Show Idle (> d.) Chans

| Results 11751 ... 12000 found in trilema for 'from:ascii mp' |

asciilifeform: mpi_set_bit( prime, 0 );
asciilifeform: mpi_set_bit (prime, nbits-2);
asciilifeform: mpi_set_highbit( prime, nbits-1 );
asciilifeform: dump is post-whitening.
asciilifeform: ... it looks as if there is an extra layer of shuffle not accounted for by the dump?
asciilifeform: pgpdump -i foo.asc
asciilifeform: if we know B - k shared topmost bits, then the work required to break in comparison with work W, supposing we knew B bits, is at most W*(2^k).
asciilifeform: there's no log_hexdump in libgcrypt.
asciilifeform: build gcrypt normally other than the added hexdump line.
asciilifeform: fastest way to get all the deps is to simply grab a sacrificial (e.g., 'african') box and let it install gpg2
asciilifeform: put the hex dump RIGHT AFTER the 'mpi_set_bit(prime,0)' idiocy
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: if you built it, post the dump plox.
asciilifeform: it is quicker to throw in the extra 'hexdump' line by hand, than to get the patch ducks in a row, imho.
asciilifeform: it isn't, granted, impossible to optimize this lookup with pre-index
asciilifeform: ^ maybe bad example, it is also famous addr
asciilifeform: or even to simply load it into ram
asciilifeform: expect to see moar butthurt scampering a la boeck et al.
asciilifeform: in most of the samples, the actual exploit used to get control of the box is not stated, quite likely it consisted of 'interdict the parcel'.
asciilifeform: i even believe in the authenticity of the cisco crud, it is simply not esp. interesting
asciilifeform: mass of chumps is modelled as idiot machine, that dun care that you had previously tried 999,999,999 wrong passwords, etc.
asciilifeform: experimented successfully with storing a double-digit million sum of euros in cash at what the insurer describes as a manageable cost. A few other German banks, including Commerzbank, the country's second-biggest lender, have also considered taking the step. But when a Swiss pension fund attempted to withdraw a large sum of money from its bank in order to store it in a vault, the bank refused to provide the cash, according to local m
asciilifeform: well i dun have a stable of gurlz, and so end up like the folks in the old german '1 man bands', with toe-operated drum, arse-operated trumpet, cock cymbal, etc.
asciilifeform: '“Without a doubt, they’re the keys to the kingdom,” said one former TAO employee, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive internal operations. “The stuff you’re talking about would undermine the security of a lot of major government and corporate networks both here and abroad.”'
asciilifeform: trinque: odd, not all old rating were imported ?
asciilifeform: under $8,000 a year. The Olympic Prison promised over 200 new “recession-free” jobs, at a starting salary of $15,000, a huge boon for an area with the state’s highest unemployment rates for much of the ‘70s. "It's the most sensible idea anyone's come up with yet," Lake Placid Mayor Robert Peacock told the media. As manufacturing and agriculture moved out of rural America, the prison industry moved in.'
asciilifeform: << lulzy. e.g., 'If prison construction in urban and suburban areas triggered not-in-my-backyard backlash, prison construction in rural areas, and upstate New York in particular, became seen as an economic development solution. According to officials of the local antipoverty program, half of Essex County households survived on an income
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i had two arguments. one is that it dramatically simplifies the design of the cryptotron. (essentially becomes a mildly scriptable bignum calculator.)
asciilifeform: if i substitute for the, selfsig barfs.
asciilifeform: he is now free to distribute 10,001 mutated copies of mircea_popescu's key, with user id '' and chumps, who were never properly introduced to mp in meatspace, will send mail to this addr, where it will be transparently forwarded to mp with new headers.
asciilifeform: (recall, it is quite simple to generate the public modulus from it)
asciilifeform: sooo if mircea_popescu gets a new userid (say he throws out his polimedia domain because dns is run by hitler) i have to compare the mods manually ?
asciilifeform: idea is that a fully uncompressed, dearmoured, etc. key will be a sexpr.
asciilifeform: well ~having~ an 'armourer format' implies the whole bag of shit.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: with a hash that long, you may as well simply display the modulus.
asciilifeform: it is actually the ~correct~ way of making computer screen.
