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← 2015-04-22 | 2015-04-24 →
trinque: ben_vulpes: | postgrest ++ << that it uses basic auth is the biggest wart I see
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16350 @ 0.00032048 = 5.2398 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61850 @ 0.00031894 = 19.7264 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9500 @ 0.00032272 = 3.0658 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11278 @ 0.00031842 = 3.5911 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12800 @ 0.00032272 = 4.1308 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25550 @ 0.00032346 = 8.2644 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20800 @ 0.00032555 = 6.7714 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9834 @ 0.00032654 = 3.2112 BTC [+] {2}
[]bot: Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on " BTC to top $350 before 1st July" http://bitbet.us/bet/1135/ Odds: 27(Y):73(N) by coin, 28(Y):72(N) by weight. Total bet: 14.68313103 BTC. Current weight: 96,738.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17255 @ 0.00032431 = 5.596 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12395 @ 0.00032749 = 4.0592 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20900 @ 0.00032523 = 6.7973 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22850 @ 0.00032605 = 7.4502 BTC [+] {3}
cazalla: check out those searches.. "josh garza wife naked" http://i.imgur.com/rkqr7gv.png
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42300 @ 0.00031961 = 13.5195 BTC [-] {2}
BingoBoingo: ;;ticker --market buttfinex
gribble: Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 235.07, Best ask: 235.31, Bid-ask spread: 0.24000, Last trade: 235.24, 24 hour volume: 16683.3115803, 24 hour low: 232.83, 24 hour high: 238.99, 24 hour vwap: None
williamdunne: ;;later tell mircea_popescu do you know how long each encryption/decryption takes on MPEX for submitted orders?
gribble: The operation succeeded.
williamdunne: mircea_popescu: Would you mind sharing it with me?
williamdunne: wondered it for a while
williamdunne: *about it
assbot: Page not found | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ga5WIC )
mircea_popescu: encryption may be vulnerable to timing, which is why schemes are made to work in equal time.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo b-a adds another head to its panoply.
mircea_popescu: i suppose asciilifeform won't agree he was beheaded, of course, because "still walks".
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: At this point we'll have to start husking them so we can put smaller jars on the shelves which only accomodate whatever was in the cranium.
mircea_popescu: b-a's collection of very small empty jars!
mircea_popescu: like java!
mircea_popescu: hm scoopbot's dead for good huh
assbot: Page not found on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1HYJU0c )
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell peterl dude i get it, you gotta job, but you can't just leave. gotta make arrangements, who's gonna run scoopbot now ? where's the repository ? etc.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: why's the rg style so common ffs.
jurov: why not?
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell pete_dushenski Maybe you can do a scoopbot for your coding learning and to discover what makes contravex RSS so weird
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: 'cause we're adults ?
jurov: you know, it's that "quit a job, forget everything instantly" kind of adults
assbot: Teacher terrified by surprise 'active shooter' drill in eastern Oregon schoolhouse files federal lawsuit | OregonLive.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1HYLijj )
mircea_popescu: jurov i'd be afraid to get married. "well son... your dad left for a pack of ciggs back in 2012"
jurov: yes, happens
jurov: !mpif
assbot: BtcAlpha.com F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021367 B (Total: 467.26 B). Delta: -0.18 B. Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.000206 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: !up scoopbot_revived
mircea_popescu: lol whossat
scoopbot_revived: Just having a crack at re-building scoopbot
mircea_popescu: our bots fucking live, for crying out loud.
mircea_popescu: generations, heavy stuff.
scoopbot_revived: Seems like he is dead
scoopbot_revived: !register 8501B2A64453796C5FD544B296C4CF3215685733
assbot: Searching pgp.mit.edu for key with fingerprint: 8501B2A64453796C5FD544B296C4CF3215685733. This may take a few moments.
assbot: No valid OpenPGP data found on pgp.mit.edu.
mircea_popescu: williamdunne kinda what i meant. "live" in the general, old man dies, son takes its place, stuff like that.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12350 @ 0.00031803 = 3.9277 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21650 @ 0.00031258 = 6.7674 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: !up ascii_panama
ascii_panama: how to not love Spam Air
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60850 @ 0.00033196 = 20.1998 BTC [+] {5}
mircea_popescu: any vikings aboard ?
ascii_panama: spmodin himself
ascii_panama: and similarly, derpistans where a working mains socket is unheard-of
mircea_popescu: oh, pics of the coin thing
ascii_panama: which one
ascii_panama: the charger? it was in viruviru
ascii_panama: and, interestingly, right next to a normal mains socket
ascii_panama: folks who noticed, queued up for the latter
ascii_panama: didn't remember to take a pic of this idiocy, it was best i could do to avoid sleeping. for:
ascii_panama: if you sleep in viruviru, clench the muscles of yer zero
ascii_panama: (anyone is welcome to better formula)
ascii_panama: they even halted boarding because dog snorted
ascii_panama: ended up trotting it out, again, sniffing bags
ascii_panama: asked 'why'. monkey: 'porque bolivia'
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34000 @ 0.00032806 = 11.154 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: Subject: Marriage
mircea_popescu: From: "Antonina" <fwcxosk@tomfarrell.com>
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29331 @ 0.00032802 = 9.6212 BTC [-]
ascii_panama: lolwut
mircea_popescu: "Hi. I want to be with a man who wants to start a strong relationship and who can care of his beloved woman. Are you independent and tender man? I would be happy to get know each other better! I am a attractive and affectionate lady. I can add that I am well-tempered and romantic. "
mircea_popescu: such is the nature of the beta male that "romantic" (aka, sexually dysfunctional) is a selling point
mircea_popescu: (hey, she sucks at fucking, which means better men won't take her from me!)
mircea_popescu: i have nfi what "well tempered" is supposed to mean, but perhaps resilient, which is in fact a corner stone of feminity.
ascii_panama: waiwut
mircea_popescu: use it in a sentence.
ascii_panama: this is a work of spmodin, not meant to be understood by man
ascii_panama: no one actually reads and believes any of this.
mircea_popescu: it is meant to be understood by "man", yes.
ascii_panama: cargocult.
mircea_popescu: maybe. tho... the derps on fetlife...
mircea_popescu: allow me to quote, 1 sec
ascii_panama: anyone who might end up with the notion that there is something to buy into here, could not possibly have money - on account of profound clinical retardation
ascii_panama: but in the abstract - the notion that xxx might reliably have sex, vs a specimen who won't, is a 'selling point', yes
ascii_panama: dan mocsny's 'smv' is market like any other.
assbot: dpaste: 0R6RVZJ ... ( http://bit.ly/1Jx7Wh5 )
mircea_popescu: 40 imaginary millions.
mircea_popescu: kickstarter, the works.
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_panama
ascii_panama: danke BingoBoingo
ascii_panama: re: the spam thread: mircea_popescu laughs, but market consisting solely of 'mazerati' does not make sense
mircea_popescu: how does market consisting solely of symbolics machiens make sense then ?
ascii_panama: it doesn't
assbot: Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/19FXFXK.txt )
ascii_panama: though marginally more plausible
mircea_popescu: we shall keep this in our compartment.
ascii_panama: machines are far easier to produce than hot gurlz
ascii_panama: and no one has ever been turned down by a lisp mach.
ascii_panama: these differences are not unimportant.
BingoBoingo: ascii_panama: Depends on the production scale
ascii_panama: any scale.
mircea_popescu: anyway, ftr, men over 60 are BY FAR the most vulnerable demographic.
ascii_panama: this is obvious to a doorknob
mircea_popescu: not that I care, fuck em, but as far as truth goes.
mircea_popescu: i find it particularly poetic that they should get raped with a spiked club, incidentally.
mircea_popescu: were they better men, we wouldn't be here.
ascii_panama: what else could possibly happen to them ?
mircea_popescu: depends on the context. but in the pseudocivilised west, nothing else.
ascii_panama: better men, wut ?
ascii_panama confused
ascii_panama: 'were they better men, we wouldn't be here.' << ?
ascii_panama: better how ?
ascii_panama: used better birthcontrol ?
ascii_panama: or what
mircea_popescu: either better whips or better castration knives, sure.
ascii_panama: some nonzero portion of socialistoidderp is 'revenge' of low-smv folks against the high. dan mocsny observed this and it is a hypothesis with some explanatory power.
mats: tomorrow AMZN will release earnings, esp as rel. to AWS
mircea_popescu: mats got anything riding on it ?
mats: i bought a few shares
mircea_popescu: curious how this plays out
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_panama
mircea_popescu: ahahaha turns out fetlife has a group dedicated to me nao.
BingoBoingo: Do they still call you Trilema?
assbot: Page not found on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Jxcp3h )
mircea_popescu: imagine!
ascii_panama: woah what is that even written in
mircea_popescu: lmao and apparently they brigaded a bunch of random people off twitter/facebook too.
ascii_panama: oil the 'maxims', it's a meatwave.
ben_vulpes: probably the last users
ben_vulpes: d'you know - i saw "respond via what's app" on some ad while en el sur?
mircea_popescu: apparently it's popular wherever people don't have money.
mircea_popescu: splendid internets business model.
mircea_popescu: !up scoopbot_revived
ascii_panama: mircea_popescu: it isn't like other chat gizmos cost money...?
mircea_popescu: so what pays the server bills ?
mircea_popescu: the hope that they one day may be sold shit, for money.
williamdunne: Would it be possible to give scoop some rep so he can !up himself?
ascii_panama: the bezzle pays for the box
mircea_popescu: yes. what handle you settled on ?
ascii_panama: 'jam tomorrow' ad infinitum.
mircea_popescu: ascii_panama but the bezzle is nothing but an interface oin that same api.
williamdunne: scoopbot_revived but I don't mind changing it
mircea_popescu: works for me
mircea_popescu: !rate scoopbot_revived 1 Valliant Sir Scoop Bot the Third.
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/5b2072419749c169
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.scoopbot_revived.1:50e37ded45b3e1b6a16c1f7892b4cbeefeaa8dcbc329df3facc92c1ea744a106
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for scoopbot_revived with note: Valliant Sir Scoop Bot the Third.
mircea_popescu: !rated assbot
assbot: You rated user assbot on 12-Apr-2014, with a rating of 10, and supplied these additional notes: Nuclear sub delivered 2 days before order while paying me $500.
mircea_popescu: !rated deedbot-
assbot: deedbot- is not registered in WoT.
williamdunne: Tanks Mircea
mircea_popescu: !rated scoopbot
assbot: scoopbot is not registered in WoT.
williamdunne: Wahey, successfully !ups himself
ben_vulpes: ;;ud crumbs
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=crumbs | Crumbs. 1. A small light amount of something 2. An expression of dismay. 1. What small i garnish my chicken with? I know bread crumbs 2. Oh crumbs i've left  ...
ben_vulpes: crumbs?
