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← 2014-07-11 | 2014-07-13 →
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 634.84, Best ask: 637.44, Bid-ask spread: 2.60000, Last trade: 637.44, 24 hour volume: 7353.08856946, 24 hour low: 613.46, 24 hour high: 640.02, 24 hour vwap: 0
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 400 @ 0.00315212 = 1.2608 BTC [-] {7}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 445 @ 0.00274113 = 1.2198 BTC [-] {7}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 278 @ 0.00401781 = 1.117 BTC [-] {6}
benkay: <mircea_popescu> btw, if anyone's got 12 yos, get them "i sell the dead" // noted
benkay: aight i'm smokin some pots and listening to ah um
benkay: who's with me
mod6: o_O
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 351 @ 0.00319827 = 1.1226 BTC [+] {3}
mod6 is merging code & listening to NIN
mod6: %tslb
atcbot: 22 minutes and 34 seconds
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 295 @ 0.00331898 = 0.9791 BTC [-]
benkay is reviewing tickets and listening to mingus
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 225 @ 0.00332198 = 0.7474 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 62 @ 0.0154387 = 0.9572 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 952 @ 0.00322583 = 3.071 BTC [-] {6}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2251 @ 0.00273236 = 6.1505 BTC [-] {7}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 437 @ 0.00255511 = 1.1166 BTC [-] {6}
xmj: someone care to recommend a bitcoin client, gtk preferred?
benkay: i was recently made aware of a thing by the name of 'armoryd'
benkay: pyturd
benkay: plus cpp turd
xmj looks into electrum
benkay: mhm.
benkay: general idea is that 0.6 is okay.
mircea_popescu: * mod6 is merging code & listening to NIN << hurt ?
jurov: xmj i like electrum. at least client
xmj: cool
jurov: server is quite turd-ish if you wanna run own
fluffypony: jurov: it's not that bad, it's just not very well maintained
xmj: ugh
fluffypony: (-server I mean)
fluffypony: https://github.com/spesmilo/electrum-server/issues/61 - that happens all the time, but erasmospunk's fix has been ignored
assbot: Server crash after restart while reorganizes the blockchain Issue #61 spesmilo/electrum-server GitHub
jurov: is this KeyError: " " ?
jurov: i can't run server recentl yat all, always get above shortly after start
fluffypony: never had keyerror
fluffypony: I struggled to get server working on Ubuntu 12.04, needed to install python-leveldb from backports and all sorts
xmj: jurov: looks like a variable that should be set isn't
jurov: i made it working even under pypy :) not very helpful, sunce it's io bound
jurov: but then it stopped working at all
jurov: things to look into someday...
fluffypony: speaking of new TLDs
assbot: Bitcoin.Camera
xmj: meh
xmj: i got a mail to my company address, asking if i'd wanted to buy chaot.net
xmj: er
xmj: .org
xmj: I have .net and don't use it but for email ... why do people not see such things :(
punkman: http://bitcoinsberlin.com/ any of these guys in the wot?
assbot: Bitcoin Startup Incubator - Bitcoins Berlin
assbot: Second Biggest Member of Bitcoin Foundation Involved in Hacking of Mt.Gox Medium
fluffypony: "Not only does the Bitcoin Foundation suddenly make you seem reputable they will help you with this. They’ll post blogs about you joining, even sending out the “brass” to shill blogs such as CoinDesk to push you joining to others and making you seem further legit."
fluffypony: great quote
assbot: Year 1: 1 million in Sales | All4btc - Buy Anything with Bitcoin
kyuupichan: This miner filling blocks with satoshi spam isn't going away. Sigh.
cazalla: 1enjoy?
kyuupichan: At some stage he's gonna piss off enough people that they agree to ignore his block and continue to build on the prior one. That'd hurt.
punkman: kyuupichan: he could still spam the blockchain in 1000 other ways
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 230 @ 0.00251977 = 0.5795 BTC [-] {8}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 388 @ 0.00237368 = 0.921 BTC [-] {9}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.19015952 = 1.9016 BTC [-] {5}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 8 @ 0.19002375 = 1.5202 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: Kryptoradio by Koodilehto
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 39 @ 0.01566923 = 0.6111 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 300 @ 0.00239999 = 0.72 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 675 @ 0.00274426 = 1.8524 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 195 @ 0.0027612 = 0.5384 BTC [+]
mod6: lol @ the system Z pics. thanks kako, a bit nostalgic now.
artifexd: That was fun.
artifexd: Water cooling sprung a leak and blew my power supply. I guess it could've been worse.
mod6: :(
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 238 @ 0.00259516 = 0.6176 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 1.65387962 BTC to 11`062 shares, 14951 satoshi per share
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] [PAID] 19.82579312 BTC to 1`149`988 shares, 1724 satoshi per share
mircea_popescu: jurov: is this KeyError: " " ? << no that's some db issue
mircea_popescu: fluffypony lol the rat trap is falling apart is it ?
mircea_popescu: this medium.com platform is so fucking retarded...
mircea_popescu: so how do i leave a comment or anything to this tom guy ?
mircea_popescu: artifexd: Water cooling sprung a leak and blew my power supply. I guess it could've been worse. << yes, actually. you could have been electrocuted.
asciilifeform: artifexd: if water cooling, install 'ground fault interrupter'
asciilifeform: artifexd: common widget, usually installed inside kitchen mains sockets, which senses even small difference between current flowing in through 'hot' and leaving through 'neutral' wire (e.g. through your arse)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.19960054 = 0.7984 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 330 @ 0.00250407 = 0.8263 BTC [-] {11}
mircea_popescu: yup must have.
artifexd: asciilifeform: Will a GFCI fire fast enough to save a power supply in the face of an internal short?
