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← 2018-01-18 | 2018-01-20 →
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform dude... first off you're looking at symmetrical for some reason, nfi why, second off no bw is free, contrary to what "cheap vps" outfits might've advertised to you and thirdly didn't we do this a few times before already ?
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo what's the trade situation there, can you get a pile of cash for btc locally ? << Looks like it. At the very worst a boat ride to sufficient liquidity.
BingoBoingo: <trinque> BingoBoingo: latechco quoted me 700 setup, 700/mo << And connectivity?
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> BingoBoingo: how many datacentres in uruguay ? what % have you spoken to ? << Others have international (i.e. US) presence
BingoBoingo: !~ticker --market all
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 11661.79, vol: 17191.04062844 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 11542.0, vol: 63783.07921758 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 11710.8, vol: 6772.56030589 | Volume-weighted last average: 11578.4973687
mod6: mornin' BingoBoingo
BingoBoingo: mornin mod6
shinohai: Bom Dia BingoBoingo , mod6
mod6: hey shinohai
BingoBoingo: <shinohai> Heh, curious you mention that about tires, never thought of it until now mircea_popescu, but bicycle wheels are the only place you can still get an inner tube afaik. << bicycles, motorcycles, plenty more places.
shinohai: Been a long time since I've been around motorbikes, but yes.
diana_coman: even had inner tube at pushchair wheels!
mircea_popescu: yes but before ourdemocracy,
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo well ok, and what came of the bank sweep ?
BingoBoingo: The bank situation looks like it will continue to suck until a local id is in hand
mircea_popescu: that's going to be months.
BingoBoingo: Late march, yes
mircea_popescu: so either i'm misunderstanding some4thing or there's a typo in this post : 20/200 mbps (downlink/uplink) ie the server can RECEIVE 10 times as much as it can SEND ? this is backwards from practice.
BingoBoingo: I am asking if it is a typo, awaiting response.
mircea_popescu: yeah, just make sure which way the 200 goes.
shinohai: Gotta keep those private keys locked up
BingoBoingo: "yes server can send 10 times more than recive." << Going to have to make sure they include this language in the contract.
asciilifeform: pretty odd.
mircea_popescu: eh, it's unlikely they do it any other way. alright then, so the draft plan here is, get the rack, 900 + 900, and the 20/200 option to start with, for a total of $3223 payable i ncash which you can actually raise by going in the local market ?
BingoBoingo: That's the draft plan
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-19#1773051 << where did i say 'bw is free' or that i compare with spam vps ? trinque posted a heathendom figure of 700 ( trinque can answer when he wakes up , for what bw, i presume 100/100 ) for comparison.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-19 06:37 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform dude... first off you're looking at symmetrical for some reason, nfi why, second off no bw is free, contrary to what "cheap vps" outfits might've advertised to you and thirdly didn't we do this a few times before already ?
asciilifeform: why do the orcs charge >3x moar ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so you're here managing trinque's quotes ?
mircea_popescu: your reference point is "trinque said". why ?
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: That is the same provider. In the numbers they are sending me 700 is 1/2 rack and no connectivity.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: his 700 is smaller, actually, than the last time i priced 100/100/1U in usa, was 1000+
asciilifeform: but still nowhere near 3k
mircea_popescu: yeah well.
mircea_popescu: this is a whole rack being discussed here, i dunno if you realise.
asciilifeform: as i understood, merely the pipe into rack. rack itself costs also.
asciilifeform: 'One full rack: 900 USD/month plus $900 one time set up fee' from BingoBoingo's article.
mircea_popescu: aite, anyone wanna do the above 3.5k wire and pocket the bitcoin implied by current lulzexchange ? before i give it to rando latino via bb's meatwot.
asciilifeform: i thought BingoBoingo had no bank, can't eat wires..?
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Datacenter has bank
BingoBoingo: I will let the datacenter know we are moving forward with the whole rack 20/200 asymmetric.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo yeah, a) go sign contract ; b) did you actually get to see our rack yet ? if not now's the time to insist ; c) explain to them that money's coming in coming week one way or another, iirc they understand why ?
BingoBoingo: I have seen the hall, the rack, the UPS, etc. Will meet with them and make sure nothing has been overlooked.
asciilifeform: !~ticker --market all
jhvh1: asciilifeform: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 11631.59, vol: 16447.17098151 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 11550.0, vol: 58841.69988427 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 11640.0, vol: 6551.18386701 | Volume-weighted last average: 11573.6012944
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo dun worry about it ; sign the contract, explain about the cash, all is well. what gear did you have physically present i forget ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: 1 network switch with 48 ports and 1 1U server box
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo send me the dc wire details btw.
