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← 2015-04-14 | 2015-04-16 →
BingoBoingo can not recommend personal fantasy escapes to anyone else
BingoBoingo: !up Pierre_Rochard
BingoBoingo: !up NewLiberty
BingoBoingo: !up felipelalli
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24275 @ 0.00028114 = 6.8247 BTC [-] {2}
BingoBoingo: CUffy Nigs perserved in Atlas Shrugged Pt III
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-04-2015#1101825 << wasn't in ar, was server to server, and notrly 50mb, 50MB.
assbot: Logged on 15-04-2015 03:35:49; mats: mircea_popescu: what's 50mb/s cost you in ar?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7700 @ 0.00029046 = 2.2365 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell peterl if i recall corectly and you have hosting on the blogs.polimedia.us server with me, please change the ns to ns1.trilema.com ns2.trilema.com the old server is going down. the account has been already moved.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7448 @ 0.00028327 = 2.1098 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15165 @ 0.0002845 = 4.3144 BTC [+] {3}
davout: mircea_popescu: first comment by victoria: "Doctorate in Human Sexuality (DHS). "
mircea_popescu: mmmmyeah
davout: so TIL that testnet doesn't behave like main net and will allow blocks of diff 1 to be mined whenever it "has been too long" between two blocks
davout: "let's make something to test our stuff, but let's make it behave differently"
davout: so much braindamage...
mircea_popescu: because you know, why reset it.
mircea_popescu: toohard.jpg
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21234 @ 0.00028885 = 6.1334 BTC [+] {2}
davout: correct solution is "make it possible to configure an arbitrary genesis block"
mircea_popescu: that's what i mean.
mircea_popescu: and iirc that was available. at least at some point.
assbot: Reset testnet with a new genesis block · bitcoin/bitcoin@98ba262 · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1cveJh2 )
davout: hardcode a different genesis block, but it's still hardcoded
mircea_popescu: well yeah
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16296 @ 0.00028119 = 4.5823 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11400 @ 0.0002888 = 3.2923 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6150 @ 0.00030235 = 1.8595 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11833 @ 0.00029481 = 3.4885 BTC [-]
[]bot: Bet placed: 4.25591684 BTC for No on "Yandex drop under Google before 2016" http://bitbet.us/bet/1134/ Odds: 17(Y):83(N) by coin, 17(Y):83(N) by weight. Total bet: 5.95291684 BTC. Current weight: 97,825.
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell bingoboingo re http://qntra.net/2015/04/police-send-spyware-of-lawyer-for-whistle-blower/ how's one know it was intentional, as opposed to you know, tjhe whole department's infected with everything ?
assbot: Police Send Spyware To Lawyer For Whistle-Blower | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1HrsRU6 )
gribble: The operation succeeded.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16200 @ 0.00030235 = 4.8981 BTC [+]
assbot: Page not found on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1b2LXnq )
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I'll deturd the pdf of the affidavit (probably should have earlier), in the context of the rest of the misconduct it accidentallied its way there isn't too plausible.
BingoBoingo: IT guy went to suspicious seminars between the filing of the case and the delivery of evidence
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_modem
ascii_modem: mircea_popescu: re: your p2p rfp: guess what's in my bag...
ascii_modem: and yes, i'm in an airport queue, l0l, laugh all ya want
assbot: Nokia Agrees to Buy Alcatel-Lucent for $16.6 Billion | Re/code ... ( http://bit.ly/1b2Qfez )
ascii_modem: lol nokia still exists?!?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: updated to include a link to the de-pdf'd affidavit. Lots of exhibits so txt didn't work.