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes from what i've been explained, it's so that the tribe of a user gets a reference they can follow in their flux
mircea_popescu: discussions are otherwise opaque but for the "x commented on y" notifications everyone gets.
mircea_popescu: "I read your update ... I understand how it makes you feel and I understand your concerns ... I am not saying he didn't do anything wrong and I think he is the ultimate douchebag mixed with disrespectful on so many levels ... but fetlife has been filled with writings about that list. And having someone's screenname is not exactly going to make it easy to find them in most cities ... so he is actually getting exactly th
mircea_popescu: e reaction he wants ... he is a huge attention slut! And we are just giving him exactly what he wants ..."
mircea_popescu: such a perfect fucking storm. admire the dilemma these poor people face. if they stfu about it, well... then they're kneeling in silent abjection before the man, right ? just like the man said.
mircea_popescu: but if they don't... what, fetlife becomes mplife ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15500 @ 0.00031408 = 4.8682 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: the dilemma, the one true mark of the simple mind stretched to fit holes larger than it ever possibily could.
ascii_panama: separate out the top pets, then ???, then - profit ?
mircea_popescu: i am aware this may be hard to impossible to believe, but srsly, i act from cause.
mircea_popescu: that baku scammer dude should have fixed his site in pass 1 and thank me for it.
ascii_panama finds this quite easy to believe
mircea_popescu: "Did anyone notice that he has 4 volumes or that at the bottom he has everything copyrighted? How the hell do you copyright someone's personal information?"
ascii_panama did not imagine that mircea_popescu seriously -needed- the actual pieces of this piñata for anything in particular
mircea_popescu: the ridiculous thing about copyright is that i actually have a perfectly valid claim to the copyright of the lists i published. copyright attaches to selection of material.
williamdunne: Okay, what blogs would you guys like to see in scoop? Currently thinking Contravex, Qntra, Trilema, btcalpha. Probably missing a few.
mircea_popescu: shit the list is lost too ?!
williamdunne: Well, I don't know where to find it, happy to just use the old list though
mircea_popescu: williamdunne : btcalpha.com btctrading.wordpress.com cascadianhacker.com contravex.com devilsadvocate.biz explo.yt fr.anco.is www.loper-os.org pankkake.headfucking.net qntra.net blog.spagni.net thedrinkingrecord.com thestringpuller.tumbler.com thewhet.net trilema.com
mircea_popescu: feel free to not include anything that has no posts this year
mircea_popescu: subject to owner bitching here and getting back in
mike_c: bitch!
mike_c: (for btcalpha.com)
mircea_popescu: well get on with it dawgs! once per quarter for crying out loud, it's like fucking.
ben_vulpes: bitching!
ben_vulpes: also probably guilty
mircea_popescu: "this guy is a complete disrespectful, arrogant asshole. Reading his "blog" literally made me feel ill."
mircea_popescu: !up ascii_panama
ascii_panama is definitely doing a c3 piece but has no idea when, might have to sleep for a week 1st
mircea_popescu: this would be the purpose and the mark of art, right nubbins` ?
mircea_popescu: ;;seen nubbins`
gribble: nubbins` was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 week, 1 day, 19 hours, 8 minutes, and 30 seconds ago: <nubbins`> oh right, yeah
mircea_popescu: what happened to him anyway ? wasn't he just about to confront the weirdo guy subletting from him when he disappeared ?
williamdunne: Don't think cascadian has a feed
ben_vulpes: ha yeah that's right fu rss
mircea_popescu: so how you gonna be included ?
ben_vulpes: inclusion is for teh masses!
ben_vulpes: !s the site is the feed
assbot: 1 results for 'the site is the feed' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=the+site+is+the+feed
ben_vulpes: !s the post is the feed
assbot: 2 results for 'the post is the feed' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=the+post+is+the+feed
ben_vulpes: imma rewrite it in ruby on rails this wknd
mircea_popescu: o noes bencash, wai u rewrite in fetlife!
ascii_panama: snobol on slugs
ascii_panama: intercal on ichtheosaurs
ascii_panama: brainfuck on buruli ulcer.
ben_vulpes: i think my lulzmuscles are exhausted from con
BingoBoingo: Ruby Riding Rail
mircea_popescu: dude so much mileage of this stuff. "Why is my post deleted again al hackers let unit until we find the fucker and break his site and get the scumbag" ;
mircea_popescu: "Is there a way we can drag him into the light of day. Out him for the misogynous bastard he is? The name links to a lot of Bitcoin info... Same guy? If it is, I wonder how potential investors would feel about his cyber-terrorist behavior."
ascii_panama: !s ruby sybian
assbot: 1 results for 'ruby sybian' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=ruby+sybian
mircea_popescu: i suppose at this rate mpoe-pr will have to be conscripted again.
ascii_panama: mircea_popescu: give'er a 'maxim'
mircea_popescu: but i mean... wait. "out him" ? how is this supposed to work for the love of god.
ascii_panama: none of this deserves the individual shot-in-head attention imho
mircea_popescu: the barristas are all upset and so i change my mind about things ?
mircea_popescu: ascii_panama allow me to quote poetry to you!
mircea_popescu: "Trăind în cercul vostru strâmt norocul vă petrece ; ci eu în lumea mea mă simt nemuritor și rece."
mircea_popescu: it's kind of fascinating, i'm a little boy at heart, i just lifted a rock and omfg the grub it covered!
ascii_panama: i did something very vaguely similar once, with the 'clojure' post
mircea_popescu: was it unpleasant ?
ascii_panama: even though no one was pwned or otherwise physically disciplined - the derp continues to this day.
ascii_panama: it was hilarious!
ascii_panama: is, still.
ascii_panama: the sheer struggle of the morons to avoid reacting to the kick in the face
mircea_popescu: well you will notice that nothing happened here also. it's just ... what was that word, for an item that breaks minds ? it was visual in the original sf novel. like a fractal.
ascii_panama: pretending that there was not, and could not have been, a kick, or a face to kick
mircea_popescu: anyway, it's a sort of memetic prion. a certain kind of broken mental software can not gaze upon this thing, it collapses into a new foldage.
ascii_panama: and tht what they're spitting isn't -really- teeth
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20650 @ 0.00031443 = 6.493 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: "He could fall under international terrorism law as a cyber terrorist, if I am not mistaken."
ascii_panama: !s blit
assbot: 6 results for 'blit' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=blit
mircea_popescu: ah yes the blit
mircea_popescu: i suppose as the legal concept is defined in english, this factually is terrorism.
mircea_popescu: what brave new world.
ascii_panama: of course there were earlier stories. one involving a record player, for instance. and if one thinks, the whole thing goes back to at least medusa
mircea_popescu: ascii_panama medusa broke the hardware, so to speak, whereas these things are more akin to ... normal education.
mircea_popescu: as per plato's education : in a cave bereft of light, light hurts the eyes. in a world where education's a long lost tech, education hurts the mind.
mircea_popescu: "This makes me sick. He is dangerous...this is just the start of his twisted mind" physically sick. like photomigraine sick.
mircea_popescu: puking and everything.
ascii_panama: especially if the only lesson resulting is 'go eat a nagant'
ascii_panama: because many of the students are quite far gone
mircea_popescu: i am not so convinced.
ascii_panama: that they will resist this lesson, should surprise no one.
ascii_panama: i mean, yes 'we don't do solutions' (TM) (R) but what'd you have'em do ?
mircea_popescu: you know what the tango instructor was saying "the woman must resist the man's intention. if she does not, and just takes off, the guy's left there wondering who is he dancing with. the air ?"
ascii_panama: homo redditicus, that is
mircea_popescu: feedback is important for dancing like it is important for HIDs, like is important here.
mircea_popescu: i don't contemplate the notion that resistence is an omen of eventual failure.
ascii_panama: it isn't simply about this particular instance of resistance though
mircea_popescu: you can't mistreat a sixteen year old on the grounds that your 50yo ex wife was a harpy.
ascii_panama: homo redditicus is not homo sapiens and i know of no means of pulling off the transformation
mircea_popescu: well, that'd be its problem.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9950 @ 0.00031443 = 3.1286 BTC [+]
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: ever figure varnish out?
mircea_popescu: http://dpaste.com/29MWTSE << if this isn't the mark of complete anomie i have no idea what it'd be. check it out, the un raporteur. ima go hang out with milosevici and gadaffi nao, because derps may not ever be upset!
assbot: dpaste: 29MWTSE ... ( http://bit.ly/1GaAvxS )
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes stopped looking about the time i said yest. y ?
ben_vulpes: just axin
williamdunne: Ok, ScoopBot should now be working, won't know until someone makes a new post though
assbot: dpaste: 3877PYR ... ( http://bit.ly/1GaBnT9 )
assbot: Page not found on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1GaBnTd )
mircea_popescu: williamdunne actually i was gonna write a spec, soi i guess brb
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41000 @ 0.00030991 = 12.7063 BTC [-] {4}
mircea_popescu: mk, should be 10-20 minutes.
williamdunne: Perfect, just found a bug I will need to fix which will take about the same
mats: mircea_popescu: "Verifies key material was created by a GnuPG version ulterior to 1.4.10 and prior to 1.4.20" << what should happen if --no-emit-version is included as a flag?
mircea_popescu: warning.
mircea_popescu: also it is a very good iudea to ask all job board qs on the article
mircea_popescu: will get lost in here and cause confusion
mats: ok
mats: gnupg source is gnarly
williamdunne: There we go, now optimized as well
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11591 @ 0.00031591 = 3.6617 BTC [+]
lobbes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-04-2015#1107743 << thanks for pointing this out. I can't unsee now
assbot: Logged on 23-04-2015 02:54:07; ben_vulpes: lobbes: "and omitting to state material facts." << something trips my native engrish filter in this
lobbes: Such an old article that it probably isn't worth bothering BB or cazalla to edit, however
mircea_popescu: i don't see the problem ?
lobbes: should be "omitting material facts"
mircea_popescu: i guess.
lobbes shrugs
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12409 @ 0.00031591 = 3.9201 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: dude this shit is epic. fetlife essentially exists as a sort of liverjournal, it comes out.
assbot: dpaste: 1XW1CVH ... ( http://bit.ly/1d4nE9l )
mircea_popescu: what happened ? some derp tied up a professional model he barely knew, and then fingered her. she had no idea he was going to finger her, and didn't care for it.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49550 @ 0.00030749 = 15.2361 BTC [-] {2}
lobbes: williamdunne: wd on scoopbot revival. Now we gotta get pete_dushenski to post something; that'll be the real test ;)
mircea_popescu: what this turns into is a massive one year saga where the guy's manager becomes jealous at the guy's new girlie (depicted above), and then badmouths him and then he tries to talk to the original model who comes out in favour of the slighted ex
mircea_popescu: and on and on AND ON it goes. they are ALSO calling on the un raporteur for terrorism. it's also abuse, rape, victims, trauma, the works.
williamdunne: lobbes: Hope for the best - looks like it should be working. On the first parse manages to pull his articles
mircea_popescu: "You violated my consent, my body and my trust. You made me doubt my love for rope and my career as a professional model. What you did is legally considered as rape, and YOU are not allowed to minimise it for your own interest. YOU are only allowed to be sorry, certainly not to be upset at anyone for letting other people know what you did."
