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mircea_popescu: the problem is no longer "where to place the fab" but "where to find coders".
mircea_popescu: very substantially different.
asciilifeform: so who do i 'persuade' to replay 1970-2000 ?
mircea_popescu: who is different from where.
asciilifeform: and it isn't 'coders' in the sense of monkeys but actual people, who would be required.
mircea_popescu: THIS works for who.
mircea_popescu: no argument.
mircea_popescu: but if you ask me, i do not see ideal situation as "private island where 04938509348509834 SAM batteries and nukes, and purpose-built IC fab"
mircea_popescu: i see it as, "elaborate virus, makes targetted fab shit out our own gear "accidentally", we buy it as tailings for pennies"
nubbins`: oh ho
mircea_popescu: did i ever recount the very early "special order" scam romanians got hit with ? in like 91 ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: this is about as plausible as the virus scene from the infamously bad film 'independence day'
nubbins`: duod the alien computers obv used compatible tech
decimation: except, the fab software in question doesn't 'fail' like a biological thing, it 'fails' like a fragile machine, as in - it doesn't work at all
mircea_popescu: decimation depends on the code.
asciilifeform: and at any rate, it needs to happen N times, not 1.
mircea_popescu: and so it will.
decimation: and achieve substantial yeild
mircea_popescu: decimation 1% yield, as long as it's not your run, is fine isn't it.
mircea_popescu: even better than 99% yield.
asciilifeform: cuckoldry doesn't work on everything.
mircea_popescu: buy the duds, "sell them for scrap"
decimation: how do you gain title to the 100 units to get one working one?
mircea_popescu: most of them, anyway.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yes, it does.
mircea_popescu: decimation buy them for scrap ?
mircea_popescu: they ARE garbage are they not.
asciilifeform: this is laughable to anyone who can be bothered to learn even the basics of how such a plant is run.
decimation: wait, I thought they were 'dual use'
mircea_popescu: decimation the plant not the boards.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform do tell ?
nubbins`: asciilifeform it's like a blue jeans factory, they have a "factory seconds" shop out front
nubbins`: and another in bangor
mircea_popescu: (and ftr, the island thing is laughable too. we're doing lolz here)
decimation: well for one thing, each and every 'run' of a modern chip requires milllions in setup fees
asciilifeform: just when i didn't think that anyone could conceive of a less plausible scene than the island...
mircea_popescu: (just, THIS lolz you're better equipped to appreciate, not being gunnery sgts or w/e)
mircea_popescu: decimation so ?
asciilifeform: no need to be a professional artillerist to see the absurdity of 'shoot everything that moves in the sea' hypothetical
decimation: literally tens of thousands of indians/chinese are employed testing the output of each run
asciilifeform: of each -layer-
mircea_popescu: decimation so ? they know it failed.
mircea_popescu: what now ?
decimation: why would they risk revealing their ip by selling dud units
asciilifeform: the number of not-entirely-brainless people that would have to be duped simultaneously is large.
mircea_popescu: what, they do the melting down in house ?
decimation: absolutely they do
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform not more than say for your dr. lezzie theory above.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu might imagine that the fab is a largely automatic affair, but this is not so
mircea_popescu: decimation i'll bet you they subcontract it away
nubbins`: now you gotta own an Iron Mountain franchise too?
mircea_popescu: and if they don't presently...
mircea_popescu: nubbins` wut ?!
asciilifeform: i can see mircea_popescu's scenario playing out -with bribery- rather than elaborate crapware
mircea_popescu: the word bribe was in there.
asciilifeform: in fact, this is quite like the thread from my first contact with #b-a
asciilifeform: or one of them, anyway, where i theorized that the bulk of mining power is produced in exactly this way
mircea_popescu: anyway, point being : we don't construct a new earth.
mircea_popescu: we repurpose the extant one.
mircea_popescu: sorry to disappoint the settlers.
decimation: even with bribery, it would take a very large dole and a tight organization
asciilifeform: i for one would settle for autonomous food-n-shelter-tron
asciilifeform: could probably come up with a fab. in time...
mircea_popescu: but CHEAPER THAN ISLAND
decimation: that's not obvious to me at all
mircea_popescu: really ?
decimation: how much do you think pitcairn island costs
mircea_popescu: here we go again with this nominalist fallacy.
asciilifeform: decimation: it may as well be in center of washington
asciilifeform: decimation: for all the sovereignty the 'title' of the island gets you.
asciilifeform: or which 'cost' was spoken of
mircea_popescu: you'd have to buy midway to get the 2k miles you want
decimation: in the case of pitcairn, it is 'self-governing' with 60 voters
mircea_popescu: how much does midway cost ?
mircea_popescu: it's self governing like ukraine is self-governing.
decimation: obviously usg aint' selling
decimation: (midway is a nature preserve now)
asciilifeform: also recall the 'seastead' thread
mircea_popescu: decimation uk fashion, this
asciilifeform: (there is a subculture of folks who imagine that going to see somehow rids you of usg)
mircea_popescu: how to suspend laws ? o i know, turn it into a forest!!1
asciilifeform: *to sea
nubbins`: sealand!
decimation: george bush turned 2000 miles of territory west of hawaii into a forest
assbot: Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1BwRTLD )
decimation: " It is slightly larger than Australia's Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, approximately the size of the country of Germany, and just slightly smaller than Montana."
asciilifeform: wai wat
decimation: and you are right, the enviro-nazis who heavily influence usg want to turn it into a forest precisely to suspend all law
decimation: asciilifeform: usg owns all the islands from hawaii to midway
asciilifeform: it also owns europe
asciilifeform: what of it
decimation: perhaps in a few decades when france has collapsed sufficiently, it would be possible to seize an island from french polynesia
asciilifeform: ... and do what on it?
asciilifeform: you can already 'seize' a ship-sized 'island' from... the sea
asciilifeform: it doesn't buy you sovereignty
asciilifeform: or autarky
mircea_popescu: i wonder why this island/boat/w/e thing is so appelaing.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: because everybody wants to get the fuck away from the buggers
asciilifeform: and likes to imagine that there is a place to go
asciilifeform: where there is something more to do than dig own grave
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> where there is something more to do than dig own grave << Like keep one's coffin afloat
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> i wonder why this island/boat/w/e thing is so appelaing. << Because hell is other people, "Get off my lawn", and other sorts of dissatisfaction with the rest of the human race
mircea_popescu: maybe a little bit in there of racial memory. "last time this worked we did it on boats"
asciilifeform: this also.
mircea_popescu: nobody proposes toi, you know, move to mongolia
mircea_popescu: or kansas. which would be more practical.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: think for a minute
asciilifeform: the absolute innermost circle of hell is the company of other -poor people-
asciilifeform: boat is a machine for being poor without having to endure poor people.
mircea_popescu: but it's empty.
mircea_popescu: fucking empty. you have any idea how empty alaska is ?
mircea_popescu: go to novosibiirks and walk.
mircea_popescu: you have any idea how deserted it gets ?
asciilifeform: if you start conducting anti-usg commerce there, your immediate vicinity will eventually get slightly less empty.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> fucking empty. you have any idea how empty alaska is ? << This is a point. And on land unlike on sea one can travel even if deprived of vehicle.
asciilifeform: in alaska, or in greenland, or in the pacific ocean.
mircea_popescu: no. because in alaska you can live, and live well, and alone.
mircea_popescu: in ocean you, not being either fish or seal, drown.
asciilifeform: perelman, possibly could.
mircea_popescu: eh get out.
mircea_popescu: and no, vicinty would not get less empty.
mircea_popescu: police is in town BECAUSE THOSE DERPS LIVED THERE ANYWAY
mircea_popescu: where there's no derps, the usg does not magic some into place.
asciilifeform: aha and usg herbicide runs over the coke fields of colombia never happened ?
asciilifeform: usg is perfectly happy to magic into the right place
mircea_popescu: you wisah to grow cocaine on your island ?!
asciilifeform: as a hypothetical
asciilifeform: litmus test, so to speak, of sovereignty
asciilifeform: or nukes, if you like
mircea_popescu: well, if that's the standard i guess the south east of russia then, definitely.
asciilifeform: can you work on a plausible thermonuke in your kingdom? if yes, then sovereign.
mircea_popescu: between tashkent and fuckwascalled
mircea_popescu: notice anything ?
mircea_popescu: "o, is that an airport ?" "no, it's a mall."
asciilifeform: road for tanks
asciilifeform: and airstrip when it wants.
asciilifeform: at any rate, i must confess that i've forgotten what kind of puzzle all of this was intended to be a solution to.
asciilifeform: if it's 'get out of usg', this is rather like learning that your house has roaches and answering by looking for some small corner which, as of yet, does not have any roaches therein
mircea_popescu: it was merely my curiosity as to "why island"
assbot: PayPal Settles With US For Sanctions Violations | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1BwWnls )
mircea_popescu: which seems akin to jews reacting to all the propaganda by building auschwitz by themselves.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i can speak only for myself, but i live by 'hell is other people'
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo why not "this casts doubt on the overall viability of the USD as a unit of account and medium of payment" etc ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 92500 @ 0.00025626 = 23.7041 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform sea is very poor solution ot this, seeing how its very demanding nature GUARANTEES you need other people.
mircea_popescu: to prefer a solution that clearly will not work, and by necessity, over a solution that clearly does in fact work is one definition of insanity.
asciilifeform: specially-selected other people. but otherwise yes
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: That comes in next story on not-Bitcoins behaving badly.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform no longer a solution to your stated problem.
asciilifeform: i suspect that most 'boat people' would actually rather be mircea_popescu, but you can go and buy a boat. you cannot buy 'be mircea_popescu'
mircea_popescu: but merely because yo ucan buy something...
mircea_popescu: i mean why not buy a can of sprayable cheese then ?
mircea_popescu: spray some on door.
asciilifeform: people with limited imagination actually dream of attainable things
asciilifeform: believe or not!
mircea_popescu: cheaper things that also do not work could be had...
asciilifeform: i know, it's mind-boggling
asciilifeform: 'here have this brick'
assbot: Logged on 26-02-2015 22:21:49; asciilifeform: 'and when we had nothing remaining to eat, they gave us a turnip, they gave us a beet. "here, have some mice, have some fleas! here, have some typhus! die of disease!"' - warsaw ghetto
mircea_popescu: by the way : it is perhaps worth pointing out, for the benefit of the younger who certainly do not read, and understand even less than what they read, that the jewish ghetto was a ghetto before hitler.
mircea_popescu: that is to say, for some reason if left to their own devices jews especially in europe dwelled in the most insalubrious, asian arrangements conceivable.
asciilifeform thought that this was well-known.
mircea_popescu: well you never know.
asciilifeform: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/richard-z-chesnoff/ema-film-unfinishedem-the_b_682030.html? << i watched this film. and i happen to know how to read, and know that the restaurants existed.
assbot: <em>A Film Unfinished</em>: The Warsaw Ghetto As Seen Through Nazi Eyes | Richard Z. Chesnoff ... ( http://bit.ly/1BwY1DA )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 79198 @ 0.00025752 = 20.3951 BTC [+] {3}
asciilifeform: 'Horrifying snippets of it have appeared over the years: a starving child dying on the streets of the Ghetto while other Jews walk by or still others dine on meals at well stocked restaurants that never existed' '
asciilifeform: ^ crock'o'shit
asciilifeform: the collaborationists were amply supplied, even with caviar, almost until the end.
asciilifeform: between them and the black-marketeers, enough to feed a regiment.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14552 @ 0.00025942 = 3.7751 BTC [+]
asciilifeform: why did the author of the article find it necessary to insert this howler, i wonder
asciilifeform: 'never existed'
nubbins`: yeah, this boot via tftp is pretty dope.
mircea_popescu: because he thinks he knows thing, asciilifeform
assbot: Maripostas pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Bx0iP3 )
mircea_popescu: read the clerk in shop part.
BingoBoingo: WTF they hash their inventory?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 171400 @ 0.00025874 = 44.348 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: de facto.
mircea_popescu: turn HerpenStock Ultra Plus into Herpnstk Ult P
mircea_popescu: it's a hash innit ? shitty one but nevertheless
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 311250 @ 0.00026011 = 80.9592 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 103400 @ 0.0002552 = 26.3877 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34645 @ 0.00025512 = 8.8386 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 115700 @ 0.00025695 = 29.7291 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: BTCJam e genéricos: não use | Yeppuda Productions ... ( http://bit.ly/1NgoLjc )
felipelalli: Thank you for all, and thanks mircea_popescu
felipelalli: I have to sleep, here 3:40 AM. I'll see your feedback later.
assbot: Rape Closet — marla ... ( http://bit.ly/1CTc5Mf )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 219925 @ 0.00024899 = 54.7591 BTC [-] {4}
pete_dushenski: wd on the logs today gents!
pete_dushenski: http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-03-2015#1073280 << if #b-a ever had a tagline, this'd be it.
assbot: Logged on 27-03-2015 00:13:13; mircea_popescu: the cure looks very much like you'd imagine : strong encryption, strong (mental especially) discipline, minimal fortification along the riverline.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform thinking on the ghetto stuff... it would perhaps not be inconceivable that the contemporaneous jewish obsession with socialism is derived from the utter failure of their previous, individualistic, capitalist approach.
mircea_popescu: overcompensation if you will, against the thing that produced the "train ticket sold for diamonds" as well as the "i'm fine, even have caviar, what if the world is coming apart"
mircea_popescu: which may even explain the "civilised world" obsession with same, if one subscribes to the theory that hey, said world's been doing nothing but cribbing the jews since whatever, 500ad.
mircea_popescu: in this worldview, the completely insane political construction of "the state of israel" suddenly makes sense, and a lot of it. key to perpetuating the welfare state - no peace in palestine.
mircea_popescu: and for that matter, once one end's threatened, tptb would increase the pressure on the sore spot - hence all the realignment behind palestine these days.
mircea_popescu: chiefly by us - the socialist entity most threatened in its socialism.
pete_dushenski: i can see that.
pete_dushenski: the jewish thinking being: if we're all the same, no one will notice that jews != gentiles
pete_dushenski: so ya, there's "no colour, no gender" etc.
mircea_popescu: i thought that was the idea behind "hygienic" circumcision
pete_dushenski: if one is to ascribe any purpose to it
pete_dushenski: other than "do this to prove your faith"
mircea_popescu: i suppose cutting bits of genitals is the sort of thing that's interesting enough to explain itself,
pete_dushenski: right. like not eating delicious pork.
pete_dushenski: prove that you're strong enough to abstain, strong enough to slice nuts, etc.
mircea_popescu: pork's not *that* great.
mircea_popescu: lobster tho. fucking insanity.
pete_dushenski: eh really ? shellfish does't do it for me
pete_dushenski: pulled pork and bacon though... yum!
pete_dushenski: though not "canadian back bacon"
pete_dushenski: that shit's weird.
mircea_popescu: "Ganhava um pouco, e perdia muito. Meu saldo final, depois de muito trabalho e tempo, foi APR de -13.27% aos investimentos atrelados ao dólare e +6,44% em bitcoin."
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36700 @ 0.0002352 = 8.6318 BTC [-]
pete_dushenski: either way, the hygienic hypothesis for circumcision, shellfish, and trichinella breeders is very modern.
pete_dushenski: and not the least bit supported by history
mircea_popescu: gain a little, lose a lot. i made -13% apr on usd, +6.5% in btc.
