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← 2015-06-29 | 2015-07-01 →
assbot: Governor: Puerto Rico near 'death spiral' - NBC-2.com WBBH News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral & Naples, Florida ... ( http://bit.ly/1g4CkH8 )
asciilifeform: if kim jong un had balls, perhaps he'd buy it.
trinque: all that guy wants to do is drink hennesy and fuck bitches.
asciilifeform: to be fair, pretty much everything we know about him comes from south kr (read: usg) mediatrons
decimation: lolz as if puerto rico was anything other than a vassal of usg
decimation: they can go into infinite usd debt
asciilifeform: (e.g., the 'uncle fed to dogs' has since been seen, the gurlphriend beheaded for starring in pr0n has been appearing in public, the footballists 'shot for losing' are playing today...)
asciilifeform: decimation: yes, can go into infinite debt; while usg uses the island for bomb practice
asciilifeform: (the one and only purpose it serves)
assbot: One-third of population of Puerto Rico now getting federal food stamps - NaturalNews.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1g4DD8X )
asciilifeform: if they ever feel like having an actual economy (or simply switching 'sugar daddies') they know who to call
asciilifeform: (or do they)
decimation: my understanding is everyone who is worth a damn has already left
decimation: the only people who 'do work' are cubans who are gonna move back when castro is kaput
mats: hm, TIL USG shuttered USN base in puerto rico in 2000s
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 330 @ 0.00629999 = 2.079 BTC [-] {2}
asciilifeform: mats: interesting! did not know this.
decimation: that doesn't mean they don't occasionally drop a bomb or two
assbot: Pastebin | IRCCloud ... ( http://bit.ly/1ROoPa7 )
mats: asciilifeform: got an idea? a question in ##re i am also curious about answer to
BingoBoingo: <decimation> that doesn't mean they don't occasionally drop a bomb or two << Puerto Rico is basically USG brown people practice range
asciilifeform: mats: if within bounds for relative jump, uses that
mats: if not?
asciilifeform: otherwise a decent compiler does multiple passes
mats: ok, thought so
mats: thx
assbot: Shroud: x86 Instruction Set Reference ... ( http://bit.ly/1ROpfxb )
asciilifeform: note that 'long' (64) mode has no absolute far jump
asciilifeform: or rather, has no such with immediate value
asciilifeform: (you ~can~, e.g., 'jmp rax')
asciilifeform: anyone for whom this question is a routine matter really ought to own the book
asciilifeform: (mentioned earlier today)
mats: ive been studying asm for months and i still feel as lost as my first day
asciilifeform: mats: the only cure is to not only read but write
asciilifeform: and experiment
mats: like there's a superset of knowledge i'm missing
asciilifeform: there are at least two sub-fields here - how the machine is put together; and, what idioms are common (i.e. what does a particular compiler crap out and why?)
mats: alright
asciilifeform: mats: some of the more interesting aspects are, as always, corner cases. e.g., how does x86-64 treat self-modifying code? how does this impact cache? can unpriv. ('ring 3') code learn cache state? (to some extent - always!) etc.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-06-2015#1181553 << yes, there will be plenty of 'work' to be had there, re-converting the island back into a u.s. bordello as it was in batista's time; 'privatizing' and demolishing the spiffiest pharama plants in the western hemisphere; shipping the best doctors to drive cabs in nyc; etc
assbot: Logged on 30-06-2015 04:12:09; decimation: the only people who 'do work' are cubans who are gonna move back when castro is kaput
asciilifeform: i'm not certain that there ever was a ~less~ sympathetic bunch of dekulakized folks than the cuban 'refugees' in usa
asciilifeform: (by some versions, these are the people who gave us... bush II)
asciilifeform: hard to picture a sorrier bunch of bitter schmucks, eagerly taking it up the arse from history's biggest and most obscene communist mega-empire (usg) to spite their little piss-ant one
mod6 is still going on this thing.
mod6: getting close though
mod6: lotta stuff this month!
decimation: asciilifeform: yeah it's a fair point
decimation: re: cubans
decimation: they wanna give us bush III too
trinque: I can think of another honorarium the republic might keep herr krugman in for entertainment purposes.
BingoBoingo: Vending machine later
trinque: I'm thinking a sort of dunking booth with better toys.
BingoBoingo: But this is just another quicker example of documenting the kicks
assbot: Shiller PE Ratio ... ( http://bit.ly/1KmfAxj )
decimation: S&P 500 price/earnings ratio is looking pretty toppy...
trinque: decimation: currency crisis or gtfo
decimation: !up Vexual
decimation: trinque: looks like the eu is trying to start one
trinque: so tired of waiting for the horrible missteps of that which was once styled republic to incur their cost
assbot: Uber Bonds Term Sheet Reveals $470 Million in Operating Losses - Bloomberg Business ... ( http://bit.ly/1LRPEIO )
Vexual: bushIIIzadoozie
Vexual: AIIB ftw
assbot: Curl: [SECURITY NOTICE] libidn with bad UTF8 input ... ( http://bit.ly/1Kmggmm )
Vexual: ubers greek?
punkman: no, that's how "big in SV" works
Vexual: sv?
punkman: silicon valley
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 58200 @ 0.00046059 = 26.8063 BTC [+] {2}
Vexual: tv here shows greeks complaining that germans don't understand greece
mats: like a crack dealer doesn't understand a junkie
punkman: german citizens about as clueless as the greeks
decimation: germans have profited for years by loaning greeks eu dollars and then selling them shit to buy them back
decimation: it's all just a stupid shell game
mod6: Ok, just about done. And that's jsut about all for me tonight.
punkman: would you vote in a referendum?
mod6: I did remove the original http://thebitcoin.foundation/doxygen/v0_5_3_1/ source code browser for the one that was in /test/ with the Top->Bottom graphs.
assbot: bitcoin v0.5.3.1-RELEASE: Main Page ... ( http://bit.ly/1LRQAgi )
punkman: think I'm gonna stick to my "no voting" policy
mod6: So that one should be fine now. Tomorrow, I'll update the graphs in this one: http://thebitcoin.foundation/doxygen/v0_5_3_1-wPatchesApplied/
decimation: punkman: what if the referendum were for ending the popular vote?
mats: lol
decimation: I would vote for it
mats: i would question reality if this came to pass
Vexual: you may have to
decimation: mats: to believe it wouldn't pass is to believe that the voter places his own interest above that of the group
decimation: which defeats the point of asking individuals to make a decision for the group
decimation: !up Vexual
Vexual: i don't vote, iv'e got email
decimation: Vexual: compulsory voting is a contradiction. like compulsory wealth.
Vexual: indeed, noone must read my bullshit either
Vexual: poor fuck who tried to exit usa just got busted in my neck of the woods
Vexual: do not pass go
decimation: did the local cops shoot on sight?
Vexual: nah, but hes in custody and going home on an economy flight
decimation: heh "A police spokesman said the officers were investigating an unrelated matter and did not know who he was, but Mr Rodman thought the police had come to arrest him and gave himself up."
decimation: poor guy was obviously paranoid
Vexual: obviously?
