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← 2016-03-19 | 2016-03-21 →
phf: installing gentoo is a special form of sadomasochism.
mircea_popescu: best masochism of all david niven's masochisms, the one in which he keeps his eggs.
phf: ok, not sure if anybody tried yet, but asciilifeform's gentoo chicken works as prescribed. in fact i tried installing unknown package that turned out to have a hard poettering dependency, and gentoo refused to proceed
phf: i've managed a reiserfs/lilo combo, though genkernel claims that it doesn't work with reiserfs. uclibc vanilla failed on chroot step, ifconfig and all the other networking bits refused to work. perhaps i needed to grab a uclibc iso? in any case i proceeded witha glibc install for now
BingoBoingo: !up koinplug
koinplug: hi everyone
koinplug: I have been looking at mpex and I think I'm misunderstanding something
koinplug: in the feb statement it says there's 60 btc revenue from new accounts
assbot: MPEx (S.MPOE) February 2016 Statement on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1UI1ETH )
koinplug: but http://mpex.co/faq.html says there's only one exchange address, 1Fx3N5iFPDQxUKhhmDJqCMmi3U8Y7gSncx
assbot: MPEx, the Bitcoin securities exchange. ... ( http://bit.ly/1UI1Fad )
koinplug: and that address has not received any payments in Feb
koinplug: also the new accounts fee is 50 BTC, minus possibly 2x5 BTC for the affiliate fee, so multiples of 40 or 50 BTC. how can that add up to 60 BTC?
koinplug: mircea_popescu?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32400 @ 0.00041934 = 13.5866 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: "Nothing to indicate the subject had any interest in any matter other than Mathematics” Paul Erdős FBI file ... ( http://bit.ly/1RsH9ev )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3600 @ 0.00041922 = 1.5092 BTC [-]
punkman: koinplug: here is the relevant thread: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-03-2015#1058365
assbot: Logged on 19-03-2015 22:00:35; kakobrekla: was this addressed yet? http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-03-2015#1057811
punkman: !up koinplug
koinplug: thanks punkman that makes sense
koinplug: but multiples of 40 or 50 btc can't add up to 60 btc?
koinplug: unless it is being amortized for some reason?
punkman: yeah not sure about that, maybe someone got a discount?
assbot: South Korea trumpets $860-million AI fund after AlphaGo 'shock' : Nature News & Comment ... ( http://bit.ly/1R7iEkQ )
deedbot-: [Daniel P. Barron] Tightly controlling the present. - http://danielpbarron.com/2016/tightly-controlling-the-present/
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell koinplug a) mpex also uses undisclosed addresses in special cases ; b) we have some old fixed-price contracts with some users who renew their key periodically.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: phf> ok, not sure if anybody tried yet, but asciilifeform's gentoo chicken works as prescribed << it does, yes, and it IS a very good and useful thing. almost makes me feel bad when mocking linuxen.
mircea_popescu: and check it out, danielpbarron found peace in reading trilema!
shinohai: dafuq is a gentoo chicken
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-03-2016#1436573 << congrats phf! this makes 2 known hard-sane gentootrons on planet3 now. others here encouraged to replicate. double-encouraged to replicate ~with musl~.
assbot: Logged on 20-03-2016 06:25:18; phf: ok, not sure if anybody tried yet, but asciilifeform's gentoo chicken works as prescribed. in fact i tried installing unknown package that turned out to have a hard poettering dependency, and gentoo refused to proceed
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-03-2016#1436574 << most folks boot off a small (<=128m) ext3 for this reason
assbot: Logged on 20-03-2016 06:27:49; phf: i've managed a reiserfs/lilo combo, though genkernel claims that it doesn't work with reiserfs. uclibc vanilla failed on chroot step, ifconfig and all the other networking bits refused to work. perhaps i needed to grab a uclibc iso? in any case i proceeded witha glibc install for now
asciilifeform: and uclibc sucks
asciilifeform: pretty much only fit for 'busybox' afaik
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-03-2016#1436589 << l0l check out the megatonne of censored bit
asciilifeform: ( most of the small chunks appear to conceal names of stoolies )
danielpbarron: is mine one of the two? The box I'm using to test trb had already been a sane gentootron
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: you used my config?
danielpbarron: it'd using it now, you hadn't made that formal list at the time i did it
asciilifeform: danielpbarron made same thing earlier? ( no dbus, etc. ) ? neato.
