Hide Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2020-03-13 | 2020-03-15 →
trinque: !!gettrust trinque
deedbot: L1: 0, L2: 5 by 4 connections.
deedbot: L1: 0, L2: 5 by 4 connections.
trinque: !!up trinque
trinque: !!v 54DF6ED6D235F061AE899D4B372D491D53915969D735CFC9EFEE064D3F3F041A
trinque: hm, nearly there on multi-channel voicing.
trinque: but not quite
deedbot: You are now voiced in #trilema
trinque: !!up
trinque: !!v 2E9B4427E125E2EA56450D6A1DBA6B1C62062DE6E4B1FA3854490FC998387FF0
deedbot: You are now voiced in #trinque
trinque: ha!
trinque: alright, that works. day late, dollar short, I guess.
trinque: diana_coman: let me know if you'd like this in #ossasepia
trinque: !!seen trinque
deedbot: 2020/03/14 04:31:44 <trinque> !!seen trinque
trinque: !!seen jfw
deedbot will bbl
trinque: looks like I'm going to have to fix something in the wallet to accomodate multi-channel.
trinque: will pick it up tomorrow.
trinque: in other lulz, the reason deedbot has been slow is that scriba has been sending it garbage and crash-looping it
trinque: not the frontend connected to IRC, but a backend component.
diana_coman: trinque: I probably do want it; I'm still not clear on what it does though; how is the multi-channel voice meant to work?
trinque: diana_coman: channel owner becomes 'deedbot' in the calculations for voice.
diana_coman: you seem to consider that the psychological posture is both fixed /cvasi-universal and relevant for how things should be made ; I can see the practicality of it for sure ie yeah, if you need to make 10 idiots do something then you'll fit the tools exactly to their idiocy, sure.
diana_coman: uhm, sorry
trinque: ??gettrust trinque
drunkbot: L1: 0, L2: 5 by 4 connections.
← 2020-03-13 | 2020-03-15 →