assbot: Page not found | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1b2RXN8 )
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_modem
ascii_modem: re: turdware piece: probably normal infector
ascii_modem: mega-deniable
ascii_modem: run moar winblows (tm)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6100 @ 0.00030235 = 1.8443 BTC [+]
BingoBoingo: ascii_modem: If you take a look at the affidavit exhibit D is enlightening
BingoBoingo: It's pages 31 through 33
ascii_modem: aha saw
ascii_modem: policedept will answer 'our antivirus was out of date' etc
ascii_modem: usg wins this one - because alternative - holding pd to hygienic standards - is 'skies-fall' mega-inconceivable
assbot: South Africa's ageing white mercenaries who helped turn tide on Boko Haram | World news | The Guardian ... ( http://bit.ly/1b2TRgP )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3692 @ 0.00030212 = 1.1154 BTC [-]
ascii_modem: there are 'places' to which usg - while exists as such - simply will -not- go, and where the question can only be re: -which- specific set of sophistries will be made use of to avoid going there
ascii_modem: consider - close to 100% of u.s. juridicial whatevers, have winblows in the loop
ascii_modem: everything from the stenotype transcriber to the case law search to... you get the drift
assbot: Pentagon Deploys ‘May I Kiss You?’ Training | Washington Free Beacon ... ( http://bit.ly/1b2UFlA )
mats: can testify to experiencing such training -- has such gems as 'if you're intoxicated you can't consent', up to and including both parties effectively raping each other if they both happen to be inebriated
assbot: What the Ridiculous Fuck, D-Link?! - /dev/ttyS0 ... ( http://bit.ly/1b2UZ3M )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18050 @ 0.00030043 = 5.4228 BTC [-] {2}
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_modem
ascii_modem: mats: precisely same story as microshit's 'stuxnet' patch - and hell knows how many others
mats: hue hue
ascii_modem: bbl - airplane
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16455 @ 0.00030235 = 4.9752 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25400 @ 0.00030264 = 7.6871 BTC [+] {2}
mod6: !t m s.mpoe
assbot: [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00028056 / 0.00029815 / 0.00030302 (844712 shares, 251.86 BTC), 7D: 0.00023945 / 0.00028215 / 0.00030302 (33104839 shares, 9,340.60 BTC), 30D: 0.0001443 / 0.00027063 / 0.00033536 (112962651 shares, 30,571.56 BTC)
danielpbarron: height=324341 vs height=223552
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18050 @ 0.00028207 = 5.0914 BTC [-] {2}
mod6: nice danielpbarron
danielpbarron: http://friskyfairy.com/wp/blog/2015/04/10/1325/#comment-47836 << LOL the link is removed but this comment is surely about me
assbot: Not Meat, Not Quite a Person: How Fetlife Failed Women Under 30 | ... ( http://bit.ly/1NJmnVE )
danielpbarron: He's the only person on Twitter who is regularly posting links to that blog site. So the accounts must be connected somehow. Based on that account's Tweets, there's a lot of hostility towards women, feminists, "SJW's", and women related things.
danielpbarron: actually can you not approve my previous comment for moderation. i just realized such a post could direct an entire hate mob at a twitter account and that's not responsible for me to do. This guy could just be a fan of the guy who posted the list. I don't have any solid proof, and even if there was, it would be a matter for the victims and the police only.
danielpbarron: wouldn't be the first time
lobbes: 'I don't have any solid proof, and even if there was, it would be a matter for the victims and the police only' < l0l
lobbes: silly how no anger is being directed toward the faulty security of the site itself
lobbes: just 'shoot all messengers!11!'
chetty: lobbes, if people ever actually targeted their anger at the real root of any issue the world would be very different
assbot: The Truth About the CIA and Iran | Foreign Affairs ... ( http://bit.ly/1NJzV3I )
[]bot: Bet placed: 1.0025 BTC for Yes on "Yandex drop under Google before 2016" http://bitbet.us/bet/1134/ Odds: 29(Y):71(N) by coin, 29(Y):71(N) by weight. Total bet: 6.95541684 BTC. Current weight: 97,737.
assbot: /hashtag/NotMeat?src=hash, Not Quite a Person: How /FetLife Failed Women Under 30 /JohnBaku http://t.co/ZdZYIvq1WA http://t.co/TNdheoBnFb
pete_dushenski: mats: won't load for me. too much js me thinks.
pete_dushenski: probably not a huge loss either way
pete_dushenski: danielpbarron: sorta lulzy trollin'
danielpbarron: i'm cracking myself up
assbot: Shopify to raise $100M in Toronto, New York IPO - Business - CBC News ... ( http://bit.ly/1NJF2Rf )
chetty: eh you dont like what someone says "you're gross", wow how insightful :P
assbot: Toyota moving Corolla production to Mexico from Cambridge, Ont. - Business - CBC News ... ( http://bit.ly/1NJF6Rc )
pete_dushenski: so the great white north is left with oilsands and e-commerce, while the mexicans take over the added value industries in the way that china did in the last few decades.
pete_dushenski: that institutional revolutionary party, like the communist party of china, does capitalism better than the rest of the socialist pretenders
pete_dushenski: cihuatlan will rise again!
pete_dushenski: good morning!
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: all your ducks in a row for c3 ?
adlai: that's not how you spell cthulu
mircea_popescu: so far not bad
pete_dushenski: adlai: hm ya, didn't seem quite right..
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: well i look ever-so-forward to the follow-up articles providing morsels of dispensed wisdom a la dragonfly piece
mircea_popescu: hehe mebbe yeah
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7650 @ 0.00028321 = 2.1666 BTC [+] {2}
ben_vulpes: hola chicas
mircea_popescu: hey there
mircea_popescu: how's portland
ben_vulpes: clear, chilly
ben_vulpes: should surprise everyone with some rain in the afternoon
ben_vulpes: the normal routine
ben_vulpes: and ba?
ben_vulpes: <davout> [08:21] so TIL that testnet doesn't behave like main net and will allow blocks of diff 1 to be mined whenever it "has been too long" between two blocks << this testnet stuff is bullhockey
ben_vulpes: just make an isolated network and watch it go
ben_vulpes: diddle as desired
davout: ben_vulpes: ideally configure an arbitrary genesis block in config file
ben_vulpes: remind me of why the genesis block matters please?
