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← 2018-02-19 | 2018-02-21 →
mod6: <+ben_vulpes> mod6: be so kind as to comment on the post, my good man << alright, cool.
mod6: I'm finding it hard to paste my things into there.
mod6: I'll link my questions in #pizarro.
mod6: I'm gonna try again with a different browser.
mod6: Alright, success.
shinohai: trinque: plz to check my deedbot tx when you awaken and ensure I didn't bork something? Thank you.
shinohai: !!up freetlas
deedbot: freetlas voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: dude srsly, ban evasion ?
shinohai: wups
mircea_popescu: schmuck will actually take the time to boot off a different interface, will however NOT take the time to address why he got banned in the first place.
mircea_popescu: that's what i like about idiots, that they're determinedly idiotic. rarely you run into amateurs, it's generally pros all the way.
shinohai: lolz
mircea_popescu: argentina, too.
shinohai: Ghehehe, Google "Hanno Bock" and http://trilema.com/2016/psa-hanno-bock-still-a-deceitful-shitbag/ is still in top 5 results :)
mircea_popescu: sure ; meanwhile consider this : the article the fetlife bot keeps linking to the fetlife tards ISNT in the top 20 of the month.
mircea_popescu: ie, people don't read anything anyway.
mircea_popescu: the sum total of "internet users" from the "informatrion superhighway" who sat down at any point since 2016 going "hmm... i wonder what my opinion of this hanno bock character should be. let's do some research..." is, rounded to the closest integer, zero.
shinohai: I don't think people do any actual research anymore tbh.
mircea_popescu: and it shows ; google has become, steadily but acceleratingly, worthless for research. i pointed this out, but the sum total of pantsuit complaints, summed again to the closest integer, is also zero.
shinohai always rather enjoyed it, sort of a treasure hunt of facts if you will.
mircea_popescu: you'd think someone'd notice if a tool they actually used went away.
mircea_popescu: but... they didn't use it, and it doesn't work anymore, and they're quite happy together.
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/02/having-dumped-dratel-ulbricht-continues-facing-grim-trial-aftermath/ << Qntra - Having Dumped Dratel Ulbricht Continues Facing Grim Trial Aftermath
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> that's what i like about idiots, that they're determinedly idiotic. rarely you run into amateurs, it's generally pros all the way. << "expert beginners"
trinque: shinohai: nothing wrong, just wait time can be up to 24hrs, and yesterday was busybusy. I'll get to ya this morning.
deedbot: http://www.dianacoman.com/2018/02/20/eucrypt-corecting-error-in-oaep-check/ << Ossasepia - EuCrypt: Correcting an Error in OAEP Check
shinohai: ty trinque
mircea_popescu: diana_coman is that like the first ?
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, the first error I find in my published code, yes; there was the mpi error I corrected, previously
mircea_popescu: well... mazel tov
diana_coman: lol! at least I ...found it
phf: PSA: btcbase is going to be down for half hour, tomorrow 2018-02-21 sometime between 19:00 to 20:30
phf: err, that's UTC
mod6: thanks for the notice phf
mod6: hey hey
shinohai: !~ticker --market all
jhvh1: shinohai: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 11675.0, vol: 12824.84684660 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 11685.0, vol: 54266.38668092 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 11692.3, vol: 6985.13475618 | Volume-weighted last average: 11683.957063
mod6: nice :]
shinohai: ty mod6, some semblance of normalcy returns.
mod6: wy
mod6: *yw
deedbot: http://barksinthewind.com/2016/capi/ << BARKS IN THE WIND - capi
deedbot: http://barksinthewind.com/2016/hello/ << BARKS IN THE WIND - HELLO
deedbot: http://barksinthewind.com/2016/wp-content-for-a/ << BARKS IN THE WIND - wp-content for a.
deedbot: http://barksinthewind.com/2016/as-from-ccl/ << BARKS IN THE WIND - applescript from clozure
deedbot: http://barksinthewind.com/2018/vdiff-fixes/ << BARKS IN THE WIND - vdiff fixes
deedbot: http://barksinthewind.com/2018/coppa-airlines-baggage/ << BARKS IN THE WIND - Copa Airlines baggage policy
BingoBoingo: In today's rereadings, courtesy the trilema front page http://trilema.com/2015/gerald-davis-is-wrong-heres-why/
mircea_popescu: !!balance
mircea_popescu: speaking of, what's teh eta on history look like trinque ?
deedbot: http://trilema.com/2018/dentist-with-a-view/ << Trilema - Dentist with a view
shinohai: So BingoBoingo .... no word on teh scoop yet?
BingoBoingo: From joecool, nada
BingoBoingo: !!Up ag3nt_zer0
deedbot: ag3nt_zer0 voiced for 30 minutes.
ag3nt_zer0: hello BingoBoingo and Trilema
BingoBoingo: Hello, sup?
ag3nt_zer0: how goes it? just came across the unsettling news...
ag3nt_zer0: i'm not hip to the details. is it still desirable to get trb nodes up?
trinque: mircea_popescu: oughta be able to get that out this weekend.
trinque: ag3nt_zer0: what kind of question is that?
