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← 2018-06-08 | 2018-06-10 →
BingoBoingo: First!
BingoBoingo: I assume it is only quiet today because we are all excited to see what developments asciilifeform brings when he wakes from his well earned Odinsleep
mircea_popescu: i'm mostly training a new class of slavegirls. it's epic fun.
BingoBoingo: Seems like it from the posts.
mircea_popescu: take this nikki_ff character. ff stands for facefuck, but what she dislikes is the nikki part.
BingoBoingo: Awe, poor thing. She's going to have to work on that acceptance deal.
mod6: mornin'
mod6: :]
mircea_popescu: newcastleslut, little red tab to the right of this one.
deedbot: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2433 << Loper OS - The Google H1 Fritz Chip.
asciilifeform: ^ summary of the goodz thus far.
mircea_popescu: o hi there odin
asciilifeform: i'ma brb: meat
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/06/antifa-terrorist-caught-posing-as-alt-right-sperglord/ << Qntra - AntiFA Terrorist Caught Posing As Alt-Right Sperglord
mod6: asciilifeform: hey! very nice write up on your blog there.
mod6: 'URL was... a a Gmail' -> 'URL was... a Gmail' (perhaps)
asciilifeform: updated, and with photo.
mod6: ah, nice
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo -- or anybody else who sometimes frequents heathen pits on www -- invited to spread the link to the cr50 summary there.
asciilifeform: (possibly , whoknows, we get a google defector...)
asciilifeform: lulzy thread in the rockchip chan btw.
asciilifeform: folx invited to invade, join.
asciilifeform: ( mircea_popescu , do you feel inclined to sport today ? )
asciilifeform: cuz asciilifeform must bbl, given meat.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Will drop it in a few punchbowls
BingoBoingo: !!up mother[m]
deedbot: mother[m] voiced for 30 minutes.
BingoBoingo: !!up loper_os_cr50
deedbot: loper_os_cr50 voiced for 30 minutes.
ben_vulpes: !!up loper_os_cr50
deedbot: loper_os_cr50 voiced for 30 minutes.
ben_vulpes: !!up loper_os_cr50_
deedbot: loper_os_cr50_ voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, sure
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/06/koch-burns-gpg-signature-version-vulnerability/ << Qntra - Koch Burns GPG Signature Version Vulnerability
mircea_popescu: !!up loper_os_cr50
deedbot: loper_os_cr50 voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: who might you be then loper_os_cr50 ?
loper_os_cr50: Just read the article on the Chromebook backdoor
loper_os_cr50: Currently reverse engineering the Holtek E-Link ICP
loper_os_cr50: Is this a John Galt type movement?
mircea_popescu: i suppose you could say that, why not.
mircea_popescu: how's the holtek work going ? publishing anywhere ?
loper_os_cr50: I should probably make a blog, maybe I’ll do that. The point of it is to bypass their pay per chip scam and release it eventually
loper_os_cr50: I downloaded the firmware yesterday
loper_os_cr50: Believe it or not they don’t even use their own chip
loper_os_cr50: They use a silicon labs C8051F340 in their programmer
mircea_popescu: !!up loper_os_cr50_
deedbot: loper_os_cr50_ voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: loper_os_cr50, oh i believe it.
mircea_popescu: for all the pretense, smoke and mirrors, most of these "tech" companies are entirely uninhabited.
mircea_popescu: loper_os_cr50_, and who might... you be ?
loper_os_cr50: Beginning to seem like it. An electrical and computer engineer by erudition but just someone who likes to know how things work
mircea_popescu: !!up loper_os_cr50__
deedbot: loper_os_cr50__ voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: this is getting ridoinculous. wtf, nobody got irc clients anymore in orcistan ?
mircea_popescu: loper_os_cr50, ok, so you basically started trying to reverse the elink yesterday ?
mircea_popescu: did you ever do anything like this before ?
loper_os_cr50: Yep, I’ve done pacemakers and what not before. I have the source code of just about every pacemaker on the market with exception of Biotronic but I have their firmware. I’d connect from irssi but I let my bouncer server expire and on my phone
mircea_popescu: o.O that may be even interesting.
mircea_popescu: listen, why not get yourself a rsa key, a proper irc set-up, choose a name that's not retarded and start a blog, publish the respective bits...
mircea_popescu: be someone.
loper_os_cr50: Haha, maybe, I’ll definitely get on my computer soon and connect from irssi
mircea_popescu: loper_os_cr50__ and who might.... you be ?
mircea_popescu: loper_os_cr50, do you understand what the wot is and how it works ?
loper_os_cr50: Yes I’ve used it for buying and selling bitcoin back in the day
mircea_popescu: what nick, back in the day ?
loper_os_cr50: I shed my aliases to keep projects and what not unrelated
mircea_popescu: newcastleslut, red tab, to the right of this one. says my name. click on it.
mircea_popescu: !!up newcastleslut
deedbot: newcastleslut voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: i can't believe how succesfful tivo has been at technocastrating the youth.
