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← 2014-10-03 | 2014-10-05 →
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17550 @ 0.0007444 = 13.0642 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25700 @ 0.00074286 = 19.0915 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7020 @ 0.00074262 = 5.2132 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27470 @ 0.00074524 = 20.4717 BTC [+] {2}
Vexual: I was just thinking about lobbying the senate comittee into bc
Vexual: •nevermind
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1330 @ 0.00074731 = 0.9939 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5980 @ 0.00074162 = 4.4349 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 364.12, Best ask: 364.87, Bid-ask spread: 0.75000, Last trade: 364.73, 24 hour volume: 21160.34002102, 24 hour low: 353.75, 24 hour high: 378.11, 24 hour vwap: 376.631827325
assbot: Alexei V. Moiseev Deputy Finance Minister of the Russian Federation | Euronext
mircea_popescu: From 07.1998 to 07.2001 – economist-senior analyst of the market of sovereign instruments in the Department of operations on the market of instruments with fixed rate of return Bank of Pariba, London, Great Britain
mircea_popescu: From 07.2001 to 09.2010 – senior economist, deputy head of Analitic department of «Renessans Capital – Financial Consultant»
mircea_popescu: paribas and renaissance, respectively.
Vexual: friend to pussyriot
decimation: old Republicans see the truth, can do nothing about it: http://www.unz.com/pbuchanan/the-forever-war/
assbot: The Forever War - The Unz Review
decimation: and http://www.unz.com/pbuchanan/war-drums-along-the-potomac/ "Given our horrified and hyperbolic reaction, ISIS can credibly make this boast to the jihadists from Nigeria to the Hindu Kush, from Libya to Iraq, from Somalia to Syria:
assbot: War Drums Along the Potomac - The Unz Review
decimation: “ISIS is the enemy the Great Satan fears and hates most. ISIS is the Islamist organization that strikes fear into NATO. Not al-Qaida, not Boko Haram, not Ansar al-Sharia, not the al Nusra Front — ISIS."
mircea_popescu: lol. as if.
mircea_popescu: narcissus can't quite represent the river in any other terms than the great honor of having reflected his divine beauty ?
decimation: you told me a few hours ago that third world derps are easily impressed/swayed, seems to me that whatever bs cnn is pimping would carry sway with the third world masses
Dimsler: who gives a fuck about the third world masses?
decimation: third world chieftains
Dimsler: coalition of the willing
mircea_popescu: decimation "to the jihadists" ?
mircea_popescu: i think you've mixed the persons.
mircea_popescu: unless you mean specifically the al-sauds, but really, one doesn't need to tell them who strikes fear in the us.
decimation: well you have a point there
mircea_popescu: they know.
decimation: it's true that cnn's bs won't sway that hardened jihadis, but it will carry sway with n00bs who just want to shoot somebody, ie cannon fodder
mircea_popescu: you mean people who don't speak english ?
decimation: all they need to know is that the great satan hates isis
Dimsler: are you seriously saying that CNN has any form of sway
mircea_popescu: they don't need cnn for that.
Dimsler: in any type of government politics
mircea_popescu: or, for that matter, the great satan altogether.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50111 @ 0.00074766 = 37.466 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19346 @ 0.00074259 = 14.3661 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13349 @ 0.00074827 = 9.9887 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19351 @ 0.00074891 = 14.4922 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7750 @ 0.00074132 = 5.7452 BTC [-] {2}
Vexual: oooh... click
Vexual: meh fuck you
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19450 @ 0.00074368 = 14.4646 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8100 @ 0.00074163 = 6.0072 BTC [-]
Vexual: ;;het gribble compare the bc tarde volume attributed to hk from the last 6 hours to the last siz days
gribble: Error: "het" is not a valid command.
Vexual: 46 32 het het het
Vexual: whoops i was looking at aussie dollars
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7luCkBUtj_M a rand in the hand is worth two in the bush
Vexual: when the lips are gone, the teeth will grow cold
Vexual: if anyone can explain the cantonese extrusions of that, i'd appreciate it
assbot: Bitcoin Users In A Nutshell - YouTube
Vexual: if thats austin powers, ill slap you
dub: lol thats great
dub: mark is the best
Vexual: yeah you're not supposed t make fun of autistic people
dub: fuck autistic people
Vexual: i don;t think is mom is a phrichiatrist anyway
Vexual: [microscope] nope , it's fail
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55300 @ 0.00074085 = 40.969 BTC [-] {4}
Vexual: but if you are autistic, you should be good at computers, and stealing
Vexual: thanks mom
Vexual: let the lawyer talk mom
Vexual: you don't need to train to be a ninja
Vexual: enter: old french lady with nunchaku
Vexual: !up KS
Vexual: will someone, im to fat to pass the doorbitch
Vexual: oh no it work, just doesn't report
Vexual: no, balnks
Vexual: speaking of dislexia and usbs
Vexual: late one night i bought some things for my ebay shop
Vexual: 4-6 weeks later i didn't realize how drunk i'd been
dub: you bougth bfl asics
Vexual: no some big arse airconditioners
Vexual: the delivery guy got an earful
Vexual: now i sign for anything, i made a packet
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19515 @ 0.00074006 = 14.4423 BTC [-] {2}
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZcSLWEQUyY black sails new season coming soon
cazalla: oh great, when did that start Vexual, i love shit like hornblower
Vexual: dont think season two has yet
Vexual: oh the first? last year
cazalla: is it any good?
Vexual: it's excellent
Vexual: supposedly a prequal to treasure island
thickasthieves: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 352.22, Best ask: 352.23, Bid-ask spread: 0.01000, Last trade: 352.22, 24 hour volume: 22063.26249460, 24 hour low: 352.22, 24 hour high: 377.6, 24 hour vwap: 377.37448167
punkman: there goes my 350 bet
punkman: I wanted to believe!
Vexual: you should'a told me
punkman: ;;bc,xau
gribble: 1 XAU = 1191.700000000000 USD = 3.3832046332 BTC
assbot: Black Sails OST - Theme from Black Sails - YouTube
punkman: love the hurdy gurdy
assbot: Omen - Guilhem Desq (Hurdy Gurdy) - YouTube
Vexual: you'll have it in spades
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14461 @ 0.0007406 = 10.7098 BTC [+]
Vexual: all the hong kong kids are on the strret tonight
Vexual: nnone runs a trading bot without watching it
dub: can't wait to see the tanks start rolling over them
Vexual: i doubt that, it's all very polite
dub: not in the mainland
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19600 @ 0.00074002 = 14.5044 BTC [-] {2}
dub: 'unnacceptable display of disloyalty to the motherland, ps murica you can stfu about it'
dub: best case tianammen 2.0 and birds inbound to washington
Vexual: like the wot these kids know about history
Vexual: theyre trading bitcoin and doing social media and all kinds of groovey things
Vexual: students in tianammen went to a very different university
Vexual: they prolly took hal their classes in english
Vexual: if fact the english is prolly better than th emandarin
Vexual: however theyve never met the secret police
dub: and now the invite the evils of democracy
dub: you\re not really helping the case
Vexual: whats wrong with democracy?
Vexual: i dont help shit
dub: whats right with it?
Vexual: well i can feel like im part of something bigger with my mind as well as my input
Vexual: and i dont have to hide my favourite cow
dub: theres no such thing as democracy in practise, only americancy
dub: which is a cancer
dub: whats needed is some chinese radiotherapy
Vexual: perhaps you're right
Vexual: me, i like hearing my keyboard click
dub: that just makes you a hipster
Vexual: if im a hipster...
Vexual: wait what?
Vexual: hk is effective a different country
Vexual: the inout is kinda onesided
Vexual: all i know is they cut a nice suit on the way to macau
Vexual: and if 20k kids want something, don't send 6 fuckwits
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11411 @ 0.00074001 = 8.4443 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45089 @ 0.00074019 = 33.3744 BTC [+] {3}
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kr0tTbTbmVA jazzy jeff and the fresh prince, summerime
thickasthieves: i had the cassette
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2186 @ 0.00074163 = 1.6212 BTC [+]
Vexual: oh yes
dub: the double one?
Vexual: mine was on a mixtape
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26007 @ 0.00074567 = 19.3926 BTC [+] {3}
Vexual: trice dubbed
dub: fuck outta here clean version
Vexual: was it?
dub: i need this in the whip
Vexual: big vern and zt
Vexual: ^i got five on it
assbot: Bill Maher and Ben Affleck Battle Over Radical Islam - " They Will F*cking Kill You! " - YouTube
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38650 @ 0.00074638 = 28.8476 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7450 @ 0.00074721 = 5.5667 BTC [+]
danielpbarron: the democratic party returns to its jingoist pro-war roots
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29600 @ 0.00074538 = 22.0632 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35176 @ 0.00074739 = 26.2902 BTC [+] {2}
Vexual: when do i get to talk to riso?
Vexual: encino man
Vexual: delicate flower he is
Vexual: yah can't put losing a pussy riot subscription on your resume
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7700 @ 0.00074502 = 5.7367 BTC [-] {2}
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRIWfCDpSWc motorhead one more fucking time
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13300 @ 0.00074222 = 9.8715 BTC [-] {2}
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-3ECY9-7e4 inner circle tear down these walls
thickasthieves: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 347.0, Best ask: 348.09, Bid-ask spread: 1.09000, Last trade: 347.0, 24 hour volume: 23710.17192233, 24 hour low: 346.5, 24 hour high: 373.62, 24 hour vwap: 0
Vexual: shit
mats_cd03: damn
assbot: BitBet - Bitcoin to drop under $350 before November :: 94.14 B (80%) on Yes, 23.94 B (20%) on No | closing in 6 days 11 hours | weight: 15`840 (100`000 to 1)
Vexual: lol
mats_cd03: lost mah bitcoins
Vexual: long way to november
Vexual: 6 and 6 parts of a dozen and then six parts of that, half of six again, ass one sixth
Vexual: ;;8ball
gribble: The answer is def-- oooh! shiny thing!