asciilifeform: the point of my config was to stop the crud from getting pulled in by portage at every turn, which it otherwise does.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MG] 42954 @ 0.00009 = 3.8659 BTC [-]
trinque has a similarly neutered personal recipe
assbot: [MPEX] [S.NSA] 57279 @ 0.000085 = 4.8687 BTC [-]
phf: asciilifeform: did you manage to get emacs to build on musl gentoo? (i.e. does the musl patches overlay include a solution for temacs dump process)
phf: also anyone tried doing a kernel level key rebind before? is that just in config or you need to patch source. i want to switch some keys around, but i don't want to have to do it for every single userland environment
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-03-2016#1436624 << not tried yet. but expect this to fail.
assbot: Logged on 20-03-2016 15:02:08; phf: asciilifeform: did you manage to get emacs to build on musl gentoo? (i.e. does the musl patches overlay include a solution for temacs dump process)
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-03-2016#1436625 << afaik there is no provision for this, because retardation
assbot: Logged on 20-03-2016 15:04:05; phf: also anyone tried doing a kernel level key rebind before? is that just in config or you need to patch source. i want to switch some keys around, but i don't want to have to do it for every single userland environment
asciilifeform: it desperately needs a cure
asciilifeform: imho key rebinds should be processed ~when machine boots~
asciilifeform: prior to whatever else
asciilifeform: i end up rebinding keys in hardware when possible
asciilifeform: because os is militantly retarded
phf: right, linux root=/dev/foo kbrebind=10:20,40:50,etc.
asciilifeform: ideally in lilo
asciilifeform: i don't EVER want capslock to not be ctrl.
asciilifeform: not in boot menu either.
asciilifeform: hell i'd put it in bios if x86 had any provision for this
asciilifeform: so it ends up going in the keyboard.
phf: resolder hw
asciilifeform: can't simply resolder
asciilifeform: kbd had grid system
asciilifeform: need own controller, or a cooperating one (e.g., northgate's)
asciilifeform: but yes, kernel needs to have key rebind, to make laptop behave sanely
assbot: Logged on 20-03-2016 14:54:42; *: trinque has a similarly neutered personal recipe
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-03-2016#1436602 << undisclosed addresses? unprincipled-exception from 'no such thing as taint' ?!!
assbot: Logged on 20-03-2016 13:53:13; mircea_popescu: ;;later tell koinplug a) mpex also uses undisclosed addresses in special cases ; b) we have some old fixed-price contracts with some users who renew their key periodically.
phf: seems like the kind of thing that would be worthwhile to diff against chicken
phf: also i learned that gnutls depends on guile :o
asciilifeform: phf: aha!
phf: i don't remember homebrew pulling guile, so it's something gentoo specific. and putting -guile into useflags don't do notin
asciilifeform: i started actually making a systematic list of exclusions, then barfed, really we want to enumerate ~good~ parts, they are few
asciilifeform: phf: guile is an old scheme
asciilifeform: used as a tinyscheme of sorts
asciilifeform: iirc gimp once used it, but now has the latter
phf: guile is the old warhorse of the "scheme in emacs!!" agenda, pretty sure even naggum ranted about it
asciilifeform: it is a turd incidentally
asciilifeform: very heavy relativly to ts
phf: right, even hardcore schemers (of the mit/scheme48 background) think it's pos
asciilifeform: i have nfi what the upside of guile was supposed to be
asciilifeform: iirc it ended up in various places because it had fsf copyright
asciilifeform: and so politically favoured
phf: there's a very vocal minority trying to get it into emacs as a replacement for elisp, you'll have an elisp emulation layer, but you can also have javascript emulation layer!!1
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-03-2016#1436653 << you gotta ~mask~ and flag. what this does is to guarantee that the thing won't be pulled, but at the same time allow other things that might be severable from the dependency to still build.
assbot: Logged on 20-03-2016 15:25:22; phf: i don't remember homebrew pulling guile, so it's something gentoo specific. and putting -guile into useflags don't do notin
phf: aah, hence crapolade
asciilifeform: and anything that fails to build after that, is not respecting the flag, and has to be either discarded or patched.
asciilifeform: e.g., 'wireshark'
asciilifeform: (for which NO substitute exists)
phf: i assume it can be built with qt3, but it still hard depends on dbus? or you mean that it just requires patching
asciilifeform: iirc dbus
asciilifeform: needs a pill
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-03-2016#1436599 << 'us too! if usg can hand out $B to aggressive mediocrities, so can we!111'
mircea_popescu: hey, aggressive mediocrities ALWAYS fuck over neurotic geniuses / lazy talent.
mircea_popescu: very safe bet.
asciilifeform: no shit
asciilifeform: and bacterium eats coward and hero just the same at the end of the war.