mircea_popescu: apparently, as the female mind goes, men have agency only with their permission or something.
lobbes: 'You made me doubt my love for rope' lel
mircea_popescu: well i can see that point.
mircea_popescu: sort-of like how bad management makes boys doubt their love of computers, and idiot teachers make kids generally doubt their love of books.
williamdunne: I can understand being upset at being raped as-well, assuming it wasn't one of the new-fangled versions of "rape"
mircea_popescu: but bad management ain't rape.
mircea_popescu: williamdunne as the old expression goes in porn, "if you're naked, you're fucking"
mircea_popescu: girl doesn't wanna, girl stays off the set.
williamdunne: mircea_popescu: I can understand that position, but equally someone walking home, being dragged into a hedge and raped is certainly, most definitely rape - but I don't know that backstory of what you're talking about here
mircea_popescu: williamdunne " what happened ? some derp tied up a professional model he barely knew, and then fingered her. she had no idea he was going to finger her, and didn't care for it."
williamdunne: mircea_popescu: Yeah I'd say that probably counts as some form as rape. In the same way that stealing a handbag from inside a locked house is burglary
mircea_popescu: the guy is a total douche, as far as his emails let on, and the woman is both smarter and more collected than him, for sure. they weren't a good fit anyway.
mircea_popescu: williamdunne because why, penetration ?
williamdunne: mircea_popescu: pretty much
mircea_popescu: if you go in for a prostate exam and doc sticks finger in you without asking specifically, also rape ?
williamdunne: If I didn't go there for a prostate exam, yeah I'd guess so
mircea_popescu: how about dentist ? i don't recall a dentist ever asking me if it's ok to fuck up my teeth.
mircea_popescu: well it's where it gets iffy. no idea what they ACTUALLY went there for.
mircea_popescu: she has a story, he has another, as it would be the case.
williamdunne: Its definitely 'iffy', but people are particularly sensitive about their sensitives
mircea_popescu: and i;m not saying it's good or anything, or that the woman should not protest or anything.
mircea_popescu: but if you call every bicycle a tank soon enough the army's going to be riding into battle on clown materiel.
chetty: if you get naked and let a guy tie you up seems to me its not rape, got to take some responsibility for getting to that point.
mircea_popescu: well, they were making a display.
williamdunne: chetty: Sounds like she was expecting to be photographed
mircea_popescu: actors act naked all the time without an expectation on any one's part to end up fucking on stage.
mircea_popescu: which i suspect is what the woman was thinking.
mircea_popescu: (there's also a major historical angle of [seazy beta] males pushing women into sex via "art")
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24755 @ 0.00029963 = 7.4173 BTC [-] {4}
chetty: responsibilty ...make sure before you do it ...get it in writing
williamdunne: Easiest way to get a girl naked is to stick her in front of a camera, no?
mircea_popescu: yeah they ARE playing pretty fast and incredibly loose by now.
mircea_popescu: who the fuck ties up a woman he doesn't own.
mircea_popescu: i don't mean know. i mean own.
mircea_popescu: williamdunne yeh, but it resolves none of the fundamental problems. you're still you, she's still her, the situation just got more volatile. just like pushing the gas pedal doesn't make one either less drunk or better a driver.
williamdunne: Generally natural escalation seems like a better idea
mircea_popescu: anyway, remarkable how little thought is given to the puppet master (Vanessa Veronique apparently) getting all these shenanigans in motion to get even at the 60yo derp that found a 20yo slut.
mircea_popescu: that she was his "manager" and violated his trust by anti-representing him is not a point of concern, not even for people so finely tuned to the iffy intricacies of you know, the violation that occurs should a finger stray into a slit.
chetty: priorities
mircea_popescu: she's 40 something, which conceivably means she was once the "deeply in love" LolaBlake
mircea_popescu: speaking of which, anyone seen "all about eve" ?
mircea_popescu: great film.
williamdunne: Summary?
mircea_popescu: pretty much the same.
mircea_popescu: what else is one to make a film about ?
assbot: All About Eve on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1d4tc3Q )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25500 @ 0.00029802 = 7.5995 BTC [-]
lobbes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-04-2015#1106236 << aha. "excuse me, fellas, but this bottom shelf liquor will get us -just- as drunk"
assbot: Logged on 22-04-2015 02:11:22; ben_vulpes: but let's try anyways: "pragmatic coffee nerd in buenos aires"
scoopbot_revived: New post; Vessenes Foundation Draws Near Its End, Vessenes Out As Chairman url; http://qntra.net/2015/04/vessenes-foundation-draws-near-its-end-vessenes-out-as-chairman/
assbot: Page not found | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1d4uxrh )
williamdunne: Looks alive
mircea_popescu: somehow hasn't seen trilema yet. how often does it poll ?
williamdunne: Had to make him multi-threaded to get the IRC library work -.-
williamdunne: 15 seconds
williamdunne: But I think he had it loaded up before he started because I stopped when you released :/
mircea_popescu: eh, a minute or even 5 should be plenty.
williamdunne: Yeah 15 seconds for testing purposes, I'll change that on next restart
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27428 @ 0.00029575 = 8.1118 BTC [-] {4}
pete_dushenski: goooood morning
pete_dushenski: ben_vulpes: what's this about me not spending 'enough' time in channel ?
pete_dushenski: people think blog posts write themselves, comments answer themselves, books read themselves, i swear
scoopbot_revived: New post; Windows Servers Pwn'd By JPEG Uploads url; http://qntra.net/2015/04/windows-servers-pwnd-by-jpeg-uploads/
assbot: Page not found | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1PoI8rp )
pete_dushenski: o hello scoopbot_revived
mircea_popescu: it werks.
mircea_popescu: i guess ima edit the maintainer. mats am i putting you on the key server ?
pete_dushenski: ben_vulpes: i'd love to be here more. i'm here as much as i can!
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: thx for the line correction
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: also, speaking of 'we', any updates on dat lordship list from c3 ?
mircea_popescu: was briefly discussed, not came to much
pete_dushenski: BingoBoingo: seems like williamdunne is too fast for me!
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: Well, his bot still needs to pass the qntravex test
mircea_popescu: williamdunne yeah was that a complete rewrite or what ?
mircea_popescu: you found teh github ?
trinque: mircea_popescu | well you will notice that nothing happened here also. it's just ... what was that word, for an item that breaks minds << star trek used this against the borg, could've been ripped off from a novel
mircea_popescu: iirc that was just a banal virus
pete_dushenski: BingoBoingo: s_r didn't pass qntra yet ?
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: Passed the qntra part, now faces your vex
williamdunne: mircea_popescu: Complete rewrite, but needs some fixing. Found some bugs
pete_dushenski: perhaps later today i'll stumble across something in the logs or in the news.
pete_dushenski: for sure tomorrow at the latest
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2015/stop-all-the-clocks-again/ << anyone willing to read this and put it on youtube or w/e ?
assbot: Page not found on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1PoLlHt )
mircea_popescu: !rated williamdunne
assbot: You rated user williamdunne on 12-Apr-2015, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: new blood.
mircea_popescu: !rate williamdunne 2 scoopbot the 3rd
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/1d2b45cb1965f363
mats: mircea_popescu: sure, put me on the keyserver project
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.williamdunne.2:c99e0d75f0733d32ba9c306cfe3ab197ee1acbdee4b3db7052970f23329c815e
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for williamdunne from 1 to 2 with note: scoopbot the 3rd
mircea_popescu: that was fast enough.
williamdunne: Thank you very much
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: i'll read the poem and post it
pete_dushenski: i'll try it today but i'm a little stuffed up, still recovering from last week's mega-fiesta, so if it doesn't sound great i'll re-do it tmrw
pete_dushenski: williamdunne: curious, what do you mean by "Generally they're against inflation of block sizes, not an increase."
williamdunne: pete_dushenski: From what I can tell the objection you all have is that Gavin's suggestion is constant inflation, as opposed to the block-size being anything other than 1mb
pete_dushenski: the block size could be 512kb i guess
pete_dushenski: bigger than 1mb though ? not in the foreseeable future
williamdunne: pete_dushenski: Ah so you actually want it permanently at 1mb or lower?
pete_dushenski: to the extent that scarcity is the goal because scarcity is a key driver of value, then yes
pete_dushenski: i'd want 2mb blocks like i'd want 42 mn coins
trinque: how bout just fill the bucket before considering marrying a larger bucket?
williamdunne: trinque: I agree, but thats different to a permanent cap
pete_dushenski: right, it really doesn't matter what *i* want so much as what's practically needed
williamdunne: I don't see why you're saying that you'd want the transaction capabilities tied to the number of coins issued though
pete_dushenski: i don't, i could've just as well said 'like i want a hole in the head'
pete_dushenski: or 'like i want hiv'
pete_dushenski: but again, not that it so much matters what i want
ben_vulpes: man it doesn't matter what's needed or wanted or anything
ben_vulpes: bitcoin is
ben_vulpes: usg can break it like they broke gpg, but that broken thing will not and cannot be bitcoin
trinque: 311.63 633.87 417.2 112.43 126.75 271.06
trinque: last few blocks in kB
williamdunne: I definitely agree that too large blocks would break it, but I also think that if bitcoin is to grow we will need bigger blocks
trinque: williamdunne: so let it bang into the ceiling and see what people do
ben_vulpes: williamdunne: you're missing the point.
ben_vulpes: if a thing exists with a block size that is not one megabyte, /that thing is not bitcoin/.
williamdunne: trinque: Sure, thats what I would advocate too
ben_vulpes: also what is this "to grow" nonsense.
trinque: ben_vulpes: that sounds like a tautology
trinque: bitcoin is bitcoin because it is bitcoin
ben_vulpes: nitrogen is nitrogen because of the arrangement of electrons in valence shells.
williamdunne: trinque: Bitcoin currently worth x potatoes, bitcoin in the future to be worth y potatoes
ben_vulpes: is that still a tautology?
trinque: no, that example is not
ben_vulpes: so if you change the block size, you get deuterium.
williamdunne: It wouldn't be bitcoin of today but it would still be bitcoin
williamdunne: "If I cut my hair, am I still williamdunne"
trinque: ben_vulpes: it is currently unknown what an appropriate blocksize would be
trinque: 1mb seems to be a reasonable cap
trinque: but is not magic
trinque: the way to find out what a good blocksize would be is to let the thing bang into the ceiling so we know what that looks like
ben_vulpes: what then distinguishes bitcoin from XXXcoin?
ben_vulpes: i guess they're all bitcoin or something retarded like that
ben_vulpes: appropriate shmappropriate.
ben_vulpes: it's as magic as 21M.
ben_vulpes: what's the worst case scenario of hitting that ceiling?
trinque: my point is you're claiming to know more than you do
trinque: not that 1mb isn't the right value
williamdunne: The blocksize is a limiting factor of its usage, 21m doesn't thanks to 8 decimal places
trinque: one will know what happens when the blocksize limit is reached ... when the blocksize limit is reached
ben_vulpes: i'm saying that "right" doesn't matter.