Vexual: http://vimeo.com/61341838 isis bob dylan 1976
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23000 @ 0.00074812 = 17.2068 BTC [+] {4}
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RPkJeziNyI thunder on the mountain bob dylan 2006
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyMXhNoyEtg corrina corinna bob dylan et all 1928-1968
Vexual: bob dylans blues circa 62 are stil rarer on youtube circe 2014 than van morrison on youtube circa 21010
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28120 @ 0.00074527 = 20.957 BTC [-] {2}
Vexual: 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbwivaZoqAM oh here it is bob dylans blues 1962, not 212
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxuHQPMD7AE percy p put it on the line 2005
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dly6p4Fu5TE jennifer lopez jenny from the block 2002
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4390 @ 0.00074853 = 3.286 BTC [+]
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soEjX2YD3yM king kapisi screams from the old plantation 2000
assbot: BitBet - Bitcoin to drop under $350 before November :: 94.14 B (80%) on Yes, 23.94 B (20%) on No | closing in 6 days 10 hours | weight: 15`722 (100`000 to 1)
Vexual: whaddaya mean leeches?
thickasthieves: i linked the bet to tradingview chat when it broke 360
Apocalyptic: people betting after the fact occured
Vexual: how does that affect others? im not versed in bitbet
thickasthieves: it just means they submitted bets close to the wire, and some after the wire
thickasthieves: which i think just get refunded
thickasthieves: unless the bet is closed
thickasthieves: then they are kept
thickasthieves: correct me if i'm wrong
Vexual: but it's not closed
thickasthieves: well why not
Apocalyptic: Vexual, doesn't matter
thickasthieves: it broke like 90min ago i think
Vexual: oh im bots off
Vexual: rhum and all yo usee
Vexual: my dark and stormys only have black rhum
Vexual: dang
Vexual: images like dooglas countin clams
Vexual: eleventeen exchanges cant be wrong
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1910 @ 0.00074424 = 1.4215 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15913 @ 0.0007458 = 11.8679 BTC [+] {2}
kakobrekla: ;;bc,xau
gribble: 1 XAU = 1191.700000000000 USD = 3.44680974142 BTC
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3939 @ 0.00074925 = 2.9513 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: <Dimsler> who gives a fuck about the third world masses? << well, at the very least they do. but otherwise, people like anyone else, what, you think the conventional splits of the world become a thing of the world itself ?
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 346.65, Best ask: 347.86, Bid-ask spread: 1.21000, Last trade: 347.87, 24 hour volume: 20245.98463805, 24 hour low: 345.57, 24 hour high: 370.99, 24 hour vwap: 0
assbot: Welcome to Life: the singularity, ruined by lawyers - YouTube
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2950 @ 0.00074528 = 2.1986 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16365 @ 0.00074925 = 12.2615 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: Are Virtual Currencies The Next Offshore Bank Account for Tax Evaders? - Forbes
mircea_popescu: methinks teh bureaucrats have figured out they can't beat it and they can't buy it.
kakobrekla: save 20% on taxes while lose 50 value
kakobrekla: good deal
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10600 @ 0.00074528 = 7.9 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: tax evasion is a 20 to 50 year game plan.
mircea_popescu: ye, about twice the lifespan of most governments
mircea_popescu: tax evasion is all about a)ensuring your own revenue from back in the day you generate revenue, your 20s and 30s, is available to you when you need it, ie your 60s and 70s and b) making sure the fortune you collected will reach the biologic offspring of your choice, rather than the offspring others would prefer.
mircea_popescu: both of these being, of course, quite reasonable goals.
thickasthieves: and the government's lifeline is preventing you from that
mircea_popescu: not necessarily, no. in fact, the government's lifeline is supporting that.
mircea_popescu: the socialist totalitarian state however, can't exist except by stealing from the producers to support the parasites.
mircea_popescu: if it manages to get a cycle going it can for a time overpower legitimate government.
thickasthieves: why is it that states can offer lotto tickets but gambling is illegal mostly?
mircea_popescu: that cycle depends on successfully misrepresenting itself as a legitimate government to the producers, and sufficiently empowering the parasites as to maintain it in power.
mircea_popescu: which is why other than the money supply, socialist totalitarian governments aim for a monopoly in communication and for a particular corrupt rendition of democracy.
mircea_popescu: STS, not a bad acronym.
mircea_popescu: i suppose if the "community" wasn't mostly composed of retards, i'd be sponsoring a USG=STS grafitti campaign all over the 50 contiguous states.
thickasthieves: sugar tongue slim
mircea_popescu: yeahimsure.
thickasthieves: "For those that follow S.T.S., you probably know his 3 favorite things, WOMEN, WEED, and what to WEAR. "
mircea_popescu: dude srsly ? what's this, glam rap ?
thickasthieves: he's a saint compared to others
mircea_popescu: so you're telling me i could have a rap video produced consisting of sketchy looking black males derping all about how badass they are while being naked and fucking themselves with anal stretchers ?
mircea_popescu: jesus shit i wanna do this now.
thickasthieves: did you hear the gay rapper?
mircea_popescu: that thing's come full circle, it's now gaygsta raep
thickasthieves: (separately, this is the only reason I liek STS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3Ie4CcTGKY)
assbot: STS 16 - BONUS STSisGOLD [Prod. by BearOne] - YouTube
assbot: The Gayest Song Of All Time Gay Rapper " Fly Young Red " Music Video Throw That Boy Pxssy " - YouTube
mircea_popescu: so formulaic.
thickasthieves: i just like the groove of that whole sts song
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves so basically he's trying to be that white guy, what's his name ? the short one
thickasthieves: most rappers are at least keeping tabs on him
thickasthieves: he's pretty much the king
thickasthieves: but most dont like to say so
mircea_popescu: isn't that a little ironic incidentally ? lol
thickasthieves: like Elvis
mircea_popescu: yea but elvis was talented.
thickasthieves: eminem is quite talented in that context
mircea_popescu: why is this fly young dood even talking, he can't rap or anything
mircea_popescu: now how do you figure that ?!
thickasthieves: eminem is like the only guy that can do it all
mircea_popescu: i mean sure, he's talented in the sense that he doesn't audibly wheeze like this vocational school reject here.
thickasthieves: freestyle, compose, battle, perform
mircea_popescu: uhh.. k.
mircea_popescu: but he doesn't actually have a voice.
thickasthieves: oh hell no
thickasthieves: he's not a singer
thickasthieves: and many voices would sound better on his own stuff
mircea_popescu: well fuck, im a talented dancer, im the only guy who can walk, dress, eat and sit up on a chair.
mircea_popescu: what is this, hospice olympics ?
thickasthieves: well you dont compare ballet to breakdancing do you?
mircea_popescu: i do, yes.
mircea_popescu: in that i require my ballet experts to breakdance.
thickasthieves: youre diffusing me with weirdness
mircea_popescu: good exercise, what. breakdancing is a ballet sub.
mircea_popescu: and fwiw, most opera training includes some sca.
thickasthieves: but the best breakdancer couldnt ballet
thickasthieves: i could see how scat would be good training for certain qualities
mircea_popescu: well that depends. if he's actually good rather than just faking it well (by doing the moves he can do in succession so as to distract from the narrowness)
thickasthieves: timing, mouth noise
mircea_popescu: then he could prolly learn pretty fast.
thickasthieves: but the style of his music doesnt provide much opportunity for displaying it
thickasthieves: though i will say when he does try to sing it's pretty weak
thickasthieves: he goes for more of chant thing usually
thickasthieves: and his voice is always heavily processed
thickasthieves: doubled and such
punkman: know any rappers that can actually sing?
mircea_popescu: there were some girls
thickasthieves: yeah, pharcyde
thickasthieves: en vogue
ben_vulpes: pharell williams
thickasthieves: i dont like his voice
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46450 @ 0.0007484 = 34.7632 BTC [+] {3}
thickasthieves: he sings very generic
ben_vulpes: i sign the song generic
thickasthieves: i always thought happy should have been sung by ceelo
ben_vulpes: all pop songs are generic man
thickasthieves: ceelo is a rapper that can sing
ben_vulpes: oh yeah forget ye not ceelo
thickasthieves: he doesnt rap much anymore tho
ben_vulpes: expanding horizons
thickasthieves: such a creepy dude
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves incidentally, you know what else includes breakdancing ? horseback riding lol
mircea_popescu: or at least, a lulzy subset of breakdancing consising of "hei guise i've just been thrown at speed fron three feet up, look what i can do"
thickasthieves: gymastics
mircea_popescu: no but srsly, "how to safely fall"
thickasthieves: i believe it
thickasthieves: falling is a skill in many sports
mircea_popescu: actually, the one fad i most regret is parkour
ben_vulpes: capoeira is also a superset of breakdancing then
mircea_popescu: in the 90s i was hoping for it to take over the world,
thickasthieves: the videos are fun
thickasthieves: for about 10min
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes tbh i think the other way around
thickasthieves: kinda like watching skateboarding videos
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves not as much as a performance sport. more like an erryday activity.
thickasthieves: capoeira very dancey
ben_vulpes: capoeira's definitly older.
thickasthieves: yeah itd be cool if humans were all jumpy
ben_vulpes: my dance set theory's weak though.
thickasthieves: ninja swing out of my car to the trunk in one move, cuz why not
ben_vulpes: but go on with the parkour, mircea
mircea_popescu: i suppose western obesity had a lot to do with why it didn't catch over here,
mircea_popescu: but dayum, the chink kids are all thin and shit.
mircea_popescu: <thickasthieves> ninja swing out of my car to the trunk in one move, cuz why not << that.
ben_vulpes: thickasthieves: the passenger door dun work on my wheelbox, i ninja escape over the stick frequently
ben_vulpes is enrolling in the b-a paupery competition
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes you know how the passanger door stops working right ?
ben_vulpes: it's specifically the internal release, but go on.
thickasthieves: ben_vulpes is enrolling in the b-a paupery competition /// arbeit macht frei
mircea_popescu: loser dude with no crib to take the bitches at keeps bringing teenaged priss puss over to this ravine or w/e, asks them to do things much to their indignant surprise,
mircea_popescu: so they get out and slam the door.
mircea_popescu: after a few years...