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell felipelalli tell you what, if you can prove ownership of a btc address, you can have 1% of whatever's in there as a loan, for short intervals, interest free. how about that.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron "Essa frase foi simplesmente perfeita." < you can nao put on your blog lol
assbot: Logged on 27-03-2015 03:17:35; asciilifeform: but we're on 'junkyard wars' not 'who wants to be a quadrillionaire'
assbot: Logged on 27-03-2015 03:40:12; mircea_popescu: entire fucking building reeks of pot. these people...
mircea_popescu: not even.
mircea_popescu: i think they just burned like a bale orsomething.
pete_dushenski: maybe their hair ?
pete_dushenski: http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-03-2015#1074080 << taleb has his 'black swan horizons universa etf'
assbot: Logged on 27-03-2015 03:42:59; mircea_popescu: who was the guy with the "short" fund, had some of the horrid0est results ever. i recall discussed here maybe cca 2013
mircea_popescu: was some random guy with a secular short fund that keep rolling options
mircea_popescu: had some success... in the 90s.
pete_dushenski: question: what makes a fund 'secular' ?
mircea_popescu: in this case i just meant, long term.
mircea_popescu: it's quant for "forever", which means whatever, over a decade i guess.
mircea_popescu: "secular trend" = "it was a trend before i was in business"
pete_dushenski: aok. i'd heard the term, but it never really meant anything to me
pete_dushenski: turns out, "before i was in business" doesn't actually mean shit anyways!
pete_dushenski: either way, ty.
mircea_popescu: in general it should mean either, if used as a time indication, to do with centuries, or else, esp if used in a religious setting, a synonym for "temporal", ie, not divine.
pete_dushenski: this just being in the context of trends ? or how else can it be used ? other than "secular society"
mircea_popescu: ;;google secularisation
gribble: Secularization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secularization>; secularisation - definition of secularisation by The Free Dictionary: <http://www.thefreedictionary.com/secularisation>; Secularisation Theory: Will Modern Society Reject Religion? What is ...: <http://www.humanreligions.info/secularisation.html>
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: is the new trilema header of you with a jacket over your shoulder or are you pointing at the camera/reader ?
mircea_popescu: the ambiguity makes for a good pic neh ?
pete_dushenski: in a "under-bridge stencil" sort of way, i suppose ;)
pete_dushenski: bon soir b-a!
cazalla: friday afternoon, beer and the release of pillars of eternity.. gg!
mircea_popescu: is it any good ?
cazalla: mircea_popescu, only just started but the char creation has plenty of customization
mircea_popescu: unity engine huh.
mircea_popescu: but i guess for this sort of thing it's actually ideal.
mircea_popescu: More interestingly, ChangeTip doesn't even actually use Bitcoin -- it maintains a centralized, internal ledger of "who" has "how many bits" and then, when the user is ready to cash out, pockets the ledger-balance of "bits" and delivers dollars to their banking account. At no point in the entire process is a user does a user ever actually have to touch bitcoin, and at no point in the entire process of tipping is any mon
mircea_popescu: ey actually being moved around on the blockchain. Essentially, ChangeTip is a Bitcoin-based startup that in no way utilizes Bitcoin, save for the fanatical frenzy of the community of bagholders.
mircea_popescu: ahaha epic.
mircea_popescu: the only problem with that statement is that "a community" consisting of some third worlders hired by a local company hired by a vc flea hired by a usg flea is really not all that much.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 220800 @ 0.00023405 = 51.6782 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 196800 @ 0.00022477 = 44.2347 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 234568 @ 0.00025274 = 59.2847 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 265432 @ 0.000262 = 69.5432 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 948467 @ 0.00025977 = 246.3833 BTC [-] {5}
BingoBoingo: ;;ticker --market all
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 247.18, vol: 7891.78309607 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 244.851, vol: 11191.44133 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 246.64, vol: 37085.93177561 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 250.0, vol: 9.59607962 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 245.52017, vol: 190089.18580000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 245.89158, vol: 13.25006486 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 248.929, vol: 49.522709 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message)
BingoBoingo: ;;more
gribble: 245.712418481
BingoBoingo: !up Asa9t1
cazalla: mircea_popescu, what's wrong with unity? this game is preddy good btw
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 206650 @ 0.00026765 = 55.3099 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 215250 @ 0.000265 = 57.0413 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 194823 @ 0.00026984 = 52.571 BTC [+] {3}
danielpbarron: height=300528 vs height=217406
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 78 @ 0.01409741 = 1.0996 BTC [-] {6}
assbot: Google Translate ... ( http://bit.ly/1yim7Rb )
jurov: "China was unable to block Github because of the huge cost to its technology industry."
nubbins`: canada was unable to ban marijuana because everybody fuckin smokes it
nubbins`: <+mircea_popescu> http://rapecloset.tumblr.com/post/114719086934/marla << apparently "rapecloset" exists. <<< "it isn't hard to get candy. all i do is go to granny's house, since granny keeps candy there for me. i mention that i love candy and wait. i've also used my aunt, left my mouth open, gone into a torpor, only to be awoken later by the gummy bears. some of the hottest food ever.
assbot: Rape Closet — marla ... ( http://bit.ly/1D5RGVI )
nubbins`: <+mircea_popescu> pork's not *that* great. <<< ah get out
nubbins`: <+pete_dushenski> though not "canadian back bacon" <<< you mean ham? :D
nubbins`: <+mircea_popescu> ;;later tell felipelalli tell you what, if you can prove ownership of a btc address, you can have 1% of whatever's in there as a loan, for short intervals, interest free. how about that. <<< big spender!
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 178400 @ 0.00026868 = 47.9325 BTC [-] {2}
nubbins`: so this truck was seen speeding towards the airport in ukraine earlier today: http://i.imgur.com/tu9LLzF.jpg
nubbins`: black ops
mats: lol.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 109000 @ 0.000265 = 28.885 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: some people are so dumb.
nubbins`: ;;later tell asciilifeform ado says 1000 @ $15ea, bout the same as other guy
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mod6: !t m s.mpoe
assbot: [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00015665 / 0.00023305 / 0.00027047 (8535021 shares, 1,989.17 BTC), 7D: 0.0001443 / 0.00024306 / 0.00030019 (16754205 shares, 4,072.42 BTC), 30D: 0.0001443 / 0.00033332 / 0.0004493 (88257024 shares, 29,418.70 BTC)
assbot: A face-swap app registered the car's tire rim as a face... - Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1Gxec9q )
nubbins` gasps for air
mike_c: that is oddly disturbing
mod6: i like the BTC truck
Adlai: 3way fswap?
nubbins`: !up Chillum
Chillum: thanks
nubbins`: !up Uglux
assbot: Arduino Day 2015 - SparkFun Electronics ... ( http://bit.ly/1GxeRI9 )
nubbins`: !s cardano entropy
assbot: 8 results for 'cardano entropy' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=cardano+entropy
nubbins`: !s cardano from:asciilifeform
assbot: 74 results for 'cardano from:asciilifeform' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=cardano+from%3Aasciilifeform
nubbins`: ^ some links to start you out, Chillum
nubbins`: (not the sparkfun one, that was a general share)
Chillum: interesting
assbot: Page not found pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Gxf1iy )
nubbins`: comments have some dieharder test results
nubbins`: "Sum-up : 73 tests performed. Cardano RNG : Failed 2, Weak 5, Passed 66. Radioactive decay : Failed 9, Weak 13, Passed 51. Now go take your current entropy source, put it through diehard and see what happens. "
Chillum: 5% will not pass by chance in general
Chillum: one must run the same test many times on different data, only if a test is failing reliably or more than likely by chance is there a problem
Chillum: the radioactive decay looks like it has issues but that is likely due to the sampling methodology
Chillum: while the average rate of radioactive decay is predictable the actual moment of a given decay is very uncertain
Chillum: any pattern is likely due to sampling bias or an external source of energy
nubbins`: i think you'll fit in here
nubbins`: say, you in the wot?
nubbins`: !gettrust chillum
assbot: chillum is not registered in WoT.
nubbins`: ^ grab a pgp key and wrap up
Chillum: oh I will fix that
nubbins`: try /msg assbot !register or smth
assbot: irc_bots:assbot [bitcoin assets wiki] ... ( http://bit.ly/1zIPF03 )
Chillum: ;;ident
gribble: Nick 'Chillum', with hostmask 'Chillum!~highinbc@wikipedia/Chillum', is identified as user 'Chillum', with GPG key id FD5A63B9EAC2A55E, key fingerprint 8680FD3C9D20B92FBEF3D058FD5A63B9EAC2A55E, and bitcoin address 1CHiLLUm1p2CzQrDPB1Tgs3t3jVbuBH1y3
nubbins`: Chillum assbot's wot split from gribble's a while back
nubbins`: you can use your current key, try !register <fingerprint>
Chillum: !register 8680FD3C9D20B92FBEF3D058FD5A63B9EAC2A55E
assbot: Searching pgp.mit.edu for key with fingerprint: 8680FD3C9D20B92FBEF3D058FD5A63B9EAC2A55E. This may take a few moments.
assbot: Key EAC2A55E / "HighInBC/H/Until(1 == 2)/Chillum (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Chillum)" successfully imported.
assbot: Registration successful.
nubbins`: !down Chillum
nubbins`: now /msg assbot !up
nubbins`: then /msg assbot !verify <decrypted otp>
nubbins`: !rate chillum 1 a person
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/b58f141837e2e284
nubbins`: !verify assbot:nubbins`.rate.chillum.1:aa3ec119b01dd0d523b9536191515784648cf75065d1860a9ec818dafce20f00
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for chillum with note: a person
nubbins`: have at 'er
Chillum: got it
nubbins`: welcome
Chillum: good to be a person
Chillum: in the eyes of assbot
nubbins`: tell me about it, hey?
nubbins`: anyway, poor asciilifeform has been testing the cardano boards like a madman lately
nubbins`: in between constructing a pick-n-place in his house
nubbins`: and i think he has a job too 8)
Chillum: how do they interface? Do they have serial out?
Chillum can just google it lol
assbot: S.NSA first product - The Cardano pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1NlHY0Q )
nubbins`: careful, you'll run out of credits if you click too many links ;p
Chillum: the major flaw with most HWRNGs is the lack of failure detection
asciilifeform: actually the most glaring flaw with virtually all hardware rng is lack of auditability.
nubbins`: oh here we go, someone qualified can take over
asciilifeform: actually on my way somewhere, so will have to happen later.
Chillum: lol, that zap switch will burn out the EPROM if used for too long
Chillum: they have a limited number of writes
nubbins`: nothin' lasts forever!
Chillum: other than auditability how could one detect a subtle failure?
Chillum: I like that it uses 2 trngs through a xor gate. Often that is implemented in software with two devices
Chillum: asciilifeform: This is what started nubbins` and I on the conversation: http://static.highinbc.com/20150313_194522.jpg
Chillum: it is using the hwrng in a raspberry pi
Chillum: I wrote the code myself, it calls vanitygen pointed to the hwrng
Chillum: well I am using rng-tools to point /dev/hwrng to /dev/random
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65200 @ 0.000265 = 17.278 BTC [-]
danielpbarron: Chillum, what is that device in the picture?
danielpbarron: it looks like a newer version of the piper thing
Chillum: It is a raspberry pi connected to a button and a tty receipt printer
Chillum: it was from a kit meant to printer a twitter feed in real time
Chillum: I started with a fresh OS and wrote the bitcoin wallet printer
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22100 @ 0.0002701 = 5.9692 BTC [+]
danielpbarron: woah, that twitter thing sounds cool
Chillum: a cheap offline computer for printer paper wallets
assbot: Adafruit IoT Pi Printer Project Pack - Includes Raspberry Pi ID: 1289 - $189.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits ... ( http://bit.ly/1NlIZpO )
Chillum: you can get the parts way cheaper
assbot: Piper: A Bitcoin paper wallet printer. Securely backup & store your digital currency ... ( http://bit.ly/1NlJ5Of )
Chillum: it is a $40 printer and a $35 Pi, a power supply a button some wires and a case
Chillum: hehe I did not know about that
Chillum: and here I thought I was being clever
Chillum: looks like the same printer too
danielpbarron: i've had a piper printer for a couple years now i think
danielpbarron: i sorta bricked it
Chillum: Still, I will always write my own paper wallet software that uses vanitygen. You never know if some 3rd party programmed it to only make 500 million keys and has then precomputed
danielpbarron: probably fixable but i wouldn't want to actually send funds to any address it produces anyway
danielpbarron: yeah i was trying to get mine to pull from a list of pre-generated addresses that i supplied
danielpbarron: in addition to modifying the artwork
Chillum: if you limit your generator to a smaller keyspace that you precompute then you don't need a backchannel of communications
Chillum: If you want that then use a deterministic wallet
Chillum: unlimited keys with the advantage of backup.
Chillum: but really I want mine to forget right away. I have no swap and do everything in RAM
danielpbarron: i liked it for handing out freebies to people i met
Chillum: no temp files, the user running it has read only access to the drive
danielpbarron: but i'm done with that spammy nonsense
nubbins`: freebie handouts
nubbins`: not a great way to make people care, hey?
Chillum: I am pretty sure I am not writing to disk. No flashing green light
Chillum: I did a scan for keystrings and did not find them
Chillum: nubbins`: If I gave out bitcoin samples it would be in the form of a coupon that expires. If you just give out wallets half the people will throw them out
Chillum: have some service that lets them claim it if they are actually interested
danielpbarron: yeah i should have let mine save the private keys
nubbins`: just give em a privkey, and take the money back if it's still there after x days :P
danielpbarron: and told people i'd sweep the funds back after X time
Chillum: nubbins`: what if they add to the key???
danielpbarron: now i'm responsible for some "burned" coins forever bloating the tx pool :<
nubbins`: score
Chillum: lol
danielpbarron: oo, instead of twitter feed, i could make one of these print MPEx stocks
Chillum: Before I was using a perl script that made a png that I printed on my laser printer and deleted. Sooo copy on my hard drive, copy on my printer, copy going over my network to the printer. I said "There has to be a better way"
Chillum: I feel much safer with my offline printer
Chillum: yes, it can do pretty much anything
Chillum: the python library makes it fairly easy to use too
Chillum: text is as simple as printer.println("This is text")
nubbins`: that's heat sensitive paper?
nubbins`: hope ya don't store those long-term :D
Chillum: dirt cheap, but don't get the printouts hot
nubbins`: even time will fade em
Chillum: I have a plastic card printer for long term wallets
nubbins`: oh, nice.
Chillum: like ID style
nubbins`: always wanted one
nubbins`: not so much since i turned 19
Chillum: images need to be converted into 2 bit bitmap but there are examples online
Chillum: The EPPSON R280 is what you want
Chillum: out of production but still on ebay
Chillum: you need to replace the DVD tray with a card tray from a Chinese company that also sells the blank cards
Chillum: or ebay
nubbins`: epson printers are great, i've got two wide-format ones
Chillum is jealous
nubbins`: never thought of getting a card tray for one :D
thestringpuller: nubbins` you are a such a candian hipster
Chillum: I want to invest in a wide format printer and a laser cutter. I just have nowhere to put them
nubbins`: Chillum they're like $300! get one
nubbins`: granted, only 13" wide, but who cares?
Chillum: I would need to pay like $500 a month more rent to get a bigger place
Chillum: this city is stupid expensive
nubbins`: then you get a CISS from cobra inks
Chillum: I am trying to find a place with an extra room for a workspace but nothing really available. After the university lets out I may have more like
nubbins`: and start paying $20 per 16oz instead of $1000
Chillum: oh ya, continuous ink is mandatory if you are going to go into commercial production
nubbins`: we have two: one color (pictured), one with 6 black tanks
Chillum: nice, does it have the secondary reservoir so you can keep printing when you switch out the bottles, or is it a fill from the top system?
nubbins`: secondary reservoir. it uses negative pressure
Chillum: that is the way to go
nubbins`: you can see those tanks are split vertically
nubbins`: back (right-side) half is much lower
nubbins`: that's where the printhead draws from
nubbins`: you just gotta swap the rubber stoppers to maintain pressure
Chillum: the printer kit called for soldering but I did the whole thing with pin header wires
nubbins`: this one just clicks into place
nubbins`: fake printhead
Chillum: the one thing I like about thermal paper(as crappy as it is) is that you don't need ink
nubbins`: yeah
nubbins`: ink cost is pretty minimal here
Chillum: costs 1 cent for each 3.5 wallets by my calculations
Chillum: if the piper is running a raspberry pi then it is far from bricked. Just reimage the sd card with raspbian then plug it into ethernet, nmap for port 22 and login user/password pi/raspbian
Chillum: then you can get the python thermalprinter library and do whatever you like
assbot: SEC.gov | SEC Adopts Rules to Facilitate Smaller Companies’ Access to Capital ... ( http://bit.ly/1HSkiTz )
mats: pump ze bubble
funkenstein_: ze new rules provide more choices
assbot: Bianca's gift cards no longer accepted at Bistro Sofia and Black Sea - Newfoundland & Labrador - CBC News ... ( http://bit.ly/1HSsPpD )
nubbins`: this is what happens when you do people a favor
nubbins`: oh n/m, "I wouldn't say angry, but disappointed for sure."
nubbins`: that's reasonable
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23700 @ 0.00026549 = 6.2921 BTC [-]
danielpbarron: "The debt is up to $1,000 now, so we have to draw the line somewhere." << wtf kind of business is this??
nubbins`: danielpbarron restaurant X goes outta business. X strikes up a deal with Y and Z: if they accept X's gift certs, they'll be reimbursed.
nubbins`: Y and Z start accepting gift certs
nubbins`: X stops reimbursing
nubbins`: given that most of the certs were prob for $50-100, how much of a balance would YOU rack up before you stopped honoring them?
nubbins`: keep in mind that X went out of business because they were broke.
danielpbarron: sounds to me like a pretty cheap ad campaign
nubbins`: also keep in mind last line of article: "March is a graveyard for restaurants."
nubbins`: ad campaign for who?
danielpbarron: the restaurants getting the overflow business
nubbins`: sure, unless the overflow business is paying in worthless scrip.
nubbins`: "this really worked, look at all the funbucks in the register" know what i mean?
danielpbarron: they could be like.. "gift cards good for food, you buy the booze"
nubbins`: or they could be like "paying customers only" :D
Chillum: hmm I wonder if a universal gift card could be created that used bitcoin backing
Chillum: well of course it could be created, would it be embraced
Chillum: call it foodcoin so they are not scared
danielpbarron: you mean a credit/debit card denominated in bitcoin? i'm sure these will exist after the dollar collapses
nubbins`: who'd sell them though?
trinque: danielpbarron: this is how I'd expect everyman transactions to take place
nubbins`: this would be like restaurants selling USD.
trinque: instead of the "btc for latte" situation
Chillum: credit cards started as dining cards
Chillum: it is just a way to introduce the public to an idea
Chillum: through food
trinque: that's also my answer to people who want bitcoin to be visa... build visa *atop* bitcoin
danielpbarron: sell them? you don't get countless credit card applications in the mail?
trinque: nothing's stopping you
mircea_popescu: nubbins` anyone so inclined, basically.
mircea_popescu: Chillum has it, the current credit card is no sort of broad idea or innovation or anything. just an overgrown gift card.