ben_vulpes: or is this the "rip out all magic constants" thread again
davout: ben_vulpes: if you want a different testnet you just need a different genesis block and a couple ports of your liking
ben_vulpes: no, i don't want a different testnet
davout: well, i do
ben_vulpes: testnet has diverged so far from mainnet that i don't even really understand the point of it anymore
davout: so random fucktards can't point their asics at it preventing me from mining with a cpu
davout: ben_vulpes: define "diverged"
ben_vulpes: well enlighten my sorely sleep deprived ass - what's the use case for testnet?
davout: paymium has a staging environment, and a sandbox environment, both run against testnet
davout: which makes testing easier on a few accounts
ben_vulpes: "diverged" << the whole block diff=1 thing, f.ex.
davout: yea, that's absolutely retarded
davout: if you want some "test thing" make it behave like "real thing"
ben_vulpes: mas o menos that it's not actually a proxy for bitcoin anymore
ben_vulpes: there are odd transaction relay rules etc i think
davout: ugh, didn't know about that
davout: if you have a configurable genesis block it removes the need for testnet entirely
ben_vulpes: yeah there's a mess of branches throughout the codebase that do different things based on "if testnet"
ben_vulpes: no dude but listen
ben_vulpes: if you set your staging and sandboxen up with bitcoinds that only talk to other bitcoinds you control that have never seen the mainchain
davout: testing is for faggots amirite
ben_vulpes: you've just made your own testnet that's...bitcoin.
davout: yep
davout: except i want my customers and partners to use the sandbox for their integrations
mircea_popescu: <ben_vulpes> testnet has diverged so far from mainnet that i don't even really understand the point of it anymore << exactly. which is what he was saying.
ben_vulpes: ooh sticky
davout: the idea is that they can conveniently request coins from the testnet faucet, or mine them, and use them as play money
ben_vulpes: davout: your integrators should be savvy enough to boot into your private testnet.
ben_vulpes: mine their own coins.
mircea_popescu: but it would be a private main net
mircea_popescu: NOT testnet.
ben_vulpes: ding ding ding
davout: and it also has the added advantage that i don't have to do withdrawals on staging/sandbox
mircea_popescu: everyone aspiring to mpexness.
davout: ben_vulpes: i would need a faucet also
mats debating whether to buy the Apple Watch to exploit it
ben_vulpes: davout: and so?
mircea_popescu: mats cheap seems to work best for that
ben_vulpes: arbeit macht frei
davout: so i'm lazy
ben_vulpes: pay someone?
davout: i'm jewish
mats: lol.
ben_vulpes: no you're french
davout: bitches don't know bout my venn diagrams
mircea_popescu: vendi-agrams amirite.
ben_vulpes: venti ngrams
ben_vulpes: engrams
mats: got a few comedians in here.
mircea_popescu: don't hate us because we're talented mats
mircea_popescu: ftr, ben_vulpes hasn't slept in five days and just had three triple ristrettos.
mats: thats a good idea
assbot: The biggest question in economy today is all about the billions. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1OeP0VO )
mats: avoid sudo at all costs mate
mircea_popescu: mv / * { <<.>>
ben_vulpes: now that's some fd redirecting black magic
ben_vulpes: those were triples!?
ben_vulpes: sheesh i better give up on this nap
assbot: Full text of "The socialism of Shaw" ... ( http://bit.ly/1OePMlG )
mircea_popescu: bah fucking bs
mircea_popescu: nah its some "commentary"
mats: what kinda dude loses sleep on a vaca. come on man.
mats: i know, i know, 'small bidness owner'.
ben_vulpes: wait aren't you the one exhibiting early schizo patterns?
mats: ... :(
assbot: Project Gutenberg Titles by Bernard Shaw (Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950) ... ( http://bit.ly/1OeRhAe )
assbot: voltron/README.md at master · snare/voltron · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1OeRjIg )
assbot: Logged on 10-04-2015 14:53:59; mircea_popescu: you know it's a major sign of early onset schizophrenia among other unsavory things ?
mircea_popescu: i'll be sure to save this for october.
mats: what happens in october?
mircea_popescu: vulpes stop sleeping
ben_vulpes: hyuuuu
ben_vulpes: that's early onset adulthood tho
mircea_popescu: same difference
ben_vulpes: dementia mebbe
mats: ah, babby is born
pete_dushenski: papa vulps !
ben_vulpes: first con scoop!
pete_dushenski: this is definitely going on qntra
assbot: Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1B4VJ5H.txt )
pete_dushenski: how's lady v doing so far ?
ben_vulpes: made it through trimester i with flying colors
mats: got a baby registry?
mircea_popescu: like for slaves ?