ben_vulpes: thickasthieves: it's one of those "ask a guy who likes flying if he'd rather have 500K or a 6-seater" situations
ben_vulpes: lol mircea_popescu in this situation it's probably my own hulk-smash behavior
mircea_popescu: you mean ask a rap artist if he'd rather have 10k or 100 speed balls for his contract advance ?
ben_vulpes: shit's gotta be robust to survive proximate to me
ben_vulpes: rap artist == drug addict?
thickasthieves: smart rapper gets half and half
mircea_popescu: ahahhhaha
assbot: Last 6 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1XSGQAJ.txt )
mircea_popescu: so much win there
mircea_popescu: and incidentally,
mircea_popescu: ;;google teenaged priss puss
gribble: Cute teen brunette pussy fantasy sex - Free Porn Videos - YouPorn: <http://www.youporn.com/watch/9323237/cute-teen-brunette-pussy-fantasy-sex/>; Banned in Bikini Bottom - Encyclopedia SpongeBobia - The ...: <http://spongebob.wikia.com/wiki/Banned_in_Bikini_Bottom>; Banned in Bikini Bottom (transcript) - Encyclopedia SpongeBobia ...: (1 more message)
mircea_popescu: spongebobia hm ?
assbot: Creole Love Call - Adelade Hall - YouTube
thickasthieves: looks like final capitulation is this weekend
thickasthieves: i think you mena something else ;)
mircea_popescu: and i would like the permanent record to reflect the fact that this is going to be the high water mark for all time.
thickasthieves: you mean this low will neve rbe seen again?
mircea_popescu: the next pass, if fucking sponsored by the UN, if it has a special international institution created, won't get as far.
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves not specifically the price itself. more holistically speaking.
thickasthieves: still so many threats to experience though
mircea_popescu: all for the other side.
mircea_popescu: totally insufficient experience of what threat really means.
thickasthieves: my new fear is how the hell can we keep exchange points from making btc, or paper copy markets
thickasthieves: basically any unnatural inflation
mircea_popescu: by taking delivery.
thickasthieves: but surely some will play in instruments or environments that dont
thickasthieves: and surely some of those may influence whole market
mircea_popescu: and go bankrupt and lose their pot.
mircea_popescu: the high mark of that was pirate, actually.
mircea_popescu: what one sole idiot with the help of a bunch of retarded community members accomplished in 2011
mircea_popescu: can't now be reproduced by the usg, with the help of a smaller bucnh of much more retarded "community" members.
thickasthieves: ethereum will be another node on the timeline
mircea_popescu: yeah but buterin of 2014 is no gigavps of 2011
ben_vulpes: the etf
ben_vulpes: that one kinda makes my knees shake a bit
mircea_popescu: what one is that ?
thickasthieves: i'm kinda thinking that WinklETF aint happening
ben_vulpes: all the american tards who "buy" "btc" via schwab
thickasthieves: i was reasding how the application says they plan to use BTCE, bitfinex etc for it
ben_vulpes: thickasthieves: coin?
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes eh let them have their fun, if they bought tesla it'd be no different.
thickasthieves: COIN is the ticker for the wink ETF
ben_vulpes: ah yeah
ben_vulpes: not even buying otc?
mircea_popescu: how would they lol
ben_vulpes: how are they going to feed that thing without driving the price around like crazy on the playchanges
thickasthieves: i dont recall, but my point is that wtf put btce in your plan
ben_vulpes: what specifically are you talking about, their index or their paper?
mircea_popescu: recall, most of the scams unwinding in the scamspace, bfl, mtgox, etc all tried to use the otc and got rejected.
mircea_popescu: the otc is in fact incredibly effectual at policing
thickasthieves: it says in the doc something like "btce is run by anonymous parties purported to be in bulgaria"
thickasthieves: like the sec will approve that
ben_vulpes: no man
ben_vulpes: COIN is a tool of the USG, the SEC will approve whatever it takes to get fake btc into american hands.
Dimsler: btc-e rocks
Dimsler: best kept secret since bitcoin
thickasthieves: til it pops
Dimsler: till what pops
Dimsler: its been the most stable buisness in btc
thickasthieves: at best they are running some kind of arb scheme
thickasthieves: at worst they are printing btc to keep their price down to do same
Dimsler: the btc-e crew is in it for the long run
kakobrekla: etc all tried to use the otc < eh?
Dimsler: not sure what you're rambling about
thickasthieves: no one really withdraws cash from btce
thickasthieves: so you kinda have to pay admission to trade ther eby selling your btc cheap
thickasthieves: somethings fishy
Dimsler: whats fishy about it
Dimsler: the load in percentage
Dimsler: is reflected in the sale price
thickasthieves: ;;ticker --market all
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 345.39, vol: 20360.85658159 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 330.49, vol: 12046.80378 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 345.11, vol: 25709.08908204 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 350.0, vol: 45.18495335 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 344.116476, vol: 41585.37640000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 341.99671, vol: 8.87086436 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 352.923, vol: 84.94255978 | Volume-weighted last (1 more message)
thickasthieves: ^ thats whats fishy
Dimsler: costs about %5 to load into btc-e
Dimsler: you know what
Dimsler: just shutup
Dimsler: you have no idea wha tyou're talking about
thickasthieves: sore spot?
Dimsler: for what?
ben_vulpes: costs 5% to put cash or coins into it?
Dimsler: correct
Dimsler: using any of the available wmz brokers etc.
Dimsler: btc-e uses a back bone of all the scam russian e-currencies to load in
Dimsler: bless them for operating and existing this long
ben_vulpes: lol this is a dark corner of the internet i have no truck with
thickasthieves: dimsler have you ever wd cash from btce?
thickasthieves: i keep asking and cant find anyone
Dimsler: i've done sepa from btc
Dimsler: and wmz
thickasthieves: how long ago
Dimsler: constantly
Dimsler: i hedge my clients on there exchange
Dimsler: by picking up short contracts
kakobrekla: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 323803 | Current Difficulty: 3.466142592397694E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 324575 | Next Difficulty In: 772 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 5 days, 1 hour, 53 minutes, and 41 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 34111908469.2 | Estimated Percent Change: -1.58539
Dimsler: my hope is that btc-e doesn't get ruined, the guy said he wants to keep the entire exchange out of the btc nerd limelight
thickasthieves: theyre doing something right
kakobrekla: you cant get destroyed by your users unless you have a faulty product
Dimsler: the actual operation is russian
Dimsler: they had to move out to bulgaria since the russians are derp on bitcoin
thickasthieves: seems they could be a target for AML problems
Dimsler: correct
Dimsler: best btc exchange are in non-oecd and non-us-extradition treaty areas
Dimsler: where no one really gives a shit
kakobrekla: bitstamp is the best
Dimsler: no bitstamp is not the best
kakobrekla: have you seen the css?
mircea_popescu: <Dimsler> its been the most stable buisness in btc << nah, mpex is actually older.
Dimsler: try withdrawing 50k+ and see how bad they own you
kakobrekla: clearly has not seen the css.
Dimsler: mircea_popescu, i meant to add, that deal with usd exchange
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] [PAID] 4.54245260 BTC to 1`149`988 shares, 395 satoshi per share
Dimsler: kakobrekla, sorry no, i'm not familiar with what css means
thickasthieves: bitstamp is great for releasing btc though
mircea_popescu: "<Dimsler> i hedge my clients on there exchange" << this will need some clarification.
Dimsler: mircea_popescu, if a client wants coins, before i deliver, i short on there exchange with mt4
Dimsler: to lock in there price
kakobrekla: Dimsler sorry my sarcasm engine is stuck on on.
mircea_popescu: ;;gettrust Dimsler
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask Dimsler!~dimsler@ Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user Dimsler: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=mircea_popescu&dest=Dimsler | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=Dimsler | Rated since: Tue Oct 22 13:51:07 2013
mircea_popescu: so where are these clients ?
kakobrekla: still, great css.
Dimsler: lol obviously not infront of a computer screen
mircea_popescu: so you deal btc in person in your geographical area and use btc-e to float the spot risk ?
Dimsler: else they would do it themselves
kakobrekla: !down kakobrekla stop it already
Dimsler: who else would allow you to do that
Dimsler: they offer 3:1 leverage
thickasthieves: bfx is 3.3:1
Dimsler: yes correct
mircea_popescu: anyway, btc-e has indeed been around for a long time, and no i don't know anything substantial against them, so.
Dimsler: bitfinex is also super decent
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 1.11972744 BTC to 15`436 shares, 7254 satoshi per share
mircea_popescu: they had the original altcoin premine scam,
Dimsler: yes they were given premined shares to list up those junk coins
mircea_popescu: that was scammy at the time but by now even the usg is doing it, so it seems to have been legalised ipso facto
thickasthieves: so with diff going down, is it time to scoop up mining contracts?
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves only with people who'll actually deliver. like say X-Rob here :p
Dimsler: neg
mircea_popescu: imagine this shit, the first time i actually buy a mining future contract, i actually get a great deal on it.
Dimsler: the time to pickup mining contracts is when the nerds are swinging from the rafters in there basements
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13600 @ 0.00074528 = 10.1358 BTC [-]
kakobrekla: you also bought gigavps for etf
kakobrekla: or what was it
kakobrekla rains on parade
mircea_popescu: i suppose that should count too huh.
mircea_popescu: i dunno if i can mix being scammed with not being scammed but not making a profit.
Dimsler: lol
mircea_popescu: 15.08.14 00:00 from admin
mircea_popescu: Dear participants of the BTC-e.com The cases of hacking accounts with the use of viruses disguised as trade bots, trading platform, and also subscription for mailout, from which you may catch a virus if you follow a link in it, became more frequent.
TheNewDeal: was giga selling mining contracts?
mircea_popescu: this guy thinks in posix lol
Dimsler: lol btc-e is hardcore targeted
Dimsler: they sit on tor exit nodes
Dimsler: sniffing packets
mircea_popescu: "Do you accept any alternate forms of payment such as Debit/Credit Cards?" that part is pretty win.
Dimsler: waiting for btc-e traffic to change withdrawl address'
mircea_popescu: so i gather you have a btc-e account and work as a broker ?
