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← 2014-08-19 | 2014-08-21 →
asciilifeform prefers viktor pelevin's уркаина - 'urkaine', which metamorphosizes over 1000 years (in one of his tales) to 'urkland' and then 'orcland.'
assbot: Pigsty. - Imgur
decimation: this lurkomore is a hilarious combination of wikipedia, pravda, and 4chan
asciilifeform: more like 'encyclopaedia dramatica' but more entertaining.
mircea_popescu: ahh that was nice.
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell Bitcoin1011: Is he involved in other mobile apps in the space for my reference? << no, he's the resident talent scout.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: decimation: to me the obvious use for plastic turd is to make molds for metal pouring << metal pouring is a very iffy proposition tho.
mircea_popescu: assbot: Tech Visionary George Gilder: "Bitcoin is the Libertarian Solution to the Money Enigma." - Reason.com << what is this, "i've caught up to 2011 let me tell you what i have now discovered" ?
decimation: yeah professionals are constantly monitoring temperature, chemical tests, adding various trace elements
mircea_popescu: it's starting to amze me, the natural cargo-cult-ish inclination of most english space dwellers. it's a sort of, 1. learn french ; 2. read some fragments of rousseau at local library, by themselves ; 3. start blog to impart your discovery that you call "the social deal" to the world.
decimation: mircea_popescu: indeed, these folks are slow on the uptake, but it is amusing to see reflections on the edge of 'real media'
mircea_popescu: instead of the more normal 1. learn french ; 2. read some fragments of rousseau at local library ; 3. proceed to read the 200 years' worth of discussion on rousseau
mircea_popescu: the rough equivalent would be, peasant goes to plow field, finds roman coin trove, mounts them in his nose, goes about town like he's invented african tribalism.
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal: I just don't get why they think it's all about some party << because if it's about something in their system then that validates the system in question.
mircea_popescu: "look how right we are, and how relevant to the future and general affairs as a going concern : even this bitcoin thing is about something we discuss."
mircea_popescu: for this same reason a newtonian physics professor would rather entertain phlogiston than string theory.
decimation: you have to understand, the "Libertarian party" in the US is a perennial loser, they are desperate to attach to anything that smells of success.
mircea_popescu: moreover, the actual loser in the us, ie, the actual us, is desperate to attach the current representation of their eventual doom to something that's a perennial loser.
mircea_popescu: which is why i was talking about "in ron paul terms" yest.
mircea_popescu: makes one feel better about onesefl if can at least claim bitcoin is like you know, "that thing that's bee going on forever at the outskirts".
mircea_popescu: "the geese are not roused by the germans, but by the crows outside the gate".
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: http://imgur.com/AR8UVBW << quoted for the battery. now that EXACT battery, so exact that a vague outline thereof is the most that's needed and the most a person of taste and discrimination would ever draw, for fear of being you know, boringingly fastidious, is a 4.5 volt 3 cell mangan oxide battery that was the most important element of my childhood.
assbot: ('chemistry and life') 1990, vol. 1, pp. 83 - Imgur
mircea_popescu: everything important depended on it
mircea_popescu: best gift ever, too.
mircea_popescu: you could taste how full it was, also.
mircea_popescu: just strong enough to rig it to girl's bits productively, all sorts of surprising uses.
decimation: one rarely encounters such batteries in the us
mircea_popescu: this was more of a 60s 70s and somewhat 80s thing.
mircea_popescu: the 9 volt cell things took over eventually.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: with little-to-none attention to principles << the reason would be that chemistry is not a science. physics is the science. if the kids wanted the principles they'd go for physics. if they didn't that means they don't wish to understand the thing, but merely you know... be engineers :D
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30250 @ 0.00070388 = 21.2924 BTC [-] {2}
decimation: most "Libertarians" are pretty much leftists with a slight preference for more "personal freedom" (the kind without personal responsibility)
mircea_popescu: the problem with letting people self identify instead of having third parties identify them is that people will mis-selfidentify.
mircea_popescu: part of why the wot is so fucking useful. "you're not a ceo until mp says you're a ceo" has, along with its excellent oppressive potential, some incredible value in practice.
mircea_popescu: " you will need to swap the electrolyte a few times, and clean the cavity (at least with a nail) from the products of electrolysis." from the imgur in question. this is not strictly true : in some cases the electrolyte products are protective, in some cases however they are not. depends a lot what we're drilling. (this is roughly why rust is a problem for iron but not aluminum say.)
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal: it's just a trilema article written like shakespeare, no? << it's the merchant of venice ye lout! :D
mircea_popescu: !up bgupta
mircea_popescu: !up bgupta_
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: but for desktop machining - perfect. so long as you aren't in a hurry. << well no, see, electricity is still sold by the watt. whether you're in a hurry or not, you still need same wattage, so still are beholden to the same (rather high) cost. so i suppose "so long as you're making something small enough for your fun doing it to be worth the 0.001 cent to 1/4 dollar price transition"
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 430 @ 0.00475215 = 2.0434 BTC [+] {8}
decimation: asciilifeform: http://ebayitem.com/301199083821 << cheap GPS module that has variable pulse output up to 20 MHz, good for lab signal source
assbot: Ublox Neo 7M GPS GNSS Module Built in Data Memory Replace Neo 6M | eBay
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: and we always wondered what an 'EGGOG' was. << ahaha that's so cute.
mircea_popescu: in this spirit : my old z80 clone had an english "codeword" instruction set printed out right on the kbd, as was fashionable at the time.
mircea_popescu: the word merge was there, which in romanian means "it works" (technically, "it goes") and is often a colloquialism "-merge ? -merge, merge" roughly works to "how goes it ? " "okay I guess".
mircea_popescu: so yeah, i used to include 10. Merge Merge instructions in basic programs.
decimation: I always wondered about non-English-speaking folk who had to learn "Englishisms" to program computers when I was younger
decimation: I guess the default situation is that if you can program a computer, you can learn english too
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla: satisfying log. keep up the good work. << i guess we're all labrats in kako's little lab experiment.
mircea_popescu: AND HES EXPLOITING US
mircea_popescu: decimation it's a curse hiding a blessing : in learning english as the pronounceable pigdin of computer symbols, one learns to disrespect the social conventions the language carries otherwise.
mircea_popescu: pretty much the only correct way to learn english, if you ask me.
decimation: sounds legit
mircea_popescu: then one readily progresses, about the age of 16 or so, to realise that necessarily the same is true of their own naitve language
mircea_popescu: at which point sudden immunity to say salesmen develops.
mircea_popescu: "just because you say goto 10 don't expect me to care, nitwit"
mircea_popescu: suddenly the coder kid discovers he can be a much better lawyer than most judges specifically because he can read a cleaner version of the text than people who learned it on the "linguistics" path.
ThickAsThieves: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 472.0, Best ask: 473.39, Bid-ask spread: 1.39000, Last trade: 473.39, 24 hour volume: 17210.88179869, 24 hour low: 471.6, 24 hour high: 493.98, 24 hour vwap: 482.928376209
ThickAsThieves: sorry guys
mircea_popescu: maybe not as clean ultimately but certainly cleaner per unit effort.
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves how goes ?
ThickAsThieves: been shorting the shit outta btc
mircea_popescu: lol. making out like a bandit ?
ThickAsThieves: embarrasingly
mircea_popescu: good for you.
mircea_popescu: don't get caught outdoors now.
decimation: Mr. Yarvin experienced something similiar w.r.t. American culture: http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2008/01/how-i-stopped-believing-in-democracy.html "For example, the first thing I remember from my first year in Maryland was something called a "pep rally." For those of you who did not attend an American public high school, a "pep rally" is basically a straight ripoff of what Albert Speer did at Nuremberg, except that (a)
assbot: Unqualified Reservations: How I stopped believing in democracy
decimation: it is indoors, (b) there is not quite as much fire, and (c) there is less saluting, more screaming, and about the same amount of chanting."
mircea_popescu: btw asciilifeform here's one for you : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aerj4qXPHJc
assbot: Prikoke (fabula animata) - YouTube
mircea_popescu: planeta moldova being pretty much the only claim to cultural fame/intellectual achievement of the imaginary country of "moldavia".
mircea_popescu: the interesting thing with those people however is that they speak and old, and for this reason arguably more powerful version of romanian (still with the very romanian "all other languages are just romanian badly pronounced") and they're all fluent in russian. especially the huy-russian part of russian.
mircea_popescu: the result being a scary fucking combo of psychotic expressivity (they also drink a lot, ukrainian style).
mircea_popescu: decimation and less tits. the few (like,4 or so) actual participants at the things i ever talk too, all 4 mostly went there for the braless wonders in attendance. it was apparently THE place to meet chicks.
decimation: yeah American high school is weird that way, pretty much a mechanism for ascii's monkeys to identify the "useful" monkeys and begin the beatings
decimation: Mr. Yarvin goes on: "If you are an American raising kids abroad and you want to reintroduce them to your country, I highly recommend this sort of shock-and-awe approach. Having to deal with an American high school was not pleasant, but it gave me a certain respect for America: it exists. Once you go to college, you are no longer in the real America. You are in a fortified outpost of future America, which has been planted in the real
decimation: America to enlighten and assimilate it."
decimation: That seems pretty much true in my experience
mircea_popescu: you know it's bizarre, because it didn't work that way in romania of yore. we had a pretty sweet tacit agreement where the slower girls could copy for exams. generally there was a boy-genius in charge for any subject (chemistry was HARD and a chick did it, but otherwise was boys) and the guy in charge usually prepared a "for the class" version of the test (something that gave good marks but was a) comprehensible for th
mircea_popescu: e common man - or woman - so they'd not be embarassed if teacher asked followups and b) was credibly something they could come up with while still correct above a C lvl)
mircea_popescu: this resulted in a very docile and obedient population. they, for instance, always took notes. we never did.
decimation: generally in the us none of the kids in "regular class" give a shit about grades, learning, etc, which creates a different social dynamic
mircea_popescu: at the time in question, you literally could not go on a date if you sucked in school.
decimation: because no one was going to beat them if they failed basic pre-algebra
ben_vulpes: i learned at an early age the correlation between grades and what one learned
mircea_popescu: i mean you could be cool other ways, but an inability to ace something meant you, in so many words, sucked.
mircea_popescu: this attitude was principally what distinguished the privileged hs from the prole "vocational" w/e.
mircea_popescu: so i guess in a sense the observed difference readily reduces to "well, the us is a true popular democracy : they have no privileged highschool, everyone goes to the prole vocational crapolade"
ben_vulpes: "no privileged highschool"
ben_vulpes: bahahahaha
decimation: yeah, if you had brains generally better schools made provision for you to escape to the 'nerd class'
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes mind, privilege is a very specific thing.
decimation: but the context is set by prole thinking
mircea_popescu: it is when everyone else is taught to get out of your way because you are better than them.
ben_vulpes: i am indeed coming in on the tail of this one - to what specifically do you refer?
ben_vulpes: that's why i sniped the best public school girls throughout hs
mircea_popescu: ah but outside of personal experience, i'm discussiong a system.
mircea_popescu: obviously some kids will do fine in any conceivable arrangement.
ben_vulpes: storytime!
mircea_popescu: this is, in so many words, the whole hope of humanity.
ben_vulpes: actually i'll not interrupt.
mircea_popescu: im done :)
mircea_popescu: well not done with the logs and pinging ascii, but with this skein
ben_vulpes: well in that case
ben_vulpes: i attended a particular hs (OES, for the lurkers), and rode the bus home instead of driving as I got more reading time out of the experience.
ben_vulpes: OES being in deep southwest and my home being in the near SE (bezzlar-ployees having to live near the mega fabs and my father not being one, we lived in the cool part of town: http://bash.bitcoin-assets.com/?quote=218), i had much time to use for reading.
assbot: #bitcoin-assets bash
assbot: Where we’re going, you won’t need bras (55 Photos) : : theCHIVE
assbot: Tax treatment of crypto-currencies in Australia - specifically bitcoin | Australian Taxation Office
ben_vulpes: at some point during sophomore year i realized that my bus passed a local public hs, so i stopped in at the starbucks outside of campus, timing my arrival to be some days thirty minutes before class got out and some days thirty minutes after class got out (i had no rationale at the time, but it was a good call)
ben_vulpes: this made me many "friends" outside of school, and for a kid going to a school whose entire HS complement numberd 190, this mattered.
mircea_popescu: hs got campuses nao ? splurge.
ben_vulpes: i did
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2450 @ 0.00070436 = 1.7257 BTC [+]
ben_vulpes: mpoe still trading in the sevens
decimation: mircea_popescu: "traditional" US high school has massive facility mostly serving school athletics
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes almost looks like it may reach 6!
mircea_popescu: but anyway, so what's the punchline ?
ben_vulpes: so i'm retarded right?
mircea_popescu: THAT's the punchline ?
ben_vulpes: this implies to me that mpoe holders are dumping to move their coins to usd like typical momentum traders
ben_vulpes: winklevoss etf comes online, btc legs down to 380 briefly, mpoe trades at what - six again?
decimation: ben_vulpes: that's when you hit the buy button right?
ThickAsThieves: building bubbles ain't easy!
ben_vulpes: whither the mpex smarts? or is everything wackily correlated and when btc rockets to 800 come march o'clock does doge briefly cross 50 satoshi again?
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> so what if ben_vulpes has it his way and by say 2050 most people that are people actually live in one ? << uh pardon?
mircea_popescu: submarines.
ben_vulpes: just because it makes sense to mine high-density rare earths from the seafloor doesn't mean any significant number of meatwads are going to be living subsurface.
mircea_popescu: and in this you are wrong.
mircea_popescu: why do you think california even exists ?
ben_vulpes: plate tectonics?