Chillum: the restaurants could act as places to buy/sell foodcoin(bitcoin)
danielpbarron: the majority of my snail mail is credit card spam
Chillum: people won't like the changing value though
mircea_popescu: by then, not much room for value to change TO
danielpbarron: that's why i prefaced with "after the dollar collapses"
funkenstein_: they didn't like leaving french francs or old chinese yuan either
mircea_popescu: why do you think usg dollar is stable, zimbabweg dollar is not ?
danielpbarron: things will be priced in satoshi, not bitcoin
mircea_popescu: because of any difference in policy / quality / wealth / value ?
Chillum: it is not stable
mircea_popescu: neah. just... size.
Chillum: it is just commonly used as a reference
funkenstein_: big ships never sink, it's well known
Chillum: lol
mircea_popescu: well so then. once bitcoin is commonly used as reference, there's no change for people not to like
mircea_popescu: as it's not changing
Chillum: yup
felipelalli: felipelalli tell you what, if you can prove ownership of a btc address, you can have 1% of whatever's in there as a loan, for short intervals, interest free. how about that. << mircea_popescu it would be perfect.
mircea_popescu: funkenstein_ ships have to interact with the sea. big shits however, mostly interact with people's heads.
mircea_popescu: felipelalli so go for it
funkenstein_: how to sink the shit is the question then
mircea_popescu building hawala on top of hawala since 2011!
mircea_popescu: i dunno funkenstein_, this stinker's a floater >D
felipelalli: mircea_popescu: :)
felipelalli: Have you guys read the article?
Chillum: the rising tide raises all ships, well the ones that don't sink
danielpbarron: felipelalli, i have
funkenstein_: rising tUSD
felipelalli: danielpbarron: makes sense?
felipelalli: the impact being quite interesting in the Brazilian community.
felipelalli: a lot of people came to congratulate me, but all in pvt. and few people disagreed, but who disagreed did so in public.
mircea_popescu: felipelalli go sign "Hello this is not dog" with the address in question.
mircea_popescu: ;;seen brendafdez
gribble: brendafdez was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 day, 17 hours, 54 minutes, and 9 seconds ago: <brendafdez> mircea_popescu it works now. Anyway the IP I'm on now is one of a public AP, it shouldnt be whitelisted. I'll later give you my home IP, and BingoBoingo has my VPS IP already. I didn't know you were filtering.
assbot: What's the Most Impressive Dish even an Idiot Can Cook for a Girl He Lied To About Being a Chef? : AskReddit ... ( http://bit.ly/19pLslL )
danielpbarron: chicken cordon bleu is pretty simple
assbot: How Japan Helped Ease the Rice Crisis - Businessweek ... ( http://bit.ly/19pLFoT )
nubbins`: cooking most things is... pretty simple
felipelalli: mircea_popescu: thank you so much, but I don't need in this moment, and I hope not need soon, or never. Also, the private keys of my btcs isn't so easy to access right now. But if I need it one day for (an investment in my company maybe?), the first place I'll try is here. But I won't, don't worry. I think my loans on btcjam was another excitement test than real need. I thoroughly enjoyed your offer, very grateful for that.
danielpbarron: hard thing is getting the rice just right if you've never done it before; or the steak.. or the eggs
danielpbarron: felipelalli, i gathered from your article that you were more a lender than a borrower
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 144850 @ 0.000265 = 38.3853 BTC [-]
felipelalli: danielpbarron: not big lender, I think I was using it like a bet house, just playing it.
felipelalli: the ugly truth!
nubbins`: ^ dat lane change
danielpbarron: felipelalli, have you heard of mpex and bitbet ?
felipelalli: mpex yes, bitbet yes but I don't remember.
felipelalli: ah yes!! I use it.
felipelalli: well, I used in the past*
danielpbarron: so there you go! turns out you didn't even need btcjam
felipelalli: it's fun to play sometimes.
felipelalli: danielpbarron: yes!! :)
mircea_popescu: nubbins` actually, pork wellington imo.
mircea_popescu: it's certainly what i use to show girls they can be chefs too!
nubbins`: i've never done anything wellington, but have been threatening to for a while
nubbins`: aaaand i've got a dozen pork tenderloins on hand....
mircea_popescu: it's very simple : boil liver, make dough, sear tenderloin.
mircea_popescu: mix liver with cream, vinegar, allspice into a paste. rub all over tenderloin. place on dough, seal, rub egg yolk over, stick in oven
mircea_popescu: there's literally nothing you can fuck up in there.
felipelalli: The irony: soon after I published my article in the Brazilian community: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=m6BTX292
felipelalli: Making spam in our group.
mircea_popescu: obviously you can trim that. but odds are the girl never had it anyway, so she won't know.
assbot: Inigo93 comments on Found this in my sister's closet while helping her move. What is this hook looking thing for? ... ( http://bit.ly/19pN4vF )
mircea_popescu: aaahgahaha
mircea_popescu: share the sister.
nubbins`: "i'd suggest you put it back and forget about it" haha
felipelalli: ahhahahahahaha
mircea_popescu: !up qntranet
nubbins`: mircea_popescu are you a meat-thermometer type of guy or an "i think it's done now" type of guy
mircea_popescu: "put it back in"
mircea_popescu: nubbins` you can't undercook the meat without undercooking the dough is the beauty of it
nubbins`: it looks like the ball is removable. i'd get a larger ball, swap it out, THEN put the hook back where i found it.
mircea_popescu: so you know, if it's all gross don't eat it.
nubbins`: mircea_popescu but the dummies on hell's kitchen ALWAYS fuck up the wellington!
mircea_popescu: i tihnk that must be an insider joke
nubbins`: tbf a gremlin is screaming at them to hurry up
Adlai: BingoBoingo: what's the preferred way to encode qntra articles?
Adlai: in terms of footnotes, links, quotes, etc... html?
nubbins`: so i think they just don't give a fuck if it's done or not
mircea_popescu: nubbins` besides, if you're worried use beef
mircea_popescu: then it literally does not matter.
mircea_popescu: "i've seared it, haven't i ?!"
nubbins`: TBF i just use a meat thermometer :P
mircea_popescu: you can't really do that in a dough seal.
nubbins`: not w/o making a steam vent, hey
nubbins`: yeah, i'mma try this.
nubbins`: i've got regular pork tenderloin down to a science
nubbins`: time to up my game
BingoBoingo: Adlai: footnotes inline surrounded by double paren, html format links, bold, other emphasis, mark your blockquotes somehow
nubbins`: haha man these fat fucks moved in a couple houses down. Domino's pizza delivered to the house every day at noon for the past 10 days.
mircea_popescu: nubbins` sauteed mushrooms if you have em
mircea_popescu: thin sliced portobello...
Adlai: so like this((footnote)), for example?
nubbins`: mircea_popescu once the searing is done, i rough-chop an onion and throw that in the cast iron w/ whole baby bella mushrooms
nubbins`: then whole works in oven
BingoBoingo: Adlai: Yeah
mircea_popescu: Adlai no, like this ((footnote))
mircea_popescu: needs the leading space
nubbins`: after you take the pork outta the pan, 1/4 cup red wine to deglaze
mircea_popescu: nubbins` you want them thin slices.
nubbins`: headiest pan sauce ever
mircea_popescu: for wellington i mean
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu> needs the leading space << This is what editors are for
nubbins`: i do have some huge portobellos here
nubbins` tempted to get a vac sealer for marinating too
nubbins`: plastic bag is meh
mircea_popescu: wine not vinegar.
nubbins`: you know i don't marinate with either?
mircea_popescu: nubbins` btw, you ever had pleurotus ?
nubbins`: nope
nubbins`: oh, oyster mush. yeah.
mircea_popescu: also works well for this purpose.
mircea_popescu: actually... everything works, really, champignon, boletus...
nubbins`: chanterelles grow wild here
nubbins`: should go foraging
mircea_popescu: it's really the world's most tolerant dish, and it seems so damned fancy.
nubbins`: there's maybe two species of mushrooms that i'd feel safe picking outdoors and eating
mircea_popescu: o yeah. or that one how's it called, midget's trumpet
mircea_popescu: craterellus cornucopioides
nubbins`: C. Cantharellus and P. Semilanceata 8)
mircea_popescu: dja get the black chanterelle in canada ?
BingoBoingo: Can never go wrong with Morels
nubbins`: hmm i haven't seen em
nubbins`: but that's not to say they don't grow here!
nubbins`: <--city boy
mircea_popescu: should exist, imo it's pretty much everywhere birch grows
nubbins`: we do have birch
mircea_popescu: little dark looking shits, you wouldn't think asnythingof them
nubbins`: i've prolly walked on them :D
mircea_popescu: but they're very tasty and even age well
chetty: << seriously considers tossing out the meatloaf in the oven and starting over
mircea_popescu: what happened to it /
chetty: nothing but now I am drooling for wellington
nubbins`: wrap it in a pancake.
mircea_popescu: haha tomorrow is another day!
nubbins`: anyway back to where this began
assbot: What's the Most Impressive Dish even an Idiot Can Cook for a Girl He Lied To About Being a Chef? : AskReddit ... ( http://bit.ly/1GxlRET )
nubbins`: Let's say you have a girl coming over for dinner, but you lied to her about taking cooking lessons etc... if you don't know a damn thing about cooking, what's an easy but impressive dish even a moron could make?
nubbins`: look, he thinks that "taking cooking lessons" means you're a CHEF.
nubbins`: just like how taking a first aid course makes you a doctor.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 154600 @ 0.00026186 = 40.4836 BTC [-] {2}
nubbins`: listen, kid, you have bigger problems than what's for dinner.
mircea_popescu: maybe he should lie about dinner too.
nubbins`: namely, that your girl is gonna think you have tumbleweeds in your head regardless of what you serve her
nubbins`: one of the suggestions was "tell her you don't mix business with pleasure" and order take-out
nubbins`: lel, +1.
mircea_popescu: nubbins` in my experience, girls, and especially at the age apparent here, couldn't give less of a shit what oyu're saying
mircea_popescu: they're just excited your lips are moving.
mircea_popescu: (if you don't believe me, ask a teenager for a summary of what the boy said on their date. prepare to be amazed - she has nfi.
nubbins`: another guy suggests buying a frozen lasagna and a casserole dish, and faking it
mircea_popescu: then adults derp all over teens for various "Safety consideration".)
nubbins`: "Remember to put all of the packaging in a separate garbage bag, and then dispose of that bag long before she arrives at your place."
nubbins`: hahaha
nubbins`: don't you mean "remember to ask mom if you can use the kitchen"?
mircea_popescu: "mom can I use the kitchen ?" "gtfo you're not having sex in my kitchen"
mircea_popescu: "no mom, i mean use it for cooking"
mircea_popescu: "you can cook ?!"
mircea_popescu: "well... i can't have sex, either! benefit of the suspicion, here!"
mircea_popescu: funny how "i can't cook" means you suck at it, whereas "i can't have sex" means someone's not lettin' you. clearly, i say CLEARLY everyone's great at sex, the impediments can only be evil external stuff.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 110050 @ 0.00026147 = 28.7748 BTC [-]
ben_vulpes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-03-2015#1073477 << btw, not a problem if you use gmail as an smtp server instead of as a mail client
assbot: Logged on 27-03-2015 00:49:55; nubbins`: yeah gmail is mangling it, even in plain text
nubbins`: too troo
nubbins`: anyway, got it done ;/
mircea_popescu: !up CartmanGoon
ben_vulpes: this, ftr, is why i use gmail.
ben_vulpes: the notion that an email coming from a gmail server that doesn't bear my signature is actually from me is downright hilarious.
mircea_popescu: because it sucks but it's free ?
ben_vulpes: nono, they come pre-compromised.
nubbins`: Linuxbrew is a fork of Homebrew, the Mac OS package manager, for Linux.
nubbins`: heh what.
nubbins` struggles to find appropriate analogy
mike_c: Krafp cheese is a fork of kraft cheese designed to have a shorter shelf life but taste better.
mike_c: no? maybe a stretch.
nubbins`: sorry
nubbins`: hm buildroot wants ncurses-devel which for the life of me i can't find
mircea_popescu: krapf cheese
mircea_popescu: ok, that's chuckleworthy
mircea_popescu: so argentina called for a general strike.
mircea_popescu: because in a country that's essentially living off fumes, the smartest thing to do is ask for more money from the government.
mircea_popescu: i ownder what they'll actually do once the government stops paying salaries outright.
mircea_popescu: not like anyone has a real job anyway.
mike_c: i heard a south american joke about argentina the other day
mircea_popescu: somehow tho i imagine anything sane, like begging while crawling naked in the street is right out
mircea_popescu: after all, argentina is the african country with highest self-respect per capita.
mike_c: "how do you make money off an argentine? you buy them for what they're worth and sell them for what they think they're worth"
mircea_popescu: this is so eerily apt.
mike_c: apparently everyone else in south america already knew this about them :)
mircea_popescu: it's like living in california once all the americans died out and were replaced with spanish speaking italian gypsies.
mike_c: hehe. there you go nubbins`, that's how you do an analogy
mircea_popescu: anyway, something tells me i'ma have a load of fun this year an' the next.
mircea_popescu: only reason i'm even putting up with the idiocy, i really wish to see this collapse.
mircea_popescu: but i tell you, i doubt there was ever a country that so effectually turned innocent goodwill into entrenched aversion.
mircea_popescu: except perhaps hungary or soemthing.
mircea_popescu: but as an amusing bit of color : presidential elections six months away. eight people are candidates - none of them has a running mate.
mircea_popescu: because seriously, what argentine could possibly be second ?!
mircea_popescu: the only reason they even like messi in the first place is a sort of schelling effect : if they all agree he's the forward, it's ok for all the other 10 players not to be the forward.
mircea_popescu: if messi weren't there, you'd have 11 forwards in the team. yes goalkeeper included. what goalkeeping ?!
Adlai: BingoBoingo: can i use <pre>?
BingoBoingo: Adlai: Sure
Adlai: (it's not listen in the tags below the comment box)
BingoBoingo: Adlai: Are you submitting an article or a comment?
Adlai: article
Adlai: re: Tomáš Jiřikovský
BingoBoingo: Ah, yeah articles get to use more tags than comments do
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_field
mircea_popescu: "Today we have taken legal actions against this person and we will charge him for this gossip." lolk
mircea_popescu: is Eva Bartošová hot ?
assbot: MEDIÁCIA namiesto súdu - Mgr. Eva Bartošová - mediátorka.mpg - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1Bu6ExN )
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: ar collapse << and the americans won't buy it up at firesale like every other turd world collapsatron?
ascii_field: i mean, this is sorta their planetary business model
mircea_popescu: i dunno.
ascii_field: 1) set it on fire 2) wait for fire sale 3) buy 4) ??? 5) profit (tm)
mircea_popescu: atm prices are about 2-300% inflated, easy.
mircea_popescu: for one thing, you can blame the us for anything you wish, but the argentine disaster is 100% argentine made.
mircea_popescu: they wouldn't have it any other way.
ascii_field: y'know, letting idiots set own house on fire is the best arson
mircea_popescu: i'm mildly suprised there's not five million .ar mpexes etc, they seem exactly the right idiots to make glbse shitcascades.
mircea_popescu: "letting" ? cmon.
ascii_field: 'letting' as in 'live and let die'
mircea_popescu: right. anyway, it will have to fall a long looong way before it gets anywhere usians will want to buy.
mircea_popescu: why exactly spend 150k for an apt in argentina when 30k gets you a house in ohio ?
mircea_popescu: anyway brb
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> why exactly spend 150k for an apt in argentina when 30k gets you a house in ohio ? << Argentina, less collapsed than Ohio!!!
ascii_field: the 150k might be a deal
ascii_field: if mircea_popescu was right about being able to live like a culture man for a few k-usd/yr
ascii_field: (try that in ohio!)
BingoBoingo: Adlai: I can't decrypt that for some reason
Adlai: cazalla: can you?
BingoBoingo: ascii_field: A large part of being a culture man is knowing not to live in Ohio
Adlai: it should be viewable by BingoBoingo, cazalla, and me
Adlai: F3251143 for BingoBoingo, 468F4AD0 for cazalla
ascii_field: BingoBoingo: say you had 1M usd. fell down from sky. you could blow 30k in ohio, and live like a pauper on the meagre sub-inflation interest off the rest in american bank. or blow 150k in ar and invest in collapsatron and live like cultured man ? possibly
ascii_field entirely clueless re: ar, it may as well be on alpha centauri to him
BingoBoingo: ascii_field: I'd take Argentina
BingoBoingo: Adlai: Are you using any weird GPG v2 only features?
Adlai: mmmaybe?
BingoBoingo: Perhaps try again just encrypting to my key. No signing.
BingoBoingo: Oh, that worked much better
Adlai: BingoBoingo: actually please delete "Czech" from the sentence where it appears five bazillion times, once is probably enough
BingoBoingo: Adlai: What word is w|% supposed to be?
BingoBoingo: third word in the piece
Adlai: where does that appear?
mike_c: right after the second word.