ben_vulpes: 21me8 then, williamdunne.
ben_vulpes: trinque: you gotta have a hypothesis about what's going to happen, man.
ben_vulpes: especially if you're even sort of supporting this blocksize change derpage.
trinque: fees, and prioritizing transactions according to them
trinque: I don't support anything, much less this
ben_vulpes: so no technical fears then?
trinque: 1mb is "yeah that's probably big enough"
williamdunne: ben_vulpes: Hypothesis; if we ever get to the point where we are completely filling blocks and fees start going through the roof, either growth will halter or it will fork - and the 1mb version will be virtually barren
ben_vulpes: the thing about bitcoins is that it a system that conserves, and resists diddling in the vein of fiat economies.
ben_vulpes: williamdunne: alternatively, the big blocks version will be populated with retards.
ben_vulpes: and what is this "growth" thing you keep banging on about?
ben_vulpes: usd denominated value of bitcoins /literally does not matter/
ben_vulpes: "oh gosh so we can all be richer in the fyooooture instead of working today" sort of nonsense
williamdunne: ben_vulpes: Of course it matters, its a network. More people = more useful. I don't see how that can be anything but an objective truth.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: these i suppose are the muppets you're looking for.
mircea_popescu: williamdunne what if in going from 5 to 10 you lose the one worth 1 and gain 5 worth .1 each ?
ben_vulpes: williamdunne: is not the inability to interdict funds enough for you?
ben_vulpes: williamdunne: is not the hard cap of 21M of the thing enough for you?
ben_vulpes: such progress.
trinque: ben_vulpes: I'm not going to accept being called a muppet for saying we're not in a position to evaluate an appropriate block size, therefore changing it is unwise.
ben_vulpes: not you, trinque
trinque: well GOOD
ben_vulpes: sheesh
ben_vulpes: touchy tatiana, you
williamdunne: ben_vulpes: Yes, its very useful. But the value of your coins will inflate fast if its just 12 people using it over and over.
williamdunne: mircea_popescu: Sorry not entirely sure what you mean
mircea_popescu: that's not what inflation is.
mircea_popescu: williamdunne you have 5 users. one of which is worth "1 unit of useful". you dd 5 more. they together are worth 0.5 units of useful.
mircea_popescu: becuase of this addition, that one leaves.
mircea_popescu: you have now grown and are worth less.
mircea_popescu: this happens ALL THE TIME.
mircea_popescu: it's nto even the exception, it is the rule. facebook today is not worth 1/10 of what facebook was worth in 2005
mircea_popescu: adding more people, especially if adding more people SELECTED by the criteria that "they are poor, stupid and usleess enough to need to be added specifically" is a recipe for making your thing worth less.
mircea_popescu: not more.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38250 @ 0.00030181 = 11.5442 BTC [+]
williamdunne: mircea_popescu: That seems counter-intuitive, I'm not trying to over-value the poor and stupid here.
mircea_popescu: really ?
mircea_popescu: you ever held a party ?
williamdunne: Yep, but seems like a relatively invalid comparison
mircea_popescu: don't tell, show.
mircea_popescu: why does it seem so ?
williamdunne: Because I don't have to talk to everyone using bitcoin at the same time nor put up with their noise (in particular, anyway)
mircea_popescu: that is exactly what you have to do.
mircea_popescu: it's worse, because a) every party participant is stuck b) keeping ~complete~ records of the whole thing c) forever. it's not just a process thing like the party. it's that you have to write their noiise down, and pay for warehouses.
williamdunne: But in return you have more potential users of your XYZ business, and more potential to operate profitable businesses that are less-than-possible in the fiat world
lobbes: but it isn't the currency that makes your business profitable
pete_dushenski: williamdunne: but the barriers to entry are lower in the fiat world
pete_dushenski: and bitcoin quite likes keeping those barriers high
williamdunne: pete_dushenski: Well that depends on what you are doing
mircea_popescu: yeah, in return "but there could be cute girls"
mircea_popescu: no, there won't be. it will be a bunch of fucktarded dudebros, that aren't even legal to drink.
williamdunne: lobbes: Sure, but it alters things massively. Just-Dice with 7 billion potential customers is better than Just-Dice with 2,000,000 potential
mircea_popescu: which is why clubs have those big guys at the door.
mircea_popescu: clubs i'd go to, anyway.
pete_dushenski: pubs, walk right in, fulla 'dudebros'
mircea_popescu: "more value"
lobbes: those 7 billion customers aren't necessarily worth more than those 2 million
williamdunne: lobbes: In terms of bitcoin? no, in terms of potatoes? yes
mircea_popescu: because you imagine there's an intrinsic minimum value for "human beings"
mircea_popescu: there isn't.
mircea_popescu: you also imagine there is a cap. there isn't a cap.
mircea_popescu: one guy can and usually is worth more than an entire country.
mircea_popescu: we have this situation right now in argentina, for instance, and there's 40mn of em derps.
williamdunne: Yeah, but that one guy isn't going to be betting all his money on Just-Dice, collectively there is a lot of value to exploit
mircea_popescu: this is wishful thinking.
mircea_popescu: there's no value "collectively". there seems to be, currently, because the usg / ag etc are propping them up on borrowed money.
mircea_popescu: otherwise, poor people are a liability not an asset. they are below zero.
mircea_popescu: every large enough operation has this set of accounts that are below water - cost more to service than they're worth. which is why fiat banks are charging per account
mircea_popescu: which is why obamacare, etc.
mircea_popescu: the truth is that for about half of the us, the marginal benefit of spending another 1k per capita on their health is unrecoverable, as they won't produce in excess of that 1k. ever.
trinque: ben_vulpes: aint even mad; and I agree that any modified thing may not merit being called bitcoin
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> every large enough operation has this set of accounts that are below water - cost more to service than they're worth. which is why fiat banks are charging per account << myeah i got some of these
mircea_popescu: the bait and switch thing here is that the "modified thing" can only exist by itself, so it really needs us to you know, give up on bitcoin proper.
mircea_popescu: much like paper dollars can only exist if there's no strong currency and "welfare states" in a world without rhodesia and so on.
mircea_popescu: soviets need closed borders.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-04-2015#1108229 << but i do agree with that point. we have nfi.
assbot: Logged on 23-04-2015 15:41:28; trinque: ben_vulpes: it is currently unknown what an appropriate blocksize would be
mircea_popescu: it's just that the "larger = better" argument is rank nonsense.
mircea_popescu: we might well discover that actually 1mb is way too much, and all we can afford is less.
mircea_popescu: hopefully this won't be the case, but the way moore's law is going...
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32600 @ 0.00029221 = 9.526 BTC [-] {2}
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: let us not neglect the headache of coordinating a blocksize change
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: i have the top floor of la poesia entirely to myself
pete_dushenski: !up saulimus
pete_dushenski: !up diato
pete_dushenski: !up diatonic
diatonic: I can't figure out the new process to !up myself with assbot
pete_dushenski: ;;seen thestringpuller
gribble: thestringpuller was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 weeks, 6 days, 5 hours, 46 minutes, and 1 second ago: <thestringpuller> ^- close the bet
diatonic: I can decrypt the string
pete_dushenski: then tell assbot '!v <decrypted string>'
diatonic: ahh, thanks
diatonic: couldn't find that info anywhere
pete_dushenski: ^for future reference
ben_vulpes: who're you, diatonic?
ben_vulpes: friend of ascii*?
diatonic: ben_vulpes, I don't really know why I lurk in here. I used to be pretty active in #bitcoin-otc and joined this channel some time ago.
diatonic: Wanted to get more in to trading
Pierre_Rochard: pete_dushenski: actually got a text message from thestringpuller this morning, he’s still alive!
pete_dushenski: Pierre_Rochard: hey no way! good news.
felipelalli: pete_dushenski: I didn't know the shortcut "!v", I always type "!verify", thanks.
williamdunne: OK, I think ScoopBot should behave himself now
ben_vulpes: don't think, test :P
williamdunne: Can't test until there is a new post unfortunately
lobbes: can't you put a dummy blog in the list and test?
williamdunne: Well, I could but it would be more difficult than it is worth, so I'll just wait until a post comes up
williamdunne: Yeah, that'd be the easyish way, don't have a blog I can use to test it on atm
lobbes doesn't really know, just curious
lobbes: create a blogspot or something? I have no idea if blogspot outputs data in the same way that scoopbot reads the others, but it is free and fairly quick to create one
williamdunne: I'll stick up a wordpress
assbot: WordPress.org Now Requires Theme Authors to Use the Customizer to Build Theme Options ... ( http://bit.ly/1yXoaQI )
ben_vulpes: <williamdunne> Can't test /me raises an eyebrow
ben_vulpes wonders how this rss bot is built such that it can't be tested
williamdunne: ben_vulpes: It was more out of laziness
ben_vulpes: isn't it always...
williamdunne: !up diatonic
assbot: I am scoopbot | scoopbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1yXpumF )
williamdunne: Its alive
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11800 @ 0.00029651 = 3.4988 BTC [+]
BingoBoingo: mod6: On the foundation page "This sotware is provided by The Bitcoin Foundation `as is' and any express or implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed."
mike_c: wusses :)
assbot: Creator of Dogecoin - "I see no long-term future for #Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies at this point" : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1yXrZW1 )
assbot: Feedback needed: NeuCoin distribution to Dogecoin holders : dogecoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1yXs4Jc )
williamdunne: Pierre_Rochard: Lottery winning janitor annoyed new lottery ticket didn't win
Pierre_Rochard: williamdunne: swears loudly that he’ll never play the lottery again. such threat. very wow.
williamdunne: many regrets
Pierre_Rochard: buy high sell low will do that
williamdunne: does the nakamoto institute have an RSS feed?
Pierre_Rochard: posting has been… sporadic as of late
ben_vulpes: THANKS MIKE_C
williamdunne: Awesome, yeah, I've been hoping for more articles. Anyone got any objections to adding the nakamotoinstitute to scoopbot?
pete_dushenski: BingoBoingo: qntsideration : http://dpaste.com/3NGVDY3.txt
pete_dushenski: williamdunne: i'd vote against krawisz being added. if Pierre_Rochard or bitstein were writing...
williamdunne: pete_dushenski: Technically I can filter by author, but I know I personally like all of their writing
williamdunne: But if thats what people want me to do..
Pierre_Rochard: pete_dushenski: daniel has not written on the block size issue specifically at SNI
pete_dushenski: if you can filter by author for pierre and mike, i'd say go for it
mike_c: ben_vulpes: don't get mad at me because the foundation has tiny balls.
mike_c: bingo is the one who pointed it out :D
Pierre_Rochard: williamdunne: I would say neh just on account of inactivity for the time being
trinque: mike_c: dunno why they'd vouch for the quality of something they haven't rewritten fully yet
Pierre_Rochard: if/when we start putting up more content I’ll advocate for adding it
williamdunne: Pierre_Rochard: Sure thing, I won't add it then. It doesn't really use any resources in particular to add it but your call
pete_dushenski: Pierre_Rochard: true, but he's hoisted himself on his own petard on a few other topics
pete_dushenski: eg 'who controls bitcoin'
Pierre_Rochard: pete_dushenski: ah fair enough.
williamdunne: pete_dushenski: Don't suppose I could have a link?