asciilifeform pictures mircea_popescu riding with desktop comp in palanquin, six slaves at the handrails
asciilifeform: complete with 'mother, why is yer phone so slooooow'
asciilifeform: rub,rub lamp, 'genie, get my son out of that burning house'
asciilifeform: 'magic lamp problem'
asciilifeform: will happily read the butttriumph of the winnerz, when such is available.
asciilifeform: sooo, roxelana running the empire by pulling on her muppet's strings, this is 'winnerdom' ?
asciilifeform: ^ whole turd worth reading, a very MODERN!11111 trial, complete with seeeeeeekrit evidence and absent accusers
asciilifeform: 'Multimillionaire tech mogul Gurbaksh Chahal — once one of San Francisco’s Internet entrepreneur darlings until he was convicted of domestic abuse and ousted from his own company — was sentenced to 12 months in County Jail Friday by a judge citing his pattern of violence against women.'
asciilifeform: 'Imposing losses on customers who were not hacked appears to go against the company's terms of service, said Ryan Straus, a Fenwick &amp; West lawyer who advises financial technology companies ...'
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: my wheelbarrow also can do 62mph - downhill...
asciilifeform: it doesn't! example concerned idiot 'aesthetificating' on top of a thoroughly broken construction.
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: and if you think that spoilers of whatever kind have any effect at 20mph...
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: lawnmower engine at 50mph?!
asciilifeform: and palpable implication that 'if it had correct feng shui, it would not be 'mc' mansion.'
asciilifeform: 'this ford pinto has a scratched bumper and torpedo, eww. oh and also it will cremate you in a crash, just so y'know'
asciilifeform: and the article exemplifies it.
asciilifeform: << the 'sample' goodies box, strangely enough, appears to be genuine (if quite uninteresting, imho.) and previously unpublished. fwiw.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: so, chump asks bank to close account, in actuality it never happens, if decade later some hobo digs through his rubbish bin and finds old chequebook, and tried to charge against it, bank will attempt to collect ?
asciilifeform: 'Two years ago, Amtrak’s inspector general revealed that in nearly two decades, drug agents paid a secretary $854,460 in exchange for passenger information. Court records suggest that agents have been profiling passengers on most major airlines, including American, Delta, JetBlue, Southwest, United and others, usually without the companies’ consent. ... “We want the cash. Good agents chase cash,” George Hood, who supervised a
asciilifeform: such important item, naturally, has mirror!1111
asciilifeform: ('veracrypt' is apparently the umpteenth reincarnation of 'truecrypt')
asciilifeform: thinking about it again, does it actually make sense to roll resource depletion (of empty space around yacht, of molybdenum, etc) into 'inflation' metric ?
asciilifeform: 'Ya I wont be betting on this site until they pay the winners for the original trump nominee bet, very shady behaivor.' << holy mother of fuck.
asciilifeform: in unrelated nonnews, looking at what is in bbet today, folks who a) willing to use it b) follow mircea_popescu's logic re clitler - stand to make some coin, possibly:
asciilifeform: but it wouldn't result in chumper buying saw after saw...
asciilifeform: but so far know of no signs of impending death.
asciilifeform: (in fact it was the example i gave in the original thread concerning it, re a 'final solution' to subj.)
asciilifeform: other point was that it is quite rare to see fpga deployed in mass produced product, because it has inescapably large per-unit cost compared to classical asic. it makes economic sense for small runs (<100,000) and for items which actually need the reconfigurability.
asciilifeform: point was not 'it is rubbish', but that you cannot build, e.g., trinary comp, with it.
asciilifeform: it is largely used inside larger laser, as pump.
asciilifeform: this implies ~0 logical reversing.
asciilifeform: ever see manual for, e.g., xilinx fpga? it is simply a mass of these turds.
asciilifeform: thing is, you get the clock rate of fpga. and same energy consumption. (~same propagation delays).
asciilifeform: ;;later tell ben_vulpes << looks like you turned mp-wp into conventional rubbish wp?? congrats ?
asciilifeform: perhaps simply told 'read this script in court or there will be problems'
asciilifeform: simply pointing out that not all american mega-fortunes yet vaccumed up.
asciilifeform: well simply that i dun have a copy of their dekulakization process. so working under assumption that they did not get duked.
asciilifeform: the folks running on 'solipsist' setting dun tend to read import lit.
asciilifeform: folks who inherit empire they had done nothing to conquer, all look quite similar through my telescope.
asciilifeform: thus far i don't even know if mircea_popescu's concept is absolute ('must afford dirigible') or simply 'stay out of bottom 10% of social pyramid' or what.
