(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: is it any faster than to loper-os?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: obv, I should set it up one way or another
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: not atm; not fully sure how best to set this up
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=MRFB
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw: what are your doubts anyway as you didn't make them public anywhere, did you?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw: looking at it overall, I quite suspect you are not all that used to cutting straight to the heart of the matter really; and this might not be all that great for this sort of situation
(ossasepia) diana_coman: sure, nothing to lose; do probe to exhaustion.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: atm I fired up a few more emails to south africans this time; they *seem* at least less stuck up re account, will see
(ossasepia) diana_coman: if they pick up, yes, lol
(ossasepia) diana_coman: I kind of suspect they don't really want the biz
(ossasepia) diana_coman: ohai asciilifeform ; how's the bmore /dc stuff ?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw: what did you write your irc client in?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: jfw: what's your plan though because if you've made it to Aug 1, there are stil more than 2 months of logs and at this rate it's unclear you'll get to even read it all any time soon, lol.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-10-14#1006232 - yes, this is so, after that I went and read the docs which said exactly that.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: noted, thanks.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: thimbronion: well done.
(trilema) diana_coman: given how many there are though, I can't quite imagine this mythical "so many customers, can afford to turn down this one who says she wants several boxes, possibly rack"; nevertheless...
(trilema) diana_coman: I have to admit that after a while I had at least fun asking them this sort of direct questions with no-possible-reasonable-answer-oh-noez
(trilema) diana_coman: heh, asciilifeform, lemme replay here my note that yes, it's easy to block them and they won't come back with reply either because http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-10-12#1005834
(trilema) diana_coman: asciilifeform: ok.
(trilema) diana_coman: asciilifeform: see from there down, there's a few more, arguably more important too
(trilema) diana_coman: will do it tomorrow if needed, ok.
(trilema) diana_coman: uhm, then why did I dump changes in log, lolz.
(trilema) diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-13#1945102 - as per this and given the diff notes, still needs changes & re-deed
(trilema) diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: for given recipe, this required at the very least a rebuild world and given the goal of checking if indeed can bring up both servers, preferably sooner rather than later, I did not attempt that.
(trilema) diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: hm; some dependencies seemed to pull in some crypto; didn't fully investigate to see if they can in turn work without etc, perhaps yes.
(trilema) diana_coman: otherwise yes, I had banned in on the previous smg test server and simply got on with libressl
(trilema) diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: the problem is that the recipe makes a system on which openssl is *already installed*
(trilema) diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-13#1945172 - asciilifeform , are you saying that you can do same with cuntoo directly?
(trilema) diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: honestly, ~any mirror is dog-food
(trilema) diana_coman: well, I'd love to get at some point to static-only, so ...
(trilema) diana_coman: so I don't see a big problem with including a gnat in the canister
(trilema) diana_coman: ie set first in path the desired one and that's it
(trilema) diana_coman: asciilifeform: as far as I recall though, choosing the gnat is just a matter of setting PATH, isn't it?
(trilema) diana_coman: asciilifeform: I still use ave1 gnat, just not latest/static-only
(trilema) diana_coman: possibly I'll have to hammer it into static at some point but not yet there (it's a ball of ifdefism among other things)
(trilema) diana_coman: which is nice and fine but sadly crystalspace is a mess and won't compile static only just yet :(
(trilema) diana_coman: asciilifeform: iirc last gnat is static-only, isn't it?
(trilema) diana_coman: for eulora dev and therefore next, there is also gnat, ofc.
(trilema) diana_coman: asciilifeform: python selector fine, confirmed.
(trilema) diana_coman: asciilifeform: for eulora I need: app-misc/screen, ftjam, net-misc/curl (that runs into the openssl shit), dev-db/mysql (5.6.39 or earlier) + cs and cal3d but those are frozen versions/not portage anyway
(trilema) diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-13#1945126 - confirmed, this is indeed fixed in r2.
(trilema) diana_coman: aha; I actually had the mysql precise thing in one of the backups but rather deeply burried so at the time of the test I went with this mirror; but as I was saying, by default I rather tend to unplug the network cable when installing systems.