Dimsler: more of a hobby at this point
Dimsler: must pump the value of coins to swell my own
Dimsler: the bitcoin paradox
mircea_popescu: "Any undertaking carried out with Bitcoin (BTC) will begin immediately, though it may be up to 24 hours before it is reflected in your BTC-e account. BTC-e executes all account withdrawals right away or in 1-2 days."
mircea_popescu: lol "hey guise, we're mpex!1"
mircea_popescu: so then if you have a large stash of your own coin, why do you need to hedge on any website ?!
Dimsler: well wait a minute
Dimsler: why should i take on any form of exposure
Dimsler: when theres a service that does it for me on a nominal fee
mircea_popescu: inasmuch as you have a stash, you already took a form of exposure.
mircea_popescu: if you're looking to "pump to sell your own coins", the moment you found a buyer you sell and that';s it.
kakobrekla: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 341.0, Best ask: 341.42, Bid-ask spread: 0.42000, Last trade: 341.0, 24 hour volume: 22881.12349634, 24 hour low: 340.0, 24 hour high: 368.74, 24 hour vwap: 0
Dimsler: i think you're being eluded by context here
mircea_popescu: that'd be a new one.
Dimsler: nevermind what i'm personally doing with my coins
Dimsler: it has nothing to do with my arbitraging that i do as a side buisness
Dimsler: there is no correlation
mircea_popescu: well, you made the correlation, i'm just trying to follow.
mircea_popescu: are we cancelling it ?
Dimsler: yes because it was taken a tad bit out of context
Dimsler: as is it was an overall generalization of pumping bitcoins to future buyers
Dimsler: at todays price theres 400million worth of coin that needs to be bought up
mircea_popescu: mkay so the situation is that you have a btc-e account and work as a broker, but when i asked you the first time you figured it's a good moment to insert a pretense of significant holdings you don't actually hold, and in doing so inadvertently blew to bits your earlier description of your actual activity, which was up to that point correct.
Dimsler: this year
Dimsler: in order to keep the price up
Dimsler: mircea_popescu, there is no situation, lets stick to ambiguity and vaugness
thickasthieves: china plowing the price down
mircea_popescu: better than belgium.
thickasthieves: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 336.0, Best ask: 336.17, Bid-ask spread: 0.17000, Last trade: 336.17, 24 hour volume: 23602.59468842, 24 hour low: 335.23, 24 hour high: 368.74, 24 hour vwap: 0
Dimsler: the price is being plowed down by the lack of fresh money
thickasthieves: need dat new blood
thickasthieves: keep the ponzi going
Dimsler: i've already explained that ages ago
assbot: The Bitcoin network costs nearly $1 billion a year to run. : Bitcoin
Dimsler: you can catch my post here
punkman: so I rewrote deedbot basics, will work on supybot plugin soon
mircea_popescu: ;;rated punkman
thickasthieves: i wonder if days like this make bitpay sweat
gribble: You rated user punkman on Fri May 16 09:11:15 2014, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: Talent scout and secret agent..
mircea_popescu: punkman my love for you is inflaming.
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves nah notrly.
punkman: working on electrum integration now
mircea_popescu: Dimsler how could one catch your post there, seeing how there's no dimsler ?
mircea_popescu: "I want to make this clear. This is not the result of a conspiracy or collusion. This is the outcome of flawed economic incentives and the reaction to them by participants. Hardware used to mine is irrelevant. The underlying rationale regarding distribution of newly created bitcoins is flawed."
mircea_popescu: lmao reddit entitlement derpage.
mircea_popescu: "it's flawed because the government should get it to give it to us why should some people get it to do whatever they feel like onoes"
mircea_popescu: "Contrary to popular belief, a rising bitcoin price ends up damaging liquidity instead of improving it. Miners are encouraged to cashout their huge gains by a rising price. This leads to volatility across the board via crashes. The volatility makes it too difficult to perform economic calculation in BTC."
mircea_popescu: fucktard. for one thing, it STABILIZES the price. which is good.
mircea_popescu: for the other, too hard ? fuck you.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HASH] 699 @ 0.00250001 = 1.7475 BTC [-] {4}
Dimsler: lol give me a break you have no idea what you're talking about
mircea_popescu: that would... also be a new one.
Dimsler: satoshi had no idea about economics
mircea_popescu: now how would you know that.
Dimsler: he fucking read murray rothbard and applied his idiotic quantitive theory of money
thickasthieves: at least panic sellers will still have their ETH
Dimsler: which has been debunked for ages
Dimsler: satoshi had no idea how to distribute new coins
kakobrekla: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 336.0, Best ask: 336.68, Bid-ask spread: 0.68000, Last trade: 335.96, 24 hour volume: 23642.96240402, 24 hour low: 335.23, 24 hour high: 368.74, 24 hour vwap: 0
TheNewDeal: youre ridiculous
mircea_popescu: looky here. all this would make a lot more sense to you if you read the trilema explanation as to the difference of acting from a cause from acting towards a purpose.
mircea_popescu: you're trying to apply the acting towards a purpose approach, because that's all they teach anymore.
Dimsler: you have no idea about economics
mircea_popescu: but in fact, a number of people are not doing any of that.
mircea_popescu: simply acting from causes.
Dimsler: i've read some of your shit
Apocalyptic: for a guy that had no idea he made a pretty good job
Dimsler: it goes completely off tangent
Dimsler: with few merrits
TheNewDeal: "satoshi had no idea about cryptography, or computers for that matter" - dimsler
mircea_popescu: you at all familiar with the ancient art of hermeneutics, Dimsler ?
thickasthieves: dimsler mp is abstract but thats like half the joy of reading
thickasthieves: deciphering
thickasthieves: becuase,
Dimsler: lol i enjoy the abstract
thickasthieves: i learned this from trilema
thickasthieves: translating is understanding
Dimsler: they are good reads
Dimsler: and i read the majority of them
thickasthieves: </groupie mode>
Dimsler: but the logic isn't very sound in many of th eposted economic studies
mircea_popescu: ok. so then. satoshi didn't proceed towards this goal or that goal, as presumed by this or that purpose-built theory of economics.
Dimsler: listen
mircea_popescu: he proceeded from basic principle. and he, and a lot of other people, couldn't give less of a shit as to what the ultimate implications are.
Dimsler: bless satoshi
mircea_popescu: it's not that. i don't care about the man's memory or anything. im trying to explain a fundamental difference in approach.
thickasthieves: my main problem with arguments is when they proclaim ideals or extremes are achievable for more than a moment
Dimsler: mircea_popescu, the ultimate implications are going to stifle any form of adoption
mircea_popescu: now how do you know what's going to happen.
mircea_popescu: see, you're trapped in this particular worldview, which falsely promises you somewthing.
Dimsler: because history derp
Dimsler: quantitive money theory fails on any systems its been tried on
mircea_popescu: the way this promise goes is, "if you limit yourself to purpose-theory, you will have privileged access to ultimate effect"
mircea_popescu: this is false. you have no better access than the students of cause-theory, for very good thermodynamic reasons.
mircea_popescu: it's just that THEY do get to control your priors. you do not,
mircea_popescu: instead your priors are controled by the authors of your favourite purpose-theory.
mircea_popescu: which is why you imagine satoshi to be a rothbard tool.
mircea_popescu: because if he had been working in a purpose-theory approach, he would have been.
mircea_popescu: but then again, the proposition that he was is easily falsifiable.
Dimsler: listen don't spin me the arguement here with preppy 101 vocubulary and euphamisms
mircea_popescu: that would... ALSO be a new one.
TheNewDeal: just curious - is it a common practice in any part of the world to brew coffee with snuff?
mircea_popescu: but as a total aside : the quality of your arguments exceeds the quality of your expression, significantly. that means you're smarter than you're read, which is unfortunate. you definitely should read up on and master all that "preppy 101 vocabulary", it's not the waste of time inept pseudo-teachers and pretend-authorities have made it seem.
thickasthieves: dimsler rides the line between enjoyable conversation and troll
mircea_popescu: guy is smart and short fused.
Dimsler: fuck i need some coffee
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal not afaik. seems a us marketing invention.
mircea_popescu: if you mean snuff=chewing tobacco
mircea_popescu: or w/e, insuflating
kakobrekla: id say thats even worse than smoking
kakobrekla: tobacco water is used as pesticide
kakobrekla: i wouldnt drink it.
TheNewDeal: how about coffee and liquor? I've heard of many people proposing it, but rare to see it happen in practice
mircea_popescu: you kidding ?
mircea_popescu: that's common.
thickasthieves: waste of booze imo
kakobrekla: dunno what is your point, but if you want to kill yourself or just want a ruined coffee, there are better ways
TheNewDeal: Is there a specific flavor that's preferred - i.e. brandy?
TheNewDeal: The tobacco was merely a joke
ben_vulpes: caffeine and alcohol is a glorious combination
ben_vulpes: also cocaine and alcohol
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla you can lket coffee grinds sit in alcohol then add sugar, just like anything else.
mircea_popescu: cocoa, too.
mircea_popescu: chicks dig it.
TheNewDeal: Most popular addition I've seen is Baileys, which is basically a flavored creamer you would find at a gas station + small amount of alcohol
thickasthieves: a roommate once put coke in a joint
TheNewDeal: seems like a waste of cannabis imo
TheNewDeal: to each his own
kakobrekla: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 330.12, Best ask: 332.75, Bid-ask spread: 2.63000, Last trade: 329.15, 24 hour volume: 23585.18803595, 24 hour low: 329.15, 24 hour high: 368.74, 24 hour vwap: 0
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal liquor is made quite simply : triple alcohol (198 proof or w/e) added to X item of your choice, let sit for a few months. then cut it.
thickasthieves: i said "once" :)
mircea_popescu: water, milk, fresh coffee, w/e
kakobrekla: this stops at 0, right? .... right guys?
