Hide Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2014-09-30 | 2014-10-02 →
cazalla: 3D secure might be worse
TheNewDeal: wow, never ever heard of that nonsense
BingoBoingo: Oh, The Oakland KC wildcard game is in extra innings
TheNewDeal: ;;calc (41/34.661)**(1/3)
gribble: 1.05758250067
TheNewDeal: ;;calc (41/35)**(.5)
gribble: 1.08232553856
TheNewDeal: ;;calc 41/34.66
gribble: 1.18291979227
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell bitstein You want a conversation, but... Twitter seriously?
gribble: The operation succeeded.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23950 @ 0.00075061 = 17.9771 BTC [+] {2}
BingoBoingo: So... the AL postseason RBI record was broken... today... on the first game...
BingoBoingo: For Oaland's record
BingoBoingo: cazalla: Do you still have an adorable bunny negro?
cazalla: it's a little browner but yes
BingoBoingo: cazalla: How does QontraCoin sound as a name?
BingoBoingo: Q pronounced as K
BingoBoingo: Pic of the little browner as the favicon.
BingoBoingo: !up los_pantalones
cazalla: reminds me of contra code
BingoBoingo: Reminds people of a lot of things
assbot: imgur: the simple image sharer
BingoBoingo: cazalla: You got a mascot
TheNewDeal: cheers to jurov's local ta's predicting the mild upswing - must have been reading the correct animal entrails
cazalla: BingoBoingo, yeah he or she is a keeper, i think the buck is the half breed so hopefully female so i can breed it back
BingoBoingo: Nice. Bunny rabbits are delicious.
mircea_popescu: "Greetings from Bitgazetteer.com, We are very happy to announce that your store/business has been posted on our bitgazetteer.com website because you integrated Bitcoins/Crypto-Currency as a legitimate payment method."
mircea_popescu: these fucktards. yeah, im sure spamming is the way to start a "business".
Dimsler: lol
Dimsler: must read bitgazetteer
mircea_popescu: big zappy deer'd have been a better name
BingoBoingo: Zappy Deer could be the first decent iPhone game.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10600 @ 0.0007477 = 7.9256 BTC [-]
cazalla: <+BingoBoingo> cazalla: How does QontraCoin sound as a name? <<< as discussed, qntra as domain name, anyone have input?
BingoBoingo: Qntra seems like the winner
asciilifeform: cazalla: ever milk them?
cazalla: asciilifeform no but i've read about it, apparently their milk is amongst the best
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: The bunnies?
asciilifeform: amongst the best << i always suspected!
asciilifeform: amazing premium product!
asciilifeform would buy
assbot: Rabbits Milked for Human Protein; Drug Soon for Sale?
BingoBoingo: My youngest brother at one point had a buck rabbit
asciilifeform: not bad.
BingoBoingo: In its last year among the living feeding it without getting a fist full of bunny jizz was a near impossible task.
cazalla: i think i would pasteurise the milk if i ever attempted milking them though
BingoBoingo: I just washed my hands thoroughly.
BingoBoingo: ... and tried to forget the rape of my fist
cazalla: bucks will fuck anything
cazalla: does are worse though, they'll try to fuck the buck
cazalla: btw pete_dushenski, while it might sound similar to contravex, it's mere coincidence
BingoBoingo: So... Disclaimer... I was the horrible dirty influence on Cazalla
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11150 @ 0.0007477 = 8.3369 BTC [-]
assbot: Kingpin--cow milk - YouTube
mircea_popescu: <cazalla> i think i would pasteurise the milk if i ever attempted milking them though <<< as there's not that much human history of drinking rabbit milk, likely it's safe.
asciilifeform: if mammal - milk it.
asciilifeform: why waste.
cazalla: asciilifeform, seems tedious to do with a rabbit
asciilifeform: cazalla: machines. see link.
asciilifeform: cazalla: not commercially available off-shelf, sure. but good project for amateur machinist.
cazalla: a machine? suck it straight from the titty
asciilifeform: or that.
asciilifeform: (also works for cow, i imagine, but for some reason not popular.)
cazalla: gee namecheap really did a web 2.0 type change
asciilifeform: rabbit could shit in your face if you hold it like a bottle and drink?
asciilifeform not expert in field
cazalla: having your face scratched would be my concern
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13650 @ 0.00074627 = 10.1866 BTC [-] {2}
hanbot: <cazalla> gee namecheap really did a web 2.0 type change << chronicled: http://trilema.com/2014/namecheap-goes-off-the-deep-end-anyone-know-a-decent-domain-registrar/
assbot: Namecheap goes off the deep end. Anyone know a decent domain registrar ? pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
cazalla: hanbot, amusingly, once you navigate the new menus to change the dns, you get access to the old interface although it's heavily wrapped with the new one
hanbot: loller
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39533 @ 0.00074582 = 29.4845 BTC [-] {3}
BingoBoingo: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 391.2, Best ask: 392.68, Bid-ask spread: 1.48000, Last trade: 392.7, 24 hour volume: 14382.73145314, 24 hour low: 373.24, 24 hour high: 397.75, 24 hour vwap: 385.5512724
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9605 @ 0.00074704 = 7.1753 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12950 @ 0.0007463 = 9.6646 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: So anyone awake thoughts on this new 'Gotham' show?
Duffer1: i'm afraid it will be very bad
Duffer1: oh it's already started
BingoBoingo: Duffer1: Yeah, already started. Surprisingly not bad.
Duffer1: i dunno i'm worried they'll pervert the timeline
Duffer1: well i'm worried they'll do that, and it will suck, if it's good i wouldn't mind so much :P
BingoBoingo: At some point, after enough splits, a piece of fiction looses the ability to have a single canon... And would you rather prefer Adam West...
BingoBoingo: As far after two episodes the thing isn't non-sensical
Duffer1: oh i agree, but i don't trust fox to do it right or well
BingoBoingo: Which is a predicament, because if it has unrealized potential Fox could kill it half a season in.
BingoBoingo: Fox is the worst sort of quality filter imaginable
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10800 @ 0.0007463 = 8.06 BTC [-]
Duffer1: indeed
Duffer1: i would have loved to see the batman flashpoint alternative history as a series
Duffer1: tv series
Duffer1: on hbo
BingoBoingo: Well, cable is a still more finicky beast. HBO has yet to beat the wire. AMC has yet to touch Breaking Bad.
Duffer1: fringe wasn't bad either (fox no less)
bounce: namecheap looks like bog standard tabletisation to me. that's not "2.0", where everything is ajaxified for no reason. this is that plus big large buttons for fat fingers and super-duper js-reinvented scrollage that may be nice for tablets but seriously doesn't for (non-fullscreen) browsers on the desktop
punkman: bounce, yeah "mobile first"
bounce: call it a kick in the teeth over and above requiring "browser features" that don't actually add anything to the content. dunno if that's "3.0" or "4.0" or whatever.
Duffer1: BingoBoingo, the creator of the wire is currently writing a new HBO series called Show Me a Hero
BingoBoingo: Interesting
bounce: tablets aren't that mobile. but it certainly goes big on stupidity. it's trying to reinvent the web as some sort of "interactive broadcast", ie mainly one-way "interaction". the warm fuzzy feeling of teh intarwebz without them actually listening to you. not that you'd have anything to say, or that they'd listen in any case, but, you know.
BingoBoingo: Duffer1: The thing I like about Gotham is it is almost a noir, which is like how here the best to hope for is almost a steak.
BingoBoingo: Also that show pisses the hell out of the reddit fanbois
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31056 @ 0.00074785 = 23.2252 BTC [+] {2}
Duffer1: i'll check it out, but my expectations are probably unreasonably high
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31865 @ 0.00075332 = 24.0045 BTC [+] {2}
BingoBoingo: Duffer1: As long as you remember Brian Cranston set every writer's expectations for TV unreasonably high it is hard to be disappoint as a viewer
punkman: BingoBoingo: I'd say from a financial perspective Game of Thrones has probably beat everything else HBO
BingoBoingo: punkman: But the bedrock underneath it with 2/7ths of the source material missing...
Duffer1: no doubt, easily the best television actor
BingoBoingo: punkman: Unless in mega troll behavior the tv show jumps the books which I endorse wholly
punkman: I like AMC's Hell on Wheels, not as good as BB of course
Duffer1: i'm watchin HoW too, I prefer Justified though
BingoBoingo: I'm drunk
Duffer1: but i've had a man crush on Timothy Olaphant since Deadwood
punkman: also watched Lilyhammer recently, was some good fun
Duffer1: i tried watching it i really tried
punkman: subtitles are hard?
Duffer1: i just couldn't get into it, the story was not bad, but the main actor i just couldn't relate or believe in
assbot: Self-Destructing SSDs Will Nuke Themselves If You Text Them a Code Word
punkman: yeah exactly what the doctor ordered, more phone in my disks
assbot: Accident between two vessels in suez canal 29/09/2014 in portsaid - YouTube
Duffer1: o.0
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4630 @ 0.0007463 = 3.4554 BTC [-]
RagnarDanneskjol: !up deedBot
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11000 @ 0.00074899 = 8.2389 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41017 @ 0.00074574 = 30.588 BTC [-] {5}
BingoBoingo: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 386.32, Best ask: 387.19, Bid-ask spread: 0.87000, Last trade: 387.22, 24 hour volume: 15481.20021234, 24 hour low: 373.4, 24 hour high: 397.75, 24 hour vwap: 386.189487975
cazalla: does anyone know an alternative to pagewash?
thestringpuller: ;;google pagewash
RagnarDanneskjol: whats that
RagnarDanneskjol: cant see fbook
cazalla: sorta like a proxy site
RagnarDanneskjol: oh, so like a vpn but lazier/less secure
cazalla: it was good for seeing if dns refreshed elsewhere as i've been waiting ages on my own connection
cazalla: but they changed the site and made it useless
RagnarDanneskjol: it happens
bounce: plenty web-based proxies Out There. lots stuffed with ads, though
cazalla: yeah, pagewash wasn't like that and refreshed quickly
assbot: Executive Order 12333 Documents Redefine 'Collection,' Authorize Majority Of Dragnet Surveillance Programs | Techdirt
punkman: didn't take long, did it
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17650 @ 0.00074522 = 13.1531 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12200 @ 0.00074504 = 9.0895 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25004 @ 0.00074479 = 18.6227 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: FCC Considering Punishment for Broadcasters Who Use Redskins Nickname | Bleacher Report
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45400 @ 0.00074468 = 33.8085 BTC [-] {4}
RagnarDanneskjol: ..contaminated - as in pathogens
assbot: Bleacher Report
chetty: <RagnarDanneskjol> ..contaminated - as in pathogens//read somewhere that virtually every 20 has cocaine traces
RagnarDanneskjol: yea - dont know why they called it nick
RagnarDanneskjol: i've heard that too. I'm more concerned with the poo. am a bit of a germ phobe.. rarely handle money unless i have to
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3112 @ 0.00074396 = 2.3152 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37150 @ 0.00074558 = 27.6983 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28922 @ 0.00074383 = 21.5131 BTC [-] {2}
RagnarDanneskjol: !up deedBot
assbot: deed test - Pastebin.com
deedBot: deed 35D2E1A0457E6498 RagnarDanneskjol with 1 signature valid in next bundle
deedBot: Found 1 valid deed in http://pastebin.com/qddQ8idF
assbot: deed test - Pastebin.com
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19250 @ 0.00074566 = 14.354 BTC [+] {2}
deedBot: deedBot BTC available balance: 0.00253000 in wallet 1NTSD9jVvumurTotaW7Crqe5DfRxBrJzqu
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15197 @ 0.00074364 = 11.3011 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33000 @ 0.00074356 = 24.5375 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Testing - -----BEGIN - Pastebin.com
deedBot: deed 33588BE08B232B13 punkman with 1.5 signatures valid in next bundle
deedBot: Found 1 valid deed in http://pastebin.com/mWvW7fd6
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Testing - -----BEGIN - Pastebin.com
punkman: 1.5 signatures, nice
RagnarDanneskjol: wtf does that mean?
