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← 2016-11-08 | 2016-11-10 →
mircea_popescu: aaand utah went.
ben_vulpes: now see for cargo plane to remotish location...
BingoBoingo: lol, cuban american in Florida won it for Trump. Pls tell me more about "hispanics" as a monolith
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo the funny part being that whoever anna merlan is still clings to fantasies. what 269-269 roflmao
trinque: dear god there's a Mike Crapo
BingoBoingo: I don't even know if the remaining states can add up to that
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform to answer your q : the girls over at jezbel etc very jealously watch the cool boys in town ; and at some point during the year got a circular to make keys, so they made keys.
mircea_popescu: trinque in the logs too.
a111: Logged on 2016-10-30 02:27 mircea_popescu: there is actually a senator mike crapo.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> asciilifeform to answer your q : the girls over at jezbel etc very jealously watch the cool boys in town ; and at some point during the year got a circular to make keys, so they made keys. << The motive seemed to have been a gawker blog wanted to write about a "Bitcoin scam" and stumbled upon fount of Qntra. SHortly after an edict that to get gawker check must make key came down. THey kept it up only a couple weeks.
mircea_popescu: something liek that.
mircea_popescu: also abc announces trump took melania backstage for a blowjob.
mircea_popescu: ~2 mins ago
BingoBoingo: You know the truly funny thing is Sanders jsut might have been able to stahp the Trumreich from happening. Sorry for your rigged system Donna Brazile.
mircea_popescu: anyway, > 100mn votes counted, what fucking "voter supression". it's a fucking record.
BingoBoingo: The thing about socialistards is that to keep winning that have to run further and further towards Swedenhell as a platform. If they try to "moderate" like Clitler coming from Bahamas they stall like a motor stalls.
BingoBoingo: And Pennsylvania turned Trump finally
trinque: 2020 is going to be sanderswoman vs breitbarpublicans
mircea_popescu: https://s12.postimg.org/ugy7jqwsd/dorks.jpg << in other "why nobody gives a shit about journo-hos"
mircea_popescu: trinque no woman is running for another half dozen or so cycles.
mircea_popescu: and i very much doubt there will be another black man president ever.
trinque wonders what the huddled butthurt will choose then
trinque: all the people from the current apparatus are going to prison
mircea_popescu: imagine, to be an affirmative action dork from kenya who has ruined the presidential office for all black people.
mircea_popescu: including black people who aren't lazy imbeciles ; who actually go to school, actually work, actually educate themselves etc.
mircea_popescu: thanks obama.
mircea_popescu: o look, somehow reid kept his seat. bwahahaha.
asciilifeform: nh - reclitlerized ?
mircea_popescu: she got nevada.
mircea_popescu: anyway, it's over, they know it's over, moved on to soppy shit with little girls and whatnot.
asciilifeform: lel nh 15 votes apart?!
mircea_popescu: and pa like 2k lol
mircea_popescu: except major red county hasn't reported.
mircea_popescu: anyway - trump has wi (10) by 4% with 10% left ; and az (11) by another 4% with 25% left. that's 265. he leeads by 1% in my (16), which is very enough. he also leads in penn (20) 2706146-2680667 with ~3% still to count.
BingoBoingo: The only question that matters is how does South Park handle the results of this very member berry election tomorrow night
mircea_popescu choked on their retarded "the failure of pc just means we need more better pc", will check again in a few seasons.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo check it out, huff po lays down arms. ahahaha.
asciilifeform: they want to avoid the ovens, eh
mircea_popescu: well, at least they want to have somethign to scream about.
mircea_popescu: a rat is a rat.
BingoBoingo: "the failure of pc just means we need more better pc" << Not the creator's stand. The character of PC principal's stand.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo kyle, voice of creator, eh ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Kyle hasn't been that for a while.
mircea_popescu: call me a yokel, i'm sticking to it.
mircea_popescu: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CwzEcZTUUAAKqLA.jpg << nothing quite as spacious as the great hall of the loser.
BingoBoingo: !~ticker --market all
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 734.24, vol: 8228.84042024 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 719.291, vol: 5967.02594 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 739.0, vol: 17087.59839991 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 745.0, vol: 1903.92145773 | Volume-weighted last average: 734.620328008
asciilifeform: somebody oughta pass out wagner, cyanide, there.
mircea_popescu: it's such a perfect setting for wagner, that ugly glass thing
mircea_popescu: anyway, im going to... sleep, let's call it that.
mircea_popescu: make pantsuits great again!
ben_vulpes: !~ticker --market all
ben_vulpes: !~ticker --market all
jhvh1: ben_vulpes: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 735.66, vol: 8296.45120814 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 720.0, vol: 5969.52891 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 738.99, vol: 17184.15710862 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 733.643853, vol: 1440174.41530000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 741.624, vol: 1905.26505518 | Volume-weighted last average: 733.672595422
BingoBoingo: !~ticker --market all --currency rmb
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: BTCChina BTCRMB last: 4968.27, vol: 1449488.83570000 | Volume-weighted last average: 4968.27
pete_dushenski: lel. on rt coverage, fillie covering CRAZY PANIC in california mentioned today's bitcoin price surge ~before~ gold price surge. a good day for the republic, all the way around!
mod6: o7
pete_dushenski: "people can't quite make sense of what happened"
pete_dushenski: and "people are leaving" !!1
pete_dushenski: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-09#1564636 << there's gotta be enough dumb mediajews there that ~someone's~ handing out passover parsley. nothing goes with delishus butt-tears like bitter herbs.
a111: Logged on 2016-11-09 04:52 mircea_popescu: ahhh the crying women at hillary place. delishius tears!
pete_dushenski: "if trump wins, it's a landslide that NOONE PREDICTED" ~rt talking head
pete_dushenski: http://archive.is/Ri54e << uk betting website 'paddypower' to pay out double after paying out pro-clinton bettors THREE WEEKS EARLY BECAUSE HOW NOT. omfg this is like the lulz christmas.
pete_dushenski: "canada immigration website crashes due to americans trying to flee trump"
pete_dushenski: pa locked down for trump.
