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mircea_popescu: mod6 yeah kinda huh.
mircea_popescu: "whereupon, with the pain that I can only compare to that of a forcibly extracted illusion, I discovered that the bearded essayist had done just what schoolchildren do the world over, namely, repeated Hegel's argument paraphrastically, just as if it had been the proof of a Euclidean theorem or the tale of a big bad wolf called Sein."
mircea_popescu: this fucktard has actually no idea what proof actually is.
mircea_popescu: "and while I considered myself no more competent to discuss Hegel's logic than Leibniz's mathematics, I failed to see why discussion of a subject like slavery by the former should be closed to literary intrusion when, in the case of the latter, such an intrusion had produced Candide." and there's the moneyshot.
asciilifeform: canhaz sores ?
mircea_popescu: from a link of yours to the urbit guy, quoting some w/e the fuck other dork like him.
a111: Logged on 2014-09-20 18:07 asciilifeform: http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2007/07/my-navrozov-moments.html << linked from above, mr mold's explanation (written presumably before the chumpatron re-swallowed him, this time - for good.)
BingoBoingo: ISP monthly statement will be published tomorrow following yet another rereading of the accounting standards, the lack of Qntra at the close of the year is a great disappointment.
BingoBoingo: In other news: breaking up is easy in a place where all the pretty girls smile at you.
BingoBoingo: Also the hostel staff have taken to recommending me as a tour guide/travel buddy to single brasileras traveling alone
BingoBoingo: And as the year closes out the problem of the chinches de cama appears to have been remedied through my secret campaign of chemical warfare
BingoBoingo: (Turns out ivermectin is not a guarenteed kill, but it usually paralyses them before they make it back to a hiding spot for easy disposal of the pests)
BingoBoingo: And on that note, I have a group to escort to the feria.
BingoBoingo: Oh, one last item of importance. After 3 weeks of eating real food, the smell of my farts started to change.
BingoBoingo: Hasta luego
mircea_popescu: and in other "here's what i stole off trilema", https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DSKW3dgX0AAcqcp.jpg
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in imperial narratives, "Parker Lewis Retweeted Vitalik Buterin This about sums it up, @brian_armstrong retweeting @vitalikbuterin about how creating sound money (not controlled by government) is not a meaningful achievement for society, the first thing that finally caused me to tweet"
mircea_popescu: for "society", right ? which fucking society ?
mircea_popescu: the "society" as a usg captive item, that thing ? the ghetto jewry of 2017, about to make pretty ash piles by 2040 ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform that thing is making me join ircnet!
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it's pretty old, i have nfi whether d00d still in the saddle
mircea_popescu: one way to find out.
asciilifeform: last item in linked blog , circa '15. but yea
mircea_popescu: ircnet.org first page has nfi it should put server and port somewhere ;/
mircea_popescu: or "Getting started" page
mircea_popescu: wtf is wrong with people!
asciilifeform: 'It is an "anarchistic" network without the channel services and nickname services you may find on other networks but this is deliberate since this is how IRC was designed to be used and our users tend to prefer it this way'
mircea_popescu: and their linked webchat (webchat.xs4all.nl) dies
mircea_popescu: how the fuck does one connect.
asciilifeform: these expeditions always seem to end with a catv. but asciilifeform looks forward to reading the postmortem.
mircea_popescu: ii2.org is dead... hub.irc.at doesn't answer, vienna.irc.at actually drops connections "unauthorized"...
mircea_popescu: so far they end up with a "holy shit brains are broken"
asciilifeform: bigger minefield, richer village, neh
mircea_popescu: this is what i introduce as "the mmorpg fallacy" to the slavegirls. it's true that in mmorpgs some obscure vilage in the fucking mountains has the BEST fucking weapons + plasma armor and whatnot while the imperial capital somehow makes do with cotton rags and sharpened sticks to kill the rats.
mircea_popescu: HOWEVER, this has no bearing on how things work irl. irl, bigger minefield, dumber villagers.
mircea_popescu: holy shit irc.belwue.de also drops conns as "unauthorized"
asciilifeform: this would depend, i suspect, on what's being kept in/out
mircea_popescu: did anyone mention german folk are fucked in the head for reason of being born there yet ?
asciilifeform: in a time of decay, when what comes in is commissars, minefield is +ev
mircea_popescu: because srsly, it's better being born a nigger in alabama than being born a krautz in germany.
asciilifeform: nao this is so
mircea_popescu: check it fucking out, irc.cs.hut.fi also drops conns. i'm starting to suspect this is the kiwi client rather than the servers. lessee here
asciilifeform: betcha it's ad hoc spamola control, aha
mircea_popescu: not so ad-hoc!