punkman: I have no clue
RagnarDanneskjol: ha - interesting
RagnarDanneskjol: I need to have a convo with you - re target bitcoin address as of the hash of the documents, not wasting coins, etc
RagnarDanneskjol: not now, soon
punkman: let me check my calendar :P
RagnarDanneskjol: !up deedBot
RagnarDanneskjol: ahh - so 1.5 signatures apparently means one signed msg and one standalone sig
assbot: test - Pastebin.com
deedBot: No signed deeds found in http://pastebin.com/thQBbZsE
assbot: test - Pastebin.com
RagnarDanneskjol: oops - didnt paste it all
assbot: test - Pastebin.com
deedBot: No signed deeds found in http://pastebin.com/DX4E7ZHS
assbot: test - Pastebin.com
assbot: ttst - Pastebin.com
deedBot: No signed deeds found in http://pastebin.com/3aCSNttt
assbot: ttst - Pastebin.com
assbot: tst - Pastebin.com
deedBot: deed 33588BE08B232B13 punkman with 1.5 signatures valid in next bundle
deedBot: deed 35D2E1A0457E6498 RagnarDanneskjol with 1 signature valid in next bundle
deedBot: Found 2 valid deeds in http://pastebin.com/exbt1Fg0
assbot: tst - Pastebin.com
deedBot: Bundled: 721f3f09be090181c913fc24e937c8db80aaae7aae67bad4655750f1ae0c388d-1MWLqwvsTaZZ84vsibz9Ej7tkenBnFDwTS.txt
deedBot: time=1412162522 LAST_BUNDLE_TIME=1412162463 elapsed=59
deedBot: DEEDBOT_CHAN=#bitcoin-assets ERROR_CHAN=MolokoDesk INTERVAL=3600 (no pending deeds.)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25300 @ 0.0007442 = 18.8283 BTC [+]
assbot: DEEDS
assbot: reddit - Sam Altman
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36500 @ 0.00074483 = 27.1863 BTC [+] {2}
RagnarDanneskjol: so much fail
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13750 @ 0.00074349 = 10.223 BTC [-]
chetty: In several years, I think reddit could have close to a billion users.//what in the world is good about that?
punkman: lets you swindle more investors
mircea_popescu: it's never making it. reddit is about in the position of paypal : time to sell it.
mircea_popescu: "in a few years" i will have killed it dead.
mircea_popescu: cazalla:hanbot, amusingly, once you navigate the new menus to change the dns, you get access to the old interface although it's heavily wrapped with the new one << takes a bunch of scripting to transaform new pos back into old thing but it can be done.
mircea_popescu: fucking "coders" today, you know, writing shit so other people have to write unshit so the world can keep functioning.
mircea_popescu: punkman: bounce, yeah "mobile first" <<< basically they're hiring imbecile 20somethings, that have grown up in the nazi party. they have one pow and one idea, and that's that.
mircea_popescu: if i were black in the us i would be fucking worried for my children. being ~10% of the population and >50% of the public discourse is how the hasidim suddenly disappeared from history.
mircea_popescu: the "black impudence" notion is just about to make its entry into the world.
mircea_popescu: bounce:tablets aren't that mobile. but it certainly goes big on stupidity. it's trying to reinvent the web as some sort of "interactive broadcast", ie mainly one-way "interaction". the warm fuzzy feeling of teh intarwebz without them actually listening to you. not that you'd have anything to say, or that they'd listen in any case, but, you know. << EXACTLY fucking that omfg. exactly.
assbot: Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2PZ8QF6.txt )
mircea_popescu: fucking midwestern braindead chemists trying to run the world. "dem darn kids like that darn interwebs so much how about i make myself an interweb shaped corn. that'll sell!"
mircea_popescu: assbot: Self-Destructing SSDs Will Nuke Themselves If You Text Them a Code Word <<< you mean if you ask your enemy to let you do it ? lawl ok, great thinking there shelops!
mircea_popescu: cazalla: it was good for seeing if dns refreshed elsewhere as i've been waiting ages on my own connection <<< i love browsershots for this purpose.
mircea_popescu: bounce: usg redefines data collection << lol.
mircea_popescu: RagnarDanneskjol: i've heard that too. I'm more concerned with the poo. am a bit of a germ phobe.. rarely handle money unless i have to << http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X29lF43mUlo
assbot: George Carlin - Germs, Immune System - YouTube
mircea_popescu: im with him.
TomServo: !up devthedev
Azelphur: !up devthedev
RagnarDanneskjol: yea - thats a good one. carlin is right as usual
Azelphur: so apparently I have unsufficient rights, even though I'm already voiced
Azelphur: this makes sense \o/
mircea_popescu: Azelphur l1 vs l2.
TomServo: Same here - must need to reauth.
mircea_popescu: !up devthedev
devthedev: Thank you
mircea_popescu: ;;ident TomServo
gribble: Nick 'TomServo', with hostmask 'TomServo!sewandsew@airportsecurity.junktouch.org', is not identified.
mircea_popescu: no actually, it's because you're unid'd.
Azelphur: oh I see, I really need to build gribble auth into my bouncer.
mircea_popescu: deedBot: deed 33588BE08B232B13 punkman with 1.5 signatures valid in next bundle << lolwut?!
mircea_popescu: Azelphur or just id when needed. safer that way.
mircea_popescu: the point of security features is for them to be secure not automated.
Azelphur: indeed, that's one of the reasons I haven't done it yet
jurov: <TheNewDeal> [20141001 04:41] cheers to jurov's local ta's predicting the mild upswing << what? it was tat, not my area man
assbot: Reddit Plans Its Own Cryptocurrency To Give Back To Its Users After $50 Million Raise | TechCrunch
jurov: ^god have mercy on us
mircea_popescu: bring it reddit. you're dead bitch.
TomServo: I thought doge was reddit's 'cryptocurrency'.
mircea_popescu: yes but doge i killed meanwhile. what'd you expect them to do, learn ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33850 @ 0.0007464 = 25.2656 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: they can't learn. they gotta try again. until mashed into pulp, old fizz caking on their ragged tshirt, redditards gotta try their redditardation again.
mircea_popescu: and again and again and again.
mircea_popescu: why sadface mats_cd03 ?
mats_cd03: watching people do dumb things makes me sad
mircea_popescu: eh, gotta learn to laff.
mircea_popescu: Il lavoro è gioia, il lavoro è allegria!
chetty: if its fun it isnt work, silly
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29100 @ 0.00074726 = 21.7453 BTC [+] {5}
chetty: You all saw Ebola arrived in Texas?
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla ^ when you sign it, put the signed into deedsbot and just comment the link ?
RagnarDanneskjol: oohh deedbot signed statements. good thinkin - imma do that too
kakobrekla: dude...
kakobrekla: fine, but everybody must do it.
mircea_popescu: well ima do it anyway.
mircea_popescu: RagnarDanneskjol kinda what it's for eh ?
RagnarDanneskjol: i hadnt thought through the many usecases quite yet
mircea_popescu: and let me open an imaginary bottle of virtual champagne for all the bitbet good news. not only is it finally out of arrears, but moreover, best month for incoming bets in history and shit.
mircea_popescu: who knew it'll beat the months when btc was 30 bux.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21400 @ 0.00074348 = 15.9105 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: !up original_discobe
assbot: Happy Anniversary ObamaCare | GOP
nubbins`: mostly just boorish and classless
nubbins`: but sort of lulzy too, i guess
nubbins`: more in the sense of "we are a federal-level political party and our website is full of 'lel you other guise r dummyz' articles"
assbot: Official George H.W. Bush Socks | GOP
assbot: NC Black Engagement To Host Sweet Tea and Politics | GOP
mircea_popescu: what's "classless" mean ?
nubbins`: "The North Carolina Black Engagement Team"
nubbins`: mircea_popescu: boorish :/
nubbins`: i know it technically means something totally different
mircea_popescu: you know circular definitions are usually a symptom of deeper problems.
nubbins`: but i felt okay with redefining it for my needs
nubbins`: "unclassy" sounds so...
nubbins`: boorish.
mircea_popescu: ok, what;'s classy ?
nubbins`: stylish, elegant, refined
nubbins`: sophisticated
nubbins`: cosmopolitan, even
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26400 @ 0.00074345 = 19.6271 BTC [-] {2}
nubbins`: !up Diablo-D3
Diablo-D3: racist comment of the day
Diablo-D3: [09:42:27] <nubbins`> "The North Carolina Black Engagement Team"
Diablo-D3: but I thought black people didnt get married?
nubbins`: i didn't even think anyone did. it's 2014
mircea_popescu: i thought you were married
nubbins`: sure, yeah, but since when am i the barometer for sensible behaviour
Diablo-D3: mircea_popescu: how dare you imply I'm black
mircea_popescu: anyway, the notion that the mockery of obamacare on the gop's site is unrefined and unstylish is hardly sensible. if they were going for the stylish they'd be in the democratic party.
Diablo-D3: oh you implied nubbins` is black
Diablo-D3: thats okay
Diablo-D3: you implied someone is by virtue of context
mircea_popescu: maybe the context ain't as virtuous as you think her.
mircea_popescu: in fact, i have it under authority of some people i know that context's a total slut.
assbot: Official George H.W. Bush Socks | GOP
Diablo-D3: thats just hilarious
nubbins`: not as hilarious as reading the logs
nubbins`: !s Official George H.W. Bush Socks
assbot: 1 results for 'Official George H.W. Bush Socks' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=Official+George+H.W.+Bush+Socks
nubbins`: wat? fuck you gribs
nubbins`: i mean
nubbins`: bbl coffee
assbot: How To Pronounce Difficult To Say Brands - Business Insider
Diablo-D3: most of these brands probably dont exist
Diablo-D3: lol.
assbot: JP Morgan Chase CEO Wears Cuff Links Obama Gave Him To Hearing
Diablo-D3: yeah I dont think obama gave him anything
Diablo-D3: its more of obama told his assistant to buy him something
kakobrekla pronounces brands even more incorrectly intentionally
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10042 @ 0.00074368 = 7.468 BTC [+]
kakobrekla: ;;google champagne zapp brannigan
gribble: I believe it's pronounced champagne - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPyFRa39AMk>; Zapp Brannigan (Character) - Quotes - IMDb: <http://www.imdb.com/character/ch0013045/quotes>; Zapp Brannigan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zapp_Brannigan>
kakobrekla: best.
kakobrekla: since i saw this, i try to remember to pronounce it like zapp
nubbins`: what degenerate would pronounce the S in Artois?
mircea_popescu: lol. ahahha.
nubbins`: "some people say baringer ingullum... it's really behringer ingelheim"
nubbins`: groan
nubbins`: some people say this video was worth watching, it's actually time i'll never get back
Diablo-D3: nubbins`: who the fuck would ORDER artois?