BingoBoingo: brb, sleep
pete_dushenski: now's the time to drop by clitler hq and ask any straggling, teary-eyed cuties "hey girl, what's wrong ?". rfn.
pete_dushenski: bwahahhaha, "clinton will not talk tonight"... just... podesta!
pete_dushenski: clinton is "tired" and is therefore leaving her javitz center supporters absofuckinglutely stranded.
pete_dushenski: after all the brouhaha that "trump won't accept loss and is a very bad person mkay" and now she's too much of a fucking coward to talk to a crowd of fellow losers ? hypoclit!
pete_dushenski: maine called for clitler. just 3 electoral votes, trump gets 1 from the state.
trinque: the guy's 4 electoral votes away from 270, senate's already under control of whichever party holds white house (and election's not over), house is solidly red
trinque: and the supreme court is his to make what, at least one, probably several appointments over time
trinque: USG belongs to the hairdo. I'm still curious if the hairdo belongs to CIA/NSA.
trinque: time will tell.
pete_dushenski: 276-218.
pete_dushenski: it's over.
trinque: aha, and senate went to 51
pete_dushenski: donald trump is the 45th president of these united states of amerika.
trinque: lesser socialist party of soi disant republic gives one last spasm of "no srsly we can 90s again"
trinque: it's gonna be weird.
trinque: meanwhile the currency of the world's only sovereign strengthens against US paperthinger.
trinque: !~ticker
jhvh1: trinque: Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 738.92, Best ask: 739.55, Bid-ask spread: 0.63000, Last trade: 739.09, 24 hour volume: 18250.57481051, 24 hour low: 703.0, 24 hour high: 741.1, 24 hour vwap: None
pete_dushenski: what a second birthday, eh mod6 ?
pete_dushenski: i think pence is about to cry.
ben_vulpes: ahaha this is going to be so much FUN
trinque: portland is gonna implode from butthurt, man
ben_vulpes: oh god america is going to be so great
ben_vulpes: i'm going to ride a butthurt contact high for months
ben_vulpes: TA RUMP TA RUMP
pete_dushenski: now the real questions begin : will trump use own jet in lieu of air bahamas ?
pete_dushenski: man trump only rolls with dimes eh
trinque: oh man
trinque: anybody else loving the butthurt cam in the top right of trump's live feed?
deedbot: http://www.contravex.com/2016/11/09/trumpreich-commenceth-the-final-moments-of-a-close-us-presidential-election-and-the-tasting-of-sweet-sweet-progressive-butt-tears/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Trumpreich commenceth : The final moments of a “close” US Presidential Election and the tasting of sweet, sweet progressive butt-tears.
Framedragger: "statistics" "polls" LOL
mircea_popescu: sooo... did clinton win after all ?
mircea_popescu: awww, and i had such hopes for her!
shinohai: my socialist dreamz are shattered.
Framedragger: butbutbut the polllls
Framedragger: my precious polls
asciilifeform: merry tristmas folx
shinohai: maybe good for a roundup xtended (tm)
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/the-power-of-the-press-in-english-this-time/#selection-387.0-387.120 << check me out, i had translated that article once before then utterly forgot about it.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so whatta ya got to say ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i gotta say !
asciilifeform: now d00d also has to stay unkennedied
mircea_popescu: but i must say that was one of the easier articles to write.
mircea_popescu: o look, they're in shock and trying to pretend a drunk guy burning a bottle of moonshine is "protests"
mircea_popescu: you could be in romania cca 2006 and not skip a beat.
asciilifeform will buy ticket to the coronation
mircea_popescu: check out Carl-Henrik Heldin speaking for the whole crowd of pseudoscientific impostors http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/4dtz3/?raw=true
asciilifeform: rational!!1111 reason!11111111
mircea_popescu: btw : 117mn turnout! humongo. winner with most legitimacy since fucking monroe or some shit.
mircea_popescu: and to add insult to injury : you are aware she won the popular vote yes alf ?
asciilifeform: hilarity
mircea_popescu: ahahaha he won michigan too ? lol. "BLUE WALL!!!"
asciilifeform: (i fell asleep before this)
mircea_popescu: and the gop got more senate and lost a dozen in the house. complete fucking rout.
deedbot: http://trilema.com/2016/to-be-clear-hillary-clinton-lost-the-presidential-election-on-june-16th-2016/ << Trilema - To be clear : Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election on June 16th, 2016.
PeterL: my proggy sister-in-law: "I guess we used up all the magic on having the Cubs win"
shinohai: Isn't this clear evidence of Michelle Bahamas having unlawful possession of classified materials? https://twitter.com/Cam_Major/status/796024298120953860
mircea_popescu: why ? womenz not allowed in white house ?
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> now d00d also has to stay unkennedied << Kennedied Trump just means PResident Pence now.
BingoBoingo: Oh, look which establishment is in trouble now https://archive.is/NGoXN
Framedragger: would have been nice to short peso.
phf just woken up
phf: what'd i miss
shinohai: гла́сность!
phf carefully reattaches totenkopf to his hat
shinohai: Colombian sentiment this morning is a river of butthurt tears, which may cause swelling and overflow the Amazon this season.
shinohai phf has given me an idea with totenkopf
asciilifeform sings, 'Wir sind des Geyers schwarze Haufen ...'
asciilifeform: couldn't happen soon enough.
BingoBoingo: lol, please seceed california. Let Aztalan conquer newly independent you.
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2016/11/hillary-rodham-clinton-loses-election/ << Qntra - Hillary Rodham-Clinton Loses Election
asciilifeform: 'Demonstrations were also formed at the University of California, Irvine, where students were reportedly seen waving Mexican flags, ABC 7 added.'
asciilifeform: no need to conquer, they already surrender
asciilifeform: speaking of which, when and where is the surrender to moscow, i gotta get jacket drycleaned beforehand.
BingoBoingo: "Despite many of Trump's sexist comments, Clinton only received 51% the college-educated White Women"
PeterL: BingoBoingo s/which 27 outstanding/with 27 outstanding
BingoBoingo: ty fxd
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Prolly January but best to dryclean now
PeterL: am I the only one who thinks it is insulting women to expect them to vote hillary just because she is a woman?
PeterL: progs want people to see a person rather than a woman, then expect them all to vote a certain way because they are women, my mind boggles at their hypocrisy
BingoBoingo: It's called Identity Politics.
BingoBoingo: !~ticker --market all
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 720.0, vol: 9851.61170611 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 715.616, vol: 5951.30246 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 723.8, vol: 15727.34868688 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 726.748725, vol: 1921161.50330000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 724.989, vol: 2407.30736521 | Volume-weighted last average: 726.654943636
jhvh1: shinohai: The operation succeeded.
mod6: mornin'
mod6: lol, these people here are despondent
mod6: hilarious
mod6: what's wrong? you usually bounce so high on your bouncy-ball chairs?!
shinohai: heya mod6 bout to do thos vpatch test today :)
BingoBoingo: shinohai: Not quite the right thing for this Right time yet.
mod6: shinohai: cool! thx.
asciilifeform: https://archive.is/KJpLN >> 'Will Trump’s Rule of Law Be Our Rule of Law? The fate of the entire legal apparatus of government is in the balance.' << ooohnoez!111111
PeterL: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3918838/Dejected-Clinton-supporters-party-goes-flat-result-result-turns-against-cries-lock-louder-Trump-party.html << the reaction of the Clinton supporters is exactly the same as the UMich fans last year when MSU pulled out that freak blocked-punt-touchdown last second come from behind win at hand-egg last year
mats: what a glorious day
mats: i bought trump insurance and i will soon see a payout
mats: now i am redeemed after failed alphago and eth bets
trinque: concession speech nao. slick willie's about to cry.
asciilifeform: wonder, did this thing ever test-fire
mats: ukrainians kidnapped a kid to build weapons
mats: or a first year american computer engineering student
asciilifeform: or -- 'pi' drives blinkenlights for idiot show as well as any other cheapo board.
asciilifeform: (who ever heard of mega-deathray WITHOUT BLINKENLIGHTS)
mats: thats probably it
asciilifeform: and why drill 1,001 holes in the plexiglass ? so that the little mice inside can breathe ?
asciilifeform: d00d must list on shitstarter immediately!
mats: somebody has to fire the thing!
asciilifeform: can become zillionaire.
mats: and guide to destination
phf: now see, mikola, ...
