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← 2016-02-12 | 2016-02-14 →
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla in fairness he prolly never actually met something like this yet.
danielpbarron: the one thing the block chain can do is move arbitrary numbers between arbitrary addresses and this works because it all exists totally within itself. The problem with trying to mesh this with things not-in-the-block-chain is that they do not have to obey the rules set forth therein
danielpbarron: "this smart contract says x" "so what?" *clubs head*
danielpbarron: blockchain_enthu, I'd re-voice you but I can't think of anything else of interest to add here. If anyone else wants to take a turn...
punkman: !up blockchain_enthu
blockchain_enthu: Thanks punkman
blockchain_enthu: the only counter point I'd like to make here is this: even though real world items do not follow rules like bitcoins do, but there is a whole system (read legal system) which allows people to do transactions and move things around
blockchain_enthu: and so, this would require recognition of block chain transactions as valid transactions in real world
punkman: one interesting thing would be land deeds notarized on the bitcoin chain
blockchain_enthu: punkman, how do you imagine that would work?
mircea_popescu: nobody cares about the legal system
mircea_popescu: it's more obsolete than democracy / marriage / working the fields with your hands.
danielpbarron: that's more of a WoT thing than a block chain thing, and we're back to betters beating losers
punkman: if you have jurisdiction over an area of land, not a bad thing to do.
mircea_popescu: if you do you wouldn't call it that.
punkman: call what
mircea_popescu: "jurisdiction"
punkman: what's a better word?
mircea_popescu: not a matter of word picking, i'm just making the point that there's no benefit for the new lord importing the old gunk.
blockchain_enthu: isn't land deeds prepared by only one authority?
blockchain_enthu: how does block chain make it any different?
mircea_popescu: it's not yet established that "land ownership" by the torens method has any room in the future.
mircea_popescu: moreover, currently afaik most of the us runs on the barbaric title-deed mechanism anyway.
mircea_popescu: so no - no central authority whatsoever.
punkman: what if you are the king of malta?
blockchain_enthu: anyway, i think i'll have to read up a lot more before i contribute to the discussion here. Thanks all for sharing your thoughts.
mircea_popescu: i dunno, what if ?
mircea_popescu: you mean the sovereign of the order or what ?
punkman: no, the sovereign of the island, and now you want to sell land to people
mircea_popescu: sell as in how ?
mircea_popescu: let them use it for as long as they pay you the rent ?
punkman: not lease
mircea_popescu: "we grant, and of our liberality we bountifully bestow upon the aforesaid Very Reverend Grand Master of the Religion and Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, in feudal perpetuity, noble, free and unencumbered, our cities, castles, places and islands of Tripoli, Malta and Gozo, with all their cities, castles, places and island territories; with pure and mixed jurisdiction, right, and property of useful government; with po
mircea_popescu: wer of life and death over males and females residing within their limits, and with the laws, constitutions, and rights now existing amongst the inhabitants; together with all other laws and rights, exemptions, privileges, revenues and other immunities whatsoever; so that they may hereafter hold them in feudal tenure from us, as Kings of both Sicilies, and from our successors in the same kingdom, reigning at the time,
mircea_popescu: under the sole payment of a falcon; which every year, on the Feast of All Saints, shall be presented by the person or persons duly authorised for that purpose, into the hands of the Viceroy or President, who may at that time be administering the government, in sign and recognition of feudal tenure; and having made that payment, they shall remain exempt and free from all other service claimable by law, and by custom per
mircea_popescu: formed by feudal vassals"
mircea_popescu: that's how malta was originally acquired from the monarch of sicily.
punkman: not sure I have any nonstupid questions or answers on the topic
mircea_popescu: let's leave it at "property is a complicated thing" then.
punkman: sure is
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 135900 @ 0.00056099 = 76.2385 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25750 @ 0.00055969 = 14.412 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 76840 @ 0.00055969 = 43.0066 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4651 @ 0.00055846 = 2.5974 BTC [-] {2}
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 5.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Donald Trump gets Republican Nomination - http://bitbet.us/bet/1206/donald-trump-gets-republican-nomination/#b95
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50297 @ 0.0005618 = 28.2569 BTC [+] {2}
deedbot-: [Trilema] Building the first Remarkable claim in Eulora - http://trilema.com/2016/building-the-first-remarkable-claim-in-eulora/
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 123414 @ 0.00055846 = 68.9218 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: Logged on 13-02-2016 02:28:18; punkman: apparently a lot of implementations have "EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range" errors
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28500 @ 0.00056181 = 16.0116 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71000 @ 0.00055818 = 39.6308 BTC [-] {2}
BingoBoingo: Old Country Buffet, shitlord https://i.sli.mg/6L10Gt.png
BingoBoingo: ;;ticker --market all
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 388.2, vol: 8447.62433736 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 392.0, vol: 7065.24097 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 389.09, vol: 16168.14630868 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 382.0, vol: 0.0385 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 402.945421, vol: 28044.99800000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 386.46001, vol: 919.14120466 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 389.4922, vol: 87.58605317 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message)
BingoBoingo: ;;more
gribble: 395.663622551
BingoBoingo: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 398212 | Current Difficulty: 1.4411644784734866E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 399167 | Next Difficulty In: 955 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 6 days, 6 hours, 47 minutes, and 22 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
assbot: Double Billing is not ‘Healthy Competition’ — Medium ... ( http://bit.ly/1TeE14o )
BingoBoingo: Nothing new other than the introduction, which is gold: "Let’s say that you’re running a company and want to create some internal competition between teams to see which ones can perform better. You can do this with R&D, and sales, but I would humbly suggest that you don’t do it with receivables. Sending out duplicate invoices to customers is generally referred to as ‘criminal behavior’."
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 118150 @ 0.00056845 = 67.1624 BTC [+] {3}
BingoBoingo: !up wywialm
wywialm: hi, thx BingoBoingo
BingoBoingo: Hello to you too.
deedbot-: [Qntra] Stabbbing At KnCMiner Affiliated Datacenter - http://qntra.net/2016/02/stabbbing-at-kncminer-affiliated-datacenter/
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60808 @ 0.0005577 = 33.9126 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9642 @ 0.00055526 = 5.3538 BTC [-]
assbot: Unlocking my Lenovo laptop, part 3 – zmatt.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1QyqzUb )
BingoBoingo: I really don't understand why there isn't more outrage about the perpetuation of this lithium ion battery planned obscelescence scam.
BingoBoingo: There's AA low self discharge NiMH cells out there with 2 amp hour capacities and up to 2100 recharge cycle life spans
BingoBoingo: !up copypaste
mircea_popescu: this is a good q.