Pierre_Rochard: williamdunne: bitstein has his own blog but I see no RSS http://bitstein.org/blog/
assbot: Blog | Bitstein | Bitstein ... ( http://bit.ly/1yXvko7 )
assbot: Who Controls Bitcoin? | Satoshi Nakamoto Institute ... ( http://bit.ly/1yZ8tCx )
williamdunne: pete_dushenski: Oh yes, I remember the article now. What did you object to in it?
williamdunne: Pierre_Rochard: Thanks for the link to his personal blog, I'll have a read
pete_dushenski: "We'll assume that there is some real disagreement about whether the upgrade is a good idea because if there was not, then there would be no problem."
pete_dushenski: not much of an assumption upon which to base an entire article
pete_dushenski: everyone here is pretty well decided, and so it is
pete_dushenski: whatever's outside are but the fans at home telling the coach what plays to call
williamdunne: Seems like a fair statement, if there is a change everyone agrees on the only issue is those too lazy to update
pete_dushenski: or it would be if this was about opinions instead of what must be done for survival
Pierre_Rochard: I thought it was a fine post, the only issue being it’s context and subtext
williamdunne: pete_dushenski: Would you have preferred it had he worded it as your choice is based upon the choices of those superior in your WoT? i.e if BitPay is at the top of my WoT (lol) and they are on newcoin, I'll be on newcoin
williamdunne: Or if Mircea, oldcoin
pete_dushenski: tbh i dun really care what he does.
pete_dushenski: he can 'teach the controversy' all he wants but he's going to end up grouped alongside monsanto for it
pete_dushenski: "Most nodes are dead weight." << also rubbish
pete_dushenski: "An upgrade which allows for larger block sizes is also likely to be adopted because the current limit of 1 MB will eventually limit Bitcoin's value as a form of money." << idem.
pete_dushenski: kid never read the logs, what can you expect ?
Pierre_Rochard: ah forgot that sentence was in there! unacceptabru
pete_dushenski: anywho, off to yoga. later gang!
williamdunne: pete_dushenski: Enjoy
Pierre_Rochard: williamdunne: I’m also putting together my own personal blog, I’ll let you know once I have an RSS feed put together
assbot: Confirmation of Life – 30 minute test | scoopbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1Gbt6hJ )
williamdunne: Pierre_Rochard: Yes please
williamdunne: Okay, so scoopbot's concurrency now definitely works. Yay.
trinque: williamdunne: nice
mats: that feeling when you sit down and the seat is still warm
mats: an intimate moment where two butts reach across the cosmos and touch for an instant
lobbes: poetry by mats
cazalla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-04-2015#1108347 <<< tell him to quit his sulking and come back, i still <3 him afterall
assbot: Logged on 23-04-2015 16:36:57; Pierre_Rochard: pete_dushenski: actually got a text message from thestringpuller this morning, he’s still alive!
BingoBoingo: mike_c: I was pointing out "sotware"
mike_c: fine, leave me out on a limb
mike_c: do foundation emails have a disclaimer at the bottom telling me to delete it if i got it in error?
mike_c: (I don't really care about this though, disclaim away)
assbot: Log In - The New York Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1I0nVGi )
assbot: Logged on 23-04-2015 17:02:06; scoopbot_revived: News! I am scoopbot URL: https://scoopbot.wordpress.com/2015/04/23/i-am-scoopbot-2/
BingoBoingo: dammit
williamdunne: cazalla: updated for you
scoopbot_revived: News! MtGox Trustee has 200k Bitcoins, Creditors to Line Up as Bankruptcy Progresses URL: http://qntra.net/2015/04/mtgox-trustee-has-200k-bitcoins-creditors-to-line-up-as-bankruptcy-progresses/
assbot: Page not found | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1GbxCwG )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23545 @ 0.00029111 = 6.8542 BTC [-] {2}
ben_vulpes: cazalla: i found a bronies store in bsas. was completely baffled.
cazalla: imagine taking your kids to some junk toy store for some made in china plastic shit only to find grown ass men clamouring over your daughter to reach the toys before she can get to them
williamdunne: Men might be a little generous
assbot: Page not found | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1I0vzQV )
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo i have nfi why anyone would care what shittomatic says
mircea_popescu: i mean obviously, they want access to the walled garden of idiots, but this is a mirage.
mircea_popescu: i guess takes time for kids to learn what mirages are.
cazalla: i wonder if there is a small business to be had recovering family photos/video for people infected by that shit? charge them twice the amount of the ransom (paid upfront of course)
mircea_popescu: lol Pierre_Rochard. these twerps are all on the same rubber band. 1. mp wrote we're shit because mp's jealous, not because we're shit. 2 ??? 3. bitcoin doesn't exist.
mircea_popescu: <williamdunne> Awesome, yeah, I've been hoping for more articles. Anyone got any objections to adding the nakamotoinstitute to scoopbot? << it all depends on whether they continue pushing insanities a la gavincoin.
mircea_popescu: mike_c what'd they specifically say tho ? "we guarantee this code with ..." ? what ... ?
mats: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1502.07373v2.pdf 'The Spy in the Sandbox: Practical Cache Attacks in JavaScript'
mircea_popescu: mats understand, the bdsm thing is not drastically intended to be secure.
mircea_popescu: it's just intended to be web secure.
mircea_popescu: you won't be able to make browser gossipd that'd for damned sure.
mircea_popescu: <BingoBoingo> mike_c: I was pointing out "sotware" << sotware lol. as in, "you sot"!
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16600 @ 0.00029028 = 4.8186 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: williamdunne refresh me, what is dunnecapital ltd uk ?
williamdunne: mircea_popescu: Was the name of an exchange I am working on
mircea_popescu: btcentralplus.com ?
williamdunne: mircea_popescu: thats the ISP I used to have?
mircea_popescu: oh derp. fucking isps lol
mircea_popescu: grep found it because obvously, "btc".
williamdunne: btc entral plus exchange, pretty catchy
mircea_popescu: aanyways. you actually intend to develop that bdsm thing ?
mircea_popescu: it's a huge time investment, and it really won't work halfway.
mircea_popescu: if it works at all. max guy doesn't have a point about women, but he does have a point about stupid.
williamdunne: mircea_popescu: I can do it, but I'm not hugely interested in running it as a business
mircea_popescu: how'd you intend to do it ?
williamdunne: mircea_popescu: Well either I'd make it so it almost completely handles itself, or let someone else run it after I build it
mircea_popescu: that part i got.
mircea_popescu: i don't see specifically whatr running. you can't moderate it anyway.
williamdunne: Well dependent on the business model it could be easy or complex
mircea_popescu: this is still pretty vague. but my q was more technical-oriented. i dunno if "facebook clone" package exists. seems likely it might.
mircea_popescu: one could conceivably bolt extant js to that be done in a day.
mircea_popescu: if product a bit shoddy.
williamdunne: Ah sorry, well it depends. Obviously its a pretty lose spec but I'd probably go for something that has all the basic functionality built on a probably ASP stack, rather than doing anything too fancy with pretty colours everywhere
mircea_popescu: asp.net, srsly ?
mircea_popescu: what was multibet in ?
williamdunne: PHP even worse, yeah asp or phoenix framework
williamdunne: Maybe D... but less likely
mircea_popescu: i don't even think anyone has windows servers
mircea_popescu: certainly the first time i heard this one proposed.
williamdunne: Its pretty good, all ties in really well with various meta-db layers
williamdunne: Same with Elixir really
mircea_popescu: it's a good thing alf's in the air.
williamdunne: Yes, I know you're less fond of windows aha
williamdunne: But its a BDSM site storing data encrypted client-side, hardly need for uber security
trinque: get you a postgresql, son
mircea_popescu: there's two problems here. one being that if nobody has windows servers nobody can, in an emergency say, provie a backup.
mircea_popescu: so maintainability.
williamdunne: trinque: I normally use postgre
williamdunne: trinque: Well thats a lie, I normally do if working in Elixir/Phoenix
mircea_popescu: the other is that well, we don't know how efficient it is. ie, how much bw/packetage/userbase it can support per mm of hardware.
mircea_popescu: does something like gluster even exist for mvc ?
mircea_popescu: or we the clustering thing is called, gaproxy ?
trinque: mircea_popescu: replication at the db layer is what's called for there
williamdunne: I don't have any statistics about performance but I've found it works pretty well. I've only done basic clustering before using it tbh, doing things like sharing secrets for authentication
mircea_popescu: does it work ?
trinque: if you're read heavy works great, if you're write heavy gets harder
mircea_popescu: this promises to be the worst mix.
mircea_popescu: ie, reads and writes
williamdunne: Surely all of the heavy-writing would just be in the form of files
trinque: seems like a social thing calls for a message queue
williamdunne: Can't imagine it would be all that write-heavy
assbot: Visualizing a single null-byte heap overflow exploitation · @wapiflapi ... ( http://bit.ly/1K9PjAS )
trinque: williamdunne: what is it, just profiles and people sending messages and comments, etcd?
trinque: *etc
williamdunne: trinque: Yeah, and photos which obviously would just be in a file container
trinque: postgresql is a badder beast than most think
mircea_popescu: williamdunne lots and lots of updates.
williamdunne: mircea_popescu: I can't imagine it would ever become a problem for SQLserver, if it did we could just shard it like hell. Its not like it needs sub 1 second latency on everything
mircea_popescu: nah, for all i care make a fixed 2 second delay.
mircea_popescu: encourage user to think before posting
williamdunne: Exactly, so we could shard the database a stupid amount, and stick half of it in NoSQL for things like private messages
trinque: nosql is a terrible idea man, always
mircea_popescu: im not proposing it's an unapproachable problem by any means.
trinque: your data storing thing should be aware of structure
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9400 @ 0.00029253 = 2.7498 BTC [+]
trinque: otherwise that ends up being implemented in shitty form in the app layer
williamdunne: trinque: Meh, less of an issue for relatively basic data like private messages
trinque: sure, everyone always thinks they can handle reimplementing the database until complexity grows to a point where it falls inward on itself
trinque: code gets littered with message v1 v2 v3 handling code, and you become less and less able to reason about the concept "message"
williamdunne: trinque: Either way, it anything high volume like that can be done in interesting ways
trinque: I've seen multi-billion row postgresql clusters with heavy writes
williamdunne: Like it could be done via a separate system like facebook uses which uses a queue to commit to DB, but can be received before committed to the DB
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25315 @ 0.00029435 = 7.4515 BTC [+] {3}
trinque: williamdunne: yeah that's more acceptable
mircea_popescu: what's fb run on anyway ?