(trilema) diana_coman: I think this last russian one had the mysql/I quite distinctly remember adding it
(trilema) diana_coman: asciilifeform: the mirrors I have in my /etc/portage/make.conf after getting rid of dead ones + adding at least one with required mysql: gentoo.gossamerhost.com gentoo.supp.name mirror.neolabs.kz/gentoo/pub mirrors.xservers.ro/gentoo/ gentoo/bloodhost.ru gentoo.wheel.sk bbgentoo.ilb.ru
(trilema) diana_coman: it might belong there also, sure; still, I'd rather have it in recipe too; for that matter there is still the companion thing, might need to add a note at the very least
(trilema) diana_coman goes to check lilo.conf
(trilema) diana_coman: asciilifeform: I'd still rather put the content than just the link, why make the recipe utterly dependent on the logger being up, anyways? eg at 3-29, put in the reference but also just the required option
(trilema) diana_coman: asciilifeform: at 3-20, this wasn't true: there was still the change from linear to lba32
(ossasepia) diana_coman: BingoBoingo: no no, it was something to do with enabling rewrite mode in apache (because that's how the permalinks work) + the env of the dir so that the permissions take or similar; but nm, tomorrow I get around to all the notes anyway so I'll spit it out.
(trilema) diana_coman: asciilifeform: at 3-19, argh, put in there the exact place of pl2303 in kernel, it was annoying enough to have to track it down once.
(trilema) diana_coman: for that matter, there's 3-9 missing, lol
(trilema) diana_coman: asciilifeform: between 3-8 and 3-10 I needed the obv mkdir /mnt/usb
(ossasepia) diana_coman: if you don't have it, don't worry & esp don't spend time on it, I'll dig it up tomorrow
(ossasepia) diana_coman: BingoBoingo: do you happen to have at hand the magic incantation to make the permalinks work on mpwp on centos? I know there was something and it's somewhere deep in my centos-install notes but didn't yet get to excavate it for thimbronion
(trilema) diana_coman: asciilifeform: at point 3-2 I started the boot partition at 32 (because lilo needs 0-31)
(ossasepia) diana_coman: re distributions, I think there should be mysql and postgres too.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: BingoBoingo: well, pretense is cheap and dear to they pretending.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: at point 3 that adjust until target disk is /dev/sda, ugh; for that matter, it really should work on *any* block device, no? did you check re lilo (as the only iffy part I can think of atm)?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: only now I realised
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: funnily enough I actually used precisely the same gentoo livedvd iso as you list in the recipe
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: I got it; but currently I promised MP I'll check your deeded recipe *today* so this is 1st priority
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack, thimbronion, shrysr add to titles your initials differentiate in the recent posts too
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: correct the category on one of your posts
(ossasepia) diana_coman: ah, ok; let me first check this as promised
(ossasepia) diana_coman: or can I take and check current one or what?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: is the plan here to have another deed?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: I guess so; it was the mysql one that I had to hunt for (I actually had it in one of the backups too but I managed to find a mirror still having it too because as you say, there are those that obsolete bla)
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: yeah, I'd rather not have any mirrors and tbh I tend to install stuff offline anyway
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: no need to ping, feedbot will do it for me anyway
(trilema) diana_coman: that was test no 2 yest
(trilema) diana_coman: asciilifeform: I've set it up also on another fx (slightly diff number) on a gigabyte board
(trilema) diana_coman: asciilifeform: re intel, I have an old intel excavated out and waiting to have this set on it, if I get around to do it.
(trilema) diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: yes; I'll check it against my notes too.
(trilema) diana_coman: indeed; I'll check today after a bit of a needed break.
(trilema) diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: I'll have to check, since he deeded now I think "latest version"; previously I used his deeded version + tweak for fuckgoats & my kbd
(trilema) diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: I have on my list to attempt recipe on intel too - if I find some time for it; it wasn't burning and it's one of those "only if deemed worth to know"
(trilema) diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: pretty much, yes.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: that's something I will have to learn about, it would seem; sigh.