mircea_popescu: !up WasWoWieviel
mircea_popescu: !up bitstein
asciilifeform: artifexd: does nothing for a short. only for arse.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it's how i finaly allowed hairdryers et all in bathrooms.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: ground fault gizmos are SOP even in gringolandia now
artifexd: Yep. We have them in both bathrooms and all over the kitchen.
artifexd: Also, oddly, in my wife's office. Not in mine though.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 113 @ 0.01551326 = 1.753 BTC [+] {4}
asciilifeform tired of drowned hardware many years ago, won't touch water cooling now
mircea_popescu: time to sue her ? :D
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you should prolly look into it again. you thinkl moore law's a big deal, give a look at plastics.
mircea_popescu: if an abstract "quality" value could be broadly associated, it went up a degree of magnitude each decade since 1960
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the 'correct' way to do it is to have an all-copper loop, soldered joints - like refrigerator. but, for some reason, no one does this.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it's the friction joints (hose to barb) that end up slowly leaking.
mircea_popescu: some miners do it.
asciilifeform: the photos i saw were of immersive oil cooling (think transformer booth)
artifexd: asciilifeform: That's exactly what happened. One of the connections decided to call it quits. It's what I get for using barbs and not securing it.
mircea_popescu: artifexd you know you could just glue it on the outside.
artifexd: I prefer zip ties
asciilifeform: artifexd: mine had hose clamps on all joints. theory - clamping deforms the barb, you leak anyway.
artifexd: Ever had problems with the compression connectors?
asciilifeform: artifexd: there's probably a golden mean here. a real 'saint' with a dynamometer wrench probably could've tightened the clamps exactly enough.
artifexd: I need to find a single video card that can drive all my monitors. Then I can get rid of the water cooling.
mircea_popescu: artifexd why do you prefer zip ties over say caulk ?
artifexd: Zip ties are cheap, clean, provide uniform pressure, and are easy to remove with no mess.
mircea_popescu: but they work on the same principle as the barb does.
mircea_popescu: you want convergence of principles.
mircea_popescu: (this neatly dovetails in stan's "deform barbs" problem above : if you're building an army you don't want a 2nd cavalry, to argue with your 1st. you want an infantry too)
artifexd: The work in conduction with the barb. The barb provides interior pressure against the tube. The zip tie provides exterior pressure.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: part of the problem is the abysmal, 'consumer' quality of the available thermoblocks (pumbed heat sinks that fit particular cpu, gpu, etc) - not one, afaik, to this day, comes with even threaded connectors
asciilifeform: *plumbed
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform but if they're metal... you can thread it
artifexd: Every one I has is threaded
artifexd: That's how you connect the barbs. Screw 'em in.
asciilifeform: artifexd: neat. these weren't available a decade ago.
mircea_popescu: artifexd imo the interior/exterior distinction is spurious. both work the same way really.
asciilifeform: the ones i had were machined copper encased in a plastic water jacket, with plastic barbs (non-removable)
artifexd: Most decent water blocks don't come with connectors at all. Just threaded holes.
asciilifeform: artifexd: then the answer is clear. 'teflon' tape on the threads, connectors glued (or welded, if copper hose) to the tube.
mircea_popescu feels vindicated
artifexd: I don't think I would use copper tubes. My configuration changes too often.
asciilifeform was disappointed with water cooled machine even while it worked, on account of it still needing a few fans to operate: various parts for which no water block was available (chipset, mosfets, and power supply of that period)
artifexd: Waterblocks are available for just about everything now. It can take some looking. They aren't cheap. But they work well.
asciilifeform: artifexd: any that guarantee operation with 100% hermetically sealed case? (no case fans)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.19100007 = 0.764 BTC [-] {3}
artifexd: The heat has to go somewhere
asciilifeform: pc mobo is encrusted with items like mosfets that presume circulation of air
asciilifeform: my sole objective was to get a silent machine
asciilifeform: failed.
artifexd: Ah. Yeah. Blocks for motherboards are available. They cover the north bridge/south bridge and the power caps.
artifexd: My ears aren't near as sensitive as yours so I'm good with a few slow moving fans on the radiator.
asciilifeform: artifexd: i used a 'toyota' radiator.
artifexd: A guy I work with used a car radiator and an aquarium.
artifexd: Ugly as hell, but it seemed to work for him.
artifexd: My system is all contained in the case.
asciilifeform: artifexd: ancient photo of machine in question: http://imgur.com/uE4oR6X
assbot: imgur: the simple image sharer
artifexd: Is that pex?
artifexd: It's the plumbing replacement for copper. Flexible tubing.
assbot: PEX Information
asciilifeform: artifexd: 'tygon'.
asciilifeform: from chemistry supply
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> pc mobo is encrusted with items like mosfets that presume circulation of air << not really. mostly actually cool through the metal of the pcb
mircea_popescu: if you keep the board cool they'll be fine
asciilifeform: now if only pcb had a 'water jacket' like engine block...
mircea_popescu: if you cool the bridges it'll cool through there.
asciilifeform: heuristic: if mosfet has even a small 'hedgehog', the board designer thought pcb trace cooling to be insufficient.
artifexd: Unless it's an Asus board. Then the designers thought it would look cool.
mircea_popescu: i'm telling you, they'll be fine. you're thinking in terms of air movement removing heat, but even in a sealed case,
mircea_popescu: you still have heat conductivity.
asciilifeform: the box in question would croak after 48 hrs. or so if the case was not ventilated.
mircea_popescu: as long as you keep most of the board cool, mostfets can't make enough heat to cook themselves.
mircea_popescu: well, was this the toyota radiator thing in the image ?
asciilifeform: water line ran through two cpus, disk jacket, gpu. there was still some air circulation from power supply (conventional air cooling.) but sans case fan, machine would croak reliably.
asciilifeform: the mosfets did not cook themselves - internal thermal trip. you get a shutdown.
mircea_popescu: how hot was the radiator getting ?
asciilifeform: about 40C, on a warm day.
