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← 2018-07-26 | 2018-07-28 →
mod6: !!invoice lobbes 0.03308823 Rockchip invoice for 3 months of service, through October 31st, 2018
mod6: !!v E3E0C81A05DDA2E5942DD5445F2A81AFA081D34EF176E291E32808DBBE3B8E4F
deedbot: Invoiced lobbes 0.03308823 << Rockchip invoice for 3 months of service, through October 31st, 2018
lobbes: !!pay-invoice mod6 1
lobbes: !!v E3FDAA1052B63328EE9ABDDA06A194D4BF7D241D6F465A2207FF6C4E2837DD89
deedbot: lobbes paid mod6 invoice 1
mod6: Thanks lobbes!
lobbes: pleasure doing business
lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-26#1837860 << no, I know. I can only offer the "dayjob for food steals most of my productive hours in the day" excuse here. That being said, the importance of getting this thing up isn't lost on me.
a111: Logged on 2018-07-26 19:51 mircea_popescu: lobbes_sans_znc ok but i mean, it's been two weeks!
diana_coman: mod6, I don't recall: was there any option to pay yearly for the rockchip?
deedbot: http://thetarpit.org/posts/y05/078-trilemabot-ii.html << The Tar Pit - trilemabot [ii]: prefixed commands
jurov: mod6: invoicing me directly for foundation expenses is fine
mircea_popescu: !Qlater tell lobbes yet i noticed you've not provided an eta.
lobbesbot: mircea_popescu: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: absence is meaningful, you understand, and what that absence means here is "not worth the mention", which in turn translates to "may default to any reasonable value of your choosing" which in this case means to me "definite;y done by saturday". because that's what i want it to be.
mircea_popescu: so saturday we'll be having the same discussion in the same terms, "why have you [implicitly] promised something you didn't deliver", which is just not a good way to go about things.
mircea_popescu: consider that the "top of hopper" item ALSO means, and what it means in this context is "i've not done anything for two weeks seeing how i've not yet touched my top of hopper" "but mp... i got distracted..." "then WHY do you even have a top of hopper concept, if distraction's the law of the land ?"
mircea_popescu: because unlike the empire, where they speak to feel good, like birds chirping, the republic has the log and the mechanism of inference, one can very effectually land self in soup. all it takes is apply the "i want everyone to be happy" imperial process for a few passes, until you've loaded yourself into such a ball of inference no one can possibly managed.
mircea_popescu: so don't do that. instead, see diana_coman 's theoretical work on managing this (ie http://www.dianacoman.com/2018/02/06/its-only-words-and-assumptions-and-priorities-and-ouch/ ) and take for instance Mocky 's very effectual style ( http://logs.minigame.biz/2018-07-22.log.html#t13:56:10 / http://logs.minigame.biz/2018-07-25.log.html#t19:48:59 etc ). doodn's managed 27 builds of a mining bot NONE OF WHICH WORK to date and i'm
mircea_popescu: not yet yelling at him -- that's gotta be good for something, yes ?
lobbesbot: Logged on 2018-07-22 13:56:10: <Mocky> I'm shooting for wed
mod6: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-26#1837786 << trinque informed me that the June rate was actually $6742. There are two invoices that are were never sent for June, I'll be using this price point to create this invoice, instead of the round $6800 number mentioned in the linked log entry.
a111: Logged on 2018-07-26 01:37 mod6: *nod* was just hoping to find that btc/fiat price. I never did find it. Roughly, I think the price was about $6800 when it would have transpired. But I'll give others a chance to chime on this before I make a June invoice for The Foundation.
mod6: !Qcalc 141.7/6742
lobbesbot: mod6: 0.0210175022249
mod6: !!invoice jurov 0.02101750 June Invoice for The Bitcoin Foundation's colo service. #foundation #pizarro
mod6: !!v 49528B7B6A2678D5CB49D089E8948D90E1A3B7ABEFECBB0676EAF9ECC008F4A1
deedbot: Invoiced jurov 0.02101750 << June Invoice for The Bitcoin Foundation's colo service. #foundation #pizarro
mod6: !Qcalc 141.7/6800
lobbesbot: mod6: 0.0208382352941
mod6: !!invoice jurov 0.02083823 July Invoice for The Bitcoin Foundation's colo service. #foundation #pizarro
mod6: !!v F883C94C08F5A6889E960B754B55790D6F3D152ECC645D567DDDD79C666210DC
deedbot: Invoiced jurov 0.02083823 << July Invoice for The Bitcoin Foundation's colo service. #foundation #pizarro
mod6: !Qcalc (141.70/6742)+0.003
lobbesbot: mod6: 0.0240175022249
mod6: !!invoice trinque 0.02401750 June Invoice for colo service and shared shell at pizarro
mod6: !!v F5173CA8C897148ED79D4BB479591AF2A2C5B94BE788626FF97D2C6B50A9C657
deedbot: Invoiced trinque 0.02401750 << June Invoice for colo service and shared shell at pizarro
trinque: !!v 97FB143588681F6C1906842EDF92289D8D30CF3E53E4B1898CAA1D8DC7120075
deedbot: trinque paid mod6 invoice 1
mod6: trinque: Thanks!