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> kakobrekla you can lket coffee grinds sit in alcohol then add sugar, just like anything else. << o fuck the things i learn here
asciilifeform: mamushi liquor.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla no you will owe the internet dollars when this is all done
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform mail omg!!11
TheNewDeal: I don't believe the price of bitcoin can go negative, alas I'm not an economics expert
kakobrekla: on bitstamp only
ben_vulpes boggles at the notion of negatively priced btc
TheNewDeal: or mt cox
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: yes, i'm awake, on it.
assbot: The Presidental Erection (Higo Blog)
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes it's been known to happen. that's the textbook definition of dekulakization btw : make an asset go negative value in the open market.
mircea_popescu: like currently, working for the usg is a positive value. you get health insurance, a salary, etc.
mircea_popescu: in a few years, it's a negative value. you get tortured.
mircea_popescu: point in case.
Dimsler: mircea_popescu, i like a simple conversation amongst people i share common interests with
mircea_popescu: yeah but most things worth talking about can't be discussed in simple terms.
mircea_popescu: so the practical choice is either "how you doing" "Great! and you ?" "also great" "oh, great!" or else the midnight oil.
assbot: California Governor Vetoes Bill Requiring Warrants for Drone Surveillance - WSJ
mircea_popescu: who's zenithquinn lol
TheNewDeal: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 338.0, Best ask: 339.76, Bid-ask spread: 1.76000, Last trade: 339.76, 24 hour volume: 25149.13037167, 24 hour low: 325.67, 24 hour high: 368.74, 24 hour vwap: 0
mircea_popescu: http://www.zenithquinn.com/ << so this dude has managed to write a whole site which loads... nothing at all.
assbot: Zenith Quinn Animations - Art - Videos
mircea_popescu: if anyone can get trhough to a contact or something, tell him to drop by
TheNewDeal: ;;ticker -all
mircea_popescu: punkman: there goes my 350 bet <<< aw shucks!
gribble: (ticker [--bid|--ask|--last|--high|--low|--avg|--vol] [--currency XXX] [--market <market>|all]) -- Return pretty-printed ticker. Default market is Bitstamp. If one of the result options is given, returns only that numeric result (useful for nesting in calculations). If '--currency XXX' option is given, returns ticker for that three-letter currency code. It is up to you to make sure the (1 more message)
Dimsler: maybe thats the premise for humanity
mircea_popescu: 300 next ? 250 ? 100 ?
Dimsler: in the end its nothingness
Dimsler: whens the next reward halving again?
punkman: ;;halfreward
gribble: Estimated time of bitcoin block reward halving: Tue Aug 2 17:11:59 2016 UTC | Time remaining: 1 year, 43 weeks, 2 days, 0 hours, 20 minutes, and 0 seconds.
mircea_popescu: coupla years out
TheNewDeal: 1.43 ;)
mircea_popescu: ;;calc 43/52
gribble: 0.826923076923
Dimsler: i think at 250 theres going to a miner bust out
TheNewDeal: un chiste
Dimsler: or liquidation
Dimsler: especially if it carries through for a few months
TheNewDeal: already seems like some miner hesitation at sub 400
mircea_popescu: definiotely most of the midrange and plenty of the larger mining outfits have just about zero contingency and financial planning in place
mircea_popescu: so yeah, if it goes too low for too long they'll be dropping like flies
The20YearIRCloud: That absolutely shocks me
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes check it out, you ddosed justitia.com
assbot: Perry v. United States :: 294 U.S. 330 (1935) :: Justia US Supreme Court Center
mircea_popescu: i r banned ?!
mircea_popescu: hm looks like just a glitch. nm.
ben_vulpes: looks like it
thickasthieves: bfx swaps at all time high
thickasthieves: 12358btc shorted
mircea_popescu: that's all ?!
mircea_popescu: wasn't that thing supposed to be like huge and shit ?
thickasthieves: ;;market buy 12000
gribble: Bitstamp | A market order to buy 12000 bitcoins right now would take 5392647.4421 USD and would take the last price up to 596.8700 USD, resulting in an average price of 449.3873 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 0.0393 seconds
mircea_popescu: o wait, i forgot, the wash trading sort of huge. a trillion just as long as it's done in 100 increments. nm me.
thickasthieves: bfx is not a volume leader anymore
thickasthieves: its china remember
mircea_popescu: so bitcoincharts.com died yest or what.
thickasthieves: they dont list okcoin
thickasthieves: interesting
thickasthieves: nor huobi
dignork: thickasthieves: bitcointicker.co lists huobi
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1450 @ 0.00074936 = 1.0866 BTC [+]
thickasthieves: lol look at 796 futures
thickasthieves: i think they do 10:1 margin
thickasthieves: 322000btc volume
thickasthieves: thats healthy
mircea_popescu: nobody ever heard of them or dealt with them, but sure, 300k bitcoin.
mircea_popescu: i imagine all over egypt/albania/kyrgiztan/whatever, in all sorts of small rural hamlets with a single internet lifeline, all sorts of adolescent boys are pretending like they got the millionz of btc
The20YearIRCloud: anything fun attracts those types
The20YearIRCloud: It's amazing how people value things - I was at a property auction, house was worth $45k , i wanted it for $35k, and people bid it to $55k due to ego
mircea_popescu: or maybe due to wanting it ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23488 @ 0.00074945 = 17.6031 BTC [+]
The20YearIRCloud: Quite possibly, however from my standpoint there wasn't anything special with it. Heck there's a home right next to it for sale they could of got for less with the same features
mircea_popescu: for all you know this one had ten pounds of gold coins burried in the back yard.
The20YearIRCloud: So why's btc around 335 today?
mircea_popescu: ongoing pricewarz
thickasthieves: recalibrating
thickasthieves: too many of the wrong people had coins
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19706 @ 0.00074871 = 14.7541 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: !up hatchmo
mircea_popescu: it occurs to me that the web2.0 replacement of / with ÷ is one of the most idiotic things ever done
mircea_popescu: that thng looks like a + on a small scale.
mircea_popescu: why this constant braindamnged need to "improve" by ruining everything
Dimsler: LOL
thickasthieves: back to the caves i say!
hatchmo: what do you guys think of circle?
thickasthieves: horrible interface
Dimsler: unsustainable
hatchmo: because of the lack of direct transaction fees?
dignork: hatchmo: their sell/buy rates are equal?
thickasthieves: well the only thing of value they provide is a connection to banks, right?
dignork: but so is coinbase
thickasthieves: coinbase is at least getting their 1%
thickasthieves: something has to give
TheNewDeal: coinbase gets much more than 1%
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26473 @ 0.00074961 = 19.8444 BTC [+] {2}
TheNewDeal: they deliver 5 business days after, which basically turns into an option priced in at 1% above current price, 4 days out
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3641 @ 0.00074969 = 2.7296 BTC [+]
hatchmo: you can buy instantly on coinbase TheNewDeal
TheNewDeal: thought that was for an increased fee
hatchmo: you have to provide a credit card TheNewDeal
assbot: D.CIFI last @0.00000000
hatchmo: what is dcifi?
mircea_popescu: circle synthetic equivalent.
mircea_popescu: ;;seen DanielKrawisz
gribble: DanielKrawisz was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 day, 13 hours, 57 minutes, and 57 seconds ago: <DanielKrawisz> No, why?
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell DanielKrawisz http://trilema.com/2012/the-politics-of-bitcoin/ << this 2012 article, of course.
assbot: The politics of Bitcoin pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: !up GodHatesFigs
GodHatesFigs: buying all dem bargain bitcoins
mod6: i had a dream last night that it went down to $6 again, and i tried to back up a truck
GodHatesFigs: $6; $335 - it's all the same :)
mircea_popescu: and then you bought 30k's worth and it was back to 1200 ?
mod6: higher. :)
mod6: x10
mod6: eep! host laaaag
mod6: well, it reconnected in #altcoin, i should merge that change.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8600 @ 0.00074786 = 6.4316 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.17 = 0.68 BTC [-]
kakobrekla: so thickasthieves did you start pasting the 300 bet around yet?
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 337.43, Best ask: 338.55, Bid-ask spread: 1.12000, Last trade: 337.65, 24 hour volume: 26940.07119603, 24 hour low: 325.67, 24 hour high: 367.1, 24 hour vwap: 0
mircea_popescu: lol i thought it crossed.
mircea_popescu: "Busco mujeres para fotos artisticas en Buenos Aires.
mircea_popescu: Fotos de desnudos, fotos color & blanco y negro.
mircea_popescu: Mujeres jovenes. Cualquier tipo de cabello, color de piel y ojos. Con ganas de modelar para fotos artisticas cuidadas.
mircea_popescu: A cambio puedo ofrecerte copia de las fotos para tu propio book. Si estas interesada enviame un mail con una foto tuya a color y mail o telefono para contactarme.
mircea_popescu: this is the fucking competition lmao. free modelling for art!!1
thickasthieves: i didnt see the 300 bet
thickasthieves: i linked it :)
thickasthieves: i'll be rolling is referral satoshis! mwoohahaha
thickasthieves: i was thinking not very hard about whether the fact that it costs 5% to get money into btce is actually a sound reason for BTCUSD to be 5% cheaper there
thickasthieves: i dont think most markets factor in fees so efficiently
thickasthieves: or am i missing something
mircea_popescu: if it's a sellers market
mircea_popescu: otherwise, it should conceivably be 5% more expensive.
jurov: lol i'm scanning a bunch of stuff and noticed my household insurance specifically excludes "caused by improper date calculation by computer"
jurov: "i had a fire in my flat" "twas improper date calculation, gtfo"
mircea_popescu: lmao y2k left over.
thickasthieves: probly just avoiding trolls
jurov: how would that help against trolls?
jurov: they are trolls. i fully expect, if my washmachine causes a flood, them to ask if it has a microcontroller
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13126 @ 0.00074781 = 9.8158 BTC [-]
thickasthieves: i assume one asshole says y2k made my pc catch fire
thickasthieves: and theyre like uh no fuck this
thickasthieves: but who knows
jurov: how it is different from pc catching fire from faulty physical component?
jurov: afaik such case *is* covered
thickasthieves: i dont do insurance, but maybe there are aspects that can be your fault
thickasthieves: like overclocking
jurov: yes, that's another thing, if they come to suspect OC
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20148 @ 0.00074892 = 15.0892 BTC [+] {2}
thickasthieves: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 324.19, Best ask: 324.83, Bid-ask spread: 0.64000, Last trade: 324.19, 24 hour volume: 27940.04199331, 24 hour low: 323.0, 24 hour high: 365.07, 24 hour vwap: 0
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13250 @ 0.0007453 = 9.8752 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2500 @ 0.0007453 = 1.8633 BTC [-]
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: this month's turd is mailed.