Diablo-D3: I dont eat things that I cant pronounce.
Diablo-D3: also, Ive heard of maybe 3 or 4 brands in that video
nubbins`: technically you don't eat beer
Diablo-D3: at least 2 of them are bullshit
nubbins`: besides, stella's nice. everybody would order one.
Diablo-D3: a) if you pronounce porche with the sha, you're a douchebag
Diablo-D3: b) no one mispronounces miele, and I live in one of the most uneducated areas of the world
nubbins`: america? :D
mircea_popescu: Diablo-D3 what do you do in a pharmacy ?
mircea_popescu: or do you know how to say propanolol
Diablo-D3: lol.
mircea_popescu: !up Diablo-D3
mircea_popescu: i'm eating up shit in here i never even heard of!!1
Diablo-D3 takes away mircea_popescu's crackpipe
mircea_popescu: dude at least i can pronounce crack.
mircea_popescu: in like 6 languages
nubbins`: "In 2001, El Al Airlines decided not to allow ultra-Orthodox Jews cover themselves in plastic because 'flight safety considerations do not allow for passengers to board while covered in sealed plastic bags.'"
bounce: "roflolol", "zomgdox", "nsfwclone", "osnappoetin", "yabaizafone", ... WHO stem book meets urban dictionary
nubbins`: o hey, they raised the minimum wage here in twodogland today
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29050 @ 0.00074332 = 21.5934 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37598 @ 0.00074464 = 27.997 BTC [+] {3}
RagnarDanneskjol: fukin looters
hanbot: mircea_popescu: dude at least i can pronounce crack. in like 6 languages << allah crackbar?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20300 @ 0.00074317 = 15.0864 BTC [-] {2}
thickasthieves: thickasthieves: call it The Biz /// cazalla i have a logo from a local mktg mag i did a few years ago, you're welcome to it http://imgur.com/Q08iW5w
assbot: imgur: the simple image sharer
thickasthieves: ftr i used orange and grey before bitcoin
nubbins`: grey is the new black
ben_vulpes: your pop culture references have been duly noted
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42900 @ 0.00074311 = 31.8794 BTC [-] {4}
nubbins`: that was a pop culture reference?
nubbins`: oh, wait, n/m
kakobrekla: !up deedBot
deedBot: deed 27AF75321F2489E8 kakobrekla with 1 signature valid in next bundle
kakobrekla: like dat?
nubbins`: ooooooo
nubbins`: what happens when the next bundle is ready? :D
kakobrekla: bomb i suppose
nubbins`: !s deedbot
mircea_popescu: lol teh bomb
nubbins`: so what, deedbot just publishes shit to a website?
nubbins`: what am i missing here
mircea_popescu: the spec lol. only linked like 500 times in the chan
nubbins`: heh.
nubbins`: actually found the github page, reading source now
assbot: Logged on 23-09-2014 03:26:15; mircea_popescu: dja recall the spec ?
nubbins`: intredasting
thickasthieves: it's annoyng that we cant just put anything in the blockchain
nubbins`: if you could, people would be uploading disk images
thickasthieves: so have fees
nubbins`: it'd be unsyncable on day two
nubbins`: what you're describing is dropbox
thickasthieves: i mean miner fees
thickasthieves: proportion to size of your tx
nubbins`: that benefits the miners, sure, but it's a huge detriment to everyone else running a node
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21010 @ 0.00074511 = 15.6548 BTC [+]
thickasthieves: so make node fees
nubbins`: "oh, shit, another 25TB to sync today"
thickasthieves: 25TB might cost 1000btc though
nubbins`: so goat pays 1000btc and now the blockchain is 25TB larger, forever
nubbins`: to the detriment of everyone
thickasthieves: stop stopping my dreams!
nubbins`: logic stops them!
thickasthieves: i'm just not dreaming hard enough
nubbins`: i think you're dreaming too hard as it is
bounce: doesn't "datacoin" try and allow for arbitrary chain storage?
Apocalyptic: yeah, that's even what it was designed for
nubbins`: gross
thickasthieves: i dont see how it would avoid problems mentioned
Apocalyptic: thickasthieves, nobody said it does
nubbins` imagines early adopter cashing out all datacoin, uploading massive file to blockchain as final act
kakobrekla: of CP
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50662 @ 0.00074764 = 37.8769 BTC [+] {3}
deedBot: Bundled: 63581bfec02108fa941af106057dfdc3747fb0d3babbb334d95fff1da1b87406-1DYriNQB4tjyYMdXP8C3eWwFdzR8WVV4fc.txt
assbot: The World Wide Web project
pete_dushenski: ^"first website" from 1991
RagnarDanneskjol: !up deedBot
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: i've never seen anyone with more free time than south americans. << and no one with less free time than north americans. how, i ask you, are we all "americans" ?
bounce: that's a good way to get yourself shot
asciilifeform: even without enemy. phone rings, draw, put to head - but drew from wrong holster.
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski just like the chinese are european
mircea_popescu: it's one continent after all :D
thickasthieves: what a guy cant own gun-shaped things without getting shot?
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves> i'm just not dreaming hard enough << maybe you're not dreaming out the right hole ?
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: lol they're not?? i thought that's why the chinese were good at shit.
mircea_popescu: the chinese are about as european as teh jooz.
pete_dushenski: khans spread ideas, tech between the two
mircea_popescu: speaking of which, google now sends me traffic for searches like "cum sa faci bani ca un evreu", ie, how to make $$$ like a joo.
pete_dushenski: … that you're using google, that is
pete_dushenski: s/joo/buffett and you have north american ads.
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski no i mean, to trilema. search traffic.
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu well you're sorta the king rabbi ;)
assbot: EU Says Apple Inc.'s Irish Tax Deal is Illegal
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31906 @ 0.00074999 = 23.9292 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22095 @ 0.00074635 = 16.4906 BTC [-]
kakobrekla: deedBot needs to be registered with nickserv
dignork: mircea_popescu> dignork nah, you make n of k sets signed in pairs <<< not good enough, each pair will be able to blackmail others, non-existent problem in one-to one case.
mircea_popescu: how is a pair going to be able to blackmailk anyone ? there's no such thing as "group rape" as in, you've raped a group of two people.
mircea_popescu: texas used to have "enstrangement of affection" but it's gone.
mircea_popescu: !up dxrt
dignork: i mean side-attack: using the recording to blackmail others - payments for non-disclosure
dignork: could be avoided if we form pair keys, each one with court key, 2 out of 2 to redeem, but this also has different properties
mircea_popescu: oh, for non disclosure
mircea_popescu: who gives a shit, cunts want to be seen.
assbot: Shitexpress · Send a shit in a package around the world
RagnarDanneskjol: very nice
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47162 @ 0.00074975 = 35.3597 BTC [+] {3}
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: if i were black in the us i would be fucking worried for my children. being ~10% of the population and >50% of the public discourse is how the hasidim suddenly disappeared from history. << 19th century?
jurov: !t m f.mpif
assbot: [MPEX:F.MPIF] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: / / ( shares, BTC), 30D: 0.00020614 / 0.00021257 / 0.000219 (2 shares, 0.00 BTC)
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski moar like ww2.
jurov: pete_dushenski they were topic of discourse in 20th, too
jurov: Is the deedbot documented on wiki or somewhere?
jurov: i'd like to put f.mpif stuff there
pete_dushenski: "If you can imagine it, you can create it with Headway Themes Framework (http://semperfiwebdesign.com/headway/) . The intuitive drag and drop visual editor makes it easy for a newbie or a hobbyist to custom build a great design but also doesn't get in the way of a more experienced designer or developer!"
mircea_popescu: jurov not documented yet, but would be a good thing to do.
mircea_popescu: and yes, that's where the fmpiff stuff should go.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9845 @ 0.00074635 = 7.3478 BTC [-]
assbot: DEEDS
RagnarDanneskjol: oh - I misread your Q
assbot: bitrecruiter/deedBot GitHub
jurov: i see... clicked and wtf is this? :D
RagnarDanneskjol: he redid much of it since the last commits
jurov: lol i have to reverse engineeer it?
RagnarDanneskjol: I'm gonna keep everything @ deedbot.com starting in a few days
RagnarDanneskjol: I'm already working with a coupla guys to get it done in pyth
bounce: such haste
jurov: RagnarDanneskjol okay, is there something usable in logs?
RagnarDanneskjol: usable as in?
jurov: as in something i can follow
RagnarDanneskjol: regarding
jurov: regarding putting a deed on
RagnarDanneskjol: demo sure pls standby
RagnarDanneskjol: !up deedBot
jurov: deedbot demo (nm, just bookmarking for later search)
deedBot: deed B98228A001ABFFC7 asciilifeform with 1 signature valid in next bundle
deedBot: deed 35D2E1A0457E6498 RagnarDanneskjol with 1 signature valid in next bundle
deedBot: Bundled: 21d5bb1d9e68af011117813f3684c84bb33348da85fb51f8b55d62ec128fa912-14ZCTfozD6UhTSyz5hMiBKo5RE6Gqu34i6.txt
RagnarDanneskjol: now wait until the top of the hour, will report bundled deed once its done
deedBot: time=1412184106 LAST_BUNDLE_TIME=1412184089 elapsed=17
deedBot: DEEDBOT_CHAN=#bitcoin-assets ERROR_CHAN=MolokoDesk INTERVAL=3600 (no pending deeds.)
deedBot: deedBot BTC available balance: 0.00220000 in wallet 1NTSD9jVvumurTotaW7Crqe5DfRxBrJzqu
deedBot: deedBot unconfirmed sent: -0.00022000
jurov: that's all? there is no micropayment needed or such?
RagnarDanneskjol: someones will fund the seed address in advance
RagnarDanneskjol: or autofountain was discussed
xanthyos: about to get my first medical checkup since 1999. wonder what they'll find
jurov: thx
jurov: RagnarDanneskjol: i suggest immediate publishing of deeds as paid service
jurov: will fund itself then
jurov: sry if that was already discussed
RagnarDanneskjol: the cost of deed is a fe cents, so believe the idea was to have someone throw a bitcoin in there and have enough to cover all deeds for a year
RagnarDanneskjol: as for immediate publishing - I am all in favor of immediacy. believe the idea was bundling multiple deeds over an hour into a single tx was more efficient, etc
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30605 @ 0.00074537 = 22.812 BTC [-] {2}
deedBot: deed 677ABD62D0AEE7D7 jurov with 1 signature valid in next bundle
jurov: .dump
deedBot: time=1412185291 LAST_BUNDLE_TIME=1412184089 elapsed=1202
deedBot: DEEDBOT_CHAN=#bitcoin-assets ERROR_CHAN=MolokoDesk INTERVAL=3600 (1 deeds 1371 bytes in next bundle)
RagnarDanneskjol: jurov, do you mind throwing a few bitcents in there.. it only has enough for a couple of deeds left
RagnarDanneskjol: 1NTSD9jVvumurTotaW7Crqe5DfRxBrJzqu
jurov: ;;ident RagnarDanneskjol
gribble: Nick 'RagnarDanneskjol', with hostmask 'RagnarDanneskjol!~ragnardan@75-23-231-33.lightspeed.lgngca.sbcglobal.net', is identified as user 'RagnarDanneskjol', with GPG key id 35D2E1A0457E6498, key fingerprint B4AF6458D7D8A2846F91807935D2E1A0457E6498, and bitcoin address 14ixghmHMcB4szGL3ue5WJ1qnjnWnQXiP6
jurov: okay
RagnarDanneskjol: i do not control the wallet
RagnarDanneskjol: MolokoDesk does
thickasthieves: what's the deal with usg only making current-year tax form PDFs available as "drafts"
thickasthieves: seems like they just want you to order printed versions
jurov: i guess you did not gave me forged address
deedBot: deedBot BTC available balance: 0.00220000 in wallet 1NTSD9jVvumurTotaW7Crqe5DfRxBrJzqu
deedBot: deedBot unconfirmed sent: -0.00022000
RagnarDanneskjol: oh -i miscounted a decimal spot - guess ther's enough for 20 deeds left
jurov: add that info to balance?