BingoBoingo: I mean that's about as good as or better energy density than Li-ion, vastly reduced fire hazard, and all kinds of other joy.
punkman: is it actually the same density?
mircea_popescu: afaik it's about 70ish%
punkman: could even have easily replaceable 18650 lithium cells
BingoBoingo: I don't want lithium cells at all outside of cmos battery
asciilifeform: ~1/2 the density
asciilifeform: (nimh vs li)
asciilifeform: again thank idiot hog x86 !
asciilifeform: for gigantic flammable batteries that last 2y
mircea_popescu: you hate with an enduring passion rare in humans, mr alf.
asciilifeform: ty mircea_popescu !
assbot: B,TMSR~ Block Cipher Competition on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1PTaETY )
asciilifeform: i read the enchilada paper
mircea_popescu: i'd like to read how the lower bound claim is constructed.
asciilifeform: the proof appears to use the.... Handwaving technique.
asciilifeform: but i'd love to engage the author here.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> ~1/2 the density << In practice I'm not so sure. 3 AA eneloops new offers a total 6.3 Ah. Present laptop's battery if new 5.2 Ah with much bigger cells
mircea_popescu: that's what makes these things iffy. gotta let the proponent state it whenever it's such a case.
mircea_popescu: actual good science can be summarized. this - no.
asciilifeform: ~voltage~
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo there's been a lot of progress with fine meshes or w/e, but i'm pretty sure they still didn't manage to catch up to li ion
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: ^
mircea_popescu: the 1/2 figure is more 2000era tho. they're better now.
punkman: eneloop is what, 1.2v, lenovo battery 12v, so you'd need 10 of them?
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> ~voltage~ << 9 in series to get required voltage
BingoBoingo: punkman: eneloop is 1.2v lenovo is 10.8
BingoBoingo: 9 + charge controller could easily fit inside 6 li-ion cell battery prison's form factor.
BingoBoingo: Side effect of this is if weight is actually a concern (it really shouldn't be) AAA cell battery prison could also be offered.
punkman: AAA would take more space
BingoBoingo: how? AAA is smaller?
punkman: if you were to have the equivalent of 10 AA I mean
BingoBoingo: So, power reserve capacity goes down to get the lighter weight. This is just physics.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: also remember the discharge curve.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: So far playing with these astoundingly flat.
BingoBoingo: Or introduce the sensible compromise that clock gets throttled on battery power.
punkman: you could make battery pack that plugs in charger port, see what happens
asciilifeform: already sop
BingoBoingo: If current draw is really that big of a concern
BingoBoingo: <punkman> you could make battery pack that plugs in charger port, see what happens << these tend to be li-ion, on in my present case charger is plugged into SLA
punkman: sla?
asciilifeform: that's another thing, internal resistance of nimh is pretty high
BingoBoingo: <punkman> sla? << sealed lead acid
asciilifeform: think about what this means
BingoBoingo: internal resistance also greatly reduced in the low self discharge version
assbot: Running a laptop off AA batteries - Funnyhacks.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1PTbQXz )
punkman: he's using 20 AAs for eee craptop
asciilifeform: aha, demo of internal resistance...
asciilifeform: (spoiler: melts)
asciilifeform: phun phakt: hp200lx runs for ~month on a pair of 'aa'.
asciilifeform: (circa '92 or so)
BingoBoingo: I remember, but can it run bitcoind?
asciilifeform: neither could 'eeepc'
asciilifeform: nor mircea_popescu's thinkpad...
BingoBoingo: but mircea_popescu's thinkpad is not a computer. It is a bedtime video player.
BingoBoingo: runs bitcoind is separating line between general purpose computer and specialized limited purpose machine.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-02-2016#1404665 << the 'if we close our eyes, mircea_popescu won't exist!' orchestra is a fountain of lulz
BingoBoingo: Seriously
assbot: Logged on 13-02-2016 09:26:59; BingoBoingo: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-02-2016#1404408 << Malleus should end this
asciilifeform: lulzily, i wrote malleus upon being prodded by mircea_popescu - who hasn't, it appears, yet tried it
BingoBoingo: 12 years a lol
asciilifeform: (spoiler- worx great)
BingoBoingo: !up p15x
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: waiwut
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: What, every explitive requires an explanation nao?
assbot: NodeCounter.com (XTnodes.com) - Bitcoin Classic, XT, Unlimited Nodes, Blocks, Graphs, Charts, Statistics ... ( http://bit.ly/1Pu56hn )
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: dem000000000cracy!11111
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform there's a system catching up with it, too.
mircea_popescu: at 150k bnecause nohup weirdf atm
asciilifeform doesn't sync from heathen world any moar. either moves signed gigatarball around, or -connect's via ssh tunnel
mircea_popescu: i like syncing.
asciilifeform: srsly the stock sync mechanism is ~profoundly~ retarded.
asciilifeform: maybe 5% efficient.
asciilifeform: at all other times, either idles, or moves around worthless crud
asciilifeform: (unasked-for blocks)
asciilifeform: so what's to like ?
shinohai: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-02-2016#1404757 <<< /me experimented with -connecting to my blockchain stored on the pogo, haven't got it ironed out yet.
assbot: Logged on 13-02-2016 15:21:20; *: asciilifeform doesn't sync from heathen world any moar. either moves signed gigatarball around, or -connect's via ssh tunnel
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i'm a promiscuous sort what can i tell you.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform> the 'if we close our eyes, mircea_popescu won't exist!' orchestra is a fountain of lulz <<< i'm totally making cocktails with water from there. makes the girls all giddy.
mircea_popescu: ok, so indeed it was the &
mircea_popescu: box now happy.
asciilifeform: toldya it won't detach unless &
mircea_popescu: the other one(s) do!
mircea_popescu: this is an utter scam.
asciilifeform: my other bus was brake-steerable !111
mircea_popescu: in unrelated news : i just used ~4mn satoshi worth of Eulora stuff to dig up ~7mn worth of Eulora stuff. I just earned 3 bitcents off virtual mmorpg economy this morning, on top of everything else!
mircea_popescu is really digging this virtual employee thing. leave the poor player overnight, come back to more riches!
mircea_popescu: Mircea Mircescu paid for Mircea Popescu's coffee this morn!
assbot: Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1S6Z9Z9.txt )
mircea_popescu: this, for the record my dear lord mats , is entirely a constructed, deliberate neurosis. there is nothing paralyzing about uncertainity in se. the paralizing bit, much like the horse's bit, or the nail in the grenade, is the expectation of maximal outcome, often doublespoken as "responsibility", and generally internalized as "self respect" or somesuch.
mircea_popescu: once you accept that human life is definitionalyl worthless, and ESPECIALLY that of those people you care about (chiefly - your own), uncertainity is no more threatening than atmosphere is overpowering.
mircea_popescu: "oh im here at the bottom of an ocean of air exerting 100kpa on my every limb, i can scarcely move!!1"
mircea_popescu: really ?