mircea_popescu: unrelated matter.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-03-2016#1436666 << elisp , and emacs as a whole , suck donkey balls. it is in many ways a microscopic model of how linux sucks, a turd for which NO replacement is available, so it is kept on life support at all costs .
assbot: Logged on 20-03-2016 15:31:18; phf: there's a very vocal minority trying to get it into emacs as a replacement for elisp, you'll have an elisp emulation layer, but you can also have javascript emulation layer!!1
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform> hell i'd put it in bios if x86 had any provision for this <<< odd that the bios has provision for any and all retarded shits, including "power saving" but not for defining the buttons.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform> iirc gimp once used it, but now has the latter << yea.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i use coreboot, and would put in what i want, but the ~hardware~ makes no provision
asciilifeform: southbridge.
mircea_popescu: good thing they implemented orc glyphs tho.
mircea_popescu: THAT was a priority.
asciilifeform: soo it goes in the kbd. luckily ps/2 is very simple to talk in, you can use , e.g., a 16f84
asciilifeform: fiddycents of iron.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform << undisclosed addresses? unprincipled-exception from 'no such thing as taint' ?!! << very principled. "no such thing as taint" means that i do not recognize the concept, or any reasoning that relies on it. it very pointedly does not mean i will behave in such a manner as to protect the taint assumptions of third parties but just the opposite.
asciilifeform: would that not mean ~refusing~ to use secret addrs?
mircea_popescu: if you think that you can in any manner or for any purpose distinguish any bitcoin from any bitcoin we can't be friends.
mircea_popescu: no, it wouldn't.
mircea_popescu: just like not recognizing the institution of marriage doesn't mean you never marry. it means that you randomly and entirely unreliably marry.
asciilifeform: ok now this makes sense.
asciilifeform: could marry six times before breakfast.
mircea_popescu: in other news, i had never discussed theology on a blog before. dat republic!
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17100 @ 0.00041922 = 7.1687 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: damn. this stuck node thing.....
danielpbarron: !up bl00m
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: post your debug.log tail ?
thestringpuller: i'll have to grep it for when it stopped
thestringpuller: receiving blocks
assbot: complexity theory - Why hasn't there been an encryption algorithm that is based on the known NP-Hard problems? - Computer Science Stack Exchange ... ( http://bit.ly/1nZDTcK )
asciilifeform: mats: see old thread;
mats: am posting in reference to thread
asciilifeform: this is actually much harder than it appears, because there must also be a proof that the PARTICULAR INSTANCES of the problem you make use of are ~likewise~ of the worst AVERAGE CASE complexity
mircea_popescu: moon proof!
mircea_popescu: "i kept no records of the presumptions i made in constructing the subclass, therefore no such presumptions exist!"
asciilifeform: aha, sop in what passes for 'cryptographic komyoooonity'
mircea_popescu: then i get incensed when derps start with the "~~~~~I~~~~~ don't see how..."
asciilifeform: see also the idiocy of 'nothing-up-my-sleeve constants'
asciilifeform: e.g., aes
mircea_popescu: un minimo respecto por el trabajador, i say.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu et al: incidentally, this edges into the definition of 'random', as per the 1,001 threads on subj. specifically, solving a problem ~you already know the solution to~ is O(1) in all cases!111
asciilifeform: complexity is only defined for ~unknowns~
asciilifeform: the 'unknownity' of which is not an attribute of ~them~ but of the ~system~ of them+yourhead
phf: as manifest in every "my first crypto", this is so convoluted i can't grok it, surely nobody else can
asciilifeform: phf: the mega-discovery (at least to me) last month is that this is ~still so~ for 'official' crypto
phf: i have a hunch that this is not a conspiracy of incompetents, but rather an aspect of the whole knowing the unknown in relation to yourhead. i.e. stupid is not obscurantist for your benefit, but for own
phf: very little thinking is going on, most of so called thinking is integration and regurgitation of past thinking, that trickles from occasional pockets where thinking happened. by the time one integrates that thinking one is disinclined to further think (for one is a ph.d. or whatever at that point). but any question can be grothendieck-ed if you're so inclined, to reveal and remove your systemd's and kdbus's
asciilifeform: aha, this removal is imho ~the~ business.
asciilifeform: see also the 'inventors - cut things' thread.
asciilifeform: for some reason many folks focus on ~synthesis~ as the main act of productive thought
asciilifeform: but this is a half-truth.
asciilifeform: you gotta remove the crud first.
asciilifeform: as in metallurgy.
deedbot-: [» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] The Brothers Grimsby - http://www.contravex.com/2016/03/20/the-brothers-grimsby/
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44462 @ 0.00041959 = 18.6558 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: phf the whole premise of bourgeois society is "me too". apprentice wizard "becoming" "just as good" as wizard. sons becoming just as good as fathers. seedling becoming just as tree as the tree.