RagnarDanneskjol: good idea
RagnarDanneskjol: will push request onto git
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1514 @ 0.00074989 = 1.1353 BTC [+]
TomServo: !up deedBot
TomServo: !up deedBot
jurov: wanted to check if my trezor still works, so sent half a bitcent to deedbot
jurov: what i found out:
jurov: 1. mytrezor.com stopped working under linux (worked before in ff/konq)
jurov: 2. if you create tx, enter a PIN then cancel the transaction
jurov: then next transaction won't require pin
asciilifeform: 'For the love of God, Montrezor!'
asciilifeform: !s Montrezor
jurov: .dump
deedBot: time=1412187098 LAST_BUNDLE_TIME=1412184089 elapsed=3009
deedBot: DEEDBOT_CHAN=#bitcoin-assets ERROR_CHAN=MolokoDesk INTERVAL=3600 (1 deeds 1371 bytes in next bundle)
RagnarDanneskjol: !up RagnarsBitch
DoctorBTC: Can anyone point me to somewhere that has examples of decentralized systems winning over centralized systems? I'm having trouble explaining something to someone...
DoctorBTC: (and you guys in b-a are like the smartest people in the universe...)
jaycutler6969: DoctorBTC are you fred ehrsam ?
assbot: What is a compelling stat comparing growth in an environment of permission less innovation vs a similar one with friction?
DoctorBTC: jaycutler6969: you mean the coinbase guy? no
jaycutler6969: just similar question
DoctorBTC: you're right... just coincidence
Dimsler: coin incidence
DoctorBTC taps a rimshot...
punkman: DoctorBTC: Can anyone point me to somewhere that has examples of decentralized systems winning over centralized systems? I'm having trouble explaining something to someone... <- what kind of systems
jaycutler6969: DoctorBTC not sure this works for you, megaupload was some % point(s) of the total internet traffic at its peak
Dimsler: DoctorBTC, bittorrent
jurov: i actually think sweet spot is somewhere in the middle between decentralization and centralization
Dimsler: actually online piracy
Dimsler: would be the best example
Dimsler: then you can just cite %90 of all economies trading in gold shekels before the 1800s
DoctorBTC: punkman: i was thinking about historically... perhaps things in nature, civilization, businesses.
Dimsler: nature is always decentralized
Dimsler: you know what, your question blows
DoctorBTC: i know :P
DoctorBTC: I'm trying to get better at expressing some of these ideas and was hoping I could find some resource that could help me along.
thickasthieves: punkman, cities/countries make good examples
thickasthieves: small country does not
thickasthieves: also i see decentralization as a phenomenon or design choice for a system
thickasthieves: not better or worse in and of itself
thickasthieves: oh wait it was doctorbtc that asked
thickasthieves: <+Dimsler> nature is always decentralized /// depends what you mean by nature
thickasthieves: centralization is order
thickasthieves: order can naturally occur and does
Dimsler: man made order is chaos
Dimsler: just like centralization
thickasthieves: if youre trying to be cute, sure
thickasthieves: manmade order is intervention
Dimsler: you're argueing semantics at best.
thickasthieves: op asked for examples/definition
thickasthieves: i am trying
thickasthieves: youre the one that said manmade is chaos
Dimsler: it is
thickasthieves: and other than to use the abstract concept of man's iatrogenic effect as a juxtaposition, that's just false
thickasthieves: to create is to make order
Dimsler: how do you articulate that
Dimsler: since it interjects in natural order
Dimsler: which is the undeniable foundation of life
thickasthieves: youre out there man
thickasthieves: not sure if i can reel you in
Dimsler: lol
thickasthieves: chaos doesnt mean "bad"
Dimsler: nobody said it did
thickasthieves: you just did
thickasthieves: saying it disrupts natural, which is "undeniable foundation of life
Dimsler: man post me the line where i say in any negative connotation that chaos is bad
Dimsler: sure, but using penecillin to interject as a form of medicine is also a disruption
thickasthieves: you are talking about effects
Dimsler: interjection in natural order
thickasthieves: whether something is chaos or not is not tied to its effects
Dimsler: thats right
thickasthieves: chaos can cause order too
Dimsler: again back to semantics
Dimsler: lol
thickasthieves: lol this guy
thickasthieves: what does this mean? no that's semantics!
punkman: ;;wp entropy
gribble: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy | In thermodynamics, entropy (usual symbol S) is a measure of the number of specific ways in which a thermodynamic system may be arranged, commonly ...
thickasthieves: ;;wd semantic
gribble: Error: "wd" is not a valid command.
thickasthieves: ''wp semantic
thickasthieves: ;;wp semantic
gribble: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantics | Semantics (from Ancient Greek: σημαντικός sēmantikós, "significant") is the study of meaning. It focuses on the relation between signifiers, like words, phrases, ...
Dimsler: ;;wd semantics
gribble: Error: "wd" is not a valid command.
thickasthieves: cant explore meaning without being semantic
Dimsler: the meaning was already expressed
thickasthieves: and i disagreed with it
Dimsler: no you didn't, you went and agreed with it
thickasthieves: troll time is over
Dimsler: i thought it was pb and j time?
thickasthieves: maybe it's decentralization is a defensive quality, centralization is an aggressive/offensive one
punkman: anyone use this thing http://grsecurity.net/ ?
assbot: grsecurity
mircea_popescu: RagnarDanneskjol: someones will fund the seed address in advance << im putting a cent in there.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33326 @ 0.00074375 = 24.7862 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: jurov: sry if that was already discussed << it was, yea.
mircea_popescu: jurov: then next transaction won't require pin << lmao such security.
mircea_popescu: DoctorBTC: Can anyone point me to somewhere that has examples of decentralized systems winning over centralized systems? I'm having trouble explaining something to someone... << have them ask here.
mircea_popescu: i hope you appreciate the meta-win involved.
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 384.31, Best ask: 385.43, Bid-ask spread: 1.12000, Last trade: 385.44, 24 hour volume: 15008.52128967, 24 hour low: 377.01, 24 hour high: 397.75, 24 hour vwap: 386.228051414
pete_dushenski: ^little bit of kant for your wednesday afternoon :D
danielpbarron slaps Dimsler around a bit with a decentralized trout
Dimsler: must worship mammon
mircea_popescu: can't we worship mammaries instead ?
Dimsler: only big ones
Dimsler: itty bitty titty committee need not apply
pete_dushenski: DoctorBTC: Can anyone point me to somewhere that has examples of decentralized systems winning over centralized systems? I'm having trouble explaining something to someone... << ya, torrents, blogs, non-soviet restaurants
mircea_popescu: "During this marriage he had an extended affair with his wife's younger sister Lady Alexandra Metcalfe, and with their stepmother, Grace Curzon, Marchioness Curzon of Kedleston, the U.S.-born second wife and widow of Lord Curzon of Kedleston."
mircea_popescu: dem brits.
mircea_popescu: .balance
mircea_popescu: !up deedBot
mircea_popescu: .balance
deedBot: deedBot BTC available balance: 0.00709000 in wallet 1NTSD9jVvumurTotaW7Crqe5DfRxBrJzqu
pete_dushenski: Dimsler: lulz
deedBot: Bundled:
nubbins`: by what method is the deed hashed to obtain the privkey / address?
nubbins`: or, put another way, how do i know transaction X represents arbitrary deed Y?
mircea_popescu: nubbins` well this point was still being worked upon. the spec calls for the hash to be used as the privkey for the destination of the tx.
mircea_popescu: punkman tho says this doesn't work and molokodesk hasn't been back to clarify.
mircea_popescu: might need some more work there.
nubbins`: yeah, that's the only piece i'm missing
nubbins`: ah, found it
assbot: dpaste: 2ZSJKRG
nubbins`: at first glance, this function seems to be a bit wanky
mircea_popescu: this needs a rewrite
mircea_popescu: if anyone's looking for how to go key->address, https://github.com/weex/addrgen is probably a good example implementation
assbot: weex/addrgen GitHub
nubbins`: ah, i was looking for a bare-bones implementation of this the other day
punkman: you just need an ecdsa library and base58
hanbot: kinda cool to have an implementation made to be broken.
hanbot: who knows what may get discovered
nubbins`: a nice companion tool on the deeds website would be a small form w/ textbox and button where one can generate pub/priv keys by the same method
hanbot: website genberated private key?
nubbins`: only if you have no idea how to properly give your web server access to sensitive data ;/
nubbins`: as it is right now, i register a deed, some bot sends a few satoshis to an address, and i just sort of hope that this isn't just a random tx
nubbins`: because there's no easy way for me to verify that the priv/pub keys were, in fact, generated from the text of the deed
hanbot: oh you mean you don't want to actually do the work of verifying and would rather rely on the website's claim?
nubbins` groans
nubbins`: yeah. that's what i mean.
hanbot: :)
nubbins`: if i'm doing the work of verifying, i might as well just publish my own fucking deed, no?
hanbot: for your own use you mean?
nubbins`: let's back up a few steps.
nubbins`: what, in your mind, is the utility of deedbot?
mike_c: the utility is to be able to verify you said something specific in the past.
hanbot: that nubbins puts a deed there and someone else verifies the hashing (through, i understand, spending the input).
hanbot: mircea_popescu, i guess the trick you're not sharing here is that you'll be adding mining to this later on, huh?
nubbins`: okay. so why don't i just plug the text of my deed into brainwallet.org, and send the money there?
hanbot: a random digit or two or three.
nubbins`: why am i getting a bot to do it for me?
dignork: why not just verifying btc address equality to deed's hash?
hanbot: nubbins`, why do you use gribble for that matter, you could just sneakernet to nanotube
nubbins`: because gribble is convenient.
hanbot: right.
nubbins`: just like deedbot would be convenient, if i could use it to verify that the right address has been generated.
hanbot: also because it's what happens to be used.
hanbot: but it could lie to you.
nubbins`: it sure could!
mike_c: brainwallet method: you could prep 10 slightly different statements and pull out the most convenient one.
mike_c: not so with deed registry
nubbins`: that's why we all keep our own files, and we don't use ;;gettrust or ;;ident, right?
nubbins`: mike_c: what?
hanbot: mike_c, that's a good point!
mike_c: i want to prove that in july i said X, but with your method I may have prepped a few brainwallet messages and now be showing you one of them.
nubbins`: how is this different from just registering a few different deeds?
mike_c: i would be able to look at registry and see you prepped a few messages.
punkman: you can diy
punkman: same thing
nubbins`: and i'd be able to look at the blockchain and see you prepped a few messages
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12700 @ 0.00074568 = 9.4701 BTC [+]
nubbins`: luckily, when we shook hands, we both new which btc address was the one we were using
nubbins`: so it doesn't matter how many extra statements the other party created.