ThickAsThieves: i'd live subsurface, if it were cooler
decimation: the thing that sucks about submarines is that when you are on the surface they are unstable
ben_vulpes: decimation: aren't they most stable subsurface though?
decimation: so you get a terrible ride unless you can be underwater for a long time
decimation: right underwater the ride is great, but you need energy source that doesn't depend on breathing air
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> well, lettuce see. the submarine is submerged. it does not care about "weather" in either fluid sense. with the new fleshlights and tumblr pr0nz... i defy you to find a bunch of 20somethings whose current life would be differen if they were subbed. < ah
mircea_popescu: decimation let's put it this way : long before 2050 it will be feasible to build a submersible that never surfaces, can host one redditard and weighs under 1k tons.
mircea_popescu: that's a cost of about 100k in scrap metal. ie, affordable.
mircea_popescu: the tech exists today, integrally.
decimation: yeah such a thing is probably near the realm of possibility, I agree
mircea_popescu: you don't need "air", you need oxygen. oxygen is in water, and not expensive to get out.
mircea_popescu: burning the resulting hydrogen in your own atmosphere a) purifies the air and b) makes water.
mircea_popescu: drinkable water i mean.
decimation: you need an energy source to break the water bonds
mircea_popescu: energy is not actually expensive, both nuclear and geothermal generators can conveniently live submerged.
mircea_popescu: and fully automated at that.
mircea_popescu: in this sense, global warming would be a boon for humanity, if it weren't a wholly concocted piece of nonsense.
ben_vulpes: what is this chive thing
decimation: as ascii's quote of Mr. Yarvin points out, one would then make themselves a slave to Neptune, who isn't a forgiving master
mircea_popescu: ppl trying to be cool.
mircea_popescu: decimation zephyr is better ?
decimation: good point. or worse, those who worship statues of themselves
mircea_popescu: living makes one live, this much is agreed. merely pleading to ignorance isn't much contribution (and his tendency to plead to nonsense is why i dislike curtis)
mircea_popescu: specifically : just because you're used to zephyr's inconveniences to the point you don't notice them anymore
mircea_popescu: whereas the neptune inconveniences appear uncommon and thus remarkable,
mircea_popescu: doesn't say anything useful. to fish water is as unremarkable as air to you.
mircea_popescu: but there's no underwater tornadoes.
decimation: nor do hurricanes, earthquakes, etc make much difference to the fish
mircea_popescu: no living thing underwater was ever pierced by a tootphick turned into a pike by "unseasonable" winds.
mircea_popescu: there's no ocean hail.
mircea_popescu: no thing can kill you by fallling on your head under water.
mircea_popescu: i nearly got done in in romania by a 5 sq inch, 100 gram piece of tile that fell a foot in front of me, from ten or so floors up.
decimation: one thing I would certainly grant: it would be far easier for humanity to escape to the ocean floor than to the harshness of space
mircea_popescu: unforgiving master indeed.
mircea_popescu: exactly.
mircea_popescu: now grant one more thing : there's going to be no space until long after the ocean floor is alma mater.
decimation: agreed.
mircea_popescu: so there we go.
mircea_popescu: curtis yarvin a footnote of meaninglessness in a larger discussion, as every fucking time.
decimation: yeah, he has a tendency to "drive-by" interesting points without actually making a point
mircea_popescu: that much doesn't even annoy me, my problem is that he without exception ends up pleading to ignorance, to numbers, to baculum, to some fallacy.
ben_vulpes: <nubbins`> how about the marijuana supports terr.. oh, wait` << from a conversation with a client earlier today: "pot makes you stupid! if my son keeps smoking, i'm going to cut him off."
mircea_popescu: it's like reading curtis bouvard, guy read alot but never had any sort of help to become a systematic thinker.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes i can see that.
ben_vulpes: kid's probably just retarded to begin with.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25183 @ 0.00070618 = 17.7837 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: holy shit! Musi-Puxi!
mircea_popescu: dude this is too good.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: you could taste how full it was << YES that battery.
musi-puxi: o hai stan.
asciilifeform: 'плоская батарейка' (flat batt)
asciilifeform: saw it open, 3 1.5v cells.
asciilifeform: electricity is still sold by the watt << most humans don't have 1000 amp feeds, hence 'no hurry' observation.
mircea_popescu: now i can say mp stands for musi puxi and nobody will fucking know just how great it is.
asciilifeform: 'priced by the watt' is only approximately true in this sense.
asciilifeform: cheap GPS module that has variable pulse output << no accuracy to speak of for short intervals (signal distortion of atmosphere, etc)
mircea_popescu: aEYaOPEDEK ahahah
decimation: asciilifeform: I think they make a version with TCXO, doubt cheap chinese version has
mircea_popescu: <Ishamael [eager]> you yourself nahryuer
asciilifeform: us is a true popular democracy : they have no privileged highschool << nope
asciilifeform went to one
asciilifeform: (admit by exam. plenty of these here.)
decimation: asciilifeform: generally only in the big cities though
decimation: at least for "public" school
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform well then all is well with the world.
mircea_popescu: no true popular democracy exists
mircea_popescu: as predicted by... welll, everyone always.
assbot: Planeta Moldova - Cauzalitate - YouTube
decimation: asciilifeform: the datasheet artfully declines to provide any spec for timing accuracy - long or short term
asciilifeform: decimation: no need for data sheet here. there's a reason people build atomic clocks (plural) instead of having just one built and listening to it via radio.
decimation: yeah, but if you are going to build a module purporting to provide timing it would be nice to provide typical allan variance at various intervals, etc
asciilifeform: 'Вопрос читал?' << 'have you read the question?' =~ 'бНОПНЯ ВХРЮК?' << bnopnya grunted in?
mircea_popescu: decimation: mircea_popescu: minor nitpick - I don't think USG employees get dental actually << generally no, but afaik nsa folk do.
asciilifeform: dental << at any good 'rupture farms' like mine, they have dental
mircea_popescu: so there.
asciilifeform: ;;google rupture farms
gribble: RuptureFarms 1029 - Oddworld Wiki - Wikia: <http://oddworld.wikia.com/wiki/RuptureFarms_1029>; Abe's Oddysee - This Is Rupture Farms (Intro FMV) - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSNylchzdCg>; Oddworld Abe's Oddysee Rupture Farms Intro PS1 - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JRoyc2LKRg>
mircea_popescu: As the protests in Ferguson, Missouri over police fatally shooting 19-year-old Mike Brown have raged through the past several nights, more than a few people have noticed how relatively quiet Facebook news feeds have been on the matter. While #Ferguson is a trending hashtag, Zeynep Tufekci pointed out at Medium that news about the violence was, as best, slow to percolate through her own feed, despite people posting libe
mircea_popescu: rally about it.
cazalla: ;;seen kyrio
gribble: I have not seen kyrio.
mircea_popescu: now let's wonder why exactly is the usg dept of facebook able to spend 20bn on some random purchase of a valueless firm
cazalla: anyone know kyrio (left me -10) because of something to do with danielpbarron
mircea_popescu: ;;gettrust kyrio
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask kyrio!~suck@awesome.and.cute.little.tiny.babyturtlesarecool.com. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user kyrio: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 2 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=mircea_popescu&dest=kyrio | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=kyrio | Rated since: Mon Feb 3 23:38:33 2014
mircea_popescu: Scammed my buddy...**BUYER/SELLER BEWARE**
mircea_popescu: apparently some scammor.
asciilifeform as 9 y.o. boy, tried in vain to buy a flat battery in usa, 'what is this pisshole'
mircea_popescu: ;;rate kyrio -3 does not understand how the wot works or what it's for.
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of -3 for user kyrio has been recorded.
mircea_popescu: should more or less fix the problem.
RagnarDanneskjol: speaking of - mp - Thanks for the referral; what more could a guy ask? think I'm gonna be a dork like pete & throw that up on my website.
RagnarDanneskjol: I actually have a history with those guys and would be derelict in my b-a duties if I didn't raise a cautionary flag… THey hired one of my best devs to adapt a python arb model… Payment commitments to said dev got a little squirrely. Also, I volunteered my own time to fix their website, redid all the html, css, wrote most of their content and they kind of blew it off without even a
RagnarDanneskjol: thank you.
mircea_popescu: you got a website ?
mircea_popescu: and which guys are these.
RagnarDanneskjol: the ones who asked about dev support earlier today
RagnarDanneskjol: They reestablished contact today once they put Ragnar & me together, want to retain me again, sent a job order. So, I am withholding final judgement pending a come-to-jesus conversation we're scheduled to have tomorrow so I can get to the bottom of what transpired.
asciilifeform: why rust is a problem for iron but not aluminum say << rust is actually electrochemical phenonemon. so not a problem for this experiment (after - is different question)
assbot: Communist Russia Party Dance SWAGGA! (DARUDE - SANDSTORM) - YouTube
mircea_popescu: now you do it.
mircea_popescu: (or make gf do it :D)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yeah i realised as i was typing that the connection is actually not as close as i'd have liked.
mircea_popescu: then i wondered how to fix, and then i realised that well... no way really, best wait to be taken to task for my business insider treatment of science.
mircea_popescu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9FS1bxaGTg << this is the reason we like ukraina btw.
assbot: Ukraine Got Talent - The world's best pole dancer - Anastasia Sokolova - YouTube
asciilifeform: submarine rough ride << float a tethered photovoltaic array. problem solved.
mircea_popescu: RagnarDanneskjol and you should see twelve year olds.
mircea_popescu: no butt, no heavy thigs, can walk on that thing.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24500 @ 0.00070709 = 17.3237 BTC [+] {2}
asciilifeform: his tendency to plead to nonsense is why i dislike curtis << 'wannabee' polymaths are doomed to 'plead nonsense'
RagnarDanneskjol: I am blind mostly, so
asciilifeform: no living thing underwater was ever pierced by a tootphick << ever see a fish explode?
assbot: Daniela Silivas 1988 Olympics AA Floor - YouTube
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform only if brought up.
asciilifeform: the equivalent of us falling down.
mircea_popescu: there's no magical gravity of water surface.,
asciilifeform: no - but there's buoyancy.
mircea_popescu: not to the degree.
mircea_popescu: no fish got ever splatted by distance sqaured.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-08-2014#800899 << that's a particularly juicy one decimation
assbot: #bitcoin-assets log
mircea_popescu: think of it. could not find decent rng to make keys
mircea_popescu: for months, this.
mircea_popescu: i mean, i kept mpex online for a few days more than the consensus'd have expectd or called reasonable on occasion.
mircea_popescu: there's some difference here.
asciilifeform: could not find decent rng to make keys << different story here.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9750 @ 0.0007071 = 6.8942 BTC [+]
asciilifeform: it is generally known that in nsa-lande, only nsa is permitted to generate keys
asciilifeform: they are flown, by courier, to the field.
asciilifeform: in briefcases.
asciilifeform: with signatures, forms in triplicate.
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal: because? << specify what are you trying to accomplish. impossible to explain what's wrong with any given methodology to resolve an undefined problem.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yes.
asciilifeform: this was the inspiration for my 'country of which nothing is known but the name' piece.
mircea_popescu: this is sane.
mircea_popescu: but this was not the problem.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.286 = 0.858 BTC [+] {3}
asciilifeform: clearly they had a small problem assembling the priests, finding a suitable goat (or virgin - or both) to sacrifice on schedule, etc.
mircea_popescu: *: asciilifeform is still waiting for the first leak from the u.s. dept. of wherever-the-stoolie-reports-from-btc-exchanges go. << there was recently a dump of everyone-on-coinbase, for instance.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the problem wasn't they couldn
mircea_popescu: t find a briefcase, or paper for forms, or a currier or gas for the plane.
mircea_popescu: the problem was they couldn't ok the keys.
asciilifeform: why the briefcase didn't parachute down on time, is not told in the tale
asciilifeform wasn't there
mircea_popescu: master in charge of saying "this key is ok to be used in production" refused to say so.
asciilifeform: or was on a bender
mircea_popescu: bureaucrats looked at cost to fix problem vs try and get rid of him, miscalculated. tried the latter.
mircea_popescu: the effort failed.
mircea_popescu: this pissed master off.
mircea_popescu: cue successive list of idiotic, bureaucratic "attempts" to "in good faith" "make progress towards fixing going forward"
mircea_popescu: cue string of obscenities.
mircea_popescu: once one actually promotes cold callers and phone marketeers to govt positions, there are bound to be problems.
asciilifeform: he expects no impact to the satellite’s planned design life of 14 years.... he says. “We put enough fuel onboard to pretty much fire those thrusters continuously. << 'folks who won't do arithmetic are doomed to talk nonsense' (j. mccarthy)
asciilifeform: who, precisely, he expects to fool ?
mircea_popescu: well... people who don't do arithmetic ?
asciilifeform: student exercise: assume xenon, etc. fuel for ion engine, stored at 300 atm. say, 1g/sec expenditure. calculate size of tank that holds 14 yrs. worth of thrust.
mircea_popescu: ;;google xenon atomic mass
gribble: Chemical Elements.com - Xenon (Xe): <http://www.chemicalelements.com/elements/xe.html>; Xenon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenon>; #54 - Xenon - Xe: <http://www.hobart.k12.in.us/ksms/PeriodicTable/xenon.htm>
mircea_popescu: ;;calc 3600 * 24 * 365 * 14 / 1000 / 54 / 300
gribble: 27.2533333333
mircea_popescu: 27 1/4 cubic meters ?
asciilifeform: now, what was the volume of the machine.
RagnarDanneskjol: isnt the thrust energy needed to calculate this?
mircea_popescu: well definitely no satelite the size of the washington monument was ever put in space.
mircea_popescu: RagnarDanneskjol no cause he gave me 1g/s
asciilifeform: ^ a piddling minimum
asciilifeform: afaik the world record holder was the american 'keyhole' series of machine - size of a bus.
mircea_popescu: for shits and giggles :
mircea_popescu: ;;calc 57.38 * 6 * 3.13
gribble: 1077.5964
mircea_popescu: that's a german uboat. so like... a satellite about halfway between a bycicle and a nazi uboat.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform was this put in orbit with the use of the russian's rockets or arianne ?
mircea_popescu: the 3b did what, 3tons ?
asciilifeform: (if i recall)
mircea_popescu: well if the satellite was nothing but a pressurized xenon container, it may have somehow squeezed in.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 3b - 3 tons (pediwikia) - aha.
mircea_popescu: maybe general whatshisname speaks the truth
asciilifeform: 4 - 20 tons.
mircea_popescu: wait. i see here leo 20 tons.
mircea_popescu: you're not about to tell me someone put a 27 cubic meter thing in low earth orbit ?
mircea_popescu: what is it, a parade float ?
asciilifeform: 'keyhole' is more famous as 'hubble telescope' (that one got turned upside-down.)
mircea_popescu: what was hubble, like 11tons ?
asciilifeform: approx.
asciilifeform: (as per public specs)
mircea_popescu: Vexual: roundup resistant ganja? i think someones trolling << think more, roundup resistant coke.
mircea_popescu: the whole of the production control stragety in columbia is to helispray
mircea_popescu: if that goes away, the current usg-friendly columbia govt goes away.
asciilifeform: so they'll spray 'agent orange' - or napalm
mircea_popescu: yeah. right.,
mircea_popescu: because if you give iraquis a ton of m16s they're not going to raid your embassy with them
mircea_popescu: so you have to evacuate the whole shebang like crazed rabbits, and do a shit job of cleanup in the process
mircea_popescu: so people all over the intel community can laugh at you for yet another week, for yet another reason.
mircea_popescu: totally great idea, give columbia napalm.
asciilifeform: 'give' as in drop.
mircea_popescu: what, from the 27 cubic meter satellitarian tanks ?
mircea_popescu: shit's heavy mate.
asciilifeform: presumably from aeroplane
mircea_popescu: flown from where, the faulklands ?
asciilifeform: florida?
mircea_popescu: oh, canaveral ?
mircea_popescu: SATELLITE NAPALM!
asciilifeform: muppet platoon knows from where - not me
mircea_popescu: RagnarDanneskjol: be moar vigilant with teh monies << the problem with that article, as with all "studies" of its ilk, is that it makes the (generally reasonable, now not) herbi mistake, as detailed here : http://trilema.com/2014/no-argument/
assbot: No argument pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
asciilifeform: point of the 'roundup' thread being, if genetical engineering were presently 'a thing', there's be cocainatious mildew growing in your neighbour's bathtub, and colombia would be exporting llama stockings
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform not that kind, the useful kind. merely the current kind, ie, the resistant thing.