mircea_popescu: (Closing Link: [unknown@b.clients.kiwiirc.com] (K-lined: BSP - Enable identd for access)) << now look into what that is lmao.
mircea_popescu: (identd ~= drm for irc)
asciilifeform: holyfuq
mircea_popescu: so the guy you linked, yes ?
asciilifeform: ancient idiocies that ~nobody even remembers existed!
mircea_popescu: the guy you linked lives on an irc network that does the EXACT equivalent of "we dug up this OBSCURE, DECADES OLD "you must run this software to play WoW" sorta nonsense.
mircea_popescu: explain this to me.
asciilifeform: minefield.
mircea_popescu: no, see, that was the original theory. but now the "mines" are specifically targetted to thinking people.
mircea_popescu: so it's not a minefield, it's a "must be this short to ride" thing
asciilifeform: takes some sweat to emulate whateverd auth, neh
mircea_popescu: wrong kind of sweat.
asciilifeform: so keeps out low-effort indiancandies
mircea_popescu: mno, it's not the equivalent of "to enter this door, you must solve this puzzle". it's the equivalent of "to enter this door, you must suck this cock". so it allows strictly the indiancandies
mircea_popescu: (who will just shuffle through "apps" on their "phone" until one "works")
asciilifeform: nao asciilifeform wonders if there's an irc net that requires you to, say, collide a sha1, before you can log in
mircea_popescu: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1413 << idiocy even has a rfc, if anyone still had any shred of respect left for ietf.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i dunthink there is a 1980s identd app for ipnoje.
asciilifeform: for 1 thing, it cannot work behind nat
asciilifeform: which eliminates gsm , (as recently found) comcast, etc
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: linked item circa '93
asciilifeform: betcha this keeps out ALL winblows users
asciilifeform: all nat zeks. appleists..
mircea_popescu: i expect it keeps out everyone.
asciilifeform: evidently not quite
mircea_popescu: right, because a guy who wrote something interesting in 2014 (free and unpaid for google's ezine he abandoned a year later) is spreading pearls of wisdom about there.
mircea_popescu: gimme a fucking break, freenode is >100k cucks logged in any one day and there's still 0 content anywhere.
asciilifeform: separate q, whether 'pearls'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: ~because~ 100kcucks
mircea_popescu: well, im not going to read the rest of this, he can go fuck himself.
asciilifeform: not 'still'
asciilifeform: pyramid has patience, another archaeologist will come.
mircea_popescu: this is a reminder to future self : plox negrate countercomplex / viznut on sight ty.
asciilifeform: oddlyenuff these negged-in-absentia folx never seem to come to pick up their 'award'
mircea_popescu: it's been like one year since the first.
asciilifeform: canhaz log link?
mircea_popescu: notrly, just memory-assisted guess.
mircea_popescu: anyway, for the record : nothing in the world fucking easier than socat -u tcp-1:113,fork system:./say_mp.sh
mircea_popescu: but i ain't gonna fucken do it.\
asciilifeform: prolly mircea_popescu is right and pyramid long empty
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it's possibly the most ignorant and outright infuriating "security" i could think of
asciilifeform: i can think of moarinfuriating
mircea_popescu: ANY bot can get past this dumb shit, it's entirely constructed out of "and then nobody has their own box"
mircea_popescu: i had my own fuc king box in 1980s motherfuckers!
asciilifeform: any but nat zek
mircea_popescu: nobody runs a bot on his home fucking computer ffs, why would they
asciilifeform: ~errybody has ownbox in '80s, trick question
asciilifeform: kolhoz is recent.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yeah, early authd
mircea_popescu: btw, that's a decent string for his early bb posts, back when he was a dicklet at nyu.
asciilifeform: lol the '90s 'cryptoexport' muppet theatre
asciilifeform still not convinced that it wasn't a psyop, to build up street cred for schneiers . 0 convictions, 0 sentences, for 'pgp smugglers' afaik.
asciilifeform: not even the tattooist d00d
mircea_popescu: funny you should mention that, because literally next line, From: Adam Back <aba@dcs.ex.ac.uk>
asciilifeform: going by 'by their fruits, know them' heuristic.
asciilifeform: the 'illicit exporters' of '90s are today's 'cryptographic komyoonity'
asciilifeform: so either 500+ d00dz all suffered exactly same dementia on same timetable, or.