PeterL: Krugman: "For them, it is about blood and soil, about traditional patriarchy and racial hierarchy. And there were many other people who might not share those anti-democratic values, but who nonetheless were willing to vote for anyone bearing the Republican label." << tmsr values won the election
trinque: eh, that's still groupthink, but... baby steps.
trinque: anybody who thinks he gets a free pass just because he's born into the right race is invited to look at Europe.
trinque: *individual* hierarchy.
PeterL: any people here have thoughts are US and Russia going to be buddies now?
trinque: lol
asciilifeform: https://archive.is/nx2F3 << not only lultron, but complete with... blue PA
phf: that twitter is priceless by the way, "punkmisfitxoxx"
phf: "sad wine mom" says "When the top trending hashtags are #HesNotMyPresident #AmericaIsOverParty and #AmeriKKKa , it's obvious this is not what America wants."
PeterL: ^ asciilifeform: that map is an artifact of the strange electoral college, go to any big city and you will find a democrat stronghold
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu had a 'things come to the city' piece
phf: PeterL: he's saying that PA went red, but it's blue on the map
asciilifeform: https://archive.is/Uesuf >> 'While he richly deserves to find his proper station in life as an opinionated taxi driver, this clown is unfortunately likely to be with us for years to come, bringing shame on the profession of quantitative analysis of data. We’ll be watching, Nate.'
PeterL: phf yeah, I saw that, I was just saying that the map would look different if you look at counties instead of states
PeterL: why do you have to throw out the whole state of Michigan because a bunch of country bumpkins outnumbered us morally superior city folks?
asciilifeform: PeterL: not mega-seekrit, circus displayed geo map, it is almost wholly red
PeterL: the whole election process is a ritual of collectivism, why does this guy think he gets to opt out just because his team didn't win?
trinque: oh, that's delicious.
pete_dushenski hands crywhale a few sprigs of parsley
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-09#1564825 << oh dude, that'd be so fucken sweet. california by itself. where do i vote ?
a111: Logged on 2016-11-09 14:47 asciilifeform: http://www.yescalifornia.org << lel, 'calexit'
asciilifeform: https://archive.is/1fqR8 << 'And it’s our duty and our responsibility as entrepreneurs, as citizens of the f—— world, to make sure that s— does not happen. '
mircea_popescu: somebody somewhere actually thinks california has an economy
asciilifeform: ^ sv politruk d00d loses his shit
mircea_popescu: this is exactly like random esl female thinking she has a "household"
asciilifeform: it has applonomy.
mircea_popescu: "more economically powerful than france"
mircea_popescu: afgain with this apple could buy russia nonsense. why are they so stupid ?
asciilifeform: in usa they keep 2 printing presses around, for redundancy, 1 in east (lockheed, raytheon, etc), 1 in west (crapple et al)
mircea_popescu: ajhahahaha wait, california "subsidizing" states ?
mircea_popescu: holy shit.
asciilifeform: aha, didjaknow.
mircea_popescu: mindboggling.
asciilifeform: 'we make the money, shuddup peon'
mircea_popescu: as the old adage goes, "if you're gonna lie, lie outrageously, small lies never fare well"
asciilifeform: 'tis also where ~all of the mega-zimbabwillionaires live.
mircea_popescu: i guess it was somewhat fashionable in the 90s
asciilifeform: (they, supposedly, at least maintain palaces there. i have nfi where they physically hang most of the time.)
mircea_popescu: it is where most of the products of mass entertainment live, yes
mircea_popescu: i suppose according to them they're "new york elite" and whatnot.
trinque: palaces mortgaged/rented, and their billions are in stock they can't sell
mircea_popescu: but they're as a rule poor.
mircea_popescu: trinque not even that, kim kardashian is worth... what was it, 30mn at the best count ?
mircea_popescu: best ass in the country. what's eg kirsten wiig to hope for ?
asciilifeform: only in that very technical sense wherein someone who can borrow & spend a $zimbabwillion and never have to pay back a cent, is poor.
mircea_popescu: borrow my foot.\
mircea_popescu: wesley snipes tried this theory.
asciilifeform: is, e.g., branson in debt prison yet? cuban ?
trinque: asciilifeform: warming house by burning it.
asciilifeform: trinque: by burning other folks' houses.
mircea_popescu: branson iirc lived in some island ; and cuban i have nfi, but he's worth ~same as esr.
mircea_popescu: ie, one patreon away from no heat this winter.
asciilifeform: iirc cuban had airplanes etc. esr -- i no longer would bet even has working auto.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-09#1564832 << the sort of shit that's gotta burn.
a111: Logged on 2016-11-09 14:56 BingoBoingo: "Despite many of Trump's sexist comments, Clinton only received 51% the college-educated White Women"
mircea_popescu: nobody gives a shit about the entirely hallucinated "sex issue" ? and women don't mind being grabbed by select gents ? O NOES WHO COULD HAVE PREDICTED!
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-09#1564836 << well, the niggers are racist. they despise women, black people, everyone. so yes, a nigger DOES expect all women to vote on the basis of such superficial nonsense.
a111: Logged on 2016-11-09 14:57 PeterL: am I the only one who thinks it is insulting women to expect them to vote hillary just because she is a woman?
mircea_popescu: !~ticker --market all
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 722.88, vol: 9709.29268990 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 709.42, vol: 5884.81628 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 726.81, vol: 15209.33413486 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 728.551175, vol: 2029807.64580000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 724.179, vol: 2556.10206409 | Volume-weighted last average: 728.451665669
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-09#1564851 << in a word, no. there;s no more "our".
a111: Logged on 2016-11-09 16:05 asciilifeform: https://archive.is/KJpLN >> 'Will Trump’s Rule of Law Be Our Rule of Law? The fate of the entire legal apparatus of government is in the balance.' << ooohnoez!111111
asciilifeform: the 'our' might be on the chopping block, but d00d & co still gotta swing the axe.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-09#1564872 << since when the fuck is blood and soil / assorted nazism "antidemocratic" ? socialism is the fucking essence of modern democracy.