mircea_popescu: the unspoken part being, of course, "but better".
mircea_popescu: such as : reading jane austen, just as good as falling in love, except cheaper and safer. no fluids involved.
mircea_popescu: reading dickens, just as good as having a life. reading age of exploration crud, just as good as having travelled.
mircea_popescu: going to unversity, just as good as thinking. fast food, just as good as food.
mircea_popescu: no wonder and no explanation needed that darwin became such a religious lightning rod. theory of... "evolution". there's no evolution involved in darwinism, per se. a wasp today has "evolved" just as much and for just as long as jane austin "evolved".
mircea_popescu: this pious fraud beset poor darwin all his life, and he pretty much perelman'd because of it.
mircea_popescu: so then, in this perspective, balabusta (fat jewish housewife), who is absolutely the apotheosis of bourgeois society, will make clam chowder (just as good as) out of whatever it is she finds in her pantry, such as for instance beans.
mircea_popescu: going to church, just as good as living well ; and then when going to church is too much trouble, going to protestant church "inside oneself" just as good as going to the proper one.
mircea_popescu: (it wasn't good enough anyway - it was, don't you know, ~corrupt~!!!!. see http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=17-03-2016#1435480 for what "corruption" means and how that narrative plays.)
assbot: Logged on 17-03-2016 21:09:58; mircea_popescu: anyway. by and large, the "cleanning out corruption" narrative is what happens to a colonized place, ie, after the top leadership was defeated.
mircea_popescu: so of fucking course modernity would be unthinking, for which reason sterile, and centralizing, for which reason boring. it has to be, its aims require it, its basic tenets imply it.
mircea_popescu: (if you think about it, worst cinematic villain line of all time, most insulting to "the gods" of the viewer ? "you will never be as good as me." o noes!)
asciilifeform: l0l! what is the old man wearing ?!
asciilifeform: pants made from old bagpipe ?!
mircea_popescu: clown costume ?
asciilifeform: definitive how?
mircea_popescu: everything, EVERYTHING screams it. the odd attire of the brunette walking away. the facade of the apartment building. that ugly monkey bar set ; the thin grass, the inconvenient walkway. absolute item.
asciilifeform: i'dve assumed ru
mircea_popescu: the idiots sitting uncomfortably for fear of not being others' suckers...
asciilifeform: and i have grass like this right here in my backyard!11
mircea_popescu: (speaking of which, http://trilema.com/2011/povestea-celor-trei-imparati-smecheri-si-a-celor-trei-negustori-fraieri-fabula-in-versuri-ilustrata/ << about the most insulting to romanian sensibilities thing out there.
assbot: Povestea celor trei imparati smecheri si a celor trei negustori fraieri - fabula in versuri ilustrata on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/25dHZjf )
mircea_popescu: this is anathema.
asciilifeform: and walkway right here in front...
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform uneven ? bordered by some concrete margin of no apparent utility than to ensure it turns into a river if it rains ?
mircea_popescu: the details are important.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform now i'd rather fancy to see this thing. pic it sometime.
asciilifeform: actually no border, wtf
asciilifeform: but still river, high groundwater
mircea_popescu: there's a difference between sfortunati and disgratiati.
mircea_popescu: (approx, unfortunate and good for nothing, respectively)
assbot: #Eulora log for Sunday, 2016-03-20 ... ( http://bit.ly/21Ca5jH )
mircea_popescu: "eclypse" (some wanna-be c compiler for windows ?) never heard of jamfiles.
asciilifeform: eclipse is not a compiler
asciilifeform: it is text editor
mircea_popescu: oh just ide ?
asciilifeform: very bulky thing, written in java
mircea_popescu: ok... eclupse, some wanna-be ide for windows never heard o' jamfiles.
asciilifeform: me neither
trinque: boooooost
asciilifeform: looks like a heathen gnumake ?
mircea_popescu: make alternative!
asciilifeform: l0l why.
mircea_popescu: you know iirc boost builds via jam
asciilifeform: itself, aha
asciilifeform: but why use it for human work
asciilifeform: (rotor invokes boost's jam thing but trb, recall, builds with ordinary gnumake)
mircea_popescu: so then you DO know what it is!
asciilifeform: apparently!
asciilifeform: i mercifully forgot.
mircea_popescu: soooo then....
mircea_popescu: da fuck is the point of an ide that doesn't support things.
asciilifeform: i wouldn't dream of using it for a project tho
mircea_popescu: might as well use vi then, equally unaware of the world.