mod6: !Qcalc (141.70/6800)+0.003
lobbesbot: mod6: 0.0238382352941
trinque: of course, thank you too
lobbes: mircea_popescu: this makes a lot of sense, ty. Ima read diana_coman's blog post you referenced and study Mocky's style of communication. I will then provide a proper eta tonight
lobbesbot: lobbes: Sent 1 hour and 3 minutes ago: <mircea_popescu> yet i noticed you've not provided an eta.
mod6: !!invoice trinque 0.02383823 July Invoice for colo service and shared shell at pizarro
trinque: what's the exchange rate used on that one?
trinque: oh, 6800, more like 8100 right now.
a111: Logged on 2018-07-25 01:59 mod6: All, one thing that I didn't know that I even had to do, was publish the price at which the this months auction for pizarro took place. It all transpired on July 10th, and the price that was used was $6800.
trinque: I'm not going to eat 1300 of spread here
mod6: Everyone is being invoiced this way.
mod6: This is how ben_vulpes has been doing it, by using the price point set from the btc/fiat sale
trinque: how convenient for you, to choose when to do that sale... ?
mod6: It was done early in the month, when the price was what it was. If you had be properly invoiced at that time, what then?
mod6: (these invoices are coming in way late -- should have been done as soon as the price point was set)
trinque: the invoice date is moving around on me, so how can I say
trinque: so when are we doing invoices going forward
jurov: !!pay-invoice mod6 1
mod6: We ideally want to do them as soon as the price signal is placed.
jurov: !!v DA8BD990492D52BD3F4CA4C3A8B7E65B31E48CFBDC88B4AC081EE4A16B635EED
deedbot: jurov paid mod6 invoice 1
mod6: ben_vulpes: care to weigh in here on the above ^ ?
trinque: you realize I want to repurchase what I spend?
trinque: so "ideally" nothing, can we get a date for invoices please?
jurov: !!pay-invoice mod6 2
ben_vulpes: invoice date will be right after mod6 clears sale of btc and produces a price signal going forward
trinque: ben_vulpes: that is not a date
trinque: that's a "whenever I want"
trinque: schedule the auction, with an end date, and next day is invoice day
ben_vulpes: so mod6 when does the august auction close?
jurov: !!v 2795FE64784943C43FD144E100E7899984215F24F9CB1331E4D3DC7317B283D7
deedbot: jurov paid mod6 invoice 2
mod6: i know it sounds ideal to say, for instance, "auction closes on 10th of month", "invoices will start going out on the 11th". However, there is no way to know if the auction will be completed. At this time, it's a very touch-and-go thing.
mod6: jurov: Thanks!
mircea_popescu: trinque the concept is sound, "i'm not eating random spreads", but in practice, a) do you specifically want to repurchase what you spend in short time or at optimuim price ? ie, "you bought all you were going to buy at 6k, what do you care".
mircea_popescu: i do the same thing btw, repurchase spends.
trinque: want these goofs to schedule the invoices.
mircea_popescu: that for sure.
mircea_popescu: wasn't discussing the instant thing, but the broader problem of wtf we do.
mircea_popescu: ie, your complaint has broader teeth i suspect.
ben_vulpes: mod6: if invoice day is the 15th on a month, figure you can close the auction before then?
mod6: there is no way to tell.
trinque: yeah, really matters which way the market is moving, whether I want to stock up first, or replenish after
trinque: mod6: what auction doesn't have an end date?
mircea_popescu: anyway, part of the problem is that the saw teeth are a little overlarge, basically. too few auctions.
mircea_popescu: trinque he doesn't know when lobbes has the auction ready lol.
mod6: it's not only that, it's just trying to get the whole thing organized and sent down there. This month, I had it all done by the 10th. With plently of time to spare to get invoices out by the 15th.
mircea_popescu: actually, let's suppose i found a solution here :
mod6: But who is to say that I don't get hit by a bus on AUgust 4th, and then it's not complete in time.
trinque: can still make a commitment and after that we're still people who communicate
mircea_popescu: !Qauction 1bn 168 8.2k wFF q0
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 338 STARTED by mircea_popescu: 8.2k wFF q0 Opening: 1bn coppers Ending: 2018-08-03 16:33:06 UTC (168 hours)
mod6: The fact is, until we have a steady stream of usd coming in, I hesitate to put a date on it -- can only say at this time, "will do best to have them out as soon as we can after the auction". It's my fault that I didn't start invoicing right away. I mearly did not, because I thought that these were sent at the end of the month.
mircea_popescu: the above wFF denotes wired filthy fiats ; winner gets the chunk wired to details of his specification at that point.