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/a65c5b6dade31a45
shinohai: !v assbot:shinohai.rate.mats.2:40da9082915c65e8c7a11d071c2c2b9d69d4b9920ad0dca9a63f4dbfb4f5bf71
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for mats from 1 to 2 with note: True patgron of the Bitcoin arts. http://btc.blockr.io/tx/info/5ca0c787756f65e213ad1f1b28db0703d730bebe6883d2aed735f87c52ca7b4c
shinohai: shit gotta redo I misspelled
kakobrekla: you meant 'warts' instead?
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/1a49c21b5f3a6334
shinohai: !v assbot:shinohai.rate.mats.2:006ea4e3da7d1bec825091754adebe945ee22bb6805bf1785af81a43a088399e
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for mats from 2 to 2 with note: True patron of the Bitcoin arts. http://btc.blockr.io/tx/info/5ca0c787756f65e213ad1f1b28db0703d730bebe6883d2aed735f87c52ca7b4c
shinohai: better
mats: mircea_popescu: to me it is just a cute comic with a boy and an anthropomorphic tiger
mats: i dun look for insights into the human condition in such places
mircea_popescu: makes sense.
mircea_popescu: * NejcKodric (54ffd749@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets << was that the bitstamp dood ?
mircea_popescu: hey, patgron is pretty cool!
BingoBoingo: Could be him. Could be hello dog.
kakobrekla: ip is slovenia so quite possibly
mircea_popescu: peeps gotta up newbs!
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla i thought they moved to some uk incubeator ?
kakobrekla: i think he (personally) is still around here
kakobrekla: i doubt he had anything of substance to say
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> peeps gotta up newbs! << was looking away at some twitter policy garbage
mircea_popescu: in other lolz : is at ~70k loads of trilema.com/xmlrpc.php over the past 3 days. comes to twenty a minute or some shit.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 272171 @ 0.00056737 = 154.4217 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: but hey, italy isn't a part of africa, populated by first-generation-in-shoes subhuman horde. they got like technologees and shit. can spam like teh pros!
BingoBoingo: !up SandyHarris
mircea_popescu: !up SandyHarris
mircea_popescu: it doesn't work, but then again neither did whatever the "hacker team" was doing, so...
BingoBoingo: The most important part of any wordpress installation is the deletion of xmlrpc.php
mircea_popescu: eh waht do i care, let the kids be leet and shit.
mircea_popescu: not like it does anything.
BingoBoingo: It does even less things when gone.
deedbot-: [Qntra] Twitter Adopting Dangerous Benesch Speech Framework - http://qntra.net/2016/02/twitter-adopting-dangerous-benesch-speech-framework/
BingoBoingo: ^ Twitter makes banning all mircea_popescus official policy
BingoBoingo: latest qntra updated, forgot a link
BingoBoingo: For alf who does not want to feed google https://archive.is/i3uRl
assbot: Staff — Dangerous Speech Project ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ti35sp )
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo eh, dangerous for whom ? twitter is a goner, they're not making money, they can't make money, the share is collapsing, a 2020 with twitter still around is an impossibility.
mircea_popescu: the [sort of] people who bought slashdot will soon buy twitter and that's that.
mircea_popescu: turns out mps banning you sticks, you banning them doesn't. who knew.
BingoBoingo: dangerous for people who think twitter like tor is relevant to an anything
mircea_popescu: so, so much win.
danielpbarron: heh i'm not banned yet, and i tweeted the death warrant
mircea_popescu: an entire "culture" of retards lies buried there, reddit, cracked, wikipedia, twitter, the bell bottoms and disco hair of the 2000s.
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: That's a sign the twitter stasi find you unimportant
danielpbarron: i thought maybe it was because i have a really old account and i don't spam, ever
mircea_popescu: nah, they actually go by this inept shit.
danielpbarron: if it weren't for my extremely offensive views, i'm really their perfect user
danielpbarron: or maybe even better my offensive views
danielpbarron: gets more impressions or whatever
BingoBoingo: If you say subversive things on twitter and haven't been banned yet, it is because they have determined you are an unimportant loon. This is why I find twitter offensive for its failure to ban me.
mircea_popescu: im not even sure they have a perfect user. they don't aim to anything.
mircea_popescu: lol BingoBoingo. give it time, overnight dangerousness is usually obtained in a decade or two.
mircea_popescu: rabbit replacement BingoBoingo ?
mircea_popescu: qntra, the... electrocuting news site.
BingoBoingo: I dunno. Dixie seems to have substantial branding value due to the length of history. Mebbe we can save that for our eventual electrifying literary magazine?
danielpbarron: heh i switched to Rhodesia flag on my profile pic last night
danielpbarron: people kept complaining the confed flag was too offensive
assbot: Log In - The New York Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ti4AqG )
punkman: tumblr links are just timing out for me
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-02-2016#1404839 << i use strictly fisher's cylinders in pen
assbot: Logged on 13-02-2016 16:41:44; mircea_popescu: <punkman> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ca1lMpBXEAAsVkX.jpg << win.
asciilifeform: mega-ink
asciilifeform: won't run, laughs at grease, water, dirt, crummy paper
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2011/adio-twitter/ << from back when mp quit twitter the first time
assbot: Adio twitter on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ti4JdB )
asciilifeform: and no pressure drop
asciilifeform: soldiers on until entirely empty.
danielpbarron: punkman, try the bit.ly link
danielpbarron: heh I also use a spacepen
danielpbarron: had it for years
BingoBoingo has been gradually shifting to felt tipped pens as he writes less on paper.
punkman: "NTP server set to 1.1.1970 on a public hotspot will brick IOS devices (iPad and iPhones), requiring physical repair." https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/458ao3/discussion_changing_time_date_settings_to_jan_1/
assbot: [Discussion] Changing Time & Date settings to Jan 1, 1970 will permanently brick 64-bit iOS devices : jailbreak ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ti4U8M )
asciilifeform: oldnyooz
punkman: ntp part is new for me
mircea_popescu: ntp ftw!
mats: should be relatively easy to impersonate an aapl ntp server and brick phones on a network
BingoBoingo: <mats> should be relatively easy to impersonate an aapl ntp server and brick phones on a network << Imagine if a terrorist messed with BGP servers
mircea_popescu: imagien the productivity gains if all the apple products were bricked.