Vexual: perhaps he was broke and homesick
decimation: what's the point of 'escaping' to another country if you can't enjoy yourself
Vexual: i wonder if he left and coin behind?
decimation: go to queensland and search his hovel :)
Vexual: im in queensland, can u link hovel?
cazalla: Vexual, was prob a spy and his time was up
Vexual: lol, everything is illegal here, but you you must confess on a bicycle to get caught
decimation: they were probably looking for the bum that shit on the local picnic tables
Vexual: lol
decimation: fella had a guilty conscience
Vexual: exactly
decimation: cazalla: an american spy? why would usg bother?
cazalla: wonder how many seppos overstay their visa anyway
decimation: I doubt there's anything australia knows that they wouldn't happily give away in exchange for coin
Vexual: fuckin loads
cazalla: decimation, was being facetious
decimation: how's that marine base going
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 94000 @ 0.00046393 = 43.6094 BTC [+] {2}
cazalla: decimation, which one? US has quite a few bases here now
decimation: I guess I was thinking of the new one near darwin
assbot: After Bitcoin loan goes south, judge rules man must repay over $67,000 | Ars Technica ... ( http://bit.ly/1NrEaNt )
cazalla: http://www.anti-bases.org/images/AustraliaUSAbases.gif (nfi how legit this map is but seeing it fits my narrative lol)
decimation: I think obama wanted to show china how serious he was back then
cazalla: one day hopefully can do some urbex at pinegap
Vexual: lol
decimation: lol seismic stations
decimation: oh no, usg is gonna know how u shakin
decimation: lots of countries in the world have anti-base posters like this in local language, yet more bases seem to be the order
cazalla: nah, i'd be going on dirt bike tbh
Vexual: good luck getting it okayed as a saloon car
decimation: lol is that mad max
Vexual: yeah pine gap shit
cazalla: !up Vexual
Vexual: cazalla might prefferent a z900 kawasaki, but they were for the baddies
cazalla: wouldn't it be sick if this got over the line on the last day https://bitbet.us/bet/1135/btc-to-top-350-before-1st-july/
assbot: BitBet - BTC to top $350 before 1st July :: 7.39 B (10%) on Yes, 65.9 B (90%) on No | closed 2 weeks 6 hours ago ... ( http://bit.ly/1Kqnbg1 )
decimation: is it ticking up?
decimation: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 267.79, Best ask: 267.98, Bid-ask spread: 0.19000, Last trade: 267.93, 24 hour volume: 43306.98643878, 24 hour low: 249.43, 24 hour high: 267.9, 24 hour vwap: None
Vexual: no chance
Vexual: ooh maybe
Vexual: lol vulves corvette is now worth less
Vexual: watch the unt give 0
decimation: why outfit your mad max cruiser with that kind of tank?
decimation: drive for 24 hours without refuel?
Vexual: coz theres no servos
Vexual: yep
cazalla: who needs a servo Vexual when ya can carry a few tanks on a postie bike
decimation: bike doesn't need much gas
decimation: meanwhile your balls gonna fall off after hour 22
Vexual: whats the range on a postie bike? 80km?
Vexual: refuel is 2 hrs?
cazalla: dunno but they go forever
cazalla: durable too, i'll get through any aussie terrain
Vexual: u owned 1?
cazalla: nah but a mate did
cazalla: i was gonna get one but got a zzr instead
Vexual: yeah cunts boat em to asia to continue the journey
Vexual: aweful beats that kwaka 250\
Vexual: *beast
Vexual: its called a ninja now and its detuned
Vexual: sure its fast but the valves dont resond properly
Vexual: top flick
punkman: cazalla, would qntra like an article on .gr capital controls?
BingoBoingo: punkman: Do it
cazalla: if you're familiar with the situation, sure
BingoBoingo: punkman: If you can get it done before UTC rolls over into July you could still sneak in on the June statement
BingoBoingo: *in meaning in time to get published
BingoBoingo: But no rush
assbot: Breaking Bias | Sarah Bramblette | TEDxNSU - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1g5v5yD )
BingoBoingo: God's sitting this one out
assbot: Chap slapped in Dogecoin crap app flap • The Register ... ( http://bit.ly/1C4zzzC )
fluffypony: dat dogecoin
shinohai: Surprising to me how long scams can stay afloat, and what people can build on top of them.
assbot: ClubOrlov: The Care and Feeding of a Financial Black Hole ... ( http://bit.ly/1egCDxc )
asciilifeform: '...anyone who knows mathematics can see that the United States is on the verge of collapse because its debt has gone exponential. These aren't words that an American or a European politician can utter in public, and perhaps not even whisper to their significant other while lying in bed, because the American eavesdroppers might overhear them, and then the politician in question would get the Dominique Strauss-Kahn treatment...'
decimation: asciilifeform: heh. it's no secret the trouble they are all in, it's merely a matter of publically pretending otherwise - and getting the press to hop on board
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: what's the reasoning behind the -caneat flag?
ben_vulpes: i don't think that it's *unnecessary* or anything, i'm just curious as to why it needs explicit enabling.
ben_vulpes: curious why *you think* it needs explicit enabling.
ben_vulpes: "filein >> block;" << this overloaded operator still baffles me.
Jautenim: out-of-the-box auto.sh fails to install openssl on a cleanish x86-64 ubuntu 14.04
Jautenim: but dpb's fix for the pogo also werks
Jautenim: !s install_sw
assbot: 7 results for 'install_sw' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=install_sw
decimation: ^ should be the default build now
Jautenim: shall i submit a patch to the mailing list? it's quite a simple fix
Jautenim: oh k, nevermind then
decimation: background: openssl docs fail to generate properly, so install_sw should be used instead
decimation: no I mean you are right, mod6/ben_vulpes should integrate that fix
mod6: nubs submitted a patch for that -- it'll be fixed in the next milestone for sure. thanks for the heads up Jautenim.
Jautenim: any time :)
mod6: that patch is here: http://thebitcoin.foundation/ml/btc-dev/2015-April/000082.html << this patch does a few other things too, might be worth a read through though to see how it aligns with what you had already done to your own local auto.sh.
mod6: [ the relivant part here anyway is the alterations to auto.sh ]
Jautenim: yes. in fact i just s/make install/make install_sw on auto.sh
Jautenim: but this patch don't seem to avoid the offending makefile directive, does it?
Jautenim: from openssl-1.0.1g/Makefile -> install: all install_docs install_sw
mod6: ah, ok yeah.
pete_dushenski: ;;later tell ben_vulpes well, the model t ain't no duesenberg if that's what you mean.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-06-2015#1181326 << myea. something thooper progressive like that.
assbot: Logged on 29-06-2015 23:47:53; ben_vulpes: ah they're probably deprecating some old api, pete_dushenski
mod6: Jautenim: sorry, I had it kinda mixed up. The patch link I posted is to resolve the issue where the libs and headers don't get copied over.