Adlai: ah. "who'se"
Adlai: er, who's
Adlai blames hanewin
BingoBoingo: Seems more likely a fancy quote problem
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_field Adlai, what is "JiYikovsk aftSi CEN equivalent" supposed to actuall read?
ascii_field: wai wat
Adlai: ok, hanewin definitely butchered stuff
BingoBoingo: ascii_field: In Adlai's piece
Adlai: "Czech FINCEN equivalent ((Finančního Analytického Útvaru)) "
BingoBoingo: Adlai: Just email it to me unencrypted.
ascii_field: financial-analytical-directorate ?
BingoBoingo: ascii_field: I just used the rest of the space in the up message to ping Adlai, because
Adlai: BingoBoingo: sent
BingoBoingo: Adlai: Can you email it and let the text wrap like god intended pls
Adlai: how about i just attach the document so gmail doesn't fuck with it
assbot: The Buildroot user manual ... ( http://bit.ly/1Bu9jHO )
mod6 looks
mod6: bro you type fast
assbot: Sheep Marketplace Arrest | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1Bu9pPF )
ascii_field: mod6: 'buildroot' is a classical item, i had nothing to do with its authorship
Adlai: "by Bingo Boingo"?
BingoBoingo: dammit, will fx
mod6: ascii_field: i know, im just giving you a hard time :)
Adlai: thx
Adlai dogwalk
ascii_field: BingoBoingo: item 9
ascii_field: BingoBoingo: missing line break
Adlai: BingoBoingo: oh also, the link to gwern's pgp info didn't get through
Adlai: bleh, blockquote cite attributes don't show up anywhere?
BingoBoingo: <Adlai> bleh, blockquote cite attributes don't show up anywhere? << We don't do that fancy, but at least your name's on it nao
Adlai: sure, thanks, but the links should be there for people who want to check sources. i can email you a link with explicit links
Adlai: s/a link/version/
BingoBoingo: email link version pls
thestringpuller: scoopbot ain't doin it's job again?
cazalla: Adlai, decrypted fine for me
Adlai: blame bingo :P
cazalla: thestringpuller, has scoop bot ever done his job? :P
danielpbarron: i think he got lost in a netsplit
danielpbarron: or its been gone since the 24th .. grep comes out order
nubbins`: i'm stalled out on buildroot
nubbins`: dem missing dependencies
nubbins`: not much info on buildroot w/ darwin host
BingoBoingo: ascii_field> BingoBoingo: missing line break << Historical document line break missing in original, also part of historical document, bad signature
BingoBoingo: Sorry, good signature
assbot: Board support package - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1Bub083 )
assbot: Breaking: Sheep Marketplace Owner Arrested - Deep Dot Web ... ( http://bit.ly/1Bub1cf )
mats: another amateur pwned
nubbins`: am i remiss in thinking turdel will fit this def? ^
Adlai: mats: qntra just covered this!
mats: o
Adlai: :P
BingoBoingo: More lulz http://gawminers.eu redirects to the "independent" coinstand market pumping their scamcoin
thestringpuller: cazalla: MP thinks it is.
thestringpuller: !s scoopbot working
assbot: 5 results for 'scoopbot working' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=scoopbot+working
nubbins`: lel @ 3rd photo on top
nubbins`: my sides.
danielpbarron: they got the same size bewbs
BingoBoingo: That thing where they have the same boobs is incredibly creepy
asciilifeform: !up ascii_field
ascii_field: nubbins`: yes, it's a board pkg.
ascii_field: nubbins`: possibly later tonight will post a scriptable set of diffs, portatron-style
assbot: #15463 (Tor deals poorly with a very large number of incoming connection requests.) – Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki ... ( http://bit.ly/1GxrTFs )
trinque: +cazalla | thestringpuller, has scoop bot ever done his job? :P << tenyks has an rss thing I think
trinque: would be trivial to crap one together
danielpbarron: what is it with these exit scammers trying to cash out in FIAT?
assbot: tenyks-contrib/main.py at master · kyleterry/tenyks-contrib · GitHub
nubbins`: <+danielpbarron> what is it with these exit scammers trying to cash out in FIAT? <<< right?
nubbins`: "the government definitely won't be curious about $40m in unexplained income"
trinque: >wants bitcoin because valuable as demonimated in paper currency
trinque: >deserves whatever happens next
assbot: CA Dem Warns Global Warming Will Make Women Prostitutes ... ( http://bit.ly/1GxsvLc )
ascii_field: ^ mircea_popescu
trinque: ascii_field: holy shit the video
trinque: it's some rapper guy wit bitches
trinque: to say nothing of california using less water, eh?
chetty: !up ascii_field
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 96482 @ 0.00026549 = 25.615 BTC [+]
trinque: this chinese botnet wants our bitcoin so bad...
trinque: no coin in that box you fucks :D
punkman: I dunno
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46818 @ 0.00026549 = 12.4297 BTC [+]
nubbins`: my kingdom for osx-targeted ncurses-devel!
nubbins`: i suppose i can just download the regular one and squash as i go
trinque: oh hey, pogo and sd card are to be delivered today
trinque: amazon uber alles
trinque: got the cheapest shipping too
nubbins`: didja get the purple or blue
funkenstein_: anybody sync a node yet?
nubbins`: still pulling blocks
nubbins`: danielpbarron is in the 300k range on one of his
danielpbarron: i see no reason for it to not fully sync at this point
funkenstein_: i got 280k and counting
nubbins`: !up ascii_field
danielpbarron: the version i'm running is not the latest release though
nubbins`: i keep running my battery down to 0% which tends to make me have to rescan everything
funkenstein_: there is no "getpeerinfo"
nubbins` is assuming just deleting blkindex.dat is good enough
assbot: Whoa. /APStylebook revamps sports, brings from 1950s to 2010s. /hashtag/ACES2015?src=hash http://t.co/W3jPZHneYv
mod6: <+funkenstein_> anybody sync a node yet? << i have a lot of times, probably at least 15 times since october. but... not a pogo. just the R.I. on a linux install.
funkenstein_: mod6, thanks good to hear it
mod6: can you do me a favor?
funkenstein_: and you have put some sample TXs through it?
mod6: do you still have the link to the pastebin stuff you gave me for your ubuntu build?
mod6: i was thinking about including some of that info in the monthly address.
mod6: yeah, tested send/recieve. lemme see if I can find you a link.
mod6: (i have a recent one, but not on this machine atm)
assbot: dpaste: 1EP63W5: release notes, by funkenstein ... ( http://bit.ly/1Gxw0kR )
nubbins`: mod6 plz to emphasize that osx patch does not come with official nintendo seal of quality
nubbins`: i should also prolly resend that email with a subject so it doesn't get lost. right now it shows up as a reply to some other no-subject post
mod6: shows send/recieve on the 64 bit static binary
mod6: nubbins`: np. i think it's just good to get it in the list for now. later we can take it, massage whatever is needed and get it into a proper patch and test it.
funkenstein_: whee look at that, cooking with gas
mod6: yikes that paste expires in 1 day lol. thanks though funkenstein_, I'll save it locally so i've got it.
assbot: http://dpaste.com/1EP63W5: dpaste: 1EP63W5: release notes, by funkenstein ... ( http://bit.ly/1F21ePe )
funkenstein_: if it was useful i could test on fedora
mod6: so it turns out that debian didn't need the -nodnsseed flag, but gentoo did just like you ran into with ubuntu, i wanna make a comment on that in the address perhaps.
funkenstein_: hmm i didn't get my debian box to build
mod6: oh thanks danielpbarron
mod6: what debian? (we test on deb6)
funkenstein_: debian8
mod6: ah. ok. well, maybe I can give it a shot at some point. or help you out with it.
funkenstein_: but likely the issue is my build environment
funkenstein_: i'm not going to run it there anyway, it was just for test
mod6: well, thanks for testing anyway. appreciate it!
nubbins`: re: fedora, why not!
funkenstein_: i'll give it a go :)
funkenstein_: speaking of testing i have an escrow site I've been trying to make usable
funkenstein_: request for comment : 2crow.org
nubbins`: hmm initial scan from test machine shows malware behind that link
nubbins`: nah, i'm just kidding.
funkenstein_: nah I add that in later nubbins ;)
thestringpuller: nubbins` is always joking about dead bodies and cocaine in trunk of car as we cross border
thestringpuller: says, "But it was funny."
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_field
funkenstein_: hmm builds proceeding. funny thing is i never got any coins to build on fedora20x64
nubbins`: what do you mean
nubbins`: oh, sorry
nubbins`: parse error
ascii_field: ben_vulpes, mod6, mircea_popescu, et al: who wants to consider tossing the wallet code from pogo variant of 0.5.3 ? it's dead weight
nubbins` raises hand
funkenstein_: the trouble with a reference implemention is https://xkcd.com/927/
assbot: xkcd: Standards ... ( http://bit.ly/1F23wxR )
nubbins`: like you said, what's a wallet without rng
ascii_field: the jurist term is 'attractive nuisance' iirc.
BingoBoingo: Seems prudent to excise it
ascii_field: like a power saw left unwatched for children to play with
BingoBoingo: Nah, the powersaw is safer and people tend to learn from that
mike_c: but, now a separate pogo branch must be maintained?
ascii_field would maintain it
mike_c: does the -disablewallet config switch exist in this version? that would be easier way to prevent children from playing with matches
ascii_field: mike_c: would like to cut some footprint
mike_c: i thought it was like 5.5mb.
ascii_field: mike_c: the buildroot i have is theoretically retargetable to multiple cpu archs and boards with minimal effort
ascii_field: mike_c: i have several candidates for replacement of 'pogo' if something 'happens to' our supply.
punkman: we don't really want wallet code in regular bitcoind anyway
mike_c: yeah, fine, but that's different from starting a pogo branch. if it gets cut from master branch, problem solved (if there is a problem?)
mike_c: ascii_field: you saying that cutting it makes it more portable? or just easier to fit on smaller arch.
ascii_field: mike_c: would like to fit on boards with 8M rom
ascii_field: but more general principle
mike_c: ok, so cut it later when we have a 8m device we want to fit it on.
ascii_field: smaller -> more auditable.
ascii_field: but i will leave this for the folks whose project it actually is, to decide
punkman: maybe add my mining-snip patch too
nubbins`: suppose instead of -disablewallet, flip the bit and make it -enablewallet?
ascii_field: punkman: for the wallet-less version, would be logical. (how can mine without wallet ?)
nubbins`: short-term
ascii_field: or i suppose you could...
nubbins`: make wallet=off the default while we decide when to trim
nubbins`: in a perfect world, remove_wallet.patch
nubbins`: included as an "extra" in -RELEASE.tar.gz
mike_c: short-term (i.e. pogo) solution is to run bitcoind with the config switch. in the near future the foundation will remove the wallet and miner and then it will be smaller around the same time we want to fit it on a 8m device.
nubbins`: (/me imagines makefile.osx in same "extra"
mike_c: serendipity will prevail
mike_c: of course, i use 'we' loosely since all i've done is buy a pogo and wait.
nubbins`: ^ +1
Adlai: ascii_field: mining only needs an output script for the coinbase
nubbins`: what's the endian-ness of the pogo's arm, big?
ascii_field: Adlai: yes i remembered
ascii_field: nubbins`: selectable
ascii_field: nubbins`: little-endian by default
nubbins`: i'll stick with that
ascii_field: (most recent embedded system-on-chip are selectably-endian)
nubbins`: you have a buildroot .config you can pop up somewhere?
ascii_field: nubbins`: it's a mega-turd. not just one config, but four, and they have to be packaged in a certain way
ascii_field: ideally will wrap this up tonight
nubbins`: lovely
ascii_field: i want folks building their own pogo runtimes soon.
nubbins`: finally got buildroot nut cracked here
nubbins`: s/make menuconfig/make nconfig
ascii_field: so that i can, perhaps, escape the chore of figuring out why sata refuses to init
ascii_field: and how to read the pushbutton and toggle the lamp
nubbins`: !up ascii_field
ascii_field: all else - works
ascii_field: (hardware-wise)
ascii_field: did cut a bunch of irrelevant crud from the kernel (keyboards, mice, sound cards, etc)
nubbins`: i'll take a peek at the light and button stuff, seems straight-forward
ascii_field: nubbins`: like sata, it mysteriously fails to work
ascii_field: that is, i have the marvell config flags set
ascii_field: but no devices appear for them
ascii_field: anyone who is planning to screw with the kernel, -must- have tftp set up
ascii_field: otherwise the debug loop is unbearably tedious
ascii_field: i, for example, only need to cycle power to the 'pogo' to test a newly-built turdel.
trinque: flight 9525 seems a great way to argue "see, this is why we need to be able to remote-control planes"
ascii_field: trinque: the remotes -were put in-, by and large across the board, in '01-03
trinque: ascii_field: saw the link re: boeing I think it was
ascii_field: trinque: how well they work, and when they are used, and who orders it - i do not know.
ben_vulpes: <funkenstein_> anybody sync a node yet? << a few, yeah
trinque: ascii_field: got any search terms which will conjure that link from the logs?
ascii_field: trinque: not from memory, no
ben_vulpes: <ascii_field> ben_vulpes, mod6, mircea_popescu, et al: who wants to consider tossing the wallet code from pogo variant of 0.5.3 ? it's dead weight << don't see why not
ascii_field: ben_vulpes: someone did suggest a good reason why not - the chore of maintaining two branches
ben_vulpes: <funkenstein_> the trouble with a reference implemention is https://xkcd.com/927/ << no, this is a consensus project.
assbot: xkcd: Standards ... ( http://bit.ly/1Nkay4G )
ben_vulpes: oh, we're not maintaining 2 branches already?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 171606 @ 0.00026574 = 45.6026 BTC [+] {2}
ben_vulpes: i kid, i kid.
ben_vulpes: <mike_c> short-term (i.e. pogo) solution is to run bitcoind with the config switch. in the near future the foundation will remove the wallet << oh we will?
mike_c: didn't you just say you would?
ben_vulpes: "pogo variant"
mike_c: oh. i thought somebody said it was on your todo list.
ben_vulpes: but as asciilifeform's said before, the RI has to parachute into mars, bitcoinating
ben_vulpes: yeah, it's down at 12
ben_vulpes: 'cause needs discussion.
ben_vulpes: on one hand yeah - what is a wallet doing in there?
ben_vulpes: on the other hand - what else is one going to do?
mike_c: uh, run a pogo
ben_vulpes: cant' use a pogo to send btc
mike_c: right. that's what one is going to do with a wallet.
Chillum: I am about to see if a Raspberry Pi 2 can run a full node. The Pi 1 starts to crap out around mid 2014
Chillum: compiling now
mike_c: the separate RI wallet binary could talk to RI bitcoind to send btc
ben_vulpes: mike_c: what i mean to say is that the reference implementation only bears the wallet by virtue of there being no other thing that serves as a wallet.
ben_vulpes: yeah, "could".
ben_vulpes: someday.
ascii_field: suggestion - we #ifdef it.
mike_c: (and double the test matrix)
ascii_field: much as i despise #ifdef
trinque: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=03-03-2015#1039405 << there's the one, 777 boeing hax keywords yay
mike_c: thing is, one could clone the code, rip out most of the stuff that wasn't the wallet, and voila, new binary that is a wallet.
ascii_field: mike_c: not quite
mike_c: it would be a bad wallet, but it would be a start
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: and this to reduce size of bitcoind binary?
ascii_field: ben_vulpes: that, and remove the 'attractive nuisance'
ben_vulpes: the latter i don't care too much about.
mike_c: to be clear, ben_vulpes, this is for future unspecified project to create node out of smaller device than pogo
ben_vulpes: fuck it, ship it.
mike_c: that's what i said :)
ben_vulpes: "overengineering is like cocaine"
funkenstein_: you could make an SPV node with no wallet
ben_vulpes: funkenstein_: what.
funkenstein_: it would be pretty useless but you could make it small :)
ascii_field: self-propelled vehicle?
ben_vulpes: "simple payment verification"
ben_vulpes: is that the headers-only thing?
ben_vulpes: bitcoin in the swear jar, funkenstein_
ascii_field: fuck it up its arse with a reciprocating saw
ascii_field: !s fucksaw
assbot: 0 results for 'fucksaw' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=fucksaw
ascii_field: waaaat
ascii_field: ;;google fucksaw
gribble: America's Greatest University Demonstrates 'Fucksaw' For ... - Gawker: <http://gawker.com/5774501/americas-greatest-university-demonstrates-fucksaw-for-captivated-students>; Amazon.com: Fuck Saw Adapter: Health & Personal Care: <http://www.amazon.com/Rupert-Huse-Son-Inc-Adapter/dp/B00DF55CJQ>; JT's Stockroom - Fuck Saw: <http://www.stockroom.com/Fuck-Saw-P2931.aspx>
ben_vulpes: anyways, re wallet, meh in general and too soon in specific methinks.
ben_vulpes: rip out json/rpc and replace it with a thing i can call that vomits forth formatted blocks first
ben_vulpes: pogo's not my baby by any stretch of the imagination, but doing anything but getting them running seems like unnecessary yak shaving.
ascii_field: ben_vulpes: if you or anyone else has spare time - i recommend taking a look at the bastard blocks thing
ben_vulpes: bastards though, is at the *top* of the todo list.
funkenstein_: mod6: build error on a fedora box: dpaste.com/28E8Z9X
ascii_field: ben_vulpes: getting them running... << have you tried 'turdel' demo ?