BingoBoingo: Will do, and I will check to see if these numbers are 22% VAT inclusive or if I missed that again.
asciilifeform: ^ possibly oughta be included in rss ? mircea_popescu , trinque ?
asciilifeform: !#seen spyked
a111: 2017-11-22 <spyked> http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/yVbXl/?raw=true <-- most of it is config.sub and config.guess. two lines at the end may fix shinohai's troubles. anyway, I'ma post the whole thing (w3m+gc+js+whatever else) once I manage to do a static build.
mircea_popescu: yeh where did he disappear!
asciilifeform: he's been following ffa, doing the homeworkz
mircea_popescu: pretty cool.
asciilifeform: by all indications, a quiet, listeny/thinky sorta fella.
asciilifeform: iirc ro
asciilifeform: hey spyked ! i like your summary of the calc ops.
asciilifeform: i'ma link to this item.
asciilifeform: d00d very definitely read his ch1-4.
asciilifeform: 'Factura Electrónica Costa Rica'
trinque: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-19#1773054 << let you know as soon as they come back with that part.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-19 14:34 BingoBoingo: <trinque> BingoBoingo: latechco quoted me 700 setup, 700/mo << And connectivity?
trinque: but you're welcome to say "trinque is interested in renting rackspace through me. why was he given a different quote?"
trinque: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-19#1773080 << full rack setup only, and monthly rack rental
a111: Logged on 2018-01-19 15:50 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-19#1773051 << where did i say 'bw is free' or that i compare with spam vps ? trinque posted a heathendom figure of 700 ( trinque can answer when he wakes up , for what bw, i presume 100/100 ) for comparison.
asciilifeform: trinque: what did the pipe cost, then
trinque: anyhow, just trying to help haggle. who doesn't like to squeeze the vendors
trinque: asciilifeform: awaiting that part of the quote, will let all know
asciilifeform: http://thetarpit.org/archive.html << pretty great stuff. he even reviews what happens to be some of asciilifeform's favourite msdos-era gamez.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in "the only truly random element in anyone's life is the order in which they experience things", http://78.media.tumblr.com/f09fc86dd79e041224633ac76ff69c76/tumblr_odtsq9ndCF1u5m4kqo1_400.gif
asciilifeform: that's a rented 'ford' 150, i recognize the cardboard on the key
asciilifeform: ( certain american truck rental co , but they all attach massive dongle to keyring, so as harder to lose, or so is the idea )
trinque: lol @ old bitch killjoy
mircea_popescu: joy doth not appeared to be killed any ; but the "hey, things that occur must conform to my mental model" look on old hag's face is fucking typical.
mod6: lol
shinohai: Guy does write good stuff.
asciilifeform: plenty of it, aha
mircea_popescu: incidentally, there's an evident join here : http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-18#1772670 and http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-27#1759127 are evidently the same item. have a comment format for it and bam, project philosophy file with press history.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-18 23:36 mircea_popescu: what literate code is all about, nothing keeps you from putting a philosophy.preamble file in there.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-27 04:45 mircea_popescu: genesis.manifest
asciilifeform: !~later tell phf plox to snarf seals from http://lucian.mogosanu.ro/v/ , ty
jhvh1: asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: !~reputation spyked
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: Error: "reputation" is not a valid command.
mircea_popescu: !!reputation spyked
asciilifeform: !!rate spyked 2 maths; reader
asciilifeform: !!v 24E1A833BE0BD6D8938A35DD7AD3B771D3A0B39AA5EBA90A24C14975CDF62E9B
deedbot: asciilifeform rated spyked 2 << maths; reader
mircea_popescu: !~later tell spyked "Note that this article is not meant to replace the actual thing. If you want to understand FFA properly, go read FFA. And just so that we understand each other, that DeGrasse Tyson guy is an imbecile" << no links ? what did links ever do to you!
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: !~later tell spyked hey, does your tarpit not send pingbacks or is there some error ? what's the response if you say curl -v -A "Mozilla/5.0" -r 0-4096 --connect-timeout 30 --max-time 10 "http://www.dianacoman.com/xmlrpc.php" --header "Content-Type: text/xml" --data "<?xmlversion="1.0"?><methodCall><methodName>pingback.ping</methodName><params><param><value><string>http://trilema.com/2017/re-reading-is-the-most-powerful-tool/
mircea_popescu: </string></value></param><param><value><string>http://thetarpit.org/posts/y04/069-on-intellectual-ownership.html</string></value> from a terminal ?
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: The operation succeeded.
asciilifeform: * bitcoinvixen (~ofoats@ool-ad028efc.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #trilema << lol, some folx never give up
shinohai: Well, ben_vulpes has given it every opportunity to speak/defend position. Now deserves scammorz tag.
trinque: contacting the guy's work, mother, etc., is not defensible
mircea_popescu: nor effectual.
trinque: nnnope
mircea_popescu: kinda what tranny-ism, as a pars pro toto representative of pantsuitism, is all about : an undefensible pile of ineffectual bullshit.
phf: asciilifeform: updated
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: gotta wonder why it picked ben_vulpes in particular
phf: his 4th sig is non plaintext by the way, i threw it in since the eater ate, but this probably should be an anti-policy
phf: ^ spyked
asciilifeform: non plaintext ?