williamdunne: mircea_popescu: Its frankenstein's monster
trinque: afaik they use a lot of mysql among myriad other things
mircea_popescu: i'd expect.
williamdunne: A bit of PHP, a bit of C++, a bit of D
williamdunne: D for builds only though, in fairness
williamdunne: Erlang for messaging system
mircea_popescu: lol so fiverr is now skimming 50 cents off each job.
mircea_popescu: the crunch is on, bejesus.
williamdunne: They've been doing that for a while now
trinque: gogo monetization
mircea_popescu: this is going to be such a sad year for "web startups"...
williamdunne: Have you seen those Eris labs guys?
williamdunne: At the forefront of "the blockchain of things" lo
mircea_popescu: vaguely.
trinque: "embedding values"
trinque: stomach is already turned
williamdunne: eris industries thats the one, christ
jurov: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-04-2015#1108439 what did you do to teh poor nigga ???!!!
assbot: Logged on 23-04-2015 18:03:53; cazalla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-04-2015#1108347 <<< tell him to quit his sulking and come back, i still <3 him afterall
thestringpuller: pete_dushenski cazalla still alive. just very busy in meatspace.
mircea_popescu: !rated thestringpuller
assbot: You rated user thestringpuller on 01-Feb-2014, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: I dunno that he's ever pulled any strings..
williamdunne: we have a pulse
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller dude, listen up. i'm not going to whack you, but you gotta learn to underpromise and overdeliver.
thestringpuller: yup. learning requires lessons which each have their various costs.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9500 @ 0.00029028 = 2.7577 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: ;;ticker --market buttchina
gribble: BTCChina BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 235.5633, Best ask: 235.564914, Bid-ask spread: 0.00161, Last trade: 235.55523, 24 hour volume: 78611.17550000, 24 hour low: 234.03, 24 hour high: 238.12149, 24 hour vwap: 235.614537073
assbot: Startup Generator ... ( http://bit.ly/1Doemvi )
williamdunne: jurov: Painfully realistic
jurov: http://tiffzhang.com/startup/index.html?s=49029980379 hahaha you can use this for the bdsm job
assbot: Startup Generator ... ( http://bit.ly/1d5HeCk )
mircea_popescu: what is with the popped collars @girl!
assbot: Test Post | scoopbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1DogmDP )
hanbot: so here's one: fiverr localized to arg has a welcome pic of a pretty woman singing in a mic. override to english? neotenous hipster kid, srsly looks like an 11 year old in thickrimmed glasses.
mircea_popescu: are you making fun of my good friend in rome ?
mircea_popescu: biggus dickus ?
hanbot: lol
williamdunne: welease wodewick
assbot: Release Woger - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1Oinzjc )
williamdunne: Emperor Pilate is one of the handles I use online
fluffypony: I still have nightmares about the rabbit of Caerbannog
williamdunne: Fetch the holy hand grenade
mircea_popescu: haha. five nightmares ?
mircea_popescu: in other news,
williamdunne: I've found a piece of blogging software I really like, but its written in node so now I'm conflicted
BingoBoingo: williamdunne: rewrite it?
williamdunne: BingoBoingo: Considered it, could just create my own blogging platform but thats probably more effort than its worth. Only got like 3.5k views in the week
cazalla: http://fusion.net/story/124655/why-bitcoins-male-domination-will-be-its-downfall/ "The lack of women in Bitcoin isn’t just an issue of equality. It’s a fundamental weakness of the currency itself." ok guy whatever
assbot: Why Bitcoin's male domination will be its downfall | Fusion ... ( http://bit.ly/1OirUTr )
fluffypony: lolwut
fluffypony: what's next
fluffypony: "Why computing's male domination will be its downfall"
fluffypony: so looking forward to everyone abandoning computers for the abacus and typewriters
fluffypony: "Why spaceflight's male domination will be its downfall"
fluffypony: "Why commercial piloting's male domination will be its downfall"
mircea_popescu: they are kinda lulzy.
fluffypony: "Why wine making's male domination will be its downfall"
mircea_popescu: the english internet sounds more and more like a 11 yo girl's summer camp.
mircea_popescu: o srsly, you swear never to get involved with boys because they're mean ? that's nice honey.
fluffypony hands them a sports bra and a fuck off
mircea_popescu: anyway. bitcoin's elitism and the horde's pretentiousness is setting the stage for some pretty hardcore raping and pillaging down the road.
trinque: fluffypony | "Why computing's male domination will be its downfall" << now the real reason for the forced feminization of Turing took place; moar women in tech!
mircea_popescu: somehow the idiots have lost all humility, and have absolutely no conception that yes indeed, in most situations going on your knees and begging is the correct response.
hanbot: williamdunne> BingoBoingo: Considered it, could just create my own blogging platform but thats probably more effort than its worth. Only got like 3.5k views in the week << it's either worth the effort or not on its own merits, effects have no place in the consideration there, eh?
mircea_popescu: hanbot honestly it's kinda not worth the effort. a wp 2.x can be hacked into enough blog platform for what one could conceivably need.
hanbot: so what, that which can be frankensteined into working doesn't deserve to be made as a whole, from the start?
mircea_popescu: nah, just, this particular thing is kinda derpy to begin with. who cares special stones to throw at dogs ?
mircea_popescu: pick up whatever's handy.
mircea_popescu: "blogging. a tech problem not worth solving"
mircea_popescu: cms-ing moar generally. ben_vulpes prolly has the right idea.
mircea_popescu: it was born essentially as the first bezzle thing, "we'll make you a Content Management System" to justify X agency spending more on a website than it's worth.
hanbot: i see. well, at least this is an argument against the thing itself rather than its possible outcomes.
BingoBoingo: General CMS seems solved http://werc.cat-v.org/ the blogging flavor could use twerk
assbot: werc - A sane web anti-framework ... ( http://bit.ly/1Oiurgy )
fluffypony wouldn't touch WordPress with a bargepole
fluffypony: I'll stick to Jekyll, thanks
williamdunne well personally I'm going to go back to my charcoal and cave wall
trinque: I tend to prefer static sites where they can be had
trinque: not much to break
trinque: that most web framework things expect to regenerate each page every time is insane
trinque: "but this is how we've always done it!"
trinque: yes and paper should be printed right as you are turning the page
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4600 @ 0.00029028 = 1.3353 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: trinque you seriously can run a site as flat html and just awk it into submission
mircea_popescu: better than serving dynamically anyway
trinque: indeed, for many sites it's exactly the right way
mircea_popescu: in retrospect, i suspect my above comments were more a reflection of my personal disinclination to put anything into cms/blog platforms. seeing how trilema already exists.
mircea_popescu: !up Naphex
ben_vulpes: but commmenttttssssss!
hanbot: trinque yup. plenty of places online i have the distinct feeling of waving my hands around in front of the auto paper towel dispenser, to no avail, spits an ungrippable corner now and then...so -futuristic-.
trinque: lol
Naphex: o/
ben_vulpes: adios buenos aires!
trinque: bon voyage, see ya in the asylum
mircea_popescu: how goes Naphex
hanbot: happy travels ben_vulpes
fluffypony: geeeze, you comment on ONE Coindesk article about Brock Pierce, and this shit happens: http://i.imgur.com/abo2i7X.png
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 565 @ 0.00203825 = 1.1516 BTC [+] {6}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 72650 @ 0.0002983 = 21.6715 BTC [+] {4}
williamdunne: Hey Naphex o/
williamdunne: Long time no speak, keep meaning to go on mumble..
williamdunne: !rate Naphex 2 Knows his shit, and knows he does
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/e46c79d73fd0dd90
williamdunne: !v assbot:williamdunne.rate.Naphex.2:19d40d8c7d1ce0e2137c60637c3d43729be585fbb03fbbb43354d445eb1a9003
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 2 for Naphex with note: Knows his shit, and knows he does
Naphex: mircea_popescu: great! getting ready for launch on the last run. been busy as hell. how was the conference? sorry i couldn't make it :/
Naphex: williamdunne: hey man. how goes it?
fluffypony: btw for any b-a'ers in Europe I'm going to be there for the next month, would love to meet up, or you could come to one of the Monero meetups I'll be presenting at (Brussels on May 19th, Paris on May 21st, Berlin on May 24th) or else I'll be presenting at Bitcoinference in Amsterdam on May 30/31
williamdunne: Naphex: Good thanks, hows stuff been your end?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57050 @ 0.00028928 = 16.5034 BTC [-] {2}
Naphex: williamdunne: pretty good. been doing lots of working and on the last mile for xotika
williamdunne: !up naphex
williamdunne: Naphex: Ah yeah! Its always the last tweaks that take 2/3rds your time
Naphex: williamdunne: yeah, and most of the advertising and promo starts in june to match with some conference. so why rush it
mircea_popescu: Naphex pretty cool actually
mircea_popescu: !up bitx
williamdunne: Get it polished for the big day
Naphex: getting pre-regs, and stuff done meanwhile
williamdunne: bitx, which bitx are you from? There are like three/four of them
mircea_popescu: fluffypony that'll teach you to stray from the cult!
williamdunne: Naphex: Got the girls ready?
fluffypony: mircea_popescu: I think he doesn't like me calling him "Pedobear Pierce" on Disqus
mircea_popescu: fluffypony wait, monero going on tour ?
bitx: williamdunne, don't usually use this name - not associated with any other bitx's
fluffypony: yes, a tour of Europe
fluffypony: like a rock tour
fluffypony: but less glamorous
williamdunne: bitx: Ah okay, I assumed you were from one of the bitx companies
bitx: nope, sorry
williamdunne: fluffypony: The groupies have hairier necks too
Naphex: williamdunne: yep. pre-regs and referals and romania is full of studios
fluffypony: that too
fluffypony: bitx: no associate with the South African exchange, eh?
williamdunne: Naphex: Stereotypes can be useful
mircea_popescu: Naphex a while back you could find more college chicks on webcams than @uni in any given day.
bitx: nope, no association with them
Naphex: mircea_popescu: yeah. much of numbers surprise me :P
mircea_popescu: plsu bulgaria, ukraina, ex-yugoslavia, poland... prolly 5mn chicks all told.
Naphex: also there was some raid a month ago and basicly disbanded some wierd paxum companies
Naphex: which were paying the girls on behalf of jasmin i think
assbot: Percheziţii la studiouri video chat şi la bănci, într-un caz de evaziune de 300 milioane de dolari - Mediafax ... ( http://bit.ly/1DV9qAs )
mircea_popescu: ah i recall reading something
mircea_popescu: ;;ud terfs
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=TERF | With books and writings by TERFs like Mary Daly and Janice Raymond, feminism in the west has resulted in the denial of necessary medical care to ungodly ...
assbot: An obscure Bitcoin exchange just filed for a banking license in New York - Business Insider ... ( http://bit.ly/1DVbicA )
mircea_popescu: and even moar drama emerges. apparently this is pretty bitter, too : some feminists don't agree dudes can become women.