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-06-2015#1180292 << this is a point. mebbe 1 share per picture ? mebbe 10 ? mebbe 0. i kinda like text-based news but there's little doubt that qntra could grow its readership (if that's the intention) with more visuals.
assbot: Logged on 28-06-2015 07:53:07; cazalla: ben_vulpes, ay yo charts don't be earning no s.qntr shares CC: pete_dushenski
pete_dushenski: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 267.43, Best ask: 267.49, Bid-ask spread: 0.06000, Last trade: 267.49, 24 hour volume: 46254.35097666, 24 hour low: 252.79, 24 hour high: 268.1, 24 hour vwap: None
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-06-2015#1181735 << poor straussy. all he ever did was question the use of inflation targets by central banks.
assbot: Logged on 30-06-2015 14:25:50; asciilifeform: '...anyone who knows mathematics can see that the United States is on the verge of collapse because its debt has gone exponential. These aren't words that an American or a European politician can utter in public, and perhaps not even whisper to their significant other while lying in bed, because the American eavesdroppers might overhear them, and then the politician in question would get the Dominique
mod6: <+Jautenim> shall i submit a patch to the mailing list? it's quite a simple fix << If you're in the WoT (looks like you are) feel free to submit a patch as you like.
Jautenim: k, I'll give it a go
mod6: Salud!
pete_dushenski: "Cisco Systems Inc (CSCO.O) said on Tuesday it would buy OpenDNS, a privately held cloud-based security company, for $635 million in cash and equity awards to beef up its security business." << might as well consolidate the crown corps, save on letterhead.
pete_dushenski: "Cenovus Energy Inc (CVE.TO), Canada's second-largest independent oil producer, said on Tuesday it has agreed to sell its portfolio of oil and gas royalty properties to Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan for about C$3.3 billion ($2.66 billion)." << speaking of deals, a big one for canada.
pete_dushenski: cenovus is based in alberta and it quite clearly in the crosshairs of the new socialist government and its anti-business platform that -will- include increases in oil royalties
pete_dushenski: "Teachers' said the latest deal offers diversification benefits and a hedge against unexpected inflation." << lol! unexpected for who ?!
ben_vulpes: Jautenim: yeah, i ran into that one as well
ben_vulpes: btw - i've yet to get boost to compile and exit 0
ben_vulpes: and yet bitcoind builds
ben_vulpes quakes in boots
pete_dushenski: "Heritage Royalty owns about 4.8 million acres of royalty interest and mineral fee title lands in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Royalty lands are privately held oil and gas properties that are not subject to the royalties that producers pay governments for operating on publicly owned lands." << ok that's actually a super interesting detail. so cenovus is offloading the land that's -exempt- from royalties w
pete_dushenski: hile keeping the stuff that is.
pete_dushenski: i guess the offer was too sweet to pass up.
ben_vulpes: http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2015/06/21_a-tour-of-bitcoind-booting-to-its-first-thread.html#ak47.sh << i've been working with this. it uses bash, so less portable, but it fails on any error which makes it easier to debug, as the script exits whenever anything goes wrong
assbot: a tour of bitcoind booting to its first thread ... ( http://bit.ly/1JcOQRm )
ben_vulpes: aand pete, i'm talking about mr. musk's overpriced station wagon
pete_dushenski: ben_vulpes: the 's' is the sedan, the 'x' is the suv... is the 't' the little one that's in the pipeline ?
ben_vulpes: no, i'm just retarded.
ben_vulpes: the model s is a betamobile
ben_vulpes: s/retarded/don'treallycareaboutmoderncarnamingconventions
ben_vulpes: "o hai i bought a thooper expensive babywaggon"
pete_dushenski: well, things have names is all.
ben_vulpes: i've no idea how i got it into my head that it was called the model t.
pete_dushenski: they've exploded here this summer, from 0 last year to dozens this year
ben_vulpes: yeah, all over here as well.
ben_vulpes: driven mostly by harried sunken-chested polo-shirt wearing dads
pete_dushenski: and parked in front of their post-post-modern duplexes with rooftop patios and pv sunshades
pete_dushenski: sorta the mo
ben_vulpes: i have to imagine that's what they drive into town from.
ben_vulpes: don't knock the rooftop patio mang
pete_dushenski: lol i'm not the one saying tesla drivers are pussies, you are !
pete_dushenski: i'm as fond of rooftop patios as anyone
ben_vulpes: i'm just describing the car. can't really generalize about groups
pete_dushenski: http://www.autoblog.com/2015/06/23/tesla-disputes-rumors-model-3-delay/ << mebbe the '3' sounded like a 't' in your head, ben ?
assbot: Tesla disputes rumors of Model 3 delay ... ( http://bit.ly/1U4zEJ7 )
pete_dushenski: ^it will, of course, be massively delayed.
ben_vulpes: http://imgur.com/6nxSOBo << today's view from the office patio
pete_dushenski: o hey, not too shabby at all.
pete_dushenski: so that's what the view from the top looks like.
ben_vulpes: you can't see it for the trees, but we have clients in a building across the river that are *far* higher on the bezzletrough than us
ben_vulpes: we? i.
pete_dushenski: something to aim for !
pete_dushenski: btw how goes the baby-prepping/proofing ?
ben_vulpes: well, ty
pete_dushenski: moving house, cleaning out current one ?
ben_vulpes: no no, staying in the current hobbit hole.
ben_vulpes: no sense in accelerating the hedonic treadmill any faster than is strictly necessary.
ben_vulpes: lady v did procure a 4ft tall giraffe recently, though
pete_dushenski: treadmill moves plenty quickly enough without much help.
pete_dushenski: a cute !
assbot: Bloom Coco Baby Natural Bent Plywood Lounger Bouncer Rocker Swing Modern | eBay ... ( http://bit.ly/1U4BjhL )
ben_vulpes: but in maroon wood and white leather
pete_dushenski: huh sharp little design there
ben_vulpes: no plastic baby cages in my house no ty
pete_dushenski: he'll sleep in the bed with you then ?
pete_dushenski: or (wood) bassinet ?
ben_vulpes: yeah some cosleeping to begin with
ben_vulpes: and i'm being dramatic about the plastics, there's a many-in-one stroller thing that a relative mentioned getting for us
ben_vulpes: what has happened to me
ben_vulpes: why am i talking about bay crap
ben_vulpes: how about that eatblock patch?
pete_dushenski: i dun think that a little plastic is the end of the world, not like we didn't grow up with it
pete_dushenski: sure, steel and wood carriages and cribs are better, but doesn't mean such things exist for less than $maxint
ben_vulpes: living well in NA is all about the art of judiciously applied delicately spun hydrocarbons
danielpbarron: !up wjko777
pete_dushenski: !up ascii_field
pete_dushenski: ;;later tell menahem lol at travis ! 1 btc for a lifetime membership to his tardsclub. as fucking if.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-06-2015#1181737 << because i wished to highlight the experimental character of the whole direct block injection thing
assbot: Logged on 30-06-2015 15:11:06; ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: what's the reasoning behind the -caneat flag?