(trilema) diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: can report that dev server is also built and had a test run locally with dev client; compilation there messier because of the whole stuff with gnat.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: thank you; re ftp account I did not forget and it's on the list but most probably tomorrow.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: can that wait until tomorrow? today I rather need to get to the bottom of this server trouble.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: btw, post the plan on younghands too or I might not get to see it timely.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: and on the other hand, I had this machine ready anyway
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: I did, yes; on one hand I wanted to find out if using same machine is even really feasible (despite my previous idea that it's not; apparently I should have stuck to that idea)
(ossasepia) diana_coman: hi asciilifeform ; I'm getting to the conclusion here that trying to jam both prod and dev servers on same machine is really NOT worth it, ugh.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: no outline given; format is entirely up to you; the rest sounds fine.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: so then add it there; this week focus on the irc mainly; take a break from summarizing stuff as most blogs are still offline anyway
(ossasepia) diana_coman: thimbronion: can you draw that sort of conclusion directly in the review?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: thimbronion: given what you wrote, those are the lines the conclusions flows on, yes; not much of a conclusion of review since review is not finished really but at least a conclusion of the exercise, hence ~what was learnt here.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: thimbronion: yes.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: works.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: heh, ok.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: (and hopefully I won't have to keep asking this)
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: any questions?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: then again, you have to start *somewhere* anyway.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: well, you can always make notes for one thing; in this specific case though the deeper trouble is probably the fact that you lack any familiarity with the context really; it's not just a piece by itself
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: write your review of last week + plan for next; as it's already Sunday you get an extra day this week, so deadline for review+plan is end of Monday
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: if you need to, cut the above up in smaller steps and plan what you tackle this week
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: lol! ok, for the time being you get on to V and figure out what it is, why it is, how it works and how is it implemented in the python version; note that there are a few reference posts on V so mandatory part of any of this
(ossasepia) diana_coman: surprisingly fine for a random choice, there is that; anyways, how's it going then?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: are you familiar otherwise with greek writings or how did you get to it?
(ossasepia) diana_coman can already wince at some summaries of that
(ossasepia) diana_coman: ha; in latin? :D
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: ok; since you know python best, you'll start there: get the python V and review it in a post including annotating the code; what are you reading currently?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: re that "reading technique" - what's with the focus on speed of reading? how's the understanding?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: apparently computation structures should have had some amount of hardware design; did it?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: fwiw the "cs requirements" at least sounds a not-terrible list but ofc those are only titles
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: was there actual electrical engineering too? from their curriculum at least I can't spot it
(ossasepia) diana_coman: "introduction to CS programming in Python", jeez
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: for that matter, does MIT do now only one degree? what was it exactly, lol
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: so you did summer internships only and then landed this remote job after graduating; is that correct?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: if I search for those exams I get a boatload of "how to score" and ~nothing on the content they supposedly cover, lolz.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: it's ok, I'll read it on the toilet-comp
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: lol, ok.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: ahahaha; well, you can do both, I don't mind; but why exactly?