asciilifeform: considering that it was designed to dissipate 100kw - reasonable.
mircea_popescu: were you cooling just the proc ? or bridges too ?
mircea_popescu: a, no, see, that's the key element here.
asciilifeform: idea was, bridges would be cooled by air drawn upwards by power supply fan.
mircea_popescu: <artifexd> Ah. Yeah. Blocks for motherboards are available. They cover the north bridge/south bridge and the power caps. <<<
mircea_popescu: you basically had no cold source on the pcb. all the things you cooled were meanwhile heating towards it.
asciilifeform: that box would have probably lasted forever if it never had to be moved.
asciilifeform: if i were to attempt it again, i'd probably just machine a copper plinth in which the mobo can live, upside-down, with fins on bottom side.
asciilifeform: if plinth is large enough, no need for water.
mircea_popescu: the one similar thing i saw was purpose made copper tray filled with thermosilicone, on which pcb rested.
mircea_popescu: (no cpu involved, this wasn't a computer)
asciilifeform: this is SOP for large rectifiers, etc.
asciilifeform: you get a 'sarcophagus' similar to the one pictured in the $20k oscilloscope film.
asciilifeform: that machine served me through all of uni & a bit longer. RIP 'humanoid', 2001-2007. (named after line from soviet film, approximately 'humanoid rockets through the sky, screaming out that school's a lie')
asciilifeform: freebsd 4.
mircea_popescu: i still have board/cpu assemblies from the 90s
asciilifeform: likewise. and '80s...
mircea_popescu: amusing how shitty psus became, incidentally. the originals usualy last > a decade. the replacements, maybe even 5 years.
mircea_popescu: then the replacements 2 if you're lucky.
asciilifeform: one can still achieve the 10+ life - by removing all chinese electrolytic caps and replacing with normal ones
asciilifeform: or, alternatively, purchasing a unit where there never were chinese caps (difficult now - the chicoms have taken to mimicking the japanese markings)
asciilifeform: at some point the japanese parts will no longer get shipped in (won't pass the geiger at the container crane!) and then we'll really be phucked.
assbot: A million domains taken down by email checks | DomainIncite - Domain Name News & Opinion
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 48 @ 0.0156 = 0.7488 BTC [+]
assbot: Adrian Carton de Wiart - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
mircea_popescu: punkman the success of "domainers" and domains being "real estate"
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 400 @ 0.00240361 = 0.9614 BTC [-] {7}
mircea_popescu: 10mn a year people had been paying just for those, in the hopes htey'll sell them on to suckers. something tells me 2013 had not colected 10mn worth of chump money.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform or, who knows, maybe the chinese start making actually good parts.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: now why would they make those for export.
asciilifeform: (answer: they will - if you pay. but who will pay.)
asciilifeform randomly wandered into an old book store last night, saw a textbook on romanian language. every chapter opened with some example of torments from the 'russian yoke.'
asciilifeform saw that it was shelved - unsurprisingly - next to a volume of pushkin, in russian.
mircea_popescu: if you had wandered into bookshelv in vienna cca 1814, you'd have seen the same book
mircea_popescu: ottoman yoke.
asciilifeform: naturally.
mircea_popescu: who knows, maybe 514, roman yoke
mircea_popescu: zee romanians have this yoke thing. at the rate the eu is going... by 2114...
mircea_popescu: this guy is pretty good.
mircea_popescu: " When he stumbled on a road crew without a foreman one day, Cole leaped into the breach and directed the men to London’s busy Piccadilly Circus, where he had them excavate a huge trench in the street. A nearby policeman obligingly redirected the heavy downtown traffic all day, and it was several hours before the city noticed the unauthorized hole.”
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 490 @ 0.00232034 = 1.137 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 462 @ 0.00210002 = 0.9702 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 1128 @ 0.0021 = 2.3688 BTC [-] {3}
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: ever see pasolini's 'salo' ?
mircea_popescu: oddly you're the 2nd person to ask me this today. has it just been re-released or something ?
assbot: Salo, o le 120 giornate di Sodoma pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: not afaik. just can't help but remember it in light of your post
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2013/soft-consensus-aka-fecal-matter/ (referenced there, and plenty of other places,
assbot: Soft consensus, aka fecal matter. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: in fact the monograph is a result of me getting sick of referencing it blind)
assbot: Test de cultura vizuala 2 pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: nobody guessed it x.x
mircea_popescu: o nm, actually, abuncha people guessed it.
assbot: United Nations A/68/934S/2014/451 General Assembly Security Counci - Pastebin.com
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform can you name a film where the us president (named) is killed ?
mircea_popescu: "It is their firm determination to mercilessly destroy anyone who dares hurt or attack the supreme leadership of the country even a bit." shit sounds like john cleese was the copywriter in charge.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: only him and no one else?
BigBitz: Rik Mayll was helping before he died.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform just as long as it's "obama was killed"
mircea_popescu: or w/e,. bush, ford, pick your incumbent.
asciilifeform: films like 'dr strangelove' where 'everybody dies' not count ?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 207 @ 0.0146999 = 3.0429 BTC [-] {4}
asciilifeform: 'They've Killed President Lincoln!' (1971.)
mircea_popescu: BigBitz what was it, coke ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform not depiction of actual historical event.
BigBitz: what was what amigo?
mircea_popescu: killed by the novie.
mircea_popescu: BigBitz rik mayll
BigBitz: You don't know Rik Mayll bud?
mircea_popescu: i dont recall how he died
BigBitz: Very funny English Comedian/Writer.
BigBitz: He died after a run.
BigBitz: heart attack/complications.
mircea_popescu: didn't he just have a mysterious coronary ?
BigBitz: I don't believe drug related.
mircea_popescu: aha. i always thought it was cocaine
BigBitz: Ah. I Hope not... I liked him.