Pierre_Rochard: “The bank application for itBit Trust Company LLC lists three bigwigs in government and regulatory circles as "organizers," including former Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Chairman Sheila Bair, former Financial Accounting Standards Board director Robert Herz and former New Jersey Sen. Bill Bradley. Organizers are responsible for setting up limited liability companies in New York, but do not necessarily hold
Pierre_Rochard: operating positions within them.”
Naphex: might as well get ready for govcoin. MIT, DCI, bitcoin devs, something something whitehouse
fluffypony: the compliance officer from itBit presented at the Bitcoin Africa conference last week
fluffypony: he was one of 2 presenters that wasn't completely retarded
mircea_popescu: that sheila bair chick sure is getting around
fluffypony: but he does firmly believe in *embracing regulation* before it cometh
fluffypony: so he's old school
mircea_popescu: well obviously.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Nah, same thing. Qntra just had her first by quite a distance
mircea_popescu: Naphex oh, we've been getting ready fo sho.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo a ok
assbot: Page not found | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1OF3iRI )
mircea_popescu: the very notion that bitcoin would have a compliance officer. bitcoin does not comply.
mircea_popescu: everyone else complies. us congress gets a bitcoin compliance officer.
fluffypony: yes but an exchange needs one
mircea_popescu: yeah, to comply with b-a.
fluffypony: because half of the exchange has to deal in some government regulated shitcoin
BingoBoingo: Bitcoin Compliance Officer == Mosin, well oiled
fluffypony: the other half is Bitcoin
Pierre_Rochard: mircea_popescu: what about a compliance officer that flies around the globe verifying and signing client’s and counterparty’s GPG keys?
Pierre_Rochard: “comply with corporate policies” - rather than “comply with govt mandates"
mircea_popescu: actually... if i were a hooker, what i'd do is exactly this : fly around the globe, swallowing peeps' loads and signing their keys
mircea_popescu: WOT DOMINANCE
Pierre_Rochard: haha, +ev if you get dinner out of it too
mircea_popescu: defo. top chicks make a decent buck.
mircea_popescu: ;;google Leelah Alcorn
gribble: Death of Leelah Alcorn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Leelah_Alcorn>; Ohio transgender teen's mom: 'He was an amazing boy' - CNN.com: <http://www.cnn.com/2014/12/31/us/ohio-transgender-teen-suicide/>; Leelah Alcorn: Transgender Teen's Reported Suicide Note Makes ...: <http://abcnews.go.com/US/leelah-alcorn-transgender-teens-reported- (1 more message)
mircea_popescu: so the million dollar question : are trannies self-harming for the same reason they're trannies, which is to say, broken fenotypes that failed to abort, like a mongoloid or a schizo ; or are trannies self-harming because being a tranny is so traumatic they get fucked up through childhood ?
Pierre_Rochard: “sweet 16-year-old … tender-hearted 17-year-old” - had problems with age identity too
mircea_popescu: age identity is a thing ?
Pierre_Rochard: absolutely! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OROFfLYQ0b0 (listening to lyrics, you’d think Sinatra was talking on the subject of trannies)
assbot: Young At Heart Frank Sinatra 1965 - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1DVdyR4 )
Pierre_Rochard: singing*
Pierre_Rochard: To answer your million dollar question - may be both but I’d lean towards the latter, combined with the lack of emotional regulation prevalent in society
mircea_popescu: im drastically unaware of this.
mircea_popescu: i suspect age thing may be much more an issue in the us, because of idiotic alcohol laws
Pierre_Rochard: my tongue was firmly in cheek! Though I am ~52 yo stuck in body half that age
Pierre_Rochard: !up Naphex
mircea_popescu: "I have decided I've had enough. I'm never going to transition successfully, even when I move out. I'm never going to be happy with the way I look or sound. I'm never going to have enough friends to satisfy me. I'm never going to have enough love to satisfy me. I'm never going to find a man who loves me. I'm never going to be happy. Either I live the rest of my life as a lonely man who wishes he were a woman or I live
mircea_popescu: my life as a lonelier woman who hates herself. There's no winning. There's no way out. I'm sad enough already, I don't need my life to get any worse. People say "it gets better" but that isn't true in my case. It gets worse. Each day I get worse. That's the gist of it, that's why I feel like killing myself. Sorry if that's not a good enough reason for you, it's good enough for me."
mircea_popescu: i dunno... seems like a perfect reason to me.
trinque: that whole thing seems like the suicide drive half-engaged to me
trinque: even aside actually killing oneself
mircea_popescu: howssat ?
williamdunne: Two hours, and I've managed to move my blog across..
Naphex: i'm authed with assbot, but it keeps devoicing me at timeout. wonder how long i can keep it going :P
Pierre_Rochard: seems to me that suicide would be a rather unhealthy response to this severe depression - some therapy, medication, and meditation would go a long ways. The problem is (its) sadness - its the fervent desire to deny and escape the sadness
trinque: mircea_popescu: invents impossible alternative that he must have, or else why live! as a sort of rationalization to finally get over the fear of doing it
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24700 @ 0.00028368 = 7.0069 BTC [-] {2}
Pierre_Rochard: The problem isn’t*
trinque: seems like the pattern is ever-further attempts to depart reality
trinque: death being of course the best way to depart reality
mircea_popescu: !down Naphex
mircea_popescu: !up Naphex
Pierre_Rochard: trinque: right - instead of accepting it
mircea_popescu: you're not id'd.
Naphex: 21:43 <assbot> Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/39b3a19008c7bb56
mircea_popescu: Pierre_Rochard trinque i dunno doods. seems to me the "i am not interested in participating in this world" as a perfectly valid reason.
mircea_popescu: Naphex so did you ever !v ?
Pierre_Rochard: mircea_popescu: it’s absolutely a valid reason. That’s also a valid reason to sit and watch TV all day, play video games, or max out your credit card shopping
Naphex: !down Naphex
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21500 @ 0.00030182 = 6.4891 BTC [+]
trinque: mircea_popescu: I can see it from a completely other angle too; the culmination of this american self-starter be the change you want to see bullshit
trinque: you can just invent yourself, and people have to accept that
trinque: the self-destructiveness could be incidental
mircea_popescu: well, sure you can just invent yourself. people however... don't have to jack shit.
mircea_popescu: same nonsense as in the previous "rape" thing, "you may not dispute my feelings, you may only feel sorry for them". herp.
mircea_popescu: same thing as the age old "i tried therefore no one may criticize me!"
trinque: http://www.openbible.info/topics/equality << amuses me that this is more or less in line with that
assbot: What Does the Bible Say About Equality? ... ( http://bit.ly/1DVh2Da )
jurov: i was surprised how many people i know (including myself) considered suicide at some point. somehow, we moved on
trinque: yet someone who claims to follow the thing may not see how the beliefs therein lead directly to their tranny son
mircea_popescu: jurov i'd be very suspicious of the mental health of an adult intellect that never considered it.
jurov: trinque if the teaching was like "women have no soul", there'd be no trannies?
mircea_popescu: eh the women have no soul thing was never mainstream.
asciilifeform back in throneroom
jurov: go away imposter :)
mircea_popescu: is the throne = toilet thngfunctional in english too ?
trinque: jurov: its "everyone is equal and all is forgiven" that I was pointing at
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: absolutely sop
trinque: at least the american version I'm well acquainted with has a highly corrosive effect on one's thinker
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform btw, what sort of 40 hours has this been ? scam!
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22557 @ 0.00028288 = 6.3809 BTC [-] {2}
trinque: jurov: I tend to think the stupid concepts in the ideology have long outlived the actual belief in sky-dad
asciilifeform: ~40 there/back
asciilifeform petting pet and about to settle in for the one item we have here that is not to be found in arvalhalla - sprats!
mircea_popescu: didja tell her about the whores ?
asciilifeform: said: 'you should have attempted them'
mircea_popescu: see, next time bring her along, you can do it together.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: got the gpgram, finally
mircea_popescu: whores lotta more fun that way anyway.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: will set to work on that thing soon as i get a bit of sleep.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu> whores lotta more fun that way anyway. << Couples night tends to be one of the busiest at the strip clubs
asciilifeform: the transexual thread:
asciilifeform: !s fucksaw
assbot: 4 results for 'fucksaw' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=fucksaw
asciilifeform: that fella (psychologist) wrote a mega-book on the subject
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo one of the better arguments pro harem : women know how to churn the butter outta women.
asciilifeform: i will not spoil it here. (he had two hypotheses, both strongly predictive)
asciilifeform: i'm no shrink, but i've always wondered if transsexualism is a kind of division-by-zero bug
asciilifeform: (i.e. how do you get 'even closer' to $motas than fucking? only one way...)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i originally thought you'd have to be extremely bored to care, but then i discovered most females actually spent some time wanting to be male in their childhood.
asciilifeform: so you end up with something like 'fuck of infinite magnitude'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: independent (how?) of the 'they get to drive tanks?!!11' thing ?
asciilifeform: as in, did they want to 'wear boy clothes and do boy things' or actually swing a cock
mircea_popescu: usually driven by "but mo-ooo-ooom!!11 i don't wanna protect my underskirt, i wanna climb in the cherry tree!!1"
asciilifeform: then sop
asciilifeform: the m2f thing is a much harded nut to crack
asciilifeform: *harder
mircea_popescu: hardly. that's basically being gay.
mircea_popescu: or a flavour thereof.
asciilifeform: well curiously, according to (fuck, what his name) that is only one of the two phenotypes
asciilifeform: the other would rather eat wood screws than touch man
asciilifeform: !s the man who would be queen
assbot: 1 results for 'the man who would be queen' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=the+man+who+would+be+queen
mircea_popescu: lol. "i'm not a normal guy, i'm a lesbian trapped in a male body"
asciilifeform: not far off
asciilifeform: from the actual statements.
trinque: sounds like imaginary identity bullshit
trinque: I'm from the andromeda galaxy
mircea_popescu: well... "self directed education" necessarily constructs this "imagined identity" nonsense.
mircea_popescu: because how else to get from point a to point b ?
trinque declares himself nuclear physicist; gimme a reactor
trinque: though the overflow idea has me thinking
trinque: maybe it's a way to sort of sneak by the normal game of trying to get female attention
trinque: I've noticed gay guys for example that feel they can grab tits because "not playing the game!!"
hanbot would like to see people physically manifested as the sum of the handicaps they imagine they're stuck with.
trinque: Harrison Bergeron highly relevant
mircea_popescu: "@FLAdmin: Step 1 is to disallow incoming traffic from the trilema domain ( This prevents people from using the hyperlinks on his page."
trinque: lol what
mircea_popescu: imagine we all died and "the web community" was stuck reimplementing the web.
