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← 2019-11-05 | 2019-11-11 →
lobbes: trinque: so I'm thinking that regardless of whether or not this de-tangle-the-linux-shitball project is deemed worthwhile, I could still stand to gain a deeper understanding of said shitball (I still interface with it daily, after all).
lobbes: From what I can judge (and I could be misjudging), my 'linux knowledge' right now is at about the level of a junior sys admin. I've interfaced with my various servers over the years, have installed Gentoo (albeit with the handbook glued to my eyeballs), and I did get Cuntoo working for me. But that's about where my skillset ends
lobbes: Do you have a recommendation of anything specific I ought to start with first (make an ebuild, dissect a kernel, etc.), or is it more of a 'just grab an oar, any oar' kind of a thing?
← 2019-11-05 | 2019-11-11 →