jurov: heh turd
asciilifeform: i haven't, surprisingly, received any hate mail re: the lameness; must assume it's going to mircea_popescu's dev/null
mircea_popescu: no pics ? i was promised pix!
asciilifeform: shot the pics wad here
asciilifeform can always take more
asciilifeform: !s rotor
assbot: Logged on 02-10-2014 12:48:37; assbot: vacuum nozzle (rotor) - Imgur
jurov: and that gold...er... brass nozzle or whatever
assbot: Logged on 02-10-2014 13:44:16; assbot: Making vacuum rotor ('Sherline' micro-lathe) - YouTube
asciilifeform regressed mostly to 18th c., at least temporarily
mircea_popescu: lol. danke.
jurov goes to troll reddit "S.NSA is machining stuff from gold"
mircea_popescu: this is kinda an idea... maybe we should open a line of hand machined slave collars and other items
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform dja feel like making hardware ? :D
asciilifeform: paging ben_vulpes!
asciilifeform: ^ he has an adult lathe i think
asciilifeform can make collars. for guinea pigs, rats, iguana...
asciilifeform: 3 inch spindle.
mircea_popescu: cockrings, clearly.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12800 @ 0.00074528 = 9.5396 BTC [-] {2}
jurov: hue
asciilifeform now wonders if a cock ring is generally a shaft-collar or set-screw
asciilifeform: *clamp-collar
assbot: Shaft collar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
jurov: TIL cockring with set screw..eww..
mircea_popescu: so here's a random idea. x.org and pretty much every implementation of a gui on linux does a pisspoor job of hiding kbd from any running program. ie, you can trivially read keystrokes typed in any window from any other window. on the other hand js stuff like .which and .keycode allows a website to read the kbd pretty well.
mircea_popescu: so... how hard can it be.
asciilifeform: first decide which 'it'
jurov: use gtk_pinentry for everything?
mircea_popescu: some it or other.
mircea_popescu: jurov what'd gtk_pinentry do ?
jurov: if you ever used gpg under X
jurov: it pops up and monopolizes keyboard
mircea_popescu: does it actually ?
jurov: let me try
mircea_popescu at edge of seat.
asciilifeform doesn't like dedicated 'user is entering passwords' api gizmos - demarcated target.
jurov: only a quickie with xev
jurov: when pinentry was active, i was unable to get kbd events into xev
jurov: not that proves anything, just a concet how it works
mircea_popescu: that's something.
assbot: Keypress: A Javascript library for capturing input
mircea_popescu: course i have nfi why xorg was made so windowsy in the first place.
jurov: what do you mean?
jurov: xorg is quite far from windowsy
jurov: just the toolkits are
jurov: and if you mean security, well...1980s
mircea_popescu: specifically the kbd issue
assbot: ninjashogun +v failed; L1: 0, L2: -4
kakobrekla: !up ninjashogun i do what iwant
asciilifeform: masochism-lol
jurov: hi ninjashogun, our resident security expert
jurov: so what do you think about this xorg problem?
ninjashogun: Thanks. Does someone who has gribble with the proper distance want to trust me to whatever extent is required for an up. Ascii has complained about the volume of contribution, so I will keep it down. (obvoiusly you can remove this rating if you find I'm abusive.)
thickasthieves: i doubt anyone here wants you roaming freely
ninjashogun: jurov, hi. I'm actually a startup founder, not a security expert per se (besides a good theoretical understanding and some practical reading same as avialable to everyone here.) Not an xorg expert!
The20YearIRCloud: i hate having all this BTC sitting and not being cashed out
kakobrekla: delete the wallet
The20YearIRCloud: we've lost something like $75k-$100k over the past year and a half due to volatility and the inability to cash out our deposits quickly
thickasthieves: well a little late to cash out probly
jurov: The20YearIRCloud, do it rapeghost way: pay dividends
The20YearIRCloud: rapeghost?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform can i have original of that video ?
jurov: alias rg.. prolly before your time
mircea_popescu: i intend to gif-ify it to test the saffron chick's thing.
mircea_popescu: dude this guy again ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 1sec
ninjashogun: Incidentally if it is on-topic here I am curious about the opinion of people here about 1) cause of BTC price depression 2) whether BTC price will rebound. Where will the buy pressure come from, given that there are other crypto currencies as well?
asciilifeform: !s waterfall
kakobrekla: <The20YearIRCloud> we've lost something like $75k-$100k over the past year and a half due to volatility and the inability to cash out our deposits quickly < handy excuse
asciilifeform favours that hypothesis, cannot speak for other people
thickasthieves: ninjashogun, I will allow the price to start going up again tomorrow
jurov: ninjashogun,. it will come from dogecoin and from angel whales
jurov: !s angel whale
kakobrekla: !s angel whale fishes
xanthyos: my psychic premonition about 360 $/btc being the absolute glass floor were not true
The20YearIRCloud: excuse for what?
kakobrekla: for vaporizing 100k
The20YearIRCloud: I just hate the equity loss being that bad
thickasthieves: then why did you take the risk
The20YearIRCloud: guess i don't understand how a large-ish business that takes BTC and runs into the asme cashout problems as us could operate with it
ninjashogun: What I mean is that long-term, if BTC held a monopoly on crypto currency my price target would be $300K per bitcoin. (Simply because that is required for the amount of crypto currency the world has a money supply demand.) But the problem is that other crypto currencies can meet some of this demand. So, is that some of the reason for the decline? If it is, what will cause the rebound?
xanthyos: "Risk is our business." (James Tiberius Kirk)
mircea_popescu: dude stop positing idiocy.
mircea_popescu: no "other cryptocurrencies" exist.
jurov: how did you calculate the demand?
The20YearIRCloud: There's 1000 other cryptos out there ninjashogun
mircea_popescu: no such can ever exist, no such will ever exist. no such has met any demand, nor could, nor wil.
ninjashogun: mircea_popescu, "no other cryptocurrencies exist", um?
mircea_popescu: and for that matter : you're not a startup anything, especially not a founder.
assbot: Crypto-Currency Market Capitalizations
thickasthieves: those are games not coins
thickasthieves: and altcoin already has those sewn up
kakobrekla: hey my buttcoin poster sez buttcoin is game
mircea_popescu: and you do not have understanding, theoretical or otherwise, on any topic, and specifically no good such understanding.
mircea_popescu: now that we're settled on most of these topics, did you have anything meaningful to say ?
ninjashogun: mircea_popescu, Oh, uh (wink) right. You are right that there are no other crypto currencies besides btc, I will grant this to you. It is ridiculous to assume any other crypto currency can ever come into existence.
jurov: aww y'all are so demeaning to these serious altbusinesses
mircea_popescu: !down ninjashogun
jurov: i'm more interested in that demand caluculation
jurov: did it involve a rectum?
mircea_popescu: we've sunk to the lows where kako trolls the channel. i know of no other place where the actual chan owner trolls the chan
mircea_popescu: except, of course, for something awful.
jurov: oh you finished him :(
xanthyos: all tissues are called "kleenex." all cola is called "coke." all photocopies are called "xerox." btc WON the cryto branding game
kakobrekla: imm prolly usg covert
The20YearIRCloud: how do you calculate coin demand jurov
mircea_popescu: no dude, doge is "covering some of that demand"
xanthyos: crypto*
mircea_popescu: because a buncha fuctarded kids derping are "the demand" now
thickasthieves: <+The20YearIRCloud> how do you calculate coin demand jurov /// price
jurov: no i wanted to know his calcualtion
jurov: required for the amount of crypto currency the world has a money supply demand
The20YearIRCloud: So it's assumed there's a 100% adpotion rate
mircea_popescu: contorted fucking reasoning, such as, "mp said once that the endgame for bitcoin is this. now, let's maintain that figure but pretend like mp wasn't talking about btc, but about geese. so then a goose should be 300k usd per, and since it's not, clearly iron nails are taking up some of that market"
mircea_popescu: "so give me 50k and i might buy iron nails which might be worth more in the future"
mircea_popescu: let's call it... "a facultative idea" or whatever the fuck it was.
mircea_popescu: !s "discretionary project"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20739 @ 0.00074929 = 15.5395 BTC [+] {2}
kakobrekla: <thickasthieves> <+The20YearIRCloud> how do you calculate coin demand jurov /// price
kakobrekla: its not price
kakobrekla: not even the published mkt cap
kakobrekla: cause its bogus
mircea_popescu: you don't really calculate it, is the problem.
[]bot: Bet placed: 3.75 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin to drop under $300 before December" http://bitbet.us/bet/1020/ Odds: 72(Y):28(N) by coin, 54(Y):46(N) by weight. Total bet: 15.48725376 BTC. Current weight: 33,226.
mircea_popescu: !s from:mircea_popescu pretty slick
assbot: 1 results for 'from:mircea_popescu pretty slick' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=from%3Amircea_popescu+pretty+slick
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 331.14, Best ask: 332.94, Bid-ask spread: 1.80000, Last trade: 332.94, 24 hour volume: 28533.28413378, 24 hour low: 322.04, 24 hour high: 365.07, 24 hour vwap: 0
mircea_popescu: Sorry! Gfy's are 15 seconds max! This video is 86.00 seconds. Think simple, jiffy, and captivating!
mircea_popescu: !up CryptoGoon
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i can convert...