a111: Logged on 2016-11-09 17:30 PeterL: Krugman: "For them, it is about blood and soil, about traditional patriarchy and racial hierarchy. And there were many other people who might not share those anti-democratic values, but who nonetheless were willing to vote for anyone bearing the Republican label." << tmsr values won the election
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform that's tru.
asciilifeform: as a boy i was quite impressed with the stories about peter I and his beheadings, his men had to work in shifts to decap all of the derps, and he personally helped, even chopped during parties
asciilifeform: got friends - to also help.
mircea_popescu: that's how you do it.
asciilifeform: barges-with-trapdoors etc. not invented yet
asciilifeform: and prolly he would have spat, unsportsmanlike.
asciilifeform: and if mr. t sells tickets to the chop house, or even to drive bulldozer to bulldoze harvard, yale, mit -- i will buy.
asciilifeform: in fact i can think of very, very few things i would rather do.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-09#1564876 << not likely. but the whole "iraq offensive" is going away, and possibly ru will stand down in syria (nobody really likes the cost of a war past the first few weeks). so in that sense, yes.
a111: Logged on 2016-11-09 17:53 PeterL: any people here have thoughts are US and Russia going to be buddies now?
a111: Logged on 2016-11-09 18:28 asciilifeform: https://archive.is/nx2F3 << not only lultron, but complete with... blue PA
mircea_popescu: anyway, lulz at the self-important declarative nonsense from nobody-on-social-media.
mircea_popescu: good for you, now ask me if i would like my groceries double-bagged.
asciilifeform: there is ocean of this nonsense, above is sample preserved here in amber for entomological purposes.
mircea_popescu: pretty funnay, i dun dispute
asciilifeform: btw this little lul from last election, https://archive.is/jmlZI , is in need of small update.
asciilifeform: (it was posted in 1,000,001 places, during obummer-II coronation)
PeterL: mircea_popescu the Krugman quote I was kinda trying to turn into a joke about Trump being labeled winner here, I dun think it came across right
mircea_popescu: well... he does mean a specific thing, by that "blood and earth" thing, which is a pre-modern notion of the value of money.
asciilifeform: i'm not wholly convinced that anybody cancelled it. if industrial era of complicated machinery runs through, it'll be back to blood, soil, castles.
mircea_popescu: o look at that, clinton sendoff most read trilema article this month. this thing barely happens once a year.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform intrinsic in that proposition is the core of socialism, which is to say that walkers have value by presence alone. i doubt this is ever coming back. maybe in case of major extinction event
mircea_popescu: but "major extinction event" here means, >99% of pop is exterminated in short time, such as a year or a decade.
asciilifeform: i doubt that 'walkers' will, but working hands, feet, cunts, etc
mircea_popescu: this never happened as far as we know. it is certainly far beyond what contagion can provide.
asciilifeform: pull plow. swing sword.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform that's what walkers means ; and nope.
asciilifeform: at any rate i personally plan to be very dead during this and hence it 'ain't my department'
mircea_popescu: understand : plow cca celtic times needed 100 plowmen to feed a soldier. there's no conceivable way humanity goes back to keltic time.
mircea_popescu: plow cca 1800, one farmer could support two-five soldiers
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-09#1564881 << yeah, because totally "america" is one tiny, culturally irrelevant backwater on that continent, in the sense of you know, what some dorks allegedly from there say on obscure myspace.
a111: Logged on 2016-11-09 18:36 phf: "sad wine mom" says "When the top trending hashtags are #HesNotMyPresident #AmericaIsOverParty and #AmeriKKKa , it's obvious this is not what America wants."
asciilifeform bbl -- out to look, maybe photograph, derps in washington streets
mircea_popescu: get the crying adolescent females.
mircea_popescu: so are there going to be a bunch of retarded "famous people" and other "stars" moving to canada ?
mircea_popescu: "I believe that if President Trump instructs his special prosecutor Chris Christie or Rudy Giuliani to find a way to lock Hillary Clinton up, he would do so, gleefully, and that many millions of people will look on and feel that justice—whatever that means going forward—was done." << well nto those named, but yes, absolutely, and yes, absolutely.
mircea_popescu: one doesn't need to look far ; just going by the daily precedent there's about 5k or so counts clinton can go to jail for, totalling about 1mn years or so.
mircea_popescu: what, she's special because snowflake or something ?
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-09#1564885 << his bile is unwarranted. silver the dope, locklin the dope, what the fuck's the difference.
a111: Logged on 2016-11-09 18:56 asciilifeform: https://archive.is/Uesuf >> 'While he richly deserves to find his proper station in life as an opinionated taxi driver, this clown is unfortunately likely to be with us for years to come, bringing shame on the profession of quantitative analysis of data. We’ll be watching, Nate.'
mircea_popescu: on the strength of their actually measured record, scored via brier or any other method you choose, lockin === silver, both of them somewhere in the morass of loud, potentially dangerous, practically useless idiots.
mircea_popescu: anyway, this just in : democratic party has ~same level of political clout / practical control as the libertarians traditionally do ; and significantly less cachet than the tea party at its peak. they're going to be content with... municipal politics, for the next 4+ years.
mircea_popescu: #HillarySunkProgress
mircea_popescu: bahamas' ineptitude, and the aparat's incompetence also helped, of course.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-09#1564815 << jim newell fellow actually gets it huh. someone should prolly invitge him over.
a111: Logged on 2016-11-09 14:23 BingoBoingo: Oh, look which establishment is in trouble now https://archive.is/NGoXN
mircea_popescu: "The voters of the party got taken for a ride by the people who controlled it, the ones who promised they had everything figured out and sneeringly dismissed anyone who suggested otherwise. They promised that Hillary Clinton had a lock on the Electoral College. These people didn’t know what they were talking about, and too many of us in the media thought they did." and so on.
mircea_popescu: "The ace ground game, the brilliant ad-makers, the top Hollywood talent, and the best analytics operation ever assembled? This was all a joke."
mircea_popescu: aka, usg got nothing.
mircea_popescu: " Think of how wrong the entire national media conversation was—and yes, I contributed my fair share—about how the Republicans were being torn apart as a party."
pete_dushenski: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-09#1564980 << not bloody likely. such empty threats are the same fuel shillary used to fuel her campaign and that which crywhale's now emptily threaten to off themselves.
a111: Logged on 2016-11-09 20:58 mircea_popescu: so are there going to be a bunch of retarded "famous people" and other "stars" moving to canada ?
pete_dushenski: it's vapours.
pete_dushenski: crywhales*
mircea_popescu: no really ? i thought "empty eyes what's her face" (check out the indian names lol) got worth and value in and of herself, and you know, she'll just leave and her fans will follow.
mircea_popescu: you are now telling me that nobody gives a shit, that these ITEMS grow like mushrooms past money rain, and that if she leaves sbhe'll be forgotten in 5 minutes under a sea of nirvana-copycats ?
