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← 2019-11-19 | 2019-11-21 →
trinque: !!ticket Build an operating system.
trinque: d'oh!
trinque: diana_coman: yep that'd be fine. jfw don't ask to ask, feel free.
diana_coman: thank you.
jfw: ty trinque. Did you have a chance to look into my deedbot wallet problem?
jfw: I retried a !!received-invoices just now, still encrypted to the strange key.
asciilifeform: trinque: possible bug report. invoiced jurov and jfw for postage today; the former's -- worked; the latter's -- returned no output for the !!v .
asciilifeform: could be related to the problem jfw was having with his acct.
← 2019-11-19 | 2019-11-21 →