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asciilifeform: well i could link to the original lamport
asciilifeform: well, there ~is~ the usual ~impractical~ use
asciilifeform: << incredibly lulzy attempt to spin the compliance with usgism as a 'voluntary' and 'freedom-enabling' act
asciilifeform: eh, here chump must generate key somewhere..
asciilifeform: it isn't complicated.
asciilifeform: 'don't go there' is very simple algo when you have another 'there' to which to do.
asciilifeform: or, more pointedly, the long and quite unpleasant surgery involved in undoing the idiocies of 'satoshi' derp, by no means complete even now
asciilifeform: before stomping a scorpion, i do not need to buy a new scorpion. but before shooting horse, i gotta buy a new horse.
asciilifeform: 'Last week, a defense lawyer argued that the FBI drastically improved the performance of a dark web child pornography site in the process of investigating it. On Thursday, the Department of Justice responded, denying those claims.'
asciilifeform: and could potentially blow considerably (say, 100,000x) moar, if we knew the mechanism (e.g. 'marsaglia rng seeded with last 16 bits of time stamp at first boot) which produced them.
asciilifeform: impedance mismatch!11111
asciilifeform: 90% of chineseness is simply from bizarre expectations
asciilifeform: ^ from the 'trump as ru spy' thing.
asciilifeform: aaaaaand how long has been a spam farm ?
asciilifeform: 'Cutting edge security. No need to deal with complicated crypto-wallets or be afraid of losing your assets forever because you can’t find your private keys. We employ state-of-the-art security technology for you, with the storage of fiat and digital assets embedded into an Ethereum contract!'
asciilifeform: << hot! nyooo! ethertronic chumpatron: 'ICONOMI provides an opportunity for investors looking for high profits, not possible in the old economy. With newly developed financial instruments, ICONOMI will drive new investors and fresh capital into decentralised economy.'
asciilifeform: so why is that campaign run by some bozo, and not g_l ?
asciilifeform: they aren't flocking to trb, or mpex, etc.
asciilifeform: and they all ended with 'if all other hope is lost, close compartment'
asciilifeform: (compartments, naturally, existed, as they still do on any war ship)
asciilifeform: incidentally the traditional interpretation -- 'wage slave will exam-optimize and do the bare minimal job' is imho woefully incomplete:
asciilifeform: saying originally referred to the comparatively laughable output of wage slaves, vs folk who do ~same thing out of actual interest
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: << inevitably comes to mind, re chump bait etc
asciilifeform: what i meant was, mircea_popescu's observations about service industries and chumps are entirely, afaik, uncontroversially true, but i dun see how they connect to poor old gabriel_laddel's thing
asciilifeform: where did laddel offer chump bait ?
asciilifeform: well yes, chump bait
asciilifeform: do i understand the term correctly ? whitelabel is something one does with a turnkey (e.g., air compressor) item
asciilifeform: n weighed the pros and cons and decided it was worth it. Then he took the time to Photoshop in each of his 17 employees’ names ...'
asciilifeform: 'What you are seeing is a Photoshopped Google search image that was posed as a real Wells Fargo wire transfer sent to 17 employees via email by the CEO. ... Whoever photoshopped these documents has the intelligence of a 5th grader, but even worse is the person who thought this was a good idea. Think about it. The scam artist sat there and concocted this in his head instead of telling us the truth that the money wasn’t there. He the
asciilifeform: in the company. Bruce said that Michael had his offshore money tied up with the IRS because of unpaid taxes and essentially his assets were frozen until he went to court. '
asciilifeform: 'Around this time, Bruce and I were sharing personal concerns and he confided in me that he had let Michael borrow $50,000 from his personal savings. Did you read that? A startup employee gave his life savings to our CEO. He wasn’t the only one. Another biz dev team bro who was crashing on the CEO’s couch, Bobby, apparently lent Michael five figures too. In disbelief, I asked why he needed money when he has $2M already committed
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: <pete_dushenski> no kaunus, but not a bad place << my father, apparently, also liked kaunus. (he went to boot camp there.)