ascii_field: and in general, when adding a peculiar and unfamiliar behaviour to bitcoin, it is good practice to place a red flip-cover around the button
ben_vulpes: and flip-cover for eatblock because state of running bitcoinator is mutated by its use, while the dumpblock does not mutate and so does not need a flag?
ben_vulpes: (and imagine my disappointment when you didn't name it shitblock!)
ascii_field: ben_vulpes: rename if you like!
ascii_field: srsly my turds aren't 'gospel', publish corrections/repaintings/etc
ascii_field: dumpblock is non-destructive, aha
pete_dushenski: ^name that car, kidz !
mod6: !up ascii_field
danielpbarron: !up Eulorian
assbot: XOtika.TV: Bitcoin adult live streaming community. ... ( http://bit.ly/1FO5HSK )
Jautenim: mod6: hm, I've carefully read http://therealbitcoin.org/mailman/listinfo/btc-dev but I believe mailman is not accepting my emails
Jautenim: should it barf something back at me? I'm not receiving any feedback either
mod6: ah, i don't think you're in assbot's L2. Sorry if I wasted your time. Just send the patch to me: modsix@gmail.com
mod6: plz clearsign your email, and attach a detached signature of the patch file
danielpbarron: he's got a +1 from MP
mod6: danielpbarron: yeah, i saw that. i thought that'd be enough. but maybe something else is up? anyway, you can send to me. I'll review, etc.
Jautenim: sure! i was puzzled too, thought that'd be enough
mod6: <+mod6> plz clearsign your email, and attach a detached signature of the patch file << along with the patch itself i might add!
Jautenim: there you go
mod6: perfect, thanks!
mod6: **NOTICE** I'll be updating the graphs in this: http://thebitcoin.foundation/v0_5_3_1-wPatchesApplied/ in about the next ~15 minutes. So if there's a hiccup, just wait a minute or six.
assbot: 404 Not Found ... ( http://bit.ly/1KqZV1f )
asciilifeform: !up ascii_field
assbot: NEC PC8201a laptop computer ... ( http://bit.ly/1Kr04li )
ascii_field: BingoBoingo and other archaeologists ^
ascii_field: ' the NEC still wins over most portable computers of any time for the quality of its keyboard. This is a machine for typing on, and producing content, not for consuming content... Even now, nearly 30 years after production, it still works perfectly. The larger capacity modern rechargeable AA cells means that four of these will keep it running for weeks. Astonishing battery life compared with modern devices.'
ascii_field: 'I plan to start using the machine again because its keyboard is superior to any other laptop that I've owned and it boots far faster than any other laptop that I've owned.'
trinque: neat. that thing's exactly what I've meant about a device which is only for editing buffers of text.
ascii_field: trinque: i've been looking for something that fits that description - while not being a piece of shit - for a decade
ascii_field: even bought a weird jp device, 'pomera dm20', once
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45080 @ 0.00045047 = 20.3072 BTC [-] {2}
ascii_field: now it gathers dust - keyboard has three or so keys that flip the thing into jp mode, and they 'get pressed' constantly (on account of how cramped the thing is)
ascii_field: and before anyone links to the barfalicious 'hemingwriter' thing - just don't. please.
ascii_field: FUCK 3d-printed faux typewriter case, screen one has to squint at, and 'cloud'
trinque: what a dumb pile of hipster wank
trinque goes to forage for coffee
assbot: USB Typewriter ~ ... ( http://bit.ly/1Kr1gVX )
ascii_field: which patches ?
assbot: 404 Not Found ... ( http://bit.ly/1Kr1s7G )
mod6: awe jeeze
mod6: lol
shinohai: @ mod6 so no more manual patch applications?
ascii_field: wai wat?!
ascii_field: shinohai: that thing is intended only for eyeballs/study
ascii_field: it is not a shithub
mod6: huh? no, im laughing because when I swapped the doxygens around (LR, to TB) i nuked the file that showed the patches included.
mod6: and I can't find a backup
ascii_field: shinohai: in all cases, the canonical code is the original pedigreed and signed 0.5.3 and the sequence of signed patches which add up to a release
mod6: I did it like that because the list of patch names is far too long. makes it look kinda ridiculous in the header
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 116000 @ 0.00045013 = 52.2151 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: Stator on shittop sync'd to 200 kiloblocks
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_field
mod6: well, i still had the build directory anyway. a list of patches & checksums is at the same URL nao: http://thebitcoin.foundation/doxygen/v0_5_3_1-wPatchesApplied/v0531-wPatchesApplied.txt
ascii_field: in other nyooz, 'dumpblock' for the sums.txt.gz mircea_popescu set 0..n and subsequent 'eatblock' in brand-new stator - works
ascii_field: presently, while i'm doing entirely other things, it it running pmap -XX <pid> after each eat
ascii_field: and saving output thereof
ascii_field: later this week (still gotta do my broadcast tonight...) will throw this into 'gnuplot'
ascii_field: unless somebody else wants to..
ascii_field: the raw blocks 0...217336 sum to 5.3GB.
ascii_field: (actual mass of these, without ~anything~ extra)
ascii_field: (if this wasn't clear, this is a node running without a net connection at all)
jurov: hi all, was afk
ascii_field: jurov missed all the good stuff, l0l
jurov: ascii_field probably isn't aware that exactly the same thing as dumpblock output is the phoundation's bootstrap.dat
jurov: would be interesting to compare them
ascii_field: i mean, the blocks were in there to begin with
ascii_field: they did not come from my arse
assbot: [BETA] Bitcoin blockchain torrent ... ( http://bit.ly/1IqI8pi )
jurov: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=145386.0 lol and they managed to obsolete it already
assbot: [ANN] Bitcoin blockchain data torrent ... ( http://bit.ly/1IqIah6 )
ascii_field: and i never imagined i was the first to ever dump blocks - i think just about everybody had some 3rd party script thing to do it with
ascii_field: but now one can single-step the sync, and remove just about all nondeterminism
ascii_field: mircea_popescu!
mircea_popescu: dezastru ?
mircea_popescu: incidentally, i wonder how many times in the history of linux one has issued the command ;;
mircea_popescu: somehow i suspect its more common than kk
ascii_field: kein dezastru
ascii_field: but many good things
mircea_popescu is going to get top the logs just as soon as he's done hammering the seeder into shape
mircea_popescu: which should be soonish
mircea_popescu: !up ascii_field
mircea_popescu: in even further news, overheard in the street like an hour ago : "mommy, mommy! is it a good sign when your fanny itches ?"
mircea_popescu: i would have inquired whether front facing fanny or rear facing fanny, but i was pressed for time sadly.
BingoBoingo: <jurov> ascii_field probably isn't aware that exactly the same thing as dumpblock output is the phoundation's bootstrap.dat << As far as I'm aware the "bootstrap.dat" never got implemented in a way that worked beyond the first 2GB of blockchain on pre-v0.8 clients
mircea_popescu: afaik this ^ is correct
BingoBoingo spent some time dicking around with it when did OpenBSD 0.7.2 -ish build
BingoBoingo: Bootstrap.dat did what it was supposed to on v0.8.6 though, didn
BingoBoingo: 't much speed up sync because verification is still CPU bound
ascii_field: how was it generated ?