RagnarDanneskjol investigating further
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform imagine if you could genetically engineer human females
mircea_popescu: not necessarily so they're slut,
mircea_popescu: but so they're infertile and past the age of 16 or so, their breast tissue secretes copious lsd.
mircea_popescu: now that's a woman for a lifetime.
asciilifeform: we're aaalmost there.
mircea_popescu: have her breastfeed the dog, watch it meow.
asciilifeform: soviet scientist declares, 'we've invented a shit-to-food converter.' 'does it work?' 'sorta. spreading on bread: worlks!!11! eating - not quite yet.'
mircea_popescu: Duffer1: my stomach isn't a basketball anymore << poor duff.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [ALC] 7 @ 0.08145503 = 0.5702 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: Duffer1: it was quite painful, and i refused pain meds until the ct scan results came back and the dr said "your appendix is all messed up, we're transfering you to a different hospital, ambulance is en route, take pain meds now" << there is this legendary romanian surgeon who supposedly sutured his own appendix. this may be apocryphal, in any sense i wouldn't try to undergo surgery w/o painkillers, tis nonsense.
asciilifeform tried to dig out the paper re: psychoactives spotted in bartholin's gland secretions, fails to turn up - perhaps too sleepy
asciilifeform: leonid ivanovich rogozov.
mircea_popescu: not surprising.
mircea_popescu: cuntjuice can drive one wild.
asciilifeform: rogozov << autoappendectomy, not cuntjuice
asciilifeform: no idea if a fellow from Ro ever pulled a rogozov - but hard to say why not
mircea_popescu: now im starting to suspect it may just be a case of romanians stealing a good story.
mircea_popescu: as the period sort-of matches.
mircea_popescu: so... yeah.
mircea_popescu: Antibiotics were administered directly into the peritoneal cavity << holy shit fucking soviets.
asciilifeform: 'twas this or fellete his makarov, i imagine.
mircea_popescu: actually peritonitis resolves naturally in about 5ish percent of cases.
asciilifeform: auto-appendektomy - like seppuku but double the work.
mircea_popescu: well no. seppuku aims to open the large liver vein. apendectomy, oppositely, to not open it.
asciilifeform: in historic overviews of seppuku, the thing that always caught my eye was the slow progression from honest full-out gut deposition to the late-meiji (and 20th c. - see herr mishima) token slice followed by 'kaishaku' beheading stroke.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: http://www.nasdaq.com/article/whatever-happened-to-bitcoin-hint-nothing-good-cm381082 (linked earlier) << pure gold. these folks are in 'tilt mode.' <<< let the permanent record reflect why "Julian Close has been a business writer since the first day of the twenty-first century, having written for PRA International and the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping." won't be able to support his fambly la
assbot: Whatever happened to Bitcoin? (Hint: nothing good) - NASDAQ.com
mircea_popescu: ter this decade.
asciilifeform hopes to live to see a spammer physically starve to death
asciilifeform goes off to bed to dream of this dream
mircea_popescu: speaking of spammer : "You can see closing trades for all Julian's long and short positions and track his long term performance via twitter: @JulianClose_MIC ."
mircea_popescu: now try check out that acct. 100 followers, pixelated user pic...
mircea_popescu: we're supposed to not know what astroturf means or something.
mircea_popescu: http://www.fedsmith.com/2014/02/17/replacing-the-general-schedule-some-facts/ << stuff like this, incidentally, is subtly indicative of the usg failure. inasmuch as grand national-socialist schemes such as the gs are collapsing and being replaced, it's quite clear that in its quest to arrive at that "nobody can grow as much as a potato without asking for permission", the national-socialist government is moving away rat
assbot: Replacing The General Schedule: Some Facts : FedSmith.com
mircea_popescu: her than towards the target.
mircea_popescu: but anyway, check out the lone GS-15 under age 24 in 2013.
mircea_popescu: there were 3 gs-14 under 24 in 1998. fifteen years later, two left, the third was promoted.
mircea_popescu: make a guess : is the third the best or the worst of the group of 3 ?
[]bot: Bet created: "BTC >= $2,000 before March" http://bitbet.us/bet/1027/
BingoBoingo: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 468.39, Best ask: 474.85, Bid-ask spread: 6.46000, Last trade: 474.87, 24 hour volume: 15994.19071420, 24 hour low: 466.0, 24 hour high: 493.98, 24 hour vwap: 482.673562406
atcbot: [X-BT] Bid: 170 Ask: 221 Last Price: 170 24h-Vol: 10k High: 170 Low: 170 VWAP: 169
mircea_popescu: wow sticky price huh.
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 197414.53 in 1880 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -89.49
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves you never got around to getting that larger rig involved did you
atcbot: [CoinMiner Hashrate]: 1.31 TH/s [PityThePool Hashrate]: 1466.02 GH/s [iSpace Pool Hashrate]: 1.82 TH/s
mircea_popescu: here's a funny blast from the past :
mircea_popescu: Aug 11 23:50:49 <gribble>Current Blocks: 193432 | Current Difficulty: 2036671.0886933 | Next Difficulty At Block: 193535 | Next Difficulty In: 103 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 15 hours, 40 minutes, and 44 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 2183270.15599682 | Estimated Percent Change: 7.197974583
mircea_popescu: bitcoin difficulty august 2012 was... about hte same as atc difficulty august 2014.
BingoBoingo: lol I was thinking about that when I first rented a rig for ATC, that ~2 or 3 years ago there were times where all of Bitcoin's nethash was less than the rented rig's
BingoBoingo: Back in the days when terrahash was a network "goal" and Petahashes were crazy
mircea_popescu: i ... remember these days.
BingoBoingo: I remember reading about Bitcoin those days, thinking one of these day's I'll grab a couple graphics cards. I wasn't thinking enough back then.
mircea_popescu: im possibly one of the very few people not regretting not having started mining "earlier"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22500 @ 0.00070262 = 15.809 BTC [-] {3}
BingoBoingo: Oh I don't regret my lack of "mining," I regret thinking food as so valuable and not buying in grotesque quantity.
[]bot: Bet placed: 5 BTC for No on "BTC >= $2,000 before March" http://bitbet.us/bet/1027/ Odds: 1(Y):99(N) by coin, 1(Y):99(N) by weight. Total bet: 5.1 BTC. Current weight: 99,989.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HASH] 45 @ 0.022 = 0.99 BTC
cazalla: took a moment
cazalla: oh, tits
RagnarDanneskjol: ( . Y . ) :D
BigBitz: Tits are good.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33350 @ 0.00069971 = 23.3353 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: Making My Eulorian Cake and Eating It in Ossasepia
mircea_popescu: pankkake mebbe add that to the list ?
mircea_popescu: not sure what the policy is there, "blogs by assets ppl" ? or "blogs about btc" ?
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo pls to send 1500 atc to 1FUneWXoi6eqC2p1F2rDrEsrApawPa9wCx ty.
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal: was this the first popular block explorer http://blockexplorer.com/ ? << popular no, but the first yes.
assbot: Home - Bitcoin Block Explorer
atcbot: 45 minutes and 37 seconds
mircea_popescu: !up ryguy_`
ryguy_`: tyty
mircea_popescu: yw. so who're you ?
diana_coman: thanks mircea_popescu, BingoBoingo
BingoBoingo: You're welcome diana_coman
diana_coman: the posts are just for fun, lol
mircea_popescu: o right, and bitcoin is for serious.
ryguy_`: man of leisure turned wageslave to build a saas for businesses
diana_coman: ahahaha, true
diana_coman: for serious fun :p
mircea_popescu: only seriously funny once someone loses an eye.
ryguy_`: sneak a look at bitcoin stuffs when im taking a break
mircea_popescu: ryguy_` now that's a transition.
assbot: Liberum Consilium: a system design for moderated deliberation [pdf] | Hacker News
mircea_popescu: so you love saas so much, platonically, that you;ll abandon your hyperion-freedom to become a mere mortal for its sake ?
ryguy_`: its like an identity, reputation, proposal (legislation, etc) system
mircea_popescu: can it be not a pdf ?
ryguy_`: yaaaaaa i know
mircea_popescu: also, can it quote stuff like the wot, bitcoin assets and so on ?
ryguy_`: you got some command line tools to deal with pdfs ?
mircea_popescu: i deal with pdfs exactly like i deal with the tim swansons of the world. "who asked you anything and what gives you the impression you have something to answer with."
ryguy_`: yeah i stumbled into it like 4 years ago still trying to shepard it to passive income land
ryguy_`: needless to say i was unaware of btc, just getting my head back on my shoulders concering 2008 crash and what it really meant, etc
ryguy_`: plus the powers that cant maintain their quo are making things real obvious right now
mircea_popescu: helpful isn';t it.
ryguy_`: anyway, yeah i'd rather be in a south american city screwing with btc but i got commitments like whats his face from the shining
mircea_popescu: the irony of the situation is that with enemies like these, btc really doesn't need any friends.
ryguy_`: are you talking about me or the link i pasted
ryguy_`: or a third
mircea_popescu: neither. " the powers that cant maintain their quo"
ryguy_`: ahhhhh yeah haha
ryguy_`: i love how some of the garbage intel agencies have the squid over the globe imagery
mircea_popescu: amusingly, i think this was discussed.
ryguy_`: so i wanted to make a blog called painful squid and highlight all the retarded shit they've been doing
mircea_popescu: !s octopus
ryguy_`: like
mircea_popescu: not a bad idea. especially if you can get some wistleblown material.
ryguy_`: germany resending their request for the gold from the fed
mircea_popescu: like, a "terrible company" clone for usg, especially the intel stuff...
ryguy_`: its kind of a hyped up, superficial situation
ryguy_`: but it definitely falls in line with the saving of face thats being attempted
mircea_popescu: TSA, Terrible Spy Agency blog.
mircea_popescu: let people vent and rage about how much their employer suck
mircea_popescu: how clueless management i
mircea_popescu: how they don't do anything useful and so on
ryguy_`: yeah i'd love to get quality info
ryguy_`: put it up on a tor service or whatnot
mircea_popescu: just use a htmlform pgp drop and a published key.
ryguy_`: string together some openbsd boxes or grsec boxes and give it a go from afar in a 3rd world country
ryguy_`: i dont trust the circlejerk psyops and stuff going on now though
ryguy_`: spys spying on spys spying on spys
mircea_popescu: anyone can send you w/e the shit they feel like. afaik that's how cryptome work
ryguy_`: cryptome says wikileaks was a intel agency job and assange is in the embassy collecting leaks on behalf of god knows who
mircea_popescu: i think they just randomly publish anything.
ryguy_`: rather let this thing fall to pieces and get in afterwards on the infowar stuff
ryguy_`: yeah
ryguy_`: well just in general, you got these other news papers with their leak drop boxes. im sure plenty of them are run by handled individuals. feel sorry for the unsavvy leaker at the moment
ryguy_`: and snowden too, what a mindfuck. is it just a cia hit on the nsa for the budget ? who knows, who cares
ryguy_`: btc is more productive than leaks because idont have what it takes to not get doxxed
ryguy_`: for me
ryguy_`: i do want a seat on your exchange, though
mircea_popescu: well the good news is that they're still available.
ryguy_`: but im writing 'all work and no play makes ryguy_` a dull boy' over and over so when im done with that i need to get my gpg keys in wot and all that
ryguy_`: i thought it was infinite seats
ryguy_`: nice man
ryguy_`: math always saves me
ryguy_`: cant wait until the slaves (sheep) ((our friends and family)) want a transparent ledger equities market
ryguy_`: instead of the sigma 6 circus we got now
mircea_popescu: nobody ever wanted that except for bona fide merchants
mircea_popescu: the same types that push for 0% taxation.
mircea_popescu: in fact, a good quality nyse is less likely than no tax.
ryguy_`: oh yeah
ryguy_`: you are preaching to the choir
ryguy_`: im over the system and how it works and stuck on trying to help decently smart people understand whats going on
mircea_popescu: it's what i do best!
ryguy_`: i always give them an out with
ryguy_`: "the FED might have been the best option we had at the time"
ryguy_`: knowing that isnt true
mircea_popescu: well in the sense stalin was the best option at the time, and hitler too.
BingoBoingo: Well, the Fed was the best weapon for defeating the soviet union while turning into a worse soviet union
ryguy_`: yeah
ryguy_`: im over the geopolitics too
ryguy_`: zebig brezenski ruined it for me
ryguy_`: as a kid i thought being a 'statesman' was a respectable thing
ryguy_`: now a days im thinking
ryguy_`: this asshole is running things with the kagans
ryguy_`: its fun watching putin deflect like bruce lee with a hand behind his back
mircea_popescu: well stateman is a respectable thing. not very many ones good at it left in teh west.
ryguy_`: what kins of things do you guys see blockchain based equities/securities exchanges competing with eachother on in the future
ryguy_`: network effect, standard nyse/nasdaq type shit thats going on now
ryguy_`: (minus the fraud)
ryguy_`: i think any good statesman would be sitting this current round (or incarnation) out
mircea_popescu: prolly so.
ryguy_`: i dont know much about the technicalities by way of how your service connects with btc but
ryguy_`: do you think high frequency trading or polling type strategies would or will be prominent ?
ryguy_`: i just wanna invest and execute trades for clients and ease everyoneeeee into a btc based stock market like warren benjamin graham
ryguy_`: its hard to discern what is or is not related to the fraud, or a byproduct of the fraud going on now a days. Im open to the argument that hft creates liquidity but how much liquidity does a market need, ya know
BingoBoingo: ;;google site:trilema.com high speed trading mpex
gribble: BitBet Stole ~$7,000 from me (10 BTC) - Bitcoin Forum: <http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/print-page-bitbet-stole-7000-from-me-10-btc.htm>; Some basic discussion of Bitcoin macroeconomy pe Trilema - Un ...: <http://trilema.com/2013/some-basic-discussion-of-bitcoin-macroeconomy/>; The EVE online noob guide. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com (1 more message)
BingoBoingo: !up ryguy_`
ryguy_`: oh wow thanks
ryguy_`: ok so yah im _quite_ familiar with bitcoin and things that take place on the blockchain
ryguy_`: and how that would definitely not allow any hft stuff to go down
ryguy_`: anyway. bigtime respectable thing you guys got going on here. especially the trash talking which is just brilliant. and settling with the SEC, wth. i cant even really find any reading on that SEC issue though
mircea_popescu: ryguy_`> do you think high frequency trading or polling type strategies would or will be prominent ? < in a word, no.