BingoBoingo: ag3nt_zer0: What troubling news? TRB still exists, and management of the ISP development in a transition process http://pizarroisp.net/?p=5
ag3nt_zer0: encountering this problem here installing packages required for GNUGPG ubuntu install. telling me i need for instance libgcrypt to build this program, when libgcrypt was the first one i configured - perhaps I was supposed to tell it where to configure? sorry no pastebin i am on another computer here...
trinque: dude, no more "this is stuff they talk about" word salad
trinque: did you have a trb question, a gpg question, indigestion, what
shinohai: ag3nt_zer0: best bet is to simply nuke the Ubuntu gpg and build from sauce.
ag3nt_zer0: trinque: hi. they were connected. if trb nodes are still being desired, i am trying to set one up. i am trying to install GNUGPG on the linux machine so i can verify trb sigs. and i keep getting this problem described above
trinque: what is this "still being desired"? do you not follow the logs?
shinohai: (Likely you have gpg2 which will not function correctly)
ag3nt_zer0: shinohai: trying to build from scratch here
ag3nt_zer0: shinohai: 2.2.4
shinohai: Will not work, try gpg 1.4.10
trinque has other things to do, but consider. used to beat people for not doing their six months of logs reading.
trinque: ag3nt_zer0: you've been coming by for how long, and what have you produced?
trinque: you know how to search. these threads probably number in the hundreds by now.
mod6: ag3nt_zer0: shinohai has it. no gpg2.
mod6: let us know how it goes after you get 1.4.x
mircea_popescu: a great.
mircea_popescu: ag3nt_zer0 you keep doing this number whereby you drop by now and again to expose us to your magnificently solipsist persona.
mircea_popescu: we don't give a shit about your persona. for one thing it's not even remotely acceptable, let alone cool.
mircea_popescu: either fix yourself to fit in or else stop bothering to come by, because the next time you do one of these ima just block you.
mircea_popescu is getting intolerant of the whole punkmanist/indiancandy style "o hey, maybe they forgot?!"
BingoBoingo: It'll prolly be a while till the USD downmarch shakes out the whole "remember we showed up once X years ago" crowd.
mircea_popescu: no but i mean the fucking lameness of it. dood's got a "well rounded internet experience", he's got a mortgage and a boring wife and a boring job and a hp he bought at the store, and he "logs in" for a coupla hours four times a week or w/e. every nine weeks and a half we pop up again in the rotation, he's done 4chan, reddit, facebook, whatever, "i wonder what THOSE zany kids are up to these days".
mircea_popescu: hurr durr, if the soccer mom / couch dad could possibly do this irl, they'd totally teleport various places while seated in their livingroom couch.
shinohai: Hey .... I got an hp xD
mircea_popescu: surfer beach, you know, miles of perfect ocean, some dudes hanging around, *ping* there's us consumertard in his house pants, chips crumbs in his lap, "o hey dudes, how's the surf ? hurr durr" half hour later, *ping* he's disappeared, with the firm notion that he "participated" in "surfer culture"
mircea_popescu: for a coupla hours five times a year, such participation as'd befit the bad name his culture got.
mircea_popescu: shinohai i got a hp laptop recently too, say, but desktops really should be assembled from parts.
shinohai: I agree. my trb node runs on very old compaq which is actually far superior. I played Eulora on it when I first started (using ssh -X !) because the keyboard is long borked.
BingoBoingo: Ah, that. Still quite a few of the 5 hour a year crowd too.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes hey, does fetlife want to hire you too, or did they taylor the pop-up ?
ben_vulpes: i've not been on fetlife in some time so i couldn't say
mircea_popescu: well so log and see if they're trying to hire you too
BingoBoingo: Hey, it worked out so well for OKC
ben_vulpes: inb4 mircea_popescu has bought fetlife ads that SPECTRE with javascript
mircea_popescu: why, you think the herd'd be worth it ?
mircea_popescu seriously doubts this.
ben_vulpes: teh caretaking team purplebanner?
ben_vulpes: they want to hire someone kink friendly if you can imagine that
ben_vulpes: lol that's right this site is garbage
ben_vulpes: god damn the whole internet is garbage. last night i was idly looking into long-term synovial fluid health (surprise: webmd is useless and all that google will return results for i wonder why) and found several webshites that while scrolling would arbitrarily jump the page an inch or so at specific points the reasoning for which i could not determine
mircea_popescu: not a particularly well understood topic in any case.
mircea_popescu: but yes, things went downhill from the 80s when chet diagnosed her rare eye condition / located specialist via gopher to today.