mats: wat
ben_vulpes: wouldn't know what to do with a slave
mircea_popescu: ;;google slave registry
gribble: The Slave Register - Master/slave, O&P, SLRN, certificates: <https://www.slaveregister.com/>; TSR: Registration Numbers - The Slave Register: <https://www.slaveregister.com/about/numbers>; TSR: Registration How To? - The Slave Register: <https://www.slaveregister.com/about/reghowto>
mircea_popescu: ^ pretty lulzy shit from a bitcoin perspective btw.
mircea_popescu: "centralize all the things"
mircea_popescu: basically the underground just aims to be counter.
pete_dushenski: ben_vulpes: well mazel tov !
ben_vulpes: unless the slave stamp is tattooed or branded it's a yawwwwner
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: since this might be news, a baby registry is like a wedding registry, where the expectant couple makes a list of all the things they want from a particular store
ben_vulpes: pete_dushenski: gratzi
pete_dushenski: then throw a party and people buy them things from that list
ben_vulpes: yeah lady v's working on that thing
ben_vulpes: heh nb.jpg
pete_dushenski: ^sorta like lady v's famous hash, neh ?
pete_dushenski: the one with her and her friend ?
ben_vulpes: some parallel mebbe
pete_dushenski: difference being : permanence
ben_vulpes: aha fetlife also does the retarded "U NO CAN DL IMAGES" js
ben_vulpes: ah except they're doing it with css
pete_dushenski: because screen captures were never invented
mircea_popescu: except that's not theirs ?
assbot: ‘Vampire-fanged’ trucker who held women as sex slaves and drilled down their teeth 'had four more victims' - Americas - World - The Independent ... ( http://bit.ly/1H86sL4 )
ben_vulpes: "used a small drill to drill down to drill down" << sigh
mircea_popescu: what do you want, it's the press.
mircea_popescu: cheaper to write than to read.
mircea_popescu: by the way, i hear angelina jolie's cutting further bits off ?
ben_vulpes: mats: that voltron thinger looks neat
mircea_popescu: that woman's either got some pretty serious mental issues or else she's like, an experiment in transhumanism
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Her way of going cancer free is to simply get rid of all the parts
mircea_popescu: she's not even got cancer, just "might"
pete_dushenski: absence of evidence != evidence of absence so better cut things off... just to be safe.
hanbot: wait, *off*, as opposed to out?!
pete_dushenski: could be either, really
mircea_popescu: im waiting for her takin ga kidney out to replace it with thiel's latest invention.
hanbot: what else is there to cut off tho?
pete_dushenski: leg cancer ? off with yer leg
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12400 @ 0.00029377 = 3.6427 BTC [+]
pete_dushenski not a medical doctor
pete_dushenski more thinking along the lines of 'chick cancer'
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: isn't it odd that people can't sell their own organs ?
mircea_popescu: it's politically impossible. they're more valuable as votes than as parts.
pete_dushenski: and equally insane that many people volunteer to donate chunks of their organs... to absolutel strangers ?
BingoBoingo: Most valuable organs are going to come from specially farmed teenagers.
pete_dushenski: with that, i'm off. safe travels to all and another hearty congratulations to ben_vulpes !!
ben_vulpes: later pete
ben_vulpes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-11-2013#381188 << apropos of not a whole lot my brother played the villian in this musical
assbot: Logged on 17-11-2013 04:48:54; asciilifeform: 'it's a Privilege to pee!'
davout: mircea_popescu: "it's politically impossible. they're more valuable as votes than as parts." <<< lol nice
davout: giving still allowed
ben_vulpes: "ph4mly and phr13ndz only"
ben_vulpes: otherwise there's a deserving young man we want to give the gift of driving his car into a tree two years from the transplant
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8305 @ 0.00029377 = 2.4398 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10000 @ 0.00029377 = 2.9377 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8450 @ 0.00029377 = 2.4824 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9350 @ 0.00029377 = 2.7467 BTC [+]
assbot: Bter’s Investment Plan – High Return - Bter News ... ( http://bit.ly/1FU5ZL1 )
danielpbarron: Store my BTC in the wallet would not add its value... Invest my BTC in the fixed term plan would make it unavailable to me when the price soars...
danielpbarron: Bter's investment Plan is made for you! Trade or withdraw the invested BTC any time -- Receive the up to 10 % annualized return automatically
danielpbarron: ^ comic sans text scraped from image
trinque: danielpbarron: easy gains?! where do I sign?
ben_vulpes: ahhh i fell down a tweethole
assbot: HEALTH GOTH BRO (@ALLCAPSBRO) | Twitter ... ( http://bit.ly/1JKZThx )
assbot: Ramadi could fall to ISIS offensive, Iraq official says - CNN.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1JL0yPO )
mats: meanwhile the west is spinning the absolute ruin of Tikrit as some kind of win against IS
mats: IS leaves the city a smoking crater in the ground with 2k IA troops dead, and traded about 1k IS souls for the effort
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 58 @ 0.03944713 = 2.2879 BTC [+] {8}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13300 @ 0.00030226 = 4.0201 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5100 @ 0.00029159 = 1.4871 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13600 @ 0.00029159 = 3.9656 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10400 @ 0.00030227 = 3.1436 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: <assbot> Ramadi could fall to ISIS offensive, Iraq official says << heh.