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform if you can cut a good <15s spot i'd like it
mircea_popescu: if not ima just ul the 86s thing as is.
jurov: i got into PM with ninjashogun and last thing before i lost it was
mircea_popescu: "But the file size is so high. Anyway to reduce the file size without compramising quality. My video file mostly contains texts " << idiot on stack exchange.
jurov: <ninjashogun> we don't have to discuss that. But you have to realize that the files aren't considered private/secret, if the usage case includes signing at public computers
mircea_popescu: definitely, the format for "texts" is video x.x
jurov: "signing at public computers"
mircea_popescu: guy lives in his own space.
kakobrekla: singing at public computer
kakobrekla: i have done that, even in front of public people
mircea_popescu: i used to drink public water
mats_cd03: so when will there be preorders for a cardano?
mats_cd03: or is that not going to be a thing.
assbot: Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3S8VR5T.txt )
jurov: !bash 3
mircea_popescu: well once asciilifeform is done building his own city over there...
asciilifeform never grokked point of preorders. selling gizmos you don't have in stock ~= sc4mz0r1ng
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: which 15 seconds would you like?
asciilifeform: it converts fine here
asciilifeform: i can even stuff the whole thing in a gif.
mircea_popescu: yeah but what size gif ?
asciilifeform: a very heavy one.
mircea_popescu: listen i just made it into a 30mb avi, it'kll be good enuff
asciilifeform: hah it worked
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12583 @ 0.00074461 = 9.3694 BTC [-]
asciilifeform: 5meg ~= 1st 20 sec.
assbot: No Such lAbs (S.NSA), September 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: that's a nice convertor, what is it ?
asciilifeform: nm off by decimal place
asciilifeform: fuggedaboutit
asciilifeform: bog-standard.
asciilifeform: (all 50m uploaded in case anyone wants this for something, can't picture why)
jurov: in 200years it will be reenacted religiously every sunday
mircea_popescu: a lathing church, now that'd be something
asciilifeform actually recalls some sf universe with religion involving lathes, but can't put finger on precisely where
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 330.76, Best ask: 331.0, Bid-ask spread: 0.24000, Last trade: 331.0, 24 hour volume: 28406.61823679, 24 hour low: 322.04, 24 hour high: 365.07, 24 hour vwap: 0
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6891 @ 0.00074601 = 5.1408 BTC [+]
[]bot: Bet placed: 3 BTC for No on "BTC Difficulty over 41Bn before November" http://bitbet.us/bet/1050/ Odds: 29(Y):71(N) by coin, 42(Y):58(N) by weight. Total bet: 20.15235445 BTC. Current weight: 25,299.
decimation: amusing http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/536/the-secret-recordings-of-carmen-segarra << some derpy latina with moxy joins the fed, is assigned to goldman, and is shocked to discover that the fed is composed of spineless twerps
assbot: The Secret Recordings of Carmen Segarra | This American Life
mircea_popescu: what's moxy
asciilifeform: chutzpah ?
decimation: ;;ud moxie
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=moxie | Moxie (mok'see)n. Something or someone posessing the attribute of "coolness" or having "balls." The next word most likely to be stolen by Paris Hilton and then ...
mircea_popescu: ah moxie
mircea_popescu: so basically, private manning of the nyfed ?
mats_cd03: asciilifeform: ah well, see it as a perk of the faith people have in your ability to deliver.
mircea_popescu: hey, at least they're regulating bitcoin. because that's a safe move :D
asciilifeform: mats_cd03: which 'it' ?
asciilifeform: mats_cd03: (i must've missed something)
decimation: she released 'secret tapes' of her conversations with other fed employees & goldman
mats_cd03: asciilifeform: preorders.
asciilifeform (re: tapes) immediately shrugs, 'the goodstuff, if any, must've been snipped, ...' etc.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17900 @ 0.00074457 = 13.3278 BTC [-] {2}
decimation: One episode - her boss "Mike Silva" was about to go to a meeting where Goldman was going to buy the shady assets of a Spanish bank - and it required the Fed's "no objection" "And one of the things that caught Carmen’s eye was a short paragraph that the banks had written into the agreement. It said that Goldman had to notify the Fed about the Santander deal and obtain a quote,“no objection.""
asciilifeform: and a nailgun is being oiled somewhere (assuming whole thing isn't a hangout)
decimation: "Mike Silva: My own personal thinking right now is that we’re looking at a transaction that’s legal but shady. I want to put a big shot across their bow on that. Poking at it, maybe we find something even shadier than we already know. So let’s poke at this thing, let’s poke at it with our usual poker faces, you know. I’d like these guys to come away from this meeting confused as to what we think about it. I want to keep
decimation: thennervous."
thickasthieves: i listened to the npr thing, honestly the soundbytes didnt seem that bad
thickasthieves: i can see how capture is a problem though
decimation: Later in the meeting with Goldman, here's his "poking to make them nervous": "Mike Silva Just to button up one point. I know the term sheet called for a notice to your regulator. The original term sheet also called for expression of non-objection, sounds like that dropped out at some point, or...?
decimation: Jake Bernstein: That’s everything he says on the topic in this meeting."
mircea_popescu: anyone with even a modicum of experience in the field can tell you that this sort of "sheperded proof" is pretty much useless.
mircea_popescu: not so unlike trying to audit the activity of diplomats.
decimation: well, since it is fed policy to keep all meetings with banks secret, I guess only a few know the reality
mircea_popescu: this is not something the plebs can do.
decimation: agreed, but it's not like one needs substantial evidence to imagine that usg employees are derpy bureaucrats who kowtow to people who make literally 10x their salary
asciilifeform suspects that, as with soviet bureaucrats, salary is only small part of the compensation package.
decimation: asciilifeform: The traditional method of 'cashing out' is to take a job with the regulator's target after a few years to establish bona fides
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 12 @ 0.13422671 = 1.6107 BTC [-] {9}
decimation: at any rate, I doubt that these fed employees carry much weight anyway, because someone in goldman can make a phone call to their boss's boss's boss and work out whatever deal needs to be made
asciilifeform: observation was not about weight they might carry in their domain, but in ordinary life
asciilifeform: e.g., what happens if a 'fed' minion (in good standing) appears in court, with a 'plebe' accuser (or plaintiff) ?
asciilifeform: do 'civil forfeiture' actions ever succeed against them? or magicked away ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12138 @ 0.00074632 = 9.0588 BTC [+] {2}
asciilifeform: (more in that vein: are the tax authorities permitted to harass them, as if they were mortals? or need permission first.)
decimation: ah, well that happened after the above Mr. Silva fired the latina with moxie: "In the statement the Fed sent us last week, they say, quote, “The decision to terminate Ms. Segarra’s employment with the New York Fed was based entirely on performance grounds, not because she raised concerns as a member of an examination team about any institution.” In the spring, a judge threw Carmen’s suit out saying the law Carmen sued the Fed
decimation: under did not apply in this case"
mircea_popescu: decimation i don't get why bureaucrats shouldn't kowtow.
assbot: Millions in Tax Debt Wont Stop You from Qualifying for a Pentagon Security Clearance - Defense - GovExec.com
asciilifeform: millions - won't. thousands - will.
decimation: well, I suspect the 'right people' (ie friends and family of the SES crowd) meet the criteria
decimation: mircea_popescu: well it is likely the case that the goldman people are the 'betters' of the usg employees in many ways
mircea_popescu: at least the fraction thereof that didn't start life by working for the fed.
mircea_popescu: or w/e, "in an ideal world".
decimation: generally those that 'start in the fed' are going to be given 'make-work' jobs anyway, because it is known that their use was delivering usg decisions, not having skills
mircea_popescu: not really as clear cut i dun thin
asciilifeform: how much does that particular bureaucracy actually make decisions, in whatever sense, and how much just provides 'institutionalizing spraypaint' for decisions made by actual human somewhere in the loop ?
decimation: asciilifeform: I suspect mainly the latter is the case
asciilifeform: ;;google this sucker could go down
gribble: Bush On Economy: "This Sucker Could Go Down" - Business Insider: <http://www.businessinsider.com/2008/9/bush-on-economy-this-sucker-could-go-down->; Talks Implode During a Day of Chaos; Fate of Bailout Plan Remains ...: <http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/26/business/26bailout.html?pagewanted=all>; Warren Buffett: I Have Greater Appreciation of Pres. Bush's Handling ...: (1 more message)
decimation: asciilifeform: in the beginning the 'boss' says this about his tenure on the staff of Tim Geithner during the 2008 'crisis':"
decimation: Mike Silva: And when I realized that nobody had any idea how to respond to that, I went into the bathroom and threw up. Because I realized this is it, it’s just this small group of people, and right now at this moment we have no clue. I never want to get close to that moment again"
mircea_popescu: lol that moment never left.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7400 @ 0.00074428 = 5.5077 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: osama took care of the people that could have sorted it out, back in 2001.
kakobrekla: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 323851 | Current Difficulty: 3.466142592397694E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 324575 | Next Difficulty In: 724 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 4 days, 20 hours, 37 minutes, and 2 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 34362802496.0 | Estimated Percent Change: -0.86154
xanthyos: karlpilkington: there is no universe, only galactic corporations
xanthyos: physicist dr michio kakobrekla
kakobrekla: that guy is what you get if you mix arthur c clarke and oprah
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13050 @ 0.00074819 = 9.7639 BTC [+]
bounce: so instead of electing two people essentially on how much money they spend on campaigning then have them wheel in an administration full of cronies and toadies and campaigners and contributors and whoever else they could drag out of their regular watering holes, how about... picking a bunch of randoms out of a big pile of candidates and telling them to sort it out on pain of... oh, a suitably large bond put up, up front?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 7 @ 0.13427073 = 0.9399 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2623 @ 0.00074908 = 1.9648 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25800 @ 0.00074847 = 19.3105 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42400 @ 0.00074764 = 31.6999 BTC [-] {2}
decimation: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 327.5, Best ask: 328.0, Bid-ask spread: 0.50000, Last trade: 328.0, 24 hour volume: 28801.57254709, 24 hour low: 322.04, 24 hour high: 365.07, 24 hour vwap: 0
decimation: !up justanotheruser
decimation: hello! what brings you here?
justanotheruser: was directed here to listen to someone talk
decimation: ah well this would be the place. I suggest reading the logs at log.bitcoin-assets.com if you are curious
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: no sir i do not
ben_vulpes: remember how i was lamenting abandoning my m.e. toolchain for computers?
ben_vulpes is curious about cockrings now
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: can't say as i know why your cutoff tool's doing that to the piece. the mark looks like an overheating of either workpiece or cutting tool, but the geometry indicates that it was spiraling in on a single pass.
ben_vulpes: i'd expect you to not be cutting so deep on a single pass (if your tooling even supported it) (due to apparently having a working understanding of machining limitations), which implies some crazy connection between out of true-ness of the workpiece maybe?