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: pogo's in the mail.
funkenstein_: what are bastard blocks?
ben_vulpes: blocks with no chain ancestry.
ben_vulpes: they build up in memory, leading to OOM kills.
ben_vulpes: naive backport entails picking a random bastard and nuking its whole chain
ben_vulpes: (if i read the cee pee pee correctly)
ben_vulpes: anyways, i must off.
funkenstein_: thanks, i will read up
danielpbarron: i have to periodically restart bitcoind on my pogos
danielpbarron: because of the bastards
funkenstein_: so these have been requested from other nodes the we aren't ready for them yet?
funkenstein_: *but we aren't ready for them yet?
ascii_field: danielpbarron: aside from the nondeterminism and potential for random db corruption, the bastards thing makes it entirely impossible to use the otherwise perfectly adequate 32M machines
danielpbarron: i do the restarts manually, as i keep an eye on them nearly all day; i use the restart as an opportunity to back up the block database of the solid state pogo
funkenstein_: i set a script with bitcoind stop, sleep, and restart, and put it in crontab
danielpbarron: that'll probably be the shipped sollution
funkenstein_: has anyone tried btcd the go node?
trinque: felipelalli: ^ thanks for alerting me
trinque: !up felipelalli
felipelalli: no worries!
cazalla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-03-2015#1074727 <<< my money is on her never to return here
assbot: Logged on 27-03-2015 16:59:53; mircea_popescu: ;;seen brendafdez
mike_c: did she ragequit?
cazalla: mike_c, not that i know of
cazalla: but now that es.qntra.net was put together for her, she's absent
mike_c: hehe. always a good way to make someone leave. "here's some work"
BingoBoingo: ;;seen brendafdez
gribble: brendafdez was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 day, 23 hours, 24 minutes, and 1 second ago: <brendafdez> mircea_popescu it works now. Anyway the IP I'm on now is one of a public AP, it shouldnt be whitelisted. I'll later give you my home IP, and BingoBoingo has my VPS IP already. I didn't know you were filtering.
cazalla: maybe i'm too quick to pull the trigger on that one, but we'll see
BingoBoingo: Maybe the CIA got her to prevent Qntra influence in Latin America
Chillum: damn compiling bitcoind on the pi2 takes hours
Chillum: bitcoin-0.10.0 that is
trinque: pogo plug...er.. plugged.
trinque: I'll turdel it this evening
danielpbarron: i think he'll come back
danielpbarron: we are facebook friendz
assbot: Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/34HQR4Q.txt )
trinque: danielpbarron: got a link to the pogo instructions?
trinque: found
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 701 @ 0.03 = 21.03 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: cazalla mine too.
danielpbarron: heh i was just updating that, trinque. -> http://danielpbarron.com/pogo/howto.txt
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so what's so wrong with prostitution ?
danielpbarron: i added tftp instructions
mircea_popescu: better than turning them into congresswhomen
trinque: danielpbarron: thanks!
trinque: I should've ordered the usb->serial guy too
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i dun see problem with wallet snip either.
danielpbarron: as long as you don't mess it up, it should be possible to do it without the serial connection
trinque: danielpbarron: https url to enable ssh doesn't work
danielpbarron: on what?
danielpbarron: my site?
trinque: when replaced with http it farts out html saying use https
trinque: nah the pogo
Chillum: yay I got bitcoind running
danielpbarron: did you put your ip address in there?
trinque: heh yes I did
trinque: and got html back with http://
ben_vulpes: Chillum: why are you bothering with 0.10.0?
Chillum: is that not the latest version?
danielpbarron: what do you mean "doesn't work" ? trinque
trinque: danielpbarron: connection refused when hitting the enable ssh URL via https
trinque: only ports 80 and 3333 are open on the thing
trinque: not 443
danielpbarron: you're doing this ? ^
trinque: yeah with my 10.0.0.somethin
mircea_popescu: Chillum it may be the latest verion on a meanwhile abandoned bitcoin fork pushed by very dubious characters.
danielpbarron: trinque, what does your pogo look like?
trinque: it's the pink logo one
trinque: I'll check the hardware rev
trinque: POGO-V4-A3-01
trinque: yup
danielpbarron: also a demonstration of where the sata drive goes, for those who haven't seen yet
mircea_popescu: http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-03-2015#1075019 << have the paycoins reached whatever yet ?
assbot: Logged on 27-03-2015 19:21:45; BingoBoingo: More lulz http://gawminers.eu redirects to the "independent" coinstand market pumping their scamcoin
Chillum: mircea_popescu: what would you recommend?
mircea_popescu: the bitcoin foundation releases.
assbot: ..::[ The Bitcoin Foundation ]::.. ... ( http://bit.ly/1AyGpur )
trinque: danielpbarron: do I have to "activate" this thing before that url becomes available?
Chillum: looks legit...
danielpbarron: trinque, no; that url is supposed to let you bypass having to activate
ben_vulpes: Chillum: not enough rounded corners for your taste?
danielpbarron: i wonder if they are shipping a different version or something
danielpbarron: i have yet to encounter a stock pogo that that url didn't work on
Chillum: I prefer all flash websites
trinque: hm, well hardware rev's in the logs
Chillum: (kidding)
trinque: I'll see what the software rev is on th inside
mircea_popescu: http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-03-2015#1075044 << this entire "explained income" bs is bs.
assbot: Logged on 27-03-2015 19:45:12; nubbins`: "the government definitely won't be curious about $40m in unexplained income"
mircea_popescu: who the fuck explains their income ? they think they got a case, let them make the fucking case.
ben_vulpes: in the states, if they think they have a case they freeze your assets.
mircea_popescu: http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-03-2015#1075058 << 19yo virgin angry at school because it could not possibly be his fault he's not getting any ?
assbot: Logged on 27-03-2015 20:13:48; punkman: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CAZWbIxWwAA5xPS.jpg
trinque: danielpbarron: in messing with cables, my router came up after the pogo
trinque: pogo was mad about this for some reason, yet got an IP
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes kinda why we don't want the states to survive, innit.
trinque: rebooted the pogo, light on the front went green, and the curl worked
trinque: might be good in the docs to say "make sure light's green, idiot"
trinque: otherwise reboot it
danielpbarron: okie doke
mircea_popescu: http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-03-2015#1075064 << so far being on apple is such a blessing for nubsy
assbot: Logged on 27-03-2015 20:18:47; nubbins`: i suppose i can just download the regular one and squash as i go
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: I LOVE MY BENEVOLENT OVERLORDS
ben_vulpes: !raet bahahara 10 warrior of justice
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes you know they fucked ben affleck.
assbot: The Whitest Kids U' Know - Pledge of Allegiance - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1GxI6KI )
mircea_popescu: i mean mutt damon
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 129800 @ 0.0002614 = 33.9297 BTC [-] {4}
ben_vulpes: matt derpin
jurov: soo.. i have mixed sheepmarketplace and bitcash.cz
assbot: Logged on 27-03-2015 20:39:24; mod6: <+funkenstein_> anybody sync a node yet? << i have a lot of times, probably at least 15 times since october. but... not a pogo. just the R.I. on a linux install.
mircea_popescu: jurov mixed ?
jurov: mixed up
mircea_popescu: http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-03-2015#1075089 << i've never used anything in the 7 branch or later. nor do i intend to ever do.
assbot: Logged on 27-03-2015 20:41:19; mod6: yeah, tested send/recieve. lemme see if I can find you a link.
assbot: Sheep Marketplace Arrest | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1GxIsBb )
assbot: Czech Ministry Fingers Heist Suspect | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1GxIsBf )
jurov: it's the same incident
trinque: the PogoPlug is meant to share files on a cloud or something << ehhehehe
mircea_popescu: jurov oh it is ? send an update/errata/we wouldja
jurov: only errata needed it's about sheep marketplace, not bitcash
mircea_popescu: http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-03-2015#1075117 << the problem with automated escrow is that well... it doesn't actually work too well as a principle. you need a human in the loop, basically.
assbot: Logged on 27-03-2015 20:53:53; funkenstein_: request for comment : 2crow.org
mircea_popescu: kinda why "multisig" stuff isn't taking off, in spite of all the power ranger effort dedicated at pushing that particular mudball uphill.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> ... have the paycoins reached whatever yet ? << Apparently only for a select few who have beta-invites to an "independent online market" where they can buy goods in the thing. Totally not just a last hail mary to get anyone consider offering the slightest bit of buying support.
assbot: Logged on 27-03-2015 21:21:14; ascii_field: punkman: for the wallet-less version, would be logical. (how can mine without wallet ?)
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo wait, their virtual best korea has an unconvertible shit currency that nevertheless is great because you can buy whores at the local wholesale whorehouse ?
mircea_popescu: except no girls ther ?
mircea_popescu: sounds like these people should run a small soviet republic in central asia.
mircea_popescu: they got all the right mental furniture for it.
mircea_popescu: http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-03-2015#1075218 << one is going to use pogo as god meant it, proxy for walleted bitcoind.
assbot: Logged on 27-03-2015 21:47:49; ben_vulpes: on the other hand - what else is one going to do?
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo wait, their virtual best korea has an unconvertible shit currency that nevertheless is great because you can buy whores at the local wholesale whorehouse ? << Pretty much. Apparently some of the most loyal of shills have been selected. There's allegations I can't evidence that the stuff is being shipped from amazon as a gift from Homero J Garza.
mircea_popescu: http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-03-2015#1075224 << even a stock bitcoind, hobbled to ONLY talk to your local pogo.
assbot: Logged on 27-03-2015 21:49:57; mike_c: the separate RI wallet binary could talk to RI bitcoind to send btc
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo shills getting payola is so common there's actually provisions in most criminal codes for it.
mircea_popescu: it's funny how the guy is appearingly going through the book and breaking literally everything.
mircea_popescu: even conventions that outstretch the fucking treaty of paris.
BingoBoingo: Yup, but somehow Preet hasn't to my knowledge seen fit to reel in Gibson to share Shaver's chair
mircea_popescu: "so what if it's been in the code since westphalia ?!?!?!"
assbot: The Treaty of Westphalia ... ( http://bit.ly/1BuEov0 )
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: You want to do a Garza violates Westphalia piece for qntra?
mircea_popescu: doubt he's worth the attention.
mircea_popescu: maybe once he's arguing in court or somethign
mircea_popescu: (but alf may appreciate article I : "A Christian general and permanent peace, and true and honest friendship, must rule between the Holy Imperial Majesty and the Holy All-Christian Majesty"
mircea_popescu: who thought the all-russia thing is original ? no such thing as originality. the new czars wanted to be better caesars than the previous czars is all.)
asciilifeform: <mircea_popescu> asciilifeform so what's so wrong with prostitution ? << the lulzy part was the bureaucrat, not whoring in the abstract
asciilifeform: <danielpbarron> i have yet to encounter a stock pogo that that url didn't work on << afaik the backdoor works on all released pogov4
asciilifeform: <mircea_popescu> who the fuck explains their income ? <ben_vulpes> in the states, if they think they have a case they freeze your assets. << aha. sit on the stake until explained, yes.
asciilifeform: <mircea_popescu> ... you can't mine w/o wallet << wallet doesn't need to be local
asciilifeform: (can be on separate machine)
mircea_popescu: kinda contorted but i guess
asciilifeform: <mircea_popescu> ... westphalia likbez << even where i went to school it was taught, as a foundational gadget of the (pre-ww1) civilized world...
mircea_popescu: in a sense.
asciilifeform: (amerikan school! palmer & colton was the quick'n'dirty book, plus period sources)
mircea_popescu: (this to note that the given link is merely a perspective, and not divine truth. the treatment of fouquet is particularly ignorant, for instance - while the man was rich it is not clear he stole anything, and his disgrace has nothing to do with the minister and everything to do with the king, who visited once and was displeased at the luxurious manner in which he was received.)
asciilifeform went to a slightly odd school, not entirely representative of usa
mircea_popescu: you actually went to school there ?
asciilifeform: from 3rd grade up, even
asciilifeform: (not secret)
asciilifeform: last 4 years was in a kind of quasi-public one where you get in by exam (these still exist)
trinque: I went to one of those
trinque: "magnet school"
asciilifeform: not mircea_popescuing gymnasium by any measure, but considerably less lame than the off the shelf fare
mircea_popescu: it doesn't sound all that bad.
mircea_popescu: "Northwestern University simply cannot stop being awesome. From getting drunk and hollering about blowjobs to throwing blackface Halloween parties to producing a little rapper by the name of Chet Haze, Northwestern University never does anything less than the most awesome thing to do in any given situation. That's why regular schools have "Human Sexuality" classes, but Northwestern University has HOT LIVE FUCKSAW demon
mircea_popescu: strations:
mircea_popescu: The optional presentation last Monday, attended by about 120 students, featured a naked non-student woman being repeatedly sexually stimulated to the point of orgasm by the sex toy, referred to as a "fucksaw." The device is essentially a motorized phallus.
mircea_popescu: John Michael Bailey, the psychology professor who leads the class in question, declined to comment to the Daily Northwestern "due to class preparations that he said last until Friday." He then hastily grabbed his fucksaw, retreated to his lair, and locked the door."
asciilifeform: theoretically qualified the kids for admission to eu unis
asciilifeform did not uses this
mircea_popescu approves of northwestern.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: bailey is infamous for an epic grudgewank centered around his book, 'the man who would be queen'
asciilifeform: a treatise on transsexualism
mircea_popescu: because he correctly identifies the "transsexual" delusion as malignant narcissism ?
asciilifeform: as for the fucksaw, it was, iirc, made from a genuine reciprocating saw!
asciilifeform: brilliant concept, cheap & effective.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: aha how'd you know.
asciilifeform: a real ripper of a book, too
asciilifeform: mega-recommended.
nubbins`: <+mircea_popescu> who the fuck explains their income ? they think they got a case, let them make the fucking case. <<< emery famously listed "marijuana seed dealer" on his income tax returns for years. ended up remitting ~$2mn in total
asciilifeform: ^ in total << before picked up ?
asciilifeform: or what, quit on his own ?
nubbins`: <+ben_vulpes> mircea_popescu: YOU WON'T GET ME TO SAY ANYTHING NEGATIVE ABOUT THEM <<< a node's a node, smarty-pantses!
asciilifeform: and i'll add that the real 'explaining' happens after they take your money, all at once
asciilifeform: 'tell us why you should see this dough again?'
asciilifeform: 'or you'll what, sue? with what?'
trinque: got stock debian on my pogo
trinque: this is where I ended up due to the "..." in the uboot section of instructions
asciilifeform: trinque: tried turdel ?
nubbins`: <+mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo wait, their virtual best korea has an unconvertible shit currency that nevertheless is great because you can buy whores at the local wholesale whorehouse ? except no girls ther ? << ;;google itchy & scratchy bucks
trinque: asciilifeform: put debian on the sd card in a partition, I assume I can flash the nand from there?
trinque: and then add a uboot entry for it?
asciilifeform: trinque: if you replace whatever kernel you have now, on whatever kind of drive, with it - it will boot
asciilifeform: carries own rootfs
trinque: ah neat
nubbins`: <+asciilifeform> ^ in total << before picked up ? <<< before picked up.
asciilifeform: trinque: don't flash turdel into your nand
asciilifeform: it'll be difficult to replace it
nubbins`: as in, legitimately paid $2mn in taxes on marijuana seed sales over about a decade
asciilifeform: i didn't build mtd utils in there
nubbins`: which the government received, processed each year
trinque: asciilifeform: I'll keep the debian around and add this as a boot entry
asciilifeform: it's a turdel not a kernel for good reason
asciilifeform: (for one thing, source not posted yet)
trinque: heh
asciilifeform: deliberately self-contained. you don't need to add cmd params to it
asciilifeform: or have a root partition
nubbins`: trinque tftp -> mmc -> usb -> sata is an ok setup
nubbins`: for boot order
nubbins`: if you follow vanilla "hack the pogo" instructions, you can keep the original setup in the loop too
asciilifeform: ^ until we overwrite it
trinque: yeah supposedly I still have their magic cloud distro on here
asciilifeform: the real battlefield build will write over the nand
assbot: Qui's techNOLOGY Blog: Hacking the Pogoplug v4 (Series 4 and Mobile) with Linux (Debian or Arch) ... ( http://bit.ly/1G0HHA2 )
asciilifeform: though theoretically we will be using only a tenth or so of the room
nubbins`: you planning to do a single-item boot list, or keep option for tftp/etc?
nubbins`: trinque +1, that's the guide i've been following
nubbins`: right now my pogo will try tftp, then boot debian from sd card, or original pogo if none present
asciilifeform: if screwing with uboot, leave at least 1sec in the boot delay timer
trinque: nubbins`: yeah that sounds good to me
asciilifeform: saves much headache if you want to turn the knobs again from serial console because b0rk3d boot media
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> 'or you'll what, sue? with what?' << in which vein, mp has never explained any such thing, to anyone, ever, nor does he mean to start.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu is not a prisoner
asciilifeform: in usgbankschwitz
mircea_popescu: "i'll not as much sue as send your daughter to dance for soros. how about that."