nubbins`: *knew
mircea_popescu: nubbins` i dun get it. what's inconvenient ?
nubbins`: mircea_popescu it's inconvenient for me to verify that deedbot has registered my actual deed, instead of, say, $rand
mircea_popescu: hanbot holy shit how did you figure that one out ?
mircea_popescu: nubbins` why ?
nubbins`: because i don't have any tools with which to verify it
mircea_popescu: copy/paste the code on its github in your fav ide and run it.
punkman: because I didn't write the verifier script yet
nubbins`: yeah yeah
nubbins`: my fave IDE is the deedbot website tho
mircea_popescu: nubbins` your idea is broken because if the site will hash $rand it could as well print the "verification" for it.
nubbins`: it could indeed, yep
mircea_popescu: this is why you don't get your certificate from the same party you get the goods.
mircea_popescu: so there's no way to eschew a little work here.
hanbot: mircea_popescu ;)
BingoBoingo: Oh I thought Deedbot was using bundle hashes as pub keys and letting privates remain a mystery
nubbins`: BingoBoingo that'd be quite the trick
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo no. private keys. so that lazy people can at least see the input was spent
punkman: BingoBoingo: that's what it does now
mircea_popescu: and figure hey, *SOMEONE* musta verified this
mircea_popescu: punkman you wanna fix this btw ?
mircea_popescu: !up sensorii
assbot: Argentina deposits debt payment, defying US judge - Yahoo Finance
punkman: mircea_popescu: not rly, maybe I'd be up for rewriting it into a supybot plugin
mircea_popescu: punkman that may be an idea, actually.
mircea_popescu: !up CheckDavid
CheckDavid: Thanks mircea_popescu
CheckDavid: Any businesses looking to hire or professionals looking for a job in the bitcoin community around here?
mircea_popescu: kinda too vague.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9436 @ 0.00074568 = 7.0362 BTC [+]
bounce: you got anything specific in mind, other than starting your own brand new shiny recruitment agency?
CheckDavid: mircea_popescu: is it bad to be vague?
CheckDavid: Its kind of the point.
mircea_popescu: noun atribute verb complement in response to your inquiry.
CheckDavid: You lost me there
mircea_popescu: exactly.
punkman: also "bitcoin community" carries certain negative connotations around here
CheckDavid: Lol bounce what else would I have in mind?
CheckDavid: punkman: oh really? Is the btc community so big that it is already seen as a bunch of maniacs looks for a quick profit or something?
mircea_popescu: nah, "bitcoin community" is where the disco crowd moved, now that travolta's had his sex change operation.
mircea_popescu: ;;google disco boy
gribble: Shantel DISKO BOY - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=be7O4m9rOZE>; Frank Zappa - Disco Boy - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLTOc2TVAs8>; Shantel Disco boy (LYRICS) - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQx3_EBYbcs>
bounce does not particularly like recruiters.
mircea_popescu: bounce bad history ?
BingoBoingo: CheckDavid: Know any university libraries hiring a BTC librarian?
jurov: !s stone soup
jurov: ^ not his first time
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo maybe i'm way off the mark here, but if you ran a university wouldn't you hire your own cocksucker as a librarian ?
CheckDavid: BingoBoingo: just for reference. What do you understand by the term BTC librarian?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Nah, you hire the cocksuckers as Deans
mircea_popescu: Deanna the Cocksucking Dean and the Mysterious Alien Fanged Pie
mircea_popescu: i'd watch that.
BingoBoingo: CheckDavid: University wants a librarian working in the reference Department specializing in Bitcoin information resources. Someone will be hiring for that by 2024.
CheckDavid: BingoBoingo: if CoinHR is still around by 2023 we will do our best to get you a position
BingoBoingo: CheckDavid: Thanks
BingoBoingo: I plan to be around that long.
BingoBoingo: Even though my hitpoints are finite
CheckDavid: Actually that's a cool job.
CheckDavid: Not much stress in a library
BingoBoingo: Oh, there can be
CheckDavid: Yes there csn
BingoBoingo: Last couple weeks at the end of the semester when people need to write all of those paper they put on the backburner.
CheckDavid: By the way. In the meantime would you like to be considered for other possibly similar positions?
BingoBoingo: At some point their paper requires information that isn't readily googleavle
BingoBoingo: CheckDavid: At the moment I'm working on getting as extended as I can.
CheckDavid: Extended?
bounce: HR in general is fantastibad at handling candidates. recruiters amazingly aren't better, though it's what they do all day.
BingoBoingo: CheckDavid: You know, my time could be pushed to the max if something discussed here goes through.
CheckDavid: Oh I see
BingoBoingo: Some sort of Australasian Journalism Startup with rabbits.
CheckDavid: Aren't rabbits a plague in Australia?
mircea_popescu: bounce all my experiences with hr are under the sheets.
CheckDavid: Not sure about Asia
mircea_popescu: pretty hot chicks.
mircea_popescu: i guess i missed a resource pun in there huh
BingoBoingo: CheckDavid: Well sure. Doesn't mean they aren't delicious though. What better way to fight an endangered species than with cornbread stuffing and a pad of butter?
BingoBoingo: So personal blog just got a referral from Bing for the term "dystopian bingo"
CheckDavid: Man no idea. I think that's illegal.
bounce: yes, well, not quite the same as being on the phone to some guy, getting fobbed off because you called them and they didn't call you. (literally, yes)
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo put it in librarian cv!
mircea_popescu: bounce why would you call them anyway.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: It goes in the evil Librarian CV
bounce: or sending a message inquiring about a specific job to a "hi! we're new and exciting!" bunch, never getting an answer but ending up thorougly on their spamlist with their wonderful! new! exciting! candidate matching system. they kept on spamming business intelligence jobs because in the "profile" they'd cooked up for me without permission was "DEBIAN" somewhere. that's how good they were.
mircea_popescu: SAMSUNG GT-S7500/S7500BUMB1 Build/GINGERBREAD << motherfucker samsung and its capslock
mircea_popescu: bounce well yes but this speaks more to the "seo expert/web2.0 designer/bitcoin communitard/social expert" crowd of white nigerian kids floating around aimlessly
mircea_popescu: than to hr per se.
mircea_popescu: if tomorrow it becomes fashionable for them to pretend like they're car salesmen, that won't be the #1 reason car salesmen suck
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29900 @ 0.00074638 = 22.3168 BTC [+]
bounce: if there's any recruiter in the IT space doing better than that, I haven't seen'em.
mircea_popescu: course that's easier in theory than in practice. i know i'm making real efforts to not start hating gays just because these fucktards imagine they can claim it in their doomed but vapid quest for appearing speshul.
mircea_popescu: bounce that may be a numbers game. in a workin economy there's call for maybe 1 worker in 1k ? 10k ? doing hr. in the us like 1/5 of the work force is employed doing that. prima facie your odds are 99.x% of dealing with an impostor.
bounce: dunno if the scores I contacted, tried to anyway, were all impostors. all in europe, though. all over europe.
mircea_popescu: what were you trying to get anyway ?
bounce: something ITish. programming, sysadmin, netadmin, you name it. as long as it involves a unix and not windows. (Oh yes, the "not enough unix on the CV" girl, when half a dozen flavours listed. sheesh.)
bounce: anyway, I stopped talking to recruiters a long time ago. just not worth the hassle.
dub: theres likely to a be a problem right there
mircea_popescu: bounce hm, it really shouldn't be that hard.
dub: Hi im bounce, I'd liek to be a programmer, or a bullfighter, or an ASTRONAUT!
bounce: could be the problem is that these are "social" people, and think nothing of a "white lie"... that IT people tend to see, in their mind's eye, flagged in neon red and yellow, marked "untruth!"
mircea_popescu: does linux even have half a dozen flavours ?
dub: i wouldnt get back to you either
mircea_popescu: deb, rhel and gentoo. what else ?
mircea_popescu: dub lion tamer ?
bounce: linux has scores of flavours, but I think I maybe listed two
mircea_popescu: a nm, you said unix.
dub: Cause like, im a gamer, so I know computers
mircea_popescu: speaking of recruiters and astronauts, did anything lulzy come out of those gentoo repackaging kids RagnarsBitch ?
bounce has much, much less trouble with people that do have some unixy background. such people don't end up lying through their teeth "nicing up" word documents all day.
dub: well guess waht, NOBODY vetting yoru CV has unix backbround, ever
BingoBoingo: !up deedBot
deedBot: deed 309BB8D7F3251143 not trusted.
mircea_popescu: !up CoJaBo
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Beginning Balances: ATC: 2042 - Pastebin.com
deedBot: deed 309BB8D7F3251143 not trusted.
deedBot: Found 1 bogus deed in http://pastebin.com/bhTvgWiR
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Beginning Balances: ATC: 2042 - Pastebin.com
dub: the trick is tailoring your approach for the asshole you are applying to
mircea_popescu: that sad day when your server log for a month is 3.9mn lines ;/
mircea_popescu: that even sadder day when you think to yourself what the shit, 4mn lines shouldn't take that long only to notice that the digits were so numerous you actually missed one
bounce: !up pentestr
pentestr: thanks bounce
deedBot: deed 309BB8D7F3251143 not trusted.
deedBot: Found 1 bogus deed in http://pastebin.com/9tkEJ3RW
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Beginning Balances: ATC: 2042 - Pastebin.com
pentestr: I found some critical vulnerabilities on BitBet.us, they said we can discuss with the staff on this channel?
Dimsler: yes
Dimsler: only if you answer the secret question correctly
pentestr: Dimsler: and that is?
Dimsler: sabrina salerno or samantha fox?
pentestr: im being serious at the moment
pentestr: AND SOMEBODY KICK this sam0 guy. or better, ban him.
Dimsler: mircea_popescu, you have a customer
mircea_popescu: yea srsly.
mircea_popescu: pentestr go ahead.
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell samO fix your connection will you.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
pentestr: mircea_popescu: your webserver can be compromised and transactions can be intercepted
Dimsler: through which exploit?
pentestr: buffer overflow through a dangling pointer as well as possible sqli
Dimsler: ehhhhh
pentestr: but i don't think that this would be the right place to discuss?
mircea_popescu: pentestr well, can you demonstrate this ?
pentestr: to hack into your website?
pentestr: sure
Dimsler: i think you'd have a tough time doing stack overflows on apache
Dimsler: curious my self
mircea_popescu: pentestr put your nick in there or something.
pentestr: setup a html file on your server that i can access through http://www.bitbet.us/pentestr.html saying that i have permission to hack your server/website
assbot: Not Found
gribble: Nick 'mircea_popescu', with hostmask 'mircea_popescu!~Mircea@pdpc/supporter/silver/mircea-popescu', is identified as user 'mircea_popescu', with GPG key id 8A736F0E2FB7B452, key fingerprint 6160E1CAC8A3C52966FD76998A736F0E2FB7B452, and bitcoin address None
pentestr: i dont want you pressing charges later on
mircea_popescu: that should be good enough.
Dimsler: pentestr, hes the owner
pentestr: not really
Dimsler: and this channel is pretty secure
pentestr: its not
mircea_popescu: well unless kako shows up this'll have to wait then.
pentestr: your call
pentestr: im online for another hour or so
thickasthieves: someone was giving out bitcoin jobs and i missed it?
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves just your luck.
Dimsler: thickasthieves, yes but they pay in litecoins
bounce: how about a PoC in gpg email to kako then?