BingoBoingo: !up ben_cash
ben_cash: salud
ben_cash: ssh from eze looks to be busted
ben_cash: anyways, burned the last pesos on a bottle of trumpeter
ben_cash: and you know? shit ain't bad.
ben_cash: not worth 160 pesos for 375 mL, but hey. comprolo en el aeropeurto, can't complain-o
mircea_popescu: nah, hard to buy genuinely bad argentinian wine
mircea_popescu: like it's hard to find a lithe feminist.
ben_cash: i finally found the pet who wanted to come home
ben_cash: but she got off the clock at six
ben_cash: or she was being polite. quien saves!
assbot: Logged on 23-04-2015 22:03:43; Pierre_Rochard: mircea_popescu: what about a compliance officer that flies around the globe verifying and signing client’s and counterparty’s GPG keys?
Pierre_Rochard: certainly more efficient
assbot: Logged on 23-04-2015 22:15:47; mircea_popescu: "I have decided I've had enough. I'm never going to transition successfully, even when I move out. I'm never going to be happy with the way I look or sound. I'm never going to have enough friends to satisfy me. I'm never going to have enough love to satisfy me. I'm never going to find a man who loves me. I'm never going to be happy. Either I live the rest of my life as a lonely man who wishes he were
assbot: Logged on 23-04-2015 22:35:03; *: asciilifeform back in throneroom
ben_cash: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-04-2015#1108811 << people go to the strip club without girls???
assbot: Logged on 23-04-2015 22:43:36; BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu> whores lotta more fun that way anyway. << Couples night tends to be one of the busiest at the strip clubs
mircea_popescu: plenty do yeah
mircea_popescu: usually the older dudes
BingoBoingo: 60+ males, most vulnerable population
ben_cash: hablando variedad
ben_cash: whoa, mega cog diss
ben_cash: hispano going on at her kids in entirely unaccented english
pete_dushenski: BingoBoingo ty for teh posting :)
mircea_popescu: "yeah itami, i've read those. thanks for linking me back to something which is written by someone who uses words i've never read before, googling every word is a very constructive and non-timeconsuming activity."
mircea_popescu: at least they're honest...
pete_dushenski: ;;later tell thestringpuller glad to hear you're alive! come home again soon.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
BingoBoingo: Wait, in Argentina ben got married again and changed his name to Cash this time?
ben_cash: m-married?
ben_cash: oh yeah
pete_dushenski: ;;seen diametric
BingoBoingo: ben_cash: Isn't that why you usually change your irc_name
gribble: diametric was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 week, 6 days, 2 hours, 15 minutes, and 11 seconds ago: <diametric> http://yro.slashdot.org/story/15/04/10/1541258/florida-teen-charged-with-felony-hacking-for-changing-desktop-wallpaper
ben_cash: well i found that old guitar players corpse in recoleta and in the grandest tradition of self-important argentines dug him up had my way with him (using court papers, of course), and then put his body elsewhere for political legitimacy
pete_dushenski: another one..
pete_dushenski: ;;seen danielpbarron
gribble: danielpbarron was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 4 days, 3 hours, 9 minutes, and 12 seconds ago: <danielpbarron> !up sickboy
pete_dushenski: less severe.
ben_cash: BingoBoingo: i'm shooting for a wife and children on each continent
ben_cash: some day i'll achieve one in each country!
trinque: nein
asciilifeform: damnit.
trinque: probably ate it that time
mircea_popescu: gpg: Good signature from "Stan
trinque: it's just not voiced
pete_dushenski: hiiiii hitler
ben_cash: Good signature from B98228A001ABFFC7
trinque: asciilifeform: message eaten
trinque: shall dispatch on the hour
trinque: I'll get that thing voicing itself this weekend
ben_cash: can we get deedbot- permavoiced sil vois plait?
trinque: ben_cash: yar ^
ben_cash: hyu, k
ben_cash: trinque: omg wait until you see my new rokkitplane
trinque: I am excite
trinque: and also generally to hear of the rumored land beyond
ben_cash: once i get the requisite harnesses you can put your butt in it as well
ben_cash: mircea_popescu: btw i took your text height advice to heart and have never been happier
ben_cash: but now i need to procure a 15" portable again
Pierre_Rochard: pete_dushenski: you trying out for activity compliance officer?
pete_dushenski: ben_cash go 17"
pete_dushenski: Pierre_Rochard there's tryouts ?
Pierre_Rochard: yup, coach thinks you’ve got a shot this year
ben_cash: boarding group #1...
ben_cash: pete_dushenski: i have 2 24" monitors at the workstation...
asciilifeform begins to feel the microbes catching up with him
ben_cash: also the 17" won't fit in my diplomat.
ben_cash: asciilifeform: aha the curse?
asciilifeform: ben_cash: it, or another, aha
pete_dushenski: Pierre_Rochard well if coach thinks so..
assbot: Logged on 23-04-2015 22:03:43; Pierre_Rochard: mircea_popescu: what about a compliance officer that flies around the globe verifying and signing client’s and counterparty’s GPG keys?
Pierre_Rochard: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-04-2015#1108605 < is the preferred term “crypto-patriarchy” or “crypto-feudalism”? I like both
assbot: Logged on 23-04-2015 20:38:53; cazalla: http://fusion.net/story/124655/why-bitcoins-male-domination-will-be-its-downfall/ "The lack of women in Bitcoin isn’t just an issue of equality. It’s a fundamental weakness of the currency itself." ok guy whatever
asciilifeform pictures an opposite, 'defiance officer'
ben_cash: Could not find artifact me.raynes.conch:me.raynes.conch:jar:0.8.0 in clojars << EZE is officially on my shitlist now
pete_dushenski: ben_cash what's a 'diplomat' other than a well-connected wine drinker ?
mircea_popescu: ssh is a privilege not a right!
mircea_popescu: terrorist!
trinque: I bet you've got a nice wifi splash page in that jar
asciilifeform: ''tis a privilege to pee! you come down and pay the fee!' (tm) (r)
asciilifeform: ben_cash: all 4 airports i just walked through were ham-handedly boojummed in this way
ben_cash: ;afeosmifhgwiuneghviwu4nehrgmaeil
ben_cash: mircea_popescu: i want this skull on my desk
asciilifeform: vpn over dns to a real box, say
asciilifeform: (or something similarly baroque but foolproof)
mircea_popescu: Pierre_Rochard privilege and elitism should also be in there
ben_cash: pete_dushenski: the exquisitely well hand crafted leather nuke suitcase i carry.
asciilifeform: Pierre_Rochard: in some places called 'attache'
ben_cash: asciilifeform: next trip.
ben_cash: i've approximately 3 minutes before i get on this plane.
asciilifeform actually brought own modem, but it was a sc4m
pete_dushenski: ben_cash a cool. got a pic ?
ben_cash: of my briefcase? lolno
ben_cash: might as well take a picture of my shoe
pete_dushenski: so take a picture of your shoe
ben_cash: also leather, well-crafted,
ben_cash: entirely common device among civilized people. unremarkable, one might say.
pete_dushenski: ben_cash whatever lol. link a pic or something if cameras are too complikated.
mircea_popescu: attache on head!
ben_cash: right up there with home-rolled entropy pool.
ben_cash: "high tech", as herr lifeform says.
BingoBoingo: !up ben_cash
ben_cash: gratzi bb
ben_cash: pete_dushenski: i expected you to carry one of sealfur, to be honest!
pete_dushenski: haha cuz canadians club seals for lulz?
pete_dushenski: you know mine's made of newborn's foreskin ;)
ben_cash: has survived nearly an entire decade, with only one modification: additional hole in the shoulder strap for bike-compatibility
pete_dushenski: ah. i use paniers
pete_dushenski: shawp bag btw!
ben_cash: faggot
ben_cash: heeee
ben_cash: thanks, boss
ben_cash: that bag is actually the best example of inflation in action i've yet seen
ben_cash: cost 325 when i bought it eight years ago
ben_cash thinks
ben_cash: 280 mebbe?
ben_cash: anyways, meticulously designed. can be carried through pouring rain, and due to the excellent design of the strap mounting points not. a. single. drop. ever. reaches. the. interior.
ben_cash: even on bike!
ben_cash: i must now stand in line.
ben_cash: the indignity.
ben_cash: "cattle class".
ben_cash: au revoir!
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15474 @ 0.00027654 = 4.2792 BTC [-] {2}
BingoBoingo: ;;seen nubbins'
gribble: I have not seen nubbins'.
mike_c: ;;seen nubbins`
gribble: nubbins` was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 week, 2 days, 5 hours, 50 minutes, and 47 seconds ago: <nubbins`> oh right, yeah
pete_dushenski goes to set up his camera and read poems
mircea_popescu: o hey! looking forward.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile "This guy is a rich bored misogynistic scumbag looking to stir shit up. This is CEO-level Trolling. What he's doing is technically legal, and even if it weren't, he has the money to keep it tied up in courts forever if not win outright. Unfortunately the worldwide legal system is run on money rather than justice, and Fetlife HAS tried to take appropriate legal action against him to no avail. This is yet anoth
mircea_popescu: er shitty case where women must protect themselves from what boils down to a lack of actual justice."
mircea_popescu: why the fuck is it that people can't ever just you know, be wrong anymore ?
mircea_popescu: either my way or "lack of justice". kinda dilutes the point for all those who fiund themselves bona fide in this situation.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5126 @ 0.00027047 = 1.3864 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo waits for the fetlife "Sugar Daddy" list to appear on The Whet
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo i doubt hanbot cares enough. but, part of the perks of this deal - qntra now has bulletproof hosting as part of the package.
BingoBoingo: Eh, meatlist contents... rather disappointing
mircea_popescu: how so ?
hanbot could indeed not be assed, not nearly as generous as mp.
assbot: Explore the Web of Trust - Btc Alpha ... ( http://bit.ly/1OMdPc2 )
mircea_popescu: dude it's so great when shit works.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: The part where their userbase consists of so many accounts that haven't been used in years
mircea_popescu: ah yeah, it's a dead site.
mircea_popescu: basically, they claim 3mn users but from what i've seen it's < 1% eligible womenz, nominally
mircea_popescu: out of which, <1% are active to any reasonable degree.
mircea_popescu: basically... fetlife is the size of my 3rd degree social circle.
mircea_popescu: davout got the job btw ? :D
BingoBoingo: ^Oh more scoopbot drama, quitting already?
trinque: williamdunne: ey yo, your bot died
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39944 @ 0.00030151 = 12.0435 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65250 @ 0.00029709 = 19.3851 BTC [-]
trinque: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/apr/23/drone-strike-al-qaida-targets-white-house << pretty damn amusing word choice in the URL if you ask me
assbot: White House admits: we didn't know who drone strike was aiming to kill | World news | The Guardian ... ( http://bit.ly/1OMMsyv )
decimation: asciilifeform: did you enjoy your tour through central american airports?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 73420 @ 0.00030194 = 22.1684 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: Shenzhen trip report - visiting the world's manufacturing ecosystem - Joi Ito's Web ... ( http://bit.ly/1OMPuTq )
decimation: "While intellectual property seems to be mostly ignored, tradecraft and trade secrets seem to be shared selectively in a complex network of family, friends and trusted colleagues. "
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7750 @ 0.00030155 = 2.337 BTC [-]
decimation: that's all folks
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