ben_vulpes: but even that doesn't really make a whole lot of sense.
ben_vulpes: sometimes one just sees weird marks on the finished pieces - typically, one programs in a light finishing cut with a sharp tool to keep qa "engineers" from failing the piece on visual inspection.
ben_vulpes: also the geometry's a bit weird for a single-pass cut, which reduces the likelihood.
ben_vulpes: tl;dr: I DUNNO MANG
ben_vulpes: engineering response: "depends"
ben_vulpes: oh lol hand machined slave collars
ben_vulpes: so i helped with a wide-bore bearing one time
assbot: lv2cspincan
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: there's a market for single-piece metal collars? aren't the leather ones flexible by design?
ben_vulpes: <ninjashogun> jurov, hi. I'm actually a startup founder << oh look, i pin the tail on the recruiter donkey and the original spamgun shows up in an effort to lend credence to the notion that they're seperate entities
ben_vulpes: <kakobrekla> imm prolly usg covert << no mp is usg covert
ben_vulpes: <asciilifeform> (more in that vein: are the tax authorities permitted to harass them, as if they were mortals? or need permission first.) << usg employees are notoriously immune to "mistakes" on their filings.
assbot: OTAKU GANGSTA : Photo
decimation: ben_vulpes: single-piece collars as in no hinge?
assbot: Wife: NSA Official. Husband: Exec At Firm Seeming To Do Or Seek Business With NSA
decimation: ben_vulpes: that's a neat rocket assembly
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 80 @ 0.01060006 = 0.848 BTC [-] {7}
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: those adult-sized tools are glorious.
asciilifeform doesn't even own an indexer yet...
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes lifetime slavegirls have little use for leather collars.
mircea_popescu: for one thing, you can't really shower with one.
asciilifeform recommends inconel - theoretically good for a millenium or three in salt water
mircea_popescu: nah, copper compounds aren't tolerated well by the skin.
mircea_popescu: silver alloys, especially silversteel.
asciilifeform: precious little cu in there
mircea_popescu: don;t take much. all cu oxides are poisony.
asciilifeform: and it does its job precisely by refusing to react with just about anything, esp. at st.
mircea_popescu: o wait this is the ni-chromium thing nm
asciilifeform: see also 'hastelloy'.
mthreat: damn I want to buy an L-39 jet. http://www.l39.com/content/faq
assbot: FAQ | L-39 Enthusiasts
mircea_popescu: <ben_vulpes> <kakobrekla> imm prolly usg covert << no mp is usg covert << no u
cazalla: more like convert amirite
mircea_popescu: pervert, anyway.
mircea_popescu: cazalla btw, wow on your killing it with that thing.
mircea_popescu: you gonna keep this 10 a day rythm ?
mircea_popescu: because if you do you win.
cazalla: time will tell i guess
mircea_popescu: a good third of why trilema is so powerful is that i goddamn post.
decimation: for me titanium works well on my skin
decimation: but it's difficult to machine obviously
mircea_popescu: titanium is usually cast afaik
decimation: avoid nickel. platinum works for me too but a bit pricey :)
mircea_popescu: not really that pricey. you wouldn't want more than a couple of ounces given that weight harms tissue
mircea_popescu: and a couple of ounces aren't that much of a fortune
assbot: police show. - Imgur
asciilifeform: ^ actual show in my town
decimation: platinum also develops a neat grayish patina
decimation: asciilifeform: one wonders why the police need a .50 cal rifle
asciilifeform: i asked
asciilifeform: policeman helpfully explained, that it was decreed that they must have a few in order to stop cars...
asciilifeform: maintained that it has never been put to this use yet.
asciilifeform: and pointed out that if i want one, it can be bought for about 5k usd.
mircea_popescu: how is a .5 rifle stop cars ?
asciilifeform: same way you stop airplane with it
asciilifeform: (a round through the radiator, most practically)
decimation: I know a few private citizens that own full-auto machine guns
mircea_popescu: so wait, you stop the car coming at you ?
decimation: you need to fill out the right forms and have someone with a note from Stalin give you leave
mircea_popescu: afaik the ballistic car stopers is shooting the tires. which can be done with a bb gun really
asciilifeform: decimation: and pay 50K+ usd
decimation: as I recall it was also a couple $$ per shell
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: afaik they are forbidden to shoot at the tires - it results in an out-of-control spin, demolishes unrelated cars
mircea_popescu: and blowing up the cylinders does not ?
cazalla: BingoBoingo, i'm not so sure about that new background colour
asciilifeform: why would it ?
decimation: for the purposes of police, it would seem much more practical to use 'stop strips'
mircea_popescu: i dunno dood, jagged bits of hot metal going any which way
decimation: I doubt any political figure in the dc area is going to allow someone to fire a small cannon at a criminal
asciilifeform: there was also a chopper, several $mil, according to its keeper. fitted with 100k ir camera.
asciilifeform: according to the lecturer - can stay aloft for a whole 2 hours!
decimation: asciilifeform: human-piloted or otherwise?
asciilifeform: tiny thing though, like a flying police car.
asciilifeform: seats four men
decimation: maryland state police used those eurocopter doulphins for awhile
asciilifeform: keeper lamented that it had no arms or armour
assbot: Philip Greenspun's Weblog » Massachusetts State Police New Helicopter
mircea_popescu: lol flying police car
decimation: maryland was/is the only state that had a fully government owned/operated medivac system
decimation: to take care of the 30k people who die per year on the roads, of course
asciilifeform: chopper specialist explained that his machine exists solely to search for people
decimation: I guess if you have a few $tn to blow every year you gotta have your manned people-search helicopters
asciilifeform: this was a county police dept.
asciilifeform: (not even state)
dub: sorry is this argument that you don't want to have your life saved by this service because tax?
mircea_popescu: "A posting every day; an interesting idea every three months…" not a bad byline
decimation: when I was living in maryland it struck me as very odd about how powerful the local counties were
asciilifeform: dub: the chopper (not in photo) does not evacuate, it was a kind of flying version of ordinary police car
dub: praps tehre should be a non-resuss clause inherent in being a libertard
decimation: dub: I was implying that other localities get by with civilian pilots
mircea_popescu: dub the argument is that if you spend ten grand on an omlette when your entire weekly budged is 6k, people coming in to derp about how "so you don't want to eat" get a pie to the face.
mircea_popescu: here's yours.
decimation: asciilifeform: I considered living in pg county once - until I realized how high the local property tax rates were
mircea_popescu: decimation you don;'t really have to own property to live there tho, do you ?
asciilifeform: decimation: these don't really get rolled into rent effectively, so i don't much care
dub: these wage numbers are terrifying
decimation: yeah this is a good point. I rent now and I'm reluctant to get back into the real estate bezzle world
joecool: decimation: NJ has had that since the 80's, just took delivery of 5 new helicopters in the past year or two
decimation: if you lived in say, bowie, you would have to pay nearly 2% per year
dub: someone instructing others in teh use of aircraft earns $50k?
asciilifeform: get back into << as for me, i was never in
mircea_popescu: this shit's epic.
assbot: Brutal system of teen beatings continues at Rikers Islands RNDC prison | New York Post
mircea_popescu: AMONG THE VICTOMS: Eighteen-year-old Christopher Robinson (pictured) was killed in 2008 by thugs in "The Program", a brutal heiarchy which victomizes youths at Rikers Island including an imnate who was hospitalized for a broken jaw."
decimation: dub: piloting is an interesting chumpatron. most pilots earn peanuts, but they all hope to fly for the 'major' airlines and earn $300k per year
asciilifeform: ;;google tournament market
gribble: The Man Who Wasn't There | Science Careers: <http://sciencecareers.sciencemag.org/career_magazine/previous_issues/articles/2009_02_13/caredit.a0900021>; Excalibur Medieval Tournament & Market Faire - Arcata, CA ...: <https://www.facebook.com/pages/Excalibur-Medieval-Tournament-Market-Faire/218781258159764>; Five Keys to Marketing a New Soccer Tournament | The PTM Blog: (1 more message)
mircea_popescu: sorry me'em, i cunt nit fuonds me vuwils
dub: sorry. a lot less, they take a break from earnign essentially nothing to go an earn an apparently desirable $50k
mircea_popescu: dub flying is a labour of love. what, you think mthreat hopes to make any sort of profit flying a jet for no reason ?
assbot: United Airlines Pilot Pay Rates
dub: jesus
assbot: Four female prison guards impregnated by same inmate - CBS News
mircea_popescu: aahahahaha
mircea_popescu: ok, great one.
assbot: PG Police robot demo - YouTube
asciilifeform: ^ from same
decimation: of course only maryland can explain why they hire women to guard hardened gangsters
mircea_popescu: so basically they were slavegirls
mircea_popescu: going by the tattooing
mircea_popescu: this guy got me licked.
mircea_popescu: ;;rate tavon 3 nigga's got the moves.
gribble: Error: User doesn't exist in the Rating or GPG databases. User must be GPG-registered to receive ratings.
mircea_popescu: well, maybe one day.
decimation: there is something poetic about a prisoner literally impregnating the state's authority personified, and it says something about usg & friends
mircea_popescu: says more about the guy.
decimation: yes, he's no doubt a supreme 'alpha' type
decimation: baltimore isn't exactly known for its quality governance . watch "The Wire" if you wanna know the details
decimation: asciilifeform: that's a neat little two-wheel bot
asciilifeform: decimation: it costs, allegedly, $maxint
asciilifeform: (forget exact amount - 5 figures usd)
decimation: heh. I think it could be built for less than $500
decimation: that little bot seems more useful than a 0.50 cal rifle to a policeman. ideally, one could use it to 'scout' to see if "worst case swat team" is really required, rather than joe the constable
dub: less than $50 in bulk
asciilifeform asked 'ever use it.' lecturer replied 'many times'
decimation: I suspect a majority of engineers working in the us feed their families on this business model
asciilifeform: also lecture concerned specifically the 'swat team'
decimation: Well, if I were going to bust open a door, I would want to know what is behind it
← 2014-10-03 | 2014-10-05 →