asciilifeform: i've contemplated attempting an openwatcom build of trb.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: wasn't speaking of anything complicated, just something to prevent the routine police chopper from taking him out from above like sitting duck.
asciilifeform: self-driving killdozer is a much simpler mathematical problem than self-driving passenger auto.
asciilifeform: 'Heemeyer took about a year and a half to prepare for his rampage. In notes found by investigators after the incident, Heemeyer wrote "It's interesting how I never got caught. This was a part-time project over a 1 1/2 year time period." In the notes, Heemeyer expressed surprise that three men who visited the shed last fall did not discover the bulldozer work, "especially with the 2,000 lb. lift fully exposed." "Somehow their vision w
asciilifeform: 'Marvin Heemeyer was a professional welder living in the quiet Colorado town of Granby, just trying to make a living for himself running a small muffler repair shop. Unfortunately, he was also in the business of getting royally fucked over by everyone in town, ranging from the paperboy to the asshats in City Hall who wouldn't compromise with him on some crazy fucking wacky zoning issues he was trying to work out. Eventually, after
asciilifeform: and anglo impudence - quite continuous for 200+ yrs
asciilifeform: or simple tradition
asciilifeform: well it is, iirc, not uncommon symptom of terminal rodgeritis
asciilifeform: 'The bigger problem for China is its workforce. Even though China is graduating far more than 1 million engineers every year, the quality of their education is so poor that they are not employable in technical professions. This was documented by my research teams at Duke and Harvard. ' << gold.
asciilifeform: text contains multiple 'and then i went to this empty street because saw girl there once'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the tampons?! how?
asciilifeform: the 'great plague of 2001' is factual but wholly incomplete picture.
asciilifeform: 'We can sometimes see decades-old capacitors (such as ones made in the USSR) still working. They are bigger and heavier, but durable and not desiccating. Modern aluminium capacitors serve for about 11 years, if you are lucky, then become dry and quietly fail. I remember early 2000s devices where capacitors failed after 3–4 years of service, and not necessarily low-end devices (one example is E-TECH ICE-200 cable modem worth ∼ 240
asciilifeform: moar recent völkischer beobachter lulz, >> 'Federal agents searched the home of a former employee-turned-outspoken critic of the College Board, the standardized testing giant, as part of an investigation into the breach of hundreds of questions from the SAT college entrance exam.'
asciilifeform: ( i do not have an mpex acct. )
asciilifeform: i dunno that it even makes sense to attempt rigorous def of this 'identity', at least in any more detail than we define 'earth's crust' -- 'the layer we can drill without the drill melting'
asciilifeform: typically 'prefer death', for soldier who won't retreat, or whoever, is simply a fallthrough case in a switch(), if you will
asciilifeform: rather than ask machinist to cut a complex length of steel
asciilifeform: is it simply that engineer, at the end of the day, puts the complex nums back into their drawers ?
asciilifeform: everybody who builds, e.g., 3phase motor, 'sits down for tea with complex numbers'
asciilifeform: incidentally, does mircea_popescu also object to manipulations on, e.g., complex numbers ?
asciilifeform: i don't partake in the 'aristotelian' notion of correctness - 'do this because fella with a beard 3 metres long said it to be correct'. gotta show example of the kind of disaster one might arrive at via the incorrectness.
asciilifeform: nothing i said imports this nonsense.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: what'd be an example of a 'dressed call' ?
asciilifeform: if you run a sufficiently tight imperium in imperio, usg gets to bite its elbows and you can get away with pretty much anything, so long as the wall is tall enough.
asciilifeform: can 'half-competent' estate atty explain why billionaire owes moar of it than pauper ?
asciilifeform is simply not at all fond of ninjashotguns, ain't no seeekrit
asciilifeform: it was written by the fella whose diesel-powered cock you were considering to encompass, covertress . i recommend reading attentively.