newcastleslut: How do I use this
mircea_popescu: newcastleslut, do you see a little red tab saying "mircea_popescu" ?
mircea_popescu: click on it and type there.
loper_os_cr50: Mircea_popescu: I establish identity temporarily and then move on. But I don’t see how anonymity necessitates solitude
hanbot: suggested chromebook add-on for asciilifeform: a mircea_popescu key that, when pressed, deploys a retractable sledgehammer that smacks operator on the nosebridge (or i guess alternatively, comes alive at night and fucks yer wife).
mircea_popescu: loper_os_cr50 do you understand how supermarkets destroy commercial life, in spite of offering shittier product and bad service ?
mircea_popescu: hanbot, i think they already have those
mircea_popescu: they're called glasses.
loper_os_cr50: mircea_popescu: what do you mean by commercial life?
mircea_popescu: you know, the shops and the culture that spawned them. the famed "gang" entrance we discussed in the leyla black thread
mircea_popescu: !!up loper_os_cr50
deedbot: loper_os_cr50 voiced for 30 minutes.
loper_os_cr50: I never read that
mircea_popescu: mmm... lessee, where it was
mircea_popescu: loper_os_cr50, http://trilema.com/2016/what-is-the-leyla-black/#selection-147.29-151.0 and also ascii where the fuck is the convo ? converted roman porticulis, the problem of thick walls ? did i hallucinate all this ?
mircea_popescu: !!up loper_os_cr50
deedbot: loper_os_cr50 voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: get on a sane system this is ridiculous.
loper_os_cr50: Yep doing so now
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo, no but this was recentlier. we were discussing the "gang" from the sex move.
mircea_popescu: ahaha. no, that's a translation, old ro article
BingoBoingo: In other news Simona Halep won the Roland Garros
mircea_popescu: that girl's got life in her body!
BingoBoingo: Only a few years late, but she beat Sloane Stevens. The black tennis player not named Williams.
BingoBoingo: http://archive.is/m00OO << asciilifeform et al, behold the immensity of lunix hardware on the Reddits. Also m00OO
BingoBoingo: lol at to link "
BingoBoingo: Torvalds would love to have an ARM laptop for development and use, but doesn't know if the new Snapdragon machines can disable Secure Boot, either." followed immediately by alf's Odinturd in their punchbowl
mircea_popescu: dundun dun
mircea_popescu: !!up loper_os_cr50
deedbot: loper_os_cr50 voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: !!up loper_os_cr50
deedbot: loper_os_cr50 voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: !!up loper_os_cr50_
deedbot: loper_os_cr50_ voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: is this alf getting payback on me or something ?!
BingoBoingo: Could very well be
mircea_popescu: the joinparty
asciilifeform: aa BingoBoingo put it in heathenpit. ty BingoBoingo .
asciilifeform reads...
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-09#1821861 << d00d managed to pick a box even moar boobytrapped than cbook
a111: Logged on 2018-06-09 23:11 BingoBoingo: Torvalds would love to have an ARM laptop for development and use, but doesn't know if the new Snapdragon machines can disable Secure Boot, either." followed immediately by alf's Odinturd in their punchbowl
a111: Logged on 2018-06-09 22:05 loper_os_cr50: Currently reverse engineering the Holtek E-Link ICP
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-09#1821794 << i briefly dug for detail, found nuffin... what is it ?
a111: Logged on 2018-06-09 22:08 loper_os_cr50: I should probably make a blog, maybe I’ll do that. The point of it is to bypass their pay per chip scam and release it eventually
mircea_popescu: hopefully the dood stays true to his word, comes back in normal clothes.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-09#1821831 << i gotta wonder, when meeting people in meatspace, does he also make up gensym names each time he shakes a hand..
a111: Logged on 2018-06-09 22:26 loper_os_cr50: Mircea_popescu: I establish identity temporarily and then move on. But I don’t see how anonymity necessitates solitude
mircea_popescu: i expect. it'd be just like bond, right ? haime bond ?
mircea_popescu: anyway. the reason this rather than some random other idiocy is the centerpiece inca relies on to survive is not coincidental. deeply seated fantasy of the narcissist mind.
asciilifeform: just picture what 'normal on the net' folx would look like if they did same in meatland
asciilifeform: i can picture how habitual swimming in reddit sewage might encourage the disease in susceptible but healthy folx tho
asciilifeform: after soaking in reddit, feel like pulling own skin off
asciilifeform: so they don't let it touch skin.
asciilifeform: veeery little on the current-day net is worth coming back to, cultivating a relation with, etc
asciilifeform: how is random double-e d00d to know, that he's found 'shangri-la'.
mircea_popescu: !!up loper_os_cr50
deedbot: loper_os_cr50 voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, dunno if you care, but your blog signs as "" which ain't proper.
asciilifeform: signs ?
mircea_popescu: !!up loper_os_cr50
deedbot: loper_os_cr50 voiced for 30 minutes.