BingoBoingo: Seriously
BingoBoingo: In other news canon powershot A495 (2010 vintage) solid little camera. Picked one up for $25 and change. Manages to get by using two AA batteries.
deedbot-: [Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] A few things you don’t see every day, Edición Mexicana. - http://www.contravex.com/2016/02/13/a-few-things-you-dont-see-every-day-edicion-mexicana/
assbot: A495 - CHDK Wiki - Wikia ... ( http://bit.ly/1o9Zr6N )
BingoBoingo: punkman: ty, but it's a fucking camera. I don't see much cause for dicking its firmware up yet.
punkman: handy for timelapsing and other things
BingoBoingo: I thought that's what fiverrrar was for?
assbot: My startup failed, and this is what it feels like… — Female Founders — Medium ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ti6Fmn )
jurov: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-02-2016#1404199 i'm actually swung to tease hysterical irc nicknames
assbot: Logged on 13-02-2016 01:32:22; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-02-2016#1404057 << i didn't know you swung that way!
mircea_popescu: "My startup failed, and this is what it feels like : the most banal shit ever"
mircea_popescu: what start-up didn't fail ?
mircea_popescu: !s 99dresses
assbot: 0 results for '99dresses' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=99dresses
mircea_popescu: damn i thought for sure we lolled at this before
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52663 @ 0.00057021 = 30.029 BTC [+] {2}
BingoBoingo: Honestly at this point many of the lolfish are starting to taste the same.
mircea_popescu: redditard has brief moment of clarity : "I never realised how much I hate democracy until I had to endure idiots (like myself) insisting that their voice be heard regarding the blocksize despite not having any of the required technical knowledge."
asciilifeform: 'Over 90% of tech startups fail, but I never thought my baby, 99dresses, would be one of them.' << gold
asciilifeform washing decade of crud out of cpu heat sinks
assbot: Logged on 13-02-2016 17:46:26; mircea_popescu: meanwhile in dirigible lands, http://36.media.tumblr.com/607b5369ffec29a56371edb54e74d54b/tumblr_nno8q1rjX61uu92gho1_1280.jpg
mircea_popescu: it occurs to me, meditating upon alf's observation, that there's probably massive evolution pressure on this, to the level of the evolutionary pressure on breast size.
shinohai: Looks like Morticia Adams as a young lady
mircea_popescu: after all... woman face is supposed to not be wrinkly, right ?
ben_vulpes: those are some very short counters
mircea_popescu: maybe it's for working-while-kneeling.
assbot: python-mode/Rakefile at develop · klen/python-mode · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1oabmBu )
assbot: Logged on 13-02-2016 18:12:14; mircea_popescu: and in more "lively faces" news, http://40.media.tumblr.com/98f563a2214fedc5949dc23b7bd1553b/tumblr_nqt6goBpRW1uu92gho1_1280.jpg
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform sarcasm is wasted on the young!
assbot: python-mode/Gemfile at develop · klen/python-mode · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1oabpgS )
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: what am i looking at
ben_vulpes: ruby in a python project
ben_vulpes: do you also ask the clowns why they paint their faces?
asciilifeform: '“But you’re taking a massive risk! That’s so brave!” they’d say. I never thought so. The biggest risk in my eyes was going to university, getting a stable job, and sliding into a comfortable life. There’s nothing wrong with that, but I knew it wasn’t me.'
shinohai: why?
punkman: ben_vulpes: but it also has a Makefile
mircea_popescu: ok, so chick thinks she's special, a lifetime of progenitorial slavery not fit for the likes of her. fine! jolly good!
mircea_popescu: turns out there's exactly 0 demand for her as an 'entrepreneur' or w/e it was, so i guess the cats await.
ben_vulpes: punkman "why were those tartars locked in boxes to starve to death?"
asciilifeform: mmhmmhgmmmmm!
ben_vulpes: ask me not these questions. i have no answers. i bring only gore from the depths.
asciilifeform: speaking of cats, they are having some sort of tourney in my back yard
ben_vulpes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-02-2016#1404370 << that is *precisely* the line that cleaves the world.
assbot: Logged on 13-02-2016 02:18:58; mod6: <+ben_vulpes> my mind recoils at the notion of running a reference implementation compiled without knowing the patchlist going into it << im not sure how to reconsile this. either you don't know what you're doing and you use a fully automated build script, or you do, and you build by hand.
mircea_popescu: what tourney, "which can imitate a five year old being torn limb from limb closer to life" ?
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes eh hush, you've not done something by hand yet today.
mircea_popescu: did you run electricity "by hand" from the plant to your shaver or just not shaving ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: something involving ritualized staredowns and directional pissing
mircea_popescu: oh, they're having primaries.
asciilifeform: the actual fighting tends to happen in the evening
punkman: usually around 6am here
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: ridiculous
mircea_popescu actually got awoken once because the damned things were wailing exactly like someone trying to shove a baby through a pasta strainer.
ben_vulpes: "you haven't done anything because you're using sed and awk which you didn't write HA!"
mircea_popescu: you didn't even fucking read, let alone write.
mircea_popescu: unlike you, i have explicit author names and explicit trust relations with them. so... bald men shouldn't throw rox!
ben_vulpes: unlike what now?
ben_vulpes: perhaps a better formulation would be that there are those who curate their own patch selection and those who delegate to the foundation.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu has own awk ?!
shinohai: !rate mod6 2 Hours of trb instruction and support for my node.
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/abd95ba7cfa366c5
asciilifeform: share plox ?
mircea_popescu: curation happens by .wot inclusion
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform just making a point for the benefit of the fox here.
ben_vulpes is benefitted
shinohai: !v assbot:shinohai.rate.mod6.2:0f050f1c797392f9227a43c09e1c17e450e2894a21900100fbe318ac6c347499
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for mod6 from 1 to 2 with note: Hours of trb instruction and support for my node.
mircea_popescu: it is increasingly obvious, to me, that there should be a new genesis made, signed by a specially generated identity, "test".
mircea_popescu: this way people can base on THAT tree and know for certain they will never end up included in production.
mircea_popescu: ratger than expecting users to use any other buttons than the buttons, design the system so that it actually uses the buttons properly.
asciilifeform: parallel trees complicate things
punkman: why second genesis?
mircea_popescu: they complicate things in the correct manner, however.
mircea_popescu: punkman so someone can write experimental code without risking it showing up in a production environment and getting negrated for it.
mircea_popescu: make no mistake about it : it is NOT the user who relies on foundation curation. it is THE CODER.
punkman: sounds like putting cart before horse
mircea_popescu: whenever you sign something on the main trunk, you are swearing with your life it is good to go. \
mircea_popescu: hoping that mod6 will save you from inclusion arbitrarily is a lot fucking weaker than just having the proper control of only signing in the test branch, and choosing where yhou sign
mircea_popescu: punkman no, cart is currently put before horse. sounds like putting cart and horse back in the right places
asciilifeform: can we do this starting with next release ?
asciilifeform: rather than signing 1000000 things
asciilifeform: also the hashes will have to actually differ
asciilifeform: (say, add the skull in comment to every .cpp and .h, and to make, ...)
mircea_popescu: sorry alf, you're part of a standards group. this re-do work 10k times is par for the cutpurse.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i'm all for constructive gruntwork
asciilifeform: (consider how i even got involved)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yup. or any other thing. here's a thought : once one hash differs, the ones downstream will because it includes the different hash
asciilifeform: well yes
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform no, i know, jus' sayin.
asciilifeform: but they ~all~ gotta differ
mircea_popescu: i am thinking : maybe including a comment line as "this patch is intended to be applied on prev hash blabla" would do it.