BingoBoingo: I think garzick had a script somewhere I'll did
ascii_field: and i beg to differ that direct arse-to-mouth of blocks 'doesn't speed sync'
ascii_field: it sure as fuck does
ascii_field: on account of not having the hours-long bastard block doldrums
ascii_field: nor is mempool churning
assbot: [ANN] Bitcoin blockchain data torrent ... ( http://bit.ly/1IqK8Ow )
assbot: pynode/mkbootstrap.py at master · jgarzik/pynode · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1IqKeFX )
BingoBoingo: Well, once I got into 2013 and months crawled into taking days per any speed up wasn't much noticable
ascii_field: i'm speaking of ~hours~ here
BingoBoingo: Ah hours out of weeks
ascii_field: mno, hours total
ascii_field: from 0 to maxheight
assbot: blockchain - Creating my own bootstrap.dat? - Bitcoin Stack Exchange ... ( http://bit.ly/1IKW3m4 )
BingoBoingo just be running horribru underpowered machines for this task
ascii_field: BingoBoingo: entirely not the same
ascii_field: has the 'prefix network number' bullshit
ascii_field: (and length field)
mircea_popescu: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'DbException' << teh sound of unhappy. i'll be doing shasums for the rest of the day by the looks of it.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66000 @ 0.00046402 = 30.6253 BTC [+] {2}
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/src/db.cpp#0041 << in classic 0.5.3. naturally i haven't the faintest clue re: yours
assbot: Satoshi ... ( http://bit.ly/1IKY3ur )
mircea_popescu: it's almopst always a corrupterd db
mircea_popescu: apparently the "damaged in transit" thing happens o.O
ascii_field: at any rate, i posted checksums of what i personally got over the wire, earlier.
mircea_popescu: anyway, i've been digging into all sorts of strange re this since 3 days ago, what's a bucket more.
mircea_popescu: ah, those don't help, obv every client makes its own blockchain set
ascii_field: all 16MB of them
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: actually!
ascii_field: blocks are canonical
ascii_field: recall, we have 'dumpblock'
ascii_field: yes, it follows main chain
BingoBoingo: Just BDB not necessarily canonical unless "detatched"
mircea_popescu: i have never seen blknnnn of the same size even, forget the same contents
ascii_field: so it is conceivable that yours barfed on an orphaned (in the original sense) block
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: ~blocks are canonical~
mircea_popescu: vanishingly unlikely.
ascii_field: that's sorta the whole point of bitcoin
mircea_popescu: yes i know. talking bout my own problem here!
mircea_popescu: the sorry man's world is his sorrow.
ascii_field: for what it's worth, all the blocks i got from mircea_popescu are successfully eaten by my 0.5.4
mircea_popescu: yeh the problem's later, 310kish
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: consider preserving the turd for dissection
mircea_popescu: im preservin'.
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_field
BingoBoingo: !up mitzip
BingoBoingo: mitzip: You do work on funtoo?
mitzip: BingoBoingo: yes, but I haven't been active lately
BingoBoingo: mitzip: Still, great project.
mitzip: BingoBoingo: thanks I feel the same way :)
deedbot-: accepted: 1
ascii_field: $ sha256sum ~/.bitcoin_mp_strange/blk0001.dat
ascii_field: 7aac5826b91b4f87a2e9534e0e38e8d64ed21aff8a4eb8ff8dde4e726e67fe1a
ascii_field: $ sha256sum ~/.bitcoin_ok/blk0001.dat 7aac5826b91b4f87a2e9534e0e38e8d64ed21aff8a4eb8ff8dde4e726e67fe1a
ascii_field: ^ from a node synced in february
ascii_field: 'mp_strange' is the data set discussed earlier
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21400 @ 0.00046668 = 9.987 BTC [+] {2}
ascii_field: either mircea_popescu, or i, or both, is suffering from 'cosmic rays'
mircea_popescu: maybe this is half-deterministic somehow ? did you make them on the same build ?
ascii_field: 0.5.3 variants
mircea_popescu: odd, they really shouldn't match
ascii_field: mp_strange was on the 'stator' build
ascii_field: why shouldn't they match ?
mircea_popescu: cuz bdb strange
ascii_field: these aren't bdb files!
ascii_field: they're blkxxxx.dat format
ascii_field: nothing to do with bdb
assbot: Satoshi ... ( http://bit.ly/1eYAiIi )
assbot: Satoshi ... ( http://bit.ly/1IL2dm4 )
assbot: Google's image recognition software returns some surprisingly racist results. ... ( http://bit.ly/1eYCQ9s )
trinque: lol!
mircea_popescu: it's ok, google has letter from stalin.
mircea_popescu: stop being racist.
trinque: While Google’s efforts to solve this problem are admirable, it’s still troubling that it happened at all. As Alciné wrote on Twitter, “I understand HOW this happens; the problem is moreso on the WHY.” << oh for fuck's sake
trinque: someday soon they're going to start calling this kind of shit something as stupid as "micro-terrorism"
trinque tries to come up with a more fitting euphemistic propaganda term
trinque: neh I like micro-terrorism... there it stays
asciilifeform: !up ascii_field
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: if you have any other nodes of this kind, consider posting the hash
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17221 @ 0.00046918 = 8.0797 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: ascii_field atm re-doing filecopying.
assbot: Logged on 30-06-2015 16:24:21; ben_vulpes: and i'm being dramatic about the plastics, there's a many-in-one stroller thing that a relative mentioned getting for us
cazalla: and even if you don't buy it or try to limit it, well intentioned friends and family try to load you up with all manner of shit
assbot: Portland man arrested for violent tantrum after seeing Comcast worker in bedroom | OregonLive.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1U5wi8U )
BingoBoingo: shinohai: Likely
cazalla: don't you ever touch a white man's modem
shinohai: Nah he was probably being defensive because he was afraid they would find his My Little Pony playset or something.
cazalla: he does look like an mlp fag eh
shinohai: I have only seen the Comcast guy 2 times in 5 years in this place I live.
shinohai: There is a slight spelling error in this document: http://thebitcoin.foundation/declaration.txt
BingoBoingo: !s electrum
assbot: 189 results for 'electrum' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=electrum
trinque: shinohai: I noticed that as well
trinque: "oppinion"
shinohai is a spelling Nazi
assbot: Compiler Explorer ... ( http://bit.ly/1U5xWay )
mats: found it just in time for my education
trinque: ah that's cool
trinque: UI's a little dumb
trinque: I tend to call that periscope UI
trinque: where you're looking through a tiny window at some scrollable thing
trinque: needs moar pixels
BingoBoingo: Anyone try running electrum-server yet against Foundation or later build? Once stator on craptop syncs on craptop I plan on seeing if they get along
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 100 @ 0.01227109 = 1.2271 BTC [-] {6}
trinque: !up CheckDavid
CheckDavid: when I want to talk here I never manage to get voice lol
shinohai: @ BingoBoingo I did but I failed :/
trinque: CheckDavid: pm someone voiced when that happens
shinohai: Heaven't tried in a while though. I was drunk.
trinque: !gettrust CheckDavid
assbot: CheckDavid is not registered in WoT.