mircea_popescu: the great age of the bb was cool because of the bang. for instance : Path: gmdzi!unido!mcsun!uunet!lll-winken!~~~~elroy.jpl.nasa.gov~~~!swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!samsung!munnari.oz.au!yoyo.aarnet.edu.au!sirius.ucs.adelaide.edu.au!spam!ross
mircea_popescu: there's something great about explicit routing
asciilifeform: tells recipient thing he dun have any biznis knowing , tho
mircea_popescu: is that so ?
a111: Logged on 2017-12-29 21:37 mircea_popescu: phf and if you don't share with heathens, make it so !!shelf returns a pile encrypted to my key for instance, nothing wrong with that.
asciilifeform: the path, outside his l1
mircea_popescu: yeswell.
mircea_popescu: o look, a claim bernstein actually invented lzw
asciilifeform: waiwaat
mircea_popescu: (yabbawhap)
asciilifeform: lzw is a '70s creation
asciilifeform: djb was in diapers
mircea_popescu: i did say a claim.
asciilifeform: possibly he had a variant. ( erryone has a variant ! even asciilifeform )
mircea_popescu: pretty sure i implement a variant every third time i do anything with pointers.
mircea_popescu: (so do you ; you just don't know about it)
asciilifeform: 'March 7, 2003 - The SCO Group filed legal action against IBM in the State Court of Utah for trade secrets misappropriation, tortious interference, unfair competition and breach of contract. The complaint alleges that IBM made concentrated efforts to improperly destroy the economic value of UNIX, particularly UNIX on Intel, to benefit IBM's Linux services business.'
asciilifeform: ^ from linked vintagelul
mircea_popescu: lotta that yea
asciilifeform: gotta luvv 'improperly destroy the economic value' phrase
mircea_popescu: it goes directly to the ugly truth at the bottom of the alt-usg (referenced above as 'cryptographic komyoonity' but rms's goons too [recently i've been seeing pompous "explanations" as to how linux is not a thing, it's just gnu os that matters btw]) : pure socialism.
asciilifeform: pure barnaclism.
zineKing: Hey, don't bad mouth RMS.
asciilifeform: i can only with difficulty picture any of these folx, e.g. reading marx.
mircea_popescu: that's the echafaudage the whole "export controls" and "microsoft monopoly" and etc wrangling in the 90s and 00s was supposed to distract from : please choose between empire and the socialst alternative!
zineKing: He is to be respected for his contributions to compsci.
mircea_popescu: zineKing not here.
asciilifeform: zineKing: name one such contribution ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: aka 'good cop / bad cop'
mircea_popescu: preferably one that doesn't consist of "tried to", that's what my slavegirls say before getting the whip
zineKing: asciilifeform: GNU.
mircea_popescu: zineKing how do you unpack this "gnu" symbol in your own head ?
asciilifeform: zineKing: show an actual item, written by the man's own hand ?
asciilifeform: gpl, for instance ( ignoring for a moment that it has 0 to do with computing ) was created by moglen
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform well there was that time he showed up at what-was-it-called mpex-wannabe and got some lunch money from amir taaki neh.
zineKing: Not much might be written by him, but he is the founder.. Therefore he should be respected, just like I believe the founder of The Most Serene Republic ought to be respected.
asciilifeform: zineKing: respected FOR WHAT?
mircea_popescu: i do not intend to be respected on the basis of "i can't explain why" if at all possible.
mircea_popescu: maybe if we're sexually intimate and respecter's underage, but even then... only briefly and still maybe.
zineKing: Respected for his contribution, for founding GNU.
asciilifeform: i for instance dug through lmi code base, that was leaked to me ( and iirc public for some yrs) , looked for interesting rmsism
asciilifeform: found ~nuffin
mircea_popescu: zineKing the problem here is an asymmetry, whereby we started ~where you are maybe 5 years ago, and then knowledge progressed.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=rms << this may be interesting, but read it from the bottom up
asciilifeform: rms ~= georgy gapon aka 'Поп Гапон'
asciilifeform bbl, meat
mircea_popescu: in other things that are pretty fucking hysterical, https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/alt.security/sIuDoPz0vyk
mircea_popescu: people despising "script kiddies" for their varied ineptitudes (of which insecure pipes are a fine example) forgets that there was a time when the "best and brightest" founders-of-whatever did the exact same.
mircea_popescu: in which vein : people despising "inept schoolchildren" who scribble their names on trees/wet cement/whatever forget (by which euphemism we render "never had any fucking idea") who actually started that trend.