mircea_popescu: you're telling me all the derpy pop starlets aren't bachs and mozarts and liszts of their own self ?!
mircea_popescu: you're telling me they're practically the establishment cocksucker, not worth a name much like the spittoon by the corner of the bar ain't worth a name ?!
pete_dushenski: canada has a strong moat of homegrown talent to further dissuade hollyrubes from entering, eg. celine dion, drake, bieber
mircea_popescu: unthinkable, this.
pete_dushenski: on the movie side, we've got jim carey, ryan gosling, and mike myers
pete_dushenski: o shit and donald sutherland is canadian. til.
mircea_popescu: anyway, since rihanna or j-lo or whatever her name is will do pantsuits for parties, is she also willing to entertain in a ronald mcdonald costume ?
mircea_popescu: trump may be hiring.
pete_dushenski: on the other side of the camera, the moat is made up of egoyan, cronenberg, hiller
pete_dushenski: wait egoyan just grew up here, born to armenians in egypt.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform incidentally, word around the campfire is that the tman is not so very impressed with the whole "carbon" gargle, and consequently it's likely going away. which is what drives the "scientists" in the nobel camp - they're at risk of losing about 1/3 of all public treasury leeching currently availabe ; talk of a recession in the snake oil biz.
pete_dushenski: iirc j-lo did a few private gigs for gaddafi. or was that mariah carey.
mircea_popescu: was it ?
pete_dushenski: !~google mariah carey gaddafi
jhvh1: pete_dushenski: Mariah Carey 'embarrassed' over Gaddafi concert | Music | The ...: <https://www.theguardian.com/music/2011/mar/04/mariah-carey-gaddafi-concert>; Mariah Carey celebrates Christmas with another dictator | Music ...: <https://www.theguardian.com/music/shortcuts/2013/dec/22/mariah-carey-celebrates-christmas-dictator>; Beyoncé, Mariah Carey and Usher Performed at Qaddafi Family ...: (1 more message)
mircea_popescu: anyway - tesla is likely bankrupt by 2020.
pete_dushenski: ^ one of my first 'market reaction'-related thoughts this morning as well
pete_dushenski: looks like tsla shed 2.5% today.
mircea_popescu: if anyone is looking to sell long term puts on the thing, i'm buying, let me know.
pete_dushenski: though all major indeces up >1% overall on the day. quite contrary to all the 'futures' bullshit msm was spewing last night. down '800 points' my left foot.
pete_dushenski: gotta love how vix got crushed today too. down 23% compared to +50% after brexit. markets not so surprised by trumpreich after all.
pete_dushenski: the banks and defense contractors were the largest beneficiaries. most +5-7%
mircea_popescu: hey, banks etc would actually benefit from a delousing.
mircea_popescu: lotta suckers on them since 1990s.
mircea_popescu: anyway, in other tales from the mortuary, who takes over the remnants of the "cathedral" aka democratic "establishment" ? pelosi ?
mircea_popescu: i'm rooting for pelosi, would be the lulz of all time.
mircea_popescu: she;s only 66 so uncharacteristically young, could even run in 2020.
mircea_popescu: ambitious enough, stupid enough, what else is there.
mircea_popescu: oh, also iirc richest woman in congress, worth ~80k btc.
pete_dushenski: in other ambitions, just reviewing top search keyphrases for contravex and 'why is zcash crashing' and 'vitalik buterin autistic' are topping the list
mircea_popescu: dude in-system is a fascinating thing. so the guy from above, who does in point of fact understand the situation in the field pretty well, proceeds to reason on the basis of the facts. what's he come up with ?
mircea_popescu: "Whoever takes over what’s left of the Democratic Party is going to have to find a way to appeal to a broader cross section of the country. It may still be true that in the long term, Republicans can’t win with their demographics, but we found out Tuesday that the long term is still pretty far away. Democrats have to win more white voters. They have to do so in a way that doesn’t erode the anti-racist or anti-sexist pla
mircea_popescu: nks of the modern party, which are non-negotiable. If only there were a model for this."
mircea_popescu: dude... EVERYTHING in there is fucking wrong.
mircea_popescu: first and foremost, that the notion white men are going to be washed away into irrelevancy by a flood of brown cunt is nonsense ofthe first degree.
mircea_popescu: the whole fucking point is that people do NOT want for "republicans to can't win with their demo". that's the one fucking point. but he misses it.
mircea_popescu: and then... sexism ? really, that is a thing ? a plank-thing ? racism, that's another thing ?
mircea_popescu: these planks are rotten, holy shit, how can anyone miss this ?
mircea_popescu: forget sexism, it's a non issue. nobody cares, it doesn't matter, it's about as important or relevant as ether
mircea_popescu: racism, ditto.
mircea_popescu: move on to things someone gives a shit about already.
mircea_popescu: "not waking up in the middle of the night to eat six buckets of icecream (aka "Sexism") and never lifting butt of couch (aka, "racism") are... "non-negotiable". if there only was a model to lose weight! hurrr"
mircea_popescu: the brightest of the bright can't see past blindfolds if they were the ones who put the blindfolds on in the first place. so i'm guessing this is the end of bipartisan system, democrats go to hell in a handbasket, which drives gop to split into pro-trump and anti-trump sides, which makes us a 4-way system with the greens or whatever others being the 4/5th.
mircea_popescu: will be interesting to watch us "experts" manage electoral coallitions etc.
mircea_popescu: but then again, this is an unavoidable stop on the maturation trail. like growing tits.
mircea_popescu: ahahaha trump compares rnc chairman to famous triple crown winner (ie, a horse) in victory speech.
mircea_popescu: TRUMP: Thank you very much. And I can only say that while the campaign is over, our work on this movement is now really just beginning. <<< and threeeere it is. new party.
shinohai: only $200!
mircea_popescu: i dont' get it, what's this, "advertisement" on reddit for reddit run as a sort of kickstarter ?
mircea_popescu: "pay us to pay reddit to show you the reddit link you paid us at" ?
mircea_popescu: “I am betting that tomorrow you will reject fear and you’ll choose hope,” Barack Obama said. “I’m betting that the wisdom and decency and generosity of the American people will once again win the day. And that is a bet that I have never, ever lost.” << bwahahahaha!
mircea_popescu: fucking busker.
mircea_popescu: but hey, at least he admits it / has no qualms with it.
mircea_popescu: “Would anyone who isn’t like you have a place in your America, Donald Trump?” Khan asked. “Well, thankfully Mr Trump, this isn’t your America.” << this khan being the despicable shithead who "rebuked" donald trump so that the progre press could pretend like it's outraged that some shithead who spoke out of line got told off.
asciilifeform: lel i am theeeeere
asciilifeform: in the crowd
mircea_popescu: is md throwing a revolution party / occupy hillstreet ?
asciilifeform: filmed 20m of the... it
asciilifeform: whuch is more than enough for anyone
mircea_popescu: any bare tits ?