BingoBoingo: shinohai: Ah. If you try again let me know what they errors were like. Still prolly have a month or so before craptop finishes sync
shinohai: craptop ?
trinque: CheckDavid: ^
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 181614 @ 0.0004773 = 86.6844 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52186 @ 0.00048707 = 25.4182 BTC [+]
shinohai: @ BingoBoingo I have been able to run it against termcoin, which I don't recommend as a real wallet.
BingoBoingo: shinohai: Was recently gifted second laptop. Single core AMD 64bit atom-like processor. Testing stator 0.5.4 build, once sync'd will likely dick around with electrum server against a foundation build with aim of eventually setting up a dedi-box
shinohai: I have a dedi server for foundation use if we do get electrum running
BingoBoingo hoping I don't have to make a bunch of patches to the RPC for this to work
shinohai: The only issue I had was importing private keys, but I solved that.
assbot: Logged on 30-06-2015 19:33:05; mircea_popescu: in even further news, overheard in the street like an hour ago : "mommy, mommy! is it a good sign when your fanny itches ?"
assbot: Larry David - Curb Your Enthusiasm "Pussy Rash" - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1U5AyFs )
trinque: ^gross
trinque commits microaggression against the differently-hygiened
BingoBoingo: ;;ticker --market buttchina
gribble: BTCChina BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 262.746045, Best ask: 262.88298, Bid-ask spread: 0.13693, Last trade: 262.775043, 24 hour volume: 31846.62470000, 24 hour low: 256.037841, 24 hour high: 268.3926, 24 hour vwap: 262.529039618
mats: microterrorism, foo
cazalla: making up your own microaggression is nanoaggresion mats
cazalla: and anyway, people in this channel make gigaaggressions
mats: we'll leave it to twitter to decide wut is wut
shinohai: I'll bet r/bitcoin had that CNN feed up praying that it triggers mass Greek adoption.
punkman: Greece has barely even adopted credit cards
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45225 @ 0.00048728 = 22.0372 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: Bitcoin Is Unsustainable | Motherboard ... ( http://bit.ly/1U5GPkq )
jurov: BingoBoingo: electrum did require patches even in 0.8
BingoBoingo: ^ Free to be Liberia
cazalla: that pic isn't really a fair representation of the problematic hambeasts
cazalla: needs more coloured hair, piercings, tats, triple chins and no dress sense
trinque: "That makes Bitcoin about 5,033 times more energy intensive, per transaction, than VISA" << what a crock of shit
trinque: you have to count every payment processor in the whole byzantine credit card system if you're going to play that game
trinque: ^ from BingoBoingo's motherboard article
decimation: ^ plus all the bureaucrats who work for visa/banks/usg to 'oversee' the system
decimation: and the care, feeding, coddling thereof
shinohai: That same tired argument has echoed from every supporter of PoS for as long as I can remember.
trinque: lol... goxxed
BingoBoingo: Goxxed indeed
asciilifeform: so it turns out that i spoke too soon:
asciilifeform: some time near after 208000, a block is rejected!
assbot: Logged on 30-06-2015 20:01:39; ascii_field: for what it's worth, all the blocks i got from mircea_popescu are successfully eaten by my 0.5.4
asciilifeform: presently running the entire experiment again, to verify
asciilifeform: the best-case scenario is that this is a 'cosmic ray'
asciilifeform: thing was running on a portable, in a knapsack, in a car...
mod6: will this have any impact on the hashes that are posted here? http://www.loper-os.org/pub/turdsums/sums.txt.gz
asciilifeform: will run those again also
asciilifeform: on the output of the present 'eat'
mod6: ok cool
asciilifeform: it'll be hilarious if we're hitting the limits of non-ecc ram or the like
asciilifeform: sha256(blk0001.dat) for this run: 7aac5826b91b4f87a2e9534e0e38e8d64ed21aff8a4eb8ff8dde4e726e67fe1a
asciilifeform: (same as for all my synced 0.5.3's)
asciilifeform: if anyone can remember what blocks fit in there, please post
assbot: Log In - The New York Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1CHNaHN )
trinque: BingoBoingo: bahaha fart rape
assbot: [LISTEN] Lewis Del Mar - Loud(y) :: Indie Shuffle ... ( http://bit.ly/1CHNiqG )
mod6: i have 3 full-sync'd chains from between January and March, all have the same blk0001.dat hash: sha256sum blk0001.dat \ 7aac5826b91b4f87a2e9534e0e38e8d64ed21aff8a4eb8ff8dde4e726e67fe1a blk0001.dat
trinque: BingoBoingo: I thought it was gonna be somebody being face-sat
asciilifeform: ^ he got 7aac5826b91b4f87a2e9534e0e38e8d64ed21aff8a4eb8ff8dde4e726e67fe1a as well
asciilifeform: claims 188529 blocks
asciilifeform has not verified the latter
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu ^^^^
asciilifeform has the same ill feeling an astronomer might have were 'seti' signal to appear
asciilifeform: 'is it my instruments? lsd in the water?'
asciilifeform: ~3 hours from now, will know...
asciilifeform: and this is just about my copy, not even starting with mircea_popescu's
BingoBoingo: * asciilifeform has the same ill feeling an astronomer might have were 'seti' signal to appear << We've outgrown everything but Z80+ECC and somehow that is too slow
asciilifeform: z80 never supported ecc
asciilifeform: (technically, one ~could~ retrofit it, with some glue logic)
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-06-2015#1181921 << the experiment in question, for anyone who missed
assbot: Logged on 30-06-2015 19:12:49; ascii_field: in other nyooz, 'dumpblock' for the sums.txt.gz mircea_popescu set 0..n and subsequent 'eatblock' in brand-new stator - works
asciilifeform: the only thing i'm pretty sure of at this point is that nothing peculiar happened - at least on this machine - through block 188529.
asciilifeform: (checksum spoken of earlier agrees with every copy of blk0001 i've been able to locate, other than the one cited by mircea_popescu)
phf: is it possibly non-determenism from a dozen or so places where size_t is read into int?
asciilifeform: phf: it is difficult to rule anything out at this point
asciilifeform: one might naively imagine that obvious bugs cirta '12 will not turn up today
asciilifeform: but devil only knows
asciilifeform: original purpose of this experiment was to gather 'pmap -XX <pid>' stats for plotting
asciilifeform: it did not even occur to me that the 'eater' might barf
asciilifeform: i set it up earlier today and mostly forgot about it
asciilifeform: (recall, in a 'bastard-free' bitcoind - which is what i have - no block can be 'eaten' unless it squarely agrees with its immediate antecedent block)
asciilifeform: in the 'longest chain' sense
asciilifeform is trying and failing to think of a benign explanation for the anomaly
phf: right, eatblock/dumpblock lets you construct any arbitrary correct chain, block by block, including the known blockchain, in a fully deterministic way. seem like important building blocks of proper engineering.