asciilifeform: because wtf
asciilifeform: and yeah eclipse is this thing where there are 10,001 plugins, prolly one of them eats it.
mircea_popescu: it occurs rto me - someone should get google to make googlebot author a collection of jokes.
mircea_popescu: possibly the one place for ai in intelligent discourse.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: every natural-language whateverthefuck attempt looked like, at best, RACTOR.
asciilifeform: (and PARRY)
asciilifeform: shannonizer cum lipstick.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14100 @ 0.00041995 = 5.9213 BTC [+]
asciilifeform: holy shit, elgamal works for spammerz!??
asciilifeform: https://bitbet.us/bet/1249/alphago-will-defeat-lee-sedol-overall-in-march/#c5867 << there is what, dozen of these, and i dun think they're all nubbins`..
assbot: BitBet - AlphaGo will defeat Lee Sedol overall in March 2016 match :: 80.22 B (54%) on Yes, 68.59 B (46%) on No | closed 1 week 4 days ago ... ( http://bit.ly/1RdvTNC )
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: looks like it may be due to -connect vs -addnode
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: -connect lives and dies by the nodes you -connect'ed to
thestringpuller: this, but I think it may have other behavior
assbot: Logged on 18-03-2016 18:11:44; kakobrekla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-03-2016#1435731 < not at all - i think there is some merit in the argument in the sense that bitbet will hardly survive the upset its going through now (which is actually devaluating the asset to be liquidated)
asciilifeform: (it also results in a nearly useless node because nothing can ever connect to it)
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: i used it just for syncing!
thestringpuller: it worked just find connecting to ~your~ node for the last month and a half
thestringpuller: once synced it was like "okay i'm done" and just stopped receiving blocks
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: now this is interesting, and i would really like to see the log
thestringpuller: one second
thestringpuller: i really should patch this to rotate logs...
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform dozens of whats ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: of whiners
asciilifeform: who, very reasonably, 'i put in coin and nothing came out, wtf'
mircea_popescu: eh, the whole internet consists of people who think they can do things better than anyone ; and then can't do jack shit to save their lives.
mircea_popescu: let them stop whining and get in the wot, administer receiverships, do things.
mircea_popescu: opining from the side is both free and worthless.
asciilifeform: 'i put in a coin in the coke machine and nothing came out.' ' mircea_popescu: let them go to mechanic school, learn to fix machines...'
hanbot: kakobrekla so in the process of protecting the shareholders from a 17 btc bill, you managed to destroy all their holdings and stick the bettors with a 13 btc or w/e it's going to end up. pretty sucky, innit?
mircea_popescu: exactly.
mircea_popescu: what the fuck, someone stands for the consumer, now ? fuck the consumer.
mircea_popescu: abomination of mistaken history, fuck the consumer with a rusty nail plank.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: glbse was pretty good at fucking the consumer, and gox, etc. these were doing god's work ?!
mircea_popescu: separate issues.
asciilifeform: how's that
mircea_popescu: surgeon and worm both excise dead tissue.
asciilifeform: i mean, did they fuck somebody other than 'consumer', or they fucked with wrong kind of stick, or what.
mircea_popescu: surgeon is surgeon ; worm is worm.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'Царь справедливый и тиран. Не одинаковы бывают. Так хлебопашец и кабан. По-разному поля взрыхляют.' << i found in yellowed vintage volume of transl. of persian poetry to ru, as a kid
mircea_popescu: but i ~am~ well impressed by the proposition. i suppose coming up next is, "asciilifeform and poettering both write software".
asciilifeform: the ploughman and the boar!11
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: unfortunately i haven't found a way to truncate this log
kakobrekla: hanbot lolwat, i managed to destroy? do you recall writing https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=124441.0 (especially point 0)
assbot: So you think you're going to start a Bitcoin business, right? ... ( http://bit.ly/1MVvoFd )
hanbot: yes, i recall
kakobrekla: cool, so you are aware that you cant have responsibility without liability
hanbot: get to the point?
nubbins` lols at hanbot
nubbins`: dat cog diss
nubbins`: <+asciilifeform>https://bitbet.us/bet/1249/alphago-will-defeat-lee-sedol-overall-in-march/#c5867 << there is what, dozen of these, and i dun think they're all nubbins`.. << why does everyone labour under the impression that i think about any of this shit while i'm not here?
nubbins`: i give precisely, literally, zero fucks about anything to do with bitbet, mp, etc
kakobrekla: the point is that i agreed to do bitbet back then as long as mp is responsible and liable for bitcoins (as per thread - i refused to handle them)- which he no longer wants to be
kakobrekla: if there is no liability its much easier to fuck up the coins myself
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: i might be too 'young' for this. how did it go that you 'refused to handle them' ?