mircea_popescu: !#s braid cipher
mircea_popescu: here's something for your collection of ancient crankware asciilifeform : http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/BRAID/BRAID.HTM
mircea_popescu: shit's fucking epic, an all-in-one manual on how to not design crypto, how to not communicate your design, how to not think and so on.
mircea_popescu: but what it's truly interesting for, is just how disingenuous bernstein's "destruction" is. instead of a curt, and correct, "go study OTP and when you understand that, move up to lubby", he picks the wrong end of the mechanism to improperly reduce to a strawman. this is the risk of arguing with idiots -- if you're a normal person your social adjustment circuitry might entice you to make idiotic arguments in response and then
mircea_popescu: thirty years later people will grin at the record.
mircea_popescu: (as it happens here -- the year being 1991 lubby was still a decade away, and fountain codes poorly understood, so a honest mind might very well have ended up predating lubby through the exercise of trying to make a decent answer for this particular idiot. which process is exactly why "universities" exist in the first place, and teaching all-but-inescapable for researchers : it turns out that answering the malformed questions
mircea_popescu: of [preselected] idiots is a major, if not the principal source of discovery ; something i know from personal experience for my own needs, if the theory weren't enough.)
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-31#1761777 << asciilifeform confesses, he wrote one of these as a schoolboy. but never tried to sell as 'troo crypto'
a111: Logged on 2017-12-31 15:52 mircea_popescu: here's something for your collection of ancient crankware asciilifeform : http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/BRAID/BRAID.HTM
mircea_popescu: this one is imo particularily good at what he does.
asciilifeform: was exactly same scheme, bury bits of message in prngolade
mircea_popescu: it's what i'd call "a telegraphist's intuition". there are these things that are particularily irksome/obvious to technical men (ie, not very intelligent) and small children.
mircea_popescu: anyone at "inventions bureau" can confirm -- there's a profile of technical employee matching type of commonly-seen "invention"
asciilifeform: folx who haven't put on the standard blinkers yet , aha
mircea_popescu: so i just went "wtf, there's no mention of this site in the logs" and it turns out that... yes there is, you gave it to me last year. lol.
asciilifeform: the 1 thing children/telegraphers lack, is any contact with history; typically 'idea' was tried seven ways to pluto
mircea_popescu: anyway, dood has a humongo collection of random wank/antiques, should prolly be mirrored.
asciilifeform: by the time 'idea man' has it
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform exactly!
mircea_popescu: "what do small children and technical men have in common ?" "they're not scholars" "oh."
asciilifeform: !#s www.ciphersbyritter.com
a111: 6 results for "www.ciphersbyritter.com", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=www.ciphersbyritter.com
mircea_popescu: !#s terry ritter
asciilifeform: ^ see old threadz also
a111: Logged on 2016-02-10 14:21 mircea_popescu: 1998-11-23 Stefan Axelsson: "What is needed, is some other, resilient, long lasting, redundant third party storage of references, such as a library is for printed material today."
mircea_popescu: you know, like v.
asciilifeform: betcha d00d would barf at v. 'where's the centralized incatron'
mircea_popescu: the important point here is that there can be NO retrospective read of the history of ideas in any actual discipline that is both a) longer than epsilon and b) fails to discover the PRINCIPAL bar to discovery is personal dishonesty.
mircea_popescu: and i mean it quite specifically as strong as "if djb weren't a spook, and honest enough a man to look at the problem correctly, he would probably have had lubby before lubby did. certainky he was smart enough."
asciilifeform: if only personal. organized.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform there exists nothing but the person, in front of the mystery.
mircea_popescu: there is no group there (or in general, but in general easier to fake it)
asciilifeform: atom exists. but ball - bounces.
mircea_popescu: atom also bounces.
asciilifeform: !#s as above so below
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you know, i still don't know why you call blinders "blinkers"
asciilifeform: prolly same way mircea_popescu's collander became a calendar, lol
mircea_popescu: for srs.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-31#1761781 << i gotta point out ftr, luby is recent but e.g. reed-solomon - quite bearded
a111: Logged on 2017-12-31 16:18 mircea_popescu: (as it happens here -- the year being 1991 lubby was still a decade away, and fountain codes poorly understood, so a honest mind might very well have ended up predating lubby through the exercise of trying to make a decent answer for this particular idiot. which process is exactly why "universities" exist in the first place, and teaching all-but-inescapable for researchers : it turns out that answering the malformed questions
mircea_popescu: sure. if scholarly, he could have ended up trapped in a contrived reference to reed-solomon.