asciilifeform: yea definitely Not Right Thing
asciilifeform: he forgot -a flag
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform cuz there's no evident link from trinque to michael trinque for idiots who don't understand what gpg is, too lazy to click to your blog or read enough log to see stanislav, there's ~nothing "interesting" on mircea popescu besides a bunch of butthurt idiots complaining of ~same nonsense, and so on.
asciilifeform: this prompted me to try the 'googleate own name' exercise. hilarious snoar, as always. finds 1) my www 2) buncha folx who are not related to me in any way i know of 3) lame softwarepatent from a defunkt slaveship i used to row on 4) bitcoin-otc
mircea_popescu: google is not particularly useful these days.
asciilifeform: not as if this used to work, or anyffin
mircea_popescu: in any case -- as long as 1) "own www", the whole approach just failed.
asciilifeform: noshit.txt
BingoBoingo: !~ticker --market all
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 11250.0, vol: 15608.93095543 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 11157.0, vol: 56232.58752539 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 11303.0, vol: 6111.48999418 | Volume-weighted last average: 11187.0682188
lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-19#1773183 << I dunno if 'interesting' was der Unterschied here; I'd wager it was more: "$realname1 appears to live outside of normal pantsuit spirit summoning range.. I'll try $realname2". Note this was -after- failing at summoning pantsuit spirit to #trilema itself
a111: Logged on 2018-01-19 19:13 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform cuz there's no evident link from trinque to michael trinque for idiots who don't understand what gpg is, too lazy to click to your blog or read enough log to see stanislav, there's ~nothing "interesting" on mircea popescu besides a bunch of butthurt idiots complaining of ~same nonsense, and so on.
asciilifeform: lobbes: prolly.
asciilifeform: and i have this notion that this is the n-th, not 1st or even 2nd case of the pathology. but for some reason can't immediately find in the logs the others.
mircea_popescu: oh, you mean other than the "i have my spurious "bitcoin is scamming" verbiage all over reddit " guy ?
asciilifeform: was thinking specifically of the inept meatspace 'detectives'
asciilifeform: i dun think i have enuff bits in my registers, to count the reddit scumola
mircea_popescu: how about you know, truly ancient lulz, anyone recall tiberius angry canadian dood ?
a111: Logged on 2013-04-30 18:42 tiberiusiv: ;;tell mircea_popescu you are a fraud and a scammer
asciilifeform: gave impression of elaborate trollism tho
mircea_popescu: kinda unavoidable.
ben_vulpes: ah good lolz
mircea_popescu: it's a wonder the rape accusations aren't flowing, come to think of it.
mircea_popescu: what, am i to surmise we're not as cool as snowden and strauss-kahn ? or rather that the empire sunk to such a depth it is not even capable of finding mendacious prostitutes/chambermaids anymore ?
asciilifeform: i suppose those are scarce, rationed, these days. like car bomb.
asciilifeform: reminds me of convo -- pet: 'why you have not been gassed yet' asciilifeform : 'prolly queued' pet : 'like for buying car in su'
lobbes: !~bash 4
jhvh1: Last 4 lines bashed and pending publication
mircea_popescu: my god these people, when they're on point they're on point. 4 new tyres + 5 new pneumatic tubes, off and emplaced, alligned and everything, like 20 minutes including the drive there.
mircea_popescu: it's such a pleasure to see half a dozen people work as a team without needing to blather.
shinohai: !~later tell asciilifeform Is possible to operate fg from pogoplug using usb-to-serial cable?
jhvh1: shinohai: The operation succeeded.
asciilifeform: shinohai: sure, why not
shinohai: It is most definitely NOT showing up as /dev/ttyUSB* though
asciilifeform: shinohai: there's a 5v ttl serialport in there, too, if yer willing to solder
asciilifeform: shinohai: gotta build kernel that knows about the dongle
shinohai: I knew of straight serial port, will have to buy solder
asciilifeform: or alternatively, use dongle that the kernel knows about
shinohai: This kernel has the pl2303 driver
asciilifeform: shinohai: see diana_coman's find
asciilifeform: it's a 'alt' pl2303
shinohai: dmesg gives me [1919018.574318] usb 2-2: new full-speed USB device number 5 using xhci_hcd
shinohai: oh ok
asciilifeform: !#s pl2303
mircea_popescu: there's a subtle difference in drivers ; both claim to be the same one but are not
a111: Logged on 2017-11-10 10:14 diana_coman: for the curious there are in fact 2 prolific-stamped documents describing pl2303 and pl2303x; pl2303x seems to be a sort of upgrade to 64bits but why couldn't it be properly identified as distinct I don't know
asciilifeform: finest chinesium
asciilifeform: i'm still waiting for anybody to suggest a pill.
shinohai: Well that appears to be issue >>> bMaxPacketSize0 64
phf: i think it's adorable
shinohai: ProTip: do not click asciilifeform 's link above if you have a hangover.
phf: to be fair that applies to most things linked from tmsr
shinohai: tfw sifting through old trb stuff and you find "rotor-db-configure-fix.patch"
← 2018-01-18 | 2018-01-20 →