might have a somewhat distorted picture of bmore. most of these boxes aren't mega-profitable dens of vice, but empty and full of rubble.
asciilifeform: she rents 'section 8'-compatible flat
asciilifeform: 'Stefano Bertolo is a civil servant advising the Foundation in a strictly personal capacity with the formal permission of his employer. ' << holy shit, srs?
asciilifeform: strangely enough, afaik the only folks who can afford the Real Deal are - usg. but in this case they skimped ? go figure.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: typically this 'audit for hire' crapolade is simply meat-powered 'lint'
asciilifeform: 'I could not understand, this is a company who had a hard hit by a bug, yet they could able to hit again by a bug. Okey they have pressure on they back but this is a second market crush. I'm so sad to see this post.'
asciilifeform: complete with mysterious censored bits.
asciilifeform: weizenbaum (of 'eliza') predicted 100% of this in his 'computer power and human reason'
asciilifeform: it's a lengthy mega-snore, re politico who wants to implement equivalent of american fdic, reduce tax, etc.
asciilifeform: where is this temptation
asciilifeform: but this could be same as your example above
asciilifeform: ' If they don’t want to see their country overrun by illegal migrants (note that having had you country destroyed by NATO does not qualify you for political asylum) then they are called racist and bigoted. If they fail to grasp some of the finer points of EU’s bureaucratic governance (because, frankly, who would want to waste time on all that nonsense?) then they are called ignorant and misguided. And, most importantly, if there
asciilifeform: the actual implementation language and mechanism
asciilifeform: doubly so given how yudkowsky campaigns to have anyone trying this, killed
asciilifeform: taking for a moment the assumption that sedol ~actually~ lost --
asciilifeform: now we know that mircea_popescu doesn't need warez - his hdd has a knob that turns whole thing into an adder, and he simply cycles through the states until he gets a disk with the desired 1333333337 w4r3z on it.
asciilifeform: but it is waste of time to attempt it prior to having one
asciilifeform: granted this is why i even wanted computer
asciilifeform: simply that any improvement i expect to see will not be qualitative.
asciilifeform: but that no one will improve on it to the point where i can throw out the original TB and be ~certain~ of no irrevocable loss.
asciilifeform: my contention is not that it is physically impossible to improve on extant ocr
asciilifeform: realize that when you have more than a little meat sweat mixed in, you are no longer discussing a computer program
asciilifeform: incidentally djvu compressor is 'too good' and makes ocr quite a bit more difficult - it sometimes INTRODUCES typos
asciilifeform: (fancy bitmap, with wavelet compression, but certainly not vector graphic)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it was where i started - text. and from that ended up in 'computing is braindamaged beyond repair'
asciilifeform: mod6: this is not even wholly improbable. recall the selection criteria for dingledinity
asciilifeform: ons. Tor, and our broader freedom movement, are about communities, and about how we want to interact with each other. Let's handle this situation as an example of how we want to do it right.'
asciilifeform: 'It's tempting to wonder if there's some cointelpro-style attack going on. Realistically, we likely do have the attention of governments who are well-funded to attack us. But first, this really doesn't look like a cointelpro op. The complaints come from people both inside and outside the Tor community, and I know some of them. And second, in this case it really doesn't matter. It's no excuse for not taking responsibility for our acti
asciilifeform: reminds me, i gotta change the uv lamp in bugzapper.
asciilifeform: i am interested in subj mainly as an experimental test of some of my assumptions
asciilifeform: but it smacks of 'elephant is simply a very heavy type of fly'
asciilifeform: (for complicated political reasons local telco monopoly didn't rollout)
asciilifeform: (or if you're thinking of theoretically complete replacement for the rpc - it wouldn't have to be re-written, with correct dozen lines of glue)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it was important ~for symbolics~
asciilifeform is simply REALLY TIRED of paying rent.
asciilifeform: brief overview: i had it lying around because was trying to make a mempool debugger at one time.