asciilifeform: or is it empty carcass of motel, with a lock on it, and thestringpuller has the key.
asciilifeform: mpex proxies are a reasonably good analogy for this.
asciilifeform: this is instructive example of what i was speaking of earlier.
asciilifeform: if this happens, interval is bumped up.
asciilifeform: and where i go off to find some reference implementation of c-s, and discover, later, that none exists
asciilifeform: but they ought not to complain when 'my tcp connections are blackholing' or 'someone derived my rsa privkey using known-ciphertext attacks' etc.
asciilifeform: a great many x11 proggies i use run on remote machines. and i have NO intention of partaking in the 'own one computer' horseshit.
asciilifeform: bad parenting enlarges natural fissures, if you will, often to some quite impressive dr. mengele results.
asciilifeform: (or worse yet, they encrypt a transmission ~to~ a key without any attempt at climbing to it in their actual wot)
asciilifeform: adlai: currently there is a very comical situation where chumps download a pubkey, from ?????, and then try to authenticate published material (found on mitmable www sites, naturally) ~TO~ it, rather than the reverse (found signed material, then determined matching pubkey)
asciilifeform: adlai: the entire notion of pubkeys posted publicly in a way that implies that strangers can take and use'em for something, is probably going away.
asciilifeform: 'My laptop was getting slower and slower. It wasn’t a very powerful laptop, but it was the only computer I had to play WoW on. This was really frustrating me, because eventually it became so slow that it ruined my gaming experience. I kept pestering my mother and father to get me a faster laptop that was more efficient for gaming.' (from rodger part 4)
asciilifeform: when you attempt the thing the ffi does, but using bare hands
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'Unless, of course, the text is the product of an unrelated adult, whose involvement with the whole thing is not emotional nor personal, and who therefore simply forgot about that detail.' << sorta like the fire-proof, bomb-proof, smudge-proof passports invariably found on corpse of every 'dead terrorist' in usa.
asciilifeform: and i suspect that there is a journatard bootcamp somewhere, where they make this haircut. why have i seen 1,001 turdmeisters with it..?
asciilifeform: habitually sending (and more importantly, acting on) unsigned pgpgrams has own set of risks.
asciilifeform: i read phf's thing as simply 'you are counting on other side not to simply lose the plaintext, and not to shoot out both of your feet by sending an intended signed ciphrogram in the clear'
asciilifeform: (which gets inserted into the comp every morning to log in, and no, the card does not light up when signing)
asciilifeform: ^ complete with non-pasteable screenshit-of-pdf abstract.
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: which is why games like civ1 had braindead computer opponent, and certain others - e.g., galciv - were famous for 'interesting ai'
asciilifeform: historically successful partizan organizations assumed betrayal, blackmail, and torture, as facts of life, and routed around the damage on best-effort basis (e.g., cell compartmentalization.)
asciilifeform: e.g., are you willing to compose and read messages using something with the ergonomics of a pocket calculator ?
asciilifeform: (there are schemes for public signatures using an otp-like system - lamport's signatures - but they rely on the strength of a hash and do not have the absolute guarantee associated with an ordinary otptron.)
asciilifeform: it is important to remember that otp is not a replacement for public key crypto.
asciilifeform: well yes, deliberately picked it as example of humbly-clever opponent
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: as i understand (and this is quite certainly not an expert view) most mmporg tried to use robotic 'npc' to fill this eco niche.
asciilifeform: trinque: more importantly, a precise description of why 'i stored x, y, z, and binary is now B ~BECAUSE~...' would be book-length.
asciilifeform: 'For end users, the switch to the new branch will likely only be noticeable in a few situations—and perhaps only if one is looking carefully. For instance, the gpg-agent process will prompt the user for the passphrase to unlock a key, rather than the gpg process, but the workflow itself will not be altered otherwise. Users who have existing keyrings on their machines will have those keyrings automatically updated to the new storage
asciilifeform: rodger was a rare example of a sleeper ~waking up~.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: i disagree that rodger is a notably broken example of an american.