BingoBoingo: Now happening on BizzaroBet https://archive.is/t8rK8
assbot: Will the Bitcoin Classic 2MB hard fork happen in 2016? - BetMoose ... ( http://bit.ly/242LgBu )
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo that is the most cretinous thing i ever heard.
mircea_popescu: what does it even mean ? there was a fork! there's ten forks a day. wtf.
punkman: I think you gotta either use a release or care about which patches you use, now if there are different production and testing releases that's another thing
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Apparently BizzaroBet isn't particular about wording
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo that thing can't possibly be anything but a scam at this point, of the "magic doubler address" ilk.
mircea_popescu: i mean they're not even trying.
BingoBoingo: Likely, but I'm not risking shit to see for sure because of that possibility
assbot: BitBet - The Hearn-Gavin scamcoin will fizzle in 2016 :: 101.11 B (96%) on Yes, 4.16 B (4%) on No | closing in 4 months 2 weeks | weight: 44`405 (100`000 to 1) ... ( http://bit.ly/1JoYZVq )
mircea_popescu is reading geology glossaries instead.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 67496 @ 0.00056894 = 38.4012 BTC [-] {3}
BingoBoingo: !up ahmedbodi
jurov: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-02-2016#1404197 looks like you confuse hard radiation (as in gamma/roentgen rays) shielding and RF "radio frequency" shielding
assbot: Logged on 13-02-2016 01:30:18; mircea_popescu: because of the fucking impedance in thin fillaments and other considerations, your shit will never work as a straight conductor.
mircea_popescu: radiation is a continuum!
jurov: but the shielding material necessary is markedly different
mircea_popescu: understand : a very thin, insulated fillament is not a piece of shielding, but in turn an antenna.
mircea_popescu: and "insulated" is a function of conductivity, which is a function of thickness.
jurov: not if it's woven in the grid, only the holes count to RF.
BingoBoingo: As of this week gotta be concerned about leaky emissions on the million meter spectrum.
mircea_popescu: jurov that's just an engineering rule of thumb, based on some assumptions.
asciilifeform: grounded conductor is not an antenna...
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform if it is grounded.
jurov: and due to skin effect if you use thick but relatively poor conductor you'll get a surprises at > MHz stuff
mircea_popescu: an arbitrarily thin filament of an arbitrary length is NOT grounded merely on the grounds that you connected it to a pipe somewhere.
jurov: faraday cage works ungrounded either
jurov: but to shield shorter wavelength, you need smaller holes in it
mircea_popescu: yes, but smaller holes and thinner wires are unrelated items here.
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00100000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $600 before Jul 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1232/bitcoin-to-top-600-before-jul-2016/#b25
mircea_popescu: you don't get an out of jail free card re wires just because "but officer, i needed smaller holes"
jurov: ofc, you're welcome to shield your walls with 2mm solid metal. the salesman prolly won't tell you that only first few micrometers count for the nastiest stuff like GSM anyway
jurov: these requencies don't penetrate deeper
jurov: hence, wowen thin wires work, too.
mircea_popescu: the problem of penetration isn't the only consideration here. what you're saying is akin to the proposition that a cpu is only hot on the surface, so only a fool would connect it to 5kg of copper.
BingoBoingo: !up Reydev
mircea_popescu: you have to be able to drain the flow.
BingoBoingo: connect to buried brine
jurov: the EM field induces currents in the conductors, which cancel it. no need to drain these anywhere
mircea_popescu: by which logic faraday cage no longer needs to be grounded.
jurov: of course it does not need
BingoBoingo: probably best to ground anything that isn't used for explicitly vexual purposes though.
jurov: ungrounded faraday cage tends to get charged, which is not easily detectable from within, untill you open it, get out, and touch the ground
mircea_popescu: what is the difference between ungrounded faraday cage and dipole antenna ?
jurov: but otherwise it does not allow radio frequencies in (when built to spec)
mircea_popescu: and plox don't tell me it's the shape.
jurov: faraday case encloses you so wellthat it allows currents induced by external RF to cancel it
mircea_popescu: so i can not cut a hole into a faraday cage with a proton beam.
jurov: proton beam !=== RF
mircea_popescu: it'll just melt wholesale.
mircea_popescu: and how do you make this distinction ?
jurov: RF is pulsating electromagnetic field, i.e. photons
mircea_popescu: photons have no charge.
jurov: the field does. for example the tesla coil causes strong electromagnetic field, which causes surrounding matter to ionise and get electrically charged
jurov: at the same time also radiates electromagnetic waves as photos
jurov: beause the field isn't DC but AC
mircea_popescu: as king arthur once said to trusty sir belvedere, "This new learning amazes me"
jurov: but we're going rather far. the original discussion was about shielding microwaves from radio transmission, cellphones etc.
mircea_popescu: and you were going to distinguish between far uv and close x-rays on some sort of a basis. other than "cuz i say 3*10^16 and fu"
jurov: you mentioned yest nuclear cross-sections, they do apply to EUV and x-rays
mircea_popescu: anyways. the original discussion was about how you can't make a mesh arbitrarily fine and expect it to still shield anything.
jurov: but are utterly irrelevant for microwaves
jurov: oooh that, you want to shield these. oook.
mircea_popescu: there's a minimal thickness as a function of the material involved that can be used.
mircea_popescu: well that's what it was, some derps came out with what struck me on first sight as a sort of "gasoline saving magnets", ie these superthin meshes that'll "protect your monitor from nsa spying"
mircea_popescu: as a matter of faith working miracles or somesuch.
jurov: and you imagined your monitor emits x-rays for nsa to spy on and started considering shielding foir these?
jurov: point taken.
mircea_popescu: no, i just said that i would expect on the basis of guesswork for indium -group metals to work out as the thinnest functional mesh
mircea_popescu: as opposed to fucking nickel
mircea_popescu: but i still can't be arsed to do the actual math for it, so whatevs.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-02-2016#1405035 << here's a mindfuck: net charge in ~closed~ conductor contour is 0.
assbot: Logged on 13-02-2016 19:28:29; mircea_popescu: by which logic faraday cage no longer needs to be grounded.
asciilifeform: ground has nothing to do with it.
asciilifeform: green's theorem !