hanbot: mm, mk.
asciilifeform: nubbins`: when precisely did you give your last fuck ?
mircea_popescu: in other news video cards can apparently die. who knew.
kakobrekla: asciilifeform we discussed various models of bitbet operations, one of mps suggestions was that i hold the btc and flush the deposits over to him occasionally or somesuch which i refused and suggested he gives me a huge list of his address which i will be handing out
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: nvidia is ~really~ good at death
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: typically bga is the culprit. thermal flex waltzes the balls loose.
asciilifeform: and you only need to loosen one.
nubbins`: asciilifeform in general or on said topics?
mircea_popescu: and replacement is fucking up the monitor. apparently, can't have previous mode because it puts it out of bounds
mircea_popescu: holy shit nothing works.
asciilifeform: nubbins`: on subj
nubbins`: never
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: whaddayamean you don't have 5 identical replacements for every part!111
mircea_popescu: apparently identical is not a thing.
asciilifeform: what kind of dirigible warehouse is that!
asciilifeform: even asciilifeform has this nailed
mircea_popescu: goody for him ?
asciilifeform: just pointing out, mircea_popescu ought have a stern talk with his supplier.
mircea_popescu: have a stern talk with the notion of computing, rather.
asciilifeform: normally i'm the one who immediately 'notion of computing!11'
asciilifeform: but how does that plug in here ?
mircea_popescu: i'm starting to notice that most insufferable things and people i ever ran across were computers and computer experts.
mircea_popescu: politicians are by comparison pleasant.
asciilifeform: programmer has uniquely unpleasant profession, in the sense that even coal miner enters into a kind of numb routine, but with computer you can be gangbanged into a different orifice that you never knew you had, every day
mircea_popescu: apparently.
hanbot: kakobrekla from the outside, all that's seen is you going gotta protect the shareholders!!1 and a week later the shareholders are fucked...and the customers are boiling. not that i expect you to take responsibility rather than talk about it, but you've fucked up.
asciilifeform: didn't mircea_popescu just explain that the customers are the mold in the cheese and don't really matter ?
kakobrekla: hanbot to quote you: The k factor comes from the specified nature of the business (ie, BTC business). In order to be able to offer BTC business you must at a minimum be able to correctly and safely handle payments.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 87100 @ 0.00041893 = 36.4888 BTC [-] {3}
mircea_popescu: let it be stated that i don't wish asciilifeform to be doing any interpreting of what i've said after i'm dead.
hanbot: asciilifeform he said that they're more than welcome to do something other than whine eh?
mircea_popescu: i'd rather alphago do it.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i intend to be dead first !111
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7759 @ 0.00041886 = 3.2499 BTC [-]
kakobrekla: hanbot please enlighten me how and why should i take responsibility for mps double payment of which i was aware of only after the fact?
assbot: The Allegra Info-Bot ... ( http://bit.ly/1SbRoRh )
asciilifeform: ^ a 'gribble'-like animal in ada.
hanbot: nah, take responsibility for the following thing: "i, kakobrekla, turned the situation where the shareholders owed 17 btc and had credit to repay it in the future, into a situation where the shareholders have nothing, and the bettors owe at least 13 btc, if not more. this is the best i could do, hire me and i'll do the same for you."
nubbins`: there was no situation where the shareholders owed 17 btc
nubbins`: that's a fiction
nubbins`: hallucinated by mp
nubbins`: so, no, he didn't turn a situation from that into anything.
kakobrekla: or maybe mp can go "i, mp, have through a series of mistakes made a double payment and will now pretend it was a chinese conspiracy, say publicly i did it masochistically but actually bill it sadistically to the company as a made up war expense"
nubbins`: you need to take a course in basic logic
nubbins`: kakobrekla i could've told you last week that they'd fever-dream their way through this
nubbins`: must be humiliating
nubbins`: having to blatantly spout nonsense
nubbins`: altho i guess it's mostly a show for folks that don't go back and read the logs
assbot: Survival* ... ( http://bit.ly/1SbS9Kg )
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla you ~know~ this happened ?
kakobrekla: which?
assbot: Logged on 20-03-2016 23:21:15; kakobrekla: hanbot to quote you: The k factor comes from the specified nature of the business (ie, BTC business). In order to be able to offer BTC business you must at a minimum be able to correctly and safely handle payments.
mircea_popescu: looky, that nonsense isn't going to snivel into factuality just because butthurt. chinese miner conspiracy is a fact, undisputed and accepted as such.
kakobrekla: surely
mircea_popescu: now then. that you or anyone else "dunno, wasn't there, whatever", it's one thing.