asciilifeform: ( recall 'par' archiver-splitter zips on binaries.* warez... )
mircea_popescu: still, the "might very well" is extremely hard to do away with.
asciilifeform: some items get found regardless of anything. e.g. su had the otp absolute-tightness proof in iirc 1930s
asciilifeform: but seekrit.
asciilifeform: so today folx credit von neumann
mircea_popescu: one might consider the relationship proposed spurious, on that basis. that one is invited to free up a few weeks of his time and retrospect any field of his choice, see what he finds.
asciilifeform: will find, e.g., lilienfeld's transistor.
asciilifeform: !#s lilienfeld
a111: 13 results for "lilienfeld", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=lilienfeld
mircea_popescu: it's mindboggling, to me, you know ? EVERY fucking parent since the dawn of time told his kids "don't lie" with all sorts of dumb, dysfunctional ratonalles "you'll go to jail" "i'll beat you up" whatever the fuck.
mircea_popescu: to my knowledge ~nobody, including the "professional" cuckeducators/retards they have in the anglo "humanist" tradition turned up the correct version :
mircea_popescu: don't lie, because if you do you form a sort of mental habit that will prevent you from ever inventing anything.
mircea_popescu: SPECIFICALLY for the reason that lies are easier.
asciilifeform: most meatsacks want invent like dog wants beets.
mircea_popescu: children ?
asciilifeform: regressed-to-mean children have nfi what word even means.
mircea_popescu: i don't think i ever met a kid that didn't intrinsically respect invention.
asciilifeform: prolly there weren't any on that bus
asciilifeform: with the tanzania se zice.. song
mircea_popescu: i guess. tall order tho, even icecubes wear their pants a novel way
asciilifeform: but in plebeland -- very different picture.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i also was in alabama bus!
mircea_popescu: for somebody this rich i suppose i spent an inordinate amount of time in busses.
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron wanna call 512-892-0494 see if mr ritter wants to audit fg ?
asciilifeform: 'В диком штате Алабаме / Страшный город Бирмингем..' (tm)(r)(mihalkov)
mircea_popescu: feistel-ish thing best i can tell
asciilifeform: y'know , i can no longer see any diff b/w ANY and all symmetriccipherists, and the linked d00d
mircea_popescu: for the obvious reason.
asciilifeform: same intellectual foundation.
asciilifeform: 'it confuses ME, and other stray dogs, therefor seekoor'
mircea_popescu: ahaha did we do dood's "poetry" ie, as he himself confesses, "i was bored and horny in the army -- so here, cummings sheets" ?
mircea_popescu: "This, my mixture of love and hate, is the reason why I hesitate . . . Yes, it is easily done, buy a room for two: Instant me and mine -- then you."
mircea_popescu: or, if you prefer, "Another time mated, thirst again sated, body passing hated, to books I turn, eager to learn, before it's again fated."
mircea_popescu: generally you can recognize the undeclared cuck by that sure sign that disavows control of own sexuality. what the everloving fuck is "fated" about fucking ? maybe ~for her~.
asciilifeform: loox like generic 'emo'
mircea_popescu: well yeah.
mircea_popescu: if i were a hooker working from delrey, i'd print these and give them out to the sexagenarians.
mircea_popescu: instant-whoremination.gif
mircea_popescu: ok, i take it back, he's not even terrible. here : "I saw her again and she saw me. It seemed that us at last was we. We'd break up, then remember, then one day we forgot to come back together. So she left, then I did, and I never saw her again."
mircea_popescu: that "one day we forgot to remember" device is so much http://trilema.com/when-did-america-end generation it freakin' bleeds.
asciilifeform: 'the man who wasn't there'
asciilifeform: upstack: the hilarity of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-31#1761777 is that it is provably equivalent to otp. but author appears to not have even heard of xor. ( to asciilifeform's anticredit, he as a boy knew of xor, and still came up with exact same rubbish )
a111: Logged on 2017-12-31 15:52 mircea_popescu: here's something for your collection of ancient crankware asciilifeform : http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/BRAID/BRAID.HTM
mircea_popescu: well obviously, it's ignorantly-generalized otp, which is why i said, "start with otp"
asciilifeform: typical of 'boy inventors', we see following pattern:
mircea_popescu: exactly!
asciilifeform: 'There is the unavoidable problem of K exhaustion to be dealt with. The more streams we need, the faster we use up the K. But considering the ability of the system to provide a high level of confidence, there is nothing to prevent us from cheating a bit. A number of strategies for the rejuvenation of old K material can be left to the imagination of the clients...'