mircea_popescu: oh btw : looks like le pen will take france, too.
mircea_popescu: i suppose nigel farage gets crowned as next king in uk and all is well on teh western front lmao
mircea_popescu remembers the days when obama told da to pick up some random hooker turning tricks in hotel, claim she was a maid, have her tell that strauss-kahn assaulted her, then lie about the whole thing so that france would end up with a president the us likes (which, of course, like every other bahamas scandal, backfired miserably and cost the us taxpayer a helluva lot more than the nigger's "education" cost them)
pete_dushenski: http://www.cnn.com/election/results/states/michigan#president << priceless squirming from the leftards that couldn't possibly imagine defeat in their union stronghold. these maps don't archive but nor are they changing. yet still no 'official' call on mi or nh.
mircea_popescu: the brits are in a pretty great bind too lol.
mircea_popescu: but perhaps the choicest lolz come from paul ryan - who's now explaining how much the gop owes trump and how grateful they are are - the same man who "reacted" to civil servant manufactured "scandal" by cancelling all his appearances with trump and isntructing the party to not support the upticket.
mircea_popescu: politics eh.
pete_dushenski: ryan : the new kerry. so much flip-flop you can make a sandal out of his leather.
mircea_popescu: well, he's young and other than taking cock he has no marketable skills.
mircea_popescu: so what's he to do.
mircea_popescu: he's congratulated everyone in sight, all the way to the wisconsin police chief.
pete_dushenski: i guess there's that or joining the new trumpreich partei
mircea_popescu: i don't think he gets to keep the whip tho.
mircea_popescu: but my dear pete - THAT's what taking the cock means.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-09#1564569 <<=>> "Last night, as returns were coming in, it was when the Speaker;s home state was called that the Clinton side began to be sure that the night for them would end in defeat."
a111: Logged on 2016-11-09 04:26 mircea_popescu: that's it, she's losing wisconsin, and with that the election.
mircea_popescu: check it out, we agreed on so many things!
pete_dushenski dutifully takes notes for the day when he too will seek public office. after suffering brain damage in a high-speed car crash, ofc.
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski i dunno how it goes in canada, but in the us you must be at least 145 yo
pete_dushenski: mayor in edm was ~my age when first took office.
pete_dushenski: pm trudeau is about mp's age iirc
trinque: gotta have at least two vids of you plowing a toddler, too.
mircea_popescu: seriously now. what the fuck is it ?
mircea_popescu: "Asked how they would feel about a Trump presidency, more than a third of Americans said they would be frightened, exit polls found. Among those who voted for Hillary Clinton, the feeling was almost unanimous and reflected a deep divide: 92 percent said Mr. Trump scared them."
mircea_popescu: other than the lulz implicit - let's do some math here. so - hillary won, as the progretards don't fail to mention, the popular vote. hence... 92% of 50.5% = 1/3 of 100% ?
mircea_popescu: where did some of the scared people go!
mircea_popescu: but hey, at least it's only the niggers & leeches who are afraid. generally speaking vermin should be petrified, or else wtf.
asciilifeform: i walked in the, i sheett thee not, protest
asciilifeform: 10,001 'millenial' cunts and cuntettes
asciilifeform: now next to the dc trumpularium
asciilifeform: will post film later, mircea_popescu asked for faces, will have - faces!!111
phf: "was hangover, didn't submit vote on time, can i submit the vote on thursday?"
mircea_popescu: ahahaha phf has seen these before yes ?
mircea_popescu: anyway, odds are first move of new "unified" govt is repeal of affordable care act, aka the tax-thats-not, aka obamacare.
mircea_popescu: ryan moar than happy to, even unasked. trump gets a shitload of stalin halo effect, as it turns out.
mircea_popescu: the trump in being.
mircea_popescu: and of course hca down 10%
pete_dushenski: KEYSTONE BITCHES
mircea_popescu: prolly #1 on the "1trn in infrastructure expenditure" he's talking about.
pete_dushenski opens window to hear albertan cheers overtop of feminegro sobs
mircea_popescu: oya. oil canada is by far the largest winner of trump victory.
pete_dushenski: "THIRD, a requirement that for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated" << beautiful.
mircea_popescu: though it was pretty badly fucked before.
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski not just beautiful, but copied off here lol.
pete_dushenski: lel that, yes.
pete_dushenski: i can't help but wonder what i did in a former life to deserve such luck, that everything in my life turns into sweet profits.
pete_dushenski: i obviously fellated the right gods
mircea_popescu: how do muslim women pray ? "thank you god for not making me a cow". and muslim men ? "thank you god for not making me a woman". and everyone else ? "thank you god for not making me muslim."
pete_dushenski: "thank you god for making me an infidel"
pete_dushenski: i'm suddenly reminded of that scene in the simpsons where the mob boss tells bart that "crime doesn't pay" as he rolls up the tinted window on his limo and drives off smoking a fat cuban cigar. being an infidel is like being that mob bos innit.
pete_dushenski: "Fully-funds the construction of a wall on our southern border with the full understanding that the country of Mexico will be reimbursing the United States for the full cost of such wall" << curious to see how this "dear mexico, you now have us debt" angle plays south of the border.
phf: i did my time as TA, i've seen these people first hand
mircea_popescu: sounds like it.
mircea_popescu: though in fairness i did get hungover once in recent memory that was terrible.
mircea_popescu: hangovers are unknown in civilised lands, such as transylvania. getting immensely drunk on the local stuff makes one's heart not in the slightest hurt. there's just this extremely pleasant mellowness the day following imbibing a liter of 52% tuica.
mircea_popescu: however in this accursed land i invented a new champagne cocktail, out of this mint-ginger slushie lemonade they have. you just order a bottle and then pour it by degrees in the lemonade glass.
mircea_popescu: except you know, three girls, six buckets and however many lemonades later.... o brother.
phf: i feel hungover just from description. that's the kind of stuff they love here. actually Seacrets, the place that sluts like to go to in ocean city maryland, has this signature drink, that's a slushie, out of a slushie machine, but a significant amount of vodka in it
mircea_popescu: champagne works better. vodka is too... contondent.
mircea_popescu: plus, the froth spills.
BingoBoingo: Apparently Trump is visiting the Trumpreichstag tomorrow. How much you wanna bet he pulls a trade mark "Illinois Governor" move and instead Presidents from the dark tower in NYC surrounded by ungrateful fucks.
mircea_popescu: possible.
mircea_popescu: it's universal in the lifecycle of decaying empires that the official capitol seat as depicted on coins is abandoned. and as alf correctly pointed out recently, even nopw it's more ceremonial than functional.
BingoBoingo: AHA now that is a metric Illinois has been leading the US in for some time now.
mircea_popescu: besides, very good signal for the rats. they were hurrdurring about how "he can't staff white house", implying that he'd care to. well...