asciilifeform: partizan comes out of the forest. says to farmer, 'we need flour and milk.' farmer: 'germany gave me my land. go off to the forest before i pump you full of buckshot.'
asciilifeform: ever see gravure of medieval swine ? compare with modern swine.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: the 'could have been done' phrasing is symptomatic of the cultural illness that leads to postals being a ~necessary~ thing in the first place.
asciilifeform: sorta continuation of the 'everybody!1111 has!1111 ONE!1111 comp' thread.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: sample is pathetically small yet.
asciilifeform: competes, apparently, with cisco et al.
asciilifeform: 'Comware is an industry-leading provider of network security solutions including products, professional services, and implementation. Our elite team of experts ....'
asciilifeform: speaking of which, holy FUCK is the 'netcat simply IGNORES timeout' thing frustrating
asciilifeform: it sure as fuck impacts.
asciilifeform: my observation was re 'does not per se negatively impact'.
asciilifeform: ^ the champ ^
asciilifeform: (in the elementary sense that it can't simply propagate to all the have-nots)
asciilifeform: similar coat figured in a famous (in certain circles) duel b/w two drunken privates in ww2, fought with lendlease 'thompsons' ('.45' calibre)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'which meant that out of a hundred or so kids eating in a large room, I was the one getting the chicken meat parts. Which I didn't like, nor ate, because they were inferior bits to what I normally chomped at home, and they consequently didn't interest me, notwithstanding that most of those children had never in their life eaten meat. Supposedly it was good for them, right ? Vegetarianism is the future and all that ?'
asciilifeform: phf: when you make use of a timestamp, you are also asking ~other~ people to trust clock not to fuck ~them~ over.
asciilifeform: trinque: well it wouldn't make any sense as a deedbot component
asciilifeform: ed examples should be worth face value. All other notes are definitely collectible. Some $1,000 bills can be worth several thousand dollars each. Your standard value for a generic note in lightly circulated condition is probably $1,600.'
asciilifeform: elsewhere, 'One thousand dollar bills may seem rare and exotic to the casual observers. The latest series date is 1934A. Surprisingly though, $1,000 bills were seen in circulation up until the early 1970s. You could still order them from banks in the 1960s. It is not uncommon for older Americans to take them to the bank to try to get face value today. Of course we wouldn’t recommend selling them for face value. Only severely impair
asciilifeform: ;;later tell felipelalli y'know, znc is supposed to go on RELIABLE, remote box... not the comp on your desk.
asciilifeform: phf: holy shit, i half-suspected i had the last extant examples.
asciilifeform: i see 'coloured coin' as a fundamentally distinct type of chumpatron, 'let's monetize blue Turbo chewing gum wrappers!1111' 'and oh btw i totally don't have a shoebox full of blue'
asciilifeform: phf: not comparable
asciilifeform: node operation, in the present implementation of the braindamage, is almost a 'religious' act
asciilifeform: there will (and perhaps already are) a multitude of chumpers who believe they have X btc, while really they have some quantity Q, possible 0, of actual btc, and X-Q of gavinola, which consists of tx, somehow elaborately processed, that trb rejects as noise, and display as wtf 'shot into the sun' crapolade in any civilized block viewer
asciilifeform: re the 'crowbars' from earlier, we have a 'This BIP defines a new witness program type that uses a Merkle tree to encode mutually exclusive branches in a script. This enables complicated redemption conditions that are currently not possible, improves privacy by hiding unexecuted scripts, and allows inclusion of non-consensus enforced data with very low or no additional cost.'