asciilifeform would also like an atomic zeppelin
asciilifeform: but not everyone can have.
asciilifeform: (cannot argue against it being a mighty fine thing!)
mircea_popescu: ;;google all we need is love
gribble: Ricki-Lee - All We Need Is Love - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KifF5OMDIsM>; All You Need Is Love - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLEtGRUrtJo>; Beatles - All You Need Is Love Lyrics | MetroLyrics: <http://www.metrolyrics.com/all-you-need-is-love-lyrics-beatles.html>
asciilifeform: more to the point, 'yellow submarine'
mircea_popescu: im not sure we're all homo enough to live on the same submarine
asciilifeform: l0l true
asciilifeform recalls some 'dark future of hello kitty' (tm) novel with 'gay pill'
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 125226 @ 0.00025811 = 32.3221 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45874 @ 0.00025191 = 11.5561 BTC [-]
asciilifeform: http://upstart.bizjournals.com/companies/media/2015/03/12/guardian-takes-back-claims-news-report-on-whisper.html << slightly out-of-date mega-l0l. 'guardian' forced to retract piece exposing egregious chumpatron
assbot: The Guardian issues clarification on Whisper privacy scandal that wasn't such a scandal after all ... ( http://bit.ly/1G0IRLT )
asciilifeform: 'The fallout from The Guardian investigation, which started while the newspaper was exploring an editorial partnership with Whisper, was hugely disruptive for the California startup, drawing the scrutiny of the U.S. Senate and leading CEO Michael Heyward to suspend parts of its editorial team.'
mircea_popescu: so basically, scam got called out originally
mircea_popescu: but then they figured out that when it comes to newspaper content, they got no alternative
mircea_popescu: and so...
asciilifeform: -suspend parts of its editorial team-.
asciilifeform: the honest men - now starve.
asciilifeform: (or wait tables, if lucky)
asciilifeform: the pliant muppets - fat, fatter.
mircea_popescu: they went to bat for the wrong ceo.
asciilifeform: where does the 'right ceo' live, l0l
mircea_popescu: in any case, gotta admire how narrowly the chumpatron works.
mircea_popescu: how does this thing advertise itself in wikipedia ? (and yes, that's what wikipedia is, usg-pravda)
mircea_popescu: Whisper has become popular on college campuses,[7] with usership at several large universities throughout the United States, including Pennsylvania State University, Arizona State University, University of Florida, Ohio State University, and University of Texas at Austin.
asciilifeform: pediwikia
mircea_popescu: because totally. it worked for facebook, right ?
asciilifeform: elementary honeypot
mircea_popescu: college campuses! we got them! that's the criteria!
mircea_popescu: "but maybe you deliberately are claiming this because you think it's the criteria ?"
mircea_popescu: *blank stare*
asciilifeform: buffett's algorithm - or ask any insect exterminator - zap'em young.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 137688 @ 0.00025091 = 34.5473 BTC [-] {3}
Chillum: advertising on Wikipedia?? unheard of!
thestringpuller: ^- that brings some vivid imagery.
Chillum: point me to the spammer and I will block them!
thestringpuller: VC's are like the new crack dealers.
thestringpuller: These kids get addicted to their crack-money, and then depend on it. Next thing you know you're coinbase or reddit begging for 500mn.
thestringpuller: Sucking the USG dick.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 78346 @ 0.00024852 = 19.4705 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36000 @ 0.0002569 = 9.2484 BTC [+]
trinque: pogo's not a bad little device, surely not for the price
trinque: asciilifeform: where does turdel expect to find storage?
trinque: for the blockchain
nubbins`: turdel expects nothing yet
trinque: I'll wait on that then, until my usb serial thing comes
nubbins`: hey, your choice. the more eyes the better
nubbins`: worth figuring out the tftp setup, flasing the pogo, etc
trinque: thought was that having that would help me test
trinque: I can be useful without?
trinque: does that kernel belch serial console stuff to netconsole?
trinque: I figure otherwise if it gets stuck somewhere my best feedback is going to be "eh well, didn't go?"
nubbins`: well, you got through the qnology post, right?
assbot: Qui's techNOLOGY Blog: Hacking the Pogoplug v4 (Series 4 and Mobile) with Linux (Debian or Arch) ... ( http://bit.ly/1EK4Lin )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 70526 @ 0.00024764 = 17.4651 BTC [-] {2}
nubbins`: debian up and running on it?
trinque: yeah
nubbins`: ok, how 'bout tftp
decimation: re: us 'college' http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/bernie-sanders-2016-loan-fraud/2015/03/27/id/634817/ < " The wife of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, a self-described socialist who is aligned with the Democrat Party, may have committed loan fraud and almost drove a small college into financial ruin, according to a report."
assbot: Report: Did Bernie Sanders' Wife Commit Loan Fraud? ... ( http://bit.ly/1EK4QTb )
nubbins`: most sane package managers should have a tftpd that you can install on your local machine
trinque: yeah I understand tftp
trinque: what are you guys using to watch it boot if not netconsole or the usb serial thing?
trinque: or are you just waiting for it to come up, then telnet-ing in?
nubbins`: so you interrupt the boot sequence w/ nc
nubbins`: then tftp the turdel blob over
trinque: ah this is in dpb's writeup
nubbins`: the first thing you have to do is update the boot sequence on your pogo
nubbins`: start with the fw_setenv bits down bottom
nubbins`: "tftp server ip" is your desktop
nubbins`: wait, hold on now
nubbins`: i fucked this up last time.
nubbins`: fw_setenv "bootcmd='run boot_tftp'" <<< this needs to be modified
nubbins`: change that to:
nubbins`: /tmp/fw_setenv bootcmd 'run boot_tftp; run bootcmd_mmc; run bootcmd_usb; run bootcmd_sata; run bootcmd_pogo; reset'
nubbins`: that way if tftp boot fails, you're not bricked
trinque: cool
nubbins`: right. so once you get that done, you start up netcat on your desktop
nubbins`: $ nc -lu 6666 &
trinque: sweet, uboot does it
trinque: that's what I was wondering, whether I'd be blind during boot
nubbins`: $ nc -u <pogo ip> 6666
nubbins`: then just power cycle the pogo and watch the show
nubbins`: you'll see the 10-second countdown, hit enter
nubbins`: then Pogov4> tftp 0x800000 turdel_with_telnet
nubbins`: Pogov4> bootm 0x800000
nubbins`: at which point it immediately boots into the turdel, give it a bit, then telnet into it
nubbins`: when you're done, killall nc
assbot: Use netconsole to troubleshoot uBoot without a serial cable ... ( http://bit.ly/1xlAqsY )
nubbins`: if you manage to telnet into the turdel, pastebin some shit to prove it :D
decimation: http://www.computerworld.com/article/2902310/toshiba-announces-industrys-densest-3d-flash-memory.html < " With the 3D NAND chips, which started shipping Thursday, solid-state drives (SSDs) with more than 10TB of storage are just around the corner, according to Brian Shirley, vice president of memory and technology solutions at Micron. "
assbot: Toshiba announces industry's densest 3D flash memory | Computerworld ... ( http://bit.ly/1EK6uo0 )
decimation: good thing, given the size of the blockchain
mircea_popescu: Chillum point me to the spammer and I will block them! << the whole thing exists principally as an advertising venue for a certain set of nonsense.
mircea_popescu: such as... whisper.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 105070 @ 0.00024754 = 26.009 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu meanwhile looked at hostmask.
Chillum: as a wikipedia admin I agree there is a lot of spam, though that is not the reason for its existence
mircea_popescu: well, take this with a grain of salt, so it may add digestion
mircea_popescu: but : the thinking here is that google putting wikipedia at top of search results is neither algorithmic nor coincidental.
Chillum: It is because we are linked so much
mircea_popescu: while it doesn't amount to conspiracy, it factually functions as one. flows driectly from confirnation bias.
mircea_popescu: mno, google doesn't either follow links or care about the results since years ago.
Chillum: Not sure what you mean by whisper
mircea_popescu: the certain (worthless) app was being discussed earlier re the guardian piece
Chillum: oh, well that article is a pile of crap.
assbot: Logged on 28-03-2015 00:06:57; asciilifeform: http://upstart.bizjournals.com/companies/media/2015/03/12/guardian-takes-back-claims-news-report-on-whisper.html << slightly out-of-date mega-l0l. 'guardian' forced to retract piece exposing egregious chumpatron
mircea_popescu: specifically ?
Chillum: but Wikipedia is barely aware of its existence
decimation: Chillum: I once tried to edit a climate-change related article on wikipedia, my changes were immediate reverted by william connolley
Chillum: well that is a controversial article
Chillum: you would need to participate in the debate on the talk page
mircea_popescu: Chillum mind that what i said was, "in the article whisper made on wikipedia to advertise itself, which is what wikipedia is principally used for, they depict themselves as so and so, because that's what they perceive is aspiration-able"
Chillum: we discourage people from writing about themselves
Chillum: pretty hard to stop though
Chillum: right
mircea_popescu: impossible to stop. anything anyone wants to talk about is themselves.
Chillum: we can't stop nuts from showing up all day with crazy theories either
mircea_popescu: but the fact that it has to be stopped in the first place says something.
mircea_popescu: haha showing up where ?
Chillum: on Wikipedia
decimation: wikipedia is the ultimate do-achracy
decimation: nobodies can camp all day on an article and 'win' if they revert/revise quickly enough
trinque: nubbins`: helps if you disable your firewall on local machine
nubbins`: heh.
mircea_popescu: he's from apple. wut firewall ?
trinque: mircea_popescu: they've got a nice pretend one with a fence icon, I'm sure
mircea_popescu: is it white ?
mircea_popescu: does it have a really short cable ?
trinque misses the reference
mircea_popescu: for a while i-somethings came with very short power cables, you could pay 20 bux or something for a human sized one.
mircea_popescu: because their primary market was w/e, rabbits or something.
trinque: oh, indeed
trinque: now only one cable, probably still short
trinque boots a turdel
mircea_popescu: i never said this before, because i didn't want to jinx it, but
mircea_popescu: i am fucking shocked they've not yet made square section cables
mircea_popescu: strikes me as exactly the sort of apple-esque innovationitivity.
Chillum: 3d flash memory looks pretty awesome
Chillum drools at 10tb solid state drive
mircea_popescu: o wow, you actually churning that much data ?
mircea_popescu: !gettrust assbot Chillum
assbot: Trust relationship from user assbot to user Chillum: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. | http://w.b-a.link/trust/assbot/Chillum | http://w.b-a.link/user/Chillum
jurov: when square cables twist(inevitably), it is very visible and it looks bad
mircea_popescu: jurov so make them out of dried panda tears so they don't twist.
Chillum: movies, tv, music
mircea_popescu: !rate Chillum 1 wikipedia
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/d153043aa0511b3b
Chillum: (all legally bought of course"
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.Chillum.1:fe02b9a13c2f6575aa1d01aa90703ea5ff5fdf144a166dc8d1aac9869a5e8361
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for Chillum with note: wikipedia
Chillum: thanks
mircea_popescu: Chillum i have a coupla tb of movies girls prepped for me that i keep meaning to sometime see
mircea_popescu: must have been there since 2012ish
jurov: how much can 10tb of legal content cost? dat's like, 200 blurays
jurov: *legally purchased copyrasted content
mircea_popescu: i thought bluray was like 30gb
jurov: 300 then. better yet.
mircea_popescu: In January 2007, Hitachi showcased a 100 GB Blu-ray Disc, consisting of four layers containing 25 GB each.
nubbins`: <+mircea_popescu> he's from apple. wut firewall ? <<< o.O the same firewall that obsd uses, smarty
nubbins` shrugs, points to evidence
mircea_popescu ignores evidence, eats the points.
nubbins`: hey!
decimation: pfsense, yes, another apple thing shamelessly ripped by apple
decimation: err, bsd thing
nubbins`: not pfsense but PF
decimation: aye, pfsense is the distro right?
nubbins`: (what else'd you expect a BSD mutant to use?)
decimation: what bsd used before pf
assbot: dpaste: 25ESNNY: pogo turdel_with_telnet.gz, by trinque ... ( http://bit.ly/1EKa81b )
decimation: ipfw to be specific
mircea_popescu: you know there's going to be children named turdel because of you people.
danielpbarron: pfsense is a freebsd user-friendlier interface for OpenBSD's PF
trinque: asciilifeform: turdel_with_telnet.gz works over here
decimation: apple didn't move to pf until 10.7
nubbins`: trinque haha wd, another one in the club
nubbins`: decimation +1. they used fbsd firewall before that
mircea_popescu: "before turning off the obsd firewall, apple used to turn off the fbsd firewall"
decimation: none of which was prominently displayed on their marketing or specs
nubbins`: well, y'know. they also don't advertise that it comes with tftp
mircea_popescu: decimation dude why the hate, they were just taking from those hacker kids and giving back to the business community!
decimation: one of the reasons why I won quote-of-the-year last year :) http://bash.bitcoin-assets.com/?quote=304
assbot: #bitcoin-assets bash ... ( http://bit.ly/1EKayV6 )
nubbins`: or the thousand other BSD userland utils.
mircea_popescu: the clown cars still cracks me up
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 85590 @ 0.00025935 = 22.1978 BTC [+] {2}
decimation: it's true, because you are on bsd but you never know what is behind the bulkhead
decimation: although I would say that the folks at macports do a pretty good job of porting sane unix to osx
trinque: brew = you're gonna have a bad time
trinque: written with the rubyfuck whimsy that prioritizes cute names over clarity
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5660 @ 0.00026059 = 1.4749 BTC [+]
nubbins`: pouring bottle!
trinque: tapping keg! (winks at camera)
nubbins`: heh.
nubbins`: brew aint so bad
decimation: yeah I tried brew once, after about 15 minutes I ditched that shit
trinque: that guy "why" was a good fly zapper
nubbins`: maybe i'll do up a keg for ;p
trinque: nubbins`: dunno, I could have laid into 'er too hard, but I've had to nuke my brew install > two hands amount of times
nubbins`: i nuked mine 3-4 times before i even started to understand wtf i was doing
trinque: probably makes more sense after you map the whimsy to useful symbols
nubbins`: just think of it as apt-get with weird terminology
trinque: it has a use-flags-esque thing
trinque: I like that.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43000 @ 0.00026293 = 11.306 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: very vaguely lulzi wikipedia drama : apparently they have some sort of "did you know that..." advertising shtick.
mircea_popescu: one of the items in there was at some point that after [[Melina Perez|Melina]] ''(pictured)'' stripped [[Torrie Wilson]] in a bra & panties match at '''[[The Great American Bash (2005)]]''', referee [[Candice Michelle]] stripped Melina and herself as well?
mircea_popescu: i have nfi what this is, except iirc godaddy had a candice michelle doing some random sluttery in their bangbros inspired style.
assbot: Log In - The New York Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ee04lY )
mircea_popescu: however! an admin (bedford) launched in a very... naggumesque, so to say rant, on some blog or something. myspace profile ?
mircea_popescu: and as a result, mega huge shitfest, because how can he say things like feminazi and pms
mircea_popescu: "Bedford, if you really wrote that, I ask you to resign your adminship. I have no opinion right now if such a request is legitimate based on policy, or precedent. I only know you've lost my faith in your ability to act in a reasonable and impartial manner. And if you didn't write it, you need to find out who is impersonating you on myspace, because they're making you look really, really, really bad."
mircea_popescu: and soon enough jimbo himself
mircea_popescu: *I have desysopped him. This is not even a close call. He's so far over the line of the conduct - both onsite and offsite - that I expect from admins that nothing short of a full and complete apology for his behavior and a retraction of his comments will do. Additionally, he will have to stand for re-election if he dares. As for me, I would never vote for someone with this kind of behavior in his history."
mircea_popescu: this is VERY amusing, seeing how child porn is in jimbo's history.
decimation: note the meanings of the words "reasonable" and "impartial"
decimation: "say what the fuck we want you to say when we want you to say it"
mircea_popescu: somehow factual unpleasantness does not belong in the soi dissant encyclopedia.