(ossasepia) diana_coman adjusts MIT-image in own head, lol
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: anything for parallel architectures?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: rather important to mention because it's a whole different category, you know? given your significant efforts at classifications otherwise
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: say something.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: for that matter what, is your cv secret or anything? presumably you already have it anyway; plonk it somewhere on the site and link it, what
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: btw the "save for another post" is such a shit; wtf, don't save anything, put it/link it there
(ossasepia) diana_coman: o.O programming since you were 12 + bachelor at MIT and that's the whole list?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: but that's quite a different thing and unrelated to a specific reader
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: you can and should, of course, review whatever you write ie read it after a while and see if/to which degree it makes sense
(ossasepia) diana_coman: it's not about putting yourself in my shoes (ha!), that's a bit silly in that 1. you won't have just one reader; if you have only 1, then it's conversation so it belongs here 2. if you could put yourself in my shoes, then you wouldn't need me at all.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: trouble is that you didn't really say much there; you classified the hell out of 3 beans basically
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: what are those "few programming languages" you say you learnt
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: re software dev extract, as long as you make sure it's you doing the extracting and not the other way around, it can work; but note that each and every thing you do is still "you" and so, ideally, you'd still want to do something useful to yourself at least rather than damaging to yourself, that's the rub.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: exists*, gah
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: realise that it's only what you write there that exist; there is this potential problem with distance-based help: since you aren't here, I can't look at you and see more than what you say/write.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: there is a difference between "I'll have to eat some shit for subsistence for now" and "I want to become great at eating shit"
(ossasepia) diana_coman: deadline]
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: finally, this approach that you'll make that plan and the other + time it and all will suddenly be great is 1. unlikely to work (and you seem to already have some experience that it doesn't) 2. incompatible really with a mentor; if you want to do your own thing, then go and do your own thing but mind the required [http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2019-09-26#1003986][big goal &
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: similarly, you can't really be at the same time a great app-whore for assorted idiots and a man; if you insist with it, you'll just end up (at best) as the equivalent of a drag queen I suppose but it's really very unhealthy; you are better off bum-surfing for sure, in this case, since you get to actually enjoy some sort of life at least.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: the separation tmsr/non-tmsr doesn't work on the lines you make it there: tmsr is not "just technical", that's idiocy; and if you insist at keeping tmsr separate/secret/that-thing-which-is-not-exactly-what-I-am, you are just headed for utter failure (possibly after some longish amount of misery)
(ossasepia) diana_coman: whaack: lolz, pretentious much? worthy of your time, really.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: thimbronion: re conclusion that "doesn't come naturally": so you did this in whatever few hours you decided upfront it "should take" ; there is clearly some evolution from the initial mess; what do you think you've got for the time you spent on it? what do you think you need to do next to advance further on this direction?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: so no, if you don't know, you don't just wing it, wtf! you *should have read much of her blog* to find out! yes, summarizing ONE piece may mean having to read a whole lot more, absolutely.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: thimbronion: "I don't know much about the author, and haven't read much of her blog, or her work in general," - the first part (I don't know much about X) may happen, it's a fact and so it only is; but the 2nd part is your utter failing and bad habit: confronted with the fact, you decided it did not matter, which is a very stupid thing to do.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: thimbronion: "There are other examples, but I have run out of time to cover them." - bwahahaha, this asks for a good beating, you know? looking at roi on time spent is one thing but skipping stuff with "there's more but I ran out of time, so get lost" is an entirely different thing.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: work of course only for a clearly defined set of needed packages so not sure there's anything for the recipe in there.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: other than those in yesterday's log (eg the pl2303 kernel option) there was I think only an issue with the mirrors set in /etc/portage/make.conf since a few of them were not responding anymore and the whole thing would grind to a halt waiting/retrying on them; the .pl one comes to mind ; at any rate, I'll want to have everything local really so I don't need any mirrors but that can
(trilema) diana_coman: all those installation notes from past times came in extremely handy indeed; a few hurdles existed, quite as expected with respect to finding again various precise versions of stuff so from now on I'll have to backup *that* too.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: production eulora server is all running on local testbed!
(trilema) diana_coman: mp_en_viaje production server & db successfully running on my local test-setup so that part at least seems all right; tomorrow I'll look at the dev server too.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: feedback (regardless of what "embarassment" might say otherwise)
(ossasepia) diana_coman: thimbronion: better measure the time by return gained on spending it, really, if you are asking "should I spend more on it now?" ; in other words: if you see how to make it better so that another hour would make a significant improvement, then you should find that hour, yes; if onth you don't see how to make it better but you only see that it is broken, then you gain more by publishing it for
(ossasepia) diana_coman: things are not to be measured by "time spent", at any rate.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: thimbronion: the more important question is whether you see/know what you need to do to make it better; do you?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: thimbronion: that's the sort of question that you can answer best; what's wrong with it/why "not happy"?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: fwiw going through the old notes re install on 1st smg server @pizarro (aka the production server), it turns out that indeed, I had to eselect python 2 so as to have python 2.7 as default.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: gn asciilifeform
(ossasepia) diana_coman: so I suppose I'll have to live with ssl for now at least.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: given that I should have the servers up by tomorrow evening, I'd rather not rebuild world, hm
(ossasepia) diana_coman: hm; so only cuntoo is ssl-free?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: but uhm, I thought the idea was no openssl really
(ossasepia) diana_coman: uhm, curl is not installed and precisely, I was setting up to install curl *without openssl"
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: ah, shit; openssl is *installed* actually?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: I've just masked anything with higher version really
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: well, I set *this versione exactly* on the test server so it has to work in the end.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: I'll get to it, lots of stuff to compile and check still, ugh.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: sure; I *do* have my notes, but apparently at that time it was enough to ban it for mysql specifically ; possibly because other versions of the deps already installed or something (ie it's pulled in by a dep of mysql and it has MANY, ugh)
(ossasepia) diana_coman: thanks!