mircea_popescu: ryguy_` short version : guy retired his mpex issue. sec desperately wanted to purchase some relevance, so they tied some blown glbse/twitter offering he had with the mpex offering, and pretended like they scored some sort of victory.
mircea_popescu: this is so transparently ridiculous half the bureaucracy is laughing at them, leaving aside wall street and the people not actually involved in the us nuthouse.
mircea_popescu: but hey, working for the govt means you gotta eat the shit you gotta eat.
ryguy_`: i worked at a firm and we had to keep all the records incase the SEC guys showed up
ryguy_`: so this dude just gave back some kind of equity shares in mpex or a listed company like a retired couple gives back a condo timeshare
ryguy_`: he conducted some other transaction and SEC claimed those shares were apart of that other transaction ?
mircea_popescu: mkay, it's like so. guy made a "feedzebirds" thing, which he listed on glbse, which simply imploded.
ryguy_`: yeah
mircea_popescu: guy listed sd on mpex. about a year later, he claimed someone bought it and so it was delisted. mpex shareholders received a negotiated, fair compensation and it was the end of the matter.
mircea_popescu: the sec got a 20k settlement for the former, and is pretending it got a settlement for the pair.
mircea_popescu: this is fine, inasmuch as it has no ill effect and increases the general supply of lulz,
mircea_popescu: which in the end is what backs bitcoin.
ryguy_`: haha
mircea_popescu: point in case.
ryguy_`: hay, man
mircea_popescu: !up guest87345
ryguy_`: i cant wait for title insurance companies to go busto
ryguy_`: and the govt to eat shit - gonna be great
ryguy_`: wish i had your skillset, man. or wish i put the effort in like you did, my dad and his grandfather we're both follower backoffice managers for wallstreet comapnies and growing up i thought financial markets were the most boring shit in the world until 2008 & bitcoin
mircea_popescu: nothing is boring if done well.
ryguy_`: yeah ive been coming around to that more and more at the ripe age of 30
ryguy_`: 18-26 was all deprogramming myself from what i'd been taught, if i knew i was deprogramming it or not
ryguy_`: thank god for the internet - i dont think i'd ever have come around to realize 'fiat = war machine' among all the other things without it or a patient individual to walk me though it
ryguy_`: without the internet, that is. i've been awake for far too long to make sense.
mircea_popescu: well, no game without a good pvp component is ultimately woth playing
mircea_popescu: everything worth doing is a war machine.
ryguy_`: yeah shit is definitely a dualistic world
[]bot: Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "BTC to rally to $4000 before July 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1026/ Odds: 13(Y):87(N) by coin, 13(Y):87(N) by weight. Total bet: 9.3399 BTC. Current weight: 99,330.
[]bot: Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "BTC >= $2,000 before March" http://bitbet.us/bet/1027/ Odds: 17(Y):83(N) by coin, 17(Y):83(N) by weight. Total bet: 6.12 BTC. Current weight: 99,956.
ryguy_`: doesnt take long to realize that information really is $$$$ in this day in age from a number of angles
ryguy_`: and not in some faux big data bullshit kind of way
assbot: 403 Forbidden
jurov: i like how * has own entry in stats.bitcoin-assets.com
BingoBoingo: !up ryguy_`
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4760 @ 0.00069949 = 3.3296 BTC [-]
assbot: Open Source GPU Released
kdomanski: !down assbot
mircea_popescu: why so mean
kdomanski: I would be funny if you could do that
kdomanski: *uit
kdomanski: damn beer
assbot: Wellington Bomber - DocuWiki
punkman: pretty impressive
RagnarDanneskjol: wow 23 hrs
assbot: Shameless couple have sex on crowded beach in Magaluf | The Sun |News
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33600 @ 0.00070293 = 23.6184 BTC [+]
punkman: mircea_popescu: heh noobs, should have gone to deeper water
mircea_popescu: i suspek a noob is you. they're too deep as it is, seawater is corrosive and in any case a girl goop solvent.
punkman: mircea_popescu: definitely not somethin to do for 40 minutes
mircea_popescu: actually thinking about this... i suspek the sun may be not telling the truth as it is
punkman: but a quickie while trying to keep afloat, that's pretty fun
mircea_popescu: helps if she has decent buoys.
cazalla: sand in vagina?
mircea_popescu: yeah i don't get this entire do it at the beach thing.
mircea_popescu: i get the do it in public thing, and do it in public to girls you just met thing,
punkman: what's wrong with the beach?
mircea_popescu: but gimme a fucking ottoman for her to faceplant on, a cushion, something.
mircea_popescu: punkman sand. salty water. too hot.
mircea_popescu: ever saw snails fuck on the hot asphalt under the sun ?
cazalla: i did it at the beach with my first gf and it was nothing like the movies
punkman: hah
mircea_popescu: cazalla i did it with a bunch of pron chicks.
mircea_popescu: it... also was nothing like the movies they made.
mircea_popescu: i do not credit the theory this has to be because of me. it must be something else.
punkman: well last time I found some nice flat rocks under shade, worked out pretty good, with the nice sea breeze and all
mircea_popescu: was she on her back or on her knees ?
punkman: there's even more options!
punkman: next time I'm bringing a foam mattress
mircea_popescu: my point being that in the former case her ventral hip bone will rub her skin raw
mircea_popescu: whereas in the latter, knees.
cazalla: rocks sound even worse tbh
punkman: better than sand
mircea_popescu: s/ventral/dorsal but anyway
cazalla: slip, gash your hands open on oyster shells or something
mircea_popescu: nice beach/natural port tho
[]bot: Bet placed: 1.167089 BTC for No on "Gold will close above USD 2000 in 2014" http://bitbet.us/bet/759/ Odds: 25(Y):75(N) by coin, 33(Y):67(N) by weight. Total bet: 10.115571 BTC. Current weight: 35,706.
cazalla: pankkake, is that you?
cazalla: sorry, punkman
cazalla: because that guy looks like he has some a cup titties
mircea_popescu: comments appreciation day : http://trilema.com/2014/a-complete-theory-of-economics/ possibly the most re-read comment section on trilema.
assbot: A complete theory of economics pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: re-read by me i mean. i think it's like the 6th or so time
punkman: cazalla: lol, I see it now
punkman: no that's just another dude
[]bot: Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "BitPay closed before the end of the year" http://bitbet.us/bet/757/ Odds: 39(Y):61(N) by coin, 48(Y):52(N) by weight. Total bet: 4.75346298 BTC. Current weight: 36,457.
punkman: btw first time I saw so many cameras at a nudist beach. always thought it a bit of a faux pas
RagnarDanneskjol: think it varies per region
mircea_popescu: twenty years ago it was an outrage.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12740 @ 0.00070201 = 8.9436 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: today, nude people generally expect to be filmed and get depressed if apparently nobody cares.
RagnarDanneskjol: does anyone know the appx current size of ATC's blockchain (in GBs)? I know i could just look @ the blockcount & calculate, can't too late for maths
punkman: RagnarDanneskjol: there's like 3 transactions total, shouldn't be too big
Apocalyptic: RagnarDanneskjol, I have 55 MB
RagnarDanneskjol: I could have sworn I saw more than that, but wow ok
RagnarDanneskjol: nice, thank
mircea_popescu: what gbs ? like 50 mb yteah
pankkake: I have 49M, though my data is a few days late
Apocalyptic: I may have included the wallet size too
mircea_popescu: "i may have also included some vacation pics&tits"
pankkake: bernankoin is 683M. take that
mircea_popescu: yeah but you got all that 3d printing equipment.
RagnarDanneskjol: pankkake I'm working on another blockexplorer for it, will send you email detailing shortly
pankkake: why me?
RagnarDanneskjol: cause you are the only other one on the git, figured you're the guy
pankkake: for updating the web page you should contact ThickAsThieves
nubbins`: ben_vulpes:<nubbins`> how about the marijuana supports terr.. oh, wait` << from a conversation with a client earlier today: "pot makes you stupid! if my son keeps smoking, i'm going to cut him off." <<< ahh my sides
nubbins`: "i'm going to cut him off"
nubbins`: "it's the recreational drug use that's making him stupid, not hanging off daddy's golden teat"
mircea_popescu: <pankkake> why me? << that's what she said.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33922 @ 0.00069703 = 23.6447 BTC [-] {3}
RagnarDanneskjol: ha - pankkake - I don't really care about the webpage, thought you were developing for it - or is it just Thieves?
pankkake: I changed a few values to make it like the coingen settings
mircea_popescu: nobody is really developing for atc. pankkake helped with a bunch of stuff as i think the first guy with a clue to get involved.
pankkake: however, as true altcoin developer, I had no idea what I was doing
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 198881.78 in 1878 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -89.41
punkman: looks like it'll be months before diff change
RagnarDanneskjol: maybe I'm missing something, how are there no txs - thought it was being used for WoL
mircea_popescu: 1880 at 10:02 1878 at 13:54 a dozen or so a day, like five m0onths :D
mircea_popescu: RagnarDanneskjol there are a few, just not so many, so it's a common joke.
Apocalyptic: <RagnarDanneskjol> maybe I'm missing something, how are there no txs // there are plenty
RagnarDanneskjol: ok thought so
punkman: RagnarDanneskjol: WoL board moves on each block, not much betting to be done right now
mircea_popescu: it actually found 12 blocks in the past ~16 hours, so like 100 days at the current rate.
atcbot: [CoinMiner Hashrate]: 0.06 TH/s [PityThePool Hashrate]: 1459.91 GH/s [iSpace Pool Hashrate]: 1.07 TH/s
mircea_popescu: hm. whtf is happening thar tho.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo hey, did X-Rob's rig die or something ?
BingoBoingo: It must be down
mircea_popescu: ding ding X-Rob! IMA DOCK YA!
assbot: _-=* CoinMiner Pool *=-_
RagnarDanneskjol: I could be wrong, but something tells me that is a pool issue
RagnarDanneskjol: is ATC the only coin they have active? all other coin pages are non-existent
mircea_popescu: RagnarDanneskjol something as in what ?
RagnarDanneskjol: lots of experience fukin with pools
RagnarDanneskjol: and all the other coins pages are not live
assbot: [Pool] _-=* CoinMiner Pool *=-_ 42 http://coinminer.net:19991/
BingoBoingo: Well it seems to be reporting 60 GH/s in other hash on the pool
RagnarDanneskjol: I get no datqa received for tht page
RagnarDanneskjol: browser says "No data received"
BingoBoingo: I see a page that when you scroll down a bit has this chart https://imgur.com/7bhRyjD
assbot: imgur: the simple image sharer
RagnarDanneskjol: google coinminer pool - first hit after the forum links straight to ATC pool - all the other coin tabs on top of that page lead me to dead links -I'm almost certain thats the only coin being mined there - unless I'm missing something
RagnarDanneskjol: right I see that too
RagnarDanneskjol: all other coin pools are not there I believe
RagnarDanneskjol: ahh - found something other than ATC - http://coinminer.net:7903/static/
assbot: p2pool
pankkake: I've had issues with that pool
RagnarDanneskjol: p2pools always seem to have issues - what was yours?
pankkake: I was mining but it was rejecting my submissions, or maybe just not registering them. I forgot
RagnarDanneskjol: slow/inconsistent shares are to be expected unless you have 100% uptime
pankkake: yeah, I know
BingoBoingo: It was picked because it seemed to suck least for the purpose here, and getting paid in the coinbase tx makes it easy to verify payments
RagnarDanneskjol: I know more than a few highly competent pool hosts if this one proves unreliable
RagnarDanneskjol: I could almost do it myself, but not quite
BingoBoingo: Well, it's worked so far which is a timeline which stretches back to... this past weekend
BingoBoingo: I mean the pool is much older than that
BingoBoingo: It's just since ATC stalled out it was the only pool that was responsive to our rented hash
RagnarDanneskjol: gotcha - I'll work on that
BingoBoingo: And the p2pool type paying with the coinbase tx is very desirable, if it were replaced or needed to be replaced, that is a thing I'd like to see
BingoBoingo: For now though it seems the simplest explanation is prolly the rig's down
BingoBoingo: Byt X-Rob explained there's some stuff this pool does that isn't optimal... so a replacement wouldn't be horrible down the line
BingoBoingo: X-rob would have to explain what the not-quite optimal stuff is
RagnarDanneskjol: I'd almost bet $ its the pool, but are they not one in the same provider?
RagnarDanneskjol: i could point some hardwarev there myself to test later today
mircea_popescu: !up cardigm
mircea_popescu: <RagnarDanneskjol> I know more than a few highly competent pool hosts if this one proves unreliable << so hook something up
assbot: Ice Bucket Challenge Gone Wrong - Imgur
nubbins`: amazing how few people understand physics and gravity
nubbins`: "maybe if i push this heavy object off a rail, it'll upend itself for some reason"
mircea_popescu: nubbins` that first fucktard... jesus god she's bleeding from the tits
mircea_popescu: quick, a badaid, a pastie ,s omething
mircea_popescu: god forbid the internet sees anon nipple or something, someone may care
mircea_popescu: she'll be turned down for employment and dental insurance.
mircea_popescu: her children will catch the gout.
nubbins`: the best is the third one
nubbins`: where the guy drops a 50lb weight on his daughter's heads
RagnarDanneskjol: I already suggested a few a while back when this discussion first took place. I will gather my list and get it all ready later today
mircea_popescu: cnat even find someone to dump water on her head, figures someone gives a shit about her tits.
nubbins`: ahhh i can't breathe
RagnarDanneskjol: http://www.livechains.net/ is first that comes to mind
assbot: LiveChains UK
cazalla: fire challenge is better imo
mircea_popescu: assfucking challenge is best.
assbot: imgur: the simple image sharer
BingoBoingo: RagnarDanneskjol: From ther faq
BingoBoingo: What are Tilera and Arbor
BingoBoingo: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Repellendus, nobis, dignissimos, voluptatibus veritatis aliquid magni labore tempora fugit rerum eaque deserunt odio voluptatum recusandae assumenda beatae veniam maxime eveniet iste!Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Suscipit repellendus velit rem libero dicta sint rerum id quasi! Fugit, dolorum eligendi alias veniam praesentium at rerum aut sapiente
BingoBoingo: in cumque.
chetty: <mircea_popescu> cnat even find someone to dump water on her head, figures someone gives a shit about her tits.//problem is of course that they do, at least next time she wants a job or smthn
mircea_popescu: in trhat case the problem is them. but srsly...
mircea_popescu: if my job were to screen all applicants for possible interwebs exposure...
chetty: well yeah its their problem but still not gonna get that job ...
mircea_popescu: i can't tell these people apart. unless she starts writing her gpg fingerprint on her boobs nobody can tell her from eve.
mircea_popescu: could you say if this animated gif is this irl girl or not ?
chetty: I am sure there are people that can, the data collection monster knows all (well almost)
mircea_popescu: chetty not out of 200x200 px srsly.