Chillum: what this place has more gossip than my mom's bridge games
mircea_popescu: you have no idea!
mircea_popescu: anyway, i declare myself suitably amused.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45101 @ 0.00024778 = 11.1751 BTC [-]
decimation: "Marc Benioff, the chief executive of Salesforce.com, a technology company with a major presence in Indiana, announced that he would cancel all company events in the state."
decimation: "Jeremy Stoppelman, the founder of Yelp, which publishes online reviews of businesses, issued a warning to states like Indiana that “it is unconscionable to imagine that Yelp would create, maintain, or expand a significant business presence in any state that encouraged discrimination.”"
decimation: ideally Indiana will hold the line and become silicon valley free
mircea_popescu: oh, and, from the previous source,
mircea_popescu: "This type of combativeness and unseemly behavior is nothing new from Bedford. I suggest a request for user conduct be filed. I am also declining to post this from my account: I am a person of color who edits under my real name, lives close to Bedford and fears harassment or violence. I do not enjoy playing this card, but I grew up in the South and have good reason to fear Confederates and their ilk. (t
mircea_popescu: alk) 01:13, 26 July 2008 (UTC)"
mircea_popescu: so im guessing they de-op indiana now ?
decimation: exactly
assbot: Mycelium Entropy opened by Border Agents - Album on Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ee0JE2 )
decimation: "Gen Con, a convention for game enthusiasts that draws nearly 60,000 people a year to Indianapolis, threatened to relocate its event out of state."
mircea_popescu: interestingly enough, yelp's failure to matter in indiana is ascribed as a fault of indiana.
decimation: heh yeah
decimation: as if any of these fuckheads would voluntarily step foot in a non-maritime state
mircea_popescu: nubbins` notbad.jpg. cazalla awake ?
asciilifeform: trinque: where does turdel expect to find storage << nowhere. you can manually mount sd and usb. (sata not yet working)
mircea_popescu: decimation what did indiana do ?
cazalla: mircea_popescu, about to step away in a few mins, what's up
mircea_popescu: other than being named badly, like that baseball team or w/e.
mircea_popescu: cazalla nubbins` link above. border cracked entropy gen.
asciilifeform: <trinque> does that kernel belch serial console stuff to netconsole << nope
decimation: "An Indiana law that could make it easier for religious conservatives to refuse service to gay couples touched off storms of protest on Friday from the worlds of arts, business and college athletics and opened an emotional new debate in the emerging campaign for president."
asciilifeform: trinque: but you can telnet to it!
nubbins`: if only it was USER AUDITABLE.
asciilifeform: (once it boots)
nubbins`: asciilifeform <+nubbins`> http://imgur.com/a/pem5j
assbot: Mycelium Entropy opened by Border Agents - Album on Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ee1eOk )
decimation: that's all the detail nyt gives on the matter before proceding on a krokodil-esque rant
mircea_popescu: decimation hopefully they rename it to obamana
mircea_popescu: there is precedenstalingrad!
cazalla: mircea_popescu, i'll take a look soon
asciilifeform: nubbins`: ... tftpd that you can install on your local machine << try 'atftp' under gentoo
asciilifeform: then tftp the turdel blob over << not the correct way to use tftp. you leave the demon going, pointed at your build image
asciilifeform: then fully automatic
nubbins`: cazalla call the customs agents "notorious" if you can, they seized an ounce of salvia off me once
mircea_popescu: decimation "an indiana law that could" is apparently the politburo approved reference.
nubbins`: asciilifeform oh hey you're right, lel.
mircea_popescu: apparently these oh-so-edumancated kids forgot how to cite laws.
nubbins`: do i even posix-compliant os? ;p
nubbins`: asciilifeform i was mixing the fw_setenv and the one-off directions ;/
assbot: Here it is: The text of Indiana's ‘religious freedom’ law ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ee1KvW )
decimation: "Sec. 8. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), a governmental entity may not substantially burden a person's exercise of religion, even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability. (b) A governmental entity may substantially burden a person's exercise of religion only if the governmental entity demonstrates that application of the burden to the person: (1) is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest;
decimation: and (2) is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest."
decimation: damn I can feel the hate that drips from that text
asciilifeform: 10tb solid state drive << flash still disposable.
mircea_popescu: especially as it provides injunctive and declaratory relief + damages.
asciilifeform: don't believe the lies of 'never dies.'
decimation: asciilifeform: yeah, still dies, but that's alot of graveyard
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the general home use of "large ssd" is mostly that, drop some pirated films on it, watch them never.
Chillum: all hard drives die. At least solid state dies in a more predictable fashion with wear levelling
mircea_popescu: for this, fl;ash is uniquely adequate.
asciilifeform: 10tb of legal content << i have easily 10TB of -generated- contents, and none of it is film or audio
Chillum: asciilifeform: It is just hundreds of copies of the block chain
decimation: it's hilarious that a law that essentially says "congress shall make no law concerning religion" is the epitome of racisis
Chillum: most sensible countries limit government's effect on religion and religion's effect on government
decimation: of course, especially in states where it's expressly forbidden
asciilifeform: <trinque> ... turdel_with_telnet.gz works over here << congrats!
asciilifeform: not that i expect it to fail on any pogo. but it'sa pons asinorum
mircea_popescu: decimation i thought racis is when you beat up black dudes and chauvinist is when you beat up gay dudes. did they meanwhile merge to the shorter easier to pronounce one ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30500 @ 0.00025242 = 7.6988 BTC [+]
decimation: if the sv crowd is making a distinction it's news to me
decimation: from my corner of usia "chauvinist" implies "hate women"
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: ... child porn is in jimbo's history << wai wat? l0l!
Chillum: did he go to the wrong summer camp?
mircea_popescu: i thought it was being inflexible with self-actualisation delusions. be it gayness, being a dragon or anything else. if derp says he can shit moons and you point and laugh... a chauvinist is you.
decimation: ;;dict chauvinist
gribble: wn: chauvinist n 1: a person with a prejudiced belief in the superiority of his or her own kind 2: an extreme bellicose nationalist [syn: {chauvinist}, {jingoist}, {jingo}, {flag-waver}, {hundred-percenter}, {patrioteer}]
decimation: sure I'll buy it
Adlai drinks and ircs; is this some right of passage or wut
Adlai: asciilifeform: what are you generating TBs of
decimation: rainbow tables w/select salts :)
danielpbarron: i haven't had a drink in a while
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform ancientstuff, before coming up with his current chumpatron he was doing the sort of thing bitpay guy is trying to bury
Chillum: asciilifeform: You have experience with those Cardanos? How do they output? Can they be hooked to a serial port?
mircea_popescu: he... makes them.
Chillum: nice
mircea_popescu: see s.nsa discussions
decimation: mr. lifeform is the designer and manufacturer of them - the use usb
asciilifeform: <Adlai> asciilifeform: what are you generating TBs of << was, at one point. molecular dynamics crud.
asciilifeform: <Chillum> ... Can they be hooked to a serial port? << if you are thinking of the rng discussed in last week's thread (a component of cardano, not yet released machine) it is an analogue device with a ttl schmidt trigger out
asciilifeform: 0 to supply voltage.
danielpbarron: while on subject, what is the intended use case for the cardano? and by that I guess i mean, is it supposed to be used with MPEx? or more like a perfect forward secrecy thing? or can it be both?
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: it is intended for pretty much anything -but- mpex
asciilifeform: (unless you're stupendously loaded and don't mind shelling out 30 btc if you ever pull 'zap' trigger)
Chillum: I have no need, but once I own one I know a need will present itself
Chillum: 30btc?
decimation: price of a seat on mpex
asciilifeform: 'Mycelium Entropy opened by Border Agents' << entirely unsurprising. 'how're we to know that it isn't full of crystal meth?!1111'
hanbot: encrypted meth
jurov: tbh, "mycelium" "entropy" souds like some suspicious chemical
asciilifeform: in the end, products like this will have to ship either 1) by charter courier and/or 2) with tamper-sensitive omnidirectional video/audio/gps/inertial nav recorder
asciilifeform: (2) will be a cherished item, costly and mailed back'n'forth by typical owner and vendors
jurov: (3) by pigeons
asciilifeform: (i discussed several possible designs in past threads. basic principle is that a private key is destroyed upon the first sign of handling, and a secondary spare key signs every subsequent frame of recording. frames prior to this can be believed with some confidence if device arrives)
asciilifeform: jurov: or mechanical 'pigeon'
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55200 @ 0.00025025 = 13.8138 BTC [-]
decimation: apparently usg courts have ruled that 'exit' searches are legal
jurov: mechanical pigeons have radar signature, susceptible to gps jamming and whatnot
Chillum: regulars pigeons have radar signatures too
asciilifeform: jurov: you'd be surprised at the minimal radar cross section necessary to get anyone's attention
asciilifeform: nobody sits and audits eagles.
mircea_popescu: lol asciilifeform could write a tv show
mircea_popescu: SF Bitcoin!
mircea_popescu: jurov it does, at that.
asciilifeform: 'the way to predict the future is to invent it' (TM)
decimation: yeah civilian radar is designed to work with transponders
decimation: not non-cooperative targets
Chillum: some airports have bird radar, so don't fly around those
asciilifeform: let them begin to audit eagles.
mircea_popescu: anyway, i posit your 2) is rank nonsense. you can either not care what happens to the package, or own the infrastructure.
asciilifeform: 'heighten the contradictions', bankrupt the idiots
mircea_popescu: this case where you care and make the package enforce your law against the natives is nonsense.
decimation: maybe eagles should be subject to border search too
Chillum: F-15E Strike Eagle vs normal eagle
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: again with your habituation to the atomic dirigible
mircea_popescu: even if you're visiting the stone age from 2500 ad.
mircea_popescu: they'll find a way to crack your steel drum open with dinosaur bones.
asciilifeform: let'em spend money searching for way to crack drum and not show up on youtube.
mircea_popescu: on what youtube dood. their youtube ?
asciilifeform: the headsoff youtube
asciilifeform: if necessary
mircea_popescu: anyway : you may be right re dirigibles, maybe. but i posit it has nothing to do with that and everything to do with fucking.
asciilifeform: purpose is as much to drive the enemy mad faster, as to preserve any cargo
asciilifeform: 'harassment weapon'
mircea_popescu: specifically, when one is looking to get laid, the correct strategy is to keep looking until one runs into a similarly minded bit of tail
mircea_popescu: NOT to try and devise a magical wand that makes arbitrary bits o' tail similarly minded.
mircea_popescu: well maybe like that. thos ounds pretty golden-toilety.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: golden-toilety << not necessarily
asciilifeform: ultimately doesn't need to be any more complicated than a typical 'pNohe'
asciilifeform: not proposing to craft this personally, mind you
asciilifeform: but putting the idea out.
asciilifeform: for archaeologists.
mircea_popescu: undata is strictly gay for spacestation hikes and alf is putting out for archeologists.
asciilifeform: let'em pass bans against 'recording servant of the king'
asciilifeform: and then try to prove that the toaster you sent does so
mircea_popescu: notgonna bother proving.
asciilifeform: because it has a somewhat glossy pinhole
mircea_popescu: also, by the time things are in that rut, cheaper to bribe agents than to fight the tech war.
decimation: asciilifeform: they already have many such bans
decimation: 'two-party consent'
decimation: actually it would be amusing for a robber to sue you for recording him without permission
asciilifeform: probably happened
decimation: or more precisely, the state to charge you
mircea_popescu: i know of case robber suing because he hurt himself falling through hole in roof he made
Chillum: I don't think you have an expectation of privacy while robbing
decimation: Chillum: that's now how the wiretap law is worded
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: more than one case in usa
mircea_popescu: but, france
asciilifeform: one even including a power saw
asciilifeform: that burglar decided to play with
asciilifeform: for no particular reason, in some schmuck's garage
Chillum: anyone can sue for any reason, the question is how successful were they?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 107200 @ 0.00026369 = 28.2676 BTC [+] {3}
mircea_popescu: you gotta hire a laywer right ?
mircea_popescu: so that successful.
Chillum: that is not a high... bar
decimation: anytime lawyers are involved everyone except lawyers loses
Chillum: to hire a lawyer you need money and... just money
mircea_popescu: http://pando.com/2014/06/09/yes-jimmy-wales-there-is-a-right-to-be-forgotten/ << pando throwing a shitfit. "how dares anyone say i am what my history rather than my narrative!11"
assbot: Yes, Jimmy Wales, There Is a Right To Be Forgotten | PandoDaily ... ( http://bit.ly/1GxX57w )
mircea_popescu: Chillum maybe. this is not exactly so, much like to get a plumber is not just a matter of money.
Chillum: right to be forgotten?
mircea_popescu: depends where you live, how famous you are etc.
mircea_popescu: Chillum idiotic eu concept. let's make up rights maybe people vote for us.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: recall the thread where i posited that being a kiddie diddler is a prime grade qualification for becoming a usg stooge (on account of having a ready jail string to be pulled by) ?
Chillum: there are lawyers with standards and there are lawyers who will take any paid job
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you don't say ?!
asciilifeform: probably a higher qualification than having attended harvaprinceyalebridge
Adlai: what's a kiddie diddler?
Adlai: as in 'hacker'?
mircea_popescu: probably somehow who rearranges kids
mircea_popescu: with his cock
Adlai: like the young master s
Chillum: blackmail and covert ops have gone hand in hand historically
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform subreason i linked that is, check out jimbo mouthpiece for google. ALSO not algorithmic, exactly.
Chillum: but there are agents and there are assets
asciilifeform: who is surprised.
Chillum: being an agent is having a job, being an asset is being property
asciilifeform: agent is the fella who recruits assets.
asciilifeform: this is known to schoolchildren
asciilifeform: although i suppose in different cultures there might be other names
mircea_popescu: Chillum hey, how did you end up in here ?
Chillum: nubbins` said the converstation was better here
nubbins` shrugs helplessly
nubbins`: was i right?
Chillum: oh ya, meeting of the minds
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: re: pigeons: let's scratch the arithmetic itch. approx. 8400 km from me to b-a. a LiMnO2 (non-rechargeable) battery yields approx. 400 Wh/kg.
asciilifeform: let's suppose we are satisfied with a leisurely 100km/hr transit.
asciilifeform: 84 hr. voyage
mircea_popescu: what flies 100km/hr ? either 16 or 600.
asciilifeform: out of my arse i pull a 250 watt engine.
asciilifeform: ;;calc 84*250/400
gribble: 52.5
asciilifeform: kg of LiMnO2 cell
assbot: RFC 2549 - IP over Avian Carriers with Quality of Service ... ( http://bit.ly/1GxY2gf )
asciilifeform: did i miss anything ?
mircea_popescu: Chillum it's not better per se, just the variety of assholes is greater.
asciilifeform: (payload, naturally; wings; extra)
decimation: asciilifeform: that's not a small pigeon
Chillum: diversity is the key to assholery
asciilifeform: but not a 'boeing' either
asciilifeform: or even a 'cessna'
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform electric batteries are a joke.
asciilifeform: more like an andean condor.
decimation: well, it's probably close to a cessna
mircea_popescu: gasoline is this 1.5mw battery.
decimation: yeah why batteries
asciilifeform: burning gasoline gives off heat signature
asciilifeform: and noise
mircea_popescu: are you building a flying submarine ?
asciilifeform: electric - no louder than a drill
Chillum: RFC 2549 is my favourite RFC
mircea_popescu: this is what i get for not letting him build pogo cnc
decimation: make it a turboprop and you can fly up to predator altitutde
mircea_popescu: now he wants to build a dynamo submarine
decimation: less air resistance, too far to hear
mircea_popescu: one day this guy is going to make us sorry we mocked yekudsky
mircea_popescu: or w/e harry potter fanfic guy's name is
asciilifeform: anyway, placed here for the enjoyment of the gentlemen t3rr0r1st3z
mircea_popescu: pop quiz : do terrorists also prefer blondes ?
Chillum: if you want to stay in the air a long time go for a lighter than air drone
asciilifeform: Chillum: gigantic radar cross section
jurov: 50kg battery means 5m3 helium blimp
asciilifeform: Chillum: the most effectual lift gas, H2, is about 1g/litre
asciilifeform: calculate necessary envelope of gas!
asciilifeform: for anything worthwhile as payload
asciilifeform: and power source.
asciilifeform: you get a 'goodyear blimp'
asciilifeform: try hiding that as a 'bird.'
Chillum: I suppose if you made an aluminum skin like the hindinburg
assbot: Solar Impulse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1I1wEp5 )
asciilifeform: ^ yes, famouse
asciilifeform: there is one quite like it hanging in a museum here.
mircea_popescu: actually what i'd really like to see would be a truely flying microfibre machine.
asciilifeform: again, huge cross-section
mircea_popescu: think 100sqft of "plastic foil"
decimation: they are flying around the world with the new model
mircea_popescu: that actually flies, sorta like a manta
Chillum: just get some radar, go into the desert and figure out what can hold hydrogen but does not absorb or reflect radar
decimation: 236ft wingspan
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i designed, on paper, such a thing. ionic lift.
Chillum: hydrogen itself will be more transparent than air
mircea_popescu: tiny microprocessor/sensors to graps its situation
asciilifeform: needs power source about 100x denser than LiMnO2
decimation: " 4 × electric motors powered from solar cells and 4 x 41 kWh lithium-ion batteries (633 kg), providing 13 kW[19], electric motors (17.4 HP) each"
asciilifeform: ;;google ion lifter
gribble: Ionocraft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionocraft>; LIfter/Ion Craft, Biefeld Brown Effect, Part 4 - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jcgz7nKkqbI>; How Ion Propulsion, Lifters and Ionocrafts Work - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01F8V5IhB5k>
mircea_popescu: and contraction somehow to make it move.
mircea_popescu: that'd be a kickass robot.
Chillum: high voltage on those ion lifters
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform not straight up like that. a flexible foil that exploits atmospheric randomness
mircea_popescu: ie, slides according to heat layers.
decimation: ;;calc (52.5/633)*236
gribble: 19.5734597156
Chillum: keep in mind that in addition to radar they are looking for signal emissions
decimation: ^ 19ft wingspan for your 52 kg batteries
decimation: cessna
Chillum: an ion lifter would stick out like a sore thumb
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: heat layers << as birds do ?
mircea_popescu: yes but imagine a superthin bird.
mircea_popescu: "like plastic bag in ocean" more apt.