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Beginning Balances: ATC: 2042 - Pastebin.com
deedBot: deed 309BB8D7F3251143 not trusted.
deedBot: Found 1 bogus deed in http://pastebin.com/4jHz0QHu
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Beginning Balances: ATC: 2042 - Pastebin.com
Dimsler: i wonder if it'll overflow enough for an sqli injection
mircea_popescu: yeah, what bounce said. or in a pastebin, you can gpg it to my key.
mircea_popescu: pentestr ^
pentestr: bounce: nah, that'll just give you the vuln to fix.. i'll just hack it, he gave me perms after all.
bounce: heaven forbid the problem gets fixed
mircea_popescu: bounce maybe the guy's new here.
thickasthieves: shouldnt the hack be to mess with the logo? wasnt that the old bounty?
thickasthieves: make it say Got Doge?
pentestr: whats the bounty amount?
Dimsler: dogestyle
bounce: IP from india, language typical for a <20y/o 1337 PHPer... sure.
thickasthieves: it may have been a bet
mircea_popescu: shit there was a logo bounty ages ago wasn't there.
Dimsler: yeah cause everyone uses there real country / ip in here
Dimsler: lol
mircea_popescu: got a link thickasthieves ?
pentestr: bounce: socks 5
assbot: BitBet - BitBet haxxed in 2013 :: 10.5 B (98%) on Yes, 0.2 B (2%) on No | closed 9 months 1 week ago
mircea_popescu: o that. myeah.
thickasthieves: dunno if you did a bounty on trilema
thickasthieves: doubt it
mircea_popescu: no lol. dumbass wordpress, i wouldn't bounty a wart on it
thickasthieves: i mean about butbet
mircea_popescu: ;;google trilema hack bitbet bounty
gribble: The anatomy of a scam. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/2013/the-anatomy-of-a-scam/>; S.MG - The Ministry of Games. - Bitcoin Forum: <https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=224634.0;all>
mircea_popescu: apparently niet.
pentestr: bounce: you got the age right though
Dimsler: nio
Dimsler: its not possible
mircea_popescu: famous last words ?
Dimsler: won't be able to do the sqli injection
thickasthieves: pentestr shoulda made a bitbet then contacted you
Dimsler: LOL
thickasthieves: no one knows how to entrepreneur these days
thickasthieves: market is really taking this news hard http://www.btcalpha.com/mpex/stocks/s-bbet/
assbot: S.BBET Analysis - Btc Alpha
pentestr: Sorry, went to take a dump
pentestr: Dimsler: oh really? and why do you think so?
Dimsler: worst case will happen is you'll just crash the server
pentestr: thats a dos
pentestr: not interesting enough to execute
pentestr: and noisy + risky
thickasthieves: no need to debate, you already said you cna prove it
mircea_popescu: well maybe he wants to debate! isn't this the internet ?
thickasthieves: i'm just debating here, lay off!
Dimsler: debasing
mircea_popescu: no, you're not debating, im debating.
thickasthieves: semantics
Dimsler: deluminate
mircea_popescu: look, this isn't an argument.
Dimsler: thickasthieves, mmm chaos
mircea_popescu: if you want to argue you'll have to do it in your spare time!
thickasthieves: we'll have to agree to disagree on this one
Dimsler: thickasthieves, you know the best example of chaos right?
mircea_popescu: im disagreeing to not agree.
pentestr: you people are weird
pentestr: just wait for the hack
Dimsler: pilate asked the jews to pick either barabaos "logos" or jesus "order"
pentestr: i'll email you a poc in around 40mins
Dimsler: they choose logos
pentestr: trying to get some shell-code right..
Dimsler: chaos
mircea_popescu: ;;google waiting for the night to fall when everything is hack-abol
gribble: the book of honor -- the two mikes - American Buddha: <http://www.american-buddha.com/bookhonor.7.htm>; Full text of "Leo M. Frank. The Dead Shall Rise by Steve Oney": <https://archive.org/stream/LeoM.Frank.TheDeadShallRiseBySteveOney/DeadShallRise_djvu.txt>; Where's Walden? » 2008 » June: <http://whereswalden.com/2008/06/>
Dimsler: made a billion member religion off of it
mircea_popescu: bah shit googsy.
assbot: depeche mode - waiting for the night (1990) - YouTube
thickasthieves: dimsler that is simply the best example of chaos ive ever heard
assbot: Logos - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
thickasthieves: they prbly thought he meant brand logos
thickasthieves: everyone loves those
Dimsler: maybe legos
Dimsler: er logos and chaos
Dimsler: lol
Dimsler: barabus was chaos
thickasthieves: would you like to know a great example of order?
Dimsler: logos was order
thickasthieves: some guys got together and made a billion member religion
mats_cd03: would anyone like to wager on the likelihood this exploit is going to materialize
Dimsler: for or against?
thickasthieves: pentestr would
pentestr: mircea_popescu: give me your email address and pgp public key block?
mats_cd03: for, im dubious
pentestr: mats_cd03: wager nay and loose your money punk
mats_cd03: i think this makes it interesting
pentestr: it sure does
pentestr: and is that guy - mircea_popescu - offline or something?
thickasthieves: probly just writing a treatise on something
thickasthieves: he'll be back
punkman: what's critical anyway
punkman: if you can't steal coins, not sure it's so important
pentestr: need to run multiple proxies because your stupid server has a dumbass firewall that thinks that blocking ip's with repeated requests will prevent a hack
pentestr: and that means i can't be connected to chat
pentestr: punkman: i can you dumbass.. thats what i said, didn't i?
pentestr: [03:27] <+pentestr> mircea_popescu: your webserver can be compromised and transactions can be intercepted
thickasthieves: if he can make web pages he can intercept coins at the very least
pentestr: thickasthieves: dont need to make web pages.. just need to edit the ones you have and put in my own wallet addresses to receive the bet amounts.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23982 @ 0.00074747 = 17.9258 BTC [+] {2}
Dimsler: !up pentestr
mats_cd03: thats what hes talking about
thickasthieves: pentestr pretty much what i meant
mircea_popescu: aww dude, why so aggro anyway ?
pentestr: weed
thickasthieves: you try being 19 and hacking bitbet all day
mircea_popescu: just pastebin to my key.
pentestr: thickasthieves: great joke bruh.
Dimsler: yeah i know
pentestr: mircea_popescu: hit me
bounce: haxx all day and no kudos make pentestr a dull boy
pentestr: where do all of you minions come from?
pentestr: i get your kinda rich and shit
pentestr: but why be gay?
Dimsler: well they hover around
Dimsler: hoping to get rich quick by association
thickasthieves: i like this guy
mats_cd03: im here for the cake and tea
Dimsler: i'm here for the banter
mircea_popescu: pentestr they're all this one chick with big boobs in reality.
pentestr: mircea_popescu: can you like, reply quick with a pastie with your pgp key and email?
gribble: Nick 'mircea_popescu', with hostmask 'mircea_popescu!~Mircea@pdpc/supporter/silver/mircea-popescu', is identified as user 'mircea_popescu', with GPG key id 8A736F0E2FB7B452, key fingerprint 6160E1CAC8A3C52966FD76998A736F0E2FB7B452, and bitcoin address None
pentestr: mircea_popescu: LOL
Dimsler: pentestr, listen quit with the verifying of anything
thickasthieves: i'm here to justify my own existence
mircea_popescu: i guess you're new huh. anyway!
Dimsler: nobody is pressing charges for any type of silly hacking
assbot: Rating Details for User 'mircea_popescu'
pentestr: mircea_popescu: dude.. GPG and PGP aren't the same fucking thing
Dimsler: get to overflowing the stack by finding a nullified pointer
Dimsler: i'd like to see it happen
pentestr: PGP is an encryption format to send you an email?
pentestr: you know..
mircea_popescu: i know, right ?
pentestr: with the PoC?
pentestr: Dimsler: lol, you're so cute
Dimsler: i know
Dimsler: my mom tells me all the time
pentestr: rambling on with 0 knowledge of web-app security
pentestr: im sure she does
mircea_popescu: hm i think that may be a hot button for him.
thickasthieves: pentestr have you found vulns any other btc sites?
Dimsler: can you give us some money from circle
Dimsler: because that place is bunk
pentestr: mircea_popescu: email + pgp key blog.. i can't be on here forever.. or Dimsler will make another stupid comment..
pentestr: block*
pentestr: Dimsler: sure.. !tip Dimsler 5000000000 BTC
thickasthieves: i like Circle, just cuz they water down Coinbase
pentestr: happy Dimsler ?
mircea_popescu: you srsly have to read better if you want to be a pentester.
thickasthieves: pentestr do you blog about your adventures or anything?
pentestr: thickasthieves: yes i do, but you can't dox me
mats_cd03: rofl
pentestr: mircea_popescu: do you understand what im asking you?
thickasthieves: i dont wanna dox you
mircea_popescu: pentestr yeah.
pentestr: mircea_popescu: whats your email address?
thickasthieves: just interested in the subject and this chan likes to collect blogs
Dimsler: pgp email blows
pentestr: and then, your PGP key.. the whole block.. because that link doesn't have shit.
Dimsler: you don't need his email address
mats_cd03: whys the communication channel matter if you have his public key
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves i tell you kids today have it really rough. recall how traumatised that julia chick was when she first showed up ? it's like they grow up in a king of the flies scenario.
mircea_popescu: no respite.
mircea_popescu: pentestr srsly, follow the link, it's all in there.
mircea_popescu: and you'll learn some stuff in the process.
mircea_popescu: mats_cd03 he doesn't know he has it yet.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12244 @ 0.00074592 = 9.133 BTC [-] {2}
mats_cd03: b-but email
Dimsler: pentestr, nobody is going to sit there pgp emailing you
Dimsler: theres far better forms of encrypted communication
mircea_popescu: i might, if he has somthing legit.
mircea_popescu: which, incidentally, would be pretty hysterical. i'll never let kako live it down :D
thickasthieves: aww i feel bad already
pentestr: Dimsler: oh really dipshit? which?
Dimsler: pentestr, sign with wallet
pentestr: mircea_popescu: i wanted dipshit to answer.. he seems to be a know-it-all
BingoBoingo: !up deedBot
mircea_popescu: Dimsler srsly let the guy be lol. why all the trolage.
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Beginning Balances: ATC: 2042 - Pastebin.com
deedBot: deed 309BB8D7F3251143 not trusted.
deedBot: Found 1 bogus deed in http://pastebin.com/ds1nsMha
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Beginning Balances: ATC: 2042 - Pastebin.com
pentestr: he knows webapp security.. now he knows crypto
Dimsler: mircea_popescu, fine
thickasthieves: pentestr, careful dimsler is part troll
mircea_popescu: pentestr this is not uncommon with bitcoin people.
Dimsler: part assassin
mircea_popescu: and part assyrian prostitute.
Dimsler: wooo i love green eyes and black hair
Dimsler: something just so fucking sexy about those
pentestr: mircea_popescu: it honestly is.. most bitcoin people aren't entrepreneurs.. they dont have this knowledge
punkman: BingoBoingo: what's with your bogus deeds
pentestr: mircea_popescu: got the pgp block. you want me to send you a message here?