mircea_popescu: wait till you get to the strategies.
mircea_popescu: they are, IN EXACT ORDER, "1. nyah nyah my key was longer than i said it was"
asciilifeform: i.e. 'take the fatal boojum and slide it under the carpet. bang! perfection!'
mircea_popescu: then "2. nyah nyah exhaustion turnoff superpower" and then "3. magical key fountain"
asciilifeform: 'which totally not same as a prng'
mircea_popescu: hey, a boy is born with a boy brain, it works the same way for all of them.
asciilifeform: this is perpetuum mobile all over again
asciilifeform: asciilifeform was a bona fide perpetuummobilist for whole, i think , yr
mircea_popescu: i never was, because i had met a collection of cvasi pms as a younger boy than that'd have come.
asciilifeform: this , historically, was not a guaranteed cure tho
mircea_popescu: the "this item worked for 50 years, but STILL isn't pm" along with the famous "droppled of pitch" made some useful points for my head.
mircea_popescu: yeah, just luckily worked.
mircea_popescu: did they have the "this dropplet of pitch has been working its clockwork towards dropping for x decades" item in yoru space ?
asciilifeform: invention + excuse-craft == crackpottery
asciilifeform: we had perelman ( older perelman, not riemann's ) megab00k
mircea_popescu: but i mean the physical object
mircea_popescu: i suspect a major "favourable factor" in the supposedly genetics-only "regression to mean" is poorly varied environment for the kids. ie, all sorts of important phenomena ("arbitrarily slow motion" say) not directly perceived.
asciilifeform: !#s занимательная физика
mircea_popescu: kid ends up with broken heuristics.
mircea_popescu: and the problem with heuristics is -- they self-reinforce. BOTH if broken or if sound. proper knowledge only self-reinforces if sound, but heuristic approaches don't know their own dick from a hole in the ground.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i had physical objects largely from junkyard. with the obvious limitations. until, at least, the comp
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform local natl history museum had an ancient such item ; along with a yellow diamond and what all else. stored in these immense, pre 1900 wooden behemoths, at that.
mircea_popescu: it was quite impressive.
mircea_popescu: dunno if it still stands, but anyway.
asciilifeform: there is a decent museum like this in usa -- smithsonian . but asciilifeform was already 10 by the time he saw it.
mircea_popescu: it works a lot better as "substitute palace of graybeard santas" if you're say 5.
asciilifeform: phunphakt -- today they have a 'lemelson hall of invention', which reads quite like a 'eichmann hall of judaism'
asciilifeform: i wonder if they're building a sco hall of unix yet..
mircea_popescu: i was talking to someone and they were all indignant over " a set of international prizes in Life Sciences, Fundamental Physics and Mathematics, was founded by Sergey Brin and Anne Wojcicki, Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan, and Yuri Milner and Julia Milner." because who the fuck is zuckerberg.
mircea_popescu: ~same flavour
asciilifeform: lol the 'society wives'
mircea_popescu: (sadoveanu, despicable regime-alligned novelist and consequently bigwig had 3 daughters)
asciilifeform: lol curvidentificate
asciilifeform: phunnily, asciilifeform bought a coupla wizened tomes of sadoveanu at gypsy market in timis
mircea_popescu: he's not terrible as a writer.
asciilifeform: had nfi wtf it was
mircea_popescu: sorta ro pulp of the 50s.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform does your dictionary provide a guess for kokofifi's "sugushesc" ?
asciilifeform: 1 has a stereotypical red-tied пионер on the cover
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: hmm, i'ma guess sumthing like 'to guzzle spooje'
mircea_popescu: nah, strangle.
mircea_popescu: northern people, they speak their own romanian.
asciilifeform: makes sense
asciilifeform: hungary
asciilifeform: there are obvious hungarisms in mainline ro tho
mircea_popescu: esp western.
asciilifeform: oh hah new trilemapic
asciilifeform: with hanbot even
mircea_popescu: dun dun dun
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu loox almost like an earthling man in this one
mircea_popescu: no beard ?
asciilifeform: and i guess the part where there's a fully dressed gurl
mircea_popescu: http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/BRAID/91062301.HTM << the bickering is fucking hysterical.
mircea_popescu: "b) the key it does allow you to extract won't be used right away, but at an undetermined time in the futur, depending on the available store of key material, and on the volume of traffic," is actually included verbatim in DEFENSE of the utility of the scheme
asciilifeform: sci.crypt was a magnet for these btw
asciilifeform: just as sci.physics was for 'phree energy' and 'ditch j00-einsteinism' etc
mircea_popescu: d. f. boyd has a moment of illumination (yes, you've guessed it, i reed these mostly to see what THE EXPERTS say) : "what happens if i send a block of nulls ? what happens if i set a block of 1s ? what can i do with these two ?"