trinque: !Qhelp
mircea_popescu: there is some wiggle room in the sense that banks are unreliable and so if it does come out it's impossible to wire as intended, the trade just unwinds.
mircea_popescu: delivery within ~2weeks from date of closing, because wtf can you do.
trinque: yeah, my first invoice was based on the WU I sent
trinque: mod6: I understand there are challenges; I'm also trying to be a model customer for you, and while I generally trust you to do sensible things, $invoiceDate = rand() isn't be great for your business either.
trinque: there are a finite amount of "the interface slipped thousands of funnybux between auction and invoice" that I will eat, and I will proably eat more of them than other customers that don't know you as well
trinque: fair or not, it's a problem you have
trinque: another thing to consider is whether you're encouraging people to pay for 12mos of service upfront. it buys you runway, puts some extra cash in your hand for adspend or w/e serves bringing on more customers. right now I'm compelled to wait another month at month to month to see what the spread is next month, and you have a bit less cash to wield.
trinque: !!v 5AAA9A4604C6BC8A3558E93B42753B0D4DA69D421137099CBB8289913D0EC4C6
deedbot: trinque paid mod6 invoice 2
trinque: I'm gonna let ^ be what it is, but hopefully some of what I'm saying seems reasonable.
mod6: I haven't even invoiced you yet.
trinque: oh lol
trinque: could have sworn I saw a second one
mod6: Once you raised your objection, I haven't sent in the !!v yet.
trinque: ah got it
trinque: I'm willing to pay this one and move forward, just giving feedback for next time
mod6: Alright, sounds good. I appreciate that. I have notes on this; will ensure that invoices go out immedately after btc/fiat auction is complete and price point published. This should help everyone involved.
trinque: thanks mod6
a111: Logged on 2018-07-25 01:59 mod6: All, one thing that I didn't know that I even had to do, was publish the price at which the this months auction for pizarro took place. It all transpired on July 10th, and the price that was used was $6800.
mod6: dangit
mod6: !!v F5173CA8C897148ED79D4BB479591AF2A2C5B94BE788626FF97D2C6B50A9C657
a111: Logged on 2018-07-27 16:09 mod6: !!v F5173CA8C897148ED79D4BB479591AF2A2C5B94BE788626FF97D2C6B50A9C657
mod6: ah jeeze. sorry.
mod6: !!v 4C6BE78C23D4F8336DC0C318FC0C9D29B02FFDBC8F47242B0A9323D4EE3E1119
deedbot: Invoiced trinque 0.02383823 << July Invoice for colo service and shared shell at pizarro
trinque: !!v 59C91508719232F9D063C14F1288E7DFA5718EB0D010425EBD576D9FB2EA4C3C
deedbot: trinque paid mod6 invoice 2
mod6: !!invoice mats 0.01362880 Invoice for 100gb of disk space on shared shell for one year
mod6: !!v E8206D6DC7F551505D7E6E231A6407E65287B216DE82C1462BB7FED7156F1526
deedbot: Invoiced mats 0.01362880 << Invoice for 100gb of disk space on shared shell for one year
diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-27#1837906 -> did I miss the answer for this? mod6 ben_vulpes BingoBoingo ?
a111: Logged on 2018-07-27 06:44 diana_coman: mod6, I don't recall: was there any option to pay yearly for the rockchip?
ben_vulpes: one can pay annually, but the discount is for quarterly up-front payments: 25%.
mod6: diana_coman: I was just getting to your question, I didn't miss it :]
mod6: I did pay annually for mine, diana_coman. At today's price-point you're looking at:
mod6: !Qcalc ((75*12)/6800)+(0.00104167*12)
lobbesbot: mod6: 0.144852981176
mod6: For 1 Year RockChip + FG ^
diana_coman: ok, invoice me as ^ for 1 year then please, mod6
mod6: You got it!
mats: !!v 941D9E9EDE328DE31A81E3BF00E49D9B85C2D5B4A3485694454BBDB67C6D4A63
mod6: !!invoice diana_coman 0.14485298 Invoice for one year of Rockchip + FG
mats: !!v AA88E4470FE84B972C66C5FF504F572E0F929B8501D414DCE5A9A2CA3670DD8A
deedbot: mats paid mod6 invoice 1
mod6: Thanks mats!
mod6: !!v 944BFE87C12E7196BEE6194A3E1F55ADABCFDE0B3CC9B30F6398114E8370D835
deedbot: Invoiced diana_coman 0.14485298 << Invoice for one year of Rockchip + FG
mod6: Ok, that's all the invoicing that needed to be done for this month for existing customers & contracts. I appreciate all of your patience and help through this transition month for me.
mod6: !!sent-invoices
mod6: !!ledger
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/07/herpes-strikes-foul-at-ohio-county-fair/ << Qntra - Herpes Strikes Foul At Ohio County Fair
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/07/un-begs-for-cash-after-blowing-through-all-the-money/ << Qntra - UN Begs For Cash After Blowing Through All The Money
← 2018-07-26 | 2018-07-28 →