(ossasepia) diana_coman: so it *did* help I complained here !
(ossasepia) diana_coman: ie so far I specifically masked it for dev-db/mysql but I should add it to crapolade
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: actually that is what I should do
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: I banned it specifically because otherwise it gets pulled in and conflicts with libressl
(trilema) diana_coman: BingoBoingo: sadly that doesn't seem to be going anywhere indeed, the crowncloud guy lingers in #o but doesn't answer any q so it probably won't come to anything.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: mysql seems to try to pull in openssl (some of its deps) despite me specifying even same version of mysql I had hammered to work on the test server, ugh; this will be some fun, by the looks of it
(trilema) diana_coman: hmm, I can see how that can end up the same actually, yes; the absence is the same after all, regardless of path to it and even of surrounding artefacts I suppose.
(trilema) diana_coman: ahahah, that's hard to quite picture a deutch-latino mixture
(trilema) diana_coman: hanbot_abroad: heh, how many drops came out of ze germans?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: shinohai: ok, good luck
(ossasepia) diana_coman: as I said: cal3d has been quite frozen for ages, so perhaps the easy way works for it
(ossasepia) diana_coman: so that might be handy if it works, worth a try at least
(ossasepia) diana_coman: the 0.11 sounds right, dunno about r1
(ossasepia) diana_coman: cal3d is quite frozen so maybe lucky there
(ossasepia) diana_coman: ah; what versions compared to minigame ones?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: if nothing else, an existing ebuild might help you as an example perhaps
(ossasepia) diana_coman: shinohai: first of all: are they even in portage? because I seriously doubt but just check anyway, it's not a difficult thing to do
(ossasepia) diana_coman: note that cs also has quite a few dependencies so you'll probably be better off doing first cal3d and then starting from those cs deps and only at the end the cs itself
(ossasepia) diana_coman: shinohai: so yes, sure; use those; not sure in the end what are you trying to do exactly? (I thought you were trying to *make* ebuilds for those versions, yes)
(ossasepia) diana_coman: cs is messier because it has a ton of if-defism among other warts
(ossasepia) diana_coman: shinohai: what do you mean? they certainly compile with gcc 4.9.4 ofc; and fwiw I compiled cal3d with gnat/gprbuild, it worked fine
(ossasepia) diana_coman: you'll need the exact versions used/mirrored by s.mg though, at least for the client as far as it'll be released (other than that you can always do your own /make it work with any version, ofc)
(ossasepia) diana_coman: shinohai: they are a specific version; I doubt they are in portage but look and let me know, why not
(ossasepia) diana_coman: shinohai: so I'd say start with that and let me know how it goes
(ossasepia) diana_coman: for one thing getting it to build with gprbuild is quite straightforward and for the other, it's way less messy than cs
(ossasepia) diana_coman: cal3d should be the easiest to start with really
(ossasepia) diana_coman: shinohai: yes, cal3d and crystalspace are the ones to start with because they will stay the same, most likely.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: confirmed compiled, booted and FG seen; now I'm going away for 2-3 hours, will move on to rest of installs after that
(ossasepia) diana_coman: I will need to go for a few hours so I'll let it compile and then get back to it when I'm back
(ossasepia) diana_coman: ah, found it; it's in device drivers/usb support/usb serial converter support/usb prolific shit
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: either I'm blind atm or it's one of those that depends on something else and so on ffs; I went to Device Drivers -> USB support but I can't find it anywhere, grr
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: good point; add to recipe too, please
(ossasepia) diana_coman goes back to recompile
(ossasepia) diana_coman: so I think at least mention the location of that knob, in the recipe perhaps
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: this is what I recalled, that it was ~always pl
(ossasepia) diana_coman: hm, and black isn't ?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: I have both black and blue (usb 3)
(ossasepia) diana_coman: hm, need to look in notes and check
(ossasepia) diana_coman: no, should be pl2303, ugh
(ossasepia) diana_coman: I recall that is the knob (or at least one of the needed ones), yes
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: hm, in this one it's on usb; do you know where is that knob in kernell?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: I'm sure it can be tuned probably but I'm not all that interested in that + atm I really need to get on with installing all the stuff and bringing the eulora servers up at least here
(ossasepia) diana_coman: I looked about, changed the one for my usual kbd (the emergency ps kbd is not that comfy on fingers) and otherwise looked around but I didn't see something directly needed/to change
(ossasepia) diana_coman: thank you for the new tarball asciilifeform !