RagnarDanneskjol: BoingoBoingo - they just switched to a new template for their page and clearly are off their game. I and several others have hired them in the past (going back over a year ago) and they deliver pools as described... I think they have p2pool also, but dont see listed
nubbins`: mircea_popescu that's actually not water, but a super-slippery fluid with almost zero friction coefficient
nubbins`: the other two girls have gecko feet
nubbins`: or they're wearing crocs
mircea_popescu: or they're you know, the sort of brainstem limited derps that'd be on facebook.
RagnarDanneskjol: BoingoBoingo - Im gonna call them right now to figure out their status (phone #s on the page)
BingoBoingo: RagnarDanneskjol: Oh, cool
RagnarDanneskjol: talkin - they picked right up
RagnarDanneskjol: Ok - I spoke to Mark with his charming british acent -they are a little backlogged, but can deliver pools in 36-48 hours, also offer cloud mining contracts. These guys are fukin pro.. Imma follow up with email to you guys w/ details. Worth giving them a call just to hear what they're up to.
RagnarDanneskjol: they can do p2pool or whatever you need
BingoBoingo: Interesting
RagnarDanneskjol: they came highly recommended from the LA bitcoin regulars - heard of them a year ago and used them myself for a small test pool a ways back
RagnarDanneskjol: once pools are setup, the backend control panel stuff is super simple to manage yourself
atcbot: [CoinMiner Hashrate]: 0.06 TH/s [PityThePool Hashrate]: 1356.06 GH/s [iSpace Pool Hashrate]: 1.68 TH/s
BingoBoingo: !up Duffer1
mircea_popescu: not so bad, which one of you is it ?
assbot: Bitcoin Expands as Stock Price Falls (Update)
HeySteve: mircea_popescu the slogan points to woodwallets.io
HeySteve: novusordo from that link "Coinbase is an international digital wallet" - not truly int'l as nations sanctioned by USG are excluded
punkman: "As Bitcoin expands across the world and their stock price falls to historic lows on Wall Street, crypto-currency remains one that is open to everyone."
punkman: lol
nubbins`: mp, nice graphic
nubbins`: are you sure that's not an egg being fertilized? ;D
mircea_popescu: HeySteve universal is much better than "international"
mircea_popescu: as afaik no nation has yet been recognised by the blockchain, and so...
mircea_popescu: nubbins` well as sure as you can ever be when eggs fertilisation comes into play.
mircea_popescu: novusordo hey there.
nubbins`: !up aspho
nubbins`: !up pleego
mircea_popescu: !up bertani_
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33710 @ 0.00069723 = 23.5036 BTC [+] {2}
aspho: Oh, thanks nubbins.
BingoBoingo: !up The20YearIRCloud
aspho: Been reading the logs for the last long time, before coming here. Learning the variety speak.
mircea_popescu: hows that coming along ?
aspho: Pretty good, still a lot of archives to cover.
nubbins`: !up aspho
assbot: usagi +v failed; L1: 0, L2: -5
aspho: Thanks nubbins but gotta run, back later tonight.
nubbins`: hahah
nubbins`: lel @ usagi
nubbins`: ;;gettrust assbot usagi
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask usagi!~tsukino22@unaffiliated/tsukino. Trust relationship from user assbot to user usagi: Level 1: 0, Level 2: -5 via 7 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=usagi | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=usagi | Rated since: Mon Jun 18 12:33:55 2012
kakobrekla: !up usagi
usagi: thanks. I wanted to ask aspho a question heh, but thanks
usagi: So, anyone into Django Reinhardt"?
usagi: Some of his work with Beryl Davis is my favorite
nubbins`: if only he'd worked with bernard purdy ;(
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6990 @ 0.00069748 = 4.8754 BTC [+]
usagi: What genre would you call that? sounds a little funky
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11900 @ 0.00069553 = 8.2768 BTC [-] {2}
nubbins`: usagi, i think they call it "math rock"
nubbins`: i bought the rights to their first album yesterday :0
nubbins`: these are really early recordings, from before they even had a bass player
usagi: the rights? so your into music then
novusordo: mircea_popescu hiya
usagi: Most of the music I like is so old the copyright has expired
mircea_popescu: copyright covers performance you ninny. unless you're listening to an amphora capture of original greek choruses, it's covered alright.
usagi: I would imagine thats why he bought the rights
usagi: So for example he could then play the music in a venue that didn't purchase cover song licensing
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 210 @ 0.00275952 = 0.5795 BTC [-] {5}
nubbins`: actually, i bought the rights so i could re-release the album
usagi: You must really like these guys hehe
nubbins`: amazing album from a band that's on the top-five list of every music lover in the city
nubbins`: and they broke up two weeks after they released it, so there were only ~25 copies ever bought
mircea_popescu: and yet you look nothing like john cussack
nubbins`: haha
nubbins`: above the collar, sure
usagi: I plan to get into music a lot more once I retire
nubbins`: why wait? and also, i thought we were all retired?
usagi: My job is exhausting.
mircea_popescu: yeah who let the unretired in!
mircea_popescu: this is the internet house of old people AND GIT OFF MA LAWNS
nubbins`: your job is exhausting, so you can't listen to music to unwind? :/
nubbins`: !up aspho
usagi: I mean playing music. I am split between the piano and the guitar
usagi: I really, really like both instruments. I'll probably end up with piano
mircea_popescu: nubbins` reminds me of the woman that claimed she can'tr fuck because migraine
mircea_popescu: as if that's not the exact and only cure.
nubbins`: dude, you ever masturbate with a headache? once you cum it's SO MUCH WORSE
mircea_popescu: not for guys
mircea_popescu: real men don't get headaches.
mircea_popescu: no head to ache.
mircea_popescu: (also i dont recall the last time i jacked off)
nubbins`: !up usagi
nubbins`: fun fact, magic mushrooms are an effective treatment for cluster migraines
mircea_popescu: people ridicule the every sperm is sacred doods, and i can see it
mircea_popescu: but i tell you... seems such a waste.
nubbins`: ah, man and his symbols
mircea_popescu: more like nude practicality. i cant keep up with the girls anyway, why make it worse.
nubbins` claps softly
chetty: you havent lived till you have had Coital cephalalgia
mircea_popescu: that, a glass eye and a spastic colon ?
nubbins`: i thought we all had spastic colons?
chetty: is a rare type of severe headache that occurs at the base of the skull before orgasm during sexual activity
nubbins`: hmm, i have a jar of almond butter that's been recalled due to salmonella risk
mod6: oh cool, mpex.co is back
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14400 @ 0.00069671 = 10.0326 BTC [+]
pete_dushenski: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 316642 | Current Difficulty: 2.38446700388033E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 318527 | Next Difficulty In: 1885 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 5 days, 0 hours, 9 minutes, and 10 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 26952826341.6 | Estimated Percent Change: 13.03501
pete_dushenski: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 499.92, Best ask: 501.98, Bid-ask spread: 2.06000, Last trade: 501.99, 24 hour volume: 15603.05805411, 24 hour low: 466.0, 24 hour high: 502.95, 24 hour vwap: 484.781556984
pete_dushenski: o hey 500
BingoBoingo: I'm a bit behind, is 500 rising or crashing?
HeySteve: rising, about $30 in 8 hours
assbot: Important read on randomness and Kolmogorov complexity: http://t.co/7GvlEz0Q6F This is why entropy matters: http://t.co/Gd6urFTU2s
assbot: Deckbound -- digital collectible trading card games built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: and by too clean i mean the sort that doesn't bareback random whores because "who knows what may happen" << this point has me reflecting. am i scanning the world of business ideas for puuurfect? when non-broken will suffice? well fuck.
pete_dushenski: decimation: heh perhaps I should pick an orthogonal basis << there's always the ol' first_last!
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: 'homo redditicus' << lulz. let's make this term canonical
pankkake: what's wrong with redditard?
assbot: Urban Dictionary: redditard
pete_dushenski: really, nothing
pete_dushenski: less scientific, less gay jokey
pankkake: "One must always be aware that their fodder for arguments consists of internet memes and attempts at being witty" same goes for twitter, not that you could do anything else there
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: the students are asked to simply memorize the book of, e.g, organic reactions. << myeah. tis perfect med skool prep
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: more 'weedout' than prep
pete_dushenski: well 'prep' in the sense that if you can't memorize the bible in latin, med school will rape you
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10200 @ 0.00069534 = 7.0925 BTC [-]
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: the interesting part of that thread was that, afaik, there isn't anywhere you can go in usa to study 'proper' chemistry
asciilifeform: (other than a library)
pete_dushenski: right. a concept which stretches across much of university
nubbins`: <- CS degree, wrote exactly two working programs as part of my CS curriculum
pete_dushenski: mistaking them for learning institutions is how you end up 29 yo and single
pete_dushenski: and on tinder
nubbins`: is that the app that lets you anonymously tell women you want to cum on their tits?
asciilifeform: nubbins`: we had actual program-writing (os, compiler, busloads of data structure crud, etc.)
nubbins`: asciilifeform jealous :/
asciilifeform: nah 'tinder' should be an app where you sign up to burn on the stake.
nubbins`: hey, this printer stopped mid-page with an out-of-ink warning. i fixed the problem, and it's picking up where it left off.
nubbins`: have never seen this in action before :0
pete_dushenski: nubbins`: tinder is grindr for straight pplz
nubbins`: is grindr that app that lets you anonymously tell men you want to cum on their tits?
pete_dushenski: sorta "hi please to hook up with me based on glamour shots from when i was 5 years younger"
pankkake: tinder isn't anonymous, it requires facebook
pete_dushenski: nubbins`: lol yup
pankkake: and a smartphone
pete_dushenski: now there's a market: anonymous smartphone apps!
mike_c: ;;later tell RagnarDanneskjol are you working on an ATC block explorer?
gribble: The operation succeeded.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 117 @ 0.00600099 = 0.7021 BTC [+]
pete_dushenski: decimation: 'pep rally' << been to a few of these myself. because morale! at least our school had the bestest cheerleaders in the city
assbot: Video Oddities Ep 77 - Chad VanGaalen's Molten Light - YouTube
assbot: Who Are We? Not Nationals | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski
gribble: The operation succeeded.
pete_dushenski: 17 comments: a record is me
assbot: An Interesting Paper on Calorie Restriction
pete_dushenski: pankkake: we're trying to tease apart the research on calorie restriction and that on fasting, but still interesting
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: at the time in question, you literally could not go on a date if you sucked in school. << sounds like some kind of miracle land compared to the anti-intellectual "i are sportsstar" culture here
nubbins`: asciilifeform, i'm a huge chad vangaalen fan
nubbins`: why's the audio so shit on this version?
assbot: Chad VanGaalen - Molten Light (OFFICIAL VIDEO) - YouTube
assbot: usagi +v failed; L1: 0, L2: -5
asciilifeform: !up usagi
usagi: For me, one of the most interesting features of a water fast is that your body will cut down on it's extraneous muscle mass as well as body fat. I will have to try it one of these days
usagi: When I read that it gave me a number of ideas
nubbins`: "extraneous muscle mass"
usagi: I mean it sounds obvious, but actually, the way in which the body goes about reducing it's muscle mass is something which is fascinating to me
asciilifeform: kurt godel was a master of 'caloric restriction'
assbot: Shave My Pussy - Chad VanGaalen - YouTube
usagi: Well nubbins when I say that I mean certain things about opposing muscle tension
usagi: It's some random sports medicine stuff I am studying
nubbins` feigns interest
nubbins`: oh, no way? cool
usagi: Yea it has to do with your body overcompensating for keeping it's balance (for example) by adding extra muscle mass to groups of muscles in reciprocal inhibition, mass you don't need and which interferes with your motion
usagi: My theory is if you perform certain kinds of exercises your body will cut out the extraneous muscle mass inhibiting your motion and you will be able to move/respond quicker using less energy. Useful for sports
usagi: I also imagine the restriction would also allow you to increase or reduce the ratio of fast twitch fibres, because theoretically the body wouldn't toss out muscle mass which is being frequently used
thestringpuller: usagi uh, it has more to do with flexibility of ligiments
thestringpuller: nubbins`: we acceot
nubbins` scrolls backwards to quote
thestringpuller: accept your offer. can we discuss terms today?
nubbins`: sure, i'm back and forth here for the next hour or so
thestringpuller: lemme see if i can get the designer on the line
nubbins`: how many did ya want, 6 or 12?
nubbins`: or ___?
jurov google pep rally
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 46 @ 0.0127 = 0.5842 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] [PAID] 13.25936164 BTC to 1`149`988 shares, 1153 satoshi per share
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] [PAID] 28.45581781 BTC to 14`329 shares, 198589 satoshi per share
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 1.51099305 BTC to 14`329 shares, 10545 satoshi per share
thestringpuller: nubbins`: desogner is walking to class. so in about 30 minutes he will be here
nubbins`: no sweat
nubbins`: not really much to go over. graphics in vector format, preferably .AI with spot colors
nubbins`: 300dpi+ psd files grudgingly accepted
assbot: Mya Aaten-White, Ferguson Shooting Victim, Says Police Have Not Interviewed Her | Riverfront Times
TomServo: hey hey hey, shit in StL is too serious - we need to focus on beheaded journalists now.
BingoBoingo: "We want to find out who and what agency took possession of the bullet," he said. "We want to identify who was responsible for firing the weapon that ended up with a bullet being lodged in the front of Mya's head."
BingoBoingo: When we spoke with him several hours later, the story just got weirder.
BingoBoingo: "I've talked to both the St. Louis County Police Department and Ferguson...they have no record...no file number, no report," he said. "They don't have anything."
nubbins`: yeah, don't you dummies realize a white guy was killed the other day?
nubbins`: BingoBoingo: the hospital would have taken note of who took the bullet, no?