BingoBoingo: punkman: Not sure, maybe deedBot doesn't trust me
mircea_popescu: use pastebin sure.
pentestr: i mean, there are many.. i picked one
mircea_popescu: pick the first lol.
mircea_popescu: the "many" are other people signing my sig.
pentestr: brb in around 30-40mins.
bounce: assbot should probably stop fetching deedbot urls
mircea_popescu: yeah and added in default voice list
mircea_popescu: and the website moved over to deeds.ba and the key process fixed. there's a list.
cazalla: thickasthieves: call it The Biz /// cazalla i have a logo from a local mktg mag i did a few years ago, you're welcome to it http://imgur.com/Q08iW5w <<< thanks but going with name BingoBoingo ripped off from pete
assbot: imgur: the simple image sharer
BingoBoingo: Qntra is going to be the name?
bounce: the.biz: squatted since 2002
cazalla: BingoBoingo, what do you mean ? already regged domain last night!
cazalla: i guess if we need to pivot to another domain, we can spend the day doing so
BingoBoingo: cazalla: I know.Just getting the name out there
Dimsler: lawdy lawdy
cazalla: so i'm going to proceed with the news site idea, i'll run it, gather some authors etc, BingoBoingo is the jessie pinkman to my walter white in this endeavour
Dimsler: are you going to poison his kid?
BingoBoingo: Dimsler: Not my kid, the sidepiece's kid.
cazalla: i might have to, BingoBoingo took offense to my calling him the clarice to my hannibal
Dimsler: LOL
thickasthieves: whats the name again?
Dimsler: merica
thickasthieves: shush you
cazalla: thickasthieves, qntra.net
cazalla: i have some things to do this morning before i set it up though
cazalla: CheckDavid: Aren't rabbits a plague in Australia? <<< they were but then they were not but now they're becoming a problem again due to calicivirus resistance
thickasthieves: cool cool
kakobrekla: so, bitbet hacked yet?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8800 @ 0.00074354 = 6.5432 BTC [-]
kakobrekla: <pentestr> setup a html file on your server that i can access through http://www.bitbet.us/pentestr.html saying that i have permission to hack your server/website < cant he put that file there himself?
assbot: Not Found
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla guess not jet.
assbot: 'tor segmentation fault on amd64 current' - MARC
Dimsler: must haxor bitbet
mircea_popescu is too lazy to set up a b1tbet.us with a "got doge???" title just to jolt kako
Dimsler: mircea_popescu, what did he really want? money?
assbot: 'Re: tor segmentation fault on amd64 current' - MARC
Dimsler: that kid
mircea_popescu: no idea. he was gonna be back with a poc.
mircea_popescu: or with something. dunno.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22796 @ 0.00074354 = 16.9497 BTC [-]
midnightmagic: That bug has already been fixed, apparently.
midnightmagic: (the tor problem)
BingoBoingo: !up flibbr-dev
danielpbarron: flibbr-dev, are you the guy I had a google hangout chat with?
xanthyos: back from dr
xanthyos: he didn't force me to show him my penis
BingoBoingo: xanthyos: How do you know it doesn't have cancer then?
BingoBoingo: Or did you show it voluntarily
xanthyos: because of the tom green song
assbot: Tom Green - Movember (Feel Your Balls) - YouTube
xanthyos: hm, that was funnier 2 decades ago
BingoBoingo: Time is a thing
mircea_popescu: xanthyos i just watched superstar and road trip
mircea_popescu: shit the 90s were funny.
xanthyos: i try to watch 90s movies with a 2014 brain and it feels hollow
xanthyos: the zeitgeist from which i'm observing the art has changed
xanthyos: so the art appears different
xanthyos: nobody talks about bitcoin in road trip
xanthyos: treasure hunt movies will lose their edge when boxes of gold turn into private keys
BingoBoingo: xanthyos: No, they just get more Pulp Fiction type scenes
xanthyos: we never saw was was in marcellus wallace's briefcase
BingoBoingo: xanthyos: Probably a self aware VaxStation named Satoshi
BingoBoingo: Oh, the 1990's this flick had a 48 million dollar budget https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baby%27s_Day_Out
assbot: Baby's Day Out - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
RagnarDanneskjol: bounce - what's the prollem with recruiters? I always wonder about these devs who are too rich, famous/in demand to even find out how much more $ another company will pay them to be lazy
RagnarDanneskjol: mircea_popescu:speaking of recruiters and astronauts, did anything lulzy come out of those gentoo repackaging kids RagnarsBitch ?<< yea, they're an amusing crew..i've been lurking there a bit. lots of bizarre romanian memes and jokes that don't translate very well. i might have a contract gig lined up for their leader
mircea_popescu: a cool then
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo 48 million in 1990s dollars is like a trillion dollars in watsapp stock
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: That it is
BingoBoingo: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 383.58, Best ask: 384.58, Bid-ask spread: 1.00000, Last trade: 383.56, 24 hour volume: 12876.14388849, 24 hour low: 377.01, 24 hour high: 393.79, 24 hour vwap: 384.275750071
assbot: Starting a new FPGA mining farm/contract! Cognitive Resurrected on[Havelock]
assbot: Moving Sale! Everything Must Go! PSUs PCI-e Risers Security Cameras etc etc
BingoBoingo: So, Microshit has a new web authoring tool. This is one of their official samples... Admire the suck >> https://sway.com/red_panda
assbot: The Red Panda
BingoBoingo: Or just skip to the source view >> http://pastebin.com/XygAxShz
assbot: [HTML] Microshit Sway Tool Demo Example - Pastebin.com
assbot: Life’s lemons, a list of steps pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
assbot: ComputerCOP: the dubious Internet Safety Software given to US families | Ars Technica
RagnarDanneskjol: is penguirker a bot?
BingoBoingo: RagnarDanneskjol: It is indeed a bot, pankkake's
RagnarDanneskjol: thought so - seems to have a one-track mind
ben_vulpes: there's also oglafbot, that one's even more single-purpose.
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: But that bot runs on organic hardware
ben_vulpes: but what
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: And that bot missed a week when jurov posted Oglaf first
ben_vulpes: it's pretty smart
ben_vulpes: not obsessive, but context-sensitive.
BingoBoingo: Thank you ben_vulpes
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: What emacs tutorials would you recommend?
BingoBoingo: Grrhrhrhrhrhrhrhr
ben_vulpes: that's...
BingoBoingo: ;;ud manul
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ilonggo | trending. doxx · bae · hipster · fleek · thot · donkey punch · darude - sandstorm · trill · cunt · twoosh. categories. gaming · sports · food · sex · tv · film · celebrities ...
BingoBoingo: What the everloving fuck UD?
ben_vulpes wonders if there's an actual API behind gribble's UD integration or just screenscraping.
assbot: The Texas Ebola Patient Was Accidentally Sent Home From the Hospital
BingoBoingo: Top Comment: "They diagnosed him as having a viral infection and gave him antibiotics (which only work on bacteria). Jesus."
midnightmagic: usually that's to prevent secondary infection, they're fully aware that antibiotics don't work on viruses
BingoBoingo: midnightmagic: But when you are already suffering a viral infection... Unless that infection is GRIDS you are often never better prepared to slaughter bacterial hordes on your own.
cazalla: good luck ebola
BingoBoingo: Spz. I actually escape 'Murica for hardware b-a I now have to route around fucking Texas...
decimation: BingoBoingo: I recommend the built-in emacs tutorial
BingoBoingo: At this point though I may be doomed to carve out a Bitcoin Lordship in the Middle West seeing as I can't imagine Mexico or that Cartels wanting to keep the border open
BingoBoingo: decimation: I might give it a try.
decimation: what helped me was to edit everything in emacs for two weeks, with a reference card on the wall that described the shortcut
decimation: I recommend forcing yourself to use the C-p C-n C-f C-b 'joystick' instead of the arrow keys, it really pays dividends
midnightmagic: we don't really know the diagnosis. there may have been indications for antibacterials; a differential may have been puzzling, and it may have been a precaution: shotgunning it
BingoBoingo: decimation: Well I keep a lot of info on paper anyways. Need tinder to get the flames ready to recycle drives.
decimation: I recommend the fujitsu scansnap for a scanner, it is awesome
midnightmagic: anyway, yeah, without some good reason for it, and apparently since there are no new antibacterials being researched, over-prescribing that nonsense is bad for everyone. :(
BingoBoingo: <midnightmagic> we don't really know the diagnosis. there may have been indications for antibacterials; a differential may have been puzzling, and it may have been a precaution: shotgunning it << But a good number of broad spectrum antibiotics can actually hamper immune response. Methotrexate is a good example.
decimation: they can also encourage fungal infections
decimation: plus they ruin your digestive tract
BingoBoingo: decimation: Amphoterrible B is a thing. Pretty much the null set of fungi aren't responsive to it, but... Pretty damaging to mammal cells as well.
decimation: not to mention they are purified death-poison emitted from fugus to kill bacteria
assbot: Use of broad-spectrum antibiotics before age 2 associated with obesity risk -- ScienceDaily
BingoBoingo: Basically the way antibacterial drugs work is the good ones are bacteriostatic (prevent reproduction: Bactrim, tetracycline) as opposed to being bacteriacidal (Outright murder bacteria: Beta-Lactams)
BingoBoingo: !s Bactrim
decimation: it's probably better to man-up and ride out your nose/ear infection rather than beg for treatment
BingoBoingo: Big conversation from this spring when my scrotum was in jeopardy, because I needed to make a lifestyle change and insist on a higher quality of vag
midnightmagic: BingoBoingo: azithromycin attenuates the immune response in some cases.
midnightmagic: (like for some types of viral infection)
midnightmagic: It would be interesting to know what it was and what the doctor was thinking. It's possible there was a good reason, is all I'm saying. The straight "why ab for virus?!" doesn't seem like it was based on facts of the diagnosis.
assbot: Nurses vs doctors | West Hunter
BingoBoingo: midnightmagic: At a cost though. Azithromycin creates a lot of space for opportunistic infections becasue while fairly broad spectrum it is also very specific.
decimation: my understanding is that many doctors write for antibiotics to get patients out the door without fuss so they can move on
midnightmagic: they don't do that so much here anymore..
assbot: Genuine Slipped and Fell Rectal Foreign Body Victim Stuns Experts - Medical Satire - GomerBlog
decimation: http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2014/09/malcolm_gladwell_s_10_000_hour_rule_for_deliberate_practice_is_wrong_genes.html << "For example, the number of hours of deliberate practice to first reach “master” status (a very high level of skill) ranged from 728 hours to 16,120 hours. This means that one player needed 22 times more deliberate practice than another player to become a master."
assbot: Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 Hour Rule for deliberate practice is wrong: Genes for music, IQ, drawing ability, and other skills.
nubbins`: lel @ pentester
assbot: Logged on 01-10-2014 22:28:05; pentestr: mircea_popescu: dude.. GPG and PGP aren't the same fucking thing
nubbins`: "i asked for your pgp key, not your gpg key, dummy
nubbins`: my sides &c
decimation: http://www.newrepublic.com/article/119321/harvard-ivy-league-should-judge-students-standardized-tests << "But all of these hypotheses have been empirically refuted. We have already seen that test scores, as far up the upper tail as you can go, predict a vast range of intellectual, practical, and artistic accomplishments. "
assbot: Harvard, Ivy League Should Judge Students by Standardized Tests | New Republic
decimation: it's suddenly become okay to imply that people might be different mentally, and that free education can't fix it
nubbins`: why fix it
nubbins`: what does fix mean, even?
decimation: nubbins`: highly amusing. perhaps he thought GPG was something with which you encrypt non-email plaintext
nubbins`: i think he maybe even knew the acronyms but somehow thought the two were incompatible.