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-02-2016#1405044 << trick question, the protons cut the hole with momentum, not charge.
assbot: Logged on 13-02-2016 19:33:28; mircea_popescu: so i can not cut a hole into a faraday cage with a proton beam.
asciilifeform: just like a saw.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-02-2016#1405062 << the claim from the supplier was, iirc, 50dB from dc to 10GH
assbot: Logged on 13-02-2016 19:42:13; mircea_popescu: well that's what it was, some derps came out with what struck me on first sight as a sort of "gasoline saving magnets", ie these superthin meshes that'll "protect your monitor from nsa spying"
asciilifeform: not 'magic shield'
asciilifeform: as for the crackpottery, it pre-dates public obsession with nsa, and even the gsm and 'smart meter' psychosis, goes way back to 1970s (!) 'power lines will kill you with magnetics' thing
BingoBoingo: Come on, we all know why them gubmint veterinarians want us to feed our cows their magnets...
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9139 @ 0.00056737 = 5.1852 BTC [-] {2}
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> hoping that mod6 will save you from inclusion arbitrarily is a lot fucking weaker than just having the proper control of only signing in the test branch, and choosing where yhou sign << yah, this may be a really good idea. right now, we're livin on the edge.
mod6: ok.
mod6: so lastnight, I tested an updated version of the automated build script 'build-bitcoind-V99996.sh' -- the version that's currently deedbotted is no longer ok since I reground alfs patches.
mod6: If anyone wants to be helpful and test this change, you can find the updated version here: http://www.mod6.net/btcf/build-bitcoind-V99996_2.sh
mod6: after you build with the above script, you should end up with the following manifiest if you follow along with this find command as such: http://dpaste.com/2VFXNFX.txt
assbot: Logged on 13-02-2016 20:12:51; mod6: If anyone wants to be helpful and test this change, you can find the updated version here: http://www.mod6.net/btcf/build-bitcoind-V99996_2.sh
mod6: shinohai: awesome, thanks!
mod6: we're gonna have to go through this again here not too long from now when V v99995 comes out, but hopefully that'll be the last time for a while.
shinohai: mod6: is this version already with patched V ?
shinohai: or do I still need to do that
mod6: oooh, you mean the beta patches? naw, you shouldn't need to do that.
mod6: it'd be rather difficult to do anyway if you wanted to, you'd have to stop mid-script and then update V, then continue.
shinohai: kk I'll just test as-is for now
mod6: yeah, that'd be fine.
shinohai: also should have a much improved status page running in a few days, Im gonna wait for full sync to turn it on
mod6: neato
jurov: !t m x.eur
assbot: [MPEX:X.EUR] 1D: 0.00332082 / 0.00332253 / 0.00332476 (218 shares, 0.72 BTC), 7D: 0.00282315 / 0.00295966 / 0.00332476 (1125 shares, 3.33 BTC), 30D: 0.00258386 / 0.00275891 / 0.00332476 (14677 shares, 40.49 BTC)
jurov: ;;ticker --currency eur --market bitcoin-central
gribble: Bitcoin-Central BTCEUR ticker | Best bid: 344.3, Best ask: 346.999, Bid-ask spread: 2.69900, Last trade: 346.999, 24 hour volume: 50.93502582, 24 hour low: 338.0, 24 hour high: 349.99989193, 24 hour vwap: 347.38993266
jurov: ;;calc 1/347.38993266
gribble: 0.00287860961411
jurov: davout ^^^^ ?
jurov: and interesting why price went *up * in absence of the bot
mats: is everyone asleep at the wheel?
BingoBoingo: ;;ticker --market all --currency eur
gribble: Bitstamp BTCEUR last: 346.493768, vol: 7244.90217088 | BTC-E BTCEUR last: 349.0, vol: 51.9903 | CampBX BTCEUR last: 339.3688, vol: 0.0385 | BTCChina BTCEUR last: 357.6528, vol: 24776.07600000 | Kraken BTCEUR last: 344.95879, vol: 6180.32225167 | Bitcoin-Central BTCEUR last: 346.999, vol: 50.93502582 | Volume-weighted last average: 353.468086158
shinohai: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/45i6gf/advice_on_recovering_blockchainio_account_after/ <<< top fucking kek. "I made a temp account on Blockchain.io, not entering an email, writing down the 12 word code or passoword, something I should have done."
assbot: Advice on Recovering Blockchain.io Account After Losing Password : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/20vmTro )
jurov: anyone has any x.eur i can short while davout is sleeping?
thestringpuller: i think my node stalled.
thestringpuller: oh no. now it's a zombie process.
shinohai: ;;blocks
gribble: 398291
danielpbarron: "blocks" : 386780, << mine's still going uninterrupted since i started it
thestringpuller: oh man debug.log is way too big
danielpbarron: mine is 7 gigs
thestringpuller: danielpbarron: ERROR: AcceptToMemoryPool() : ConnectInputs failed 23757d60dd <<< do these affect anything?
danielpbarron: i think it just means you don't have the block that they spend from yet
danielpbarron: you can get bogged down by them from time to time but it should eventually move on
jurov: yes you don't have block nor transaction
thestringpuller: oh it chocked on bastard blocks
mod6: (21:17) <+jurov> anyone has any x.eur i can short while davout is sleeping?
mod6: eek. sorry, no idea how i just pasted that in there.
danielpbarron: aww poor jurov
danielpbarron: got his hopes up
mod6: ya srsly. sorry j.
mod6: im over here rollin up that new version of V.
mod6: i think i need a bigger desk
BingoBoingo: Well, 'Murica is fucked now.
BingoBoingo: ;;google scalia texas resort
gribble: Court divided over University of Texas race-conscious admissions ...: <https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/courts_law/supreme-court-seems-divided-over-university-of-texas-race-conscious-admissions/2015/12/09/e413cfce-9e70-11e5-8728-1af6af208198_story.html>; Justice Scalia Suggests Blacks Belong at "Slower" Colleges | Mother ...: <http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2015/12 (1 more message)
assbot: Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West Texas ranch - San Antonio Express-News ... ( http://bit.ly/1QexhnS )
jurov: O.o
jurov: mod6: can you take photo with your desk and V rolled out?
jurov: or it's already baking?
mod6: haha
jurov: but i must say, the apron is sexy, suits you
deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.55000000 BTC on 'No' - AlphaGo will defeat Lee Sedol overall in March 2016 match - http://bitbet.us/bet/1249/alphago-will-defeat-lee-sedol-overall-in-march/#b12
mod6: thanks :]
mod6: from just looking around tho, i noticed that the V graph on my wall is out of date.
mod6: ok all set.
assbot: Network Snapshot - Bitnodes ... ( http://bit.ly/1PeJp6j )
mod6: whats up?