BigBitz: Drugs be bad, yo!
Apocalyptic: pankkake, davout http://caccomo.blogspot.fr/ a decent blog I stumbled upon today
assbot: Chroniques en libert
asciilifeform: 'The "extra" pinchers are attached to a LCR meter for the machine to "measure" each component before it put it down! You wont find that on the $5K Chinese machines!' << had no idea this existed. anywhere.
asciilifeform: 'All of the mechanical stuff on this unit is from the 80's (When the mechanical stuff was great because the computers sucked)' << re: earlier discussion of power supplies.
asciilifeform would buy the above gadget but for the 3-phase mains - and the fact that it would fall through the floor.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 772 @ 0.00210129 = 1.6222 BTC [-] {3}
fluffypony: mircea_popescu:so how do i leave a comment or anything to this tom guy ? <- you can just Tweet @TomOnBTC
mircea_popescu: i can only tweet @whatever for as long as he doesn't kill anyone.
mircea_popescu: bitcoin needs better infrastructure than that.
asciilifeform: needs better infrastructure than that >> blockchain telegraph!
mircea_popescu: i bought a blockchain dildo the other day
mircea_popescu: still haven't unpacked it.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 613 @ 0.002299 = 1.4093 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 1783 @ 0.00255334 = 4.5526 BTC [+] {10}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2445 @ 0.00273631 = 6.6903 BTC [+] {14}
artifexd: I know mpex went down due to hard drive issues. Isn't it back up? I haven't seen any mpex trades in a few days.
assbot: AirType keyless bluetooth keyboard fits in the palm of your hand
mircea_popescu: artifexd not yet
mircea_popescu: changing a bunch of stuff.
assbot: Is there a site for betting on sports games with BTC? : Bitcoin
mircea_popescu: ;;seen mike_c
gribble: mike_c was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 day, 2 hours, 49 minutes, and 7 seconds ago: <mike_c> and a gentleman
asciilifeform: benkay: terrible idea. just like touch screen keyboards (or that israeli firm that made a 'laser' keyboard drawn on table.)
asciilifeform: why does this crud appear again and again? no one heard of 'gorilla arm syndrome' and the like?
asciilifeform: fingers need mechanical feedback
asciilifeform: (not only for pleasure, but to absorb impact.)
asciilifeform: people seem intent on discovering new classes of 'repetitive' injury.
benkay: they keypress is required to prevent bruising?
mircea_popescu: benkay paradoxically, yes.
mircea_popescu: try punching as hard as you can in the air, see what happens.
mircea_popescu: same mechanics apply to finger movement too.
mircea_popescu: if there isn't a face there to stop your fist, your arm has to do it. and it's not really equipped or designed for such.
benkay: certainly, but if one's tapping on the table?
mircea_popescu: then there's the table. i thought this was supposed to be mid air tho
benkay: "virtually any surface, or none at all."
thestringpuller: didn't even know .equipment was a valid suffix
benkay: thestringpuller: i want man.systems
mircea_popescu: sissy.systems
assbot: DUMB.domains
benkay: wank.holiday
mircea_popescu: actually that site is pretty good thestringpuller
thestringpuller: redditards deliver sometimes I s'pose
mircea_popescu: this has sa/buttcoins all over it.
mircea_popescu: basically, there are some competent redditards. they're the people who came to reddit to hide among the redditards.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 176 @ 0.00402999 = 0.7093 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: anyone wanna code me a website ?
kakobrekla: what, you mean like css?
mircea_popescu: im toying with the general idea of distributed effort to destroy social media. this'd be an experiment in that sense.
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell hanbot remember the guy that sent a complaint to spanish police (where he was at the time being an romanian temp worker) that mtgox won't send him proof of its id ? he's dead.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
benkay: social. yum.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 116 @ 0.01635687 = 1.8974 BTC [+] {12}
mircea_popescu: benkay all these broken wots everyone's implemented.
mircea_popescu: https://bitcointa.lk/index.php?topic=47057 << if anyone's curious how the entire bitcoin-by-country irc nonsense got started.
assbot: Bitcointa.lk: the Bitcointalk community with a proper forum | Bitcointa.lk
mircea_popescu: tl;dr: shut-in (mizeridearia) got bored one day.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 49 @ 0.0141001 = 0.6909 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 30 @ 0.01679599 = 0.5039 BTC [+] {3}
mircea_popescu: looking at this data, bitcoin is just about the largest one thing on freenode.
mike_c: what's bigger?
mircea_popescu: depends how you count, but not really much.
assbot: Medien: Mehr als ein Dutzend Spione in Ministerien
mircea_popescu: apparently zee germans found some spies
mircea_popescu: mike_c the best part is where wikipedia and darkcoin are about the same size.
mircea_popescu: lulzy mcloll.
mike_c: wow
mircea_popescu: a little ahead of... dwarf frothress
mircea_popescu: or w/e the pixel fountain is called.
mircea_popescu: and since we're on the lulz,
mircea_popescu: "Built and operated in the United States, Bittrex is the next generation crypto trading platform created by security professionals. We are crypto-coin enthusiasts bringing more than 50 years of combined security and development experience to the trading community from companies, including Microsoft, Amazon, Qualys, and BlackBerry.
mircea_popescu: Given the recent security breaches and reliability issues experienced by other markets, we felt the community deserved better. If virtual currencies are to truly take off, trustworthy infrastructure is a prerequisite."
mircea_popescu: * Topic for #bittrex is: richie doesn't know how to send emails OR use topics...
mircea_popescu: !up BayAreaCoins
BayAreaCoins: Thanks man. How are you doing today?
mircea_popescu: as good as can be expected i guess.
BayAreaCoins: Another day of the life eh ;)
mircea_popescu: so how's the bay area for coins ?