asciilifeform: 'I did publish, separately in sci.crypt, a nostalgic piece about a possible ancestor to this system. You can't very well accuse me of claiming novelty. There is a lot of deviousness and a bit of intelligence in what I proposed, but the novelty is in the way I implement the idea, and in the beneficial side effects.'
mircea_popescu: also, nutmeg apparently heard of xor, but "is no good -- can't send key!"
asciilifeform: the funniest bit is that this d00d wasn't 15 y.o
mircea_popescu: whatever happened of this fellow bt
mircea_popescu: w ? was making comments re emacs on vaxen from suny binghamton, then... zip
asciilifeform: devil knows, maybe dead
asciilifeform: Ciaran Slattery, Nicholas Pulakos and Urenna Nwogwugwu << ahahahaha gotta be a gag
mircea_popescu: includes page copy...
a111: Logged on 2017-12-31 16:43 mircea_popescu: danielpbarron wanna call 512-892-0494 see if mr ritter wants to audit fg ?
mircea_popescu: http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/BRAID/91062402.HTM << the champagne bits are choice. the part where "we have fallen out of the system, it's all key driven" even better. this guy's a fabulous kook. i almost think it's worthwhile to make him a reference for discussion of crypto.
mircea_popescu: specifically because http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-31#1761851 ; i have the lingering suspicion i have read something like say "The key management stream is not distinguishable from the rest of the stuff, be it noise, or plaintext." stated in other hands before.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-31 16:46 asciilifeform: y'know , i can no longer see any diff b/w ANY and all symmetriccipherists, and the linked d00d
mircea_popescu: "One aspect I have been studying, which nobody raised, is that we could find ourselves with a dynamic system, as the key that is generated will be used to program the key generator. This could be a builtin limit to my approach. I still have to think about it. On the other hand, if I could tune it for chaos..."
mircea_popescu: LETS TUNE FOR CHAOS!
mircea_popescu: this is it, there is no more needed. what i wish to know of all future cryptosystems is simply "ok mr x, you have here a cryptosystem, but answer me this : IS IT TUNED FOR CHAOS ?"
mircea_popescu: and then a coupla days later : "Objective: Design a method which would allow for the availability of an infinite length random key (automated one-time pad generation), from a finite store of random material."
mircea_popescu: fellow earlier assured us he "is familiar" with "the problems" and other symbols mentioned (knuth, shannon, whatever) so i believe him :D
danielpbarron: mircea_popescu, just called and left a message. if he's interested he should have enough info to join this channel
mircea_popescu: cool ty.
mircea_popescu: what's "enough info", irc.freenode.net port 8001 ?
danielpbarron: yeah i spelled out #trilema and freenode and also explained that you can google for a webchat url
danielpbarron: !~later tell trinque what am i doing wrong here? http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/Aovvg/?raw=true
jhvh1: danielpbarron: The operation succeeded.
danielpbarron: woops, it also gives the same output if i do ./install.sh /dev/sda
trinque: you didn't tell it what device to install to.
danielpbarron: ya ya i just did that one for the wotpaste but it's the same output
trinque: gotta actually read the script, see what command it was running.
danielpbarron: i tried that!
trinque: lol, one sec, lemme see what's happening in that part
danielpbarron: just making sure /dev/sda is what you call a mount point
danielpbarron: i also tried pre-formatting it and specifying /dev/sda1
danielpbarron: and also tried pre-mounting and specifying /mnt/gentoo
trinque: hold on, what are you booting from?
danielpbarron: a gentoo live cd/usb thing
danielpbarron: kinda old
trinque: paste the actual output with sda; I suspect it's different.
trinque: the line in question is the one creating a new partition table with parted
trinque: look at the command it's creating and see if your parted supports it or not
danielpbarron: i did try manually typing that parted line and it returned fine (i think)
danielpbarron: by that i mean it returned a blank line return
danielpbarron: well that's not entirely true, what is that final $ thing in the parted line
trinque: ah shit, my instructions are wrong.
trinque: one sec, updating blog
trinque: I added a param for the kernel config to use, see top
danielpbarron: top of what, i refreshed the blog post and i don't see a difference
trinque: top of the script you're reading!
danielpbarron: i should redownload? ok
trinque: no.