BingoBoingo: DC ceremonial because target. Springfield ceremonial because ChIraq
mircea_popescu: ~same thing.
BingoBoingo: Nah SPrinfield is safe. Just inconvenient when it comes to collecting 31337 bribes
phf: they don't really do champagne in u.s. unless it's a bottle service kind of deal and then you get a krug or moet (actually more often clicquot or cristal). it's definitely a much nicer base for a lot of "entertaining" drinks
mircea_popescu: the local stuff is actuallyt quite passible.
mircea_popescu: and, importantly, very universally available. the last diner will be able to bring you a bottle if you order.
ben_vulpes: rather nice bubbles can be had from the dundee area for ~25 usd/bottle
phf: :o
mircea_popescu: microbrew ? :D
ben_vulpes: essentially!
ben_vulpes: the apple liquor industry is spinning up as well.
mircea_popescu: beer and cider i could trust in the usian louts
mircea_popescu: but champagne's not easy.
ben_vulpes: i had a mind-blowingly good pear brandy last week.
phf: oh yeah, the whole popping bottles thing
ben_vulpes: phf: popping bottles thing?
mircea_popescu: only thing is - romania has splendid rose and actually red champagne. never saw it here.
mircea_popescu: (romania has excellent wines - as far as whites go. the reds generally don't keep worth a shit, which is why it's not usually rated above france, notwithstanding wineries ~as old, of ~same quality)
phf: ben_vulpes: blacks popularized champagne as a status symbol, so i can see it newly becoming a thing
mircea_popescu: eh, it was doing ok as a status symbol even before qt's four rooms thing (which is what i suppose you mean by blacks ?).
mircea_popescu: teh cafe society was fixated on it arguably to a larger degree.
ben_vulpes: wilamette valley grapes are only just starting to mature in quantity. my wine guy does 3 single-plot vintages, we went through > 6 cases of the shit over the past year
mircea_popescu: what's a single plot vintage ?
ben_vulpes: probably the wrong name, but each of the wines came from grapes in a specific plot in a specific vineyard.
BingoBoingo: phf: Whites popularized champagne, blacks popularized brands of champagne
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes how big is such a plot ?
ben_vulpes: like "single origin" in coffee, but more like "single this acre or so of grapes from this other vineyard you already like"
mircea_popescu: wtf is this, gardening
phf: no no, there's a whole bunch of hiphop songs where they go "popping bottles" blah blah. means specifically opening bottle service champagne (usually cristal)
ben_vulpes: eh, they're tended with the rest of the farm
BingoBoingo: phf: Right, brand ALWAYS mentioned
ben_vulpes: just...that varietal grown in that part of the farm.
mircea_popescu: ahahaha. ben_vulpes you realise this is purely a marketing tactic of poor people, driven entirely by the fact that... they only OWN a tiny spot, and has no actual merit whatsoever ?
ben_vulpes: doesn't even own it!
mircea_popescu: good wine comes out of all-hill sort of vintages, wtf.
mircea_popescu: phf did that retarded sword thing spread there too ?
phf: BingoBoingo: nah, plenty of songs where it's not, though i agree that the brand is probably implied
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: But small plot because other hill has light taste of Hanford site
BingoBoingo: <phf> BingoBoingo: nah, plenty of songs where it's not, though i agree that the brand is probably implied << Nah, this is endorsement fishing. Brand yet to be named
mircea_popescu: heh did i tell the joke of the friar who could tell wine by a simple taste ? kind, year, often enough exact place in the vintage ?
phf: sword thing?
ben_vulpes: (guy also does a deliciously sacrilegious bubbly chardonnay)
phf: also i'm pretty sure i heard that joke
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: no?
mircea_popescu: if you get a typical cavalry sword and run it against the bottle neck the last segment will detach with the cork attached ; or just the cork may fly off.
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: wrong river
mircea_popescu: how is chardonnay sacrilegious ?!
phf: ah ah, no. the place would get shut down for having a sword in it
mircea_popescu: was all the rage at some point ; idiotic as all fuck.
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: But same air and I haven't seen the hydrological maps but could be interesting aquifier
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes : so in order to mess with him, they bring him fresh piss in a glass
mircea_popescu: the guy takes a sip, rolls it around the tongue etc all pensive, then declares
mircea_popescu: "bout 16, virgin, and not from any of the convents"
phf: kek
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: wind blows in from the coast, over wine country, and thence to hanford
mircea_popescu: as it turns out, his REAL talent wasn't wine tasting. that was just... you know, like gay people sometimes channel their love of dressing up into an acting career.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes anyway, for to enlighten and instruct : champagne proper (ie, in theregion) is mostly made of pinot and chardonnay.
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: But does it do this ALL the time? How many nines in your 99.X% does it take to make the idea uncomfortable?
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: aquifer is entirely different too, with dundee being on the wilamette and hanford being on the...columbia?
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: no idea why it was recorded as being weird in my head.
BingoBoingo appologizes I live in real America where white people SMILED as they waited for the Great Again to happen
mircea_popescu: i thought you lot were a hateful spiteful warmongering bunch making the precious snowflakes of twitter etc feel not-safe
mircea_popescu: and also fat and stuff.
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: the nines are high. that's why there's a desert on the other side of the cascade range.
mircea_popescu: back to france for a moment : so marine le pen, the chick that kicked the inventor of national front out because you know, he was getting in the way of "coabitation" with the bureaucracy cock what with his poking fun at the jew lobby and whatnot, was married to some guy who was the front secretary, and had three kids with him.
mircea_popescu: then that guy was no longer the secretary, so she divorced him
mircea_popescu: to marry the secretary
mircea_popescu: whom then she divorced when he no longer was, to marry the new one.
mircea_popescu: talk about dedication to cohabitation.
mircea_popescu: (franch chauffroy ; eric lorio and louis aliot, for the name-oriented)
BingoBoingo: lol anyways qntra called la pen long ago
BingoBoingo: !~google site:qntra.net marine la pen
mircea_popescu: honestly, being banned in france never hurt anthing.
mircea_popescu: !~google it's banned in boston
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: Banned in Boston - Wikipedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banned_in_Boston>; Banned in Boston : The Watch and Ward Society's Crusade against ...: <https://www.amazon.com/Banned-Boston-Societys-Crusade-Burlesque/dp/080705111X>; The loophole in the Mass. assault weapons ban - The Boston Globe: (1 more message)
BingoBoingo: Anyways it was a rare sight today. Working white people rarely smile unless smiling is part of their work, and yet here they were. The Great Again hasn't happened yet, but you can bet they are eagerly waiting the Great Again.
mircea_popescu: should be interesting if they don't actually get it.
BingoBoingo: No one can know what happens during the Great Again.
BingoBoingo: 'Murican grammar can be tricky. Hence the expanded line of Mr. T: Make America, Great Again!