BayAreaCoins: Going pretty good man. I'm kind of in that limbo stage of waiting on nerdos to finish up code... Feel like that has been the story of my life for 4-6 months :)
BayAreaCoins: I think once all of it comes together... well it will come together :P Just kind of selling a gun or two while I wait. I need a new bag because I'm sorta bored with everything atm.. Life :D
BayAreaCoins: How is Romania for coins? Pretty wide usage over there?
mircea_popescu: i'm in... argentina.
mike_c: what are the nerdos working on?
BayAreaCoins: mike_c A automated drop shipping company and then a alt that I think is semi interesting (Huntercoin)
mike_c: automated drop shipping of what? you got warehouses or connections to suppliers?
BayAreaCoins: mircea_popescu ah very nice. I think if I was going to live in South America I'd be looking at Belize (ambergris caye.) Any reason why you chose Argentina over the other countries?
mircea_popescu: well, it seemed cooler, basically.
BayAreaCoins: mircea_popescu haha hell ya
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 30 @ 0.19000949 = 5.7003 BTC [-] {8}
mircea_popescu: <mol> !worth 1
mircea_popescu: <elbzonet[drkbot]> mol: 1.0 DRK @ 0.01047380 DRK/BTC (source:mintpal|53s) = 0.010474 BTC / 6.66 USD (source:bitstamp:40s)
mircea_popescu: <mol> !mnstats
mircea_popescu: <elbzonet[drkbot]> mol: 673 active masternodes (source:elbzone|8m6s) @ 0.01047380 DRK/BTC (source:mintpal|1m4s) = 7048.87 BTC / 4490058.05 USD in stake (source:bitstamp|55s)
BayAreaCoins: mike_c No need for warehouses or partnerships to start out with. Basically what the company is going to do is relist items with a very small price bump and automate everything. We have been testing with 200 items for the past little bit and are seeing a good chunk of volume moving. I guess my main concern is that the shippers do their job because refunds are going to be a total and complete pain in the ass.
mircea_popescu: darkcoin is so shitting lulzy
thestringpuller: ;;define equanimity
gribble: Error: "define" is not a valid command.
thestringpuller: ;;google equanimity
gribble: Equanimity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equanimity>; Equanimity - Merriam-Webster Online: <http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/equanimity>; Equanimity | Define Equanimity at Dictionary.com: <http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/equanimity>
mircea_popescu: BayAreaCoins is this your first attempt ?
thestringpuller: sounds like bitcoinshop.us ......
BayAreaCoins: mircea_popescu at a automated drop shipping company? Yes it is
thestringpuller: you might as well just buy an amazon gift card off of GYFT
mike_c: good luck, it's a crowded field. got a website up?
mircea_popescu: BayAreaCoins well then you won't be too surprised we just expect you to fail and learn from the experience ?
BayAreaCoins: mike_c not yet, still working on the code. Drop shipping Amazon from Ebay to start out with. Domain is locked down and I submitted articles of organization last night.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.18510001 = 0.9255 BTC [-]
BayAreaCoins: mircea_popescu I never go into anything expecting to fail, but if I do that is why I have the LLC up :P
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 8 @ 0.18251127 = 1.4601 BTC [-] {4}
BayAreaCoins: Can't live life in fear of failure or you'll never take the chance you need to succeed. If I had a nickle for every time I fucked up... I'd have far more nickles than I do now ;)
mircea_popescu: i guess an automated online auction scalper isn't the absolute worst first project someone may try.
BayAreaCoins: mircea_popescu No inventor and no employees that is always a plus. It'll be interesting needless to say. Our ebay lister is stacked with 24,000 items, but getting ebay to up our limits is a bit of a pain in the ass.
BayAreaCoins: What are you guys investing in BTC wise as of late? Losing JD has me a bit lost on the BTC investment side. Although, I'm balls deep in a alt I think has a good chance.
mircea_popescu: http://pastebin.com/mEhgyHdV << i do something like this maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe once a year. this is what i get.
assbot: * Now talking on #bittrex * Topic for #bittrex is: richie doesn't know how to s - Pastebin.com
mircea_popescu: BayAreaCoins there's fmpif which is roughly similar.
assbot: BitBet - Difficulty over 21Bn by Summer's end 2014 :: 12.38 B (94%) on Yes, 0.78 B (6%) on No | closing in 1 month 1 week| weight: 52`857 (100`000 to 3)
mike_c: ;;bc,stats
gribble: Current Blocks: 310477 | Current Difficulty: 1.733631697850783E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 312479 | Next Difficulty In: 2002 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 6 days, 0 hours, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 17408856848.9 | Estimated Percent Change: 0.41843
mircea_popescu: tempting as hell.
mike_c: still looking good for Monday? i'm getting an idiff itch.
mircea_popescu: !up BayAreaCoins
BayAreaCoins: Thank you kindly
mircea_popescu: mike_c so far. you never know with these things until you get to test them
BayAreaCoins: Mostly in the Altcoin world I'm just trying to keep my holdings of HUC @ 5-10% of the O/S... I feel like ever since DOGE it has just exploded with shit on shit that is topped off with shit.
mircea_popescu: you don't say.
mike_c: "a human mine-able crypto currency" you know some people around here think BTC is human mineable.
BayAreaCoins: I like the mining structure and having potential to "create" jobs. Which I've got my fingers cross will bring more people into the crypto currency scene. It is at least different and the devs are know.
BayAreaCoins: Only thing that is semi tough is the need for HUC to start out mining HUC. Which is a good thing too at the same time.
BayAreaCoins: mircea_popescu do you think we will continue to see this horrible trend of shit on shit?
mircea_popescu: human minable, i don't understand.
BayAreaCoins: www.Huntercoin.info that is the block chain. 90% of the coins are distributed via the "game" inside the wallet. To keep the network secure 5% Sha-256 and 5% Scrypt (dual merge mining.)
mircea_popescu: why would you suspect humans are playing the game inside the wallet ?