BingoBoingo: nubbins`: Might be time to break out the aluminum foil
BingoBoingo: Makes pretty wallpaper
assbot: noPhone. A technology-free alternative to constant hand-to-phone contact.
pete_dushenski: "With a thin, light and completely wireless design, the noPhone acts as a surrogate to any smart mobile device, enabling you to always have a rectangle of smooth, cold plastic to clutch without forgoing any potential engagement with your direct environment. Never again experience the unsettling feeling of flesh on flesh when closing your hand. "
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 555 @ 0.00119996 = 0.666 BTC [+]
nubbins`: Q: for those of us with metal-and-glass phones, is there an alternative to the classic noPhone? plastic is yucky.
pete_dushenski: that's a premium upgrade
pete_dushenski: as bugs bunny used to say "that's all folks!"
thestringpuller: !up petepolack
thestringpuller: nubbins`: you still there?
thestringpuller: petepolack is the designer
thestringpuller: one second he is getting in WoT
thestringpuller: one of us one of us
thestringpuller: kay he needs to get to class
thestringpuller: he will log in when he gets there
thestringpuller: be back in 10
nubbins`: i'm outta time, maybe we can reconnect tomorrow
nubbins`: unless he has specific questions for me, there's not a lot to discuss anyway
thestringpuller: okay can we email you gpg encrypted AI file and then go from there?
thestringpuller: then you can send us gpg signed invoice in BTC?
thestringpuller: We want 6 shirts
thestringpuller: and white ink
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.29841998 = 2.9842 BTC [+] {2}
nubbins`: sure
thestringpuller: kay we'll talk to you tomorrow then and get everything paid for
nubbins`: gotta admit you've piqued my curiosity as to why you'd gpg encrypt graphics
thestringpuller: I'll pay entirety up front
thestringpuller: *shrug* paranoia
nubbins`: i'm not printing hatespeech on a shirt for you ;p
thestringpuller: i guess we just don't want the image to "leak"
thestringpuller: only you should be recipient
nubbins`: pm'd you email address for graphics
thestringpuller: "intended recipient" blah blah
nubbins`: grab my key from the wot
thestringpuller: cool well talk to you tomorrow then
nubbins`: k, peace
thestringpuller: !up petepolack
X-Rob: mircea_popescu: The pool died, it switched to my backup pool, and then didn't switch back automatically when the pool got better.
mike_c: ;;calc 3056 * 0.0001
gribble: 0.3056
X-Rob: Have fixed it, hopefully it won't do it again. Sorry.
mike_c: my computer is retarded. 3056 / 10000 = 0.3056, but 3056 * 0.0001 = 0.30560000000004
thestringpuller: petepolack: okay now we register
thestringpuller: ;;eregister
gribble: (eregister <nick> <keyid>) -- Register your GPG identity, associating GPG key <keyid> with <nick>. <keyid> is a 16 digit key id, with or without the '0x' prefix. We look on servers listed in 'plugins.GPG.keyservers' config. You will be given a link to a page which contains a one time password encrypted with your key. Decrypt, and use the 'everify' command with it. Your passphrase (1 more message)
thestringpuller: soo ;;eregister petepolack YOURKEYID
petepolack: (eregister petepolack D4ECFBB385737831)
fluffypony: petepolack: /msg gribble ;;eregister petepolack D4ECFBB385737831
thestringpuller: Everyone is so helpful
thestringpuller: thanks fluffypony !
petepolack: alright thanks, got it
BingoBoingo: X-Rob: Well, we're looking into maybe getting a new p2pool set up for this coin given how shit this one seems to be, so news on that might be incoming.
X-Rob: BingoBoingo: how about I set up a pool?
BingoBoingo: X-Rob: Uh, sure.
X-Rob: BingoBoingo: I'll do it this weekend.
BingoBoingo: X-Rob: Can you do the p2pool type thing that gets people paid in the coinbase?
thestringpuller: X-Rob: sell me coins!!!!
petepolack: thestringpuller: it worked
kakobrekla: wasnt it /msg kakobrekla <privatekey>
kakobrekla: pretty sure it was.
punkman: mike_c: my computer is retarded. 3056 / 10000 = 0.3056, but 3056 * 0.0001 = 0.30560000000004 << javascript?
mike_c: python
jurov: use Decimal for such
jurov: for example ghci says the same.. it's standard floating point stuff
jurov: whereas >>> Decimal(3056)*Decimal('0.0001')
jurov: Decimal('0.3056')
punkman: I did my bitbet app without decimals, didn't notice a problem
jurov: that's cause buttcoins were designed to round cleanly after simple computation with doubles
jurov: if you did bitcoinica-liek stuff, that'd be a problem
ben_vulpes: holy logs
ben_vulpes: i'm 1100 lines behind
mike_c: jurov: yeah, I use decimal's pretty liberally. this calculation wasn't coin related.
punkman: oh I see now, it worked because I didn't use my (satoshi / 100000000.0) results in further calculations
mike_c: i also use a curiously large number of extraneous apostrophes.
mike_c: anyhoo. i get floating point stupidness. just mildly surprised the division & multiplication are different.
mike_c: i thought it had more to do with the result than the inputs.
kakobrekla: just intify errything
mircea_popescu: <mod6> oh cool, mpex.co is back << last week or so
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski> well fuck. << there is no such thing as a perfect wife, horse or business idea.
mircea_popescu: wives horses and business ideas are what you make of them.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 65 @ 0.0107 = 0.6955 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: !up Wexel
mircea_popescu: !up Brigadier
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: (other than a library) << "there isn't where t og oin the usa for aspirin other than pharmacy". o woe ?
mircea_popescu: nubbins`: is that the app that lets you anonymously tell women you want to cum on their tits? <<< you know, this is very popular with a large section of the female population, but the woman that wants dribbling by random people she doesn't know is quite rare.
mircea_popescu: it's more like part of cuddling, in the female mind.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21453 @ 0.00069092 = 14.8223 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski: decimation: 'pep rally' << been to a few of these myself. because morale! at least our school had the bestest cheerleaders in the city << because they were... immoral ?
mircea_popescu: nubbins`: "extraneous muscle mass" << penis.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i see your Shave My Pussy and i raise you a Narcotic.
assbot: Liquido - Narcotic (HD) - YouTube
mircea_popescu: http://blogs.riverfronttimes.com/dailyrft/2014/08/mya_aaten-white_shooting_victim_from_aug_12_says_police_have_not_interviewed_her.php << o look at that. us police shoots civillian in the street, goes to hospital, steals bullet, disappears it.
assbot: Mya Aaten-White, Ferguson Shooting Victim, Says Police Have Not Interviewed Her | Riverfront Times
mircea_popescu: this is so romanian revolution it bleeds.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: That's what I'm thinking, well the police stealing their bullet back. I dunno if pale America is ready to take Obama out back yet.
mircea_popescu: what's obama to do with this ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Well, wasn't that the end of the Romanian revolution?
mircea_popescu: nubbins`: BingoBoingo: the hospital would have taken note of who took the bullet, no? << well if they didn't, either the police comissioner hangs or they got themselves a police state.
mircea_popescu: either way.
mircea_popescu: guy'd better pray they did take note.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo yes. difference being that they never shot gorbachev.
mircea_popescu: so you know, missouri governor ?
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski: that's a premium upgrade << cut glass. 10 bux in any mirror shop.
thestringpuller: penguirker:
thestringpuller: penguirker:
mircea_popescu: !up petenineteen
mircea_popescu: petenineteen seriously ?
BingoBoingo: That sounds like a cam girl screen name, except pete
mircea_popescu: speaking of which, a food chain here is called mustachios.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3215 @ 0.00119007 = 3.8261 BTC [+] {3}
thestringpuller: okay petenineteen
thestringpuller: ;;eregister
gribble: (eregister <nick> <keyid>) -- Register your GPG identity, associating GPG key <keyid> with <nick>. <keyid> is a 16 digit key id, with or without the '0x' prefix. We look on servers listed in 'plugins.GPG.keyservers' config. You will be given a link to a page which contains a one time password encrypted with your key. Decrypt, and use the 'everify' command with it. Your passphrase (1 more message)
thestringpuller: petenineteen: -^
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 563 @ 0.00119996 = 0.6756 BTC [+] {2}
mike_c: eregister something_other_than_petenineteen
mircea_popescu: petetwelveandwhatisthis ?
thestringpuller: is petenineteen taken?
thestringpuller: ;;gettrust petenineteen
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user thestringpuller to user petenineteen: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=thestringpuller&dest=petenineteen | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=petenineteen | Rated since: never
mike_c: what's the record for most trolling before the guy even opens his mouth?
mircea_popescu: his mom ?
dignork: mircea_popescu: rasing Narcotic to Umlala https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reN5vaSADKQ
assbot: Umlala - My Pdf Files (Official Video) - YouTube
assbot: McCulloch: Grand jury to get evidence in Ferguson case through mid-October : News
dignork: *raising
mircea_popescu: dignork ok, i didn't want to do this but you asked for it. prepare to be glassed.
assbot: Hot Girl tania and me Pwning Noobs on The Tell-Lie-Vision (ATHENE #22) - YouTube
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33963 @ 0.00068791 = 23.3635 BTC [-] {2}
thestringpuller: damn mpoe below IPO v3 listing?
thestringpuller: BUY BUY BUY
mike_c: fiat -> btc -> mpoe = two profits?
BingoBoingo: lol, but whose bank are you going to break on the way there?
mircea_popescu: the two profits of internets.
mircea_popescu: but yea srsly, in the space of six months i went from >1bn to like what, 200mn ?
mircea_popescu: am i like the biggest loser of the summer or what!
dignork: mircea_popescu: the guy is playing a wrong game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SC7GGrUdJUI&t=0m25s
assbot: Russian Roulette in Wedding gone Wrong - Roulette Russa a Matrimonio - YouTube
mircea_popescu: dignork srsly. he's such a total dork you could not believe.
mircea_popescu: the chick however, she comes from money, ran for the danish pirate party iirc, got a seat.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.29879999 = 0.5976 BTC [+]
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: where t og oin the usa for aspirin other than pharmacy". o woe << (practical) chemistry is an experimental science. very 'seat of the pants', like metalwork or any other work with hands.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: yes, you can study under the cover of darkness, in a cellar, with black-market materials. but it used to be, you could also study at a university.
dignork: Sad story happened to my friend recently. He lost ~1btc to Chrome toolbar, which replaced deposit btc address on coinbase withdrawal form. Can somebody suggest coinbase to implement gpg-signed orders?
thestringpuller: $depth mpoe
empyex: thestringpuller: Want a bash? http://bash.bitcoin-assets.com/?quote=135 Or use a valid MPSIC!
thestringpuller: $depth s.mpoe
empyex: thestringpuller: [S.MPOE] Bids: 33287 @ 0.00068725 12200 @ 0.00068618 350 @ 0.00063000 25000 @ 0.00060000
empyex: thestringpuller: [S.MPOE] Asks: 26998 @ 0.00068872 10271 @ 0.00069092 23339 @ 0.00069415 40110 @ 0.00069671
danielpbarron: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zl6DizyZgFY << "Bitcoin is the walk-man, Black coin is the iPad"
assbot: BLACKCOIN - The Music Video - YouTube
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33487 @ 0.00068724 = 23.0136 BTC [-] {2}
BingoBoingo: !up aspho
BingoBoingo: !up shovel_boss
punkman: dignork, that sucks. maybe if he makes a fuss coinbase will refund that withdrawal
BingoBoingo: Hello assbot shovel_boss
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12200 @ 0.00068618 = 8.3714 BTC [-]
assbot: UPDATE 3-U.S. fines Berkshire over stock deal, Buffett admits mistake| Reuters
TomServo: gave Berkshire a reputation as a lender of last resort when financial markets come under strain << Hadn't heard that line before.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 1500 @ 0.00119997 = 1.8 BTC [+]
BingoBoingo: !Up KRS-1
dignork: punkman: afaik, no, coinbase received order to send to address X, instead of Y, they had now way of detecting it, because it's just http request altered on the client side
mod6: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 521.98, Best ask: 522.99, Bid-ask spread: 1.01000, Last trade: 521.96, 24 hour volume: 17498.21146377, 24 hour low: 466.0, 24 hour high: 527.01, 24 hour vwap: 494.872496909
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1919 @ 0.00065107 = 1.2494 BTC [-]
assbot: I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ben_vulpes: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 519.49, Best ask: 519.99, Bid-ask spread: 0.50000, Last trade: 519.49, 24 hour volume: 17774.39850899, 24 hour low: 466.0, 24 hour high: 527.01, 24 hour vwap: 495.727614364
ben_vulpes: that floppy btc trampoline
ben_vulpes: 420 min after the etf?
pankkake: ;;ticker --market bcent --currency eur
gribble: Bitcoin-Central BTCEUR ticker | Best bid: 395.0, Best ask: 400.0, Bid-ask spread: 5.00000, Last trade: 400.0, 24 hour volume: 101.36987742, 24 hour low: 360.0, 24 hour high: 400.0, 24 hour vwap: 373.07105659
BingoBoingo: ;;ticker --market all
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 521.0, vol: 17792.87498487 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 510.7, vol: 8252.58738 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 516.02, vol: 28283.81807457 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 546.99, vol: 36.78969469 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 512.568453, vol: 37552.61050000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 530.0, vol: 28.98932003 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 530.52, vol: 101.36987742 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message)
BingoBoingo: !up napedia
BingoBoingo: !up peterl
peterl: fluffypony here?
peterl: on the topic of Chem in college: At MSU we had three levels of O-chem (which I helped teach), one for nurses, one for premed+scientists, and one for chemists
assbot: Plummer v. State - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
thestringpuller: BingoBoingo: so what's it like in MO
asciilifeform: peterl: this used to be common, i'm told. but eliminated at most large public unis, afaik, for cost-cutting.
thestringpuller: lootin nearby?
thestringpuller: loot all da stores
thestringpuller does not condone or endorse looting and rioting.
peterl: yeah, I guess they need the money to pay the football coaches now
assbot: Mya Aaten-White, Ferguson Shooting Victim, Says Police Have Not Interviewed Her | Riverfront Times
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> copyright covers performance you ninny. unless you're listening to an amphora capture of original greek choruses, it's covered alright. << oh, bitcoin recognizes copyright but not patents?
thestringpuller: wow that
thestringpuller: is so fucked
thestringpuller: when can sovereign entities use force if the police are militarized?
thestringpuller: isn't this how revolutions start?
thestringpuller: why can't*
thestringpuller: wow tired
BingoBoingo: !up mpmcsweeney
BingoBoingo: Hello mpmcsweeney
BingoBoingo: thestringpuller: Well...prolly when people start getting naked
BingoBoingo: !up bitcoinhtx
BingoBoingo: !up tych0
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 1000 @ 0.0012 = 1.2 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 385 @ 0.00375195 = 1.4445 BTC [-] {2}
mike_c: !t h rent
assbot: [HAVELOCK:RENT] 1D: 0.00375001 / 0.00432963 / 0.00478000 (959 shares, 4.15211592 BTC), 7D: 0.00360047 / 0.00431174 / 0.00478000 (3125 shares, 13.47419209 BTC), 30D: 0.00305500 / 0.00407779 / 0.00498614 (12095 shares, 49.32086116 BTC)
jurov: !s haskoin
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 58 @ 0.01159351 = 0.6724 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: While you're busy pumping his book, Andreas Antonopoulos, the "security officer" at blockchain.info still has not fixed a critical vulnerability in blockchain.info that was reported to them and acknowledged a month ago. : Bitcoin
BigBitz: Hah. Andreas.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1000 @ 0.00064563 = 0.6456 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: We analyzed this bug and found that it if exploited, an attacker can cause a wallet to show incorrect balances. However, an attacker must spend bitcoin to do so.