Chillum: you could always just fly between mountains
mircea_popescu: a plastic bag never reaches the bottom, it is ground into mush before.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: one of my intended applications for waveguide motor was to make ornithopter transition from joke to practical
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform if you could make the waveguide very flat and tiny
asciilifeform: arbitrarily thin
mircea_popescu: it would prolly work for this application
asciilifeform: any conductor can be it.
mircea_popescu: tho electrostatic may be better
Chillum: an ornithopter would work fine on Titan
Chillum: or in the fictional Mars/Barsoom
Chillum: (not the real Mars though)
jurov: mircea_popescu: iirc there is medusa-like contraption that was considered most efficient way to keep heavier tha air machine afloat
jurov: can't find the link
mircea_popescu: i recall that. something in that vein, yes
Chillum: did anyone see the Ted talk where they had a hummerbird model flying?
mircea_popescu: the newer polymers hold a lot of promise for strength etc
asciilifeform: at any rate, we know precisely what machine ought to look, weigh, and function like.
asciilifeform: ordinary bird.
Chillum: humming bird size, flapping wings, a blur
asciilifeform: say, canada goose.
Chillum: you could put a neural control system on a real bird
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform really more like a manta that's an acre and goes in air.
asciilifeform: ^ no longer fits the 'not distinguishable from actual bird except at visual contact range' bill, does it.
jurov: if can be done transparent
nubbins`: <+mircea_popescu> Chillum it's not better per se, just the variety of assholes is greater. << this is prob more accurate
jurov: but it'd need to avoid rain at all costs, i guess
Chillum: there are plenty of weather balloons out there. They don't follow flight plans. A large balloon would not be too out of place
Chillum: you can steer by changing altitude
Chillum: super low power
decimation: there's folks who make a hobby of locating radiosondes
Chillum: radio hacking is cool
assbot: Festo AirJelly - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1Gy02oP )
Chillum: it is not that hard to setup a software defined radio to track the transponders of aircraft nearby
decimation: Chillum: yes the popular tool is the rtl 2832 chip on a usb connected to software that decodes mode-s transponder emissions
Chillum: On another topic I am trying to hack my router(without looking up how to, figuring it out is the fun part)
Chillum: I found references to a uart in the firmware
Chillum: hopefully I can pop busybox or something
nubbins`: check out openwrt if you get stuck
Chillum: that is cheating
Chillum: I want to hack the OS that is on it now
Chillum: get root access
Chillum: get doom running
Chillum: insecurity in routers is a real problem. Most homes have a router that can be hacked by anyone who connects over wifi. From there they can packet sniff
assbot: Internet Census 2012 ... ( http://bit.ly/1I1C7Mv )
Chillum: I have found software from 2002 on my router
Chillum: DLINK likes to keep code a long time
Adlai: #b-a poll: who has found machine learning worth learning, as a human who learns machines their work
Adlai: (for 19th century vernacular values of the transitive 'learn')
asciilifeform: balloon << again, gigantic radar (and wind sail) cross-section.
mircea_popescu: Adlai afaik nobody.
Chillum: again, already lots of weather balloons out there going in random directions
Chillum: just blend in
Chillum: they go to an altitude above aircraft, when they start dropping the self destruct to avoid the airspace
asciilifeform: for those who insist on balloons, at least study the state of the art: http://chicagoboyz.net/archives/41791.html/fusen-bakudan-balloon-bomb
assbot: Chicago Boyz » Blog Archive » Fusen Bakudan balloon-bomb ... ( http://bit.ly/1Gy3EqM )
Chillum: not state of the art. Lighter than air craft are getting very advanced
Adlai: mircea_popescu: sorry but you're not relevant here; you learn people their work, not machines
mircea_popescu: actually, my bird wouldn't be a baloon. it'd be a sheet of plastic, basically. this can have zero size if it wants to
Adlai: not that people aren't machines, but i think that you now know what i means
mircea_popescu: the question is whether you know what you mean.
Adlai knows what he wants, not what he needs
asciilifeform: Chillum: if you're not familiar with the fusen bakudan - it was a very elegant & clever design which exploited facts about high-atmosphere air currents
asciilifeform: and cost almost nothing
mircea_popescu: is this the thing that dropped japanese glass beads ?
asciilifeform: dropped thermite and hexagen
asciilifeform: clockwork released, depending on time, sandbags or payload bomblets
assbot: Google's Balloon Internet Experiment, One Year Later | WIRED ... ( http://bit.ly/1I1ESgX )
assbot: What is the point of the "tamper evident" sticker on the Mycellium entropy devices? - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1I1FBi8 )
nubbins`: my sides.
nubbins`: for those who don't watch: guy removes device from package w/o damaging tamper evident sticker
asciilifeform: i would also add that the 'uncopyability' of hologram is greatly exaggerated.
asciilifeform: esp. if you have them made at somebody else's press
assbot: WHAAARRRBBLLLGLLLAARRBBBLE ... ( http://bit.ly/1I1FYt7 )
Chillum: asciilifeform: and it did next to zero damage
Chillum: tamper evident sticker will only stop a casual attacker, not one with resources
Chillum: ie a state actor
decimation: ^ which is why the device must be inspectible/audit-able by user
Adlai: some of the devices shipped with teh sticker glued to the wrong side
asciilifeform: Chillum: for a hypothetical smuggler, balloon only needs to land within range of cell tower and connect for a few seconds, send enciphered coords
Chillum: If you want to make sure the government has not tampered with a package, put some weed in there. If the weed is still there they probably did not look lol
Adlai: ie sticker covering the hinges of the plastic casing, rather than the clasp
mircea_popescu: you can trivially make tamper evident stickers that aren't fixable with infinite resoruces.
Chillum: ohhh I did not realize we were talking about smuggling devices
asciilifeform: (has obvious caveats, but may still be cost-effective)
decimation: or you could go out back and pick up some uranium ore and build your own rng
mircea_popescu: first step being, make them secret.
assbot: I do not understand the Mycelium Entropy packaging - Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1I1GHKT )
Chillum: Semi-submersible latches onto side of cargo ship below the water lines, gets carried
Adlai: reddit comments are top lel: http://redd.it/30g79h
assbot: I do not understand the Mycelium Entropy packaging : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1I1GTtu )
Chillum: I assume since we are on IRC this is hypothetical
nubbins`: Adlai i guess those magnets aren't strong enough.
Adlai: magnets{
nubbins`: little silver thing in the case there
nubbins`: anyway
asciilifeform: Chillum: we are thinking of what intelligent smugglers might do a decade from today
nubbins`: <rassah> I would have secured them better by adding a sticker on the other side too (I got them the way you got them before shipping), but I had very few extra stickers. Should have been put on the front. I dont know what happened here. Maybe they were putting them on the sides without realizing how flexible the box is, and only realized when they almost ran out? Pretty sad that after such a huge amount of work adding and improving internal
nubbins`: hardware and software security, that there was such a simple oversight.
Chillum: asciilifeform: I think attaching to the underside of ships
nubbins`: "pretty sad that a fuckin sticker determines whether our device is a paperweight or not"
asciilifeform: make them secret << the only tamper-evident concept worth anything is the kind only evident to the intended recipient.
Adlai almost starts to feel respect for truecrypt devs, who at least admitted, behind their veil of anonimity, that they have nfc what they're doing
decimation: yes, it was the honorable route
Chillum: multiple colors of wax melted into a seal with photo delivered separately is still used by embassies in hostile mail systems
Chillum: very hard to reproduce the identical swirls
Chillum: in nuclear regulatory systems they seal with a metal button and then scratch it up with a pin and photograph the scratches
asciilifeform: Chillum: very hard to reproduce the identical swirls << l0l. you don't need to reproduce the seal. only the box.
Chillum: under the assumption that you could not produce identical scratches
Chillum: permeable paper, the wax absorbs into the paper which is a solid seamless envelope
asciilifeform: in the linked example, no one had to even build a second box - original opened and closed undamaged.
danielpbarron: !s bill of lading
assbot: 0 results for 'bill of lading' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=bill+of+lading
asciilifeform: Chillum: unless the seal encloses the entire package, all you need to do is recreate the box and reattach the seal.
asciilifeform: (after having cut the original crate open on the end opposite)
mircea_popescu: maybe you can't detach the seal.
Chillum: again, no box. Small paper envelope
Chillum: wax absored into the paper
Chillum: old school method that still works today. If you can defeat it then you should sell the method to our fav government
asciilifeform: envelope has other side, edges
Adlai: what about just using fucking pke
asciilifeform: it is not difficult to dissolve and bond paper.
Adlai: or is gpg too complex for lizards?
asciilifeform: Adlai: go send coke and plutonium over pgp
Adlai: who sends coke and plutonium in diplomatic mail+
asciilifeform: plenty of folks
asciilifeform: nukes, even
asciilifeform: are known for a fact to have traveled in diplopouch
Chillum: big pouch
Adlai: maybe the launch codes. but the nuke itself doesn't fit in an envelope
Adlai: launch codes can be serialized and 'compressed'
asciilifeform: Chillum, Adlai : 'pouch' is a misnomer
decimation: the business end of a nuke is not large at all
asciilifeform: diplomatic mail has carried items as large as entire tanks
assbot: The Playdough Protocols ... ( http://bit.ly/1Gy72C5 )
Adlai: "Miss Bianca, after all, is a poet too, and in any case she is due to travel any day now by diplomatic pouch to Norway."
danielpbarron: Rejoining the breached container lid, knot, or latch and replacing the broken seal with a new, identical seal would have been, short of stealing the original unique seal carving, impossible to hide from the inspector.
asciilifeform: incidentally
asciilifeform: by vienna convention (1815 iirc) diplo couriers are permitted to treat any attack upon their cargo or person as an act of war
Adlai: danielpbarron: you don't have to touch the seal if the packaging itself is easier to replicate
asciilifeform: and shoot to kill
asciilifeform: su diplo couriers would also hit the Big Red Button (TM) on the crate
Adlai: corners and edges are a bitch
asciilifeform: if threatened
asciilifeform: (set off the thermite)
asciilifeform: this includes customs inspectors (who are supposes to stay the fuck away)
decimation: note the couriers watching the pouch cargo personally
asciilifeform: note also the 'pouch' quite large enough for a passenger car
danielpbarron: I don't like humor in professional communication. Not in code comments, not in technical manuals, not in user interfaces. << from the reddit thing on the mushroom thing
Chillum: This is a really good talk page the effectiveness(or lack there of) of tamper evident devices: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIQml3MBJoE
assbot: DEFCON 19: Introduction to Tamper Evident Devices (w speaker) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1Gy7Fvd )
Chillum: short story, they are not very good
Chillum: he shows how to remove and return the seals used on shipping containers
danielpbarron: Adlai, not if the seal and container are made of the same clay
asciilifeform: mass produced seals, sold commercially, are approximately as useful as the lock on a typical home door
asciilifeform: 'keep honest man honest'
Adlai: danielpbarron: ie, the entire container is a seal?
danielpbarron: Adlai, ya
Adlai: this is a valid approach
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu et al : i would almost dare to suggest that the idiot seal was a deliberate smoke grenade to distract from the idiocy of the 'mycelium' produce itself
Adlai: or at least, s/is/seems/
danielpbarron: it's not economical / made more sense when voyages were so expensive
assbot: Proof That Mycelium Knows How To Make A Better RNG For Its Entropy Dongle. And Isn't. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1y61MkH )
mircea_popescu: aka marketing item.
asciilifeform: i meant, not merely the seal, but the trivially bent box (as shown in film linked earlier)
danielpbarron: these days there isn't that much to verify that a shipment hasn't been tampered with; a shipping container is "sealed" with a metal peg coated in plastic and stamped with some numbers
Chillum: The problem with the mycelium key is the same printers that accept USB sticks also have internal memory
asciilifeform: classical gambit - fuck a goat, folks will forget that you also fuck babies and guinea pigs
assbot: The conference, third edition pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Gy87tF )
Chillum: I like my solution better
Chillum: tty thermal printer has no memory
mircea_popescu: Adlai right.
asciilifeform: Chillum: what is in the box ?
Chillum: a raspberry pi
Chillum: and a thermal receipt printer
Chillum: all controlled by 1 button
asciilifeform: i like thermal printers.
Adlai: not that it helps anyone
asciilifeform: happen to own one myself.
asciilifeform: they are good for printing onetimepads.
Chillum: It was a kit meant to print twitter feeds
asciilifeform: and system logs.
asciilifeform: (go delete that.)
Chillum: so I reimaged the sd with a base raspbian and wrote some python code to get addresses from vanitygen and print them
Chillum: no swap, use that runs vanitygen has read only access to drive and does everything in ram
Chillum: s/use/user/
Chillum: one time pads are cool
mircea_popescu: not a bad design.
Chillum: thanks. It was really fun making it
asciilifeform: only trouble spot is the rng
mircea_popescu: first time ppl that wander in here and a) aren't going to spaceghost the bitcoin ; b) aren't retarded.
asciilifeform: but other than that - sure
mircea_popescu: this is like...rare.
Chillum: the hwrng on the pi is better than the prng most computers use
asciilifeform: aha rare.
mircea_popescu: Chillum we don't trust it because very suspicious corp / closed turd.
asciilifeform: Chillum: it is not know for a fact to be anything other than prng
Chillum: my understanding is it is avalanche based
asciilifeform: and manufacturer has one of the worst histories of stonewalling and fraudulently 'open' source of any.
asciilifeform: understanding'
asciilifeform: means that one understands
Chillum: I agree it is integrated into a black box
asciilifeform: could be avalanche. could also be marsaglia seeded with phase of the moon.
asciilifeform: for all we can tell.
Chillum: though most entropy from PRNGs come from hard drive timings, which run black box firmware
nubbins`: that'd be pretty random.
asciilifeform: nubbins`: the number 3 is very random by same token.
nubbins`: works once, anyway.
Chillum: I doubt there is a modern computer out there that does not have some black box software or firmware
asciilifeform: incidentally, i will use this occasion to point out that prng is not deadly because enemy can somehow get the exact bits again
asciilifeform: but because of the known relationship between bit N and N+k
Chillum: it is possible to infect a hard drive with malware. Not the data, the firmware
asciilifeform: this can be used to narrow key class.
asciilifeform: Chillum: this has been known to the public for months, to me for years, and to #b-a for at least a year and a half.
mircea_popescu: Chillum this was actuallyt discussed in logs
Chillum: If I could hook up a little device to the usb or serial that gave me numbers I would be more confident in then I would do that
Chillum: depending on the price
Chillum: with 128 bits to a bitcoin key you do have some keyspace to play with
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42300 @ 0.00026172 = 11.0708 BTC [-]
decimation: asciilifeform: do you derp around with locks?
asciilifeform: decimation: did, at times
asciilifeform not mega-lockexpert
Chillum: I try to, but am not very good
asciilifeform read the mit guide and did the exercises like everybody else
decimation: asciilifeform: I'm toying with the idea of buying slightly better deadbolts
asciilifeform: if a house, with glass windows, etc. and not a vault - probably wasted money.
Chillum: only if it is your weakest point
decimation: aye, most breakins are 'kick-ins'
mircea_popescu: trivial to make windows bulletproof tho, these days.
mircea_popescu: get that foil thing
asciilifeform: wai wat
asciilifeform: bulletproof foil? made of what?
mircea_popescu: plastic, strong glue
asciilifeform: and if foil in window, why not brick?
mircea_popescu: it'll hold a brick too.
asciilifeform: no, brick in the widow
asciilifeform: why even have a window if covering in opaque armour
mircea_popescu: it's actually transparent
decimation: yes, they make laminate for window reinforcement
asciilifeform: ah 'lexan' replacements
asciilifeform: mega-expensive
mircea_popescu: not THAT expensive
mircea_popescu: decimation i was gonna say, 3m lol
decimation: yeah 3m makes good shit
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it's not policarbonate replacement for glass in window. it's a very highly adhesive foil, which you stick on the window
mircea_popescu: gives it immense plasticity as it were
decimation: if it's a 'random burglar' it might be enough to convince him to go elsewhere
asciilifeform: aha like in car.
asciilifeform: so he break & then cuts with knife ?
mircea_popescu: omfg horrid site design
mircea_popescu: if he's willing to, yes. shitty job tho.
decimation: possibly, but it would take quite a bit of doing
mircea_popescu: best way really is torch
decimation: not the snatch n' grab job
mircea_popescu: shit'll melt/smoke
asciilifeform: and wouldn't it be in a sense counterproductive? as in, burglars will often themselves glue film to windows before breaking them, to silence the sound
asciilifeform: (traditional in usa)
mircea_popescu: different glue.
decimation: all these kinds of security gizmos are quite useless if there's not ability to summon a human to inspect what is going on
mircea_popescu: decimation makes door lock the weak point again is all.
asciilifeform: decimation: american security paraphernalia usually presumes owner is home with shotgun
decimation: they are also quite useless against a well-bezzled actor
mircea_popescu: i wonder what % of said paraphenalia is sold to protect your goods, and what % "ticket to shooting your own guy!"
asciilifeform: 'own goals' are not uncommon in usa
decimation: all I want is to 'run faster than you' away from the bear
decimation: if an army of bears wants to target me, not much can be done
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50019 @ 0.00025534 = 12.7719 BTC [-]
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