BayAreaCoins: I would suspect humans and bots.
BayAreaCoins: I'm more interested in the mining power behind it and the networks on going security. Total supply : * 2734040 HUC Hashrate : * sha256 : 2 818.74TH/s * scrypt : 13.30GH/s
BayAreaCoins: It has a long way to go though and some problems to be address
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 1020 @ 0.00245009 = 2.4991 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: i don't understand how dual sha-scrypt improves security.
mircea_popescu: in pricniple it should lower it to the security of the lowest of the two
BayAreaCoins: I'm not 100% sure, but I'm going to go a head and pass that question along as well because I'd be interest in the response. Shits n giggles ya know
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 11 @ 0.181 = 1.991 BTC [-]
BayAreaCoins: I've seen their web base browser play that will allow people to instantly start "mining" though game play. Right now to sync the wallet is... well.. fucking huge to say it nicely. Probably has the largest bloat of any coin their is.
BayAreaCoins: there is* ffs
BayAreaCoins: NMC is a bitch to sync too though
mircea_popescu: !s reddit
BayAreaCoins: mircea_popescu you a big reddit fan? :P
mircea_popescu: sort of like a mumbled no.
BayAreaCoins: Kinda figured that hahaha :D
BayAreaCoins: mircea_popescu so still not big on the Off Shore Paper Wallet idea either eh?!
mircea_popescu: what idea whas that again ?
BayAreaCoins: Basically exactly what it sounds like. Off shore paper wallets with a network of trusted hedge fund attorneys around the world that are willing to hold paper wallets for clients within countries that have good privacy laws. Therefore giving the world the ability to chose which country they store their coins in safely.
BayAreaCoins: Jumping jurisdictions with coins pretty much
BayAreaCoins: Maybe there is something already like that that I am unaware of as well though
mircea_popescu: why would anyone bother with this ?
assbot: A place for Depressed shibes to chat about things and vent
mircea_popescu: this still exists!
mircea_popescu: !up BayAreaCoins
BayAreaCoins: LOL ooo dogecoin bahaha Thank good ole Klye and dooglus for that one :D I gave away so many millions of DOGE in JD chat.
mircea_popescu: for a total of < 1 btc ?
BayAreaCoins: haha probably ish ;)
BayAreaCoins: Got 140BTC out of 100 million of them though about
BayAreaCoins: Not to shaby for a months work
mircea_popescu: "I am a 23 yr M, diagnosed Bi-Polar:NoS with a history of Mixed States. Or, in other words, I faily to cope with my body's confusion on being manic and depressed at the same time, causing an abundance of frustration that turns to almost uncontrollable anger. I currently live with my fiancee, we are to be married this year, at the end of September, I'm on permanent disability for a variety of mental incapacitates."
mircea_popescu: why would a woman fiancee some 23 yo guy like that ?
mircea_popescu: this has got to be the bottom of the bottomless pit of gold digging
BayAreaCoins: Bitches love problems of course
mircea_popescu: like a lead digger
BayAreaCoins: But let me jump back to that off shore paper wallet thing really quick if you don't mind.
BayAreaCoins: I think a number of people in my country (America) are very very interested about how to bank "off shore", but they don't have the proper contacts. I believe if this was set up it would give people the ability to go off shore within a hour of deciding they wanted to (by using btc, also the extra $ flowing in isn't going to kill any of us either)
BayAreaCoins: Do you not see that in Europe as much?
BayAreaCoins: and Argentina
mircea_popescu: you seem to think "people" is a thing. "people" is not a thing, but at least two : the people who don't matter, and the people who, if they feel like it, fly over here, open a bank box and bang a coupla hotties the same night
mircea_popescu: for any value of *here*
mircea_popescu: now why would a lawyer want to be involved with group A, and why would group B want to share with a lawyer ?
BayAreaCoins: mircea_popescu I've already contacted a few firms and they of course want to be involved for the same reason as any other law firms wants to be involved with anything.. Money. I think that group B would want to privately be involved with group A because it is better than having some FEDs come grab your lap top while you are reading in the Sci-Fi section
mircea_popescu: methinks mebbe re-read what i said ?
BayAreaCoins: ah ok 1 sec
BayAreaCoins: I totally agree about the two people thing. Group a = Myself and group B = potential customers?
mircea_popescu: a = poor people ; b = rich people.
mircea_popescu: you know, dear #bitcoin-assets, my short walk around the other freenode chans has really made me appreciate how much this chan rocks.
mircea_popescu: all.the.tools.omfg.
mircea_popescu: submitted 23 hours ago by Doge_Pro - investor shibe
BayAreaCoins: I would make the argument that there is a C. This would be middle class people who have a bank balance >250,000 (which is what FDIC insurance here in this country) but less than $1,500,000. I think that it would be more pointed towards them because I think people between those #'s are still a bit timid.
mircea_popescu: BayAreaCoins people who have 1/4mn can afford to fly wherever the fuck they please.
mircea_popescu: and no, the distinction is lower than that. something like 90% of us people own 1k or less in net assets.
BayAreaCoins: Obviously there is a decent demand for offshore banking, but I don't know a single one that I can set up within 10minutes from the comfort of my house and have it funded as well. Sure you can afford the flight, but you'll get laughed out of the bank.
BayAreaCoins: Wow 90%?
mircea_popescu: yes. americans are really vely poor.
BayAreaCoins: I think a lot of them are happy with being poor... which is disgusting.