BingoBoingo: My gosh, are you guys totally unaware that hundreds or thousands of services use your API to may check balances and provide services on top of it? What the hell are you guys doing. This guy is reporting a vulnerability for free and you act ignorant. Do you want somebody to exploit such vulns without reporting and blockchain ending up like emptygox?
pete_dushenski: lol when mp kills someone, he really kills 'em, eh?
assbot: reddit nixes new subreddit advertising high-end counterfeit US dollars | Ars Technica
BigBitz: nixes. excellent word.
assbot: Such a great logical argument: http://t.co/MCE1tOIzuD
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 42 @ 0.012599 = 0.5292 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16031 @ 0.00063902 = 10.2441 BTC [-]
thestringpuller: !ticker m s.mpoe
assbot: [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00063902 / 0.00069727 / 0.00070723 (632210 shares, 440.82 BTC), 7D: 0.00063902 / 0.00071569 / 0.0007468 (3821663 shares, 2,735.13 BTC), 30D: 0.00063902 / 0.00079496 / 0.00094217 (16714154 shares, 13,287.20 BTC)
pete_dushenski: it's tough goin out there in bitcoinlandia!
thestringpuller: what is bitcoinlandia?
pete_dushenski: lol this whole thing is bitcoinlandia
pete_dushenski: so btc and mpoe getting cracked on is the "tough goin"
Namworld: Yeah, about that blockchain.info reddit thread... nice link provided in there: https://blockchain.info/address/3M1S3tZVkEJw7zVBtn1Mq8McVyfnNMAuoX
assbot: Bitcoin Address 3M1S3tZVkEJw7zVBtn1Mq8McVyfnNMAuoX
thestringpuller: pete_dushenski: well we don't know the full story. there could be large withdrawals going out of MPEx
pete_dushenski: lol @ josh
Namworld: ;;next
gribble: See latest update from Onefixt here: https://twitter.com/BitcoinOracle/
Namworld: what's the next diff command...
thestringpuller: ;;estimate
gribble: Next difficulty estimate | 26649333965.9 based on data since last change | 26457879467.4 based on data for last three days
Namworld: Nice going, Josh
pete_dushenski: thestringpuller: pete_dushenski: well we don't know the full story. there could be large withdrawals going out of MPEx << as opposed to…?
thestringpuller: pete_dushenski: what do you mean? Who knows where the capital is being deployed, why, and how.
thestringpuller: If money is staying in MPEx then it will be deployed somewhere else besides MPOE
thestringpuller: if it is moving out then it's going someplace, God knows what
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 60 @ 0.0217227 = 1.3034 BTC [-]
pete_dushenski: well there's not a lot of evidence to support the theory that the derps, wol, bbet, or nsa are picking up the slack
pete_dushenski: or x.eur
pete_dushenski: but you're correct in saying that it may be just staying on balance at mpex but off-market
thestringpuller: they aren't picking up the slack
thestringpuller: you can poll trades...
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 60 @ 0.011592 = 0.6955 BTC [-] {3}
pete_dushenski: maybe the coins are being dumped onto bitstamp for seekrit skvirels to depress price lol
thestringpuller: or maybe the other assets on mpex will pick up slack at some point
thestringpuller: as they monetize perhaps
thestringpuller: but this price is very low as you probably know
asciilifeform: or mircea_popescu finally bought atomic dirigible.
thestringpuller: I think the private equity buy was for higher price than this
thestringpuller: ;;google atomic dirigible
gribble: GTA V DLC Dirigible ATOMIC | Como Conseguirlo - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFbbgmJRwDc>; Como obtener el Dirigible en GTA V The Atomic Blimp - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2BYtak610U>; GTA V - DLC Dirigible Atomic con la Reserva - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmgJEf333H0>
thestringpuller: you guys playing GTA?
novusordo: or maybe some sweet new exciting mining bond got released on havelock
thestringpuller: there isn't much overlap between mpex investors and play exchanges
pete_dushenski: novusordo: i had a similar hunch ;)
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: holy sweet mother...
assbot: Bigger boobs tutorial- Dominika Myslivcov - YouTube
pete_dushenski: or maybe mp dumped his own stock to buy bigger boobs to go with his raw salmon?
thestringpuller: why don't people make airships anymore...
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: partially - the u.s. monopoly on helium
asciilifeform: (soviet atomic dirigible would've probably flown with H2 from sea water. because cheap and angry.)
assbot: Where Helium is Found? : Inter-American Corporation Helium Exploration and Production
asciilifeform: hell, from atmospheric vapours. (don't need much to top off the balonettes)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42513 @ 0.00064175 = 27.2827 BTC [+] {2}
BingoBoingo: !t m s.mpoe
assbot: [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00063902 / 0.00069354 / 0.00070723 (656568 shares, 455.36 BTC), 7D: 0.00063902 / 0.00071487 / 0.0007468 (3864176 shares, 2,762.41 BTC), 30D: 0.00063902 / 0.00079457 / 0.00094217 (16756667 shares, 13,314.48 BTC)
ben_vulpes: i remember buying some mpoe last time it was this low
pete_dushenski: mmm angry atomic dirigibles...
ben_vulpes: falling knife, that day.
pete_dushenski: now there's an idea for a comic strip!
BingoBoingo: (soviet atomic dirigible would've probably flown with H2 from sea water. because cheap and angry.) << H2 Airship is probably near the Platonic form of of cheap and angry
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 113 @ 0.0217227 = 2.4547 BTC [-]
jurov: maybe silica aerogel filled with h2 could be used someday...it can be expected to not be explosive thanks to its thermal insulative properties
asciilifeform: h2 without o is not explosive.
BingoBoingo: O finds a way
asciilifeform: dirt-cheap semiconductor leak detectors exist today, vs. 100 yrs ago
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.29879999 = 1.1952 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5200 @ 0.00064361 = 3.3468 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: Namworld lol borkt.
mircea_popescu: <thestringpuller> http://i.imgur.com/L08FPjx.jpg << lol what? << forum muppets being forum muppets.
mircea_popescu: in the moment they FEEL they're just like you. then later, they're no longer around to eat dirt, and if they are they won't eat the dirt anyway.
mircea_popescu: an infinite supply of such examples is how the idea that normal people aren't entitled and shouldn't be entitled to an opinion came about.
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> or mircea_popescu finally bought atomic dirigible. << i've not actually sold any bitcoin, still.
mircea_popescu: i mean sure bits here and there in normal course of business, but that's about all.
mircea_popescu: <jurov> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfwxCLAPKgs BIGGER BOOBS FOR ERRYONE << THANKS JUST WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR!
assbot: Bigger boobs tutorial- Dominika Myslivcov - YouTube
assbot: Russia Set to Top Helium Supply as U.S. Sells Reserve - Bloomberg
mircea_popescu: <BingoBoingo> H2 Airship is probably near the Platonic form of of cheap and angry << or in any case, a good rendition of a very large matchstick.
jurov: lol
mircea_popescu: "The U.S. government had a world monopoly on helium and in the mid-1930s refused to sell any to the Zeppelin Co. in Germany, which is why the Hindenburg was filled with highly-flammable hydrogen when it exploded."
mircea_popescu: good to know the us govt is in some way related to every modern atrocity.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27150 @ 0.00064114 = 17.407 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: !up dooglus
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform mostly remarkable for "Russia, already the largest producer of crude oil and natural gas, is weighing up plans to become the biggest supplier of helium, the inert gas vital for medical scanners, welding tools and rocket fuel, as the U.S. sells reserves from storage."
thestringpuller: that's a name I haven't seen in a good while.
mircea_popescu: they burn helium nao dontchaknow. better than water.
mircea_popescu: !up agamemno123
thestringpuller: !last m s.mpoe
assbot: Last trade for S.MPOE on MPEX was at 0.00064114 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14926 @ 0.00064114 = 9.5697 BTC [-]
assbot: Officer who threatened to kill protester in Ferguson suspended | KMOV.com St. Louis
BingoBoingo: ( .22LR is sometimes talked on in police circles as an acceptable "escalation" from rubber"
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo wlel they don't really do anything.
mircea_popescu: “It was havoc at that time. He also got urine thrown on him, having to deal with that is obviously disgusting,” Jiminez said. “However, when he‘s trying to protect the public and asking people to back up, under no circumstances do I, or our department, condone his language.”
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo gotta admire the mindframe these grunts get into.
BingoBoingo: Oh, Imma working on a blog post
mircea_popescu: i bet you if you asked the whole complement of us police it'd be their honest estimation that in their absence the whole population would simply die overnight.
mircea_popescu: he was "protecting the public".
BingoBoingo: Sounds like the mindest on their blogs
BingoBoingo: .22lr can do interesting things, but also explains why headshot protester girl lived http://www.longrangehunting.com/forums/f33/polar-bear-kill-54763/
assbot: Polar Bear Kill - Long Range Hunting Online Magazine
mircea_popescu: would be kinda cool if the next few crowd shooters adopt this strategy as the maximal damge game theoretic solution.
mircea_popescu: "your honor, i was protecting the public"
mircea_popescu: and just go with that.
mircea_popescu: "just say what a policeman would say"
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo she got shot with a bb pellet ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Well no updates on the confinscated bullet
BingoBoingo: But if those assault rifles are mostly for looks and fitted with .22lr uppers could contribute to the explanation for why the cop got trigger happy
BingoBoingo: The small rimfire calibers though still kill plenty of people in the city (cheap effective enough if trying)
thestringpuller: !s bitreserve
jurov: "bitreserve" ... maybe one day it will be popular booze
jurov: *name of
mircea_popescu: aged in mulberry ?
kdomanski_: BingoBoingo: they're actually popular for gang hits, because it's trivial to make an effective supressor for them
BingoBoingo: kdomanski_: In Missouri you can buy them without an NFA provided it was manufactered in Missouri
mircea_popescu: dude im missing out on the party. i thought gangland was mostly 45
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: It was in the 20's
mircea_popescu: no wait, in the 20s it was bb pellets. what do you think thompson fires ?
kdomanski: thompson was 45 ACP
mod6: yup it is
mircea_popescu: fine fine.
mircea_popescu: i got nothing.
mod6: i shot a thompson once, was great :)
kdomanski: today they gold-plate .45 guns and carry them around for show
kdomanski: "yo nigga, look at my 1911 el Presidente Edition"
mod6: haha, i was just about to say, i want this one: https://www.lesbaer.com/PresGrade.html
assbot: Les Baer Custom Inc.
BingoBoingo: Right, but the large caliber stuff looks cool and costs money.
mod6: i shot one of those rugers with the integrated supressor once, it was hilarious, made no sound at all other than the action.
mod6: click-clack.
mod6: (.22 rimfire job)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34050 @ 0.00064427 = 21.9374 BTC [+] {2}
mod6 ponders a hardware wishlist
mod6: hang on, lemme see if i can crowdfund my gun wishlist..
mod6: :D
mod6: i need an hk417
mod6: when the usg falls, i'll be buyin!
mod6: just think of all the toys that'll be avaliable. =D
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10450 @ 0.00064075 = 6.6958 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: isn't the recoil pretty bad on that ?
mod6: the 417? na, its got a recoil sprint in the stock-tube.
mod6: shoots pretty much like the 16 or ar15/m16
mod6: or ar10
kdomanski: mod6: when the usg falls I hope it's caches of chemical weapons are secure
mod6: everything will be up for grabs.
mod6: or sold off by .mil guys trying to cash in
mod6: either way. same thing happened in the ussr iirc.
mod6: you'd think they would want to destroy those and the nukes. but they won't, because they can't see the forest through the trees.
mircea_popescu: kdomanski what's your definition of secure ?
kdomanski: mircea_popescu: claimable by someone who knows exactly what they are doing, but not by a bunch of hillbillies
mircea_popescu: that's probable.
mircea_popescu: hillbillies with chemical weapons are a self limiting problem anyway
kdomanski: if you don't live too close
BingoBoingo: I'm and the places in the US I consider traveling before my eventual exodus all seem to be upwind of those problems
BingoBoingo: If there is one thing Southern Illinois has over Southern Indiana its that.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.29879999 = 0.5976 BTC [+]
BingoBoingo offer merely rumours and inuendo in supposing S IN might have such things
kdomanski: the Internet tells me Westboro Baptist Church is in neither of these states
mod6: its in KS
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: not actually sold any bitcoin, still << naturally one buys an atomic dirigible -with- btc.
thestringpuller: mod6 and BingoBoingo MW'er 4lyfe
thestringpuller: dat snow
asciilifeform: Hindenburg << would've probably died 'natural' death of most other dirigibles (wind. wonder where the u.s. ones went?) if not for the nitrocellulose envelope.
BingoBoingo: !s big prison
asciilifeform: helium... welding tools and rocket fuel << in welding, processes like TIG, etc. in rocket? what was author smoking?
BingoBoingo: ;;ticker --market all
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 521.53, vol: 19105.89590999 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 512.207, vol: 9443.3701 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 517.85, vol: 29842.16105267 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 539.39, vol: 40.48649139 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 518.308704, vol: 42191.69700000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 530.0, vol: 13.53052555 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 522.644312, vol: 101.5067344 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message)
mod6: <+thestringpuller> dat snow << i basically piss ice cubes
asciilifeform: .22LR is sometimes talked on in police circles as an acceptable "escalation" from rubber << old tradition in usa. e.g. http://world.guns.ru/smg/usa/american-10-e.html
assbot: Modern Firearms - American-180
mod6: 290-round flat pan magazines << hahaha
asciilifeform: the .22 (for non-usians, the familiar 'olympic' caliber) rifle is also explained by cost: roughly 1/2 - 1/3 of a 'proper' m16. low pressure round, can use garbage metals.
asciilifeform: popular 'girls' rifle
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> the .22 (for non-usians, the familiar 'olympic' caliber) rifle is also explained by cost: roughly 1/2 - 1/3 of a 'proper' m16. low pressure round, can use garbage metals. << In police department purchasing general practice is buying actual M-16 type and them getting .22LR uppers to go with them
asciilifeform: if i recall, these are a plug-in part (no machining required)
BingoBoingo: More total purchases = Greater Bezzel
BingoBoingo: Completely plug in
asciilifeform: caliber being same.
mod6: yeah, you got nothin over 100m with that though. fine for qcb, but how are you supposed to reach out and touch someone in the field?
asciilifeform: mod6: police snipers (like any other) traditionally use bolt-action rifles of the 19th c. variety
asciilifeform: so the above isn't really about them
asciilifeform: rather, 'crowd control' mitrailleuses.
mod6: well, im saying, in case you left your bolt action remmington at home...
asciilifeform: as in 'pour la canaille la mitraille.'
BingoBoingo: Nothing to do with caliber, in the AR/M-16 style rifle the entire upper switches out with the removal of pins and replacement of bolt carrier springs. As long as the new caliber round is no longer than 45mm it works.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i vaguely recall these were advertised as using the old barrel
mod6: <+asciilifeform> as in 'pour la canaille la mitraille.' << haha!