asciilifeform: if mircea_popescu wants to operate with a definition of 'stupid' that encompasses everybody on planet3 but mircea_popescu and five other d'artagnans, this is his business alone, and not mine
asciilifeform: incidentally if mircea_popescu's picture of 'poverty' is encompassed by the hero of then i have absolutely no counter against 'must also be stupid.'
asciilifeform: 'On his website, Mr. Davidson doesn't mention his family's affiliation with Schlumberger, instead focusing on his long career composing and performing music. A spokeswoman for Schlumberger declined to comment. Mr. Davidson is also the founder and president of the Society for Universal Sacred Music...'
asciilifeform: 'The victim, a noted pianist and composer, is the great-grandson and great grand-nephew of the two brothers who founded Schlumberger Ltd.'
asciilifeform: and Great Pianist whose worx are on his 1 comp
asciilifeform: Bedi further related that his uncle obtained information that Polish priests affiliated with Opus Dei were attempting to possibly harm the victim. Bedi also advised the victim that the Central Intelligence Agency had subcontracted with Bedi to perform work which would prevent any attempts by the Polish priests associated with Opus Dei to infiltrate the U.S. government.'
asciilifeform: 'Bedi subsequently advised the victim that he successfully tracked the source of the computer virus to a remote village in Honduras. Bedi informed him that the hard drive was the source of the worm that had invaded the computer and advised the victim that Bedi’s uncle, who Bedi contended is an officer in the Indian military, flew to Honduras in an Indian military aircraft during a reconnaissance mission and obtained the hard drive.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: this implies you have one or more of'em in service ?!
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: ever have crapple 'a1181' lappy? i just swapped out hv (lamp) cable on one, for 2nd time in 7 yrs, what a piece of rubbish
asciilifeform: (compress in the time sense, not the usual)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: try compress the gif, it takes eons to load
asciilifeform: << in other nooze: 'It's a touch-screen DRE (direct-recording electronic) voting machine. ... We received the machine with the original tamper-evident seals intact. The software can be replaced without breaking any of these seals, simply by removing screws and opening the case. ... In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the iconic arcade game, we reprogrammed the AVC Edge to run Pac-Man.'
asciilifeform: incidentally, mircea_popescu's article with the 'brujula' (compass), i could not help but wonder, is this same root as 'bruja' (witch) ?
asciilifeform: in even lulzier noose, <<< does this mean that Crypto Ag will be unmasked??!1111
asciilifeform: i suppose now that these are stamped out by the thousand, they are ~unremarkable.
asciilifeform: but compare this with EV of 'bitcoin invest' on shitfinexes.
asciilifeform: re bbet example and the 5 20s.
asciilifeform: from this example.
asciilifeform: and yes, the temptation to 'invest' other people's coin , without their knowledge, has been overwhelming, for ~every megascammer to date.
asciilifeform: what time value. after private mpoe, the ~only + or even breakeven ev btc use is 'hodl'.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo or anyone with time/energy: see if any live bbet bets have empty in addrs.
asciilifeform: lel bbet implosion is quite a nyooz
asciilifeform: 'i put escrowed coin up my arse and then went to visit white house, where anal computer was confiscated and emptied' == scamming.
asciilifeform: 'Can you draw out Leviathan[a] with a hook, Or snare his tongue with a line which you lower? Can you put a reed through his nose, Or pierce his jaw with a hook? Will he make many supplications to you? Will he speak softly to you? Will he make a covenant with you? Will you take him as a servant forever? Will you play with him as with a bird, Or will you leash him for your maidens? Will your companions make a banquet of him? Will they
asciilifeform: there was a... nearly incomprehensibly titanic 'battery charge' of ingenuity, sanity, and plain simple 'ant' (vs 'grasshopper') accumulated delayed gratification, that is now being maggoted through.
asciilifeform: trinque: there are many ways to keep folks from putting undue strain on shrinking industrial base. one is to simply prevent saving.
asciilifeform: it was how they emptied the mattresses.
asciilifeform: or at least, implied as reversible 'using sound money'
asciilifeform: but it is not clear, at least to me, that debased currency is a ~cause~ rather than ~symptom~ of cultural decay.
asciilifeform: (it was not wholly impossible to 'leak' pre-btc, either..)