BayAreaCoins: However I can assure you there are a number of us who aren't :) Don't get too down on good ole 'Murica ;)
mircea_popescu: https://moolah.io/store/ << look at that, no more store.
assbot: An Error Occurred: Not Found
BayAreaCoins: hmmm da fux... they close down shop I guess? I saw their little video leak.. I had a good chuck over that. Jackson is absolutely horrible to work with.... I like Billy a fuck of a lot more.
mircea_popescu: i have no idea who billy is
BayAreaCoins: Billy coded DOGE and Jackson was the marketing fuckhead
BayAreaCoins: I did a lot of talking to billy prior to Doge-dice launch
mircea_popescu: anyway, those of you who aren't aren't well advised to share where you hide your remaining wealth with anyone
mircea_popescu: especially not a govt employee
mircea_popescu: (which is what any lawyer is)
BayAreaCoins: Well I suppose that is why I stumbled though here again to pick your head a bit. If you knew someone was coming to get you right now and they were going to tear your house down brick by brick searching it... where would you put your coins? (feel free to tell me to fuck off)
BayAreaCoins: it being your coin wallet
mircea_popescu: i'd just shoot them.
assbot: Report of C-CEX situation with DRK because of feb, 23 accident. | DarkcoinTalk
mircea_popescu: "After "darkman" that find my mistake and get used of it made return of some DRK, exchange had about 250K DRK in wallet with discrepancy of about 50K DRK. Then I reversed DRK/BTC transactions made with him. After that I made another big mistake: I did not disabled withdrawals for users with negative balances."
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 921 @ 0.00251488 = 2.3162 BTC [-] {6}
BayAreaCoins: Right of course. I sell fire arms for bitcoin too on BTCtalk, but I only ship to America atm which probably isn't much help for you :)
BayAreaCoins: So you would rely 100% on your ability to shoot. I would think if I was put in that situation I would want to have a place to drop them off in case I got hit during the fire fight... that way I could leave the coins to my family or what not (like setting up a Trust)
BayAreaCoins: (? not a . on that first line)
mircea_popescu: why would i shoot them personally ?!
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 224 @ 0.00248999 = 0.5578 BTC [-]
BayAreaCoins: Well unless you are fucking bullet proof you might have to blast their ass if they come in your house! :P Never mind, but good points. Thanks man
mircea_popescu: you're acting as if security is some sort of novel thing. it's not. security is actually older than computers,
mircea_popescu: and than steam engine.
mircea_popescu: "[14-06-23 14:07:53] C-CEX: There is no Your, or my coins. I explained situation. That happens. I did not take any customer's coin."
mircea_popescu: pretty fucking epic.
mircea_popescu: !up BayAreaCoins
mircea_popescu: get in that wot already wouldja.
BayAreaCoins: haha that's the last time you'll have to do that man :) Thanks :P you got a bitcoin address for donations :P
BayAreaCoins: a bitcent per up! ;) haha :D
mircea_popescu: i guess i'll be rich.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 295 @ 0.00265863 = 0.7843 BTC [+] {6}
BayAreaCoins: hahaha slowly but surely! :D
BayAreaCoins: I had a venture last year that made like $200,000 a nickle at a time rofl
BayAreaCoins: Metric fuck ton of nickles
mircea_popescu: you don't rly know who i am do you ?
mircea_popescu: speaking of bitcents, kinda amazing no further camwhores came forward.
BayAreaCoins: haha is that a reference to the nickle thing too ;)
BayAreaCoins: Which camwhores do you speak of or all of them in general accepting BTC for donations?
mircea_popescu: click all the img links
BayAreaCoins: Haha nice :D Good ole webcams :)
BayAreaCoins: I was involved with them since 2010... my profile structure is actually one of the most copied there is on MyFreeCams now
BayAreaCoins: Young n dumb.. young n dumb
mircea_popescu: really ?
mircea_popescu: so then help spread the news ? im giving away .1 per head.
assbot: I’ll pay for your tits pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
BayAreaCoins: haha It would be my pleasure to help :)
BayAreaCoins: I'll tell a few
mircea_popescu: do a girl a favour today! i hear money's tough.
BayAreaCoins: It's hard out there ;) hahaha (song)
assbot: RavinTavin's Homepage on MyFreeCams.com
BayAreaCoins: I believe she takes BTC and there are a few others too
BayAreaCoins: mircea_popescu what did you do prior to CryptoCurrencies? I assume you were successful prior?
BayAreaCoins: Feel free to tell me to get fucked, I was just wondering
mircea_popescu: prior to that i ran romania's most read blog, a local digg like service (reddit wasn't really all that big yet).
mircea_popescu: before that i was retired.
BayAreaCoins: What was your main bag that got you to that point of first retirement? I'm not trying to Q and A your ass of course
benkay: <BayAreaCoins> I like the mining structure and having potential to "create" jobs // oh god what is going on here
mircea_popescu: benkay don't ask.
BayAreaCoins: lol don't ask
BayAreaCoins: Who wants to make $10 a hour anyways...*rolls eyes ungratefully* :D
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 1000 @ 0.00240128 = 2.4013 BTC [-]
benkay: <BayAreaCoins> haha that's the last time you'll have to do that man :) Thanks :P you got a bitcoin address for donations :P // 'course, you'll have to get rated, too.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: link to the dead man (if there is a link) ?
asciilifeform: and i leave for a day, and slavecoin (!) walks in ?
mircea_popescu: who, this ?
assbot: #bitcoin-assets log
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform guy's nick was paraipan. he had cancer. no link afaik.
asciilifeform instantly assumed nailgun
mircea_popescu: because you're a simpleminded paranoid!
asciilifeform: 'human-minable cryptocurrency'
asciilifeform guilty as charged
asciilifeform saw film, 'snowpiercer' - an otherwise ridiculous cheap sf flick with some good meat re: hierarchy and the nature of 'derp'
mircea_popescu: so, half liter screwdriver, made out of right-now pressed oj and 12 yo cognac ? well, about $4 for the oranges, about $3 for the b randy.
mircea_popescu: s pesos, of course. 50 cents.
asciilifeform: BayAreaCoins: Off shore paper wallets with a network of trusted hedge fund attorneys around the world that are willing to hold paper wallets for clients within countries that have good privacy laws << lol, seriously think that law is a thing?
nam-shub_: probably the worst time to ask, but what's a two bedroom apartment cost there mp?
assbot: BayAreaCoins +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
asciilifeform: !up BayAreaCoins
BayAreaCoins: Thank you kindly, I'm getting it worked out. Want a bitcent ;) lol
BayAreaCoins: and lol @ slavecoin too, I really hope it doesn't turn into that.
asciilifeform: !s slavecoin
BayAreaCoins: I was talking about that human mine able one. Hopefully it doesn't turn into Child Slavery Sweatshop coin :) I'm still waiting for Klu Klux Koin because I know it will get in a lot of peoples feelings :D
benkay: <BayAreaCoins> I was talking about that human mine able one. Hopefully it doesn't turn into Child Slavery Sweatshop coin // how would it not?