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: But the chamber in the standard 5.56x45mm barrel is wider to accomodate all that case. Unless the very cheap want a sleeve to solve that dimensional disparity at risk to limb...
asciilifeform: .22 seems to be a caliber wildly popular in usa - likely, solely on account of cost. a few cents each.
mod6: yea, cheap & easy to shoot.
asciilifeform: folks who spend a good deal of time at target practice complain about the fouling (no jacket.)
mod6: bah, just gotta scrub harder ;)
BingoBoingo: You can get copper plated, but yeah. Fouling is an issue. Thankfully the solution instills good habits
asciilifeform was informed re: the ubiquitous photos of gurlz posing with 'fancy m16' - typically it is the .22 cheapo variety.
BingoBoingo: Oh there are cheapos in the actual caliber
assbot: Home Page
asciilifeform: cheapo as in 'reddit' budget
BingoBoingo: What was that word for "the big jail"
mod6: includes a roll of ducktape
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: большая зона ?
BingoBoingo: Yes, thank you.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 55 @ 0.01199998 = 0.66 BTC [-] {2}
mod6: b-a has some decent weapons discussions.
asciilifeform is armchair general, if ever contributed to decent military discussion - purely by accident.
mod6: :]
BingoBoingo: I find reading about these things interesting because of the engineering and implementation issues raised. Like last night's electrolytic machining discussion.
atcbot: [X-BT] Bid: 170 Ask: 221 Last Price: 170 24h-Vol: 2k High: 170 Low: 170 VWAP: 170
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 194609.91 in 1869 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -89.64
atcbot: [CoinMiner Hashrate]: 1.34 TH/s [PityThePool Hashrate]: 1285.82 GH/s [iSpace Pool Hashrate]: 1.37 TH/s
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i find it interesting that nothing principally new happened in small arms for almost a century. (curios like 'gyrojet' excepted)
asciilifeform: departures from tradition - e.g. 'caseless shell' - were suggested, but no one bothered to reduce to practice afaik
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Well, a lot happened in terms of "market trials" on subjects such as "Full" v "intermediate" power rounds and ideal caliber at any power
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform similarly no improvement in vinyl discs.
mircea_popescu: small arms are a dead trope as it were.
asciilifeform: small arms are a dead trope >> i recall a thread re: armour and the obsolescence of small arms
asciilifeform: but one nitpick - the 'self-aiming rifle' (one variant recently exhibited) could be an interesting gotcha
asciilifeform: enemy might be covered in magical armour, but he still has, presumably, a visor
mircea_popescu: it's just... you know that no modern war will be won by small arms fire. like if the uys and china went at each other
mircea_popescu: it won'tr come down to who has many people that can and will fire a rifle.
asciilifeform: there's the 'city meatgrinder' style of warfare
mircea_popescu: this is like saying "the performance people moved away from vinly". it's dead.
asciilifeform: collapse of mega-empires and even pre-collapse deterioration of industrial base tends to favour a return to classical arms, however.
mircea_popescu: sure. and vinyl discs.
asciilifeform: wax phonograph, hell.
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> enemy might be covered in magical armour, but he still has, presumably, a visor << this reminds me, you know the horny bear joke ?
mircea_popescu: mkay. so in th forest there lived this very horny, huge schlong bear. sort of like one eye pete of the beardom.
mircea_popescu: one day he got really spunky, and his three bear wives ran off in this peculiar manner of females whose cunt is sore.
mircea_popescu: and the bear took to the road to find something to stick his hard cock into, repeatedly.
mircea_popescu: all animals took to flight, earthworms hid in the ground as deep as they could go.
mircea_popescu: just the poor hedgehog, with his tiny feet couldn't really keep up
mircea_popescu: so eventualy gave up, curled in a ball and hoped for the best.
mircea_popescu: bear of course finds it, and spining it all around like a hot potato on his paws mutters with great urgency
mircea_popescu: "where is your hole where is your hole"
mircea_popescu: eventually the hedgehog loses it and peeps "i have no hole, let me be!"
mod6: haha
asciilifeform: obligatory:
assbot: The L-Space Web: Songs
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: That was posted at the exact right time to get linked in blog post I'll finish tonight or maybe in the morning.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: re: electrochemical machining: if you do the obvious thing and run it backwards, you can deposit metal. but you'll have to temper the finished product.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo isn't the +iq effect of ba impressive.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I've actually done that before, ghetto electro plating to build thickness
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: It is indeed, especially considering all of the stuff I planned on addressing and culled
asciilifeform: a traditional joke on a n00b in a machine shop, i'm told, is to send him off for a 'putting-on tool' when he cuts his first undersized piece.
asciilifeform: chroming has been pressed into service as 'putting on tool' in some places.
asciilifeform: but this here is a different idea - actually build the entire thing via moving nozzle (a la plastic printer.)
BingoBoingo: In the boy scouts, people at camp their first year were sent to the quartermaster to retrieve the illustious "left handed smoke shifter"
asciilifeform: every profession, i suspect, has its 'any key.'
BingoBoingo: Well, some professions instead of hazing the n00bs haze the olds. See "retail pharmacy"
mircea_popescu: It is said, if you try, you can bugger the fly, or the swallow as it skims so skilfully by
mircea_popescu: ok that's poetry.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [BTM] 560 @ 0.0018 = 1.008 BTC
kdomanski: this trope is present even in popular media - e.g. in the Game of Thrones, king Robert sends his squire to get the "breastplate stretcher"
ben_vulpes: "snipe hunting"
assbot: A Key Thing That Erodes the Pretense of Respectability in Governance | Bingo Blog
thestringpuller: !up petepolack
petenineteen: ;;eregister petenineteen D4ECFBB385737831
gribble: Request successful for user petenineteen, hostmask petenineteen!~petepolac@ Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/D4ECFBB385737831
BingoBoingo: Anyone spot glaring errors in that post?
petenineteen: ;;eregister petenineteen 7EB744F873D038C0
gribble: Request successful for user petenineteen, hostmask petenineteen!~petepolac@ Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/7EB744F873D038C0
BingoBoingo: jborkl: Oh 2010 when GPUs were introduced to general math
petenineteen: ;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:cb58cf832d0327498832507e885a99fbdd8640a2cd5b2300c2896be8
gribble: Registration successful. You are now authenticated for user petenineteen with key 7EB744F873D038C0
BingoBoingo: ;;ident petenineteen
gribble: Nick 'petenineteen', with hostmask 'petenineteen!~petepolac@', is identified as user 'petenineteen', with GPG key id 7EB744F873D038C0, key fingerprint DBECE837C16B373A380BD5857EB744F873D038C0, and bitcoin address None
BingoBoingo: You did it petenineteen
petenineteen: (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)
thestringpuller: ;;rate petenineteen 6 "designer i know in real life"
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 6 for user petenineteen has been recorded.
assbot: Video of St. Louis police shooting raises questions about officers story - Vox
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [BTM] 1115 @ 0.0018 = 2.007 BTC
assbot: Bonecrusher - Never Scared Remix (Dirty + Lyrics) - YouTube
BingoBoingo: !up aspho
BingoBoingo: !up xdotcommer
ben_vulpes: o look who it is
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: re: article: taiwan is an interesting case of what i like to call a 'refrigerator' - pocket of thermodynamic dis-equilibrium kept going via outside energy (in its case - u.s. imperial navy)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2597 @ 0.000639 = 1.6595 BTC [-]
asciilifeform: the fate of the contents of the various u.s.-powered 'refrigerators' around the world will be interesting.
asciilifeform: once plug is pulled.
BingoBoingo: I dunno, I imagine some of the refrigerators might handle better than the mains box when disconnected
BingoBoingo: Even though.. 2011 seemed for a while like American 1989...
asciilifeform: 'history does not actually repeat - but does rhyme.'
assbot: Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2QKB5X1.txt )
BingoBoingo awaits Visigoths
asciilifeform: might handle better than the mains box >> to the extent that the fridges largely consist of deliberately-crafted thorns in the side of the old sovblok, bad bet.
BingoBoingo still has blown glass fuses
asciilifeform did, two flats ago
BingoBoingo: I like how they fail beautifully, before you realize you have to traverse the county in a disorderly manner to replace them
asciilifeform: at the time, mine were at the top of a stairwell to nowhere (wall) - in the cellar (which the owner usually kept locked, to keep tenants from switching on the heat.)
asciilifeform still remembers the inscription on the fuse case - '1932' - in chemical pen.
BingoBoingo has never had a rental with locks worth more than a soda
asciilifeform: usa proper is arguably the ultimate 'fridge'
asciilifeform: even in the past, did not hold the frost very well (who burned, e.g., detroit, and why...)
BingoBoingo: Ah, that freezer burn
asciilifeform: and unlike, say, yugoslavia or ussr, there are no conveniently-drawn ethno-geographic bantustans for it to cleanly collapse to.
BingoBoingo: Well, my pet theory is that much of the continued racial separation in the US is related to treating race as an inventory management problem
asciilifeform wonders if the ferguson uprising folks like the logical conclusion of their work - bantustan behind concertina wire
BingoBoingo: Well, the St Louis County PD and by extentsion the Ferguson PD work mostly for their pay which comes from West County
BingoBoingo: And West County wants to know, what if these people follow their oppressors wallets
BingoBoingo: The much promoted "outside agitators" still largely hail from St Louis County.
asciilifeform: the 'opressors', as i understand, feed/house the 'oppressed'
asciilifeform: which is the mind-boggling part
BingoBoingo: Nominally, but I'm not really sure feed/house is covered in the actual budget.
BingoBoingo: Unlike LRAD
asciilifeform: people who insist on being shot by police of own, vs. opposite, color, end up in bantustans.
BingoBoingo: The great bezzel problem is no one can be sure if anything was actually paid for
asciilifeform: along side the bezzlatron, there exists the system whereby actual food is delivered, water, fuel, mains current, etc. is piped.
BingoBoingo: I actually think the endgame a portion in Ferguson seeks is a police department like East St Louis's which see falling crime in spite of near complete inactio
asciilifeform: inhabitants of a newly-minted bantustan are usually invited to handle these matters on their own.
BingoBoingo: Well, the Illinois State police recently started policing East St Louis so there is prolly a point to that
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: try another hypothesis re: rationale for ferguson. engineered creation of 'open sores' for military action on the cheap. as described in http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2013/04/the-rationale-behind-boston-psy-ops.html
assbot: ClubOrlov: The Rationale behind the Boston Psy-ops
BingoBoingo: Bantustans aren't an unfamiliar creation in the region as many "coal city"'s existed which were named not for their coal mining.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I've been thinking that point
BingoBoingo: Today though was too soon for me to wave the Orlov was right flag. Last night was "mostly peaceful"
BingoBoingo: And I still have a bowl full of dates to snack upon
asciilifeform: general principle - if usa cannot maintain full employment for career trigger-pullers - collapsatron revvs up in record time.
nubbins`: america is a complicated place
asciilifeform: how to maintain full employment on the cheap? how about jacqueries.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Did you see the guy I assigned the "Big Jail" link to?
asciilifeform: policeman?
ben_vulpes: <BingoBoingo> Well, my pet theory is that much of the continued racial separation in the US is related to treating race as an inventory management problem << out in the burbs recently, noticed while walking by a softball game while emptying the dogs tanks how the white folks sat on the left side of the field and the black folks on the other. this being in one of the few neighborhoods with actual black folks in portland, the ration was
BingoBoingo: Yes, State Trooper in Illinois. Many accidents, many incidents, finally shipped to wander the big jail for killing two cute white girls in a traffic accident
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: You can't believe what an asset not reflexively being afraid of black people is in this region.
ben_vulpes: i'm sorely out of practice since leaving new york.
asciilifeform: most russians in chechnya, pre-collapse, weren't instinctively afraid of their neighbours either.
asciilifeform: these folks are now: dead.
asciilifeform: ethnic war works quite like ordinary war, except that uniform is glued on.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Imma trying to polish my spanish for a reason...
nubbins`: im trying to spanish my polish
BingoBoingo: And not simply because I have no idea how any word in old Trilema is pronounced
BingoBoingo feels so-so ready for 30-day walk to freedom
nubbins`: protip: UV water filters cat fit in your pocket
nubbins`: *can
nubbins`: cats will not fit in your pocket.
BingoBoingo: Filter and replacement medium are already packed
nubbins`: good man
BingoBoingo wishes he were in time for TSR and could get a literal pound of cocaine to cut the walk to 10 days
nubbins`: hammock or tent? :D
BingoBoingo: nubbins`: knive and the good intentions of other men... no, tent
nubbins`: you should look into hennessy hammocks, they pack super small and you can string up in all sorts of places
BingoBoingo kind of wonders what money he could make with Sinaloa
BingoBoingo: nubbins`: I'm not good at hammocks
nubbins`: these ones are idiot-proof, built-in bug mesh, snug tarp
nubbins`: you don't even need knots :0
BingoBoingo: nubbins`: Problem with a hammock isn't setting it up, but waking up
nubbins`: no advice for you there 8)
BingoBoingo: In hung over hypnagogic terror might as well be a trap to the lizard brain, and I am not letting the spiders win
nubbins`: first time pascale ever slept in a hammock, i suggested we leave the tarps off so we could see the stars
nubbins`: we get settled in, she clicks on headlamp to get oriented, illuminates huge spider dive-bombing directly towards her face
nubbins`: then we put the tarps back on ;D
BingoBoingo: Times 1-5 sleeping in a hammock I awoke safely on the ground, knife in hand
BingoBoingo: Tents are cool though
assbot: Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/29PXT71.txt )
nubbins`: !b 2
nubbins`: i can't get comfy on the ground
BingoBoingo: No, the ground is great, like us apes
ben_vulpes: nubbins`: do those hammocks hold two?
nubbins`: standard model is ~250lb weight limit
nubbins`: even sized correctly, you'd be smashed into each other all night. if this sounds like your thing, then yes
ben_vulpes: did you and pascale hate it?
nubbins`: we had one each
nubbins`: shared a tarp
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2090 @ 0.00064249 = 1.3428 BTC [+]
BingoBoingo suspects nubbins` values his life and didn't want to chance pascale's first time waking up in a hammock being his last time waking up
ben_vulpes: *stab stab stab*
nubbins`: no knives, keys, or lighters in the hammocks!
nubbins`: important rules
BingoBoingo: nubbins`: See I like to smoke in the tent which I why I pack an ash try
BingoBoingo wonders what person sleeps in the wilderness without protection
nubbins`: bear: "sweet, i love green peas"
BingoBoingo: Even deer aren't obligate herbivores
assbot: deer eating a bird - YouTube
[]bot: Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "BTC >= $2,000 before March" http://bitbet.us/bet/1027/ Odds: 17(Y):83(N) by coin, 17(Y):83(N) by weight. Total bet: 7.34 BTC. Current weight: 99,494.
[]bot: Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "BTC to rally to $4000 before July 2015" http://bitbet.us/bet/1026/ Odds: 12(Y):88(N) by coin, 12(Y):88(N) by weight. Total bet: 10.3399 BTC. Current weight: 99,057.
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