asciilifeform: which in practical terms simply means that now plebe has to indenture himself for 50, not 20, years, when 'buying' his cardboard boxhouse
asciilifeform: << not this, but simply observation that usa has been slowly sinking, since - at the very latest, even - fdr.
asciilifeform: methinks this is simply the 'tech supports keeps you waiting for 5 minutes', feynman's postbox, bit.
asciilifeform: 'it is just as empty as your house now is.'
asciilifeform: when comp.lang.lisp was besieged by loud arsehats demanding to reopen the committee so they could have orc glyphs or whichever.
asciilifeform: i have nfi what deal idiot made with which preet to preserve the remaining empty skin husk of his arse.
asciilifeform: § 2466. The claimants appeal the judgment on several grounds, most prominent among them that the district court lacked jurisdiction over the defendant property because it resides in foreign countries, that fugitive disentitlement violates constitutional due process, and that disentitlement in this case was improper because the claimants are not fugitives from the law. Finding these arguments unpersuasive, we affirm the district cou
asciilifeform: complicated, but not wholly unrelated.
asciilifeform: at least these things won't warp yer brain for the computer work
asciilifeform: more relevantly , it ALSO does not have a c-compiler-shaped hole in it.
asciilifeform: 'sane computing' dun have a linux kernel or c compiler in it.
asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel: elaborate what means 'coward' here ? 'won't attempt to live on tobacco alone, in dumpster, with me ' ?
asciilifeform: an immutable record of past imperfections is not same as immutable pineapple to eternally sit on.
asciilifeform: code runs in impenetrable prison.
asciilifeform: subj is not about whether mircea_popescu likes to plow through swamp. but about whether roads are unnecessary because let's all buy amphibious bulldozers.
asciilifeform: simply means dispensing with batch compilation.
asciilifeform: 'suppose you drive down the highway and you suddenly want to go some nice place you saw just before you pass a forest. you veer off the road, plunge into the wilderness and promptly decide that you need four-wheel drive, a huge cutting device in front of your car, much better shock absorbers, a bigger engine that could actually run on swamp water instead of getting all drowned, and then need an amphibious vehicle to get across the r
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: nobody uses the stock nic. it was largely the impetus for the bios swap.
asciilifeform: herr trump was moneyed even when, on paper, 'no money'
asciilifeform: a ~whole~ system lets me preserve the semantics of the items to be drawn, for maximally compact transmission over a wire, and rasterizing on a display of my choosing
asciilifeform: it is very easy algorithm for 'optimization' - simply declare that a good chunk of the job 'does not need doing' and cut the corner
asciilifeform: this was what, vampire masquerade ?
asciilifeform: (not to be confused with the other typical american 'anaesthesia' where you get to ~feel~ all of the cuts, but cannot move or speak to complain)
asciilifeform: at any rate is still seems like an odd choice for 'inject crowd bozo', you still get a limp, not flailing, man
asciilifeform: ( i dun actually own the tape deck, just an empty carcass with wires where it ought to go ... )
asciilifeform: gotta get out of this swamp.
asciilifeform: (incidentally plugboards survived in analogue computers, which were manufactured ALMOST UNTIL '80s because ~actually easier to dataflow program on~)
asciilifeform: it is easy protocol to implement, wat.
asciilifeform: yeah he quit payin' for domain. even the link on 'temple' is to
asciilifeform: 'In January 2014, a teen crossing the US–Mexico border at the San Ysidro POE claimed the two bottles he carried were apple juice. Upon further questioning, the teen volunteered to drink from the bottles and died hours later from acute methamphetamine intoxication.'
asciilifeform: '"[Trump] is an enabler of Putin, former head of the KGB, and of course is leading all these hacks," Reid said. "It should be a message to America that you can't hold hands with Putin."'
asciilifeform: (re mpwp)
asciilifeform: btw trinque is the 'mp-wp' you are using available somewhere ?
asciilifeform: melissasexy: dos tetas completas por favor.
asciilifeform: champ : 126044733741731328742413066718552314382419228167112456334027928884317367999330241024168451126326383475145520025295451544372438227070210798265767098934250820341305937931860061514790268968891523470454082874208728274680634763462042122485524526243688604432591998753006364684812749745538152702859571396997177876337
asciilifeform: see, each key is what came out of sks or whoever dumped it in.