asciilifeform: interesting, i'ma have to pop the hood and see why
asciilifeform: ( did this ever even work at all..? )
mircea_popescu: hmm dunno lessee
mircea_popescu: but not in the intervening 3 years.
mircea_popescu: back then you were on a diff host too.
asciilifeform: nfs co since '07
asciilifeform: will have to look, currently i have only faint idea how the backlink thing even worx
mircea_popescu: diff ip at any rate.
asciilifeform: oh diff ip erry coupla wks, i think
asciilifeform: ( whole scheme of nfs co's antiddos cluster thing )
mircea_popescu: ah ok, may be it. though, different A blocks ?!
asciilifeform: iirc they own several swaths of ipv4ola
mircea_popescu: alrighty then, that must be it.
asciilifeform: !!up loper_os_cr50_
deedbot: loper_os_cr50_ voiced for 30 minutes.
asciilifeform: loper_os_cr50_: hello?
asciilifeform: who might you be?
loper_os_cr50_: One guy that found your blog interesting
asciilifeform: loper_os_cr50_: more specifically? are you working with the iron from cr50 article?
loper_os_cr50_: Not working yet that would be pretentious. Sick of dirty chip and code. Search for pure trust and control over the machine. Have yet to learn a lot before starting to work. For now I read.
asciilifeform: loper_os_cr50_: ok, enjoy
loper_os_cr50_: And I'm curious so I clicked
mircea_popescu: loper_os_cr50 the logs are your best bet.
loper_os_cr50_: I saw that
loper_os_cr50_: I enjoyed it
mircea_popescu: mmm. what did you see ?
loper_os_cr50_: Lots of things that I got trouble to get ;) Reverse engineering skills there
mircea_popescu: lol. mkay, it goes back many years and there's a lot of material. generally it's recommended noobs spend 6 months reading through it.
asciilifeform: loper_os_cr50_: what's your native lang?
loper_os_cr50_: I'm not surprised
mircea_popescu: that's not a crime.
loper_os_cr50_: Ahahahah
loper_os_cr50_: Yep shit happen
loper_os_cr50_: What do you guys think about the librem effort?
asciilifeform: crock of shit,
asciilifeform: !#s librem
asciilifeform: see also
asciilifeform: !#s purism
asciilifeform: intel. with blobs, and hefth dose of delusionism.
loper_os_cr50_: No way to free/bypass it?
loper_os_cr50_: There must be a way for a clean solution!
asciilifeform: not even known what all of 'it' ~is~?
mircea_popescu: loper_os_cr50, why do you think that ?!
loper_os_cr50_: Just trying to picture for now, do not even try to think yet
loper_os_cr50_: I agree 'it' is unknown
loper_os_cr50_: I should probably search now for risc-v
asciilifeform: loper_os_cr50_: why would you want to buy expensive, power-wasting , hot-running chip from the foremost nsa bug factory, if you don't have to ?
asciilifeform: riscv is a turd
asciilifeform: !#s riscv
a111: Logged on 2017-11-16 17:34 asciilifeform: btw http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739595 is entirely correct, and quite surreal
mircea_popescu: well i suspect it's rather the case he'd like to buy ~something~.
asciilifeform: well i went and 'hey let's try arm64...'
asciilifeform: and nao reporting on the experiments
asciilifeform: there unfortunately is not much to choose from
asciilifeform: esp if you want a laptop
asciilifeform: !!up loper_os_cr50
deedbot: loper_os_cr50 voiced for 30 minutes.
loper_os_cr50_: Was reading logs
mircea_popescu: *thumbsup*
mircea_popescu shall bbl.
loper_os_cr50_: I'll continue my journey, I may come up with something useful one day
loper_os_cr50_: Enjoy guys, see you in 6 months after the reading
asciilifeform: loper_os_cr50_: i recommend to register with deedbot nao
asciilifeform: then we will have some notion of which you, you were, when you come back..
loper_os_cr50_: What would you want to know?
asciilifeform: when you make a key and register with deedbot, you become a person, until then just a spirit
asciilifeform: you're the, what, 5th, 6th? loper_os_cr50 to log in today..
asciilifeform: !!up loper_os_cr50_
deedbot: loper_os_cr50_ voiced for 30 minutes.
loper_os_cr50_: You might receive more visit, Google now reference your last post on cr50 that's what made me arrive at first on your page. Then I spent the rest of the evening reading.
loper_os_cr50_: I'll register
asciilifeform: loper_os_cr50_: you were searching via google for cr50 ?
loper_os_cr50_: No I wasn't even searching. Just grab that android stuff and it suggested that strange card about the fritz chip.
loper_os_cr50_: Took me a while to read and get it
loper_os_cr50_: Was cooking all the link sending me back to the logs.
asciilifeform: i expect google will censor the thing from their own index first thing on monday opening hour
loper_os_cr50_: Figuring out who was talking
asciilifeform: !!up loper_os_cr50__
deedbot: loper_os_cr50__ voiced for 30 minutes.
asciilifeform will bbl.
← 2018-06-08 | 2018-06-10 →