asciilifeform: the contractors live off-campus, working out of, e.g., raytheon, grumman, lockheed, and a bunch of 'small minority-owned businesses' (tm), and generally specialize in 'tools', rather than particular ops
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the leaked widgets give a pretty good impression of the production quality, actually
asciilifeform: 'BLATSTING's implementers are a big fan of mmap. It seems to be used for all file access, not just for manipulating kernel memory through `/dev/mem`. Is it done this way to reduce the number of system calls, to be less conspicious, as well as not reveal what exactly is accessed when running in `strace`? Or maybe a later stage of the rootkit blocks certain kinds of syscalls on certain "hidden" files.'
asciilifeform: which is to say, chumps, permitting freeloading on their machine resource.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: understand, 'these situations' can only exist for so long as somebody relays tx-with-ancestors-only-in-mempool.
asciilifeform: never mempool.
asciilifeform: this piece was put in as attempt to disincentivize connection to trb nodes.
asciilifeform: 'Backing up an HD wallet ensures that you will be able to re-generate any private keys produced by that wallet in the future...' << lift hdd contents via nsa lizardport once, lift coin that chump gets hold of years later !
asciilifeform: 'This incentivization scheme is often called Child Pays For Parent (CPFP). In the simplest version, miners group a transaction and all of its ancestors together, calculating their total fee-per-byte in order to determine whether mining them together pays a high enough fee to outbid other individual transactions the miner wants to include in its next block.' << ain't that O(N^2) ?
asciilifeform: ansactions part of the block for itself. If the node doesn’t receive all the transactions it needs to fully reconstruct the block, it requests the missing transactions from its peers, and then uses them to complete the block.'
asciilifeform: and let's also introduce a new lulzvector! -- 'There’s no need for the node to receive the transaction a second time if it still has the first copy. Compact block relay (BIP152) can eliminate this redundancy by allowing a node to receive from its peers an ordered list of what transactions are included in a new block. With this knowledge, the node can use the transactions it has already received to partly or fully reconstruct the tr
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in the land of orlols, 'From a diplomatic perspective, it would be much more tidy to treat the problem of war criminals running the US as an internal, American political problem, to be solved by Americans themselves, with an absolute minimum of outside help. This would best be accomplished through a bit of friendly, neighborly intelligence-sharing, letting all interested parties within the US know who exactly should be hel
asciilifeform meanwhile searched for vendor to buy a ranque-hilsch tube, and ran into
asciilifeform: well hey, if he's got a +ev amplifier, why not skip lunch a day or two and buy old comp with ~that~, then sell... rinse, repeat
asciilifeform: 'Aboriginal Linux is a shell script that builds the smallest/simplest linux system capable of rebuilding itself from source code. This currently requires seven packages ...'
asciilifeform: re 'let's abolish buildroot', turns out, surprise! -- there were attempts at sanity :
asciilifeform: even ibm xt was quite 'ferrous' compared to modern junk.
asciilifeform: it was a marvel of iron cages and emp shields etc.
asciilifeform: i cannot immediately name any other vintage comp that is 'cult object' comparable to the late lispm's.
asciilifeform: ^ how many old comps can you say this for.
asciilifeform: not really comparable to a vax imho.
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: dunno, i get quite satisfactory outdoor duty out of old .mil gear from various dead empires
asciilifeform has not attempted to verify
asciilifeform: note that i no longer intend to use mpi for anything. it was posted as a deautomakeification demo.
asciilifeform: if anyone finds something resembling a reasonable unix box this WON'T build on by simply running 'make', PLEASE let me know!
asciilifeform: re mpi referred to in the automake thread, updates:
asciilifeform: elsewhere, it is simply sad.
asciilifeform: thinking here of the folks who show symptoms of 'manually cranked' probemeister, vs the usual bots.
asciilifeform: 'Once you have a key with a given 64-bit keyid in your keychain, GnuPG will not import any other key with the same 64-bit keyid. Even if you specify the new key by fingerprint.'
asciilifeform: if you want to 'include derps' (and the result will be EVERY bit as ugly as every other occasion when someone insisted on attempt to 'include' them) distribute binaries.