asciilifeform: initially i missed the www-based crapolade entirely, because it simply did not occur to me that any serious number of people were dumb enough to ~use~ such a thing
asciilifeform: it ~exports~ user's pubkey, but does not - as far as i can tell - have a knob for ~importing pubkeys~, checking signatures of incoming messages, etc.
asciilifeform: sooo i attempted test of as a suspected , and discovered that it is plain and simple nonsense, won't import public keys at all! uses only pantomime of pgp
asciilifeform: sooo the contemplated model has 'princess leia' in the role of visual basic? elevating the marginal?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: l0l! for some reason i pictured them paying royalties to mpaa or the like
asciilifeform: '...he pulled out a small leather folder and said, “Our sentence does not sound severe. The law which a condemned man has violated is inscribed on his body with the harrow. This Condemned Man, for example,” and the Officer pointed to the man, “will have inscribed on his body, ‘Honour your superiors.’” The Traveler had a quick look at the man. When the Officer was pointing at him, the man kept his head down and appeared to
asciilifeform: 'Technically, the latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates of the center spot are 39°50′N 98°35′W. In digital maps, that number is an ugly one: 39.8333333,-98.585522. So back in 2002, when MaxMind was first choosing the default point on its digital map for the center of the U.S., it decided to clean up the measurements and go with a simpler, nearby latitude and longitude: 38°N 97°W or 38.0000,-97.0000. As a result, for the la
asciilifeform: diddled pgptrons that shit out dupe primes are 'yesterday's' thing. i suspect that the state of the art involves rng that still gives each chumper a unique prime pair, but it can be calculated via some kleptographic clue.
asciilifeform: dump it to a printer, there is some lulz re obviously braindamaged rng etc.
asciilifeform: 'The central atom is an undistorted tetrahedral sp3-hybridized carbon bearing four rigorously identical homochiral substituents. [6.6]Chiralane has all the direct rotational symmetries of the regular tetrahedron, but none of its mirror symmetries or higher order improper symmetries.'
asciilifeform: PeterL: but the traditional heuristic was that no compound can be chiral unless it has one or more chiral centres.
asciilifeform: PeterL: well yes, the non-superimposability of the thing when rotated through 4th d. on itself.
asciilifeform: traditionally implies a C.
asciilifeform: according to their article ( ) it was simply protein glue, pumped through extruder, and 'silk' only in appearance.
asciilifeform has not attempted replication
asciilifeform: 'In 1921 the management of Arthur D. Little, Inc., of Cambridge, Mass., issued a small report describing the methods employed by the firm's chemists to create "silk" from pork byproducts. The idea behind this surprising and not very practical experiment was to prove that something said to be impossible was, with sufficient effort and ingenuity, attainable. As the report notes, the old adage "you can't make a silk purse of a sow's ear
asciilifeform: 'The patch included in SA-16:25 is incomplete, and may still permit heap corruption. The patch included in the document dump is more complete. Why only a partial fix?' <<< ahahahahaha
asciilifeform: why no mention of WHO implemented ?
asciilifeform: 'implemented in Linux kernel version 3.6 (from 2012) and beyond' << emphasis.
asciilifeform: ments, we show that the attack is fast and reliable. On average, it takes about 40 to 60 seconds to finish and the success rate is 88% to 97%. Finally, we propose changes to both the TCP specification and implementation to eliminate the root cause of the problem.'
asciilifeform: 'In this paper, we report a subtle yet serious side channel vulnerability (CVE-2016-5696) introduced in a recent TCP specification. The specification is faithfully implemented in Linux kernel version 3.6 (from 2012) and beyond, and affects a wide range of devices and hosts. In a nutshell, the vulnerability allows a blind off-path attacker to infer if any two arbitrary hosts on the Internet are communicating using a TCP connection. Fu
asciilifeform: but i guess i forgot that... YOU CAN HAVE ONE COMPUTER ONLY
asciilifeform: but didja know, how WORLD WORX, ya CAN'T HAVE computer without dns and updatez!111111111111111
asciilifeform: '...The attackers used multiple interesting and unusual techniques, including: Data exfiltration and real-time status reporting using DNS requests. Implant deployment using legitimate software update scripts....'
asciilifeform: ' But the real morals of the story is that one must be able to employ every little part of the animal you kill, like the man does… '
asciilifeform: has severe impedance mismatch.
asciilifeform: fact is, irc is NOT a stdout-compatible device.
asciilifeform: 'when you can administratively imprison them later' --> before?!