asciilifeform: phf: why these were absent from the original bitcoin is still an enigma to me
shinohai applauds
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29050 @ 0.00046004 = 13.3642 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo would really like box powered by 3GHz Z80 with ecc and 64 bit address space bolted on
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Exactly. That is one beautiful machine fulfilling its destiny to do REAL work. Not this pansy shit 'Murican pickup trucks do.
decimation: asciilifeform: do you have the complete blockdump file?
asciilifeform: of course
decimation: can share?
asciilifeform: will, once i find a place to drop these where i'm not paying per byte
decimation: how big is it?
asciilifeform: the dataset in question - blocks pulled from mircea_popescu's node on the night of june 28-29 - is ~5.5GB
asciilifeform: the sha512 checksums were posted earlier
decimation: pity, that's a big too large for a cutout dropbox account
asciilifeform: it should not be difficult to find out, right now, if you have the same blockchain
decimation: good point.
asciilifeform: if i replicate the anomaly, i will post the 'interesting' region
asciilifeform: thing is just about past 177000 now
asciilifeform: but the blocks are starting to get fatter there
asciilifeform: the 'magic moment,' whatever its nature, happened well into blk0002
decimation: ?? block 2 is bad?
assbot: Logged on 01-07-2015 00:28:50; asciilifeform: claims 188529 blocks
asciilifeform: ^ in blk0001
asciilifeform: blk0002 - a certain number, certainly smaller, after that
decimation: oh you mean the bdb files?
decimation: interesting.
asciilifeform: these aren't bdb though!
asciilifeform: they're raw blocks
asciilifeform: bdb only stores indices
asciilifeform: which are derived from blocks
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu made same mistake earlier
assbot: Logged on 30-06-2015 20:26:24; ascii_field: these aren't bdb files!
asciilifeform: this is an important point
asciilifeform: they have nothing to do with bdb and should not vary at all (once they reach full size, ~2GB) between nodes
asciilifeform: (well, certainly not after longest-chain is established)
decimation: lol he dumps to disk directly
assbot: Satoshi ... ( http://bit.ly/1JrxIEC )
decimation: yeah I was looking at that
assbot: Satoshi ... ( http://bit.ly/1Jry6TC )
decimation: what does he use the database for then? faster lookup?
asciilifeform: otherwise you'd have O(N)
asciilifeform: same reason anybody uses a db for anything..
decimation: yeah, but why also save flat file
asciilifeform: because ultimately it is the canonical blockchain.
decimation: 7aac5826b91b4f87a2e9534e0e38e8d64ed21aff8a4eb8ff8dde4e726e67fe1a blk0001.dat
decimation: same as yours
asciilifeform: well, anomaly didn't happen in that one
asciilifeform: (except possibly on mircea_popescu's box...)
decimation: 796f65be10ef2e5fc27b97b09f312c9f8ddd7d1c3ab0f27f356a5b1dbf5a8963 blk0002.dat
decimation: these were made with your thermonuke patch
asciilifeform: ^ is the same on the ~original~ (that is, received on that night from mircea_popescu) copy
decimation: okay, that's good I guess
decimation: what happens at block 188529
mod6: all three of my chains from Jan-Mar 2015 have: 796f65be10ef2e5fc27b97b09f312c9f8ddd7d1c3ab0f27f356a5b1dbf5a8963 blk0002.dat
decimation: blk0001.dat and blk0002.dat have the same size as this thread (at the bottom) https://bitcointa.lk/threads/reduced-final-state-blk0001-dat-with-pruned-index.59545/
lobbesbot: New post: http://nosuchlabs.com/rss Phuctored RSA Modulus, GCD=5 (ptpt52; Chen Minqiang's Personal Signing Key; Chen Minqiang (The only way out is through) ; Chen Minqiang (The only way out is through) ; ) <http://nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/238717B355D356430E5CDD3730EF66DCD17DDFC96EE34C38AE150007E7BE3786#6DEA41C50052C0B4B3D1F8AE399743EB610DEC07DCA478A6AA4C935AA2AC0286>
decimation: 2097361271 blk0001.dat 2097295438 blk0002.dat
mod6: 104fca0e11fa866172414852b6e6ead095926eb7a283dc3169420a17e6b87cfb blk0003.dat
decimation: my blk3 differs
decimation: from that thread I mean
decimation: ^my blk3 matches mod6's
BingoBoingo: lobbes: I'm liking you bot
mod6: 0856eedd40c7f5a1d78aec7480dc9861c2e0354aae75b72613aaffcf606a99ef blk0004.dat
mod6: lol, im now doing 5-16 on all three chains at the same time: 02:42:27 up 2 days, 3:32, 5 users, load average: 2.88, 1.48, 0.71
mod6: 93e2d9ee02bf3fdd68d7809e353cec3bca93e54d3c382a286093ac6666c21ce3 blk0005.dat
mod6: 853a817eb6b644d3a75d0954c723f23e0d23fa6ec143e3cdc23a774c59c710ad blk0006.dat
assbot: Logged on 30-06-2015 20:10:22; mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/3RDD2F9.txt
mod6: e287f88803660c5f9fd99e9cdfcc5d7e4c38da953652efbbd2382f64441dba7c blk0007.dat
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36900 @ 0.00045477 = 16.781 BTC [-] {2}
asciilifeform: ^ not a single one of these lines up with mircea_popescu's
mod6: yeah, i don't have any of those.
decimation: ^ mine match them all
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7200 @ 0.00045013 = 3.2409 BTC [-]
mod6: mine were sync'd with some pre-v0.5.3.1-RELEASE [ v0.5.3 + some patches ], sync'd the old way from irc.
mod6: *seeded via irc
decimation: I'm afraid it's gonna take going over with a fine-tooth comb
asciilifeform: now my current understanding is that mircea_popescu has an excuse:
mod6: decimation: yours match mine, or mp's lis?
mod6: *list
decimation: matches yours
asciilifeform: if his blk** are ~original~ - as in, they were formed ~as the blocks happened~ - they can contain orphaned (in the traditional sense) blocks
decimation: yeah that's true
asciilifeform: but any subsequent sync against his node is expected to match the canonicals.
decimation: gonna have to 'reingest' them to sort them out
asciilifeform: notice that there is no mechanism in bitcoind for ~erasing~ anything from the raw block files.
mod6: huh, now i have one chain that has 2 that match and one that differs: f7ab989febce649e49f8373f1c5a5fbd44008dd21eaf16ce0d1b73e1070421f0 blk0008.dat && b1d0da3ff6b2b2d6da096f06cf7359ca98e08490ab61202f94468587f51aaee5 blk0008.dat
decimation: no, but you could antimate a node, peer with it, force it to shit out
asciilifeform: mod6: differs ~while being complete~ ?
mod6: and all 3 of my blk0009.dat's do not match
asciilifeform: that is, the differing files are followed by another ?