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-02-2016#1404237 << i was having this exact problem with 99996k (v1) box. it was alternating between choking on bastards, like thestringpuller's node, and offing itself for no apparent reason. just stopping it now and about to rebuild with mod6's latest script but it's taken ~3 weeks and is only at 325k due to this on-again-off-again shenanigans
assbot: Logged on 13-02-2016 01:53:07; mircea_popescu: anyone ever saw a process get ended after you disconnect a nohup session ?!
mircea_popescu: mod6 you know, "9, o noes"
mod6: ooh
pete_dushenski: it requires constant babysitting to watch for a jam and restart so that it ever keeps eating blox
shinohai: I finally put restart in a crontab until mine caught up >.<
mod6: can someone explain what nohup is for?
mod6: do i not see that same issue because i run with `&' in a screen session?
mircea_popescu: nohup catches the sighup and lets the program continue
mircea_popescu: screen does the same thing, so does tmux
mod6: hrm.
shinohai: I use tmux but sometimes `& disown` and it works fine.
mod6: my node doesn't choke at all, and seems to even see blocks before btc.blockr.io sometimes.
mod6: ugh. my hair is going grey
mircea_popescu: my beard is half white
mod6: im catchin up!
mod6: nice
mod6: i guess, my node is already sync'd so i'm not going through that part of a full sync atm.
mircea_popescu: !rated shinohai
assbot: You rated user shinohai on 03-Jul-2015, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: New blood..
mircea_popescu: !rate shinohai 2 Active TRB tester guy.
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/6f3d467cefeb1b2f
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.shinohai.2:bbe1a16b5c07434099cac05b64ef6899b29989f8c8605c6667823d538db6809d
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for shinohai from 1 to 2 with note: Active TRB tester guy.
mats: scalia is dead
mod6: who cares
mats: his family, i suppose
shinohai: The beneficiaries of his will.
mircea_popescu: mod6> who cares << he was very popular with a certain crowd.
assbot: Logged on 13-02-2016 23:08:28; mod6: who cares
mod6: what?
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-02-2016#1405086 << why does line 46 have asciilifeform_maxint_locks_corrected.vpatch instead latest vpatch as on previous 99996 and 99997 iterations ?
assbot: Logged on 13-02-2016 20:12:51; mod6: If anyone wants to be helpful and test this change, you can find the updated version here: http://www.mod6.net/btcf/build-bitcoind-V99996_2.sh
assbot: Logged on 13-02-2016 23:03:05; mircea_popescu: and in other "girls for alf" contestant winner news, http://40.media.tumblr.com/a3fde9a27cbdcf73973fdb23d003643f/tumblr_nqijweVkX91uu92gho1_1280.jpg
mircea_popescu: omg hating the fishes!
mod6: a fuck
mod6: what pete_dushenski?
pete_dushenski: mod6: weren't we tweaking previous patches by changing that one line to 'malleus' ?
mod6: oh, because the leaf ordering is different. if you want a press of "all" patches as they exist in the mirror, currently, you need to press up through asciilifeform_maxint_locks_corrected.vpatch
mod6: malleus didn't change. just was reground.
pete_dushenski: aha. nifty.
pete_dushenski: just building '6_2' now. smooth sailing so far :)
mod6: ok good deal. thanks! let us know if the hashes match too plz.
mod6: since I think I've got all the testing of V out of people who can on the beta patches, I'll probably push out v99995 tomorrow.
mod6: last chance to test that beta_2 patch for V if you still want to do so.
pete_dushenski: http://www.contravex.com/2014/04/20/the-brokenness-of-maidsafe/#comment-40462 << the maidsafe pumpers are out in force this weekend. what is it a vaporware fool moon ?
assbot: The Brokenness of MaidSafe | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1R1RYRd )
pete_dushenski: !s maidsafe
assbot: 98 results for 'maidsafe' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=maidsafe
mircea_popescu: that thing still exists ?!
pete_dushenski: lol not even ! it still doesn't !
pete_dushenski: 'three weeks' (tm) (r)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 89750 @ 0.00056919 = 51.0848 BTC [+] {3}
pete_dushenski: but stock is 'up' so everyone's a jumpin' and a jivin' and a takin' them there gurls out to the dance hall tonite !
assbot: Poloniex - Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency Exchange ... ( http://bit.ly/1R1So9Y )
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> my beard is half white << I'm getting to the point that if I keep plucking the white ones out I'll have bald patches soon.
mircea_popescu: why the fuck would i pluck em, let 'em be.
mircea_popescu: they earned the right to be there!
BingoBoingo: When they were coming up in singles the looked out of place.
BingoBoingo: Seriously though no gray. Just skipped to a white somewhere between titanium oxide and potasium carbonate
pete_dushenski: so nasdaq.com bitches about 'we noticed your ad blocker is on and we kindly request that you turn it off to enhance your user experience'. this is how mpex won. this.
BingoBoingo: I guess I'll stop trying to fight the white hairs on Tuesday.
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: Why even bother with the ad blocker, just say no to javascript and the obnoxious ones die automagically
pete_dushenski: i suppose there's that too
BingoBoingo: Spam messages are intolerable, javascript is intolerable, but if a site wants to uglify itself with static images and such nbd
BingoBoingo: Not to mention many ad blockers are awfully wasteful of the cpu cycles themselves
pete_dushenski: http://www.unrisd.org/brett-scott << in which the united nations admits that bitcoin isn't for the poor (viz. africa)
assbot: How Can Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology Play a Role in Building Social and Solidarity Finance? | Events | UNRISD ... ( http://bit.ly/1R1TjqU )
pete_dushenski: BingoBoingo: could you recommend a javascript blocker in particular ? using ff here
jurov: pete_dushenski: noscript
pete_dushenski: aha i think i used that one before... ty
BingoBoingo: Lets you turn them back on one by one so the rare gem that is helped by javascript works
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: Another great way to excise javascript is just giving up and using Dillo as a web browser. It's my favorite for traversing untrusted sites atm
pete_dushenski: i have 'lynxlet'. it's decent.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 78985 @ 0.00056662 = 44.7545 BTC [-] {3}
BingoBoingo: I don't see that browser in my /usr/ports folder
thestringpuller: BingoBoingo: But i mean compare to BitBet << Is there a ClassicCoin bet or just XT? It's like the BFL delivery bets now, but with scamcoins.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30269 @ 0.00055526 = 16.8072 BTC [-]
pete_dushenski: mod6: all my hashes on 99996k_2 match :)
BingoBoingo: thestringpuller: I've been folowing other bitbet's gotta check that for our enjoyment. Have doubts it would get approved without sizable zeroconf on 'yes'
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: "Lynxlet is an application for launching the text web browser Lynx in a Terminal window. Lynxlet is a Termlet - a class of applications designed to make Terminal based programs easy to use. " << Can't you just use... lynx???
BingoBoingo: Why do you need a wrapper for lynx?
pete_dushenski: because reasons.
pete_dushenski: bbias. cooking steaks
thestringpuller: because terminal too hard?
BingoBoingo: It still opens it in a terminal window apparently
thestringpuller: why not open terminal and type `lynx` ?
mircea_popescu: nasdaq.com lives off advertising now ?
mircea_popescu: good god.