asciilifeform: << this, as all attempts to solve a 'tv raft' problem, is EVIL.
asciilifeform: << my complaint is that it adds a meg of UNREADABLE and - largely UNTESTABLE (i do not have a VMS box, nor a machine with zsh or ksh, nor do i intend to , and i REFUSE to sign code that claims to run there , srsly wtf omfg) - and that it introduces massive turd, useless language m4, go and learn it, read the implementation
asciilifeform: so jurov's complaint rather resembles 'so consensus is that washing machines are useless and wtf, i have to clean this rifle manually ?'
asciilifeform: i dun have a problem with this, but it is important to remember how it worked.
asciilifeform: (the latter was already implemented by phf and worx great)
asciilifeform: << i have not, to date, attempted to build and run eulora, i wonder what 'wonderful surprises' await.
asciilifeform: we already have a working example of 'sane proggy, sane build system.'
asciilifeform: and mircea_popescu expects them to compile the game ?
asciilifeform: ^ where i say FUCK anyone who uses zhs. fuck people using orc glyphs. fuck anyone whose compiler is not in $CXX. automake is dead weight.
asciilifeform: here is a sample 2 lines from that config:
asciilifeform: to see example of sane build script:
asciilifeform: as seen in my mpi item earlier.
asciilifeform: and attempts various bogus things like 'finding your libs'
asciilifeform: automake is a work of evil, first thing i did when sawing off the mpi lib is to nuke it.
asciilifeform: (the components have to be certified separately)
asciilifeform: just as with electric grid, which is imperfect, but NOTHING the konsooomer can to do HIS mains socket, will burn down entire city.
asciilifeform: i am not about to pretend that mathematically idempotent things are different.
asciilifeform: my point was that mod6 could produce a genesis for that correctly clamps underneath existing vpatch sequence.
asciilifeform: (simply take the initial publication and diff against an empty dir.)
asciilifeform: ; Phuctored: 11077075678020735934526148020847970758896871547063037169613263824976154697682093654805709367957440110046911224501506446879317626764896123149439487419328499 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Fr
asciilifeform: 'IEX slows down all of the trades that go through its system with a 38-mile coil of fiber-optic cable that sits between the outside world and the exchange’s main computer. It takes trading signals 350 millionths of a second to get through the coil.'
asciilifeform: (recall attempt to build)
asciilifeform: 'In the last 4 years developing OpenKeychain, an OpenPGP implementation for Android, we made several unconventional UX decisions. While other implementations are still based on UX paradigms introduced in 1997 by PGP 5, we try to re-invent UX for a broader user base. Some of our decisions are subject to controversy in the OpenPGP community, in particular those of hiding information and complexity from the user, rather than giving them
asciilifeform: 'The OGERO ISP gateway router (RB) was exploited via HAMREX to enable SECONDDATE MiTM. The OGERO upstream Liban Telecom routers were exploited with CGDB, then implanted with HAMMERCORE and HAMMERSTEIN to enable successful Shaping of Hizballah Unit 1800 related traffic for multiple CT projects. Traffic was exfiltrated to STORMBREW from core routers and was accessible to S21, S2E, and SSG\NAC analysts via XKEYSCORE in less than 24 hour
asciilifeform: 'Collaboration between multiple divisions within TAO and S215 led to the development of a custom-built router exploit and new HAMMERCORE implant builds.'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: was my point. concert organists dun have 'i gotta pump with this other hand' problems.
asciilifeform: who has nobody to offload the pumping to.
asciilifeform: like upright piano, but instead of organ pedals, there is one 'singer sewing machine'-style pumper.
asciilifeform: the small one is kinda like accordion, but stationary, sits on the floor, one hand plays, other - pumps
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the correct analogy is the bellow pumping.
asciilifeform: PeterL: i have tiles-on-multiple-displays. not importantly different.