asciilifeform: (because if sync is not complete, then naturally last blk**** will differ)
decimation: yeah if it's the last file, it's incomplete
mod6: these were fully sync'd up to ~320`000 blocks or so. they were shutdown after full sync was achieved. each goes upto like blk0017.dat
mod6: fa97f9f51bd130758910563ad7976014736b8b8ec021ed9f5dbc3c4b87d3703a blk0009.dat | 2f7acbd7b5603a845a5d380ffb6ff3be051ab8b192ae143b0916a07564d5cbc5 blk0009.dat | 1631edac873633135b9eb9b8214d6d2b30d708d00ec4dd1db6a9bf09f384551b blk0009.dat
decimation: mine stops at blk0008.dat
mod6: on a fully sync'd node?
mod6: whats the full size of your blockchain? mine's like ... ~38Gb
mod6: 82397e804874de4709faa07515f6bedbeaa4b1cdc49846b96742bba925bad1cb blk0010.dat | d2bf09e41b6177d6f44a5b7983954c647ac2c983ac39af2e159261e8737f4662 blk0010.dat | baa5bbcdb388d707398d00de95df8d3c5d98d716842d1eea7ea51f3d4ed40695 blk0010.dat
mod6: seems to diverge for me starting with blk0008.dat
asciilifeform: 8d8c80c9677d59856eb3ebb2e9d87ff2bc4cd416f02ae6d4d925e031fffb82e1 blk0001.dat
asciilifeform: ebbeef1641ca8b921652577f4917ad2f7391cb5067b7857819ed4a5fb4a35091 blk0002.dat
asciilifeform: c125ab7cbdf64b9d14c26adcc7638b2e7a62879cdd64a8897bbdb494360162569 blk0003.dat
asciilifeform: ^^^ from my box circa 2013 !
mod6: huh. yours dont match ours or mps
asciilifeform: with ecc ram, no less
asciilifeform: and raid5
asciilifeform: (the latter with nightly parity checks!)
decimation: with orphans?
asciilifeform: almost certainly
asciilifeform: (for the same reason as mircea_popescu's)
asciilifeform: they were moved from an earlier disk, where the thing was going from late 2010
asciilifeform observes that the 'eater' has completed blk0001
asciilifeform: is presently past 189070
asciilifeform: anomaly has not recurred yet
asciilifeform: (but is not expected for a while)
asciilifeform: sha256(blk0001.dat) is equal to the expected value.
asciilifeform: (on the 'eater' node)
mod6: 18704088cd8518a05e173648622bdc86e695e6e551a9e669179dd26b4e40aab5 blk0011.dat | 18704088cd8518a05e173648622bdc86e695e6e551a9e669179dd26b4e40aab5 blk0011.dat | c39eeb00ee4489722f82f53667a71584aa571913c6c0116017682ed508e5adcd blk0011.dat
mod6: bdabb513c4ced2b592897757d1a137263f7d709a86040c41772288caea55fb14 blk0012.dat | bdabb513c4ced2b592897757d1a137263f7d709a86040c41772288caea55fb14 blk0012.dat | 7da33b5bc03fcba571b854172938f000a9d5241757f3b186de93da34ddcb889f blk0012.dat
mod6: 35069477afe178861ddfe9d686625801e20fcb66b89d87b4a2730925aefd20a0 blk0013.dat | 35069477afe178861ddfe9d686625801e20fcb66b89d87b4a2730925aefd20a0 blk0013.dat | 25def233a2fa1c177169c74789070dc08de127b8447c7ee0784a8735353a42f8 blk0013.dat
asciilifeform: mod6: where are the 3rd items in these triples from ?
asciilifeform: anything peculiar about that node ?
mod6: 0a7c6b1127af5f47afe3138eb206c736d8452256826d0c3e030c5cd8c289b6e6 blk0014.dat | fc6f19747098be62ccadffda61c7c302d57748e05d2de95f5ee226ac250c71e5 blk0014.dat | fc6f19747098be62ccadffda61c7c302d57748e05d2de95f5ee226ac250c71e5 blk0014.dat
mod6: so one of them seems to be more screwed up than the others. but there were blocks like blk0009.dat & 10 where all were different.
mod6: one was done in january, one in february, and one in march.
mod6: january was pre SSL 1.0.1g
asciilifeform: this is probably when i say that it will be necessary to walk the blocks.
asciilifeform: and compare individual ones
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11300 @ 0.00046595 = 5.2652 BTC [+]
mod6: yeah, totally agree.
mod6: im suprised they diverged that much.
mod6: i would have though with all the same version (pretty much) that they would have all been the same hashes.
asciilifeform: ~recent~ syncs diverging is almost certainly a product of enemy fire
mod6: glad I looked at that
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 64550 @ 0.00048971 = 31.6108 BTC [+] {3}
decimation: yeah, gotta take it block by block
decimation: the question is, how do we make a portable tool to suck blocks from bitcoin nodes?
decimation: something that parses .dat files?
asciilifeform: decimation: one way is what i'm doing
asciilifeform: but it's a bit slow
decimation: yes true
asciilifeform: there is a python thing floating around, iirc
asciilifeform: can try that.
asciilifeform: alternatively, write own (format is pretty simple)
mod6: yah, there's asciilifeform's way, and there's that python thing
asciilifeform: alternatively wait for me, but i'm up to my ears in backlog of work
asciilifeform: where the hell is mircea_popescu
asciilifeform: at this rate, he's gonna miss ragnarok.
asciilifeform: (then again, this ragnarok will still be there tomorrow..)
phf: fwiw dumpblock is expensive, because walks blockchain in order. a "dumpdb" that iterates over mapBlockIndex and does ReadFromDisk/<< for each block might be a reasonably fast way to split .db into separate block files
asciilifeform: phf: by far the simplest possible way is to simply walk the binary
asciilifeform: iirc, it is [mainortestchainflag][length][blockdata] repeated again and again
phf: oh, bah
asciilifeform: consult the src (linked earlier in this thread)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41750 @ 0.00049034 = 20.4717 BTC [+]
midnightmagic: asciilifeform: What does 'enemy fire' mean?
asciilifeform: midnightmagic: the details remain to be learned
midnightmagic: asciilifeform: Why do you call it "enemy fire" and why are you certain it is that?
asciilifeform: if you want certainty, you will have to wait.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68100 @ 0.00049172 = 33.4861 BTC [+] {2}
decimation: midnightmagic: what do you think it means
assbot: Logged on 23-11-2014 05:22:35; kakobrekla: mircea_popescu no the question was did someone abuse the britneychain
midnightmagic: decimation: I'm not sure. That's why I'm asking.
midnightmagic: asciilifeform: I don't want certainty. I'm fine with wild speculation actually.
asciilifeform: then go, speculate.
midnightmagic: asciilifeform: Congratulations on making simple interaction so expensive.
midnightmagic: .. for literally no gain.
decimation: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 261.77, Best ask: 261.79, Bid-ask spread: 0.02000, Last trade: 261.78, 24 hour volume: 44409.17613371, 24 hour low: 258.0, 24 hour high: 269.0, 24 hour vwap: None
BingoBoingo: midnightmagic: For tremendous gain
BingoBoingo: midnightmagic: God is sitting this one out, All we have is math.
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