mircea_popescu: mats teh us & allies "west" is in the position of the prison bitch that "dominates".
assbot: What The Fetlife Meatlist Tells Us About BDSM Culture | Model View Culture ... ( http://bit.ly/1EHGa29 )
danielpbarron: The creator of this list claims that he is motivated by the altruistic goal of pressuring Bitlove (the creators of Fetlife) into implementing security fixes to prevent these sort of attacks happening in the future. Unfortunately, the so-called "meat" advertised by the list is comprised exclusively of female-identifying members under the age of 30.
danielpbarron: The information has been curated for and advertised to an audience of predominantly cis male sexual predators, that now have a well-laid out database of disproportionately vulnerable and inexperienced potential victims who may be unlikely to expose their alternative lifestyle by going to the police or perusing other means of defense.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5650 @ 0.00030302 = 1.7121 BTC [+]
mats: danielpbarron: i'm surprised you haven't harassed her over twitter yet
assbot: /hashtag/NotMeat?src=hash, Not Quite a Person: How /FetLife Failed Women Under 30 /JohnBaku http://t.co/ZdZYIvq1WA http://t.co/TNdheoBnFb
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48584 @ 0.00030302 = 14.7219 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24800 @ 0.00028764 = 7.1335 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7600 @ 0.00028031 = 2.1304 BTC [-]
williamdunne: Why do people not try to secure data they want to remain private?!
jurov: that's not a part of consumer expectation
jurov: at least not at first
williamdunne: "No this is private data"
williamdunne: "How so?"
williamdunne: "Because I want it to be private"
williamdunne: (While leaving it on bench outside their house)
jurov: but they were private. till bad mircea made it available to predators.
williamdunne: If anything, I would say mircea raped them
williamdunne: When you think about it, that is really a logical comparison
jurov: more like a revelation they have had aids (hope my tense is correct)
williamdunne: I believe that would be "they have aids"
williamdunne: will get aids, have had aids (was cured), have aids
jurov: ah. i meant, it must have been (lol) happening for some time
jurov: whoever wanted, pulled the data, too
lobbes: even if fetlife -had- proper security, there's still the whole 'once on internet, it is forever on internet' that people fail to grok
punkman: 'once on internet, it is forever on internet' << not really
punkman: shartups disappear all the time
lobbes: shartup might, but you have to think someone -may- have archived the history somewhere
funkenstein_: in this case it was published in a public forum for all to see
funkenstein_: only not originally indexed in an easy to use way
funkenstein_: what happens in vegasnet stays on vegasnet
lobbes: yeah, some d00d with no life could, in theory, spend a year screencapping and manually indexing each and every profile.
punkman: disks and backups fail too
assbot: Deathwatch - Archiveteam ... ( http://bit.ly/1CLWwlu )
jurov: i'm sure nsa/palantir has bettr process than screencapping
funkenstein_: in other news, afaik all major 中国 banks require IE 10 for all online banking
assbot: Vladimir Putin is the most influential person in the world, Time readers say - The Washington Post ... ( http://bit.ly/1DJuJGo )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28050 @ 0.00027988 = 7.8506 BTC [-] {2}
funkenstein_: !up wao
lobbes: hmm, I'm probably doing it wrong, but I keep getting 'BAD signature' when trying to verify the README
lobbes: anyone else been able to verify?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8950 @ 0.00028082 = 2.5133 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: williamdunne there's a HUGE difference between people securing data and random service not allowing enumeration.
mircea_popescu: lobbes it's all a matter of costs. the fact that a dude could do X at a cost of 10 dollars a head means X is only getting done if worth 10 bucks. which is why making it cost 0.0000001 is stupid.
mircea_popescu: this is quite universal btw, the "copyright infringement" trolls do itall the time. they get a list of ips, then sue "john does" and ask the isps to reveal the identities
mircea_popescu: had they sued used individually it'd be like ~350 bucks a user, which is more than what's worth
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12965 @ 0.00027951 = 3.6238 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: (they get ~20% success rate on a value of about $1k per sucker suckered to settle with them)
mircea_popescu: however, if they do it en masse, that 350 is certain to amortise.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8578 @ 0.0002825 = 2.4233 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: davout i do what i can >D
williamdunne: mircea_popescu: Sure, that is what I mean. If you don't want your users data being public/publicly searchable you shouldn't leave it out on the porch
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10314 @ 0.00028636 = 2.9535 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: Fetlife, the meat market on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1zier1G )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7900 @ 0.00029064 = 2.2961 BTC [+]
mod6: <+danielpbarron> lobbes, http://danielpbarron.com/lobbes.txt << thanks for checking that
BingoBoingo: !up chiral
chiral: winning
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18450 @ 0.00027951 = 5.157 BTC [-]
williamdunne: Lol, someone is trying to declared independence/sovereignty in a 7km2 piece of land that neither Serbia nor Croatia wants.