mircea_popescu: but "i dunno, wasn't there, don't believe" does not actually enact anything. it's just the typical position of the scholar withdrawing from the world.
kakobrekla: (surely was sarcastic btw)
mircea_popescu: tough tits, it's what it is.
kakobrekla: anyway, even if ufos delete your private keys you cant just put it on the company
kakobrekla: or else its much easier for me to ufos delete my private keys for it
mircea_popescu: that has exactly nothing to do with the discussion, so let's let it be.
kakobrekla: o but it has.
kakobrekla: if nothing else it brings about a bad set of incentives.
mircea_popescu: looky : part of your trying to cope with hanbot's deriding your peculiar notion of responsibility was to come hide under my skirts. i said plox don't come hide under my skirts. that's all.
kakobrekla: so you are saying you can have responsibility without liability?
kakobrekla: (yes or no answer will do)
mircea_popescu: i am saying that whatever you're talking to her about, stick to it an' let me be.
kakobrekla: will do my best!
nubbins`: !s looky from:nubbins`
assbot: 6 results for 'looky from:nubbins`' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=looky+from%3Anubbins%60
assbot: Logged on 08-03-2016 00:21:18; nubbins`: if i had a satoshi for every time mp said "looky" when he'd lost an argument, i'd be able to donate a tx fee to bitbet
nubbins`: asciilifeform why would you assume in the first place that all these random comments on bitbet are me instead of the various angry parties to whom bitbet owes money?
nubbins` searches memory for rational reasons why alf would think this, comes up blank
asciilifeform: nubbins`: and 'taleb' was not you ?
nubbins`: ask mp, he's the one with all the insider knowledge
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-03-2016#1436918 << now i'll bite, ~where~ uncontroversial ? at mircea_popescu's house ?
assbot: Logged on 20-03-2016 23:50:19; mircea_popescu: looky, that nonsense isn't going to snivel into factuality just because butthurt. chinese miner conspiracy is a fact, undisputed and accepted as such.
asciilifeform: where undisputed ?
nubbins`: lel.
nubbins`: in the fifth dimension.
nubbins`: are we all drunk here?
nubbins`: or what?
nubbins`: maybe he means undisputed here: http://mpex.co/?mpsic=S.MPOE
assbot: S.MPOE last 7759@0.00041886 ... ( http://bit.ly/1USv0yT )
nubbins`: but in complete seriousness, yes, uncontroversial and undisputed at mp's house.
nubbins`: see hanbot's intensely boring, factless, hyperbole-filled rants and jabs for reference
asciilifeform: nubbins`: for a fella who gave his last fuck, you seem pretty excited
nubbins`: but what else do you expect from someone whose only skills are being a loudmouth and losing money
nubbins`: asciilifeform don't mistake verbosity for excitement
nubbins`: 10 words a minute is excited now |0|
nubbins`: asciilifeform: did mpoe-pr "give a fuck" about the scammers she skewered on the forums?
nubbins`: or was she just reminding them that bullshit has a specific taste?
mats: nubbins` is rapidly approaching 1.5k lines over two weeks about the same damn topic
mats: pls no more
nubbins`: hey, i walked into a conversation already happening
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform everywhere. got published in teh gazette, received exactly no disputation, it's what it is.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: everywhere?!
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: when i asked 'why is miner collusion a necessary hypothesis to explain the bbet reactor melt' i got argumentum ad dirigible.
mats: you have been stoking the same burning pile of shit for two weeks
asciilifeform: mats: and chernobyl for 30 yrs. what of it.
mats: you didn't walk into anything, the noise in here is your doing
nubbins`: mats in fact i came back here after quite an absence and found the shit still on fire
nubbins`: lol.
nubbins`: the noise is my doing by calling mp a scammer? yes, fair enough.
nubbins`: however, there stands bitbet in the state it's in. you saying that mp threw in the towel because i bullied him into it?
mats: it isn't the allegation, it is the 1000x repetition that i'm looking at
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform and you see a problem with that ?
nubbins`: mats go back and read yesterday's log
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: with argumentum ad dirigible ? yes.
nubbins`: only reason i bothered to chip in was to smother hanbot's hallucinations
nubbins`: you don't like it, put me on ignore
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: this is the 'secret trial with secret evidence' thing again.
asciilifeform: i mean, mircea_popescu can do whatever he likes with his toys, but let's not pretend that the matter was settled as some kind of actual argument in the phorum
mircea_popescu: understand how matters of fact work. judge sits down, lets the witness in. witness tells a story. bystanders ask whatever the fuck questions they want. witness answers if he feels like it, and remembers, and has anything to say. at the end of the day, bystanders can as pompously as they wish declare they're not coinvinced. matters not one iota. either better theory is formed, or the thing stands.