BingoBoingo: With the proper comma the Great Again is either a diety or perhaps some sort of event.
mircea_popescu: i wonder who's this Again.
BingoBoingo: Prolly Peace's homeboy or some shit.
mircea_popescu: in case anyone didn't comprehend why those things are designed in that shape : http://68.media.tumblr.com/7ea8b65267abbdc6d6c28212209f9daa/tumblr_n01dlyEwXM1r1ff3no1_1280.jpg
BingoBoingo: Maybe Great is a feast of the Again?
BingoBoingo hasn't worked out the Theology of this quite yet.
ben_vulpes: isn't not "actually getting it" the one thing voters are guaranteed?
ben_vulpes: in america at least
mats: pop pop
BingoBoingo: Oh the Great Again will come, but no one can know the form Great Again chooses.
trinque tries not to imagine stay puft marshmallow man, foils himself in the process
BingoBoingo: Oh no the first form is lulzier
BingoBoingo awaits RSS Again
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2016/11/st-louis-homeless-overdose-on-fake-weed-as-the-great-again-looms/ << Qntra - St Louis Homeless Overdose On Fake Weed As The Great Again Looms
BingoBoingo: ^ Literal fallout among the poor urban population
asciilifeform: sooooo folx i have a VERY special treat for strictly!111 expert entomologists among ya.
asciilifeform: most of the truly egregious wtf is in this last turd.
asciilifeform: (warning: 1.5GB!)
asciilifeform: these will be erased when aficionados have had enough, they take up valuable disk.
asciilifeform: whoever wants to mirror - go, why not.
asciilifeform: chronologically, 'butthurt_massive' came first.
asciilifeform: derps started at white house and then had 'march' to trumpularium (old wash d.c. post office, yes the one with the bell tower, that herr tritler converted to mega-hotel last yr)
BingoBoingo: tyvm asciilifeform for your valor in retrieving evidence of butts hurt
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i felt like a walk.
asciilifeform: dragged the woman also.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: But you are Russian immigrant and those derps are Russophobes!!!
asciilifeform: i left the su flag at home.
asciilifeform: and the bear.
BingoBoingo: What about the sprats?!
asciilifeform: even the balalaika.
asciilifeform: anyway audio and video -- atrocious, if some hero wants to transcribe the speeches in 'butthurt_massive' i will take off hat.
BingoBoingo: What about the not jaundiced pooh?
asciilifeform: but no one should subtract time from scrubbing his kalash for doing this.
asciilifeform: films are in (yes) crapple format, it plays on mplayer and probably whatever else.
asciilifeform: all of the faces i promised to mircea_popescu are in 'butthurt_massive'.
asciilifeform: could make good screensaver.
asciilifeform: the 'pussy grabs back' picket sign was lultronic, as were others.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-10#1565224 << jam, as we learn in kindergarten, happened yesterday, and will happen again -- tomorrow. but not today.
a111: Logged on 2016-11-10 01:05 mircea_popescu: should be interesting if they don't actually get it.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-09#1565032 << also one of the not so many folx who get to Officially pack heat in washington dc, while at same time not being moneyvan labourers, ss men, or similar
a111: Logged on 2016-11-09 21:43 mircea_popescu: oh, also iirc richest woman in congress, worth ~80k btc.
asciilifeform: (which is extra lulzy, with the witch being author of ~every major california gun ban etc)
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-09#1565072 << this is a crime authored by all of the folks who made this type of scam even remotely thinkable. just as microshit is the primary author of all, without exception, virii.
a111: Logged on 2016-11-09 23:17 mircea_popescu remembers the days when obama told da to pick up some random hooker turning tricks in hotel, claim she was a maid, have her tell that strauss-kahn assaulted her, then lie about the whole thing so that france would end up with a president the us likes (which, of course, like every other bahamas scandal, backfired miserably and cost the us taxpayer a helluva lot more than the nigger's "education" cost them)
asciilifeform: i.e. the folx who built whatever system where maid scum's finger pointed at lord somehow weighs != 0.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-09#1565108 << will be interesting, nobody living in usa ever lived yet to see any usg monstrosity repealed or even shrunk, it'd be a first.
a111: Logged on 2016-11-09 23:54 mircea_popescu: anyway, odds are first move of new "unified" govt is repeal of affordable care act, aka the tax-thats-not, aka obamacare.
trinque: j/i
trinque: hm, this isn't my inbox!
shinohai: jurov pete_dushenski have gpgram incoming
shinohai: deadline for Qntest today plot thickens! O.o
asciilifeform: 'Vigils and protests swell across U.S. in wake of Trump victory'
asciilifeform: 'Donald Trump, go away! Sexist, racist, anti-gay!'
trinque: poor guy even held up the fag flag
trinque: no respect
asciilifeform: i saw no fewer than 3 of these.
mircea_popescu: let's check this out then!
trinque: the voices are so grating. that particular whiny female frequency is only surpassed by a screaming infant.
asciilifeform: 'entomologists-only' sticker for reasons!111
trinque wonders if this is the wail of which mircea_popescu spoke
asciilifeform: or hm was trinque watching the wp clip
trinque: asciilifeform: ah, but when somebody says "dude, smell this!" what can one do
trinque: nah going through yours
mircea_popescu: well, it works in the direct like that ; but i generally use it metaphorically to describe communal behaviour. ie when pimp goes into the room, slaps one, and they all start bitching.
asciilifeform: gregarious birds do this.
trinque: other primates, same, eh? all start freaking out in chorus
trinque: oh man, the people taking selfies while "marching"
mircea_popescu: not really, no. only the chimp-like primates.
mircea_popescu: generally females don't swarm.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile fucktarded internet.bs decided to... no longer take bitcoin payments.
mircea_popescu: because why the fuck run a business like it were a business when you could also run it like a fucking gypsy sideshow.
mircea_popescu: so i guess i'm moving domains yet again. fucking bullshit "domains" i'm entirely sick of this dumb shit.
mircea_popescu: anyone know a domain registrar that's not run by fucking monkeys ?
mircea_popescu: dude check him out, alf is one tiny step away from becoming a talent scout.
asciilifeform: right after i finish also reading 'how to mig'.
trinque: pouty interior decorating major sought for leather couch consulting; no experience necessary.
mircea_popescu: s/pouty/sultry/ s/cons/cunts/ etc
mircea_popescu: anyway - the derpitude of "protests" totaling fewer people than trump's lead in new hampshire aside, the man definitely has his work cut out for him trying to get these idle fucks to even consider doing something useful with themselves. i very much doubt any us citizen under 30 has done any kind of productive work this year.
mircea_popescu: and no i don't mean showing up 80% of the time for an overpaid "service" job waitering / barristaing / whatever coyote ugly fantasy nonsense.
BingoBoingo: <shinohai> deadline for Qntest today plot thickens! O.o << November 10th began 4 hours ago so closed. And jury is deliberating.
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