asciilifeform: i simply do the work of switching, when i switch, using EYES
asciilifeform: phf: dafuq i want with 'find a square somewhere'. i want this scrolling log RIGHT HERE, on display #3, under the other log for other boxes, and this one gets 2cm because it is not esp. important.
asciilifeform: i found the detail interesting because usg exempts itself by decree from conservation of mass...
asciilifeform: the foxacid dump
asciilifeform: the ~aimed~ endgame, we already knew in 1990s, Official Microshit Linux, with all of the idiocies in one pot, and nothing else will boot on new comp, because signing key in fritz chip.
asciilifeform: and yes, apparently microshit implemented a turd that takes ~none of the commands eaten by actual curl OR wget, but is symlinked to BOTH names.
asciilifeform: a: 'We're not saying here that this isn't a change we can investigate, but per our governance model we need to have a conversation around it. The impact of this change would be far-reaching, and it's not one we can make lightly.'
asciilifeform: q: 'remove curl and wget aliases #1901. They block use of the commonly used command line tools without providing even an attempt to offer the same functionality. They serve no purpose for PowerShell users but cause confusion and problems to existing curl and wget users.'
asciilifeform: then it was deemed impractical, to have separate fibers run in unmarked pipes, set in cement, around entire continent
asciilifeform: and employs several battalions of www dev types.
asciilifeform: though funnily enough koch didn't pump ~that~ entropy from the whitened pool
asciilifeform: the ~implementation~ of the latter in gpg - is other question entirely.
asciilifeform: it would depend on an actual physical implementation
asciilifeform: (incidentally i have nfi whether gnu patch util will apply a patch that simply 'FALSE'-s a deleted file, without the minusola.)
asciilifeform: mod6: but in the case of vdiff, there is no use for it, it simply makes patch unreadable.
asciilifeform: mpi/ChangeLog: not stored in w. Suggested by Florian Weimer.
asciilifeform: ChangeLog: * README: Some typo fixes from Florian Weimer, and bump version
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mod6 i came to this by attempting vdiff of gnupg 1.4.10 vs their .21 release from wednesday, and ending up with an unreadable 8MB turd, they moved/rm'd a buncha files.
asciilifeform: eh, mircea_popescu preemptively turned that knob to '11' with own hands, if it is turned any further it will probably come off.
asciilifeform: anyway rest of the dump consists of details re ready-baked 'victims' who, when pressed, would zip lips and pout, organizations from which a. was expelled, etc.
asciilifeform: no, not simple. but mircea_popescu did appear to ask for an algo, and the very notion results in such simplification.
asciilifeform: lel french also thought 'hey, simple'
asciilifeform: 'On April 13th, Appelbaum delivered a speech he self-described as "journalistic suicide" at the Logan Center for Investigative Journalism (CIJ) Symposium (where he is an advisor) in Berlin, Germany. During the speech he outlined how he and other investigative journalists had been betrayed by establishment journalists, particularly at The Guardian which he called the "shittiest publication in the English language," to the point where
asciilifeform: elsewhere: << massive compendium of old noose (re recent tor psyops.)
asciilifeform: 'Sexual Risk Orders are a civil order which became available to police and the National Crime Agency in early 2015. Police employees can apply to a magistrate to impose the order. The law allows police to apply for the punishment to be imposed in cases where the defendant is found not guilty – merely being in a case where the court “deals with” you as a defendant is enough. Its automatic minimum duration is two years and it can
asciilifeform: (does anyone find it interesting that modern gpg uses ~same mpi implementation as dark age pgp, but with massaged function names ('mp_' vs 'mpi_') ?
asciilifeform: because i consider mpi bugs to be a thing of interest.