trinque: hold your horses; I'm saying if you look at the top of the script you have, you can see that there are two parameters.
danielpbarron: aha, the kconfig
danielpbarron: aw shit, i have to provide my own kernel config :<
danielpbarron: which i have, let's give it a shot
trinque: danielpbarron: post updated
danielpbarron: ok this time it still says "build is not a mountpoint" but it seems to be doing something so far
trinque: yep, it checks to see if build is already mounted, unmounts if so.
trinque: makes the dev loop on the thing easier, edit script, rebuild.
danielpbarron: aaaaand my sketchy chinese usb drive crashed the laptop when i unplugged ffffff
trinque: wahaha
trinque: hey your testing is greatly appreciated.
danielpbarron: for the lol record, i got this usb drive many years ago from the roger verified memorydealers site for what is now probably thousands of USD worth of bitcoin
danielpbarron: started again and script is still chugging along nicely
danielpbarron takes a sip of eggnog latte with overproof rum
trinque: good deal. too bad I'm out of nog or I'd join in.
trinque: if you want to poke around in the build after it's done (or breaks), it'll still be mounted for you to chroot in.
danielpbarron: so i wanna put eulora on this thing when it finishes. i'm curious does it already have asciilifeform's crapolade mask file or is that the kind of thing i have to put in manually?
trinque: see the masks and removed useflags in the build script
trinque: has not specifically asciilifeform's list, though I'm pretty sure mine encompasses it. if it lacks something, point it out and it'll get added.
danielpbarron: mostly asked because someone will probably wonder the same and now they have something to read in the log. i'll give it a look when it finishes
shinohai: !!up RemoteFox
deedbot: RemoteFox voiced for 30 minutes.
shinohai: k tal
danielpbarron: !!up premysl
deedbot: premysl voiced for 30 minutes.
premysl: Hi.
danielpbarron: hi, who are yoU?
premysl: I'm a passer-by, pondering what's going on over here.
danielpbarron: just taking over the world, that's all
danielpbarron: script still going :D
mod6: nice. what arch?
danielpbarron: trinque's latest cuntoo thing
danielpbarron: oh, amd64
mod6: ah werd
mod6: all the gentoos i've got are amd64 and default .config
mod6: im fairly sure .. anyway
ben_vulpes: premysl: logs are in channel title
mircea_popescu: in other news, new year's the best time to drive around here.
mircea_popescu: police car parked in between the lanes, "hey, is that da polis ?" "shit, it is" "well... they're not chasing." "in truth i was only doing 100, the limit's 80. just 20 over... that's kinda stickler fare..." "you were also doing 130 earlier, in the 60 limit zone" "shit, i was ?"
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-31#1762014 << how long does emerge world take by this process then ?
a111: Logged on 2017-12-31 19:55 danielpbarron: started again and script is still chugging along nicely
trinque: takes on the scale of hours to build first; after first build you have binary packages of what you built, can complete in minutes
mircea_popescu: in other holy shit : apparently omaha, nebraska cancelled ny fireworks because it snowed and the soviets "dun want anyone to get frostbite"
mircea_popescu: to quote the local oracle, "america's best days lie ahead"
mircea_popescu: !#s "hay" "mas" "futuro"
ben_vulpes: first of the new year!
danielpbarron: trinque, i'm asked a question via your script: "Expose hardware/virtual IRQ mapping via debugfs (IRQ_DOMAIN_DEBUG) [N/y/?] (NEW)"
trinque: that is actually the kernel makefile asking you things.
trinque: your kernel config was probably for an older kernel eh?
trinque: you can just answer y/n and you'll make it out the other end eventually
trinque: defaults will probably work, but it's worth hitting ? on the ones you don't recognize; it'll give a description.
danielpbarron: the default is N, should I do that?
trinque: that looks useful for kernel dev. I don't think you'd need it.
trinque brb after an errand.
danielpbarron: oh shit, after that it's a lot more questions, i'm just gonna do default on all of it
hanbot: <mircea_popescu> in other holy shit : apparently omaha, nebraska cancelled ny fireworks because it snowed and the soviets "dun want anyone to get frostbite" << and in other kansas news, wichita saw a man killed on his doorstep 'cause someone prank called 911 claiming a murder/hostage thing at that address, and he came out with his hands up sub-optimally, apparently. http://archive.is/AszYN
ben_vulpes: went for a gun, dontcha know
mod6: Ladies and Gentlemen of The Most Serene Republic, The Bitcoin Foundation presents The State of Bitcoin Address: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2018-January/000285.html
mod6: Happy New Years to you all!
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