assbot: Liberland.org - About Liberland ... ( http://bit.ly/1Hv8NQN )
williamdunne: *trying to declare
williamdunne: Well, I supposed they've successfully declared it; its just the maintaining of it that will be tricky
williamdunne: "Scanned valid identity card or a part of valid passport with your photo where you can digitally black out all text data except first name, last name, gender, date of birth, nationality, date of issue and validity date (you can black out identification number, social security number, signature, etc.). The data will be used to issue ID documents for citizens of Liberland. If the scanned document does not
williamdunne: contain your current permanent address, please give it in the message text of the e-mail."
mircea_popescu: mmmmkay.
assbot: Page not found on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Hvadec )
mircea_popescu: since we're doing this now apparently.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22200 @ 0.0002892 = 6.4202 BTC [+] {2}
mike_c: mircea_popescu: want to plug the new host? who won the evaluation?
mircea_popescu: mike_c i just ended up with a bunch of boxen
mircea_popescu: anyway, ns1/ns2.trilema.com
mike_c: polacks! well hopefully they have a stiff spine.
assbot: Frisky Fairy Sex Education ... ( http://bit.ly/1zikpzN )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22072 @ 0.00027969 = 6.1733 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11500 @ 0.00029064 = 3.3424 BTC [+]
assbot: Alamogordo police logs (April 10 - April 13) - Alamogordo Daily News ... ( http://bit.ly/1HvgdDG )
mircea_popescu: EVERYONE is in "magistrate court".
mircea_popescu: aka, stalin
mircea_popescu: s judicial police.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12600 @ 0.00027911 = 3.5168 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: Daniel Duva, 21, of the 1200 block of Iowa Avenue was ticketed for alleged abandonment of a child. The investigation revealed that she had fallen asleep while watching her child, allowing the child to leave the residence. She is to appear in Municipal Court.
mircea_popescu: imagine that!
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17200 @ 0.00029064 = 4.999 BTC [+]
mats: anyone here with access to an up-to-date Snort ruleset?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5450 @ 0.00029064 = 1.584 BTC [+]
trinque: who can claim we're not a totalitarian police state, when a child can be snatched away from parents becaues it's... outside
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16373 @ 0.00028215 = 4.6196 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: well it looks more like she has to take a day off from work be derped at in court.
assbot: Maryland 'free-range kids' taken into CPS custody - DC News FOX 5 DC WTTG ... ( http://bit.ly/1OE5CIF )
assbot: /hashtag/Support?src=hash a /hashtag/sexpositive?src=hash /hashtag/BDSM?src=hash /hashtag/community?src=hash /hashtag/leader?src=hash! Don't let one of ours go /hashtag/homeless?src=hash, please. http://t.co/Y9cCU6UyEC via /gofundme
mircea_popescu: homeless "community leader"
mircea_popescu: someone should send them taaki
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron lol having twitter fun ?
mircea_popescu: i think that's an offence.
mircea_popescu: http://www.gofundme.com/j-asi << dude check it out, all she needs is 500, all she got is 75
assbot: Support our ASI community leader! by Submissives Initiative - GoFundMe ... ( http://bit.ly/1OEan4X )
mircea_popescu: maybe she should consider doing a bit tit pic.
trinque: maybe humiliating herself is her fetish
assbot: My thoughts on the FetLife "Meat List" ... ( http://bit.ly/1OEbj9A )
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron i meant specifically as per the pay for your tits article, and i meant the homeless "leader" chick
mircea_popescu: tho i guess the angry fattie "educator" could do the same.
williamdunne: Holy shit
williamdunne: She's working on her BA in Gender Studies
trinque: of course
williamdunne: She is a living stereotype
williamdunne: 'Kink Advocate' - is this not the sexual equivalent of advocating the usage of Xbones over PS4s and other similarly childish 'debates'
mircea_popescu: mmmyeah.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14504 @ 0.00027671 = 4.0134 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: well... if you can't raise dicks, you can always raise awarenesses.
williamdunne: mircea_popescu: or blame the lack of raising dicks on the patriarchy
trinque: !b 2
assbot: Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1DEKQME.txt )
lobbes: 'So my issue with the “Meat List” is not simply that some asshat breached the privacy of people in my community, but rather the tone of how women are regarded by this person' heh, form over function, neh?
mircea_popescu: ftr, the comment i left was "Don’t flatter yourself too much. On the basis of this text, which is about as much as I can be bothered to review, you are not intelligent in any sense, and uncognizant in the strictest sense."