asciilifeform: 'Someone please prove me wrong, but I think there is a bug in the function mp_modexp_crt (RSA decryption and signing) in PGP23a's MPI library. Attached to this message is a program which demonstrates the bug. While testing Magic Money for lingering bugs, the client gave the error "Coin from server has bad signature!" I tried again with different coins, and the program worked. The proto.dat file had been cleared as the coins were rea
asciilifeform: ('pcp' was an early attempt, it appears, at a stateless and rsa-only pgp replacement)
asciilifeform: 'The source provided a military award as proof of his past employment, and multiple former intelligence sources who reviewed the award for Motherboard said it looks legitimate.'
asciilifeform: price hikes, lies, repression". Twelve days later, the same slogans appeared superimposed on the hated evening news. The dissident radio astronomers had struck again.'
asciilifeform: ^ complete with gavinism push
asciilifeform: 'The more particular difference is that the first cycle (Figure 2a) deviates from the other cycles (Figure 2b). Here, the hash is computed from the bytes [L − 20, L) ∪ [0, 44).'
asciilifeform: and still even humble tube of solder is stamped 'this product is known....'
asciilifeform: it is quite impossible to forget about it.
asciilifeform: i have megatonne of items with the idiocy stamped on the package.
asciilifeform: the remnants of 'western prosperity' are made of precisely these chumpatrons, the items which are wholly worthless but continue to be sold as the genuine article, and ONLY A TERRORIST would try to distinguish.
asciilifeform: pyrex that doesn't withstand temperature shocks is as american as crapple pie.
asciilifeform: don't underestimate analogue comp, when the job is to solve particular ODE, or the like
asciilifeform: analogue comp is serious bizniss: americans shared, e.g., nuke, with britain, but never the norden bomb-sight.
asciilifeform: for the analogue comp.
asciilifeform: PeterL: cheap - and, more importantly - borosilicate (a pain to rework) glassware - mostly killed 'blow yer own' in the '50s
asciilifeform: ain't much 3d in computer, thestringpuller
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: either visit a local school and take the ochem, or work through the usual practical exercises before you engulf self and others in a fireball from, e.g., 'bumping' (look it up) boiled solvent under vacuum
asciilifeform: y begin to understand that a hacker is someone who resembles Eric Raymond. Dave Winer has recently and mercifully moved his essays off to audio, but you can still hear him snorfling cashew nuts and talking at length about what it means to be a blogger[7] . These essays and this writing style are tempting to people outside the subculture at hand because of their engaging personal tone and idiosyncratic, insider's view. But after a whi
asciilifeform: 'In Paul Graham's world, as soon as oil paint was invented, painting techniques made a discontinuous jump from the fifteenth to the twentienth century, fortuitously allowing Renaissance painters to paint a lot like Paul Graham. ... I blame Eric Raymond and to a lesser extent Dave Winer for bringing this kind of schlock writing onto the Internet. Raymond is the original perpetrator of the "what is a hacker?" essay, in which you quickl
asciilifeform: complete with zx spectrum
asciilifeform: you should see output that is same as pgpdump -i of seckey.asc
asciilifeform: (quite compactified after removal of crust, e.g., optional asm optimizations, and dead code)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: all bignums in gpg are passed around as pointers to 'mpi' data structure.
asciilifeform: the pgpdump -i output ?
asciilifeform: pgpdump -i displays the actual int.
asciilifeform: so yes, mircea_popescu phrased correctly, we are seeing 'memory dump'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: mpi was written by braindamaged folk who believed that bigint ought to be able to 'grow infinitely'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: not stack. the raw mpi turd.
asciilifeform: mpidump shows the thing you end up seeing in pgpdump -i.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu this is still a raw mpi hexdump
asciilifeform: the dumped string is RAW MPI CRAPOLA
asciilifeform: we're chewing on mpi header.
asciilifeform: hint: what does log_hexdump do
asciilifeform: and what did mircea_popescu use for a compiler, that ate this.
asciilifeform: ought to be log_hexdump("\nYieldPrime: \n", ptest, nbits/8.);
asciilifeform: log_hexdump("\nYieldPrime: \n", ptest, nbits);
asciilifeform: AAAAAND this is where we dump the buffer.
