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← 2018-03-19 | 2018-03-21 →
lobbes: ha, so for all the useful sleuthing and tips spyked provided for getting the js text selection to work my issue ended up being... I didn't have the correct path! (derp was that I forgot about my permalinks) >> http://trilema.com/2015/that-spiffy-selection-thing/#selection-145.0-147.1
lobbes: anyways, I got js-selection working on my localhost test mp-wp. Footnotes too (which, I may say, are fun when compared to manually marking them up with <sup> tags). Now I gotta test comments, tweak aesthetics, and migrate to production. Hope to have the thing "live" this week along with post detailing notes of journey
ben_vulpes: neato lobbes
ben_vulpes: does archive.is not have a button for "no seriously re-archive right now"?
ben_vulpes: i could have sworn it was there quite recently
ben_vulpes: ah found it, gotta use the RED box
lobbes: yeah, and it pops up a nice 'dynamic' message asking you if you reallly want to re-archive
lobbes: which, incidentally, I'm going to need to add a hack to the archive-submit process in order to bypass. Currently is impeding the bot from auto re-archiving recently archived items
ben_vulpes: http://pizarroisp.net/index.php/2018/02/pizarro-statement-february-2018 updated, and mircea_popescu your last comment very belatedly replied to
diana_coman: mod6, my node has been reliably in sync (at the top) for a while; it lives (and will live) at
diana_coman: o.O it actually reports 514385 while mimisbrunnr reports 514382
trinque: deedbot node also topped up.
mod6: diana_coman: hey, ok great! I'll add it to the list of Republican Advertised Nodes then :]
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/03/saif-ghaddafi-attempting-libyan-presidential-campaign-7-years-after-pantsuit-murdered-his-father-and-plunged-libya-into-chaos/ << Qntra - Saif Ghaddafi Attempting Libyan Presidential Campaign 7 Years After Pantsuit Murdered His Father And Plunged Libya Into Chaos
BingoBoingo: WTF Eisenhower, I live in Eisenhower's America
trinque: "Information Domain Counter to Belt and Road" << these fucking idiots. yes, China's actual manufacturing and actual trade routes will be no match for usg.tmobile's netflix stream quality.
BingoBoingo: !~ticker --market all
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 8900.0, vol: 12981.64521130 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 8883.4, vol: 53574.38173132 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 8891.0, vol: 12200.3388133 | Volume-weighted last average: 8887.31356156
ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-20#1788295 << yeah, first time in...weeks? i've seen it lag
a111: Logged on 2018-03-20 14:53 diana_coman: o.O it actually reports 514385 while mimisbrunnr reports 514382
← 2018-03-19 | 2018-03-21 →