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← 2020-03-14 | 2020-03-19 →
diana_coman: trinque: meant to say: yes please, I want deedbot with the wot centered on channel owner.
trinque: ??balance
trinque: ^ for those tuning in, wallet operations may be performed using ?? as prefix, and the usual commands
trinque: I'm making some repairs and improvements to deedbot.
trinque: I'll let everyone know when deedbot's updated; meanwhile drunkbot has all wallet functions.
asciilifeform: trinque: this is neat, and ty for continuing to run deedbot.
asciilifeform: trinque: i was a bit puzzled tho, when you said that you had orig. devised it because cumbersome to tx. i had thought it was to avoid multi-day miner wtf-delays and fees .
snsabot: (ossasepia) 2020-03-15 trinque: arguably it didn't solve a problem, but rather patched around the cumbersomeness of transacting in bitcoin given the shitty state of trb
trinque: also those things, certainly
trinque: the loathsome RPC interface of TRB is currently top of mind, as I recently found out it does some kind of magic wrapping bullshit with the JSON output
trinque: not sure why/how/what, just noticed that it was causing bugs with deeding.
asciilifeform: the jsonism is possib. the 1 part of trb i never personally had occasion to use. ( recall, at one time wanted to replace it w/ 'tinyscheme' from the sheer ugliness, but this went nowhere )
dorion: asciilifeform, I know it was only published last week, but did you have a look at jfw's Gales Scheme ?
asciilifeform: dorion: still reading it (sloowly) in fact
asciilifeform can never pass up a chance to read a new/compact schemetron
dorion: hey cool. I know there are parts he wants to improve, but part of publishing it was to get feedback.
← 2020-03-14 | 2020-03-19 →