nubbins` shrugs
nubbins`: anyway, asshole
decimation: nubbins`: much of the egalitarian idiocy preached in communist/socialism 'merica depends on the idea that if people just try hard enough they can 'practice' to become anything
mircea_popescu: <midnightmagic> usually that's to prevent secondary infection, they're fully aware that antibiotics don't work on viruses << even so, antibiotics mostly work if not overprescribed in general, and in particualr they weaken liver function which is essential in viral infections
decimation: does whisky deplete the same metabolic pathways?
mircea_popescu: yes, actually.
mircea_popescu: the liver is not very well designed (or perhaps couldn't have been better deisgned), which is why it fails so frequently.
mircea_popescu: has these 3-4 major bottlenecks
decimation: so a nurse who gave someone whisky in 1800 to recover from the flu was probably far more likely to be helping than the doctor who wanted to bleed or whatever
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu> the liver is not very well designed (or perhaps couldn't have been better deisgned), which is why it fails so frequently. << But other than te portal vein it is Decentralized!!!
decimation: the liver cells could learn if they were given enough time to practice and good teachers.
mircea_popescu: perhaps. or there may just not be a better way to do it.
decimation: I heard a story the other day - a suburban mom commutes to inner-city Chicago to teach. She gets paid double what she would make in the suburbs - and at her school every kid gets an ipad for showing up for a set number of days per school year
TheNewDeal: I've heard that Etoh in small quantities can (not must) increase metabolism
mircea_popescu: <midnightmagic> It would be interesting to know what it was and what the doctor was thinking. << you know what it was and what he was thinking. it was his 28th hour in a straight shift and he was thinking "booop booop booop"
BingoBoingo: <decimation> does whisky deplete the same metabolic pathways? << Not the pathways so much as conjugants. Gluconiduration and second phase is a thing.
BingoBoingo: <TheNewDeal> I've heard that Etoh in small quantities can (not must) increase metabolism << This is actual epigentics in practice and one of the few examples.
mircea_popescu: <nubbins`> my sides &c << guy's new wadda ya want.
mircea_popescu: "predict a vast range of intellectual, practical, and artistic accomplishments. " <<< they don't predict jack.
mircea_popescu: if they did, i'd be making postdoc studies a requirement for my womenz.
decimation: there is no doubt a certain component of "IQ" that is measurable on tests
decimation: but that's not a whole measure of mental ability
BingoBoingo: TheNewDeal: Basically lines of liver cells can often produce more of certain enzyme pathways if they need them, but you are still stuck with your CYP 450 phenotype.
mircea_popescu: decimation "mental ability" is a very poor predictor of performance
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> if they did, i'd be making postdoc studies a requirement for my womenz. << But they'd all be older
mircea_popescu: i know plenty of people smarter than me, and plenty of people better than me, and the overlap is pretty much zero.
decimation: some of the people I know who scored very well on standardized tests made rather poor life choices
mircea_popescu: so what did it predict.
mircea_popescu: you remember, prediction is a term of art.
mircea_popescu: like when the third engine dies we can make a prediction about the plane's future. *that's* a prediction.
decimation: it predicted that they would succeed in bureaucratic schoolwork, which was mostly true
mircea_popescu: but also begging the question.
mircea_popescu: similarly the one engine plane is very successful at being a one engine plane.
decimation: yes, I admit that there is little relationship between being 'good at school/tests' and 'being good at life'
mircea_popescu: but politics and policy and pseudo-sciences are full of this "my theory allows me to accurately predict that i shall now be making an accurate prediction based on my theory"
kakobrekla: <mircea_popescu> i know plenty of people smarter than me, and plenty of people better than me, < you did not just say that
decimation: I guess if you wanted to hire a girl to be a mentat such tests would be useful
kakobrekla: none of them reads your blog? :)
assbot: Crazy RxMan: The Busy Geckos
mircea_popescu: actually some do, sure.
kakobrekla: but i thought you were the best god better than anyone!?!
mircea_popescu: who shilled that!
mircea_popescu: decimation not really, no.
assbot: Did An Old Woman Wander Into The Giants' Dugout Tonight?
BingoBoingo: Also yes, Pittsburg brought in the Seekrit service to protect a baseball game
decimation: BingoBoingo: apparently the director was 'fired'
decimation: this is a rarity in usg, where someone says "I am responsible" and they are fired
decimation: well, she resigned
BingoBoingo: decimation: You see this is how Feds avoid accountability. By making distinctions impossible, as in this example fired versus quit.
decimation: yeah, and in reality she wasn't responsible, the 5 derps 'guarding' outside utterly failed to respond appropriately, and the woman guarding the door was shoved aside
BingoBoingo: And lest we not forget the dude in the right place was checked out for the day when the East Room was breeched
TheNewDeal: BingoBoingo re busy-geckos. Why in the hell would he point that out to the woman?
BingoBoingo: TheNewDeal: "Do No Harm" unless the result is funny?
assbot: casascius coins
TheNewDeal: yes indeed
nubbins`: guy selling 150btc face value of sealed coins
BingoBoingo: Ebola is the greatest threat the cotton Industry has ever seen?
nubbins`: so, doesn't happen too often :)
BingoBoingo: (I mean in the sense North Africa and Texas are where cotton is grown nao)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23800 @ 0.00074414 = 17.7105 BTC [+]
Vexual: they pick cotton by hand?
BingoBoingo: Vexual: Well... Someone has to run the combines
Vexual: if anyone comes couging and spluttering in your direction, an airconditioned cab 12 feet up with a huge zombie mulching apparatus sounds like a good job
BingoBoingo: !up devthedev
thickasthieves: <+BingoBoingo> So, Microshit has a new web authoring tool. This is one of their official samples... Admire the suck // lol that is a horrible website
BingoBoingo: thickasthieves: How much js did it serve you off of those includes?
BingoBoingo: thickasthieves: It tried to serve me nearly 1 MB of JS for maybe 15Kb of content
xanthyos: http://www.donkdown.com/live-radio/ << danielpbarron IS DOING HIS THING!
assbot: DonkDown – Live Radio
thickasthieves: i barely got past the first click
thickasthieves: like i wanna walk thru their silly web slideshow shit
TheNewDeal: is this dpb on right now?
TheNewDeal: the pro commy?
TheNewDeal: whos this responding
xanthyos: BRYAN MICON
xanthyos: who does a weekly podcast, and is vehemently anti-wot
TheNewDeal: quantum phyics is fairy dust
TheNewDeal: this guy is facking ridiculous
xanthyos: i'm antitheist. i KNOW there's a god and i'm resentful of his domineering father figure-ness
TheNewDeal: This micon guy doesn't go full retard at least
BingoBoingo: TheNewDeal: No he accidentally intos it
dub: the drone program?
dub: fuck is this? just micon?
TheNewDeal: The loud guy is not micon
TheNewDeal: it's michael w dean, from what I understand
nubbins`: at the university here, the math faculty is actually under the department of religious studies
nubbins`: think about that for a bit
mircea_popescu: <BingoBoingo> thickasthieves: It tried to serve me nearly 1 MB of JS for maybe 15Kb of content << gotta keep the economee goin
Vexual: nubbins`: i can't
xanthyos: "neil degrasse tyson is an idiot" (michael dean)
nubbins`: Vexual that's because it was a dirty lie!
mircea_popescu: <xanthyos> THE "CHAIRMAN" OF SEALS WITH CLUBS BTC POKER SITE << lol no wai ?! iirc seals had an actual owner
nubbins`: it's okay; i'm a man of the chair
mircea_popescu: <nubbins`> think about that for a bit << seems rational to me. where'd you put it ?
mircea_popescu: not like it's a science. math is pure metaphysics.
nubbins`: philosophy, natch
nubbins`: math is the bridge
dub: can't listen to these tards
TheNewDeal: Micon has half a brain, to say the least
dub: citation needed
danielpbarron: <+xanthyos> "neil degrasse tyson is an idiot" (michael dean) << he's right
TheNewDeal: You can call the man an idiot, but he can at least graph the natural universe at a much higher rate than probably 99.99% of people that inhabit the earth
TheNewDeal: I'm not saying he's some sort of genius by any means
dub: micon is famous for confronting inaba like a frightened girl and running a scam poker site
TheNewDeal: but he runs a scam poker site well
danielpbarron: he's a shill for "climate change"
Vexual: i accidentally listened to that radio for a few seconds: if i ever move to us im stopping into beverly hills 1st to have my ears removed
kakobrekla: and NASA
dub: AND NSA
danielpbarron: heh, why do you call it a scam, dub?
dub: s'wat I herd
danielpbarron: what specifically did you hear?
dub: that they were cheating
TheNewDeal: NASA is massively overfunded, but they take some sweet space photos
danielpbarron: like a rigged shuffle or something else?
nubbins`: not for much longer they don't!
TheNewDeal: seals is most definitely a scam
dub: idk idgaf about poker
TheNewDeal: I swear it was someone in here explaining how they had obtained multiple royal flushes on the site
TheNewDeal: which is like 1 in 15k odds
nubbins`: i remember that
xanthyos: "I think the people who are *real* bitcoin guys don't stay in public." (Michael Dean)
nubbins`: !up AndChat|679296
TheNewDeal: what about MP?
danielpbarron: my problem with seals is that the admins are in denial that they cannot possibly ban their way to a collusion-free poker environment, and refuse to integrate the Web of Trust to allow users to control who they play against
nubbins`: TheNewDeal this is a different type of public
dub: who is micheal dean?
TheNewDeal: Jimmy Dean's son
nubbins`: danielpbarron WoT-based poker site, hey?
nubbins`: who do i give my money to?
xanthyos: my problem is that they stole .026 and blocekd my IP
xanthyos: i awsn't cheating.
danielpbarron: yeah i've been telling MIcon to do it for a while now
xanthyos: and nitrogensports.eu makes seals look like pokerstars by contrast
danielpbarron: xanthyos and I have hosted a few private tables denominated in Bitcoin using pokerstars software
TheNewDeal: also, post aggregate stats, like on tournaments and such
TheNewDeal: first dealings in virtual currencies were selling fake poker chips from Pokerstars on ebay
kakobrekla: that guy that is talking to micon is pure scammer
kakobrekla: or just very retarded slight scammer
TheNewDeal: some combination of the two
Vexual: !b3
Vexual: nope
danielpbarron: he got a bunch of people to pump up Namecoin which caused more miners to merge it, leading to the price to decrease
Vexual: classbot
assbot: Need a number of lines.
Vexual: danielpbarron: can you think of a dotbit site off the top of your head?
danielpbarron: i used to have a bunch of names
TheNewDeal: whats the problem with namecoin price decreasing anyways?
Vexual: and approximate price in btc for 1000 namecoin?>
danielpbarron: TheNewDeal, no problem unless you are one of the many who probably bought it because MWD hyped it up
TheNewDeal: does he have some retard following of a half dozen folks scattered across usia?
danielpbarron: yeah, but he also paid to have it advertised on Free Talk Live to a slightly bigger retard following
xanthyos: "that's called a fish on a heater."
xanthyos: also called "running good."
cazalla: how about a luckbox
assbot: The Worst Cat
dub: indeed
dub: `
dub: oops
Vexual: best jennifer aniston
TheNewDeal: that cannot be a fucking cat
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu http://imgur.com/a/CmtqQ << blood, sweat, and... brass.
assbot: vacuum nozzle (rotor) - Imgur
gribble: The operation succeeded.
Vexual: whats it do?
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