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← 2018-08-10 | 2018-08-12 →
asciilifeform: !!up viznut
deedbot: viznut voiced for 30 minutes.
asciilifeform: viznut: who might you be ?
a111: Logged on 2017-12-31 15:01 mircea_popescu: this is a reminder to future self : plox negrate countercomplex / viznut on sight ty.
viznut: this channel was mentioned at loper-os.org, which i stumbled upon via http://worrydream.com/why-2017-05-08/ which i found by doing some searches on myself
asciilifeform: aaah you're the 'The resource leak bug of our civilization' fella
a111: Logged on 2017-12-31 14:06 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in vintage lulz, http://countercomplex.blogspot.com/2014/08/the-resource-leak-bug-of-our.html
asciilifeform: viznut: you'll prolly find the chan logs to be of interest.
asciilifeform: we even have a fella doing summaries nowadays, http://summaries.logs.esthlos.com
asciilifeform: ( he's eaten through the last 2yrs, afaik still working on earlier histories )
viznut: sounds very unusual for an irc channel, might indicate that the people consider their discussions interesting enough
asciilifeform: viznut: don't take my word for it, take a dig in the logs, make use of the search function.
asciilifeform: chances are , anything interesting you've ever thought about, is touched on.
asciilifeform: viznut: you will also find that there is not only irc but quite a few other things.
viznut: allright, so this is starting to get much deeper than i expected. will need some time to explore
asciilifeform: viznut: no hurry. most n00bs who end up coming back, do so after reading logs for months, sometimes year.
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/08/puerto-rican-election-commisions-allowing-relief-aid-to-rot/ << Qntra - Puerto Rican Election Commisions Allowing Relief Aid To Rot
mircea_popescu: i wonder wtf that was all about.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-31 15:02 asciilifeform: oddlyenuff these negged-in-absentia folx never seem to come to pick up their 'award'
mircea_popescu: viznut anyway, your past history of being an imbecile caught up with you finally. get the fuck lost.
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/08/russian-warship-treasure-story-looking-like-an-altcoin-scam/ << Qntra - "Russian Warship Treasure" Story Looking Like An Altcoin Scam
mircea_popescu: alright.
mod6: *thumbsup*
asciilifeform: in other noose, loox like parcel no. 1 will be eaten before the night ends , optimized eater worxgreat
asciilifeform: textsearch just about done also.
asciilifeform: ( index still needs bit of massage )
asciilifeform: aaaand lol, just as i said this, realized that index gen will bring the machine to its knees for coupla hr.
mircea_popescu has contributed to #asciilifeform.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-11#1840963 << bahaha, should've had'im register!111
a111: Logged on 2018-08-11 18:31 mircea_popescu: viznut anyway, your past history of being an imbecile caught up with you finally. get the fuck lost.
lobbes: in other final joyrides >> http://archive.is/L6WaW
asciilifeform: lobbes: i suspect they'll have usg.net-connected hotel-style locks before long.
asciilifeform: 'Earlier in the flight, the man says: "This is probably like jail time for life, huh? I mean, I would hope it is, for a guy like me." "Well," a controller responds, "we're not going to worry or think about that. But could you start a left-hand turn, please?"' << gold
asciilifeform: '"Nah, I mean, I don't need that much help. I've played some video games before," the man responds.'
lobbes: asciilifeform, either that or they'll start stationing tsa meat on the runways
asciilifeform: lobbes: naaah, too cheap. i can already picture 'mandatory solutions', $100K eyeball scanners in ignition locks & whatever crocks of shit, make $50k 'cesna' cost 150 , etc
asciilifeform: they already had mandatory remote root on the boeings (which is how, lol '9/11'(tm)(r) ), can easily picture 'national seekoority' mandate of same for errything bigger than paper plane
lobbes can picture
asciilifeform: ACHTUNG, PANZERS !!!
asciilifeform: new phuctorism : search .
asciilifeform: ( later on, will have option to search only phuctored keyz )
asciilifeform: errybody encouraged to use/abuse, thing is O(n log n) .
asciilifeform: !Q later tell trinque lemme know if this needs additional knobs (jsonism ?) to work with deedbot
lobbesbot: asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
asciilifeform: currently max query output is wired to 10k, e.g. http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/search?q=GPG
asciilifeform: can do various things, e.g. from old log, http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/search?q=amd+turd
trinque: asciilifeform: not sure what you mean re: additional knobs
lobbesbot: trinque: Sent 2 minutes ago: <asciilifeform> lemme know if this needs additional knobs (jsonism ?) to work with deedbot
trinque: congrats on the phuctor upgrades btw
asciilifeform: ty trinque
asciilifeform: trinque: was speaking of hypothetical http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-11#1840918 knob
a111: Logged on 2018-08-11 00:12 asciilifeform: so we can e.g. !phuctor , !phuctor foo@bar.com , etc
asciilifeform: supposing it's practical
trinque: thinking being that it'd hand back the top search result?
Mocky: so many 'mocky's in there incl. sexualnepomocky and MockyJoke
asciilifeform: thing is fast enuff that i prolly oughta give it a proper api thing
asciilifeform: rather than having folx go an' scrape
asciilifeform: then again perhaps it'd make life too easy for heathens
asciilifeform: ( i'ma see what mircea_popescu thinks )
trinque: if all it does is cough up the link to search, wouldn't really need an API
asciilifeform: was speaking moar generally ( moar complex searches etc )
trinque: at any rate, happy to lend a hand when it's clear what the command will do
asciilifeform: btw these are sorted, most-recent-submitted 1st
asciilifeform: aaanyway i'ma bbl : meat .
mod6: <+asciilifeform> new phuctorism : search . << neato!
← 2018-08-10 | 2018-08-12 →