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: success! booted Armoire-II; / is mounted in rw mode, gcc is 4.9, python is 2.7
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: certainly I'd have used cuntoo if I could.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: more like "work in waiting" but anyway
(ossasepia) diana_coman: plus honestly, cuntoo is still work in progress in fact, not yet really there.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: yes sadly, can't yet move on to cuntoo.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: ah, ok
(ossasepia) diana_coman: I had added up on previous install to get rid of idiotic attempt to mount it as ext3 (and it worked) but dunno if still needed it now
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: is that rootfstype=ext4 parameter needed in the end?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: I suspect I'll have to make scripts really
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: that I have & will deploy afterwards anyway
(ossasepia) diana_coman: compiling kernel, changed it to armoire at least to make sure it's the one I'm aiming; will remember to change in lilo.conf too, lolz.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: thimbronion: ok but you know, ack still needed on positive outcome too; don't do this "no news is good news"
(ossasepia) diana_coman: seems so as far as I can see; ok, moving on
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: possibly; my q is whether it still unpacked everything or not
(ossasepia) diana_coman: I never saw this before
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: now the tar complained about timestamp; do you know if that is more than just a warning?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: 3-11, ugh
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: you forgot to update the name of the tarball in the new recipe at 3-16
(ossasepia) diana_coman: thimbronion: is the review-trouble clarified now?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: yeah, 34
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: you should update that parted to start at 0 too
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: kk, thanks; working on it
(ossasepia) diana_coman: ah, then I'll try to proceed with it
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: are you writing the new recipe now?
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: some eunet iirc or if you really need it I'll look it up in the notes; a quite big corporation style thing but at that point I tried them too, why not
(ossasepia) diana_coman: hence why I expect they won't come back to me at all, no
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: no, the point is *before* anything; because they won't quite want to say/admit "yes, you pay for us to disconnect you" but onth if they say "no, we don't", they are in a bigger pickle when they do so...
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: tarball downloaded and checksum checked, all fine
(ossasepia) diana_coman: and I fully intend to rub them in it
(ossasepia) diana_coman: that's the rub
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: at the very least they *have to say it in writing*
(ossasepia) diana_coman: anyways, supposedly one way or another I'll get my blog back up and then do the write up of all that shit
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: heh, the eu had "potentially disconnect you", hence my q ~= wtf do you think I'm paying you for to disconnect me??
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: try maybe you can get away without account; worth a try at least and as far as I can tell, if there's a chance of that, so far it's with them only.
(ossasepia) diana_coman: I don't even expect they'll come back to me, lolz
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: heh; I asked some some "eu" thing; first they replied with "oh no, it's nothing to worry, as long as you update/blabla"; after which, when I asked specifically and exactly what do they do if there's an attack on MY box...silence
(ossasepia) diana_coman: asciilifeform: iirc you can get that with him via email only ie without account on website, correct?