mircea_popescu: there isn't available this "exit by reservation". it's a personal pretense, nothing more.
nubbins`: mp uses the broadest analogies possible, hey?
asciilifeform: i have the better theory. what do i need to do, arrange the sybils personally, nuke other tx ?
nubbins`: asciilifeform logic has no place here
asciilifeform: no 'by reservation', but by specific hypothesis.
nubbins`: mats shouldn't you be telling alf to stfu?
mircea_popescu: would have helped to write it down. as the original article asked, as the rebuff to the original nubbins` said, and so on. two weeks ago, whatever.
nubbins`: ^ you didn't put it in a TPS report, in other words
nubbins`: so he missed the memo
mats: alf is not grandstanding.
mircea_popescu: is that twerp still begging for attention ?
mats: nor making use of the matter as an opportunity to air grievances
nubbins`: mm hmm
asciilifeform: i dun have grievances, l0l. well possibly other than the promised snow did not come, i was gonna play go under the blooming sakuras ~in motherfucking snow~ and no go. but afaik mircea_popescu is not responsible for this.
nubbins`: alf is in a weird spot where he obviously feels that mp is hallucinating but doesn't want to press the issue
mircea_popescu: that'd be global warming's fault neh ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: global worming.
asciilifeform: nubbins`: what i'd like is for him to share the lsd!
nubbins`: asciilifeform iirc i offered you some a while back but we decided you wouldn't take it
asciilifeform: nubbins`: i want what mircea_popescu took.
nubbins`: no, i don't think you do
nubbins`: you want what mcafee took too?!
nubbins`: vexual?!
asciilifeform: nah just mircea_popescu
asciilifeform: nubbins`: mcafee and vexual are drooling in a ditch, but mircea_popescu throws garbage trucks !
nubbins`: vexual once signed a ~1k btc address for me, hey?
asciilifeform: i did not say he was drooling in a ditch penniless, did i.
nubbins`: i kid, of course.
nubbins`: but i do suspect on a ~10% probability that he's satoshi
mircea_popescu: say wut asciilifeform ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: was nubbins thread
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: if you have him killfiled, you will see oddities
mircea_popescu: so basically, you're going to dump garbage at me because you have a strange passion for nubbins` ? you imagine this is a way to behave or something ?
mircea_popescu: seriously now. in what conception of society do you see this to make sense ?
nubbins`: how dare you speak to an untouchable!
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i missed the 'don't talk to folks mircea_popescu killfiled' rule in the handbook ?
nubbins`: asciilifeform you missed the "do as mp says" rule?!?!
nubbins`: but that's the whole point of this place
mircea_popescu: these two things are the same thing iyo ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: unless i missed something, fella's technically still 'lord', and belongs in the forum, neh ?
asciilifeform: or was he formally lowered into pederasty and i missed ?
mircea_popescu: i can't distinguish if you are genuinely missing something, or not. which is why i ask you.
asciilifeform: and yes he's annoying
nubbins`: asciilifeform i think he's saying that you're not allowed to talk about mp with me
mircea_popescu: so then why the fuck are you spamming me nonsense!
mircea_popescu: how exactly did you judge the cost function of not spamming mp nonsense so it came below the value of talking to nubbins` ? i wish to know, explain this to me.
mircea_popescu: "to my eyes, wasting mp's time is worth so much less than entertaining vexual that there's no contest".
mircea_popescu: you gonna sign that ?
asciilifeform: let's try a test: mirceа_popеscu
mircea_popescu: what the fuck am i, in this incredibly infantile, and deeply ustardian conception of the world ? free for the taking or something ?
asciilifeform: ^ did that set off the bell in mircea_popescu's irctron ?
mircea_popescu: of course ?
asciilifeform: srsly ?
mircea_popescu: so to sum it up : i'd like you to show me the fucking common courtesy of considering whether next time you highlight me, i could in any conceivable manner have any interest in whatever is in there.
nubbins`: lololol.
mircea_popescu: and it is deeply shameful, for you, that i have to tell you this.
nubbins`: the edict is issued: speak not of mircea_popescu to nubbins`
nubbins`: this is so cringey
asciilifeform: speak only of m1rc34_p0p3scu to nubbins`, possible.
asciilifeform: but whatevers.
asciilifeform off to eat food
nubbins` off to do things that matter
asciilifeform: !up zdm
zdm: Hello
asciilifeform: who might you be, zdm ?
zdm: Just an internet stranger
zdm: Been reading a lot of loper-os.org posts
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