BayAreaCoins: Sadly you are going to have child labor in everything... all the way from making shoes to now mining. I don't think it can be avoided, but I think the game is swinging more toward bots... which obviously doesn't matter bot or not if it is a 5 year old running it.
BayAreaCoins: Not that I've seen any confirmed cases of that, but it is a thought.
asciilifeform: BayAreaCoins: consider answering question from earlier
asciilifeform: BayAreaCoins: why do you believe that law will protect your customers
asciilifeform: BayAreaCoins: or that it ever makes logical sense to trust another person with your private key
BayAreaCoins: I believe a lack of laws will protect potential customers.
benkay: 5 yo's running bots?
benkay: i'm just having the tiniest bit of trouble stitching this into something coherent.
asciilifeform: BayAreaCoins: let's draw a picture. scenario 'a' - current state of the art. u.s. inquisition drags a fellow away, sits him down on a sharp stake and pulls on his legs until he coughs up his private key.
asciilifeform: BayAreaCoins: scenario 'b' - your service exists. u.s. inquisition drags a fellow away, sits him down on a sharp stake and pulls on his legs until he makes the magic phone call to $country where his coins are 'trustily' stored.
BayAreaCoins: Well first off it will be a bucket of water and a pillow case :)
asciilifeform: in scenario 'b', there is a 'private key' just as in 'a'
asciilifeform: and it goes to the same place.
asciilifeform: except that the fellow in 'b' is poorer even before the inquisitor shows up.
BayAreaCoins: I believe it would need to be set up to were the client can instantly send the coins from anywhere in the world, but actually has to pick them up in person or have someone who is part of the "trust" pick them up. (in case the primary account holder dies ect.)
asciilifeform: BayAreaCoins: fine. they take his family and sharpen N stakes, one for each hostage. and send him to pick up.
BayAreaCoins: That has to be the clients choice, but either way the coins are safe at the end of the day.
BayAreaCoins: Family or no family
dub: well, no family
dub: or client
BayAreaCoins: Way she goes
asciilifeform: BayAreaCoins: do you imagine that the greatest threat to an american btc user's stash is burglars, fire, flood?
asciilifeform: BayAreaCoins: if this were so, he could simply keep his coldwallet in a bank deposit box (or some number of them, via shamir's algorithm)
BayAreaCoins: I have to be frank with you... this is more for people who are looking to get hit by some government entity such as PDR. I do keep my paper wallets in banks between California and Arkansas. However, I'm lucky enough to not have to have that worry/fear of my government because I don't involve myself with a number of business that one can choose to be involved in around BTC
BayAreaCoins: Divorces, blah blah blah you know the shit that happens in life
asciilifeform: BayAreaCoins: what you don't appear to understand is that this is a 'military' puzzle, not a 'legal' puzzle.
asciilifeform: enemy is under no obligation to follow whatever rules of engagement
dub: theres the small issue of there being no market at all for such a service
dub: anyone who is willing to die and sacrifice family to protect coin will be doing so without help
asciilifeform: dub: this is rather like saying there is no market for a perpetuum mobile. of course there is. but, go build it.
asciilifeform: and by pitching a service explicitly to 'appeal to next DPR', you become... DPR. in the sense that once his stake is vacated, you will sit down on it.
dub: if you actually had a use for this level of protection you could trviially roll your own, would not trust anyone else to do so anyway, and be one of 7 people alive
BayAreaCoins: dub That was a extreme event that was brought up by asciilifeform. I would venture to say that there is a market for people who are looking for privacy and the ability to store value where they want in the world.
asciilifeform: privacy and the ability to store value where they want << the existing blockchain provides this.
BayAreaCoins: Correct but the majority of people in the world have 0 fucking clue wtf the blockchain is and if they do they are scared of losing their shit. Look at coinbase building their "safe" wtf is the point of that! ;)
asciilifeform: BayAreaCoins: describe a scenario where a user of your service will come out unscathed, where a user of plain bitcoin would perish.
BayAreaCoins: asciilifeform lets say you are in SF and you're reading a book in the Sci-Fi section... lol haha :P no but really.
BayAreaCoins: Not just that of course either.
asciilifeform: BayAreaCoins: see the point about the stake.
mircea_popescu: nam-shub_ to buy you mean ?
nam-shub_: say what?
asciilifeform: BayAreaCoins: the only way you could conceivably 'save' a 'DPR' is to put - distance, army, navy, missile battery - between his arse and the nice folks in washington
mircea_popescu: <BayAreaCoins> I was talking about that human mine able one. Hopefully it doesn't turn into Child Slavery Sweatshop coin << srsly, "hopefully" is all you got ?
mircea_popescu: nam-shub_ what an appt costs to buy or to rent
mike_c: speaking of sitting on stakes, how you enjoying your stake BayAreaCoins? :)
nam-shub_: oh yeah, to buy
BayAreaCoins: mircea_popescu it is decentralized. Dunno what else I could have in regards to combating that.
← 2014-07-11 | 2014-07-13 →