mircea_popescu: almost half-curious as to whether it gets through
lobbes: danielpbarron, thank you for verifying that sig, btw. I think I see what I was doing wrong (n00b move, over here)
danielpbarron: it took me a few tries to get it to work
mats: #b-a dropping bombs as usual
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9350 @ 0.00027808 = 2.6 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7600 @ 0.00029103 = 2.2118 BTC [+] {2}
mats: anyone have an idea how to google strings of symbols? escaping doesn't seem to work
williamdunne: Example of what you are trying to do
danielpbarron: !up ascii_bolivia
mats: e.g. mp's earlier thing, mv / * { <<.>>
ascii_bolivia: ty danielpbarron
mircea_popescu: !up broz
williamdunne: Would it work if done in quotation marks?
mircea_popescu: !up ascii_bolivia
ascii_bolivia: so i get to kill some hours in this rathole, and sit down, order caek
mircea_popescu: da fuck you doing in... bolivia
ascii_bolivia: cakeman balks
mircea_popescu: you terrorisk ?
ascii_bolivia: i then wonder if mistook my grammar
ascii_bolivia: turns out he cannot eat 20 usd banknotez
mats: williamdunne: no. first thing i tried
ascii_bolivia: neighbour asks 'ey, you, where from'
ascii_bolivia: me: amerika. vashington.
mircea_popescu: no cake for you ?
ascii_bolivia: he: you look liar.
mats: lol
trinque: ascii_bolivia: did the TSA check your oil on the way?
mircea_popescu: in b-a today : alf tries to scam illiterate bolivian. fails.
ascii_bolivia: trinque: the mega-funny is that they checked nothing
mats: too white and boring
ascii_bolivia: trinque: low day on the terrorthermometer or whatnot.
ascii_bolivia: or what mats said
trinque: lol, bag full of boxes full of circuits and wires
trinque: *yawn* come on through
ascii_bolivia: in and out of the queue in <5 min stateside
mircea_popescu: i think they only check people they don't know are terrorists
mircea_popescu: which is kinda why it helps being a known terrorist. faster queues.
mats: 5min? you got tsa pre check or something?
ascii_bolivia: mats: did, but it was a scam
ascii_bolivia: only works on the way -in- apparently
mats: dulles is hellish year round
ascii_bolivia: i am almost disappointed at the lack of 'massage' in the airport - even brought special computer, holding no secrets, expecting it to be imaged at the conveyor
ascii_bolivia: specially saved for such occasions, apple box, with contempt
trinque: mats | anyone have an idea how to google strings of symbols? escaping doesn't seem to work << http://symbolhound.com
assbot: SymbolHound: Search Better. Code Better. ... ( http://bit.ly/1OEsDv5 )
mats: trinque: thanks
ascii_bolivia last slept around 40 hrs ago
mircea_popescu: i hear if you sleep in bolivia your ass loosens
ascii_bolivia: esp at vvi
ascii_bolivia: i can feel its wavefunction wobble already
ascii_bolivia: just from sitting here
ascii_bolivia: ratty lunch counter, doesn't serve anything, and looks like hasn't in a decade or two - but little cakes in the fridge. probably same vintage
ascii_bolivia clarified that he ate a thing that was -not- this. at least not detectably.
mircea_popescu: delectably ?
ascii_bolivia: not quite.
mircea_popescu: hey, im stuffing myself with black forest and cognac over here, can't say i don't feel for you.
ascii_bolivia: that thing tasted -precisely- as folks reading this would expect such a dish to taste.
mircea_popescu: check your privifridge.
ascii_bolivia: a .ar flunkie strolled in, collected receipt for the 'pay to come here' thing
ascii_bolivia: and signature. then walked off
ascii_bolivia: who's already partying? ben_vulpes ?
mircea_popescu: you know between here and there it's nothing but inhospitable rocky crags populated by gay stone-age natives ?
ascii_bolivia: mircea_popescu: this was abundantly obvious to unarmed eye from airplane window
ascii_bolivia: bolivia looks quite like north kr, for instance
mircea_popescu: but hey, at least they've got no soldering irons naimean ?
mircea_popescu: it is exactly nr, if the escaped chicks i met are to be believed.
mircea_popescu: economy crashed and burned, people sorta-halfassed rebelled, military steamrolled them and that "took care of it"
mircea_popescu: no everyone's waiting "for things to improve". you know, like things do.
mircea_popescu: by themselves.
ascii_bolivia: i know a fella from there in meatspace. goes back, forth.
mircea_popescu: prolly for the cheap cunt.
mircea_popescu: the inescapable advantage of all shitholes - that at least the women don't actually have the time&leisure to be annoying.
lobbes: !up ascii-bolivia
mircea_popescu: alf forgot to pedal
ascii-bolivia: approximately
ascii-bolivia: mircea_popescu: re: the rebecca hiles article << mindblowing showcase of 'usa is world' thing
mircea_popescu: how so ?