asciilifeform: and of course loses his head, because it was quite impossible to JUST-so.
asciilifeform: and it is as rusty as a ww2 tank pulled from swamp in ukraine.
asciilifeform: as with cpp, there is EXACTLY ONE usable public implementation.
asciilifeform: but the implementation is somewhat other matter.
asciilifeform: well, if you actually were to read the ada standard, it has a massive annex specifying ~optional~ components.
asciilifeform: 'standard', in industrial world, has a meaning. it is a document which at least ~attempts~ an exhaustive description of an object, with an aim to enabling reader to re-create it.
asciilifeform: attempts to WHOLLY detach a standard from particular artifacts - e.g., si def of the metre in terms of cesium atom cross-sections - have not gone far.
asciilifeform: on a martian computer.
asciilifeform: it is what a standard is in compiler-land. i.e., i can, using only the standard, re-create the compiler.
asciilifeform: and they barf in non-debuggable ways because gnumake was written by chimps, and 'ERROR 2' !!!11
asciilifeform: evolved, l0l, from ken thompson.
asciilifeform: at least it is theoretically possible to build gcc on another compiler (i personally have not attempted this, and the last confirmed report i know of is some years ago, however)
asciilifeform: in fact, it is ~impossible to build it on 2 boxes, supposing that they are not mirror images of one another's disks, and end up with same gcc.
asciilifeform: incidentally gmp (what ~everybody, at least gpg users, use) is braindamaged in a certain important way
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'rsa the actual message back and forth' << not same. for instance, if you have the pump going at all times, it can be cache-local.
asciilifeform: we have this right here in usaschwitz, if house confiscated as part of 'dope warz' (requires no conviction in any court) chumper ~also~ gets to keep the mortgage.
asciilifeform found that it is ~impossible to visit a museum of whatever kind in washington, or beach in delaware/md coast, without hearing spoken ru in the crowd at least once
asciilifeform: '...employees of the DFAS were routinely told by superiors to take “unsubstantiated change actions” commonly referred to as “plugging” the numbers. These “plugs” – which amounted to falsifying financial records – were then used to create the appearance that the military’s financial data matched that of the U.S. Treasury Department’s numbers when discrepancies in the financial data couldn’t be accounted for, acco
asciilifeform: also for some reason i inevitably think of the legendary savages who 'died of voodoo' when prompted
asciilifeform: 'Julianne McKinney reports that back in the 1980s and 1990s, persons complaining of electronic harassment were dismissed as “wavies,” and the government took the position that electronic weapons simply did not exist. The government no longer takes this position, she notes, but the “wavies” of yore are still a threat, apparently, so propaganda pieces alleging mental illness are now the preferred mode of attempted discrediting
asciilifeform: 'We spend a lot of money on things like security audits, compliance, understanding the laws of each country where we operate, obtaining regulatory licenses around the world, great engineering, and many more mundane areas like lunches for employees (there is a competitive market to hire the best people out there).' << gold.
asciilifeform: since when is there even a 'the public' ? i thought there were only individual chumps..
asciilifeform: but 'They (NSA) apparently targeted me to warn me off or punish me for having my lawyer subpoena–in February 2015–corroborating information on the identity and existence of Eric Hagemann, a now retired NSA executive who had broken into my home and bugged it illegally because I had filed the IG complaint against one of his buddies.' is testable claim, no?
asciilifeform: dump what? pics of trees?
asciilifeform: if complain to official organs - we already know where train goes.
asciilifeform: incidentally asciilifeform just now woke up from interesting dream where he visited some handle-like usg figure's house that featured a handy platform for 'executing spies', complete with stone chair, manacles, barbecue pit, audience stands
asciilifeform: << talmudism. they 'just want to' arbitrarily do whatever, to whomever, like orcs, and the window dressing of 'rule of law' is annoying, more importantly - too expensive to afford nowadays
asciilifeform: 'The allegation that the U.S. government is producing secret law has become increasingly common. This article evaluates this claim, examining the available evidence in all three federal branches. In particular, Congress’s governance of national security programs via classified addenda to legislative reports is here given the first focused scholarly treatment, including empirical analysis that shows references in Public Law to these c
asciilifeform: glass walls are a relic from the old imperial dayz.