ben_vulpes: there was also an ad for some kind of novel pharmacofinelyspunhydrocarbon for the sexually-active-but-wanting-to-not-catch-teh-HIV (which, excuse me darling, why are they advertising us aidsmeds on the craplet) that was 30% vertical space for ad and 70% vertical space dedicated to a slow-scroll of finetext with i shit thee not buttons that had triggerable down and up states but *did not affect the scrolling*
ben_vulpes: and ofc a non-draggable scroll bar
mircea_popescu: sounds like a quarter million well spent
ben_vulpes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6q4n5TQnpA << oblig from when a million meant something
mod6: Evenin'
ben_vulpes: noches, mod6
mircea_popescu: how's tricks
jhvh1: shinohai: The operation succeeded.
mod6: Good Gentlemen. How's everything going today?
shinohai: Not bad here mod6 .... home from salt mines?
mod6: ya
mod6: I had a guy tell me with a straight face, "I only write performant code."
mod6: Same guy also told me, "Yeah, there are some performance problems... but we're gonna switch to java 8, so that should take care of it."
mod6: mmmhmm
mod6: java 8, fixes your shit, fucks your wife, pays your bills, disciplines your kids. all part of the thing dontchaknow.
shinohai: java .... oh boy
shinohai pages freakyfractal
shinohai: Poor guy is a java developer :/
mod6: im gonna give this shit up, go back to being a lumberjack.
mircea_popescu: i guess we're lucky to have him, huh
mod6: hehehe. it's been a steady march into perdition in the salt mines the last week or so.
mod6: some days though, i really do miss running the chainsaw and the smell - the trees, the gasoline
mod6: fresh air.
mod6: Did I ever tell you guys about doing tree work down in Arizona?
mircea_popescu: dun think so
mod6: I needed some cash in like 2008 and was like, "alright, lemme get a saw and do some slash & burn for cash...". Was thinking, "Oh yeah, eazy-money, here we go!"
mircea_popescu: ahaha what
mod6: Umm no. Those mesquite trees and palo verde trees have NASTY barbs on them. After cutting down 1 mesquite tree it looked like I got into a fight with a wolverine.
shinohai: Did you have a Big blue Ox too?
mod6: Shit is like razor wire or something. And what's worse, is they're a sort of locust style tree -- and when they have leaves on 'em shit sticks together like velcro.
mod6: Gave that shit up in a hurry.
mod6: Not like the trees up in MN.
mircea_popescu: sounda about right
asciilifeform: ohai mircea_popescu et al
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: charter looks ok to me
mod6: hey hey hey lbj
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: plox to clarify what it was you wanted a photosouvenir of -- asciilifeform's torture room clocks ?
mircea_popescu: the chess clock & corkboard you're using to schedule&timekeep
asciilifeform: aa i'll make one, np. it's ugly tho. still massaging out the process.
mircea_popescu: i imagined.
asciilifeform eaten the quite compact l0gz
mod6: Wasn't actually too much later I was walkin down the street in Tucson thinking... "I wonder when someone is going to make a currency out of cryptography like Schneier was talking about in Applied Crypto.."
mod6: Probably about that same time infact.
mod6: I had remembered reading about that in there, probably in like 99 or 2000. This was eight years later. I knew though, once it was a thing, then I had to get involved.
mod6: The Bernak had just bailed out the banks. I remember some Time Magazine cover "The Hero." Or some such nonsense, scary stuff.
mod6: Ah, that was a different cover. I guess in 2009 it was "Person of the Year". Seriously. Person. Of. The. Year.
mod6: Anyway, sorry for that trip down amnesia lane.
mircea_popescu: i think that was 2009
mircea_popescu: tlp also threw up chunks
mod6: <+shinohai> Did you have a Big blue Ox too? << would have been better to ride an ox than fight through all the Tucson stoplights. But, no, sadly.
mircea_popescu: you recall, they tried to do online poll, 4chan owned it, made m00t person of the year
mircea_popescu: asshats failed to admit they failed, declared "you" winner.
mircea_popescu: because pantsuit can't breathe if not pantsuiting.
mod6: haha, indeed. I seem to remember reading something way later about m00t. maybe someone mentioned it here.
mod6: ah yeah
a111: Logged on 2012-12-14 03:57 Chaang-Noi: talked to m00t yesterday about bitcoin :) pretty epic
shinohai: kek I remember that
mod6: wow, reading that old log... B.VPS was still trading..
mod6: *ahem* S.BVPS
mod6: guess it was a long time ago.
mircea_popescu: time waits for no one
mod6: indeed.
a111: Logged on 2012-12-14 07:15 gribble: BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 13.74690, Best ask: 13.74691, Bid-ask spread: 0.00001, Last trade: 13.74690, 24 hour volume: 22405.29779859, 24 hour low: 13.46777, 24 hour high: 13.80000, 24 hour vwap: 13.69301
mod6: speaking of time waits for no one.
shinohai: I had to screenshot this because protected tweets, but wanted to preserve the lulz: https://imgur.com/a/y6YoK
← 2018-02-19 | 2018-02-21 →