ascii-bolivia: 'If he were posting anything that wasn’t publicly viewable on the site then he could be brought in on other charges... The court would order him to take it down... '
ascii-bolivia: do these folks not get spam ?
mircea_popescu: ah. well he principally comes off as dumber than a box of dumb bells because he starts from what he wants the facts to say and then forces some sort of factoids into that.
mircea_popescu: like that joke about the policemen.
mircea_popescu: holy shit. apparently online en dictionaries have lost a meaning of sufficient.
mircea_popescu: to be sufficient is to be ignorant and disinterested in the matter, yo!
mats: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQ9FCRTFezY&t=29s one of my favorite Generation Kill scenes
assbot: Generation Kill - "The sand was very evil" - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1H9IOOm )
ascii-bolivia: i still can't figure out if these astonishing specimens actually -believe- ... this - or merely pretend
mircea_popescu: mats dude those things look vulnerable as all shit.
mircea_popescu: seriously, this is how it works ? mounted repeating tinycannon on an open truck chassis ?
ascii-bolivia: what they believe - or pretend to - if one were to dignify it with a reduction to logical terms which make sense to a normal person, is: that usg is sorta like a searchlight, that cannot cover the whole universe simultaneously but can certainly be pointed at miscreants as need be, when their turn comes
mircea_popescu: what happens if someone throws them a frag ?
mats: they are vulnerable
mircea_popescu: so how do they work ?
ascii-bolivia: mircea_popescu: 'what happens if' was probably omitted from consideration because 'orc could never get close enough'
mats: lotta dudes died taking and holding baghdad and fallujah
ascii-bolivia: just as the $maxint single-shot chemical laser that fits in most of a 'boeing' is vulnerable to nothing more than frag
mircea_popescu: so basically what is this stupid shit, "we never heard of petain" ?
mircea_popescu: "we can conquer any position but we need someone to hold our wiener if we take a leak" ?
mats: yeah. it was early and us mil hadn't had to take and hold a city in some time
mats: no MRAPs for iraq invasion
williamdunne: Is Mike_C still working on the WoT site implemenation?
williamdunne: implementation
ascii-bolivia: wtf; there is a -coin operated pNohe charger here-.
ascii-bolivia: drop coin and... what? stand next to it for an hour ?
ascii-bolivia: am i just think or what
ascii-bolivia can feel his brain coming out of nose, ears
mircea_popescu: you had too much ?
ascii-bolivia: not enough
mircea_popescu: the TAB-77 actually looks like it's 30 years ahead of those things.
mircea_popescu: and it was made 30 years ago
mats: well the mrap is more for counter ied operations
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10500 @ 0.00028804 = 3.0244 BTC [-]
mats: sappers tend to ride those and huskies while doing route clearance
mircea_popescu: i can't escape this feeling that us materiel is broken.
assbot: CSI » Husky MK III Vehicle Mounted Mine Detector ... ( http://bit.ly/1CMNl4m )
mircea_popescu: maybe it's because i'm ignorant, which... i haven't been following much
mircea_popescu: mats soo... the converted debeere plow ?!
mats: yeah. add some jamming and sensing equipment.
mircea_popescu: why not just add six inches of composite armor sandwiched between steel plate and tracks ?
mats: because insurgents change up the targeting
mircea_popescu: what the fuck are they going to do ?
mats: e.g. piling on explosives next to highway barriers to direct blast against the side of the vehicle
mats: and use command det instead
mike_c: williamdunne: yes.
mircea_popescu: you can actually make vehicle so tough that no blast can do anything but move it
mike_c: pop by c3 for a demo. or wait til next week.
mircea_popescu: and at 10-20 tons... they'll just blow out the barrier instead
mats: they have ru materiel
mircea_popescu: yea, but 80s
mircea_popescu: !up would-liquify
mats: and just cook the dudes inside with a penetrative round
would-liquify: will liquify!
mircea_popescu: (the sikriti io kept waiting for the us to open up - all the upset @ russia is over the rape they're delivering to us army via proxy in mid east)
mats: which is what the netting is for
mircea_popescu: would-liquify not really. people routinely survive 6g. calculate the blast that will accelerate a 10 ton apv at 6g
would-liquify: eh, nets just resulted in tandem warheads
would-liquify: mircea_popescu: it isn't a g thing
would-liquify: but shockwave damage
would-liquify: (vs overpressure. separate animals)
mats: generally in an attempt to catch the round and cause premature explosion
mircea_popescu: wave doesn't get inside.
would-liquify: mircea_popescu: sure it does. visit the drooling patients.
would-liquify: it not only gets inside,
mircea_popescu: i meant inside the vehicle.
would-liquify: but skullcase acts as a waveguide for it
would-liquify: i spoke with a fella who had a very interesting, and - as far as i could surmise, accurate - machine model for it
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