asciilifeform: phf: see, i did not know that you implemented entire stack, always assumed that you had it hanging off znc or the like
asciilifeform: phf: the reason i complain is that the fix is a 1liner, as cited above
asciilifeform: campaigning against franks while the fields overgrow with weed, and aqueducts fall down, makes 0 likewise.
asciilifeform: because, e.g., mpex had not
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: is implication here that manual reactor control always must end in a crater ?
asciilifeform: the logical end is that the self-driving car will simply take off
asciilifeform: 'The two men apparently used a laptop and pirated software to start the vehicles and take off. HPD said the vehicles made it into Mexico. ... HPD said it's nearly impossible to stop this high-tech crime especially if someone else has the same pirated software.'
asciilifeform: this kind of thing is a large part of why crypto implementation tends to show the attributes of religious ritual
asciilifeform proposes to implement this subsystem for
asciilifeform: most usa 'expats' are as close to escaping truly as i am to the moon by jumping with all my might.
asciilifeform: the only piece that 'compulsively welcomes noobs' is the ablative shield.
asciilifeform: moar lulz, << who recall this turd? from the age of mtgox? it is now IMPROVED!1111 with moar closedsoresness!111 and has lengthy and hilarious justification thereof.
asciilifeform: where two sets of people were fed dopaminergic (some amphetamine or other) and then tortured with puzzles, etc. subjectively both pools 'liked', but only one set actually outscored
asciilifeform: and in fact your fusebox can temporarily supply pulse much greater than its steady current.
asciilifeform: no drawers / discreteness implied.
asciilifeform: doping is simply attempt to 'steal fire from the gods' and move up categories, paying whatever price.
asciilifeform: all we have re comparison is that time he made a bet and quit for month
asciilifeform: erdos's dextroamphetamine, for instance.
asciilifeform: nah, 25 y.o. overclockers, 'i'ma boost voltage by 0.1 and pump nitrogen'
asciilifeform: *umpteenth
asciilifeform: it was umpeenth ignoramus who discussed phuctorable keyz without reference to phuctor?
asciilifeform: a memory-less situation is quite incompatible with 'comfortable existence' for these folx.
asciilifeform: to go up stack: the 'delete my history of disgraceful failure OR ELSE!1111' thing is an idiocy that does not come from empty space, but from monkeys watching lizard organs do ~same thing routinely
asciilifeform: ' If (1) the victim was (A) a government officer or employee; (B) a former government officer or employee; or (C) a member of the immediate family of a person described in subdivision (A) or (B); and (2) the offense of conviction was motivated by such status, increase by 3 levels.'
asciilifeform: eh, supporting the various smart-pnoje clients alone probably employs a whole slave galley
asciilifeform: afaik it worked, but was thrown out because it sheds the one serious plus of revolver (simplicity) but keeps the minus (limited capacity)
asciilifeform: on my planet there is no right->left compositive hangul strange in ascii.
asciilifeform wonders what the boecks will move on to now that 'snore, gpg won't import the keyz' is addressed
asciilifeform: (i challenged the #b-a folk 'dontcha get tired of making monkey noises at mp, try being useful')
asciilifeform: 'though the pgp keys in question do not import into gpg, they can be imported in a couple javascript pgp-trons: and ...'
asciilifeform: or so at least is the impression.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: believe or not, kako was actually complaining earlier, why do i discuss phuctor finds 'there, in the nuttery' and not 'here'
asciilifeform: then there is the 'do-ocrat', as exemplified by boeck, who 'has done SO MUCH for the komoyoonity! and who are you again pigfucker to question his guiding light'
asciilifeform: iirc the crew is largely ceremonial, the thing is driven by computer
asciilifeform: mod6: dupe champ
asciilifeform: ^ the champion ^
asciilifeform: fromphuctor: << example of rsa key generation, as seen in gpg
asciilifeform: an rng firing blanks and leading rsa key gen to spit out the square of a prime immediately following a power of two, is simply one way to arrive at such.
asciilifeform: fromphuctor: in case you didn't know - fermat's method is not an effective way to attack a properly-generated rsa modulus
asciilifeform: fromphuctor: doubtful. afaik there is no bignum routine optimized for gpu
asciilifeform: fromphuctor: whichever you have. ~3.7M keys split nicely across N cpus.
asciilifeform: fromphuctor: it parallelizes.
asciilifeform: fromphuctor: calculator is suggested here for ~verifying~ output of phuctor
asciilifeform: e.g., pgpdump -i pubkey.txt