BingoBoingo: Why wouldn't it
BingoBoingo: Vircurex has/had (not sure if still online) on all its pages
mircea_popescu: right, nasdaq, vircurex, whadda hell's the difference.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28997 @ 0.00055526 = 16.1009 BTC [-] {2}
BingoBoingo: Probably a smaller number of offering on Nasdaq
BingoBoingo: vircurex was the one that listed itself on it's other hald
BingoBoingo: ;;google the impossibility of investing on cryptostocks trilema
gribble: MPEx securities discussion thread - Bitcoin Talk: <https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=708813.0;all>
BingoBoingo: ;;google site:trilema.com vircurex
gribble: [CRYPTOSTOCKS] Vircurex [VCX] - Going public - Bitcoin Talk: <http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/print-page-cryptostocks-vircurex-vcx-going-public.htm>; Why you can't invest with Cryptostocks on Trilema - A blog by Mircea ...: <http://trilema.com/2013/why-you-cant-invest-with-cryptostocks/>; Security Comparison of Bitcoin-Denominated Instruments ...: <http://trilema.com (1 more message)
BingoBoingo: http://trilema.com/2013/why-you-cant-invest-with-cryptostocks/ << This is what I was looking for, exactly Nasdaq
assbot: Why you can't invest with Cryptostocks on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1QeDXSZ )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2603 @ 0.00055365 = 1.4412 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: lol win.
assbot: Practical refutations for the feverishly minded on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1QeFcSb )
mircea_popescu: god my titles.
BingoBoingo: Seriously
mircea_popescu: "The only thing that could devalue it, of course, is if I had a change of heart. I confess that I do, some mornings I wake up exhuberant and the ten million seems to me more like a billion soon."
mircea_popescu: fucking hell ? two years later...
mircea_popescu: i should enter the prophecy competition with that. where's randi when you needi.
BingoBoingo: Did it take that long?
mircea_popescu: this is 2013, that was2015 neh ?
BingoBoingo: Early 2014's when you were called a billionaire and saved openbsd
BingoBoingo: ;;google romanian billionaire saves
gribble: Romanian Billionaire Saves OpenBSD | Bingo Blog: <http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/01/19/romanian-billionaire-saves-openbsd/>; Romanian Bitcoin Entrepreneur Steps In To Pay OpenBSD Shortfall ...: <http://bsd.slashdot.org/story/14/01/20/0348247/romanian-bitcoin-entrepreneur-steps-in-to-pay-openbsd-shortfall>; OpenBSD Project survived after $20,000 Donation from Romanian ...: (1 more message)
mircea_popescu: ah ok. so one year.
BingoBoingo: Give or take a month or so
BingoBoingo: May not have even taken the full year for Bitcoin price to peak
mircea_popescu: ahh, that was a great read. thanks bb :)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34850 @ 0.00057022 = 19.8722 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: so not only is my beard half white, but here i sit basking in the glory of the writings i used to write. such is old age!
BingoBoingo: Seriously
BingoBoingo: I imagine it can't be long before old mp writes commentaries on young mp's trilemas
pete_dushenski: now that'd be some kinda talmud
asciilifeform back from maths library, opens book, finds letter 'to reader' circa 2001, inviting to talk to some long-gone prof merely for being interested in the text
pete_dushenski: i remember reading that 'billionaire saves...' piece back when i first started hanging out here and i recall thinking that mp being a 'billionaire' was some kinda troll
assbot: Logged on 13-02-2016 23:57:26; BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: "Lynxlet is an application for launching the text web browser Lynx in a Terminal window. Lynxlet is a Termlet - a class of applications designed to make Terminal based programs easy to use. " << Can't you just use... lynx???
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: It's what came up when I googled pete's browser
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31100 @ 0.00056002 = 17.4166 BTC [-] {2}
asciilifeform: how does it 'easier' ??
BingoBoingo: I have no idea
BingoBoingo: lynx http://urlthattakesyoutoaurlwith.porn and youtube-dl http://porno.graphy are the only prerequisites to abandoning graphical www
BingoBoingo: and launch perfectly fine in term window
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i have a harder time, on account of maths.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Only because you have yet to ship cardano so you can fund moving maths literature to pornhub
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: move wut to wut ?!
assbot: Logged on 14-02-2016 00:06:48; mircea_popescu: nasdaq.com lives off advertising now ?
asciilifeform: thinkaboutit
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Instead of reading maths have pornography with the maths produced for your consumption
asciilifeform: keylogger on trader's box is monetizable.
asciilifeform: one of the few infections that still are.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: not all 'tastes go great together', imho. i don't eat cake in the shitter either
mats: i was reflecting earlier today on where the next great electronic heist will be
mats: seems to me the real estate industry is ripe for this
mats: so much data flows between brokers and firms without any kind of security at all
asciilifeform: mats: if it happens very close to the money printer, nobody will even notice.
asciilifeform: certainly not public.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: You never know until you get the opportunity to try it.
mats: just wanted to put that prediction in the log, continue with your regularly scheduled programmes
asciilifeform: anyway this notion that plebes could steal serious money without official approval is lunacy. if $maxint grows legs, it is because lizards had a shadow payment to make, a la isis, and not because some uppity kid was rewarded for nietzschian 'will' or wtf else.
mats: reminds me of mp's `in theory doe could shit on any blade of grass it wanted'
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24990 @ 0.00056155 = 14.0331 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: * asciilifeform back from maths library, opens book, finds letter 'to reader' circa 2001, inviting to talk to some long-gone prof merely for being interested in the text << sad huh.
pete_dushenski off to the hockey game, looking to see if mc-collarbone can put up another 5-snacker.
mircea_popescu: and in other "ustardia no es un pais pobre" news, i give you the campus of the future! http://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7qhokzqOA1qlne6uo1_1280.jpg
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3110 @ 0.00056889 = 1.7692 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 74050 @ 0.00057011 = 42.2166 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35711 @ 0.00056608 = 20.2153 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12324 @ 0.00057196 = 7.0488 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65864 @ 0.00057233 = 37.6959 BTC [+]
assbot: Daughter Get Lucky - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1O8VzrP )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60922 @ 0.00057226 = 34.8632 BTC [-] {2}
mod6: <+pete_dushenski> mod6: all my hashes on 99996k_2 match :) << awesome, thanks for checking that out
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11040 @ 0.00057221 = 6.3172 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47100 @ 0.00057049 = 26.8701 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40609 @ 0.00057087 = 23.1825 BTC [+] {2}
danielpbarron: BCB, type /msg assbot !up
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53900 @ 0.00057082 = 30.7672 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35100 @ 0.00056947 = 19.9884 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 85325 @ 0.00057314 = 48.9032 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38660 @ 0.00056947 = 22.0157 BTC [-]
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